Airbus A380 Manual PDF
Airbus A380 Manual PDF
Airbus A380 Manual PDF
Airbus A380-800
First Edition
March 1, 2010
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
Table of Contents
Welcome ........................................................................................................................................................4
History & Overview .........................................................................................................................................5
Fleet highlights ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Operations ............................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Cockpit Checkout .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Multi-function Display (MFD) ................................................................................................................................................ 11
Onboard Information System (OIS or OIT) ............................................................................................................................. 11
FS9 Cockpit Checkout .................................................................................................................................... 13
Captains Main Panel.............................................................................................................................................................. 13
FS9 Overhead panel ............................................................................................................................................................... 15
Radio and throttle panel........................................................................................................................................................ 16
Tutorial - How to fly the A380 ........................................................................................................................ 17
Transitioning to Airbus .......................................................................................................................................................... 17
Airbus Instrument Instruction ................................................................................................................................................ 18
Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring (ECAM) system ................................................................................................... 20
Glare Shield Panel.................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Multi-Function Display (MFD) ............................................................................................................................................... 24
Tutorial Flight ............................................................................................................................................... 25
Fuel Planning and Weight and Balance ........................................................................................................... 30
Fuel loading ........................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Fuel loading procedure .......................................................................................................................................................... 31
Airbus A380-800 Fuel Planning Example ......................................................................................................... 32
Emergency Procedures .................................................................................................................................. 33
Rejected Takeoff .................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Stall Recovery ........................................................................................................................................................................ 33
Single Engine-Out .................................................................................................................................................................. 33
Missed Approach ................................................................................................................................................................... 33
All Engine Failure ................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Emergency Descent ............................................................................................................................................................... 34
Crew Briefings .............................................................................................................................................. 35
TAKEOFF ................................................................................................................................................................................ 35
LANDING ................................................................................................................................................................................ 36
Crew Announcements ................................................................................................................................... 37
Departure .............................................................................................................................................................................. 37
Climbing above 10,000 feet MSL ........................................................................................................................................... 37
At Cruise Altitude ................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Approach ............................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Landing .................................................................................................................................................................................. 37
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
Welcome to the Air France Virtual Airlines Aircraft Operating Manual (AOM) for the Airbus A380.
This AOM is based upon the AFVA Fleet Installer airplane. We are always seeking to improve the accuracy
of this AOM.
Should you have questions about the specifics of this airplane, this manual or aviation in general, you
should create a helpdesk issue at our website that states your question and we will
do our best to answer your questions.
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
Airbus’ concept of an A380 actually grew out of a project initially titled “A3XX.” In the summer of 1988, a
group of Airbus designers, headed by Jean Roeder, began working on a concept for an “ultra high
capacity airliner (UHCA).” The whole purpose of this project was to breaking Boeings market dominance
it enjoyed since the birth of the Boeing 747. All manufactures knew that, to be profitable, the aircraft had
to be 15% more efficient than any aircraft on the market and had to be in the 600-800 seat range.
In 1990, the Airbus “A3XX” concept was unveiled to the public at the Farnborough Air Show. The
designers stated that the aircraft would be 15% more efficient than the Boeing 747-400 and would be
the quietest aircraft on the market. In 1994, Airbus began playing with options for this new “A3XX”
aircraft; they began mixing different pieces of the A340 and playing with new designs. Along with Airbus,
Boeing was also playing with designs for a B747X to compete with an Airbus “A3XX” aircraft.
In 1997, Boeing suspended its B747X project among darkening markets and dropping interest. Airbus,
however, continued to develop its “A3XX” concept and eventually settled on a double-decker layout. It
actually wasn’t until 19 December 2000 that Airbus agreed to spend the € 8.8 billion to build the “A3XX”
project, which was quickly renamed the A380 after a brief vote.
The company settled on the A380 because the “8” was supposed to resemble the double-decker cross
section; the number “8” is also considered lucky in some Asian countries. Manufacturing of the aircraft
began on 23 January 2002 with the wing box component. Currently, there are 197 A380 on order with Air
France expecting to receive 12 A380 with options for the A380F and A380-900.
Nearly four million passengers have already enjoyed the unique experience of flying on-board the A380
with unanimous enthusiastic feedback, taking them to 14 major international destinations worldwide in
unequalled comfort. The A380 program has attained firm orders of 202 aircraft from 17 customers, while
the in-service fleet has accumulated more than 10,200 commercial flights representing about 96,000
flight hours. Seating from 400 to more than 800 passengers, the A380 is the answer to alleviate traffic
congestion at busy airports, while coping with growth and minimizing environmental impact.
