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P’shitto Aramaic Dictionary, by Rick Wills

`ẅiY¦ r© `ŸhiWR
The Ancient P’shitto

Dictionary of P’shitto

This vocabulary with its notations

are produced through the ministry of

Rick Wills, Wellsprings of Torah,

PO Box 446, Waxhaw, NC 28173 USA

All publication rights are reserved.

Personal printing and academic use are permitted.

Start of Project: 07/18/2005 Current Progress: 12/28/2005

Compiled by Rick Wills / / POB 446 Waxhaw, NC 28173 USA / Permission Required for Publication
P’shitto Aramaic Dictionary, by Rick Wills

Pronunciation Chart
c C h Y z u- v f q W
d’h d t t’h s’th tz/ts z s sh

l x b B w M j- k g d
l’h r’h j’h g q k k’h ch’ h’

r ` i e a
au a’ yh/ih w v

A R s- t o- p m- n
b p f n m

œ ¦ ¥ ¨ © ª
i’ ih eh oh ah uh

The œ above a letter indicates the consonant is silent or nearly silent.

The combination of eª is the EW or UW sound.

The combination of e¨ is the OW or AW sound.

The ¨ is an OH sound, but not as strong as the e ¨ combination,

which is the OW (as in “ own” ). It it is written as a simple O in this translation,
but it is a subtle sound that is somewhere between the AH and OW sounds.

The absence of pointing for a consonant is treated as a Hebrew Shwa,

being barely vocal at a syllable start, and truncated for a syllable closure.

The following combinations special treatment... An i¦ is an EE sound.

An i¥ is an EI sound. An i© is an AI sound. An i¨ is an OI sound.

When a i¦ (normally YI) is at the start of a word, it is pronounced as i`

¦ , having an EE sound.
Any consonant that is not preceded by a vowel, nor carries a vowel, can quiesce or diphthong.

The consonants of i- e- d- ` are weak sounds, and quiesce (muted) or diphthong (slurred)
at the start and end of words, and when not linking nor carrying a strong vowel.

Compiled by Rick Wills / / POB 446 Waxhaw, NC 28173 USA / Permission Required for Publication
P’shitto Aramaic Dictionary, by Rick Wills

Peshitto Aramaic Conjunctives

Properties Definition Joining Consonant Joining Vowel

Possessive Singular Pronouns
1-prs pos cm-sg My / Mine i- - - * i- - -
2-prs pos ml-sg Your’s / of You 2
j-¨ - - 1
j- - -
2-prs pos fm-sg Your’s / of You ik-¥ - - 3
ik- - -
3-prs pos ml-sg of His 5
d-¥ - - 4
idœ- - -
3-prs pos fm-sg of Hers D-¨ - - D- - -
Possessive Plural Pronouns
1-prs pos cm-pl Ours / of Ours 7
o-© - - 6
o- - -
2-prs pos ml-pl Yours’ / of Yours 8
oek̈- - - * oek̈- - -
2-prs pos fm-pl Yours’ / of Yours 9
¥ -- * oik-
¥ --
3-prs pos ml-pl Theirs’ / of Theirs oed̈- - - * oed̈- - -
3-prs pos fm-pl Theirs’ / of Theirs oid-
¥ -- * oid-
¥ --
Subjective Singular Pronouns
1-prs sbj cm-sg Me <he hit me> ip-© - - ip- - -
2-prs sbj ml-sg You <he hit you> 2
j-¨ - - 1
j- - -
2-prs sbj fm-sg You <he hit you> 3
ik- - - * ik- - -
3-prs sbj ml-sg Him <he hit him> 5
d-¥ - - idœe- - idœi- - 4
idœ- - -
3-prs sbj fm-sg Her <he hit her> D-¨ - - D- - -
Subjective Plural Pronouns
1-prs sbj cm-pl Us <he hit us > 7
o-© - - 6
o- - -
2-prs sbj ml-pl All <he hit everyone> 8
oek̈- - - * oek̈- - -
2-prs sbj fm-pl All <he hit everyone> 9
¥ -- * oik-
¥ --
3-prs sbj ml-pl Them <he hit them> oep̈ ¥̀ - - - * oep̈ ¥̀ - - -
3-prs sbj fm-pl Them <he hit them> oi¥p ¥̀ - - - * oi¥p ¥̀ - - -

