Rocket Propulsion

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In this lecture...

• Tutorial
– Solve problems involving real cycle

Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Problem # 1
• An aircraft using a simple turbojet engine, flies
at Mach 0.8 where the ambient temperature
and pressure are 223.3 K and 0.265 bar,
respectively. The compressor pressure ratio is
8.0 and the turbine inlet temperature is 1200 K.
The isentropic efficiencies of: compressor=0.87,
turbine=0.90, intake=0.93, nozzle=0.95,
mechanical=0.99, combustor=0.98. The pressure
loss in the combustor=4% of compressor
delivery pressure. Determine the thrust and SFC.

Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Problem # 1

T 4



Real turbojet cycle (without afterburning)

on a T-s diagram
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Solution: Problem # 1
• For the given ambient conditions and the Mach
number, the flight speed is V=239.6 m/s
• Intake exit stagnation temperature and pressure
2 2
V 239.6
T02 = Ta + = 223.3 + = 251.9 K
2cP 2 ×1005
γ /( γ −1)
P02   T02 
= 1 + η d  − 1 = 1.482
Pa   Ta 
or , P02 = 0.2650 ×1.482 = 0.393 bar

Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Solution: Problem # 1
• The compressor exit conditions are determined as
Compressor exit pressure is
P03 = π c P02 = 8.0 × 0.393 = 3.144 bar
T03 = T02  πc [
( γ −1) / γ
− 1 + 1

ηC 

= 251.9
 1
8 [
(1.4 −1) / 1.4 
− 1 + 1 ]
 0.87 
= 486.8 K
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Solution: Problem # 1
• Combustion chamber:

h04 = h03 + ηb fQ f

c pg T04 = c paT03 + ηb fQ f
c pg T04 / c paT03 − 1
or , f =
ηbQ f / c paT03 − c pg T04 / c paT03
Substituti ng all the values, f = 0.0198
Also, P04 = π b P03 = 0.96 × 3.144 = 3.018bar
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Solution: Problem # 1
• Turbine: Since the turbine produces work to drive
the compressor, Wturbine = Wcompressor
η m (m + m f )c pg (T04 − T05 ) = m c pa (T03 − T02 )
T05 = c pg T04 − c pa (T03 − T02 ) / η m (1 + f )
= 1147 × 1200 − 1005(486.8 − 251.9) / 0.99(1 + 0.0198)
= 992.3 K
γ /( γ −1)
 1 
P05 = P04 1 − (1 − T05 / T04 ) = 1.284 bar
 ηt 
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Solution: Problem # 1
• Nozzle: We shall first check for nozzle choking.
P05 1.284
The nozzle pressure ratio is : = = 4.845
Pa 0.265
The critical pressure ratio is
P05 1 1
= γ /( γ −1)
= 1.33 /(1.33−1)
Pc  1  γ − 1   1  1.33 − 1 
1 −   1 − 0.95  1.33 + 1 
 η n  γ + 1    
= 1.914
Since P05 / Pa > P05 / Pc , the nozzle is choking.
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Solution: Problem # 1
• Therefore the nozzle exit conditions are fixed by the
critical parameters.
 2 
T7 = Tc =  T05 = 850.7 K
 γ +1
 1 
P7 = Pc = P05   = 0.671bar
 P05 / Pc 
ρ 7 = P7 / RT7 = 0.275 kg / m 3
Vex = γRT7 = 570.5m / s
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Solution: Problem # 1

Ae 1
= = 0.006374 m 2 s / kg
m ρ 7Vex

∴Specific thrust is, Fn = (1 + f )(Vex − V ) + ( Pc − Pa )

= 596.25 Ns / kg
f 0.0198
SFC = = = 3.32 ×10 −5 kg / sN
Fn 596.25

Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Problem # 2

• Determine the thrust and SFC in the above

problem if the engine operates with an
afterburner. The nozzle inlet temperature in
this case is limited to 1800 K. All other
parameters and operating conditions remain

Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Solution: Problem # 2

T 4

5, 6


Real turbojet cycle (with afterburning) on

a T-s diagram
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Solution: Problem # 2

• Since all other operating conditions and

parameters remain unchanged, the cycle
analysis up to the turbine exit is exactly the
same as discussed for the previous problem.
• The nozzle will be choking and the exit
conditions will need to be calculated.
• Besides this the fuel flow rate in the afterburner
too needs to be determined.
• The total fuel flow rate will be the sum of the
fuel in the main combustor and that of the
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Solution: Problem # 2