Fleet highlights
Singapore Airlines took delivery of the first production A380 on 15th October 2007 and now has 10
aircraft in operation on routes from Singapore to Hong Kong, London, Sydney, Melbourne, Paris and
Tokyo. Emirates took delivery of its first A380 on 28th July 2008 and now has 7 aircraft in service on
routes from Dubai to Toronto, Bangkok, London, Seoul, Sydney and Auckland. Qantas received its first
A380 on 19th September 2008 and now has 6 aircraft in operation on routes from Sydney to Singapore,
London and Los Angeles, and from Melbourne to Los Angeles. Most recently, on October 30th 2009, Air
France received its first A380. This marks the first delivery of the A380 to a European carrier, who will
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
task the aircraft with operations on the Paris - New York - Paris route. Air France is equipping its A380s
with 538 seats in a three-class configuration. Air France also is investigating the possibilities of adding
Johannesburg, Beijing and Tokyo.
The aircraft is certified Cat IIIC (zero visibility, no minimums); however, it is restricted to Cat IIIB (zero
visibility, minimums) due to obvious ground taxi constraints (you can’t taxi an aircraft if you can’t see the
taxiway in front of you!).
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
The A380 is fitted with two variants of engines: the Rolls-Royce TRENT 900 and the Engine Alliance
GP7200. Air France's A380 uses Engine Alliance GP7200 engines.
- Three shaft high bypass ration turbofan
- Dry Weight of 13,830 lb.
- Cowling to Cowling diameter of 122
- Certified thrust is 70,000-76,500 pounds
per foot with a capability of 80,000
pounds per foot.
- Two-spool high-bypass turbofan engine.
- Dry weight is 14,798 lb.
- Cowling to Cowling diameter is 126
- 77,000 pounds per foot of thrust.
The Trent 900 engine currently powers 64% of the fleet with the GP7200-series powering the remainder.
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
The only available variants are the A380-84X and the A380-86X. Available in the future will be an A380-
900 variant with seating up to 900 in an all economy configuration. The A380-900 could be available as
early as 2015. Also coming between 2010 and 2012 is the A380F, the freighter version of the A380. The
A380F is expected to be able to haul upwards of 150 tons of cargo, giving a MTOW of nearly 1,300,000
pounds. This MTOW is only exceeded by the massive Antonov An-225 “Mriya” (Ukrainian: Антонов Ан-
225 Мрія).
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
Cockpit Checkout
Like other Airbuses, the A380 was designed to take the questions out of flying. The basic layout of the
A380 flight deck is extremely similar to previously built Airbus' with a modification to two specific areas.
Upon entering the flight deck, pilots are immediately drawn to a lack of a traditional Multi-Function
Control Display Unit (MCDU), and to the two large LCD screens adjacent to the pilots joystick. Where a
traditional MCDU would be placed, Airbus has included a complete navigation package, the Multi Function
Displays (MFD). The MFD is: an MCDU, an ATC pilot communications device, and a aircraft systems
The two large LCD screens in front of the joysticks are the Onboard Information Display systems (OIT).
These two screens are similar to the better known Electronic Flight Bag (EFB). These screens give access
to performance data, company manuals, and flight charts. The OIT was Airbus’ answer to a paperless
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
The MFD is a single unit with a dual display that combines the: MCDU, Radio stacks, weather radar
controller (WXR), and ATC communication boxes. The MFD is controlled via the Keyboard Control and
Cursor Unit (KCCU). The KCCU allows the pilots to open over 52 pages of information, as well as
communicate with ATC their intentions. The KCCU is broken up into a compressed computer keyboard.
The KCCU has: numeric keys, alphabetic keys, a cursor, a validation push-button, and MCDU keys. The
MFD has four primary feature pages: MCDU, ATC COMM (short for ATC Communications page), SURV
(short for Surveillance page), and FCU (short for Flight Control Unit) backup. The MCDU page contains all
of the flight computer information needed for the flight.
The ATC COMM page allows pilots to communicate with ATC without having to speak directly to them. A
pilot can bring up a set of predetermined commands, such as climb to a new flight level, enter it into the
box, transfer it to the ATC mail-box, and then send the message to ATC. Not only does this feature help
to cut down on misinterpretations, but it also allows a controller to better assess the position of the
The SURV page has incorporated a couple different panels and put them into a single, less cluttered area.
The SURV page has the transponder, TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System), WXR radar, and TAWS.
TAWS (Terrain Awareness and Warning System) is composed of four different systems: Terrain warning,
the ground proximity warning system, glide slope (G/S) mode, and flap mode.
Finally, the FCU backup page is a repeat of the auto-pilot system. This page was installed to give the
pilots the ability to continue on a routing even if the auto-pilot drops out midflight due to a wiring issue.