Compiled by Rick Wills / / POB 446 Waxhaw, NC 28173 USA / Permission Required for Publication
P’shitto Aramaic Dictionary, by Rick Wills

Properties Definition Separate Appended

Objective Singular Pronouns
1-prs obj cm-sg I <I sat> `p̈ ¥̀ - - - `p̈ œ̀ `p̈ ¥̀ - - -
2-prs obj ml-sg You <you sat> Yœ
p`© - - - Y-© - -
2-prs obj fm-sg You <you sat> iYœ
p`© - - - iY-© - -
3-prs obj ml-sg He <he sat> edª - - - edœ- - - e- - -
3-prs obj fm-sg She <she sat> id¦ - - - idœ- - -
Objective Plural Pronouns
1-prs obj cm-pl We <we sat> o©pg - - - o©p- - -
2-prs obj ml-pl All <all sat> oeŸœ
p`© - - - oeŸ- - -
2-prs obj fm-pl All <all sat> oiY¥ œ
p`© - - - oiY-
¥ --
3-prs obj ml-pl They <they sat> oep̈d¥ - - - oep̈ ¥̀ - - -
3-prs obj fm-pl They <they sat> oi¥pd¥ - - - oi¥p ¥̀ - - -

Properties Definition Appended Example

Group Possession Pronouns
1-prs grp-pos cm-sg My i-© - - my horses

1-prs grp-pos cm-pl Our oi-© - - our horses

2-prs grp-pos ml-sg Your Ji-© - - your horses (a man)

2-prs grp-pos ml-pl Everyone oeM̈i-© - - everyone’s horses (men)

2-prs grp-pos fm-sg Your iMi-© - - your horses (a woman)

2-prs grp-pos fm-pl Everyone oiMi

¥ -© - - everyone’s horses (women)

3-prs grp-pos ml-sg His idœe-¥ - - idœe-© - - his horses (a man)

3-prs grp-pos ml-pl Their oed̈i-© - - their horses (men)

3-prs grp-pos fm-sg Her Di-¥ - - her horses (a woman)

3-prs grp-pos fm-pl Their oidi

¥ -© - - their horses (women)

Compiled by Rick Wills / / POB 446 Waxhaw, NC 28173 USA / Permission Required for Publication
P’shitto Aramaic Dictionary, by Rick Wills

Properties Definition Singular Plural

Verb-Pronouns Past Tense
1-prs past cm I/We walked (common) z-¥ - - o- - - o©p- - -
2-prs past ml You/All walked (male) Y- - - oeŸ- - -
2-prs past fm You/All walked (female) œiY- - - oiY-
¥ --
3-prs past ml He/They walked (male) ---- oi- ¦ - - œe- - - oe-ª - -
3-prs past fm She/They walked (female) z-© - - ---- œi- - - oi -¥ - -
Verb-Pronouns Present Tense
1-prs present cm I/We walk (common) ---` ---p
2-prs present ml You/All walk (male) ---z oe-ª - - z
2-prs present fm You/All walk (female) oi- ¦ - - z o-¨ - - z
3-prs present ml He/They walk (male) ---p oe-ª - - p
3-prs present fm She/They walk (female) ---z o-¨ - - p

Properties Definition Information Construct

Miscellaneous Contractions
Relational in, with, beside, through ---a
Demonstrative that, of, for, which - - - Cn ---c
Comparative and, but, yet, then, else ---e
Relational to, for, by ---l
Intensifier from, by, ---ing ---n
Nature (a manner of something) ze-ª - -
Identifier noun or noun-state (male) `-¨ - - (female) z`-
¨ --
Causitive he became, it occurred compare zi- ¦ - - (completeness) - - z¥p/zn/z
¥ ¥̀
special case above Infix 123 to verb: it will be if (first) 1 letter is f, c inserted 3 2
C 1 p/n/`
special case above Infix 123 to verb: it will be if (first) 1 letter is v, h inserted 3 2
h 1 p/n/`
special case above Infix 123 to verb: it will be if first 1 letter is y/q, Y inserted 3 2
Y 1 p/n/`
special case above he became, it occurred paired prefix Wz/Wp/Wn/W`
Consonants weak vocalizations can quiesce in contractions p/i/e/d/`
special case above modified if first and vowel letter - - - i¦ >>> becomes >>> - - - `¦ - - - `-¦ or - - - `¦ or - - - i`¦

