Cotton Waste

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Cotton Waste
George H. Dockray*, Barkley Meadowst, and Leonard Smith

Introduction carded yarn products and about 30% of the cotton

The waste produced in a cotton textile mill is an processed into combed yarn products became waste.
important factor in determining the cost of operating Figure 1 shows schematically the more important
, and therefore in influencing the profits of the mill. types of waste produced and the places where they
Since cotton goes to market principally in the form originate in the mill.
of products manufactured by the mills, better control Roughly 80% to 90% of the United States produc-
of waste production and increased value of the waste tion of mill waste originates in the South, because of
the large proportion of cotton mills there, and the
produced are also important to those segments of the concentration of Southern mills on the production of
cotton industry which supply the raw fiber.
Greater appreciation and knowledge of (1) the heavy fabrics. About 13 % of the total waste pro-
size and the nature of the waste industry, (2) the duced was reworked in the mill where it originated;
factors influencing waste markets, (3) proved meth- the remainder went into trade channels.
ods for controlling waste, and (4) opportunities for A detailed estimate of cotton waste production, by

progress through research are the objectives sought types, for 1948 appears in Table I. White waste,
in presenting this report. which is actually good cotton, is not included in waste
A glossary of terms used in this paper is appended statistics.
for the ready reference of readers who, although in- In 1947, according to the Bureau of the Census,
terested in the subject, may not be familiar with the 88,800,000 lbs. of cotton waste was used in the mills
where it was produced. Table II shows, in detail, the
terminology used. breakdown between waste consumed internally and
Production that consumed externally, together with the value of
the waste shipped.
Quantities Produced During the past two decades, improvements in ma-
During the calendar year 1948 the United States chinery and an increase in &dquo;waste consciousness&dquo; have
cotton mills consumed a total of 4,666,990,000 lbs. of reduced the percentage of waste produced in cotton
cotton. Approximately 88% of this cotton was used processing. In 1930 the average waste factor for the
in the manufacture of carded fabrics, and 12% was cotton textile industry was 17.9% (excluding bagging
used in combed fabrics. In a recent survey of cot- and ties). By 1935 the factor had decreased to 16.2%
ton mills it was found that, including bagging and and in 1947 to 14.7%. The trend to even lower waste
ties, about 15% of the raw cotton manufactured into percentages apparently is continuing, because the
waste factor for 1948 is estimated to be 14.2%.
* Technical Service Department, National Cotton Council
ofAmerica, Washington, D. C.
† Agricultural Economist, Southern Regional Research Quantities Recoverable
Laboratory, New Orleans, Louisiana. On
&Dag er; Director of Utilization Research, National Cotton Coun-
a net weight basis, in 1948 in the United States
cil of America, Washington, D. C. 14.24% of the cotton produced in the mills was re-

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moved as waste. Of this, about 9.78% was recover- grade and manufacturing waste as shown by past ex-
able fiber, while 4.46% was foreign material of no perience is indicated in Table IV. Individual sam-
commercial value. An analysis of the makeup of ples may not always conform to the average relation-
different classes of waste appears in Table III. ship because poor color may result in a low grade
Cotton Grade ayad
designation, and because the amount of waste is also
Influence of Staple influenced by the nature of the extraneous material
Since trash content is a factor in grade, lower present in the cotton and by the characteristics of the
grades of cotton should obviously yield more waste. fiber.
Staple length also has an influence. Greater percent-
ages of picker and card waste are obtained by proc- Marketing
essing the longer staples than by processing corre- The marketing of cotton waste is quite different
sponding grades of shorter staple lengths. Slower from the marketing of raw cotton. In the waste
doffer speeds are used for the longer staples; this trade there is no equivalent of the cotton spot and
automatically decreases the speed of the feed roll and futures markets because there are no recognized
hence results in a more thorough carding action of standard grades or staple lengths for the various
the longer staples. The average relationship between types of cotton waste.

Marketing Systems
Cotton waste is marketed through four different
systems, or through combinations of these.

Historically the oldest, and still the most common

method employed by mills, is sale to a waste dealer.
The dealer buys from a number of mills, contracting
to purchase the waste produced in a given period,
such as 3 to 12 mos., at a price which covers the whole
period of the contract. Because of the wide fluctua-
tion in waste prices at the present time, most con-
tracts cover a period of 3 mos. The dealer collects,
sorts, grades, and processes the waste in the manner
that will assure him of obtaining the greatest profit.
If rag dealers are included, there are about 675
cotton waste dealers in the United States. Most of
these are small; hence the waste trade is highly com-
petitive. The principal mill waste markets are in
Boston, Atlanta, and Charlotte; the important rag
markets are in New York, Boston, and Chicago.
In the absence of standard grades, waste is usually
sold by dealers on description or by sample. Waste
is normally sold, in bales, on an f.o.b. basis. Soft
waste bales weigh 400 to 600 lbs., whereas hard waste
bales weigh as much as 800 to 900 lbs.
The system of disposing of waste by contract sale
to dealers has remained the most popular with mills
because of several advantages which it offers. Mills
consider cotton waste a necessary evil incidental to
the manufacture of yarn or cloth. For the mill to
process and sell its waste to those who use it as a raw
Fm. 1. FLozef chart material would require complete production and sales
showing the more important types
of cotton waste produced, and their point of origin in the departments devoted to waste alone. The entry of
mill. the mill into the waste business would also require

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Superior numbers throughout the tables refer to footnotes.
Based on a survey of 32 carded yarn mills and 17 combed yarn mills.
Carded yarn mills processed 88.12% of total cotton consumption.
Combed yarn mills processed 11.88% of total cotton consumption.
4 9,097,446 running bales of 513 lbs. each.
Including bagging and ties.
Excluding bagging and ties.


Source: Bureau of the Census.

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Based on data from both carded and combed fabrics.
Data from Table I.
Fiber content of each grade and source as follows: (1) waste capable of being reworked-Shirley Analyzer; (2) waste
capable of being willowed-Shirley Analyzer and trade sources; (3) waste capable of being garnetted-trade sources.
Data indicate recoverable fiber and nonusable trash given as percentages of the net weight fed. Figures for recoverable
fiber arrived at by multiplying waste loss by fiber content percent.
5 All
types of threads.
All types of rags.

the development of markets, merchandising of the to be relieved of the responsibility of waste disposal,
product, storage, and the assumption of all the nor- the mill accepts a lower price for its waste. The
mal risks such as credits, claims, rejections and re- price offered by the dealer on a waste contract is low,
pudiations, and fluctuations of price and value. All since the market is subject to rapid changes and the
these functions are assumed by the dealer when he character of the waste from a mill may change during
takes the mill’s waste contract. However, in order the life of a contract because of changes in machine
settings or in the type of stock run.
A second method of marketing cotton mill waste is
TABLE IV. AVERAGE PERCENTAGES, PICKER AND CARD through mill-owned corporations, formed either by a
group of centrally owned mills or by a group of indi-
vidual mills which work together for the purpose of
handling waste in the same manner as Nvould a con-
tractor. These corporations set up plants which proc-
ess waste for sale to consumers or dealers.

Under this system the mills assume the responsi-

bilities formerly borne by the waste dealers, but they

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also get a higher return for their waste. However, and in some cases by the type of cotton from which
the mill-owned corporation plant has not become an it is derived. For example, card strips are subdivided
important factor in the marketing of cotton waste. into such classifications as Upland strips, Peeler
A third method of selling waste makes use of indi- strips, and Sak strips. Appraisal of the quality within
viduals or companies who sell for the mill on a com- grades is based on color, content of foreign matter,
mission basis. The commission agent undertakes to character, and staple length.*
sell the mill’s output of waste where he can do so most Attempts have been made in the past to reach
advantageously, and he receives a percentage of the agreement on a uniform system of grades for each of
selling price for his services. By using this system, the various types of cotton waste, but the complexity
the mill hopes to get a better return for its waste of the problem and the opposition of certain of the
without actually going into the waste business. industry groups concerned has prevented adoption of
The selling of waste on commission was first the grading systems proposed. Those not in favor
adopted about 1909 by British and Scottish thread of industry-wide standards say that cotton waste is
mills, and was also put into use by their American an extremely variable commodity-even mills pro-
subsidiaries. Other American mills began selling ducing the same fabrics from the same cotton will have
their waste on commission about 1915. Although waste with very different characteristics, because they
still utilized, the commission method is gradually use different machine settings and their waste control

losing favor, for several reasons. The differences programs are not equally effective. The problem of
in the selling prices of many classifications of waste establishing workable grades, already made difficult by
are so small that the agent’s commission is not ma- the large number of cotton varieties, grades, and staple
terially increased when he is able to dispose of the lengths used and types of fabrics woven, is thus fur-
waste at a slightly higher price. Thus there is little ther complicated. Therefore, it is claimed, a grading
incentive for the agent to seek a higher price even system for cotton waste which considered all possible
though the added profit to the mill might be fairly variables would be hopelessly- complex.
substantial. In addition, although such practices Many mills, on the other hand, feel that they would
are not widespread, there are ways in which the
get a better price for their waste if it was sold by
commission agent may increase his own profit to the grade. The lack of standard grades makes each waste
detriment of the mill, such as by camouflaged sales, transaction an individual matter between the mill and
rebates, and by substituting the mill’s waste on or- the waste dealer. Without grades, a &dquo;~~Vaste Ex-
ders booked by agents on their own account. change,&dquo; operating on the principles of the Cotton Ex-
Finally, mills which do not wish to go into the changes, would not be possible.
waste business or sell waste on commission may resort
to spot selling as a means of getting a greater return. Specifications
In this case the mill accumulates its waste until it A number of cotton waste standards, which cover
has a considerable quantity, usually a carload, of a the requirements for certain specific uses, have been
particular type. This is then sold to the highest bid- set up by Government and private agencies. Among
der, usually a dealer. A mill which sells on spot as- the organizations and agencies which have promul-
sumes the risk of a falling market, but, conversely,
gated such specifications are: (1) American Hospital
stands to gain on a rising market. The mill must also Association; (2) American Transit Association; (3)
store the waste until a sufficient quantity has been Association of American Railroads; (4) National As-
accumulated. Spot selling is not practical for the sociation of Waste Material Dealers; (5) Sanitary
small cotton mill because of the storage problem which Institute of America; (6) U. S. Govern~nent-(a)
arises from the longer time required to accumulate
Department of the Army; ( b ) Department of the
large amounts of each type of waste. Navy; ( c ) Director of Procurement.

The specifications which these organizations have
Waste Grades
drawn up are intended for the use of their members
The waste industry has no uniform system of grades in purchasing from waste dealers, and are principally
such as have been established for raw cotton and for
* The glossary appended to this paper contains an explana-
linters. Generally speaking, cotton waste is classified
tion of the place of formation and the content of all common
according to the mill process in which it originates, forms of waste.

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concerned with thread waste and rags, although some It has been established that the use of unsterilized