• To calculate fuel flow rate in the afterburner,

h06 = h05 + ηb f 2Q f
c pg T06 / c pg T05 − 1
or , f 2 =
ηbQ f / c pg T05 − c pg T06 / c pg T05
Substituti ng all the values, f 2 = 0.02256
∴ f = f1 + f 2 = 0.0198 + 0.02256 = 0.04236

Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Solution: Problem # 2

• At the nozzle exit,

 2 
T7 = Tc =  T06 = 1545.06 K
 γ +1
 1 
P7 = Pc = P05   = 0.671bar
 P05 / Pc 
ρ 7 = P7 / RT7 = 0.151 kg / m 3

Vex = γRT7 = 787.9 m / s

Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Solution: Problem # 2
Ae 1
= = 0.0084 m 2 s / kg
m ρ 7Vex

∴Specific thrust is, Fn = (1 + f )(Vex − V ) + ( Pc − Pa )

= 912.56 Ns / kg
f 0.04236
SFC = = = 4.64 ×10 −5 kg / sN
Fn 912.56
• Afterburning therefore leads to substantial
thrust augmentation (about 35%). But this is
accompanied by about 28% increase in SFC.
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Problem # 3
• A twin spool un-mixed turbofan engine has the fan
driven by the LP turbine and the compressor by the
HP turbine. The overall pressure ratio is 25 and the
fan pressure ratio is 1.65. The engine has a bypass
ratio of 5.0 and a turbine inlet temperature of 1550 K.
The fan, turbine and compressor have polytropic
efficiencies of 0.90. The nozzle efficiency is 0.95 and
the mechanical efficiency for each spool is 0.99. The
combustor pressure loss is 1.5 bar and the total air
mass flow is 215 kg/s. Find the thrust under sea level
static conditions, where ambient pressure and
temperature are 1 bar and 288 K.
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Solution: Problem # 3

• Under static conditions, T01=Ta and P01=Pa.

( γ −1) /η poly , fanγ
T02 ' = T01 (π f ) = 337.6 K
Since the overall pressure ratio is 25,
P03 25
= = 15.15
P02 1.65
( γ −1 ) / η poly ,compγ

 P03 
T03 = T02   = 800.1 K
 P02 

Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Solution: Problem # 3

The cold nozzle pressure ratio is the fan pressure

ratio = 1.65
The critical pressure ratio is
P02 ' 1 1
= γ /( γ −1)
= 1.4 /(1.4 −1)
Pc  1  γ − 1   1  1.4 − 1 
1 −   1 − 0.95  1.4 + 1 
 η n  γ + 1    
= 1.965
Therefore the nozzle is not choking.

Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Solution: Problem # 3
The secondary nozzle exhaust velocity, Vex,f

Vex,f = 2c pη nT02 ' 1 − (Pa / P02 ' )
( γ −1) / γ
= 2 × 1005 × 0.95 × 337.6 1 − (1 / 1.965) [ (1.4 −1) / 1.4
= 293.2 m / s
Since the bypass ratio is 5, the cold mass flow is
m B
m C = = 179.2 kg / s
B +1
Therefore the thrust developed by the secondary nozzle is
Fn ,sec = m CVex , f = 52.532kN
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Solution: Problem # 3
For the HP turbine,
c pa
T04 − T05' = (T03 − T02 )
η m c pg
∴T05' = 1550 − (800.1 − 337.6) = 1141 K
0.99 × 1147
For the LP rotor,
c pa
T05' − T05 = ( B + 1) (T02 ' − T01 )
η m c pg
∴T05 = 877.8 K

Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Solution: Problem # 3
η poly ,turbγ /( γ −1)
P04  T04 
=   = 3.902
P05'  T05' 
η poly ,turbγ /( γ −1)
P05'  T05' 
=   = 3.208
P05  T05 
P04 = P03 − ∆Pb = 25.0 ×1.0 − 1.50 = 23.5 bar
P05 = = 1.878 bar
( P04 / P05' )( P05' / P05 )
The hot nozzle pressure ratio is
P05 / Pa = 1.878
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Solution: Problem # 3
The critical pressure ratio is
P05 1 1
= γ /( γ −1)
= 1.33 /(1.33−1)
Pc  1  γ − 1   1  1.33 − 1 
1 −   −
 0.95  1.33 + 1 
 η n  γ + 1    
= 1.914
Therefore the nozzle is not choking.
The primary nozzle exhaust velocity, Vex
Vex = 2c pη nT05 1 − (Pa / P05 )
( γ −1) / γ
] = 528.3 m / s
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Solution: Problem # 3