Compiled by Rick Wills / / POB 446 Waxhaw, NC 28173 USA / Permission Required for Publication
P’shitto Aramaic Dictionary, by Rick Wills

Peshitto Aramaic Vocabulary

* Aramaic * * Phonetics * * Usage: {speech} definition (english) <tech. info.> [word ref.] *

` A Olaf / 1st letter of Alaf-Beth

`ä`© a-vo father, progenitor

cä ¥̀ e-vodh destroy, perish, ruin / lose, waste, expend

idœeaª `© a-vuwi his father [ref. `a`]

`ïa¦ `© a-vi-yo Name: Aviyo

ceiªa¦ `© a-vi-yuwdh Name: Aviyudh

¥ a¦ `© a-vee’le {pl.} grieving, mourning, sorrowful [ref. `la`]

`l̈ä` e’vo-lo mourn, grieve, lament

rA© `© ab’bau bring forth, cause to abound, make evident, reveal

¨ `© av’ro-hom Name: Avrohom (Abraham)

`q̈xebª`¨ a-jhuwr’so field, estate, farm, land, property / village area

xb̈`¨ o-jhor if, but if, on condition, suppose that, provided that / wait for, be patient

`x¥B̈ ¥̀ e-go-re spirit possession, gone mad, lunatic, roof dweller <a roof/house top>

¨ `© ag’ro hire, wages, payment, reward / lengthen, stretch, drag out / wait upon

i©pc ¥̀ edh’nai ears of the head / a bay of the sea <anything that stands out as a handle>

¨ ¥̀ ed’ro threshing place, grain barn

e`© aw either, or, else, rather / Indeed! Certainly! <an observed comparison>

`e¨`¨ a-wa to make comparison, considerations / else, or, maybe, rather

¥ `© aw’vel lead, carried away, bring, brought forth

¥ `© aw’de make testimony, make the assertion / confesses, professes [ref. `ci]

iCe¦ `© aw’dee praise, proclaim, profession, belief

¥ `© awch’dhe leased to, assigned to, handed it over, transferred stewardship [ref. cg`]

Compiled by Rick Wills / / POB 446 Waxhaw, NC 28173 USA / Permission Required for Publication
P’shitto Aramaic Dictionary, by Rick Wills

`ŸnM̈e ª̀ uwc’com’to black [ref. mk`]

¥ `© aw’ledh birthed, fathered, bore, beget, sired

`p̈v̈le ª̀ uwl’tzo-no persecution, sufferings [ref. ul`]

oe ª̀ uwn {excl.} Oh! Ah! <in the sense of reproach and imploring> [cmp. oi`]

¨ `¨ owtz’ro storage place, treasury, storehouse, barn, granary

¥ `© aw’qedh kindle, set on fire, burn / excite, incite, provoke

`g̈xe ª̀ uwr’cho a way, pathway, passage, road <clear for travel> / system or way of belief

`ïxe¦ ª̀ uw’ri-yo Name: Uriyo (Uriah)

`Ÿixe¨ ª̀ uw’roi’to Torah, first five scrolls of Moses

rxe© ª̀ uw’rau meet, encounter / engage, attack

© ª̀ uwr’qau’tho strip of cloth, patch / rag, piece, tatter [ref. `rwex]

¥ xe¦ ª̀ uw’rish’lem Place: U’rishlem (Jerusalem)

¥ `© aw’shet stretch out, hold forth [ref. hWi]

© Cf
© ¥̀ ez-dad’qath be justified, made worthy, proven true [ref. wcf and 3 2
C 1 p/n/`]

© ¥̀ ez’darw you must beware, have caution, be alert [ref. xdf and 3 2
C 1 p/n/`]

lf¥`¨ o-zel went, departed, leave, go, gone

lf© ¥̀ e-zal way, route, journey

`l̈f̈`¨ o-zo-lo useful, working, applied to, goes for [ref. lf`]

`g¥ `© a-che {pl.} brothers

eag¥ `© a-chev’w be loving [ref. `ag]

cg¥ `¨ o-chedh take, apprehend, grasp, grab, catch

© i’chaw-i {pl.} his brothers [ref. `g`]

fg̈`¨ o-choz Name: Ochoz

cig¦ `© a-cheedh seized, holding, retaining / shut out, closed / ruler, governor [ref. cg`]

oici¦ g¦ `© a-chee’dheen upheld, regarded, esteemed, respected [ref. cg`]

xg̈`© a-chor tarry, delay, be late

¨ œ̀
`ïxg ’ch’ro-yo the last, end of, finality

Compiled by Rick Wills / / POB 446 Waxhaw, NC 28173 USA / Permission Required for Publication
P’shitto Aramaic Dictionary, by Rick Wills