other types of waste also are covered. wiping cloths constitutes a serious infection hazard.
In general, the specifications for thread waste stip- Communicable diseases may be transmitted to the
ulate of which material the waste shall consist, the workers using these cloths. The members of the
percentage of slasher yarn permissible, the moisture, wiping cloth industry are attempting to raise the
tare, and dirt content, and the methods of testing and standard of the cloths, and a few States have passed
inspection. In its specifications for cotton wiping legislation requiring that all wiping cloths be steri-
waste, for example, the Government requires that not lized. The Sanitary Institute of America has estab-
more than 10% of the waste shall be slasher yarn, lished sterilization standards for wiping cloths. These
that it shall not contain yarns less than 3 in. long, and standards stipulate that no wiping cloths shall be de-
that it shall be free from shredded rags or clips, scribed as sterilized unless they have been thoroughly
coarse or unabsorbent yarns, threads, strings, fly washed and boiled in a solution containing soap and
sweepings, and dirt. The maximum tare allowed is caustic soda and dried at an average temperature of
6%, and a penalty is imposed if the moisture content more than 212° F. An affidavit to this effect is at-
is greater than 7%. If the moisture or tare content tached to every bale of wiping cloths sold by members
exceeds 10%, the waste is rejected. of the Sanitary Institute.
The Association of American Railroads specifies The Army and the Navy have developed specifica-
that new waste for journal-box packing shall contain tions for other types of cotton waste. Bleached cellu-
best-quality cotton cop, warp, spooler, and slasher lose prepared from cotton wastes is used in the manu-
threads in any desired proportion, except that not facture of explosives. The material must be purified
more than 40% shall be soft slasher threads. Hard and thoroughly washed in preparation for nitrating.
slasher threads may be used after &dquo;premachining to The cellulose must have a viscosity of from 4.4 to 36
remove the size from the threads to an acceptable de- poises, depending on the grade, when dissolved in
gree.&dquo; Admixture of shearings, sweepings, shredded cuprammonium solution and tested in a falling sphere
rags, and the like, is prohibited. The moisture con- viscometer.
tent must not exceed 7%, and the combined oil and Specifications for garnetted felt require that Grade
dirt content may not be greater than 3 % . A, for inner-spring mattresses, shall consist of ma-
The specifications for wiping cloths promulgated terial equal to a felt made from 50% middling ~-in.
by the Government’s Director of Procurement stipu- cotton and 50% Subgrade 2 high linters. Grade B
late that cloths for wiping purposes shall be of an ab- felt, for cotton-felt mattresses, must be made from
sorbent fabric which shall weigh from 2 to 9 oz. per garnetted felt of at least the quality of that made from
sq. yd. Each cloth must have an area of at least 2 25% middling 7-in. cotton and 75% Subgrade 2 high
sq. ft., and no cloth shall be longer than 30 in. or nar- linters. The comparison is made by reference to
rower than 10 in. standard samples.
There are two classes of cotton rags-old rags, of Classified cotton wastes must be free of rubber,
which 15 grades are currently recognized, and new leather, wool, silk, wood, paper, rayon, and other ex-
rags, of which there are 39 grades. There are also 18 traneous materials. Waste of one class must not con-
grades of knitted rags. Rags are graded by color, tain waste which belongs in any other class. Colored
type of fabric, size, and amount and kind of foreign materials are barred from most paper-making rags.
material present.
The better grades of rags are chiefly used as wiping Prince
cloths, of which there are 6 grades. Eleven grades of The spinnable grades of waste command higher
rags are suitable for conversion into wiping cloths. prices than the nonspinnable grades. Thus, such
The wiping cloth grades are No. 1 and No. 2 White grades as Sak comber, Peeler comber, card strips,
Wiping Cloth, No. 1 and No. 2 Colored Wiping white spinner, and spinnable fly bring a higher price
Cloth, and No. 1 and No. 2 Underwear Wiper, known than sweeps, dusthouse, thread waste, and most rags.
in the trade as &dquo;ganzies.&dquo; Specialties in the wiping Cotton waste prices are quoted in cents per pound.
material field consist of every conceivable kind of new During 1948, spinnable grades of waste ranged in
remnant and mill end suitable for use as wiping price from approximately 120 to 240 per lb., depend-
cloths, either with or without processing. ing on grade. The nonspinnable grades. sold for from

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From trade sources.
Prices, f.o.b. cotton dealers.
2 Not soft waste, but classified as such for comparison with card-room sweeps quotations.
Average price for April of each year.

less than 11 per lb. to as much as 120 per lb. The foam rubber, is the
most important consideration in
prices of most grades of waste in 1948 were more determining the price of nonspinnable waste.
than double and in some cases triple the prewar Textile mill activity and the waste selling policies
prices. For complete data on waste prices during the of mills affect the price of cotton waste. When mills
period 1940 to 1948, see Table V. are consuming large quantities of cotton, there is a

The prices of the spinnable grades of waste, al- large supply of waste on the market. The converse is
though influenced by other factors, are more closely true when cotton consumption is low. The mills may
related to the price of cotton than are the prices of influence the supply of cotton waste by utilizing it in
the nonspinnable grades. The balance between sup- their own products, or by withholding their waste un-
ply and demand for cotton waste, and for such com- tip prices are higher. Most mills regard the sale of
petitive products as linters, rayon waste, and even their waste as a means of reducing raw material costs.

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FIG. 2. Relationship between the price trends of

Peeler comber noils and middling l-,5-in. cotton, United
States, 1940-1950.

Dealers have no means of hedging waste purchases

since there is no futures market on which to trade.
They profit by buying at a low price and selling at a
higher price. If caught with a large inventory on a Fm. 3. Relationship between the price trends of card
declining market, the dealer may suffer severe finan- strips and good ordinary 13-in. cotton, United States,
cial losses, since he has no futures contracts to offset 1940-1950.
the depreciation of his inventory.
Dealers may influence the supply, and consequently The relationship between the price trends of Peeler
the price, of cotton waste by purchasing stock for ex- comber noils and middling 1~/i~-in. cotton is shown
port or by withholding their stock for higher prices. in Figure 2. Prior to June, 1942, comber noils were
Both actions tend to decrease the supply in the do- quoted at a percentage of the price of New York spot
mestic market at a particular time. Many dealers, cotton, but today they are quoted independently in
anticipating business through the Economic Cooper- cents per pound. As shown in Figure 2, the price of
ation Administration (E.C.A.) program, built up comber noils followed the price of cotton in the period
large inventories of spinnable waste, thus creating 1940-42, but during the war years the price of noils
extremely high prices in the domestic market for was under a ceiling, while the price of cotton, not

comber noils, card strips, white spinner, and roving. under a ceiling, moved upward. Since the removal of
Exports would be extremely limited but for the E. O.P.A. controls, the price of noils has been governed
C.A. program, because of the shortage of dollars in more by foreign and domestic demand than by the

the principal waste-consuming countries. price of cotton.

The consumer of waste may influence prices. If he The price trend for good ordinary 13/1~-in. cotton
can sell products made entirely or partly of waste, he as compared with that for Upland card strips is shown

will enter the market to buy. The reverse is true if in Figure 3. These products were chosen for com-
he cannot dispose of his product at a profit. If com- parison because they compete in many end uses and
petitive materials, such as low-grade cotton, linters, are used interchangeably, depending on which is the

or other fibers, are better in quality or lower in price, cheaper at a particular time. For example, in 1940
he will use them as raw material for his product in- and in part of 1947 and 1948 use of good ordinary
stead of cotton waste. cotton in blends of raw stock for spinning purposes

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Exports a7zd Imports

Prior to the entry of the United States into World
War II, the country exported more cotton waste than
it imported, but during 1948 imports exceeded exports
by 17,000,000 lbs. During 1948, exports of soft waste
were approximately one-half of the 1939 amount,
whereas soft waste imports in that ear were nearly
four times as great as in 1939. Hard waste exports
exceeded imports every year since 1939 except 1945.
About 18 % of the comber noils produced in 1948
were exported, whereas card strip and hard waste

exports were a negligible portion of the total produc-

tion. Quantities exported and imported, by types,
are detailed in Table VI.

The chief countries to which cotton waste was ex-

ported were Canada, Germany, Union of South Af-
rica, Cuba, and Belgium, each importing over 1,000,-
FIG. 4. Relationship between the price trend s of card 000 lbs. from the United States during 1948. The
fly waste and Grade 2 linters, United States, 1940-1950. United States imported, for the same year, 1,000,000
lbs. or more from each of the countries India, China,
would have been cheaper than use of card strips. Brazil, Russia, Belgium, France, Italy, Argentina,
Usually, however, card strips ate cheaper than good and Canada.
ordinary cotton.
Of two rawmaterials used in the manufacture of Competing Materials
mattress felts, card fly and Grade 2 linters, it may be In end uses in which spinning is necessary, cotton
seen from Figure 4 that white undusted fly normally waste competes with low grades of cotton, cotton
sells at a lower price. linters, rayon and rayon waste, and wool and wool

~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ z

Source: Bureau of the Census.
Included with card strips.

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waste, in the form of yarn, fabric, twine, and cordage. in this country in 1948. About 15% of this produc-
Where spinning is not necessary, cotton waste com- tion was used in the mill where it was produced.
petes with low grades of cotton, cotton linters, rayon Allowing for the amount exported and for substan-
and rayon waste, wool waste, nylon waste, vegetable tial imports, it is estimated that 159,000,000 lbs. of
fibers, asbestos, glass fibers, wood pulp, foam rubber, card strips and 63,000,000 lbs. of comber noils were
and numerous other materials in such end uses as consumed in yarns and fabrics, w here they competed
felts, padding, wadding, stuffing, nonwoven fabrics, directly with raw cotton. The nonspinnable grades,
insulation, absorbent cotton, filters, wiping waste, as well as card strips and fly, compete with raw cot-

journal-box packing, filler in plastic molding com- ton in the production of batting, wadding, and mat-
pounds, paper, and rayon manufacture. tress felts. The extent of this competition is shown
The consumer of cotton waste may be influenced in Table VII.
to use other raw materials by one or all of three 2. Cotton Linters.-There are 7 grades of linters.
factors: price, quantity available, and relative suit- Grades 1 to 4 compete with card strips, comber noils,
ability. Of these, price is the most important consid- white picker, and fly for use in the production of
eration. If the price of domestic waste is too high, mattresses, padding, upholstery, surgical dressings,
manufacturers will buy imported waste, unless it is absorbent cotton, and, as blends with cotton, in low-
not available, in which case they will use cheaper grade yarns and fabrics. The present high prices of
substitutes where possible. strips and noils, however, preclude their being used
The availability in quantity of a particular grade interchangeably with linters in lower-grade prod-
of waste is the second consideration. If the desired ucts. Grades 5 to 7 are used principally as raw ma-
grade is not available in sufficient quantity, the man- terial for chemical cellulose, an outlet in which cot-
ufacturer will use a competitive material which is in ton waste has never effectively competed.
ample supply. The availability of cotton waste at Information showing the relative consumption of
a particular time is governed by several factors: the linters and waste is not available; but the estimated
consumption of cotton in textile mills; imports; the consumption, in a number of uses, of waste and lin-
stock held by dealers, mills, and consumers; exports; ter combined is given in Table IX.
and the amount used in mills where it is produced. 3. Rayon Staple.-Both viscose and acetate rayon
The influence of the first four factors is obvious. staple are used in blends with cotton waste to pro-
Whether or not a mill reworks its own waste de- duce woven and nonwoven fabrics, where they com-
pends on the type of product made, and on the prices
of waste, cotton, and its finished product. When the
mill can obtain a high price for its yarn and fabric, TABLE VII. PADDING AND UPHOLSTERY FILLING
spinnable waste may be sold; but as yarn and fabric
prices decrease, the desirability of reworking spin-
nable waste increases.
Obviously, competitive products may be chosen
instead of cotton waste when their properties are
more suitable for a particular end use. The com-
petitors will be discussed separately.
1. Cotton.-The spinnable grades of cotton waste,
particularly card strips, comber noils, and the better
grades of fly, which comprise about 40% of the
total cotton waste, are competitive with raw cotton.
They are used either alone or in blends with cotton
to produce a wide variety of medium and coarse
yarns and fabrics, such as osnaburg, waste duck,
blankets, gauze, wicking, wrapping twine, chenille
yarns, and carpet yarns.
It is estimated that 157,000,000 lbs. of card strips
and 80,000,000 lbs. of comber noils were produced *
Source: Bureau of the Census.

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pete chiefly with card strips and comber noils. Insulation made from cotton and cotton waste
Rayon’s quality points for use in nonwoven fabrics must compete with numerous materials, both organic
are cleanliness, transparency, luster, and level dye- and inorganic in origin. These include rock wool,
ing properties with the faintest pastel shades. In glass, hair fibers, powdered diatomaceous earth, cork,
addition, since acetate rayon is thermoplastic, it can wood-pulp sheets, gypsum, and fibers such as kapok,
be used to bond the fibers together, eliminating the eelgrass, flax, jute, asbestos, and sugar cane bagasse.
need for the resin which is necessary with cotton As a filler in plastic molding compounds, cotton
waste and viscose rayon. waste competes with asbestos, cocoanut shell, corn-
Rayon staple also competes with cotton waste cob flour, diatomaceous earth, glass, keratin, lignin,
and cotton in the plastics industry as a filler in mold- linters, macerated fabric and cord, mica, nylon, paper,
ing compounds. pulp, rayon, sisal, walnut-shell flour, and wood flour.
4. Rayon Waste.-Rayon waste and cotton waste Cotton waste competes with hemp and hemp waste
compete in nonwoven fabrics and in blends with in the form of oakum for boat caulking and propeller
wool for producing knitting yarns and yarns for use shaft packing. Hemp and also jute and the hard vege-
in blanketing. Both are also used as fillers in plastic table fibers are competitors of cotton waste in the
molding compounds. production of cordage and twine.
Rayon rags and threads are macerated into flock,
which competes with flock recovered from wool and Processing of Cotton Waste
cotton hard waste. Flock can be blown, dusted, or Cotton waste is utilized by several different types
applied by electrostatic methods to fabrics, paper, of processors. Waste dealers buy stock from the
plastics, or other backgrounds to give decorative mill, clean it, and sell it at a higher price. Other
eff ects. processors willow or garnett on a commission basis,
5. Wool and Wool Waste.-Wool is blended with never gaining title to the stock. Some textile mills
cotton waste to produce mixed yarns, which serve and other consumers do the complete job of proc-
as backing for fleece underwear and overcoatings. essing.
These yarns are also used in blanketing, suiting, and The spinning of yarn entirely from waste has
knit products. Wool waste is used alone or in blends never developed in the United States to the extent
with cotton waste in felts, wadding, upholstery fill- that it has in England and on the Continent. There
ing, filters, and journal-box packing. the waste spinning trade is a highly diversified and
6. Foam Rubber.-In recent years foam rubber specialized industry, producing yarns for use in
has made substantial gains in the upholstery, furni- mops, bagging, napped goods, wicking, and a host
ture, and mattress trades, where it has displaced felts of other fabrics.
made of cotton, cotton waste, linters, and mixtures of In the United States spinnable cotton waste is
these. According to the Rubber Manufacturers’ usually spun in blends with cotton and other fibers;
Association of America, 25,000 tons of liquid latex, nonspinnable waste is cleaned and, if necessary, gar-
of which foam rubber is made, were sold to manu- netted before processing into felts, wadding, and
facturers in 1948. This is nearly double the 1947 similar products. Table VIII presents statistics on
total of 14,000 tons. Census statistics show that in the quantity and value of total shipments and inter-
1947, 34,000 mattresses were manufactured from plant transfers of cotton and other types of waste.
foam rubber, 4,100,000 lbs. was used in upholstery,
and 15,100,000 lbs. in automobile seats. Reworking by Mills -

