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USQ - School of Engineering - Computer Engineering II - 70635 - Software Pack

Last Update 30 April 1999

The programs provided on this diskette are a combination of commercially

produced software and software written at the University of Southern Queensland.
The following list outlines the purpose, source and copywrite details for
programs which make up this software package:

Filename Purpose Source Licencing Author/CopyWrite

MOTOASMS ZIP 6809 assembler AARNET Freeware Motorola Corporation (part of)
UNZIP EXE Unarchive prog' AARNET Freeware Info-Zip
UNZIP DOC Unarchive DOC AARNET Freeware Info-Zip
SED EXE Screen Editor USQ Copywrite J.Leis/USQ 1994
SIM68XX ZIP 6809 Simulator USQ Copywrite B.Schulte/M.Phythian USQ 1994
A09 BAT 6809 batchfile USQ - M.Phythian
A09CYCLE BAT 6809 batchfile USQ - M.Phythian
INSTALL BAT MC6809 install USQ - M.Phythian
README DOC This file USQ - M.Phythain
README BAT Lists this file USQ - M.Phythian
HELP BAT Lists this file USQ - M.Phythian
ACIA COM ACIA Simulator USQ Copywrite D.Edwards
PIA COM PIA Simulator USQ Copywrite D.Edwards

The directory Windows contains a development environment for windows.

Particular attention is drawn to the Copywrite Material authored by Mr.J.Leis

, Mr.B.Schulte and Mr.D.Edwards. These programs are supplied to the student
for the purpose of satisfactory completion of this unit.
SIM68XX.EXE, SED.EXE, ACIA.COM and PIA.COM remain the property of their
respective authors and may not be copied, distributed or otherwise transmitted
to any other party without the written consent of the author.

1. Automatic Installation:

There is an automatic installation file on this diskette.

INSTALL will install the MC6809 assembler and simulator to the target disk.

Make a backup copy of this diskette before proceeding. To do this place the
write protected UNIT disk in drive A, and the type :

DISKCOPY A: B:(RETURN) *This is for dual floppy disk systems*

DISKCOPY A: A:(RETURN) *This is for a single floppy disk system*

* Note this last command requires you to swap disks as it copies

* Please make sure the UNIT disk is write protected, and be
careful *

To install a copy of the MC6809 software .

Run the file INSTALL.BAT from your UNIT disk.

To run the installation program, put your UNIT disk in drive A
of your computer. At the DOS prompt, type:

where (DRIVE:) is the designated drive that you want to place the
driver files.

The install program will create a directory named \MC6809 on the

drive you specified and copy the necessary files to that directory
for you.

NOTE: Sub-directory Windows contains additional software for running the

assembler and simulator under windows. After installing the DOS software
as above. Run the SETUP program in this directory from Windows
to install the windows development environment software.

2. The Screen Editor program (SED.EXE) (DOS use only)

To edit a text file ready for assembly, change directory to the appropriate
subdirectory on the target disk drive. Eg type:


To edit an existing file type:

SED filename.asm<RETURN> * Existing FILE filename.asm will

appear *

To create a new file type:

SED filename.asm<RETURN> * An empty FILE filename.asm will

appear *

Follow the instructions provided in the help window to edit your file.
To call up the help window press the function key F1 ie:

<F1> * a short list of commands will appear *

Note that to save the file WITH CHANGES you have made, press the ESC key ie:

<ESC> * the program will exit to DOS *

Note that it is good practice to make a backup copy of the file before editing.
To make a backup copy of the file any time during editing, press the F4 key ie:

<F4> * will make a backup file filename.BAK *

Then if you have a disaster when editing the file you can <ESC> and copy the
backup file over and start again. To do this type :

copy filename.BAK filename.ASM<RETURN>

3. The MOTOROLA MC6809 Assembler. (AS9.EXE)

The MOTOROLA MC6809 assembler is AS9.EXE. To run this assembler with your
source file use one of the two batch files A09.BAT or A09CYCLE.BAT. Eg:

A09 filename.asm<RETURN>
* will generate an assembled listing filename.LST *
* on the bottom of the file is a symbol table and *
* a cross reference listing of all labels used. *
* and an object file in S19 format filename.S19 *

A09CYCLE filename.asm<RETURN>

* will generate an assembled listing filename.LST *

* with instruction cycle counts listed as well. *
* and an object file in S19 format filename.S19 *

For further details on the MOTOROLA assemblers consult APPENDIX C in study

guide 1.

4. The MC6809 Simulator. (SIM68XX.EXE)

For details on the MC6809 simulator consult the file SIMULATE.DOC that is
loaded into the MC6809 directory, or print out the documentation file using :


To run the Simulator Program use:


5. The ACIA and PIA Simulators. (ACIA.COM & PIA.COM)

For details on the ACIA and PIA simulators consult APPENDIX C in study
guide 1.

To run the Simulator Programs type:


6. The Example Programs from Module 3. (EXAMPL3n.ASM)

To assemble the example files from module 3 type:


Extra example files can be accessed via the World Wide Web at the USQ.
The page is currently located under the examiners home page at -

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