¨ œ̀
z©ixg ch’ro-yath afterward

¨ œ̀
`¥pxg ’ch’ro-ne {pl.} others, additional, more

¦ œ̀
`p̈xg ’ch’ri-no other, another, beside, additionally, afterward

¦ œ̀
`z̈xg ch’ri-tho another, something else, different

lh¥ `© a-tel overshadow, shaded [ref. `llh]

`ci¨ `© ai’dho who, which, that <the motion of a hand to identify> [cmp. `fi`]

`ci¨ `¦ ee’dho hand / to lead; rule; guide / deliver <hand in hand, and to hand over>

ei`¦ eew good, well done, excellent <in praise or admiration>

`f̈i`© ai’zo who, what, such as, that, wherever [cmp. `ci`]

ji`© aikh {excla.} what, even, indeed / {assoc.} according to, the same as

`M̈i`© ai’ko where, when <as a place or event, or where upon>

© `© ai’ka-no what, where, as it was, in the manner, in this way, by this, through this

li`¦ eel God, Most Powerful, Creator [cmp. `dl`]

¥ `© ai’lein {pl.} what, that / who, those, them, they / particular, which

`p̈l̈i`¦ ee’lo-no tree <fruit tree>

¥ `© ai’mek’ko whence? from where? where?

oin¦ n̈i`¦ ee’mo-neen days [cmp. oinei and inei and `ni]

oi`¦ een yes, it is so, affirmative, indeed, agreed [cmp. oe`]

`p̈i`¦ ee’no {excla.} where, which, whether / unless, except, but / nor, neither

wg̈qi`¦ ees’choq Name: Is’choq (Issac)

¨ `¦ ees’ro-yel Name: Is’royel (Israel)

¦ `¦ ee’qi without cause, unjustly, vainly, self justified

ª xi¦ `¦ ee’ree’chuw Place: I’richu (Jericho)

© `¦ ee’shai Name: Ishai

zi`¦ eeth brought, arrived, attained, possess / nearness, existing, there is, some

© `¦ ee’thawi he exists, he is it <to be and to live> [ref. `z` and ide- - ]

ª zi
© `¦ ee’thai’huwn they exist, they are it <to be and to live> [ref. `z` and oedi- - ]

Compiled by Rick Wills / / POB 446 Waxhaw, NC 28173 USA / Permission Required for Publication
P’shitto Aramaic Dictionary, by Rick Wills

`¥pck¥ `¨ o-khedh’ne a viper, any of various poisonous snakes in the viper family

`l̈eMª`¨ o-kuw’lo glutton, always eating [ref. lk`]

¨ `© akh’ch’dho together, as one, compounded

oik¦ `© a-kheen Name: Akhin

lk¥ `¨ o-khel {pl.} eating, consuming

`l̈k`© akh’lo rust, weevil / eater, devourer / decay, decomposition

`v̈x © elk
ª ¥̀ ekh’luw qar’tzo {phrase} make accusation against, bitingly assail <lit. devour ravenously>

© k¥ `¨ o-khel’qar’tzo Name: Okhel’qartzo (Deceiver), slanderer, defamer, accuser, adversary

mk̈` i’khom blackened, darken / shut, close, blocked passage

qM¥ `© a-kes refute, reprove / prove false

`ïp̈qk`© akhs’no-yo traveler, stranger, visitor, foreigner, outsider / Goy, Gentile

`z̈M`© ak’tho anger, enmity, grudge, malice

`l̈ ¥̀ e-lo but, except, without, omitting, however, else, unless, rather, save alone

o ¥ `l̈ ¥̀ e-lo en {phrase} unless, except <lit. else if>

cl© `¦ i-ladh birth, bare a child

`d̈l̈`© a-lo-ho Name: Aloho (God) [cmp. li`]

`ïl¦ ¥̀ e-li-yo Name: Eliyo (Elijah)

`ïl ¥̀ el’yo grieving, mourning, wailing, crying out with emotion

ceiªl¦ ¥̀ e-li-yuwdh Name: Eliyudh

xf̈r̈il¦ ¥̀ e-lee’ao-zor Name: Eli’ozor

`v̈il¦ `© al’ee’tzo strait, narrow, constrained, reduced / urgent, requisite / afflicted, besieged