7. Other Competitive Materials.-In addition to When the character of the waste makes reworking
the materials mentioned above, cotton waste com- practicable, the mills reprocess in order to
petes in felts and upholstery stuffing with jute, hemp, reduce total waste percentage, and hence, in effect,
sisal, coir, kapok, Spanish moss, palm fiber, curled the raw material cost. Mills which spin relatively
hair, and synthetic substitutes for hair. Waste from coarse counts usually rework card strips once, and
several of these fibers may also be used. The quan- dispose of the No. 2 strips as waste. Flat strips are
tities of the various fibers consumed in the manufac- sometimes reworked continuously by moving the flat
ture of upholstery stuffing and padding are shown in comb to the back of the card, so that the strips fall
Table VII. onto the lap as it is going into the licker-in. This is

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generally not practicable with fine goods, but seems In addition, some wastes are oily or full of sizing,
to be quite satisfactory in the production of coarse and may also contain metal, wood, and other matter
goods. not naturally associated with cotton. Weave-room
Comber noils are most often used in this country sweeps in particular have a high content of such non-
in blends with raw cotton. Since processing reduces fibrous matter; and the lack of an economical method
spinnability, it has been found impracticable to use for cleaning them makes them practically valueless.
more than 50% of noils in a blend. Today, many Since bobbins, spindles, bottle caps, and other debris
mills which normally use noils are using low-grade commonly found among sweeps are harmful to waste
cotton in its place, because the price of low-grade processing machinery, they must be removed by
cotton is lower than that of comber noils. Usually hand before the waste is cleaned.
this price relationship is the reverse. Cotton waste which has been compressed in the
bale must be opened before cleaning. For soft waste
Cleaning Cotton Waste this is done in a mixing picker, which opens the stock
Practically all cotton waste contains foreign mat- and removes the heavier trash. This machine con-
terwhich must be removed before further processing. sists of a feed apron, feed rolls, and a cylinder fitted
The content of dirt, leaf, motes, and other extraneous with 8 rows of teeth. Heavier pickers are used
material ranges from about 8% for card strips to as where the stock requires them.
The stock next passes through a willow, which
high as 60% for opener and picker motes, the bal- does a more thorough cleaning. The older-type wil-
ance being fiber of great variation in staple length.
low, now little used, consists of a revolving cage, with
intermittently driven feed rollers, which permits leav-
TABLE VIII. PROCESSED WASTE AND RECOVERED FIBERS, ing the cotton in the machine for any predetermined
length of time. The newer-type willow is continuous
in operation, and contains a picker beater where the
stock enters the machine. The cotton waste is
tumbled about in the willow, where it is further
opened. The dirt and trash removed are taken from
the machine by a screw conveyor. A willow of the
latest type is shown in Figures 5 and 6.
Most willows are operated in conjunction with a
single or double drum ceiling condenser, which re-
moves dirt and dust by air suction. The vertical
trunk of the condenser often contains a magnet for
removing tramp iron. After leaving the condenser
the stock may be dropped into a truck, or may be
carried by air suction or conveyor belt to the next
From 15 % to 60% of the stock fed is removed in
the process of cleaning. This waste loss is termed
&dquo;shrinkage.&dquo; Some types of waste, such as floor
sweeps, contain oil; and by adding kaolin (a clay
which absorbs the oil) to the stock prior to cleaning,
much of the oil can be removed along with the stem,
leaf, and dust. The delivered stock is brighter than
the stock fed but still contains some oil and kaolin.
In cleaning, about 35 % to 60% shrinkage occurs
when processing motes, and 15 % to 50% when proc-
essing floor sweeps. The cost of cleaning is about
Source: Bureau of the Census. l1;2Ø per lb.

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FIG. 5. Photograph of wil-

Lozer, showing feed. ( Courtesy
Proctor & Schwartz, Inc.)

Opening Hard Waste

Waste which is too hard for the mixing picker to
open must be handled in machines of heavier, more
rugged construction. Stock of this type includes
thread waste, rags, and clips and more violent action
is needed to convert these materials to fiber. The
pickers, garnetts, and shredders used for opening
hard waste will reduce practically any fabric, yarn,
or thread to a fibrous state.

1. Pick ers.-Several types of pickers are used for

opening hard waste. These operate on the same FIG. 6. Photograph of willow zerith top removed to
show beater. (Courtesy Proctor & Schwartz, Inc.)
principle as the mixing picker, but are of heavier
construction and work the stock more thoroughly.
The type of picker used is dependent on the open- being controlled by the position of a &dquo;bit-board&dquo;
ness of the waste and on the type of process which is placed over the feed rolls and the main cylinder.
to follow picking. These lumps are usually returned for repicking,
For yarn in which there is not too much twist, the either by the lumper picker or the rag picker.
yarn waste picker is often used. This will reduce The fearnaught picker is intermediate in its con-
cotton yarn waste to fiber suitable for garnetting or struction and in its action between the picker and the
carding. The average output of this machine is garnett. Originally designed as an opener for cotted
about 100 lbs. per hr. fleece wools, it has been found to be capable of rough-
The rag or waste picker will open cotton rags and carding cotton waste, doing a more thorough job of
clips and convert them into what is known as pick- opening and blending than the mixing picker does.
ered stock for subsequent processing on garnetting The fearnaught picker is essentially a large cylinder
and carding machines. The stock is sometimes used covered with metallic clothing, working in conjunc-
as it comes from the rag picker for stuffing purposes. tion with a series of smaller rollers known as work-
The production from cotton rags of a 17-in. picker ers. The combined action of the two separates all
ranges from 60 to 75 lbs. per hr. tangled or matted bunches of wastes, and blends the
The lumper picker, in addition to its opening func- stock thoroughly.
tion, is used for removing lumps or bits of unopened 2. Shredders.-Shredding machines are used for
material from pickered stock coming from the rag opening waste materials where a greater degree of
picker. The lumps are discharged from the machine working is required than is possible with a picker.
by centrifugal force, the size of the lumps discharged The cylinders of these machines are covered with

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heavy metallic wiring. A picking action is given at are often found on cotton waste cards. These in-
the feed rolls, followed by a rough carding operation clude metallic breasts for better opening of stock, a
from several sets of workers. fancy roll and doffer dickey for raising the stock to
Rag shredders are widely used in plants which the surface of the wire, and a conveyor, usually of
convert into thread waste such relatively open-weave the camel-back type, for carrying the stock from the
fabrics as hosiery waste, netting, ginghams, and breaker card to the finisher card.
turkish toweling. For heavier rags, a beaker Cotton waste cards are usually designed with
shredder and one or more finisher shredders are used. closed-in construction to minimize dust and fly waste,
They are placed in tandem; each successive machine and both standard card clothing and metallic cloth-
is fed from its predecessor and is covered with finer ing are used.
wire. The delivery from the finisher card may be on the
Hard waste breakers are shredding machines used woolen system, using either ring doffers or a tape
for finer types of work, such as knit fabrics and simi- condenser, or the web may be condensed as sliver,
lar lightweight materials. The clothing on the cyl- usually using 4 coilers.
inders of these machines is finer than that on the rag
shredder. They are often used in place of rag pick- Spinning
ers before garnetting, since they preserve the staple The system of double carding for cotton waste
of the stock to a greater degree, require less power, eliminates drawing, and there is usually only one
and will process larger quantities of waste at a lower process of roving between the cards and the spinning
labor cost than is possible with pickers. frames. The spinning frame for waste yarns has roll
3. Garnetts.-The garnett is used for opening stands and cap bars especially designed for close
medium-twist yarns and similar wastes, and for fur- settings but is conventional in other respects. It is
ther working of stock that has been opened by a necessary to reduce the draft when spinning waste
picker or shredder. The garnett is similar to the yarns, and double roving is always advisable.
shredder, consisting of feed rolls; a licker-in; 2 to 5 A large volume of waste yarn in coarse counts is
cylinders, each with its complement of workers and spun directly on roving frames, and in England mule
strippers; a fancy roll; and a doff er. The action is spinning is still widely used.
similar to that of a set of woolen cards, but is more
severe, since the various rolls are covered with gar- Processing Special Products

nett wire instead of card clothing. The shrinkage 1. Cotton Batting and Felt.-A cotton waste card
in garnetting is about 5 % to 8 % of the stock fed, with suitable feeders and lappers may be used in the
and the processing cost is about 3¢ per lb. manufacture of cotton batting or felt, absorbent cot-
’ ton, wadding, and similar products from various
Waste Carding kinds of soft cotton waste. However, the card has
The carding of cotton waste differs in several im- been largely replaced by the garnett in making batts
portant respects from the carding of raw cotton. for use in mattresses and for similar purposes.
Usually a set of two cards is used, including a In a typical batt-making system the various stocks
breaker card and a finisher card. These cards are used are fed first to a heavy-duty picker, where the
frequently of the worker and stripper type, and in fibers are opened and given a preliminary blending.
this particular the carding of cotton waste resembles The stock is next carried to a ceiling condenser and
woolen carding. The chief reasons for using the then to a willow, where further cleaning and blending
worker and stripper type of card are twofold : take place. From the willow the stock is conveyed
1. The revolving flat card is unable to work con- to the hoppers which feed the garnetts. After gar-
tinuously on material of very short staple length, or netting, the carded webs are laid together and the
on material which is particularly dirty, matted, or lappers at the end of each garnett move back and
neppy, because the flat wire becomes choked with forth over a cross conveyor to build up a finished
fly and dirt. batt of the designed width and thickness. Multiple
2. The worker and stripper card is capable of pro- webs, having been built up to provide a batt of the
ducing slivers of greater fullness and covering power. correct thickness, are compressed, cut, and folded to
Attachments which are standard on woolen cards f orm the final batt.

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The production on the latest type of batt-making

equipment is about 375 to 450 lbs. hourly, for aver- W% ASTE AND LINTERS BY INDUSTRIES,
age-run mattress batts. UNITED STATES, 1946*
2. Wiping M~M~.―Waste for wiping machinery
and for packing the journal boxes of railway cars is
made from numerous types of thread waste. Spin-
ning waste, bobbin waste, cop bottoms, and waste
from the winding, creeling, and weaving processes
are all utilized for these purposes.
The machine used for processing this waste is
known as a waste puller and resembles an ordinary
worker and stripper card but is much more strongly
built. In operation, the different types of stock are
laid out on the feed apron, which delivers the waste
From trade sources.
to the feed rolls, where it is taken by the cylinder.
The cylinder carries it past 7 workers and strippers
the function of which is to open and straighten out tailed study of the fiber-foreign matter ratio and of
the tangles and lumps. A doffing roll removes the staple length measurements of typical cotton wastes.
stock from the cylinder and a pair of heavy delivery There is also considerable interest in the nature
rolls take it from the doff er in the form of a fleece, and extent of the damage which occurs to the cotton
which is wound on a mandrel by means of a pair of fiber during the combing process, and the results of
winding drums and made up into rolls ready for an investigation of that problem are given here.

baling. DeterJ1ltination Matter

of f Foreigx
by Shirley
Utilization of Cotton Waste Analyzer
No official data are available as to the quantities The Shirley Analyzer, a laboratory machine devel-
of cotton waste consumed in most of its end uses, but oped at the Shirley Institute, Manchester, England,
in Table IX the estimated consumption, for 1946, of provides an effective means for quantitative and qual-
cotton waste and linters combined is given for some itative analyses of foreign matter in cotton lint or
of the more important industries which use these soft cotton waste. A photograph of the machine is
products as raw material. shown in Figure 7 and a schematic diagram in Fig-
Typical end uses for various grades of cotton ure 8. It consists of a feed table, feed roll, licker-in,
waste are given in outline form in Table X. In most baffles, air blast, and condenser. Cotton waste is fed
of these uses, cotton waste may be processed either slowly to the licker-in, and as the waste is broken up
alone or in a blend with raw cotton, linters, or other the air stream carries the lint and light dust around
fibers and wastes. the bottom of a flow plate and up the condenser.
The light dust and extremely short fibers pass
Analysis of Cotton Waste through the holes of the condenser and are collected
The comparative contents of fiber andof foreign in a fabric bag over the air exhaust outlet. The re-
interest to all con-
matter in cotton waste are of vital maining clean lint is deposited on the condenser and
cerned. The mill is interested in keeping to a mini- doffed into a lint-collecting chamber. Trash and
mum the amount of usable fiber removed with the other heavy particles are separated out of the air
motes, leaf, and trash, while the waste dealer and stream by gravity and drop into a chamber below.
the consumer are interested in knowing the amount By weighing these fractions, the composition of
of foreign matter which they are purchasing with the waste can be determined.
their waste. The mill is constantly striving to keep Shirley Analyzer tests were made on 147 samples,
long fibers from being removed as waste; at the same which were obtained from various textile mills, waste
time, staple length is a determining factor in the use dealers, and waste processors in North Carolina,
to which the waste may be put by dealer or con- South Carolina, and Georgia. The soft wastes
sumer. Reported in the following pages is a de- tested included card strips, card fly, vacuum strips,

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Hard threads blended with soft threads and garnetted.

