Zoo Architecture - Animal / Visitor / Management Friendly Designs, Presentation at The SAZARC Fourth Annual Meeting, Colombo, December 1-7, 2003

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Zoo Architecture - Animal / Visitor / Management Friendly Designs, Presentation at the

SAZARC Fourth Annual Meeting, Colombo, December 1-7, 2003

The Principles of Zoo Friendly Architecture (usually uninformed) designer clearer. It results in
While the term ‘zoo friendly’ designing is not a formal architecture that fulfills the zoo manager’s requirements
phrase used in the world of zoo design, it has been coined and an appearance, which supports the zoo mission. Too
here to establish some of the basic parameters by which often in South Asia has one seen a zoo building completely
zoos in South Asia can be improved through design. The inappropriate in visual terms for it’s use – a particular new
basic issue at hand is that zoo directors, managers, and zoo hospital in India comes to mind. This building looks
curators in this part of the world are too busy with their like a upmarket residential structure from a neighbourhood
many duties and responsibilities to be able to effectively of the same city – full of decoration totally inappropriate for
manage the design process as well and the task is usually the particular zoo setting – or any zoo setting for that matter.
left to a local architect who without zoo experience is unable
to do justice to the complex requirements of zoo design. Exhibit Architecture
The assumption here is that no zoo today should be
Zoo design, as the title of this article suggests, needs to be constructing out-of-date cages with heavy iron bars or brick
‘friendly’ i.e. serve the needs of – animals, visitors, and the & glass walled nocturnal-houses and that zoos are all
management. At the outset therefore it is important to moving towards the concept of open habitat zoos and
establish the criteria by which a design can be judged as beyond that – of bioparks. In this scenario structures that
being friendly, namely: are classified as exhibit architecture are generally aviaries
and mesh structures both rigid-mesh & flexible-mesh kind.
-- An animal friendly design is one that a) supports good
animal health, b) that keeps animals safe from harm, c) Some animal-friendly design guidelines:
that promotes natural behavioural patterns, and d) that -- For animal security, safe mesh structures should be
supports ex-situ conservation (controlled breeding). designed where animals cannot hurt themselves, i.e.
-- A visitor friendly design is one that a) fulfills all without sharp edges or joints or fittings.
functional visitor requirements, b) that keeps visitors safe -- For human safety, mesh structures should be designed
from harm (within practical limits), and c) that supports in which fittings such as nuts cannot be opened by
visitor interpretation for conservation. dexterous animals such as apes.
-- A management friendly design is one that a) is animal -- For animal safety, paint for mesh structures should be of
friendly and visitor friendly, b) that supports easy servicing non-toxic varieties if eaten by animals. Plastic coated wire-
and maintenance, and c) that is sturdy and long-lived mesh should be ultra-violet resistant and should come with
a manufacturers guarantee to this effect.
The bottom line is that good design matters, in that it -- For animal health, simple and imaginative exhibits
makes life easier for the zoo administrator by improving should be designed that simulate the natural habitat of the
health and safety standards and supporting easier animal as closely as possible with plenty of behavioural
management. enrichment options.

To conclude, safety is achieved in zoos through sensible

Categories of Zoo Architecture
design and good management. Also, creating natural
A brief summary of the different types of zoo architecture is
habitats only requires imagination and a little effort on part
in order and the relevance of friendly design noted, namely:
of the zoo staff and designers.
-- Exhibit Architecture, i.e. exhibit mesh structures that
need to be animal friendly (for safety, comfort & behaviour) Visitor Architecture (Interpretation)
as well as management friendly (for servicing & longevity). This type of architecture includes exhibit-viewing structures
-- Visitor Architecture (Interpretation) such as view & exhibit interpretation structures that are usually next to the
structures, interpretation structures, rest structures etc, that exhibits, and therefore their appearance from an interpretive
need to to be visitor friendly (for safety, comfort & point of view, is extremely important. A related type of
interpretation) as well as management friendly (for structure is a shaded rest-area, which may or may not be
servicing). near an exhibit – but is part of the visitor, and therefore
-- Visitor Architecture (Facilities) such as toilets, interpretation area.
cafeterias, gift shops etc, that need to be visitor friendly
(function & comfort) as well as management friendly (for Some visitor-friendly (safety) design guidelines:
servicing & longevity). -- For visitor safety, zone off all non-public areas with metal/
-- Holding Architecture, i.e. all animal holding structures wood/bamboo screens to keep visitors away from service
and buildings that need to be animal friendly (for safety, and holding areas. Often this is the simplest activity a zoo
comfort & behaviour) as well as management friendly (for can undertake to improve it’s appearance and
servicing & longevity). management. Most zoos in South Asia have little or no
-- Service Architecture i.e. food prep buildings, hospital, zoning, creating a visual and management mess.
quarantine, offices etc, that need to be management -- Viewing structures next to exhibits need to be integrated
friendly (for servicing & longevity). with exhibit design (selected view-lines), barrier design
(safety), horticulture (green buffers), and pathway design
The important aspect in all of this is that the design (circulation)
priorities must be set up at the start make the task of the

