Pharmaceutical Sciences: Study To Know The Causes of Breast Feeding Cessation in Breast Feeding Mothers

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IAJPS 2018, 05 (05), 3515-3519 Awais ur Rehman et al ISSN 2349-7750




Available online at: Research Article


Dr. Awais ur Rehman, 2Dr. Umair Khizar, 2Dr. Muhammad Naeem Awan
Medical Officer, DHQ Hospital, Mianwali
MO, Ghazi Khan Medical College, Dera Ghazi Khan
Objective: To determine the factors associated with quitting suckling Breast feeding in children.
Methodology: A cross-sectional study. Children up to the age of two were included. Information entered into a pre-
designed proforma.
Place and Duration: The study was carried out in the Gynecology and Pediatric Department Of services Hospital,
Lahore for the period of one year from July 2016 to July 2017.
Findings: A total of 543 children were included. Maternal factors were 43% insufficient milk secretion and 43%
insufficient rest for the first six weeks after birth. In children, diet and nutrition with a 41% formula is 36%. There is
not enough milk in the first days after birth and 62% are starved after breastfeeding and 62% are widespread
Conclusions: Maternal and child factors and myths responsible for cessation of male nutrition, inadequate
secretion of cigarettes, problems with mothers, maternal stress, infant feeding with bottle feeding and first mothers.
These misconceptions should be addressed during prenatal visits.
Key words: Maternal factor, Breastfeeding, myths, infant factor.
Corresponding author:
Dr. Awais ur Rehman, QR code
Medical Officer,
DHQ Hospital, Mianwali

Please cite this article in press Awais ur Rehman et al., Study to Know the Causes of Breast Feeding Cessation in
Breast Feeding Mothers, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2018; 05(05). Page 3515

IAJPS 2018, 05 (05), 3515-3519 Awais ur Rehman et al ISSN 2349-7750

INTRODUCTION: interruption during feeding, hospital nausea and

Human breast milk is the best nutritional source for blockage. ghutti, water complaints, honey and butter
human babies and helps to prevent diseases, reduce should be applied at birth as the myths common to
the costs of health promotion and nutrition. It also the breastfeeding intervention in society, the first few
provides necessary immunological protection and days after the birth of the milk is not enough, the
prevents allergic and infectious diseases. In both baby even hungry enough after giving the mother's
developing and developed countries, artificial milk. you need extra water in hot weather, your
nutrition is associated with more deaths from mother should stop breastfeeding and it is not
childhood diarrhea. WHO recommends suckling in possible to breastfeed after caesarean section. The
the first six months of life and then two or more more proforma was filled by a medical staff with more than
suckles. During the first six months of life, special one year of pediatric experience. The collected data
breastfeeding protects against diarrhea and were analyzed using SPSS version 14 and frequency
respiratory infections that are common in infants fed and percentages were calculated.
with supplemental milk. Although mothers start to
breast-feed at birth, a large percentage is cut in the RESULTS:
first few months. In developing countries such as 262 (48%) of 543 children were between six months,
Pakistan and India, special breastfeeding is 37% and 178 (33%) between 7 and 12 months and 103 (19%)
46% respectively, while in developed countries like between 13 and 24 months. Of the 543 mothers, 216
China, it is 51%. There are several factors associated (40%) were under the age of 25, 308 (57%) were
with the abstinence of breastfeeding; for example between 26 and 35, and 19 (3%) were between 36
twins, low birth weight infants, prematurity, and 45 years of age. The mandibles were
interruption of nutrition, prolonged separation from Primigravida 175 (32%) and multigravida 368 (68%).
mother, difficulty in holding on to mothers, weak There were 263 men (48%) and 280 women (52%).
resistance of mother, psychological stress Severe All of the working mothers were only 72 (13%),
maternal and inadequate backwardness of mother for while the others were consecutive. Only 22% of
first six weeks after birth. There are many practices mothers received education. Only 219 (40%) of the
in our society that intervene early in breastfeeding children were fed breastfeeding, and the rest were fed
and interfere with many pre-dairy foods. with breast feeding with breastfeeding as indicated in
Breastfeeding is not enough in the first days after Table 1.
birth, when the mother is pregnant, it is necessary to
stop breastfeeding and this is not possible. cesarean
section breast feeding. The reason for this study is to
reveal the factors that resulted in the abortion of the
lactation in our society.