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FIG. 8. Schematic drawing of the Shirley Analyzer.

(Courtesy Atkinson, Haserick & Co.)

eign matter is heated at 115°C for 1~ hrs. in a porous

pot. The sample is then forced through a coarse sieve
and subsequently brushed through a U. S. No. 50
sieve. The residue on the 50-mesh sieve is weighed
FIG. 7. Photograph of Shirley Analyzer. and the value is expressed as a percentage of the orig-
(Courtesy Atkinson, Haserick & Co.) inal weight. A reproducibility corresponding to a
maximum standard deviation of 0.1% is claimed.
picker motes, opener motes, bagging pickings, clearer, Only foreign matter that is too coarse to pass a 50-
dusthouse, flat strips, reworked strips, and comber mesh sieve is recovered, and no corrections for mois-
noils, which are the only grades that can be cleaned ture variation are made.
by the Shirley Analyzer. Such grades as card-room
Determination of Staple Length by Suter-Webb
sweeps, spinning-room sweeps, weave-room sweeps,
and soft threads cannot be fed to the Shirley Anal- Array
yzer because they contain oil, grease, metal, bits of Further tests have been made to determine the ap-
wood, paper, etc. Hard waste, such as hard threads proximate staple length of each grade of waste, using
and rags, also cannot be processed in the Shirley the Suter-Webb fiber sorter, which is shown in Fig-
Analyzer. ure 9. A representative 75-mg. sample of cotton
The grade and staple of the raw cotton from which waste is parallelized through a series of combs, where
the waste samples were secured were known for the the fibers are separated and arrayed according to
samples from the cotton mills, but were not known for length. The different length groups, at ~-in. inter-
the samples from the waste trade; thus the results vals, are measured and weighed for three length ar-
are given in separate tables. Recoverable fiber, rays, and the averages obtained are reported for the
waste chamber droppings, and exhaust waste are upper quartile length, the mean length, and the co-
given as percentages of the stock fed (4 oz., or 1,750 efficient of variation. The upper quartile length, in
grains). Table XI presents the results of the tests inches, is the average length of the longest 25% of
for waste samples obtained from cotton mills, and the fibers in the sample. The mean lezzgth, in inches,
Table XII for waste samples from the waste dealers is the average length of all the fibers in the sample,
and processors. as determined from the weight-length data. (Class-
er’s length is approximately equal to 1.08 multiplied
Graviv~2etric Analysis by the mean length). The coefficient of variation, in
In addition to the mechanical separation described percent, indicates the degree of uniformity or irregu-
above, a procedure for the gravimetric determination larity of the fiber lengths; the smaller this value, the
of foreign matter in cellulose fibers has been devised. more uniform is the cotton waste with respect to fiber

In this method a sample of fiber which contains for- length, and vice versa.

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1 4 oz., or 1,750 grains, fed to Shirley Analyzer.

Cleaned fiber delivered by Shirley Analyzer.
Mostly vegetable matter such as motes, neps, stem, etc.
4 Dust and extremely short fibers; includes invisible waste.

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1 Grade and staple of cotton from which waste was derived not known.
Waste dealers and processors.
3 4 oz., or 1,750 grains, fed to Shirley Analyzer.
Cleaned fiber delivered by Shirley Analyzer.
Mostly vegetable matter such as motes, neps, stem, etc.
Dust and extremely short fibers; includes invisible waste.

Arrays were made of card

strips, card fly, picker to 11/2 in.
Staple lengths for the different grades of
motes, opener motes, bagging pickings, clearer, flat waste given in Table XIII.

strips, comber noils, and reworked strips. All of these Bagging pickings had the best uniformity. Such
samples were received directly from the mills where grades as card strips, picker motes, and flat strips had
the waste was produced. Arrays were not made on better uniformity than reworked strips, opener motes,
samples received from waste dealers and processors comber noils, card fly, and clearer. Detailed data for
because the grade and the staple of the cotton from each array are given in Table XIII.
which they came were not known. As indicated in
Table XIII, mills 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, and 11 produced Fiber Length Distribution in Card Wastes
carded goods, while mills 14 and 15 produced combed An investigation into the actions of the cotton card,
goods. The cotton used by these 9 mills was princi- made several years ago by a textile machinery manu-
pally middling cotton, with staple ranging from 1 in. facturer, produced some interesting information con-

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FIG. 9. Suter-Webb Duplex Cot-

ton Fiber Sorter avcd accessories.
(Courtesy Alfred Suter.)


Suter-Webb tests. Based on one determination for each sample. Tests made by Textile Testing Section, Analytical
and Physical Division, Southern Regional Research Laboratory. For recoverable-fiber data for these samples see Table XI.

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FIG. 10. Fiber array dia-

grains of the card wastes
from a 1lrin. 11Z’iddling cot-
ton. The shaded portion rep-
resents tlle 100clo fiber array
of a waste product, super-
imposed in each case on the
100% fiber array of the card
sliver. ( Courtesy Saco-Lowell
Shops. )

Fm. 11. Fiber array diagrams of the card wastes frowc a 1-in. middling Brazilian Paulista cottoz2. The shaded
portion represents the 100% fiber array of a waste product, superimposed in each case on the 100% fiber array ’

of the card sliver. (Courtesy Saco-Lowell Shops.)

cerning fiber length distribution in the various card be strikingly similar to the fiber array of the card
wastes. As would be expected, all of these wastes are sliver, particularly in the percentage of longer fibers
of shorter staple length than the card sliver. How- present.
ever, in the wastes which comprise the bulk of the A comparison between the area under the card
fiber removed by the card-namely, flat, cylinder, and sliver array curve and the areas under the waste array
doffer strips-the differences in fiber length distribu- curves, and of the staple lengths, as shown in Table
tions are slight. This is graphically illustrated by XIV, emphasizes the similarity of fiber length dis-
the fiber array diagrams shown in Figures 10 and 11. tribution. The conclusion is that in accomplishing
In these diagrams, the shaded portion represents a its cleaning, segregating, and blending actions the
100% fiber array of a waste product superimposed on card removes fibers of very nearly the same length
the 100% fiber array of the card sliver. The fiber ar- distribution as those which constitute the card
rays of the flat, cylinder, and doffer strips are seen to sliver.

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TABLE XIV. FIBER LENGTH DISTRIBUTION products and they strive constantly to keep waste per-
IN CARD WASTES centages this minimum.

Other mills, a much larger number, are aware of

the importance of the problem but have no continuous
program for keeping waste under close control.
These mills tackle the problem from time to time when
their figures for waste become sufficiently high to
make it imperative that reductions be made. When
attention is again relaxed, the waste percentage soon
returns to its former level.
Mills of another group, smaller in number, keep in-
accurate waste records or none at all. Their only
concern is to get rid of the waste as soon as possible,
1 Ratio of area under waste array curve to area under
sliver array curve. for the best price obtainable. These mills regard
2 Staple length-1.08 X mean length. waste as an unavoidable expense which is included in
the cost of manufacturing yarn and fabric. While
Fiber Damage in Combing this is true to some extent, the mill which keeps waste
As previously mentioned, a change occurs as a re- at a minimum is certainly in a better competitive
sult of the combing of cotton fiber which lowers its position.
spinnability. Comber noils spin very poorly when
used alone, and 50% is usually the maximum amount Cost of Waste to the Cotton Mill
that can be spun in a blend with raw cotton without The net cost to a mill of the raw cotton which it
excessive difficulty. processes is increased by the fraction removed as
Mill men agree that comber noils have poor spin- waste, after allowance for the return received from
nability but they are divided in their opinions as to sale of the waste. In Table XV, the net cost of a
the reasons for it. Some hold that the natural wax pound of cotton in 1948 to a carded yarn mill using
present on cotton fibers is removed during combing, middling 16-in. cotton is illustrated. The amounts of
but attempts to determine the validity of this belief total waste and of individual types of waste produced
have so far been unsuccessful. Others feel that the are expressed as portions of an assumed gross weight

stretching and straightening of individual cotton fibers of 1 lb. of cotton fed into process. The cost of each
in the comber remove the convolutions normally pres- fraction is also given. Similar figures are listed in
ent and leave the fibers flat and untwisted. To deter- Table XVI for a combed yarn mill using strict mid-
mine whether this latter supposition has any basis in dling 1 g-in. cotton.
fact, a number of cotton fibers were examined micro- These figures do not show the full extent of the
scopically. Samples taken from the same lot of cot- mills’ loss from waste, but only the loss incurred in
ton before and after combing were mounted in min- increased raw material cost. The total cost of waste
eral oil and the fiber convolutions were inspected. No would of necessity include the cost of labor and of the
significant difference could be found in either the other factors involved in processing the cotton to the
number or the character of the convolutions. From, point where it became waste, the cost of handling and
tests on a limited number of samples, it appears that disposing of the waste, and the cost and loss of quality
the convolutions of the noil fibers are not affected by which are corollary to reprocessing the portion re-
the combing process. turned to the production line.

Waste Reduction and Control Waste Control Progran2s

Many cotton mills have long been conscious of the The mill saves money in three ways by reducing
need for close control of the amount of manufacturing waste:
waste produced. These mills have determined the 1. For each reduction made in the amount of manu-
minimum amount of waste which may be removed facturing waste, a corresponding saving is made in
from cotton without reducing the quality of their net raw material cost. In a mill using thousands of

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Produces mostly yarn, but small quantities of fabric.
2 Gross weight used at mill. Does not refer to net weight of waste-free cotton.
3 Based on data from carded yarn mill. Converted from percent to weight by multiplying the waste percentage of each
grade by 1 lb. of cotton fed into process.
4 Based on price data from the same carded yarn mill, f.o.b. mill.
Processing loss multiplied by selling price for each grade of waste.
6 Delivered-at-mill
price of middling 1 is-in. cotton, Memphis territory, monthly average for 1948, as reported in &dquo; Cotton
Price Statistics,&dquo; P.M.A., U.S.D.A.
The cost of each waste grade in terms of the raw cotton price is determined by multiplying the price of middling 1 is-in.
cotton by the processing loss for each grade of waste.
8 Cost of total waste and each waste
grade in terms of the raw cotton price less the return from all waste produced and from
each individual grade. _

9 Price of middling 1 ¡B-in. cotton less return from waste (hence, cost of .8438 lb. of waste-free cotton).
Net cost of 1 lb. of waste-free cotton (36.190 divided by the weight, .8438 lb., of waste-free cotton).
11 includes small amount of extraneous material such as bobbins, paper, metal, oil, grease, etc., introduced into the waste
during processing.

bales of cotton annually, this is a considerable item. 3. The quality of its product is increased at a low
2. The labor needed to process the stock to the unit cost. This applies particularly to reworkable or
point where it becomes waste is less with each reduc- white waste, because each additional process through
tion in waste, and the labor involved in handling large which the cotton passes causes additional fiber dam-
volumes of waste is also reduced. age. Weakened fibers cause an increase in the num-