The main objective of the OIS is to provide the flight crew with an attractive documentation, that enables
an easy access to the necessary information for operational procedures. The OIS can be divided into:
tools for flight operations support, tools for cabin operations support, tools for maintenance operations
support, and services to the flight crews, passengers, and cabin crews. There are three domains of the
Network Server System (NSS): The avionics domain, the flight operations domain, and the
communications and cabin domain.
The avionics domain contains most of the maintenance terminals, as well as a list of electronic
documentation that may need to be accessed by the flight crew. These electronic documents may be:
MEL's, CDL's, CCOM's, etc.
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
The flight operations domain is Airbus' Electronic Flight Bag (EFB). The EFB contains information for the
computation of takeoff, in-flight, and landing information. It will also contain: a weight and balance
computation tool; a charts sector for navigation and weather charts; and electronic documentation -
FCOM's, MEL's, etc.
The communications and cabin domain is not used by many airlines, but it can be used for: passenger
comfort, passenger internet access - will transmit a wireless signal -, and can actually complete online
banking. However, most airlines see these features as worthless and will not utilize the full potential of
the system.
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
1: PFD - The Primary Flight display gives you all of your basic information: airspeed, altitude, bank
indicator, autopilot controls, barometer, and ILS indicators.
2: Navigation Display (ND) - The ND displays information related to the lateral navigation of the aircraft.
There are five different modes for the ND: ARC, NAV, ILS, VOR, and PLAN. This display is controlled via
the EFIS controller (#3).
3: EFIS control panel and autopilot - The EFIS control panel controls what is displayed on the Navigation
display. Also available is the barometer setting. Continuing across from left to right is the Flight Control
Unit (a.k.a the autopilot).
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
4: Engine/Warning display (E/WD) - This panel gives information on engine settings, flaps, and other
aircraft systems.
5: Gear alert panel - Available in this section is information related to the state of the gear, flaps, and
auto brake.
6: Multi-Function Display (MFD) - Due to the limitations of Flight Simulator, the MFD has been simplified.
The MFD for this aircraft displays: radio information, gear, flaps, speed brakes, fuel load, EGT, and oil
Airbus A380-800
800 Operating Manual
1: Engine ignition system - Each engine has a separate igniter and the igniters are controlled by the pilot
4: Anti ice - This panel controls the state of the aircraft anti ice. Default is for anti ice to the off, but
bu can
easily be switched on by selecting each switch to on.
5: Aircraft exterior lighting - Controls the exterior lighting on the A380 (beacon, landing lights, navigation
lights, strobes, taxi lights, wing lights, runway turnoff lights).
Airbus A380-800
800 Operating Manual
1: Radio panel turn on - Defaulted to off, the radios will not display until the red off switch is switched to
a green on switch.
2: Engine thrust display - Displays the N1 settings of the throttles (also available on the E/WD).
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
In this short tutorial, we will introduce you to the methodology (or madness as some may say!) that
Airbus has used in their A380. We will cover all of the basics, from what is displayed to a short
demonstration flight. We will also cover and provide a couple useful checklists you may wish to use.
Transitioning to Airbus
If you are a pilot transitioning from the Boeing or McDonald Douglass fleet, learning the Airbus can be
challenging. Aside from the multitude of computerized systems on the A380, there are two specific areas
that need to be addressed. These areas are the flaps and the thrust levers.
The Airbus methodology behind its system of thrust levers was to give the onboard computers more
control. As a result, they did away with the traditional thrust levers that gave pilots maximum control
over what thrust setting was used. Along with this, Airbus also eliminated the TOGA switches which gave
the computer control of the thrust levers and set the determined thrust. All Airbus aircraft (including the
A380) use a system of several different "gates" that the throttles settle into for different thrust settings.
These gates are CLB (climb), FLEX, and TOGA (Takeoff/Go Around). During takeoff, the thrust levers are
either moved to TOGA or the FLEX gate. The TOGA gate produces the maximum takeoff thrust the
engines are rated for. The FLEX gate is the de-rated takeoff setting. FLEX is most commonly used for
takeoff. However, due to the limitations of freeware models of the A380, this feature is not currently
modeled. The CLB gate is used once airborne and the computer instructs the pilot to retard the throttles
to the CLB gate.
Also different is the Airbus use of flap measure. Unlike Boeing aircraft which list flap settings in degrees,
Airbus simply labels their flaps as 0,1, 2, 3, and Full (sometimes listed as 4).
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
As we begin our tutorial flight, let's begin by examining the instruments and panels you will be using the
The PFD on Airbus aircraft is extremely similar to Boeing aircraft with a few select changes. On the left
side of the PFD is the speed tape. The red number above the speed tape is a digital read out of your
current speed in (KIAS), and the blue number below the speed tape is the Mach. equivalent of your KIAS.