ZOOS' PRINT, Volume XIX, Number 3, March 2004 (RNI 5:6)

-- Well-designed safety barriers are a boon to the zoo Some visitor-friendly design guidelines:
administrator. Guardrails should have vertical bars only so -- Visitor facilities buildings should be made colourful and
that visitor cannot climb them. A guardrail can have single attractive to look at, while retaining some relationship in
broad horizontal bar at the top, and a single child-step bar appearance to the theme of the visitor interpretation
at the bottom. buildings.
-- Zoos in this part of the world usually overlook effective -- Play structures and facilities for children must be
warning sign systems. An organised signage system especially designed as colourful and attractive places. Non
should be developed with standardized lettering, colours, Governmental Organizations working in the field of children
and graphics rather than ad-hoc signs. Long-lasting and environmental education, and schools, are often the
materials should be used such as aluminum, fiberglass, or best sources of imaginative ideas for such facilities.
powder-coated steel for signage. -- Plenty of benches should be provided for visitors to sit
and rest inside and outside all facilities structures.
To summarize, safety-zoning is easy to achieve, costs little,
and offers a lot of benefits. Secondly, safety barriers are an In other words, visitor facilities at zoos across South Asia
integral part of good zoo design. And finally, good warning should be designed to the same high standards as
signage reflects on the zoo administrators concern for successful theme parks to ensure visitor satisfaction and
human life. repeat visitation. Secondly children are the most important
Some visitor-friendly (interpretation) design guidelines: visitors to and supporters of a zoo, but have a short
-- For visitor interpretation, a vernacular theme can be used attention span, which must be catered for through the
that fits with the geographic area represented in the exhibit. provision of other activities.
-- Natural habitat design includes the environments
occupied by tribal peoples, which are integral to the natural Holding Architecture
habitats of most wildlife species. Local area craftsmen can This category comprises the largest amount of architecture
easily make for instance village huts and granaries for in a zoo and includes holding buildings of all kinds from
instance. lightweight mesh buildings to heavy masonry buildings.

To conclude, the integration of viewing/interpretation Some animal-friendly design guidelines:

structures with the rest of the zoo theme is essential to -- To start with, for obvious reasons of animal comfort, it is
good zoo design preferable to use more than the minimum dimensions
recommended by the authorities. (Table 1)
Visitor Architecture (Facilities) -- To ensure optimum animal comfort, each cubicle should
This type of architecture includes the zoo entrance complex, be provided with resting, feeding, drinking water and
toilets, cafetarias & snackbars and children’s play exercising facilities, according to the biological needs of the
structures where the buildings need to be attractive, visually species. In India, this is a mandatory requirement by the
fit with the zoo mission, and be long-lasting. Central Zoo Authority.
-- Some climbing species prefer not to sleep at ground
Some management-friendly design guidelines: level – and need to be provided raised sleeping platforms.
-- Sloped roofs with large overhangs should be used Nocturnal animals prefer dens and need to be provided
wherever possible to avoid water seepage and structural small enclosed spaces away from keeper doors.
deterioration over time. Sloped roof structures are also -- Safe structures should be designed where animals
visually appropriate for wilderness settings. cannot hurt themselves - no sharp corners, masonry edges
-- Permanent or hard wearing finishes should be used for rounded off, metal and wooden joinery is hidden,
walls and floors for ease of maintenance – while avoiding embedded, or filed off.
glossy, polished or shining surfaces which do not visually fit -- The provision of proper day-lighting with skylights into
a zoo environment. interior holding areas helps keep them dry and the animals
-- Plenty of garbage cans should be provided in and around healthier as a result. Amazingly, zoos in India today are still
all facilities structures, as they are concentration points for constructing dark and dingy holding buildings.
visitors. -- Provision of proper ventilation inside holding areas can
be achieved by incorporating vertical air-shafts and
ventilators into the roofs – windows rarely provide enough
Table 1 : cross-ventilation. The resulting natural air- cycles will
provide a healthier environment for the animals.
Species CZA Minimum WII / Desai Minimum
Cubicle Dimensions Cubicle Dimensions Put more simply - providing for the behavioural needs of a
Area H Area H species requires a combination of common sense,
Tiger / Lion 4.95 3.00 5.25 3.00 observation, and research-based knowledge – all
Panther / Leopard 3.00 2.00 4.50 2.50 organized into action.
Clouded / Snow Leopard 3.00 2.00 4.50 2.00 Some keeper-friendly design guidelines:
Small cats 2.70 1.50 4.00 1.50 -- New or modify old holding & exhibit areas should be
Elephant 48.00 5.50 48.00 5.50 designed to allow remote operation through vestibules,
Rhinoceros (One-horned) 15.00 2.50 15.00 2.50
safe zones, double doors, feeding and watering slots. Zoo
Bear (Indian) 4.50 2.00 6.00 2.50
accidents usually occur through careless behaviour made
Jackal, Wolf, Wild Dog 3.00 1.50 3.00 1.50
even riskier by bad design.
Wild Buffalo 4.50 2.00 9.00 2.50
Swamp Deer 6.00 2.50 6.00 2.50