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Gross weight used at mill. Does not refer to net weight of waste-free cotton.
2 Based on data from a combed yarn mill. Converted from percent to weight by multiplying the waste percentage of each
grade by 1 lb. of cotton fed into process.
Approximate price. Based on data from a waste broker who handled the mill’s entire waste production.
Processing loss multiplied by selling price for each grade of waste.
Delivered-at-mill price of strict middling 1’-in. cotton, Memphis territory, monthly average for 1948 as reported in
&dquo;Cotton Price Statistics,&dquo; P.M.A., U.S.D.A.
The cost of each grade in terms of the raw cotton price is determined by multiplying the price of strict middling 1 i-in.
cotton by the processing loss for each grade of waste.
7 Cost of total waste
and each waste grade in terms of the raw cotton price less the return from all waste produced and
from each individual grade.
8 Price of strict
middling 18-in. cotton less return from waste (hence, cost of .7209 lb. of waste-free cotton).
9 Net cost of 1 lb. of
waste-free cotton (35.45i divided by the weight, .7209 lb., of waste-free cotton).
Includes small amount of extraneous material such as bobbins, paper, metal, oil, grease, etc., introduced into the waste
during processing.

ber of ends down in both spinning and weaving, with ing effort by all mill personnel working according to
a resulting loss in quality and efficiency. The higher a carefully planned program.
employee morale which results from better running The following paragraphs present a brief discussion
work may be considered as part of this saving al- of the more important systems and methods around
though it is not assessable in dollars and cents. which a comprehensive program of waste reduction
In most mills there are few places where a large and control may be organized.
saving can be made in any one particular type of 1. Proper Adjustment of Machinery.-The ma-
waste as a result of a program of waste reduction and chinery used in a mill, particularly in the opening
control. Usually a substantial saving is made only and picking departments, and any special devices or
by effecting a number of relatively small improve- attachments to the machinery, have an appreciable ef-
ments made in all types of processing which form fect on the percentages of waste made. Normally,
waste in the mill. However, savings of as much as mill personnel have only limited influence in the se-
1 % or 2%, or even more in some classifications, are lection of the type and variety of equipment. How-
not uncommon. ever, the speeds and settings of whatever machines
Since present cotton manufacturing processes and are used can be closely controlled, and these exert a

normal cotton grades yield a certain amount of waste, great influence on the quantity and type of manufac-
the aim of programs for waste reduction and control turing waste produced.
is to minimize the amount of spinnable fiber which A detailed discussion of the effect of various ma-
is removed with the dust, leaves, motes, and other chine settings and of the optimum settings for the
foreign matter. To accomplish this requires continu- numerous grades and staple lengths of cotton is be-

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yond the scope of this paper. However, a secondhands have &dquo;come up the hard way&dquo; and until
few re-
marks of general application to opening, picking, and had always earned their living by skilled
carding, where the great bulk of waste is produced, labor. Their training and experience as card grind-
can be made. ers and loomfixers has usually been adequate, but

Within reasonable limits, closer machine settings rarely have they had experience or training in the su-
result in more waste. An increase in waste is ob- pervising of employees or of production. Second,
tained, for example, with closer beater-to-grid bar the many routine duties of the overseer and second-
settings on the Buckley or horizontal opener and hand leave them little time to study the problem of
with closer beater-to-feed-roll and grid-bars-to-beater waste, and still less time to plan for its effective re-
settings on the pickers. The reverse, however, is duction and control.
true with the front-plate-to-cylinder setting on the Top management, of course, periodically calls the
card, where a closer setting results in a reduction of attention of supervisors to the losses incurred from
waste in the form of flat strips. A study made of the waste. The drive for a reduction in waste which re-
effect on waste of this latter setting showed that more sults causes the waste production curve to dip sharply,
waste is produced with wide settings, the differences but it quickly returns to its former level as the atten-
between total amounts of waste ranging from 0.1% tion of supervisors is relaxed by the press of other
to 1.1 °/o . duties. Since sporadic attempts to effect a reduction
Increases in speed of the beater and feed roll of the in waste result in only temporary improvement, it is
picker and of the cleaning members (cylinder, licker- apparent that a planned program of waste control is
in, and flats) of the card will result in a higher per- necessary which provides for a systematic and con-
centage of total waste removed. Increasing card pro- tinuous follow-up. The key to the success of such a
duction by increasing doffer speed or by using a program is the understanding and cooperation of de-
heavier lap will result in a decrease in total card partment overseers and secondhands. Their train-
waste. However, increasing production by means of ing therefore must be the first step taken when a
an increase in over-all card speeds, which causes a waste reduction and control program is initiated.
proportionate increase in the speed of the cleaning During the hours of training for this program, the
members, will result in higher total waste percentages. overseer or secondhand must be free to concentrate
In the study mentioned above, it was found that an on the waste problem, and so must be relieved of his

increase in cylinder speed alone or in flat speed alone regular duties.

is reflected by an increased amount of waste. In the The first step in training is to make the production
latter case, the higher speeds produce flat strips con- supervisors conscious of what waste means to the
taining a lower of
percentage foreign matter, indicat- mill. The amount of waste made and its cost to the
ing removal of a greater percentage of good cotton. mill, as well as its effect on quality of product and on
It is not meant to imply by the foregoing that ma- profits, must be emphasized. The adverse effect of
chine settings and speeds may be manipulated at will excessive waste on the mill’s competitive position
without regard to other factors. The leaf, motes, and should be stressed, with its consequent hazard to the
other foreign matter present in raw cotton must be re- employee’s pay and job security.
moved, and their removal inevitably results in the The various conditions and practices which result
loss of some quantity of cotton fiber. Machine set- in waste should be thoroughly understood by every
tings must reflect the staple length and character of overseer and secondhand. A good plan is to have
the cotton being run; the loss of good cotton fiber each production supervisor make a detailed study of
can be minimized, however, by machine settings and a waste problem in his own department. The figures
speeds which are optimum for the cotton being proc- on volume and cost which he finds for himself will be
essed. much more impressive than any figures compiled by
2. Supervisor Education and Training.-It has management. This personal approach to a specific
been observed that in most mills overseers and sec- waste problem will interest the overseer or second-
ondhands do not realize the amount of waste made, hand in following up the analysis by planning a solu-
the cost of waste to the mill, or that a definite system tion to the problem.
for reducing waste is possible. This lack stems prin- A training program for supervisors such as has
cipally from two causes. First, most overseers and been briefly outlined here can often be developed and

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conducted by the mill’s own personnel. This service departments and among different shifts in the same

is also offered by several reputable firms which spe- department.

cialize in consulting on waste problems. While a training program which involves educating
3. Employee Education and Training.-Since ma- employees to become waste-conscious may seem at
chines, if properly set and maintained, will produce first glance to require great effort without commensu-
an amount of waste which is consistent with the grade rate returns, practical experience has proved other-
of cotton being run, the employee in the final analysis wise. The time spent on such a program is more than
is the most important single factor determining the repaid in decreased cost to the mill for waste, im-
amount of a mill’s loss on waste. Mill men are agreed proved quality of product, and strengthened employee
that about 95 % of excessive waste is caused by care- morale.
less or poorly trained personnel, and only 5 % by ma- 4. Waste Records and Reports.-It is impossible
chinery. Many believe that most of this 5,o may be to set standards and to maintain a control system un-
traced to improper settings and careless maintenance. less adequate waste records and reports are available.
It is the duty of the supervisor to see that the em- Most mills maintain a more or less thorough system
ployee is so instructed in his job that he is conscious of records, but great improvement can often be made.
of the need for keeping waste at a minimum as a Frequently as many as a hundred people are respon-
standard procedure, and not merely during periodic sible for weighing and recording weights on three-
waste drives. Human nature being what it is, the shift operation. Several pairs of scales are often used,
average employee will not voluntarily or consistently and these are frequently not checked and calibrated.
work to keep waste at a minimum unless he is waste- Tare weights marked on containers for waste may be
conscious. This being so, all levels of management, incorrect. In some cases not all waste being made is
from the president of the company through the de- weighed, or not all waste tickets are recorded. If such
partment foremen and secondhands, must insist on conditions prevail, the time spent collecting figures on
strict and continuing adherence to established stand- waste percentages is largely wasted.
ards for waste reduction and control. To obtain reliable figures and establish sound con-
The employee may be compelled to cooperate in a trols, production and waste figures should be com-
campaign to reduce waste, or he may be taught to co- bined, and the total should closely approximate the
operate willingly. The cooperation which is forced raw material input of each department. As an inter-
on an employee is never as efficient in reducing waste esting by-product of recording such figures, valuable
as the cooperation which is attained through educa- additional information is sometimes obtained. An
tion and training. Unwilling employees will only ob- excessive number of spindles may be found to be idle,
serve proper procedures while the supervisor is look- or the existence of hank clock padding and similar

ing ; reductions in waste made under these conditions practices may be brought to light.
will be small and hard-won. If the employee’s co- 5. Standards and Tolerances.-In order to plan
operation is to be obtained, he must be shown that intelligently a program for waste reduction and con-
waste reduction is in his own best interest. Emphasis trol a mill must first know what minimum waste per-
on his own pay and job security will be far more ef- centage it may reasonably expect to reach. A waste
fective than a recital of the losses which the mill suf- standard should therefore be set up, with minimum
fers from waste. Some employees may be concerned and maximum tolerance limits. The waste standard
about the reduction in quality which results from re- which the mill sets as a goal can be determined only
working waste, but many more will be concerned on the basis of records, obtained by use of an ade-

about the increase in job load that results from the quate waste reporting system, which reflect past
greater number of ends down in spinning and experience.
weaving. Standards should be set for each classification of
Many mills have found that competition in reduc- waste made by the mill. When the waste for a given
ing waste is successful in stimulating employee inter- period in any classification exceeds the tolerance lim-
est and cooperation. At one Southern mill, daily its, an investigation can immediately be made to de-
waste figures are posted for each department, and termine the cause. If the waste in any classification
considerable rivalry has developed among different consistently goes beyond either the maximum or the

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minimum limits, and if investigation shows good Floor sweeps undoubtedly give the most trouble
waste practice to be in effect, it may be advisable to to waste dealers. It is not unusual to find any of lit-
revise the standards. erally dozens of items of mill equipment and other
The characteristic appearance of waste from a foreign matter in this type of waste: rubber cots,
given machine used in processing a given grade of buckles, travelers, bobbins, oily rags, spindles, metal
cotton is soon learned by experience, but it is advisa- rings, cellophane, bottle caps, etc. Frequently, dam-
ble to prepare specimen boxes to be used as estab- age to garnetts, wiping-waste machinery, and other
lished visual standards for each classification of waste. equipment is caused by these contaminants. Some of
The waste standard should not be set too low, par- them, such as rubber cots, can render a mixture of
ticularly at the start of a control program. Attempt- 8,000-10,000 lbs. of waste nearly worthless. Elimi-
ing to reduce waste percentages to lower than reason- nation of these contaminants would save a tremendous
able levels may incite employees to conceal the actual expense for sorting and preparation and the waste
amount of waste made: waste may be flus’Zed down would bring a greater return. These items are pres-
toilets, thrown out windows, taken home, or placed in ent often enough that some dealers are reported to
another department. sort the mill equipment and resell it to the mills.
When a control program was first started in one The standard allowance for bagging and ties on a
Southern mill, the old-timers there said that the only bale of waste is 7 % . For grades of waste having
result would be to stop up all the sewers in town. greater value than the bagging and ties used to bale
However, good employee cooperation was obtained by them, it is to the mill’s advantage to use the full al-
attempting only reasonable reductions and stressing lowance, whereas for grades of less value only enough
the employee’s stake in these reductions. should be used to make the bale acceptable to the
6. Handling and Sorting Waste.-While proper dealer.
handling and sorting of waste will not reduce its The mixing of wastes of different colors, and par-
quantity, substantial reductions can be made in the ticularly of white and colored wastes, reduces the
amount of labor required, and the value of the waste price received from dealers. However, if it is not pos-
as a salable item can be increased. sible to keep wastes of different colors separated, it is
Since large quantities of waste are produced in most usually not economical to sort them for any but the
mills, it is essential to utilize modern materials han- largest mills.
dling devices, such as chutes, air suction, and convey- 7. Special Devices.-Many devices orattachments
ors, instead of the old-fashioned and costly truck- available for cotton processing equipment reduce
pushing methods. waste either as their principal function or incidental
The market value of waste can be considerably en- to their operation:
hanced if the various classifications are kept carefully (a) Card-Fly Separator: The separator is an at-
segregated. For example, although flat strips are tachment for the card, consisting essentially of
utilized in different end uses and have more commer- two vertical blades connected to a separator
cial value than vacuum strips, many mills still pack screen, and an additional mote knife to afford
flat and vacuum strips together. Usually when two extra cleaning. The attachment keeps the
or more classifications of waste are packed together, licker-in fly waste separate from motes,
the price received for the lot will be based on the price thereby permitting recovery of spinnable fiber
of the least valuable fraction. from waste which sells at low prices. It
Remnants have a sale value at least four or five is claimed that the value of the waste is thus
times that of rags, but many mills mix rags and enhanced to bring 60% to 65% of the price
remnants indiscriminately. To command the higher of 1-in. middling cotton.
price of remnants, these shorter pieces should be 4 yd. (b) Pneumafil: Pneumafil is a device for remov-
or more in length, and must be packed flat. Oily, ing broken ends on the spinning frame by air
dirty, and misdyed remnants also have a higher value suction. It is claimed that it increases front
than rags, if properly classified and packed. Simi- roll speed on the frames and reduces ends
larly, medium and coarse plied yarns 30 in. or longer down. However, of four mills which recently
will be worth at least 100 a lb. more if packed as mop reported their experience with Pneumafil none
yarn instead of thread waste. had increased roll speeds, three reported con-