On the right side of the PFD is the altitude tape. The green number above the altitude tape is your
current altitude in a digital, more specific sequence. Sandwiched between the two is the artificial horizon.
The artificial horizon gives your pitch and roll in degrees. Below the artificial horizon is the electronic
horizon tape for quick reference to the current heading. At the very top of the PFD is the Flight Mode
Annunciator (FMA). The FMA displays the current commands of the autopilot. Moving from right to left,
we have: the current speed mode, the current level change mode, the current mode of navigation (can
be HDG, NAV, or GPS, the current type of approach put into the MCDU, and which autopilot and if the
auto throttle is engaged).
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
The navigation display is situated directly to the right of the PFD. The Airbus ND can display a myriad of
information. The ND can display: TCAS information, ILS deviation, as well as graphical and textural
information related to flight management. The different modes of the ND can be displayed using the EFIS
control panel which is pictured below.
The left knob controls the different modes of the ND. Once again, due to the limitations of freeware, only
two of the four modes are selectable. The right knob controls the display of the MFD (center screen
pictured below). Listed above are the different modes of navigation. The current mode of navigation is
highlighted using a green strip over the selected button, and it is also displayed on the PFD. By selecting
the NAV or GPS mode, the aircraft will follow the route programmed into Flight Simulator. The BC switch
is only used for a back course ILS approach, which is hardly used and not currently used by any airports
the A380 has service to. A quick note, the FD (Flight Director) button should always have a green bar
above it. It is not a mode of navigation, but an aid in navigation.
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
Engine display
There are, in fact, two ECAM screens onboard an Airbus aircraft. The upper screen (which we will focus
on) and the lower screen (the MFD on the A380). The upper screen has the N1 dial, the EGT (Engine Gas
Temperature) dial, the N2 readouts for each pair of engines, and the fuel flow (FF) for each engine.
Below these read outs is the current amount of fuel onboard in kilograms (also found on the MFD), and
the current situation of the parking brake and the passenger signs. If the command (such as no smoking
and seatbelts) are highlighted, that means they are currently in use; a grey command indicates it is not in
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
Moving up to the top of the panel, we come across the glare shield. We will review the different functions
of the glare shield (some of them have been covered in above sections).
On the far left side of the FCU (not pictured above) is the master warning and caution. Master warning is
on top and will flash red; master caution is on bottom and will flash amber. By depressing the button, the
light will extinguish and the audible alert will silence. To the right of the warning and caution buttons are
the CHRONO and Side Stick Priority buttons. By depressing the CHRONO button, a clock will appear on
the ND and track your flight time. The Side Stick Priority button allows the pilots to give control of the
aircraft to either the Captain, First Officer, or both. However, this feature is not modeled.
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
For operation, see the Navigation Display section. The only portion not covered was the barometer (not
pictured). The barometer, immediately left of the EFIS control panel, allows the pilot to control the
altimeter. It can be changed from inches of mercury (in Hg) for flying in America, to hectopascals (hPa)
for European flying.
If you are a Boeing pilot, the FCU will be the biggest difference for you. Once again, because of the
limitations of freeware, the FCU on this particular panel of the A380 does not operate the way a typical
FCU would. So, we will discuss the operations of this FCU, and the operations of a typical FCU.
Just like any Boeing aircraft, the FCU has display window that reads out the current settings. Moving from
left to right, these are: heading, speed, altitude, and the vertical speed. All commands input on the FCU
will subsequently be displayed on the PFD. The heading can be changed by hovering over the knob and
clicking with the left mouse button. You can also change the course for the ILS here. By clicking on the
HDG/CRS button to the left of the HDG knob, one can switch the heading for a course and dial in the
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
appropriate ILS course. To engage heading hold, simply click on the HDG button below the knob and
confirm green bar.
Next is the speed controller. The speed controller operates the same as the heading controller. However,
when above FL280, it is convenient to operate in Mach numbers rather than KIAS. To change to Mach
mode, simply depress the SPD MCH button above the AP1 switch.
Continuing to the right we come upon the altitude setting. The altitude setting operates the same as the
heading and speed knobs (+ is an increase, - is a decrease). The one area needing to be covered is the
conversion to metric units. If flying the A380 through some Eastern European countries airspace, one will
need to use meters rather than feet. To switch to metric mode, simply depress the METRIC/ALT button
directly above the ALT button. Coupling with the altitude is the vertical speed knob. This also operates
similar to the heading, speed, and altitude knobs, but you can level the aircraft by pushing the knob
inward (usually a right click or a left click if a hand is displayed).
The last three buttons are used for the approach portion of the flight. The LOC button locks the tuned
localizer; the APR button arms the glide slop (GS).