ZOOS' PRINT, Volume XIX, Number 3, March 2004 (RNI 5:6)

-- Dark & unsafe interior keeper areas should be avoided service, especially since zoos in South Asia usually have
by introducing daylight through skylights - these can be very low maintenance budgets.
incorporated even into existing holding buildings. An added
Some management-friendly design guidelines:
advantage is that holding areas are well-lit even when there
-- Service, and indeed all zoo buildings deteriorate more
is no electricity, a common problem in India.
quickly when the effects of weathering (especially rainfall)
In other words, safety is achieved in zoos through sensible and heavy use are not taken into account while designing
design coupled with good management. them.
-- For proper building waterproofing ensure that only
Some management-friendly design guidelines: sloped roofs with wide eaves are used as well as
-- Zoos should use structural systems appropriate to the continuous and wide plinth protection, as part of the
containment requirement, while fulfilling the needs of building design.
servicing. Over-designing structures, a common problem in -- -- Comprehensive building drainage can be achieved by
South Asian zoos does not result in easier maintenance, properly sloped floors (minimum 1%-2%), continuous open
and certainly results in stretched development budgets. trench drains inside for washing down, and continuous
-- From a zoo design point of view, heavy masonry / peripheral (ring) drains outside for rainwater disposal.
concrete buildings do not necessarily last longer while light -- Waterproofing concrete admixtures and penetrating
masonry / mesh buildings are easier to hide from visitor sprays are readily available today to increase the life of
view with vegetation. masonry buildings, whether old or new.
-- Building materials used should have finishes designed
for longevity and heavy-duty use. For instance alternative Though good drainage design and waterproofing are the
economical wall finishes that last longer than conventional hallmarks of a well thought-out project, as a general
finishes are concrete tile cladding, grit finishes, and exterior observation, waterproofing and drainage are usually the
textured paints. Alternative and economical floor finishes most ignored aspects of design (since they’re invisible) in
that last longer than conventional floors are vacuum- South Asia.
finished concrete for interior use and pre-cast concrete unit
To conclude, as a rough guess zoos in South Asia are
pavers for exterior use. Alternative materials to wood and
generally about twenty years behind the mainstream
steel for doors and windows are fibreglass, aluminium and
architectural profession and suffer from attentions of
fibre-reinforced thermoplastic composites.
mediocre architects. Zoos should look beyond old and
It is important to remember two points here – the first is that conventional solutions to current mainstream architectural
alternative materials are readily available all over South solutions that often involve new technologies.
Asia and are not necessarily more expensive then
conventional materials. Secondly, even a slightly greater The following zoos and associations contributed from
initial investment in better finishes pays off in the long run $850 - $ 2000 towards the air fare and accomodation
through lower maintenance of participants from Nepal, India, Bangladesh and UAE
and that of the Zoo Design Resource Person.
Service Architecture
These buildings are the ones that architects are usually European Association of Zoos and Aquaria, EAZA;
more familiar with – hospitals, food kitchens, offices, etc. Association of British Wild Animal Keepers ABWAK;
With the exception perhaps of the zoo office, none of these Koln Zoo, Germany
buildings are to be seen by visitors. Therefore their external Appenheul Primate Park, Netherlands
appearance is not important and they should be hidden Columbus Zoo Conservation Fund, Ohio;
behind vegetation. In fact, more money should be spent on Hawk Conservancy Trust
ensuring that these buildings last long and are easy to

Table 2 :
Climbing / Heavy Tiger, Lion, Bear Masonry Concrete with Hide behind
skylights vegetative barriers,
mounds, rockwork
Climbing / Medium Panther, Leopard Masonry (lower) + Corrugated steel / Paint dark green,
chainlink mesh fibreglass use vegetation
(upper) screen
Climbing / Light Small cats Chainlink mesh Corrugated steel / Paint dark green,
fibreglass use vegetation
Terrestial / Very Elephants None required in Corrugated steel None needed -
heavy warm climates on concrete open to public
Terrestial / heavy Rhinoceros, l
Masonry (lower) + Corrugated steel i
Paint dark green,
Hippoptamus, Wild open (upper) on concrete use vegetation
Buffalo, Large Deer columns screen
Terrestial (jumping) Deer sp., Wolves, Masonry (lower) + Corrugated steel / Paint dark green,
/ medium Jackals, Wild Dogs chainlink mesh fibreglass use vegetation

ZOOS' PRINT, Volume XIX, Number 3, March 2004 (RNI 5:6)

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