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siderable increases in scavenger waste, and will be less accurate, in direct proportion to the size
none had found significant reduction in num- of sample.
ber of ends down. Waste tests are not routine mill procedure but may
(c) Continuous Stripping: Recovery of spinnable occasionally be needed-for example, .when the grade
fiber ranging from 1 % to 2%, depending on of cotton processed is changed or when a waste con-
grade, is reported with the use of continuous trol program is initiated. In research they are valu-
card stripping. This recovery is said to result able in the study of the effect on waste percentages
from the elimination of roller stripping, which of the various cotton qualities, mechanical handling,
removes spinnable fiber as well as short-length and processes.
fibers. A sketch of a continuous stripper is To insure the accuracy of test results, a few pre-
shown in Figure 12. cautions must be observed. Since waste tests are
(d) Automatic Knock-Off : Less bobbin-tail waste based on gross weight, all bales must be carefully
and less feeler waste at the loom are reported weighed before being laid down, and must be thor-
with filling yarns spun on frames equipped oughly conditioned at the temperature and relative
with automatic knock-offs. Uniformly filled humidity at which they are to be run. The machines
bobbins from doff to doff and shorter yarn to be used should first be stripped and thoroughly
tails of uniform length account for the im- cleaned, and all waste removed. Lap pins and con-
provements. tainers to be used should be tared. If a vacuum strip-
8. Waste Tests.-Essentially, a waste test involves per is used, the tank should be emptied before and
processing carefully weighed amount of raw cotton
a after stripping the test cards. At the completion of
and determining the weight of each product and each the test, the percentages of waste made in each cate-
waste fraction obtained from the processed stock. In gory, including invisible waste, should be computed.
running a test to determine waste percentages, at A check on changes in weight caused by relative hu-
least 2,500 lbs. of raw cotton is required for a repre- midity variations may be made by keeping a small
sentative sample. A test made using a lesser amount sample of cotton near the stock being processed, and
noting any change of weight which occurs in this
The test procedure outlined above gives results in
terms of total waste removed, without differentiating
between cotton fiber and foreign matter. If desired,
this differentiation can be made by use of the Shirley
Research Opportunities
considering the opportunities which cotton
waste research may offer to textile mills and to the
waste industry, it must be realized that the problems
involved often parallel or coincide with those of the
raw cotton industry. For example, fibers of greater

luster or resilience than those commonly found in

cotton waste would be desirable in several end uses.
However, research programs have been initiated to
improve these qualities in raw cotton, and any findings
will be equally applicable to cotton waste. It must
also be borne in mind that cotton waste is a raw ma-
terial of low unit value; therefore if research on it
is to be practical, it must add little or nothing to the
Fm. 12. Continuous card stripper, sl2owing (A)
cost of the waste or to the cost of processing.
rotor, (B) needles. The continuous stripper replaces
the back knife plate of the card, working betzveen the Hence, the waste problems on which research
ticker-in and the flats. (Courtesy Saco-Lowell Shops.) would be of benefit to the whole industry are: (1)

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improvement in control of waste removal in mill It is conceivable, therefore, that efficient cleaning of
processing, (2) more efficient cleaning of waste, par- most cotton waste might be a simpler and cheaper
ticularly of the lower grades, and (3) improvement process than the cleaning of raw cotton. Accord-
in the properties of the waste cotton which are de- ingly, attention should be paid to determining
sired for specific uses. whether different cleaning processes are possible.
At the present time, the debris found in sweeps can
1. Mill Processing .

be removed only by hand-sorting. An economical

A thorough study of the optimum machine settings method is needed for removing this debris before wil-
for the most efficient removal of waste is needed. lowing, not only to eliminate costly hand-sorting but
For example, it has been found that about one-third also to prevent damage to machinery.
of the licker-in waste produced could have been taken
out as card strips, which have a much higher resale
3. Quality Improvement
value. This study should include a survey of the It has long been recognized that some change oc-
whole cotton yarn manufacturing process, in order curs in the cotton fiber during processing, with the
to determine where waste should be removed to result that such wastes as card strips and comber
bring the greatest return to the mill in terms of value noils are less spinnable than raw cotton. Not more
of waste and quality of product. than 50% of comber noils, for example, can be used
A closely related problem is the removal of spin- in blends with cotton for spinning More knowledge
nable fiber with the leaf, motes, and trash, which is of the nature of the difference between processed fi-
particularly important in the case of card strips. It ber and raw fiber is required as the basis on which to
has been demonstrated that the fiber arrays of the judge potential usefulness and to devise a method for
flat, cylinder, and doffer strips are strikingly similar improving the spinnability of such wastes as card
to the fiber array of the card sliver, particularly in strips and comber noils. This problem also concerns
the percentage of longer fibers present. Since card the usefulness of the cotton in the final products,
strips represent nearly one-quarter of net waste pro- since the same changes have certainly occurred in
duction, and considerably more in terms of fiber re- those fibers which are not removed as waste.
moved, an opportunity for real savings lies in elimi- Manufacturers of high-quality paper have found
nating the removal of spinnable fiber as waste. that processed fibers are more readily pulped into
In order to maintain efficient control of waste pro- paper than is raw cotton. Shorter times are required
duction, a quick and accurate method of making fiber in the beater and the resulting product is more sat-
arrays would be helpful. Mills could then keep closer isfactory. If an improved cleaning system for cotton
check on the fiber length distributions of their waste. waste could be devised which would remove com-
The present methods are either slow, too costly, or pletely twigs, seed particles, and other woody matter
do not yield sufficient information.

which is so dxfficult to dissolve in the pulping proc-

ess, cotton waste might find an extensive market in
2. Cleaning of Waste the paper-making industry. The same characteristics
Cotton waste, particularly of the lower grades, is which make cotton waste a potential raw inaterial for
characteristically dirty and full of trash. In addition, paper may also render it useful for the manufacture
sweeps frequently contain items of mill equipment, of vulcanized fiber. Manufacturers of both these
and other foreign objects such as bobbins, travelers, products have preferred to use rags as a source of
paper, bottle caps, and the like. Obviously, a quick, processed fiber, since they are cleaner and can be ob-
cheap method for separating fiber from other matter tained at a lower cost than the better grades of waste.
would do more than anything else to increase the With the rag supply becoming less satisfactory be-
value of waste. Research on this problem is already cause of the presence of synthetic fibers which cannot

under way in connection with that on the cleaning of be processed into paper or vulcanized fiber, additional
cotton fiber both at the gin and in preliminary proc- sources of high-grade cellulosic fiber are needed.

essing at the mill. Although oil and sizing are pres- Here again the chief requirement is an improved
ent on some types, cotton waste is, in general, more cleaning system for cotton waste, although some ex-
open than is raw cotton as received at the mill, be- tra processing of the fiber might be required to make
cause of the processing which it has already received. it completely satisfactory for vulcanized fiber. Some

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appraisal of these markets as outlets for cotton waste terials. Of these, cotton and cotton linters are the
appears to be justified, although expenditure of only most important.
modest amounts would be warranted in view of the Before cotton waste can be utilized as a raw ma-
cheapness of suitable rags. terial it must first be cleaned, and in some cases
opened or converted to a fibrous state on special
Summary equipment. End uses for cotton waste range from
In 1948, the mills of the United States produced mattress felts to stuffing for toys, from mop yarns to
642,000,000 lbs. of cotton waste of all types, with a tobacco shade cloth. Cotton waste may be spun
value at the mill of $71,000,000. The average carded alone, but is more often used in blends with raw cot-
yarn mill removes as waste about 15% of the raw ton or with other fibers.
cotton entered into production, including bale ties Research to improve the separation of fiber from
and bagging, while the average combed yarn mill re- other waste ingredients, research to reduce the
moves about 30~0. Some 70% of total cotton waste amount of fiber removed as waste, and research to
production is fiber, the remainder consisting of motes, improve testing and control measures used by mills
bits of leaf and stem, dust, and other foreign matter. appear to offer the greatest opportunity for yielding
The majority of mills dispose of their cotton waste results of benefit to the textile industry.
by sale on contract to a waste dealer. About 13%
of the total production of cotton waste, particularly Glossary
of the higher grades, is produced and used in the Bagging-A very heavy fabric used for covering
same plant. There are no industry-wide standard cotton bales. Open-weave bagging made from new

grades for cotton waste; it is usually classified ac- and rewoven jute cuttings, rerolled or repaired bur-
cording to the manufacturing process in the plant lap, and sugar-bag cloth are the principal bale cover-
where the waste originates. ing materials.
As might be expected, the staple length of the Bag pickings-Cotton picked from the bale cover-
fibers in the lower grades of waste is found to be ing or from the sides of bales. Bag pickings are usu-
much shorter than that of the original cotton. How- ally dirty, and frequently damaged. Contaminants
ever, fiber length distributions of the better grades often present are jute fibers, ink markings, rust
of waste, particularly card flat and cylinder strips, are stains, oil spots, water-damaged cotton, and tar spots.
not significantly different from that of the card sliver. This waste may be hand-picked at the mill, the good
In a typical carded yarn mill in 1948, the cost of fiber being returned to production. Bag pickings
raw material eliminated as waste was about 4.5 ¢ per sold to waste dealers are usually sorted and willowed
lb. of cotton processed. Labor costs in processing before further processing.
and handling would increase this figure slightly. Bale ties-The steel straps used to bind cotton
bales. Bale ties are frequently reused, but if in bad
Many cotton mills have initiated programs for waste
reduction and control, with special emphasis placed condition are sold for scrap. Ties are not required
with round bales; however, only about 2 /o of Amer-
on the training of employees and supervisors. These
ican cotton production is put up in this form.
mills have established strict standards for waste, and
Card fly-Short fibers removed in carding, prin-
are utilizing the most efficient handling and sorting
cipally by the licker-in, the main cylinder, and the
techniques to keep unnecessary waste at the lowest doffer. The better grades of fly are often fed back
minimum consistent with high quality and smooth
into production at the back of the pickers. The lower
operation. grades are willowed before further processing. In
Cotton waste prices ranged in 1948 from less than
willowing there is a shrinkage of 30 % to 75 % .
11 per lb. to as much as 240, depending on type. C ard-rOO1n sweeps- BVaste swept from the floor of
Dealers have no means of hedging waste purchases, the card room. It is composed mostly of lint of a
as is done with cotton, since there is no futures
fluffy nature, but also contains such foreign matter as
market on which to trade. stem, leaf, motes, dust, oil, grease, paper, metal, vvood,
Cotton waste competes with cotton, cotton linters, cellophane, and bottle ’caps. Card sweeps must be
rayon, rayon waste, wool, wool waste, foam rubber, hand-sorted and willowed to remove nonfibrous mat-
and numerous other fibers, wastes, and inorganic ma- ter. Kaolin, added to the stock to soak up the oil,