¦ l¦ `© a-lee’tzeen distressed, anguished, miserable, afflicted, oppressed

miw¦ ïl ¥̀ el’yo-qeem Name: El’yoqim

sl¥ `© a-lef teaches, instructs, informs

`ẗl ¥̀ el’fo a boat with masts for sailing, sea going vessel, sail boat

ul© ¥̀ e-latz urged, required, stressed

ul© ¥̀ e-latz to press, urge, compel / difficulty, trouble / narrowing path

Compiled by Rick Wills / / POB 446 Waxhaw, NC 28173 USA / Permission Required for Publication
P’shitto Aramaic Dictionary, by Rick Wills

dn¥ ¥̀ e-meh mother of <his>

oenª `© a-muwn Name: Amun

oin¦ `© a-meen truly, faithfully, with certainty, with agreement

© i’mar say, speak, proclaim, declare / answer, respond

¥ ¥̀ em’re {pl.} lambs, young sheep

¦ i’m’reen they said, they asked

`z̈n`© am’tho a measure, a value <service> / a cubit length <hands> / hand-maid

izn© ¥̀ e-mathi when, ever, whenever, at any time

¥ `© am’tel speak figuratively, exposit, present, unraveled a tale [ref. `lzn and - - `]

¥ `© am’tel recite, to tell a parable or proverb <lit. he proverbed or parabled>

o ¥̀ en {cnd.} if, granting, allowing, supposing <introduction of a condition>

`p̈ ¥̀ e-no myself, I

`p̈ œ̀ ’no I, me, myself

¨ xCp
¥ `© and’dre’wos And’rewos (Andrew)

oepª ¥̀ e-nuwn they, them / are as, by comparison, a likeness <to them>

¦ p`© a-nan’qi necessary, needful, unavoidable, must be

`Ẅp̈ œ̀ ’no-sho man, human being, person, husband, adult / people, men, mankind

oeYª œ
p`© at’tuwn you all

p`© at’ti you

p`© at’tho wife

p`© at’tho a woman, a wife

¥ œ
dzY p`© at’theh wife of, his wife

`q¥ `© a-se to heal, remedy, cure, make whole

`q̈`¨ o-so Name: Oso

xeqª`© a-suwr bind, fasten, tie / band, belt, gird / shackle, chain [ref. xq`]

© ¥̀ est’dha-wa-tho stadia, a stadium distance, about 1/8th a mile <a battlefield length>

¥ iªh¦ xhq
© ¥̀ est’ra-ti-yuw’te {pl.} soldiers, military personnel


Compiled by Rick Wills / / POB 446 Waxhaw, NC 28173 USA / Permission Required for Publication
P’shitto Aramaic Dictionary, by Rick Wills

`xi¥ q¦ `© a-see’re fasteners, chains, shackles, cages, dungeons <a prison>

¥ `© as’kel {pst/tns contr.} have offended, caused an offence [ref. - - ` and `lkq]

¦ `© as’leen reject, spurn, refuse / contempt, scorn [ref. `lq]

ª ¥̀ es’fuwg’go sponge <a porous skeleton of certain sea animals that can absorb fluids>

`xi¨ tq
¦ ¥̀ es’pee’ro globe, sphere, circle, ball / company, clump / soldiers

oici¦ xRq
¦ ¥̀ esp’ree’dheen round basket <ball shape> [ref. `xitq`]

wq¥ `© a-seq to raise, elevate, place above and over, offer gifts and praise / bring up

xq© ¥̀ e-sar bind, fasten, tie / band, belt, gird / shackle, chain

xq̈ ¥̀ e-sor belt, girdle, pant, wrapping

`x¨q̈`© a-so-ro the smallest Roman coin, small copper coin <a tenth of a `fef>

¦ ¥̀ est’ti-ro Roman Stater, Hebrew Sheqel <silver coin, worth four Zuzin>

xir¦ `© a-eer was awakened, was roused, was stirred [ref. xer and - - `]

`ẗr`© au’fo double, folded <a place within another>

s`¨ auf (oph) {excla.} even, indeed, certainly, therefore / also, as well, including