Mass flow rate through the hot nozzle is

m h = = 35.83 kg / s
B +1
Fn , primary = 35.83 × 528.3 = 18.931kN
The total thrust is thus,
Fn = Fn , primary + Fn , sec = 71.5 kN

Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Problem # 4
• An aircraft operating on a turboprop engine flies
at 200 m/s while ingesting a primary mass flow
of 20 kg/s. The propeller of the engine having an
efficiency of 0.8, generates a thrust of 10000 N,
while the jet thrust is 2000N. The power turbine
and nozzle have efficiencies of 0.88 and 0.92
respectively. If we remove the power turbine
and the nozzle, what would be the thrust
developed by the engine while operating under
the same conditions?
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Solution: Problem # 4
5 P05
7 h
α Δh
Δh 06

Enthalpy-entropy diagram for power turbine-

exhaust nozzle analysis
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Solution: Problem # 4
• We know that the thrust power developed by
the propeller is given by,
Fn , pr × V = η pr ×η pr × α∆h × m
10000 × 200
∴α∆h = = 142045.45 J / kg
0.8 × 0.88 × 20
The nozzle thrust is
Fn ,nozzle = m (V ex−V )
2000 = 20(V ex−200) or , V ex= 300 m / s

Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Solution: Problem # 4
V ex= 2η n (1 − α )∆h
300 = 2 × 0.92 × (1 − α )∆h

∴ ∆h = 190958.49 J / kg
With the power turbine and the propeller removed,
the entire ∆h drop occurs through the nozzle.
∴V ex= 2η n ∆h = 2 × 0.92 × 190958.49
= 592.76 m / s
∴Thrust = 20(592.76 − 200) = 7855.18 N

Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Exercise Problem # 1
• A simple turbojet is operating with a compressor
pressure ratio of 8.0, a turbine inlet temperature of
1200 K and a mass flow rate of 15 kg/s, when the
aircraft is flying at 260 m/s at and altitude of 7000m.
Assuming the following component efficiencies,
calculate the nozzle area required, the net thrust and
the SFC: polytropic efficiencies of turbine and
compressor: 0.87, intake and nozzle efficiency: 0.95,
Mechanical efficiency: 0.99, combustion efficiency:
0.97, combustor pressure loss: 6% of compressor
delivery pressure.
• Ans: 0.0713 m3, 7896 N, 0.126 kg/h N
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Exercise Problem # 2
• The gases at the turbine exit (given in
problem #1) are reheated to 2000 K and the
combustion pressure loss is 3% of the
pressure at the outlet from the turbine.
Calculate the percentage increase in the
nozzle area required if the mass flow rate is
to remain unchanged and also the
percentage increase in the net thrust.
• Ans: 48.3 % and 64.5 %
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Exercise Problem # 3
• The following data apply to a twin-spool turbofan
engine, with the fan driven by the LP turbine and the
compressor by the HP turbine. Separate hot and cold
nozzles are used. Overall pressure ratio: 19.0, Fan
pressure ratio: 1.65, By pass ratio: 3.0, Turbine inlet
temperature: 1300 K, Combustor pressure loss: 1.25
bar, Total air mass flow: 115 kg/s. It is required to find
out the thrust under sea level static conditions where
the ambient pressure and temperature are 1.0 bar
and 288 K. Assume fan, compressor and turbine
efficiencies as 0.90 and that of each of the nozzle as
• Ans: 47.6 kN

Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Exercise Problem # 4
• A turboprop is operating under the following
conditions: Flight speed at standard sea level: 0 m/s;
Airflow entering the compressor: 1 kg/s; Compressor
pressure ratio: 12; Efficiencies: Diffuser: 100 %,
Compressor: 87 %, Turbine to drive the compressor:
89 %, Turbine to drive the propeller: 89 %, Nozzle: 100
%, Turbine inlet temperature: 1400 K, Stagnation
pressure leaving the second turbine: 4.6 bar. Take into
account the mass of fuel added. Calculate:
• (a)the horse power delivered to the propeller
• (b)the thrust developed by the gases passing through
the engine.
• Ans: 632 kW, 875 N
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

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