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is largely removed in the willowing process. Sort- moved in the opening, picking, and carding opera-
ing and willowing together cause a shrinkage of 15% tions, usually at the grid bars or mote knives. They
to 50%. are subclassified as opener motes or picker motes, de-
Card strips-Fibers removed from the cylinder, pending upon the point of removal. Motes removed
doffer, and flats of the card in the various stripping in carding are included with other card wastes.
operations. Card strips, which include a relatively There is a shrinkage of 35% to 60% in willowing
small amount of nonfibrous matter, are of staple long motes, because of the removal of nonfibrous matter.
enough to be spinnable. Cotton waste dealers sub- Slaslzey threads-Hard waste containing sizing,
classify card strips according to the type of cotton produced in slashing, drawing-in, and weaving, and
from which they are derived, as, for example, Peeler generally sold as &dquo;balled slasher.&dquo;
strips, Sak strips, and Upland strips. The term Soft t tlareads-Yarn left on bobbins or collected
&dquo;Peeler&dquo; was formerly used to designate a particular during spinning, twisting, and similar operations.
variety of cotton, but now refers to all long-staple The yarns contain some twist, but less than is found
Upland cottons. Similarly, the waste trade uses the in hard threads. Soft threads may be garnetted into
term &dquo;Sak strips&dquo; for card strips from any Egyptian shoddy, a shrinkage of 5 % to 8% occurring in the
cotton, although Sakellarides (usually shortened to process.
&dquo;Sak&dquo;) is now a minor variety, little used in the Spinning-room, sweeps-Waste swept from the
United States. If the strips have been removed from floor of the spinning room. It contains the same
the card by the vacuum method of stripping, they types of trash found in card-room sweeps, and, in
are so designated; e.g., Peeler vacuum strips.
addition, some thread waste and bobbins.
Cleayer-( 1 ) Card clearer-Very short fibers Weave-YOOa~ sweeps-Waste swept from the floor
which accumulate on the flannel-covered roll at the of the weave room. Containing the usual foreign
opening of the junction of the feed roll and the licker- matter found in sweeps, it has a larger proportion of
in cover of the card.
hard waste. Many mills burn this type of waste,
(2) Spi~vciiag clearer-Fibers which accumulate since the return from its sale (less than 10 per lb.
on the roll or flat surface of the device used to collect
in 1948) does not pay the cost of baling.
short fibers from the rolls of a drawing, roving, or
spinning frame.
Covvtber noils-Fibers, nearly free of foreign mat- Bibliography
ter, removed in the process of combing. Comber 1. Adams, From Waste to Profits via Research, Fac-
noils are blended with raw cotton in the production tory and Ind. Management 79, 1372-3 (June
of a wide variety of yarns and fabrics. The amount 1930).
2. American Hospital Assn., Spec. AJ 1-16, Felt
of noils removed in combing varies from 10% to 30%
of the net weight of cotton fed; the average for the
(Garnetted) for Mattress Filling.
3. American Transit Assn., Recommended Specifica-
combed yarn industry as a whole is 14% to 15%. tion for New Waste, E 145-39, 1939.
D~cstho2ise-Dust, cotton fibers, and foreign mat- 4. Anon., Aids to Spinning Interest Georgia Mill
ter exhausted from the opening and picking opera- Men, Textile World 98, 137 (June 1948).
tions by means of air suction. This stock can be wil- 5. Anon., Alabama Mill Men Reveal Carding Prac-
lowed, but during the operation a shrinkage of 25% tices, Textile World 97, 145 (Dec. 1947).
6. Anon., Better Cotton Preparation Is Aim of Geor-
to 70% occurs.
gia Mill Men, Textile World 98, 129 (May 1948).
Hard threads-Yarn waste, with considerable
7. Anon., Campaign Against Small Wastes, Textile
twist, left on any of the packages used in spinning, World 75, 2065, 2117, 2119 (Mar. 30, 1929).
twisting, winding, warping, slashing, and weaving, 8. Anon., Card-Flat Strips Combed at Back of Card,
or collected during these operations. Textile World 99, 185-6 (Dec. 1949).
Invisible waste-Material which is lost in proces- 9. Anon., Card-Fly Separator, Given Practical Tests
in Plants, Makes Possible Recovery of Spinnable
sing and is not re~overed. It is caused by loss in the Fiber from Waste, Textile Bull. 71, 20-1 (Nov.
air of fine particles of fiber and dust, and by drying
1, 1946).
out of the cotton during processing. 10. Anon., Carding of Cotton Waste, Platt’s Bull. 5,
Nlotes-Pieces of seed and plant, and small, im- 78-81 (Sept.-Oct. 1946).
mature seeds, to which fibers adhere. Motes are re- 11. Anon., Cleaning Cotton, Fibres 7, 55 (Mar. 1946) .

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12. Anon., Condenser Yarns, Spinning from Short- 35. Anon., Recovery and Use of Waste, The Manu-
Staple Cotton, Textile Weekly 35, 1168, 1170 facture of Tailors’ Wadding and Surgical Dress-
(June 22, 1945). ingsfrom Cotton Waste, etc., Textile Weekly 26,
13.Anon., Cotton Mill Quality and Waste Control, 258, 260, 263 (Aug. 30, 1940).
Am. Wool and Cotton Reptr. 63, No. 26, 9-10; 36. Anon., Recovery and Use of Waste : Some Practi-
No. 27, 10-11, 33; No. 29, 9-10 (June 30, July 7, cal Advice on Bleaching of Surgical Dressing,
July 21, 1949). Textile Weekly 26, 401-2 (Sept. 27, 1940).
14. Anon., Cotton Mills Analyze Card-Stripping Meth- 37. Anon., Reducing Lap Waste and "Single," Textile
ods, Textile World 97, 141, 216 (Mar. 1947). Weekly 19, 811, 813 (June 25, 1937).
15. Anon., Cotton Waste in the Light of Recent Re- 38. Anon., The Saco-Lowell Continuous Stripper,
search, Textile Recorder 52, 20-1 (Nov. 15, Saco-Lowell Bull. 13, 9-13 (Aug. 1941).
1934). 39. Anon., Sandbags from Cotton Waste, Financial
16. Anon., Cotton Waste Mixing, Textile Weekly 13, News 7, 19 (Dec. 23, 1939).
80 (Mar. 16, 1934). 40. Anon., Savings Effected Through Waste Control
17. Anon., Cotton Waste Selling Method a Fallacy, Program, Textile Inds. 114, 128 (Feb. 1950).
Am. Wool and Cotton Reptr. 45, 23-6 (Aug. 27, 41. Anon., Scavenger Waste Collection, Textile Inds.
1931). 111, 89 (Nov. 1947).
18. Anon., Cotton Waste Yarns : I—Raw Material and 42. Anon., The Shirley Analyzer, Textile Weekly 13,
Uses; II—Modern Machinery for Preparing and 98-9 (Mar. 23, 1934).
Spinning; III—Treatment for Hard Waste, Tex- 43. Anon., The Shirley Lint Recoverer, Textile Weekly
tile Weekly 19, 717, 777, 783; 20, 15, 24 (June 4, 20, 43—4 (July 9, 1937).
June 18, July 2, 1937) . 44. Anon., Smokeless Powder: Chopped-Up Cotton
19. Anon., Fabric from Waste Claimed for Machine, Speeds Production, Sci. American 166, 59 (Feb.
Daily News Record, No. 153, 22 (Aug. 8, 1949). 1942).
20. Anon., Fiber Waste in Cotton Yarn Manufactur- 45.
Anon., Speed Frames Eliminated in New Waste
ing Processes, Am. Wool and Cotton Reptr. 60, Spinning System, Text. Mercury and Argus 120,
13-14 (Sept. 12, 1946). 953 (June 17, 1949).
21. Anon., Foam Rubber Sitting Pretty, Chem. Eng.
46. Anon., Systematic Inspection of Card Waste...
News 28, 751 (Mar. 6, 1950).
A Source of Added Profit, Saco-Lowell Bull. 13,
22. Anon., From Horses to Cows, Ind. Bull. Arthur
24 (Dec. 1941).
D. Little, No. 256, 4 (July 1949).
47. Anon., Textile Wastes: I—The Versatility of Cot-
23. Anon., Handling Waste, Saco-Lowell Bull. 7, 16
ton, Manchester Guardian Com. , 21 (Oct. 1,
(Oct. 1934).
24. Anon., How Joanna Mills Reduced Cotton-Mill 1932).
Waste, Textile World 94, 112-13 (Feb. 1944). 48. Anon., Utilization of Cotton Waste, Textile World
25. Anon., Importance of Accuracy in Card Settings, 61, 2850-1, 2857, 3795, 3797 (May 13, June 24,
Indian Textile J. 57, 143-5 (Nov. 1946). 1922).
26. Anon., New Industrial Uses for Cotton, J. Frank- 49. Anon., Utilization of Textile Wastes: Increased
lin Inst. 232, 403—4 (Oct. 1941). Demands and Needs for By-Products, Textile
27. Anon., New Small-Pattern Wadding Card, Platt’s Weekly 26, 13 ( July 5, 1940) ; 108, 110 ( July 26,
Bull. 5, 221-2 (Nov.-Dec. 1947). 1940).
28. Anon., New System in Cotton Waste Spinning, 50. Anon., The Value of Waste, Rohm and Haas Reptr.
Fibres 10, 253 (July 1949). 5, 10-13 (July 1947).
29. Anon., Oiled Cotton Waste vs. Unoiled Cotton 51. Anon., Waste Carding, Saco-Lowell Bull. 15, 6-14
Waste, Textile Colorist 52, 457-9, 482 (July (Nov. 1943).
1930). 52. Anon., Waste Control Effects Savings, Textile
30. Anon., Plastic Laminates Offer Prime Market for Inds. 114, 105-6 (Feb. 1950).
Rayon Thread Waste, Rayon Textile Mo. 28, 470 53. Anon., Waste Prevention at the Drawing Frame,
(Sept.1947). Text. Mercury and Argus 117, 728 (Nov. 21,
31. Anon., Pneumafil Broken End Collector, Textile 1947) ; Platt’s Bull. 5, 166-7 ( July-Aug. 1947).
Mfr. 73, 65-7 (Feb. 1947). 54. Anon., Waste Reduction in Cotton Mills, Melliand
32. Anon., Pneumatic Cleaner and Broken End Collec- 2, 6-9 (Apr. 1930).
tor for Ring Spinning Frames, Textile Recorder 55. Anon., Waste in Thread Manufacturing, Textile
64, 41-2 (Feb. 1947). World 75, 1307 (Feb. 16, 1929).
33. Anon., Production of Waste Yarns, Textile Weekly 56. Anon., What Becomes of the Good Fiber ? Saco-
31, 93-4, 96 (Jan. 15, 1943). Lowell Bull. 10, 8-15 (Nov. 1938) ; 11. 11-15
34. Anon., Reclamation of Reworkable Waste Studied (June 1939).
by Georgia Executives, Textile Inds. 112, 105-6 57. Anon., "F. B.," A Wealth of Fabrics from Cotton
(Apr. 1948). Waste, Platt’s Bull. 6, 107-11 (Nov.-Dec. 1948).