Most of the patients who applied to this OPD
belonged to the city in February 2016 to February
2017 in Pediatric and Gynecology Department of
Services Hospital, Lahore was a cross-cutting study.
After verbal admission, all children below the age of
two who were implanted due to immunization and
mild discomfort were included. Breastfeeding,
formula feeding, or both, were included in the study
of children receiving breast and formula. They were
not included in the study with children, in congenital
anomalies, neuromuscular disorders, children of
unaffiliated mothers, mothers, and other children
outside the child. The form is inadequate for the first
six weeks after the premeditated birth including the
mother's age, parity, type of delivery, maternal and
maternal factors and the child's educational status,
child's age, such as insufficient milk secretion, blood
loss, low resistance, early return, cesarean, feeding
with formula, twins, hard working women with any According to the analysis of the data, the main
chest, premature and low birth weight infants, maternal factors for discontinuation of lactation were Page 3516

IAJPS 2018, 05 (05), 3515-3519 Awais ur Rehman et al ISSN 2349-7750

insufficient milk secretion 310 (57%), inadequate rest 375 (65%) were not satisfied after the birth, 355
(233) (43%) and poor resistance 135 (25%) in the (65%), the baby to be delivered at birth was still 346
first six weeks postpartum. ), breast enlargement 138 (64%) after giving breast milk for a long enough
(25%), 72 (13%) and caesarean 101 (19%) working period of time, 338 (62%), 295 (54%) in hot climates
mothers (Table 2). in mother's milk. If 340 pregnant women need
additional water (63%) mother should stop
breastfeeding, 220 (41%) breastfeeding after cesarean
is not possible and modern milk formula (37%)
(Table 4).

During lactation 194 (36%), lactation fed formula

225 (41%), secondary factors that lead to impairment
or interruption disturbance, difficulty breast 145
(27%), early weight and lower peg weight 133
(24.5%) and twin pregnancy 32 (6%) (Table 3).

Special breastfeeding is ideal for children's health. It
is known that milk-fed children are optimally grown,
have better results in evaluating their development,
and are less likely to have allergies and infections
than those fed a formula. Despite their known
advantages, breastfeeding rates are lower. . -optimal
world is over. The focus of many workers has been
on the factors that lead to lower breastfeeding rates.
There is sufficient evidence for the lack of
information on the objects; poor knowledge among
health professionals; Qualified health workers who
provide counseling and training courses affect
breastfeeding negatively. Unfortunately, in Pakistan,
breastfeeding rates are much lower than ideally
determined. This study showed Shiva et al23 showed
68% specific breastfeeding, 17% fed bottle feeding Page 3517

IAJPS 2018, 05 (05), 3515-3519 Awais ur Rehman et al ISSN 2349-7750

and 14% fed mixed feeding, with 40% specific CONCLUSION:

breastfeeding, 18% feeding with bottle and 42% Previously alcoholic diet is the most common reason
mixed feeding . In our study, 25% of the mothers for not starting a specific breastfeeding; inadequate
were exposed to breast pain, breast density and poor milk production is a common cause of breastfeeding
resistance during the breastfeeding period. This is a until 2 years of age. The interruption in breastfeeding
contributing factor to the use of the formula solvent. due to the burden of housework and the employment
Siddiqa et al. this problem is only 6% of 2 Annelis. of the mother are important factors for the
Other problems such as mastitis and introduction of formula foods. Prematurity, low birth
hyperlactatization were observed in 4.6% and 6.4% weight and twin babies are responsible for formula
of the mothers, respectively. feeding. A few legends of mothers who quit sucking
Maternal illness was observed in 20% of the parents, and intervene.
drug treatment with cesarean and medication use,
while showed maternal disease as 3.6% and 2.9%, SUGGESTIONS:
respectively. The caesarean section is the main factor Policies and practices should be encouraged for the
contributing to the administration of the formula feed peripartum that optimizes the initiation and
because of the discomfort position and stitching pain. maintenance of the breastfeeding. Pre-natal care and
Among the maternal factors, insufficient milk yield measures to prevent high-risk pregnancies and
was 57%, while Lahore was 71%. One of the studies prevent premature births. Both parents' prenatal and
done in Australia found that the disruption of postnatal education is an essential component of
breastfeeding was an inadequate sense of milk successful breastfeeding. Educate the mother about
motherhood and that the real number of women the right technique of breastfeeding and check your
living there was extremely low. breastfeeding problems to increase your mother's
Inadequate rest in the first six weeks after birth is the confidence. Encourage suckling through electronic
second most common reason for the loss of lactation means.
seen in 43% of cases where the mother is tired of
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