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
The Multi-Function Display is an area where the A380 differs from all other Airbus aircraft. The MFD gives
the pilot a three in one tool. It can give the pilot performances; it is an MCDU, and it can also display
aircraft information - aircraft manuals, systems, etc. However, the limitations of freeware change the use
of the MFD. For a breakdown of the real MFD, refer to "Cockpit Check out" above. However, if you really
want to learn about the full features of the MFD, there are a number of resources available to you on the
The MFD on this version of the A380 is still a great tool. The left screen displays information input on the
FCU, as well as what radios are tuned to what. For this aircraft, all ILS information needs to be input into
the NAV 1 radio. A digital read out of the ILS information is presented at the button of the screen. The
middle screen - which can be changed by using the right knob on the EFIS control panel - is currently set
to display gear and spoiler position. In its second configuration, it will display door information. The right
screen is your traditional lower ECAM screen. It will display how much fuel you have left (kilograms on
the left; pounds on the right), as well as Vibration (VIB), the oil pressure for each engine (OILPX, X being
replaced with the engine number), and the oil temperature for each engine (OILTX).
This completes the A380 familiarization. We will now run through a basic start up, taxi out, takeoff,
approach, and landing flight.
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
Tutorial Flight
The purpose of this flight is to familiarize you with the fleet installer A380. If you are flying another
version of the A380, this tutorial will not be useful. We will be starting from the assumed "Cold and Dark"
cockpit setting. We will assume that fuel loading and planning is complete and we can begin the cockpit
preparation for departure. Because the A380 is a stage 5 program, we will assume you have an
extremely in depth knowledge of aviation. By in-depth, we are assuming you know how to fly a SID and
STAR, communicate with ATC, follow a taxi chart, and set up an ILS approach.
So, let's get started. Open up Flight Simulator and load the fleet installer A380 at the airport of your
choice. Be sure to set your fuel and payload for the flight. This value will vary every flight, but I will be
using an assumed value for demonstration purposes. For example, the weight I used on this flight was
approximately 1,115,000 pounds; quite near MTOW. Before applying power, one must go through a set
of safety checks.
Main Panel
1. Flight Director (F/D) ......................... ON
2. A/T and AP ...................................... OFF
Landing Gear Panel
1. Gear Handle .................................... DOWN
Throttle Quadrant
1. Parking Brake .................................. SET
2. Engine Switches 1, 2, 3, & 4 ............. OFF (Down)
3. Engine Ignition Selector ................... NORM
4. Speed Brakes ................................... RET
4. Flaps ............................................... 0 (Up)
5. Throttles ......................................... IDLE DETENT
1. Nav & Logo lights ............................. ON
1. Batteries ...................................... ON
2. Electric Buses ............................. AUTO
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
Throttle Panel
Now that you have the aircraft powered up, go ahead and call for clearance. Once you have obtained
clearance, you will have the departure runway as well as weather information. The fleet A380 uses the
default GPS for navigation. This may be programmed using the default flight planner within Flight
Simulator, or via the GPS panel for a more direct route. At this level of your virtual career, you should be
familiar with the default flight planner, as well as flight planning in general.
After the GPS is configured, the route is loaded, and all of your passengers are on board, we should
complete the flight deck preparation based on the information obtained in the clearance.
Main Panel
Note: When approaching weights near MTOW, it is advised to use V/S of 2000 - 2500 fpm. Anymore, and
you risk stalling. For weights 100,000 lb or more below MTOW, a V/S of 2500 - 3000 fpm can be used.
However, these can change to less if your clearance calls for it.
It is now time for push back. If you are flying online using the client VATSIM, call for push and start
clearance. Immediately prior to start, activate the beacon on the overhead panel. Once push and start
clearance is obtained, release the parking brake and begin the push back. It is advised to start the engine
start procedure during the push back sequence due to the fact of having four engines, and because the
A380 engines can take some time to spool up.
To begin the start process, navigate to the overhead panel and switch the engine fuel cutoff switches to
run. At the same time, you will see the red fire handle lights extinguish. The A380, like other Airbus,
relies heavily on automated systems for engine start. Once at a part of the push back far enough away
from the terminal, click the auto-start button below the fuel cutoff switches. This will begin the
automated process of starting the engines. While the engines are starting, monitor the N1, N2, and EGT
numbers via the ECAM panel and the MFD panel.
Once the push back is finished, re-set the parking brake. Once engine one has finished its start sequence,
engine two, three, and four will begin their automated start sequence.