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58. Anon., "Testex," Routine Testing for Waste in 83. Carter, Cotton Opening-Picking-Here’s Your
the Cotton Spinning Mill, Textile Recorder 52, Chart to Quality, Textile World 98, 110-11 (Jan.
27-8 (Apr. 15, 1935). 1948).
59. Anon., "Vincit," Utilizing Cotton Waste, Rayon 84. Carter, Waste Control Saves Card-Room Dollars,
and Melliand Textile Mo. 16, 660-2 (Nov. 1935). Textile World 95, 147-9 (Sept. 1945).
60. Army-Navy, Joint Specification JAN-C-206 ; Cel- 85. "Cotton Yearbook, 1947," Manchester, Textile
lulose, Cotton; 1945. Mercury, Ltd., 1947, Section V.
86. Cotton-Textile Institute, "Report on Cotton Waste
61. Army-Navy, Joint Specification JAN-C-269 ; Cot-
and Linters" (mimeo.), New York, Dec. 4, 1936.
ton, Calking; 1945.
87. Crawford, Waste Reduction and Control, Proc. 2nd
62. Asbury, Something Can Be Done About Waste,
Textile World 94, 123, 125 (Nov. 1944). , 1947, pp. 207-17.
National Textile Seminar
63. Assn. of American Railroads, Spec. M-905-41, New
88. Crawford, Waste Reduction and Control, Textile
Inds. 112, 94-112 (Oct. 1948).
Waste for Journal-Box Packing, 1941.
64. Assn. of American Railroads, Spec. M-910-39,
89. Crowe, New Products and Processes: Paper Proc-
ess, Chemical Industries 50, 207 (Feb. 1942).
Renovated Journal-Box Packing, 1939.
90. Dawson, Preparation, Spinning, and Manufacture
65. Beacon, Hard Waste Control, Textile Age 13, of Cotton Waste, Text. Mercury and Argus 84,
22-31 (Oct. 1949).
555, 611, 627, 641, 657; 85, 9, 42, 70, 101, 128,
66. Beacon, A Practical Waste Control Program, Tex- 203, 215, 228, 275 (1931).
, 70, 72, 74-76 (Jan. 1950).
tile Age 14 91. Dept. of the Army, Ordnance Dept., Spec. 6-339;
67. Beacon, Suggestions for Cotton Waste Control, Flock, Cotton; 1944.
Textile Age 13, 7-14 ( Sept. 1949). 92. Dept. of the Navy, Spec. 21 C 7; Cotton, Calking,
68. Bentley, Cotton Waste, Textile Mfr. 71, 524-28 Treated; 1945.
(Dec. 1945). 93. Dept. of the Navy, Spec. 27 F 9a; Felt, Garnetted
69. Bowden, Card-Fly Separator Developed by Mill (for Mattress Filling) ; 1945.
Man, Textile World 96, 135-7 (Apr. 1946). 94. Dhingra and Mithel, Utilization of Cotton Wastes
70. Bowden, Unique Carousel Cuts Waste-Handling for the Manufacture of Chemical Cotton, Indian
Cost, Textile World 99, 100-3 (July 1949). Textile J. 59, 688-91 (May 1949).
71. Bulwer, Percentage of Noils by Combing, Tids. 95. Federal Spec. DDD-C-491a; Cloths, Wiping; May
Textilteknik 7, 77-81 (May 1949). 26, 1943.
72. Bureau of the Census, "Carpets, Rugs, and Other 96. Federal Spec. DDD-C-503a; Cloths, Wiping; Cot-
Floor Coverings," Census of Manufactures, 1939. ton, Mixed-Colored and White, Sterilized (for
73. Bureau of the Census, "Cotton Manufactures; Machinery) ; Oct. 24, 1942.
97. Federal Spec. DDD-W-101; Waste; Cotton, Col-
Rayon and Related Manufactures," Census of
Manufactures, 1947, Report MC22A. ored; June 28, 1932.
98. Federal Spec. DDD-W-106; Waste; Cotton, White;
74. Bureau of the Census, "Cotton Manufactures;
Rayon and Silk Manufactures; and Dyeing and June 28, 1932.
99. Federal Standard Stock Catalog, Group DDD-gg;
Finishing Textiles Except Woolens and Wor-
steds," Census of Manufactures, 1939. Waste, Wiping, Cotton; 1938.
100. Federal Standard Stock Catalog, Group DDD-z;
75. Bureau of the Census, "Household Furniture,"
Census of Manufactures, 1947, Report MC25A. Rags, Wiping, Cotton; 1938.
101. Gates, Hidden Wastes in Textile Plants, Trans.
76. Bureau of the Census, "Industrial Organic Chemi- Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs. 43, 1089-95 (1921).
cals," Census of Manufactures, 1947, Report 102. Gee, New Patented Bitter-Roller Stand for Rag
Machines, Textile Mfr. 75, 423 (Sept. 1949).
77. Bureau of the Census, "Miscellaneous Textile 103. Gildenzopf, Converting Waste Rags and Strings
Goods," Census of Manufactures, 1939. into Paper-Making Fibers, Year Book Am. Pulp
78. Bureau of the Census, "Miscellaneous Textile Paper Mill Supts’. Assoc. 20, 164-5 (1939).
Goods," Census of Manufactures, 1947, Report 104. Goldsmith, Systematic Waste Collection, Textile
MC22F. World 71, 3281 (May 21, 1927).
79. Bureau of the Census, "Rayon and Allied Products, 105. Goncharov, Production of Fine Papers from Cot-
Industrial Chemicals," Census of Manufactures, ton Waste and Flax-Hemp Siftings, Bumazh.
1939. Prom. 14, 66-71 (1935).
80. Bureau of the Census, "Rubber Products," Census 106. Grimes, The Effect of Foreign Matter on the
of Manufactures, 1947, Report MC30. Grade, Staple, and Price of Cotton, Rayon Textile
81. Burgess, Cotton-Mill Waste, Textile World 86, Mo. 26, 527-9 (Oct. 1945).
75-6 ( Jan. 1936). 107. Grover and Dunlap, Cotton Carding; Production
82. Campbell and Cook, Comber Waste and Yarn and Its Effects on Quality, TEXTILE RESEARCH
Quality, Textile World 73, 80 ( July 1943). JOURNAL 15, 97-162 (Apr. 1945).

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108. Hastings, How’s Your Waste Percentage? Textile 130. Nickerson, Foreign-Matter Content in Bales of
World 88, 62, 64 (Dec. 1938). Cotton Used for Grade Standards, TEXTILE RE-
109. Hatfield, Chasing Spinning Mill Waste, Cotton 110, SEARCH JOURNAL 20, 277-8 (Apr. 1950).
47-50 (Nov. 1946). 131. Peirce, Shirley Institute Measures Cotton-Cleaning
110. Helliwell, Why Waste Spinnable Cotton? Textile Methods, Textile World 96, 149, 151, 209-10, 212
World 93, 90-2 (Nov. 1943). (July 1946).
111. Himmelfarb, Cotton Filling Materials, Am. Dye- 132. Peirce, Studies on Cleaning Cotton, Am. Wool and
stuff Reptr. 24, 671-4 (Dec. 21, 1935) . Cotton Reptr. 60, 13-14 ( June 20, 1946).
112. Hunt, Waste Can Sink Profits in a Cotton Mill, 133. Pfeiffenberger, The Shirley Analyzer, TEXTILE
Textile World 87, 112-13 (Mar. 1937). RESEARCH 14, 50-4 (Feb. 1944).
113. Jephcott, New and Used Cotton in Mattresses, Can. 134. Pfeiffenberger, Shirley Analyzer Aids Card-Waste
Chem. and Process Inds. 25, 154 (Mar. 1941). Studies, Textile World 95, 127-9 (Nov. 1945).
114. Jephcott and Bishop, Detection of Second-Hand 135. Pharr, Card-Room Waste Is Easily Controlled,
White Cotton Filling Materials Used in Articles Textile World 100, 72-3 (May 1950).
of Bedding and Upholstered Furniture, Ind. Eng. 136. Pickering, Cotton Waste Utilization: The Produc-
Chem., Anal. Ed. 14, 400-4 ( July 1942). tion of Yarns for Cotton Blankets, Textile
115. Jones, Waste Utilization, Proc. 2nd National Tex- Weekly 12, 689 (Feb. 23, 1934).
tile Seminar, 1947, pp. 199-207. 137. Powell, Recovery of Rubber and Cotton from Un-
116. Kaemmer, Waste in the Cutting Room, Textile cured Tire-Ply Scrap, Ind. Eng. Chem. 23, 701-3
World 73, 343 (Jan. 21, 1928). (1931).
117. Kershaw, "The Recovery and Use of Industrial and 138. Production and Marketing Adm., U.S.D.A., "Cot-
Other Wastes," London, Ernest Benn Ltd., 1928, ton Testing Service," 1949.
pp. 6, 39. 139. Racicot and Lythgoe, Determination of Urea in
118. Lamm, Project for Pilot-Plant Manufacture of Material Used for Filling in Articles of Bedding
Wool-Like Fiber from Cotton, Chem. Eng. News and Upholstered Furniture, Ind. Eng. Chem. ,
23, 4 (Jan. 10, 1945). Anal. Ed. 11, 512-15 (Sept. 15, 1939).
119. Le Feaux, Control of Waste Requires an Adequate 140. Reed, A Business Built on Waste, Commerce and
Finance 18, 268 (Jan. 30, 1929).
System, Textile World 98, 122-3, 224, 226 (Feb.
141. Rettger, The Gravimetric Determination of For-
120. Lewis, Cotton Waste and Its Utilization, Cotton 92, eign Material in Cellulose Fibers, Oil & Soap 22,
7-10 (Jan. 1945).
668-70, 906-8; 93, 147-8 (1928). 142. Robinov, Use of Wastes of Common Flax-Straw
121. Lomax, Cotton Waste and Its Value as a Raw
and Cotton in the Paper Industry, Tsentral’
Material, Official Report World Cotton Confer- Nauch.-Issledovatel’ Inst. Bumazh. Prom. Mate-
ence, Liverpool, 1921, pp. 249-53.
122. Martin, D., ed., "Modern Plastics Encyclopedia,"
rialy 1935, No. 1, 203-23.
143. Rose, Cotton Fibers as a Gear Material, Materials
Vol. 1, New York, Plastics Catalogue Corp., 1947, & Methods 28, 68-71 ( Aug. 1948 ) .
pp. 192-193. 144. Ryan, Cotton Mill Waste, Commerce and Finance
123. Martin, F., Determining Waste Percentages Re- 20, 124 (Jan. 14, 1931); 21, 100 (Jan. 13, 1932).
moved in Opening, Picking, and Carding, Cotton 145. Schmidt, The Preparation of Pure Cellulose Fibers
101, 76-7 (June 1937). from Cotton Waste, Z. ges. Textil-Ind. - Klep
124. Martin, H., Creating Extra Values by Expert Utili-
zigs) 34, 421-2 (1931).
zation of Textile Wastes, Textile Colorist 57, 146. Stansfield, Condenser Spinning, Textile Weekly 38,
749-50 (Nov. 1935). 640, 642, 644 (Oct. 4, 1946) ; 842, 844 (Nov. 1,
125. Matthews, Where Waste Strikes, Textile World 89, 1946).
95-6 (Oct. 1939). 147. Steinfield, Cotton Flocks, Modern Plastics 14, 62
126. McCord and Steinbach, "Cotton in Non-Woven (Oct. 1936).
Fabrics," Memphis, National Cotton Council of 148.Strong, Waste in Cotton Weaving Mills, Text.
America, 1949. Mercury and Argus 112, 107, 109, 112, 167-9
127. McGregor and Fryd, Determination of Artificial (Jan. 26, Feb. 9, 1945).
Silk (Viscose) in Mixtures of Artificial Silk and 149. Szold, Sanitary Standards for Wiping Cloths, Na-
Cotton Waste, J. Text. Inst. 24, T103-4 (Feb. tional Safety News 31, 50 (Apr. 1935).
1933). 150. Taylor and Austin, Comparative Qualities of Bed-
128. Miller, Prevention of Wastes in Industry, Trans. ding Components, Part 2: Filling Materials and
Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs. 43, 1097-1103 (1921). Insulators, Bedding 53, 40-8 (Aug. 1947).
129. Moskowitz, Landes, and Himmelfarb, A New 151. Thomas, Cotton Varieties Are Growing in Impor-
Method for Distinguishing Between New and tance, Textile World 98, 107-22 (Oct. 1948).
Second-Hand Cotton Filling Materials, Am. Dye- 152. Thomas, Spinning Control Cuts Labor and Waste,
stuff Reptr. 24, 463-6 (Aug. 12, 1935). Textile World 98, 121, 188-9 (Aug. 1948).

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153. Thornley, "Cotton Waste," 2nd ed., London, D. Waste," Washington, D. C., U.S.D.A Produc.
Van Nostrand, 1921. and Market. Adm., 1947.
154. Uno, Cotton Waste as a Material for Rayon Manu- 162. Webb and Richardson, ’’Relationships Between
facture, Textile Mfr. 60, 369 (Sept. 1934). Properties of Cotton Fibers and Percentages of
155. Uno, A New Textile Raw Material, Rusta- Wastes Associated with the Manufacture of
Rayonne 9, 811-15 (1934). Carded Yarns," Washington, D. C., U.S.D.A.
156. U. S. Tariff Commission, "Certain Cotton and Cot- Produc. and Market. Adm., 1946.
ton Waste" (mimeo.), Washington, D. C., Feb. 163. Williams, S., and Towery, A Study of Cotton
1942. Blending, TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL 16, 61-73
157. U. S. Tariff Commission, "Cotton and Cotton (Feb. 1946 ) .
Waste," Report No. 137, 2nd Series, Washington, 164. Williams, T., Research in the Bedding Industry,
D. C., U. S. Gov’t Printing Office, 1939. J. Text. Inst. 40, P898-900 (Sept. 1949).
158. U. S. Tariff Commission, Stenographer’s Minutes, 165. Willis and Moore, "Cotton Carding," Washington,
Hearings Before the Commission on Cotton and D. C., The Textile Foundation, 1936, Chaps. 5
Cotton Waste, Aug. 14-16, 1939. and 6.
159. Wani, Maximum "Yarn-Cum-Waste" of Cotton 166. Willis and Moore, "Cotton Opening, Cleaning, and
Mills, Indian Textile J. 59, 1000-3 (Aug. 1949). Picking," Washington, D. C., The Textile Foun-
160. Webb, "Relation and Relative Importance of Some dation, 1937, Chap. 8.
Cotton Fiber Properties to Certain Manufactur- 167. Wilson, Junk and Industrial Wastes, Can. Chem.
ing Qualities." Paper presented at meeting of and Process Inds. 25, 163-7 (Apr. 1941).
The Fiber Society, New Orleans, Feb., 1947. 168. Winnie and Donovan, A Method for Distinguish-
161. Webb and Richardson, "Relation and Importance ing Between Old and New Cotton Fibers, Am.
of Certain Fiber Properties of Long Staple Cot- Dyestuff Reptr. 21, 601-2, 615 (Oct. 10, 1932).
tons to Strength and Appearance of Combed
Yarns, and to Percentages of Manufacturing (Manuscript received June 5, 1950.)

Reprints of this report will be available f rova the National Cotton Council off
America, 1832 M Street, N.W., Washington 6, D. C.

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