¥ i’pe {pl.} faces, persons / appearances, the look of something

iR© `© ap’pai curtain, veil [ref. `t`]

qiR¦ `© a-pees to persuade, convince, compel, incite [ref. qit / cmp. qt` and qt]

`l̈t`¨ of’lo {contr.} even not, certainly not [ref. s` and `l]

ot¥ `¨ o-fen even, although, at least

`p̈t`© af’no the face / to present, show forth, display / presence, appearance

qR¥ `© a-pes give leave, allow, permit [ref. qt]

wR¥ `© ap’peq get it out, have it removed, get it / drive away, purge [ref. wtp and - - `]

¦ ¥̀ etz’t’vith pleased, satisfied, delighted [ref. `av and 3 2
h 1 p/n/` and zi- ¦ - ]

¦ ¥̀ etz’t’ree was rent, tore apart, ripped [ref. `xv and 3 2
h 1 p/n/` and i- ¦ - ]

sv̈`¦ i-tzof <rare usage> anxious, uneasy, overly concerned, fretting [ref. svi]

miw¦ `© a-qeem fixed, settled, put forward, agreed

¦ `© ar’b’eem numeral: forty <the number 40>


Compiled by Rick Wills / / POB 446 Waxhaw, NC 28173 USA / Permission Required for Publication
P’shitto Aramaic Dictionary, by Rick Wills

¥ r¥ Ax
© `© ar’ba-es’re numeral: fourteen

zr̈Ax`© arb’bouth numeral: four

¦ `© ar’wee’cho broad, expansive [ref. `giex]

`f̈x¨œ̀ ‘ro-zo mystery, puzzle, symbolism, likeness / private agreement, secret council

¥ `© ar’cheq’w be removed, depart from, flee away [ref. wgx]

jx© ¥̀ e-rakh stretch, widen, lengthen, prolong, extend

ª `© ar’khuw’no ruler, governor, leader, officer

qe`¨ l© kx
¥ `© ar’khe-la-ows Name: Ar’khaleos (Archelaus)

mx¨`¨ o-rom Name: Orom

`ïnx© ¥̀ e-ram’yo Name: Eram’yo (Jeremiah)

© `© ar’mal’tho widowed, widows, widowhood <a woman whose husband is dead>

rx© ¥̀ e-rau {neg.} to meet, encounter, contend, confront, assail <misfortune>

`r̈x`© ar’au earth, ground, land, territory / boundaries, mete, containment [ref. rx`]

cW¥ ¥̀ e-shedh to shed waters, shed forth, shedding, pour out, flow away

© `© ash’waw level out, grade off and fill in holes

biW¦ `© a-sheejh be washed; cleansed; purified [ref. beW]

¥ `¨ osh’lem handed over, delivered, given up / ceased stopped, interrupted / betrayed

`ïrW© ¥̀ e-shau’yo Name: Eshau’yo (Isaiah)

`z̈Ẅ ¥̀ e-sho-tho fire, fever

`r̈Ce¨ YW
© ¥̀ esh’taw’do-au recognized, knew, identified [ref. rci and rceW and 3 2 Y 1 p/n/`]

¥ ¥̀ esh’t’lem [ref. mlW and mlW` and 3 2
z 1 p/n/`]

© ¥̀ esh’t’mau Infix: {fut.} it will be heard [ref. rny and 3 2
C 1 p/n/`]

er© YW
© ¥̀ esh’ta-auw report, relate, explain [ref. `rW and 3 2
Y 1 p/n/`]

`z¥ `¦ i-the {pl. fut.} I will go along, I will follow

`z̈`¨ o-tho bring, carry / go with, follow / come, arrive, approach / to occur / sign

ew© Az
© ¥̀ et’ba-qaw meditating, concentrating [ref. `wa and - - z`]

ez© ¥̀ e-thaw they came, they followed [ref. `z`]


Compiled by Rick Wills / / POB 446 Waxhaw, NC 28173 USA / Permission Required for Publication
P’shitto Aramaic Dictionary, by Rick Wills

`p̈eYª `© a-tuw’no furnace, fire pit, a place for burning <a last or final place> [ref. opz]

¨ `¨ oth’wo-tho sign, signature, mark

© ¥̀ eth’ta-ree’w and they beat [ref. `xh and - - z¥p/zn/z
¥ ¥̀ ]

¥ z¦ ¥̀ e-thee’ledh mothered, birthed

oiz© `¦ i-thayn we came

lY¥ ¥̀ e-tel Construct: I will give <contraction, p is quiesced> [ref. lzp and - - `]

