Psych 2-Chapter 13 Practice Test

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Chapter 13 Practice Test:

1. Which theory proposes that childhood sexuality and unconscious motivations

influence personality?
a. humanistic
b. psychoanalytic
c. developmental
d. self-actualization

2. The process of saying whatever comes to one’s mind may be defined as which of
the following:
a. the unconscious
b. the ego
c. free association
d. the undefined of the mind

Freud believed that each human being had 3 interacting systems: the id, the
ego, and the superego.

3.Which of the systems is constantly striving to satisfy basic drives to survive,

reproduce, and aggress?

4. Which of the systems is operating on the reality principle, seeking to gratify the
impulses in realistic ways that will bring long-term pleasure?

5. Which of the systems is considered our “conscience” and on how we ought to


6. In terms of instincts, libidos is defined as the ____________, while Eros is the

____________ drive.
a. life energy, sex drive
b. sex drive, life energy
c. death energy, aggressive drive
d. aggressive drive, death energy

7. Which of the following psychosexual stages has the focus of pleasure on bowel
and bladder elimination and demands for control?
a. anal
b. oral
c. phallic
d. latency
e. genital

8. The concept that boys develop unconscious sexual desires for their mother and
jealousy and hatred for their father is defined as which of the following:
a. phallic stage
b. Electra Complex
c. Oedipus Complex
d. Latency stage

9.Which of the following is NOT one of Freud’s 6 defense mechanisms?

a. Reaction Formation
b. Rationalization
c. Displacement
d. Denial
e. Frustration

10. “Shifting sexual or aggressive impulses toward a more acceptable or less

threatening object of person” is the definition for which of the following?
a. Reaction Formation
b. Rationalization
c. Displacement
d. Denial
e. Frustration

11. The following scenario is an example of which term? “Even though Sally is
feeling extremely angry, she displays exaggerated friendliness.
a. Reaction formation
b. Rationalization
c. Regression
d. Denial
e. Frustration

12.Freud believed that our defense mechanisms operate __________

(consciously/unconsciously) and defend us against __________.

13.Which of the following is NOT a criticism of Freud’s work?

a. does not predict behavior
b. hypotheses are not testable
c. development is lifelong
d. it anticipates behavior based on the characteristics of a person

14. Which of the following is true of the humanistic theory?

a. focuses on how “sick” people deal with their feelings and emotions
b. studied through self-reported experiences and feelings
c. based on theory of B.F. Skinner
d. saw personality as changeable

15.Which theorist proposed that humans are motivated by a hierarchy of needs?

a. Sigmund Freud
b. Abraham Maslow
c. B.F. Skinner
d. Carl Rogers

16.Carl Rogers believed that people are basically good and are endowed with self-
actualizing tendencies. Rogers believed that a growth-promoting climate required 3
conditions. Which of the following is not one of the traits he listed?
a. acceptance
b. happiness
c. genuineness
d. empathy

17.When the ideal and the actual self are nearly alike, the self-concept is ____________

18. Which of the following is NOT true about the Big 5 personality traits?
a. true across nations
b. describes a person’s basic personality dimension
c. includes consciousness
d. includes agreeableness
e. stable in adulthood

19. Which of the following traits can change the most, especially during most
people’s 20’s, when most people mature and learn to manage their jobs and
a. agreeableness
b. conscientiousness
c. extraversion
d. openness

20. ____________ (Highly/Low) conscientious people earn better high school and
university grades.

21. As Walter Mischel pointed out, people ____________(do/do not) act with
predictable consistency (think across different situations). However, people’s
average outgoingness, happiness, or carelessness over many situations ____________
(is/is not) predictable.

22.Explain the person-situation debate.

23. The following definition corresponds to which of the following terms:

“The perception that chance or outside forces determine one’s fate.”

a self-control
b. internal locus of control
c. external locus of control
d. learned helplessness

24. People are most confident when they are most ____________

25. Which personality theory is most related to Albert Bandura and believes that
our behavior in one situation is best predicted by considering our past behavior in
similar situations?
a. Social-Cognitive
b. Psychodynamic
c. Humanistic
d. Psychoanalytic

26.Which theory assumes that the unconscious and conscious minds interact and
that childhood experiences and defense mechanism are important?
a. Humanistic
b. Trait theory
c. Social-Cognitive
d. Psychodynamic

27.What is the best way to predict a person’s future behavior?

a. look at a person’s personality
b. examine a person’s past behavior in similar situations
c. focus only on the situation
d. Ask the person what they would do in that situation

28.Which of the following is NOT demonstrative of self-serving bias?

a. Most people see themselves as better than average
b. We remember and justify our past actions in self-enhancing ways
c. We are quicker to believe unflattering descriptions of ourselves than flattering
d. We exhibit an inflated confidence in our beliefs and judgments

29. __________ (Secure/Defensive) self-esteem correlates with aggressive and

antisocial behavior. __________ (Secure/Defensive) self-esteem is a healthier self-
image that allows us to focus beyond ourselves and enjoy a higher quality of life.

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