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
Now that the engines are started, navigate to the overhead panel and switch on the taxi light. If icing
conditions exist, switch on the Anti-Ice. If flying online, call up ground and ask for taxi clearance. Once
clearance is obtained, you will want to test your flight controls before releasing the parking brake and
begin taxi. Upon completion of the flight control test, release the parking brake and set flaps 3 for takeoff
(depress the F2 button three times).
Before you begin your taxi it is important to remember a few things about the A380. The first, and most
crucial thing, is to remember that the A380 is a gigantic aircraft. You will need to take turns extremely
wide and extremely slow. The aircraft has very little weight on the front nose gear and, if moving too
fast, will tend to skid across the pavement. When taxiing on straight taxiways, remember not to exceed
20 knots, and when turning, do not exceed 10 knots.
Once at the runway, obtain takeoff clearance and taxi onto the runway. Once cleared for takeoff, perform
the following tasks.
1. Strobes ..................... ON
Once complete, advance the throttles until takeoff power is set. For a flight where your weight is within
200,000 lbs of MTOW, you will want to use the full takeoff power. Anywhere under 200,000 lbs of MTOW
and on runways 10,000 feet or longer, you can use a derated setting. Once power is set, monitor for
runway center line and power settings. Monitor your speed and at Vr pull back on the stick, maintaining a
constant rotation of 3 degrees per second until 10 degrees nose up. Once vertical speed is established,
select gear up and monitor for V2+10 knots. For this flight, my V-speeds were V1 = 150 knots, Vr = 160
knots, and V2 = 170. Watch your speed as you climb out and remember to maintain the mandatory 250
knots below 10,000 feet, unless otherwise instructed by ATC. Once safely airborne, engage the autopilot
and auto throttle, as well as depressing the speed, heading, and altitude buttons.
Continue out on the SID or by ATC's instructions and at 200 knots, set flaps to Flaps 1. At 220 knots, set
flaps to up and continue to accelerate to your initial climb speed. Once given clearance to proceed as
followed, depress the GPS button and track the turns to ensure you are aligned on the expected path.
Upon passing FL100, turn landing lights to off and accelerate to your final climb speed (somewhere in the
neighborhood of 320 knots). Upon passing FL180, set the altimeter to standard. If you are cruising above
FL230, toggle the SPD/MACH switch to MACH. While climbing, maintain a vertical speed to match your
speed set. Once above FL250, and if no turbulence exists, switch passenger seat-belt signs to off.
Continue climbing to your set cruising altitude. For an A380 near MTOW, this will be around FL300.
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
Congratulations, you are now in the cruise phase. As you progress along your route and the fuel burns
off, step-climbs may become appropriate. First reset your cruise altitude in the FCU to your new value.
The VNAV should execute the climb to the new altitude. If it does not, click the V/S button and set the
climb rate to 800 FPM to 1200 FPM. The aircraft should execute the climb the new altitude. If you are not
using VNAV, you will have to adjust your target speed.
Once you are within 200 nautical miles of your arrival airport, go ahead and pull up the METAR for the
airport. While you likely selected a runway for landing during your preflight, the weather will have
changed and it may not still be the active runway.
Once cleared by ATC, you may begin your descent via the STAR. Manage your speed by selecting vertical
speeds and, if needed, speed brakes. A good descent speed will be 290-300 knots. While it may not look
it, the A380 likes to stay at high speeds because of its weight distribution, so remember to watch your
speed! Upon approaching 10,000 feet, remember to slow to 250 knots, and maintain this speed below
10,000 feet. Also upon passing 10,000 feet, switch landing lights to on.
For this tutorial, we are expecting that you are flying an ILS approach. Tune the ILS frequency into your
throttle quadrant. Once tuned and within range, check the MFD to ensure the correct ILS has been
identified and the correct course is in. Continue your arrival towards your initial ILS approach fix.
Continue slowing to meet speeds by ATC or as needed to meet your descent profile. At 220 knots, drop
flaps 1. Plan to reach your ILS intercept point at the prescribed altitude and a speed of 200 knots. At 200
knots, drop flaps 2. When you are receiving the localizer and glide slope, depress the APR button on the
FCU (Flight Control Unit). Observe the PFD and watch as LOC is captured and TRK is captured. This will
indicate that your aircraft is now being controlled by the ILS. A good rule of thumb is to slow to 180
knots upon localizer capture or within 10 nautical miles of the airfield. You will also need to set auto
brakes as needed for the runway
At 180 knots, drop flaps 3 and deploy the gear. Continue reducing your target speed to around 150 knots
or needed approach speed by ATC. At 160 knots, drop flaps full.
Remember to maintain a stable approach and disengage the autopilot and auto throttle as conditions
dictate. When 50 off the runway, retard the throttles to idle. At 30 off the runway, pull back to 3-4
degrees nose up. Upon touchdown, deploy the spoilers using the slash key (/) and manually deploy
reverse thrust. When slowing through 80 knots, switch to manual braking. When slowing through 60
knots, disengage reverse thrust. Slow to taxi speed and turn off the runway.
Once off the runway, retract the flaps and set the speed brakes down.
1. Strobes .......................................... OFF
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
If ATC is present, obtain your taxi clearance and taxi to the gate. Once at the gate:
Congratulations, you have just completed your first flight on the world's largest airliner, the A380!
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
Detailed Fuel Planning is covered in the Flight Encyclopedia. All burn rates are per engine and were
measured at the maximum aircraft gross weight for the altitude and therefore should reflect the worst-
case scenario.
Note: Fuel burn tests were done at gross weight in clear weather. When flying normally, you may
experience a fuel burn slightly less than those on the charts. Due to the complexity of the fuel burn chart
to be worked up with different weight settings, we have simply tested it at gross weight to depict worst
case scenario. Always take weather and winds aloft into consideration!
Fuel loading
Air France Virtual Airlines has a single variant - the A380-800 - in the fleet installer. Below is a list in
pounds and kilograms of the maximum amount of fuel that can be placed in each tank.
A380-800 (LBS) 80,391 lbs 120,345 lbs 146,666 lbs 120,345 lbs 80,391 lbs
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
To load fuel into your aircraft, select Aircraft, then Fuel and place the correct amount of fuel in each tank.
Follow the fuel loading procedure and keep in mind that if there is more fuel left over after loading a step
in this process, proceed to the next step.
1. Load the left, left aux, right and right aux evenly.
2. With the left aux and right aux tanks full, fill the left and right main tanks
3. Next add fuel to the center tank until full
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
Fuel Load: Left, Left AUX and Right and Right AUX should be filled equally until full. In this example, each
tank should be loaded with 42,670 pounds of fuel.
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
Emergency Procedures
Although Microsoft Flight Simulator does not do a very good job simulating emergencies, Air France
Virtual Airlines pilots may encounter some of the critical situations outlined in the following sections.
Rejected Takeoff
• Only attempt a rejected takeoff before V1. Once V1 has been reached the aircraft is committed to
flight and must take off.
• If auto-brakes are set properly (to RTO) braking will be automatically applied when the throttles
are returned to idle.
• Apply reverse thrust as needed, and deploy spoilers to reduce lift and increase braking
Stall Recovery
• A stall occurs when a wing reaches a critical angle of attack. Regardless of load factor, airspeed,
bank angle or atmospheric conditions, a wing always stalls at the same critical angle of attack.
• There is only one way to recover from a stall – reduce the angle of attack of the wing. Apply
forward pressure on the yoke, and increase thrust to increase airspeed and minimize loss of
• At low altitudes, add full thrust for later climb and monitor altitude closely. A low altitude stall is
an exceptionally dangerous situation and the loss of altitude in recovery can be fatal.
• At high altitudes and speeds, lower the nose and do not add thrust to prevent an over speed
condition. After recovery, select a lower altitude.
Single Engine-Out
• Today’s modern turbofan engines make engine failure an exceptionally rare situation. However,
during takeoff engine failure is a critical condition that must be addressed immediately.
• Until V1, a takeoff must be rejected. After V1, maintain pitch and V2 until 1000’ AGL. Retract flaps
and reduce climb rate to maintain airspeed while providing for adequate terrain and obstacle
clearance. If turns are required, limit bank angle to 15°.
Missed Approach
• Execute Missed Approach if at minimums with no visual reference, or if uncomfortable with the
landing. Never try to salvage a landing out of a poorly executed final approach.
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
• Due to the fact that the A380 has only been in service for less than 5 years, no A380 has suffered
a complete engine failure to this date. Despite the rarity of such an occurrence, 4-engine failure
in Flight Simulator is possible due to fuel starvation.
• From FL390, a gliding A380 has a range of approximately 120 nautical miles. Pilots should aim to
reach a point 30 miles from the destination airport at no lower than 12,000’ MSL with the aircraft
still in a clean configuration.
• In such a situation, leading-edge devices would not be available due to lack of hydraulic pressure,
and the approach speed should be increased by 20 KIAS as a result.
• You have only one attempt at the landing. Fly over the Outer Marker at an altitude of at
least 1,500’ AGL, and after this point extend the landing gear and full flaps. Keep the spoilers as
backup in case you are too high on the approach. The goal is to conserve altitude and airspeed,
then bleed them off with flaps and spoilers when no longer needed.
Emergency Descent
• Emergency descent from high altitude must be completed within the aircraft’s safe operating
parameters. The maximum operating speed (Mmo of Mach 0.93 must not be exceeded – bleed off
airspeed before commencing descent, and use spoilers and slats/flaps to keep airspeed within a
safe range during the descent.
Note: All Airbus emergency procedures authorize the landing gear to be used as a last resort
method to help keep the aircraft below Mmo.
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
Crew Briefings
Captain to Co-pilot
We will be taking off on RWY (active runway), climbing to (altitude). If we encounter an engine
malfunction, fire or other emergency before V1 (critical engine failure recognition speed) KIAS, the flying
pilot will retard the throttles to flight idle and bring the aircraft to a complete stop on the runway. The
non flying pilot will notify the proper ATC of our intentions and assist the flying pilot as requested or
needed to operate the aircraft in a safe manner.
If the aircraft has reached Vr (rotate speed) KIAS, the flying pilot will fly the aircraft per company
procedures and the non flying pilot will notify the appropriate ATC of our intentions and assist the flying
pilot as requested or needed to operate the aircraft in a safe manner and land the aircraft as soon as
V Speeds for this flight are (calculated) See prepared Flip Chart(s)
Discuss the Departure Procedures for this flight (Ref Charts, SIDs)
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
Captain to Co-pilot
Landing on RWY (active runway) at (airport) using the (???) approach (Ref STAR)
V Speeds for this approach are (calculated) (See prepared Flip Chart(s))
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
Crew Announcements
“Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the flight crew, this is your (captain or first officer) (insert name),
welcoming you aboard Air France Virtual Airlines flight number (flight) with service to (destination). Our
flight time today will be approximately (time en route) to (destination). At this time, I’d like to direct your
attention to the monitors in the aisles for an important safety announcement. Once again, thank you for
flying Air France Virtual Airlines.”
At Cruise Altitude
“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your (Captain or First Officer) speaking. We’ve reached our cruising
altitude of (altitude). We should be approximately (time) enroute and expect to have you at the gate on
time. I’ve turned off the fasten seatbelt sign, however, we ask that while in your seat you keep your
seatbelt loosely fastened as turbulence is often unpredicted. Please let us know if there is anything we
can do to make your flight more comfortable, so sit back and enjoy your flight.”
Inform the cabin crew of approach and to discontinue the use of electronic devices.
"On behalf of Air France Virtual Airlines and your entire flight crew we'd like to welcome you to
(destination) where the local time is (time). We hope you’ve enjoyed your flight with us today and hope
that the next time your plans call for air travel, you’ll choose us again. Once again, thank you for flying
Air France Virtual Airlines.”
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
Taxi Speeds
Do not exceed 20 knots on straight taxi ways. Do not exceed 10 knots in turns and when approaching
gates or other parking areas.
Exit high speed taxiways at no more than 35 knots, and low speed taxiways at no more than 15 knots.
Typical V- Speeds
V1 112
V2 161
V1 103
V2 142
Due to the infinite number of weights, we are only able to list a general V-Speeds chart. Actual speeds
will vary with weight, but this chart can be used as a reference.
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
1 263
2 240
3 218
Climb Profile
V2 + 10 2,000 ft
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
2000-3000 10,000 ft
1800-2500 FL200
1300-1800 FL260
All climb figures are based upon a MTOW takeoff and are only valid for MTOW takeoffs. For takeoffs
under MTOW, these figures will increase based upon your weight.
Descent Profile
Actual descent will vary based upon ATC and your flight plan. Your speeds and the descent rate may also
change based upon your weight and proximity to the airport.
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
200 KIAS 15 nm 1
190 KIAS 10 nm 2
These speeds can and will vary based upon your flight and ATC requests. This chart gives a general
pattern to follow if flying offline with no ATC and near the target weights used as an example in this
V-Ref Speeds
Please use this chart as a reference as to where your values should be. Due to the infinite amount of
landing weights, it is not possible to list all V-Ref speeds. However, this chart should give you an idea of
where your speeds should be.
Airbus A380-800 Operating Manual
Air France Virtual Airlines 2010 Copyright © 2010 Global Virtual Airlines Group. All rights reserved.
For flight simulation purposes only. In no way are we affiliated with Air France, its affiliates, or any other
airline. All logos, images, and trademarks remain the property of their respective owners. Air France
Virtual Airlines is a non-profit entity engaged in providing an avenue for flight simulation enthusiasts.
This document is copyright 2010, Steve Orloff and Brian Hankey.
• Flight Simulator screenshots courtesy Steve Orloff and Brian Hankey.
• The authors grant unlimited rights to Air France Virtual Airlines for modification and non-profit
electronic duplication and distribution.
• Information from outside sources was used and other copyrights may apply. All cited sections
remain the property of their authors.
While we strive to mirror real-world operations, this manual is not designed for use in the operation of
real-world aircraft.