© ¥̀ eth’lav be heartened, have heart, be encouraged, be strong [ref. aal and - - z`]

`p̈z̈`© a-tho-no female donkey or ass

xz© `¨ o-thar place, region, town, locality / where <inferring a place>

¨ `© ath’ro place, region, countryside, district, locality, property [ref. xz`]

¦ ¥̀ et’t’wee {contr} reconsidered, repented [ref. ez and - - z`]

a B Beth / 2nd letter of Alap-Beth

W`A¥ besh soured, made corrupt / displeased, indignant

la¥ Ä bo-vel Place: Bovel (Babylon)

YxC©A© bad’dart scattered, spread, sprinkled / disperse, distribute / dissipate

dÄ boh in her [ref. - - a and d- - ]

© b’hath shamed, disgraced, confused

feAª buwz plunder, despoil, pillage [ref. fa]

¨ Aª buwkh’ro firstborn, first, lowest, base, initial

© Aª buwr’kai {pl.} knees

fa© baz plunder, despoil, pillage [ref. fea]

gf©A© ba-zaq mock, deride, to fool, deceive

rf̈a b’zau burst, break, rend, tear / wound, hurt

xg© Ä bo-char inspect, examine, investigate, look closely, considered / tested, proven

`l̈ḧA© ba-to-lo idle, non-productive, ceased, unfruitful / vain, empty, void, nullified

`p̈hA© bat’no pregnant, bellied

iA© bai house [ref. zia] <truncated slur of zia>


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¦ b’yi be with, beside, near, by

ia¦ bee without, outside, less

`ïA© ba-yo comforted, encouraged, console, solace

ª A© bai’uwn they will be comforted; consoled [ref. `ia and ia]

c©iA b’yadh by the hand, through the, in the tradition

miA¦ beem platform, chair, throne, seat

i©piA© bai’nai between, among, within / privately, internally

WiA¦ beesh in excess, very much, too much / out of control, violating, corrupted

`ẄiA¦ bee’sho evil, cruel, wicked, corrupt, disorder / worthless, unfortunate [ref. Wia]

¦ Ẅia¦ bee’sho’yith wickedly, badly / with severity

`xi¥ q¦ © ziA¥ beith a-see’re {phrase} prison, dungeons <lit. house or place of captivity>

¥ © ziA¥ beith zar’eu {phrase} grain field, a portion of land for crops <lit. house of grains>

¥ © ziA¥ beith yal’deh {Phrase} birthday <lit. house or placement of birth, ie. time of birth>

¥ ª ziA¥ beth kuw’be {phrase} thorny place, thorn patch, among bramble <lit. house of thorns>

¥ ¦ ziA¥ beith mee’the {Phrase} the graves, tombs <lit. houses or place of death>

`xe¥ aw
ª ziA¥ beith q’vuw’re {pl.} sepulchres, tombs <caves for burial> [cmp. `xaw]

`xe¨ aw
ª zia¥ beith q’vuw’ro {phrase} cemetery, burial place <lit. House of Burial>

`p̈Äxe ª ziA¥ beith quwr’bo-no {phrase} Treasury <lit. House of Gifts or Offerings>

`Ÿia© bai’to house, shelter / a place with association: country, family, labor, crops

¥ a¥ beith’li-chem Place: Beith’lichem (Bethlehem)

© a¥ beith’aun’yo Place: Beith’anyo (Bethany)

`B¥ R̈zia¥ beith’pog’ge Place: Beith’Pogge (Bethphage)

`cï¨ vzi
© A¥ beith’tza-yo-dho Place: Beithtza’yodho (Bethsaida)

`k̈a b’kho weep, lament

dk̈ä bo-khoh break through, split apart

`ïkA¥ bekh’yo weeping, lamenting, breaking up <see dka and `ka>

`r̈elªA© ba-luw’au hook, fish-hook, grapple <for dragging the sea bottom>


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`ïl̈A b’lo-yo old clothes, worn-out clothes, rags

cr̈lA¥ bel’audh without, apart from

`p̈a b’no build, edify, construct

i¥pA b’nei {pl.} sons, children [ref. `ipa]

`Ẅp̈ œ i©pA b’nai ’no-sho mankind, men, sons of man, children of mankind

¥ © i©pA b’nai bai’teh {phrase} his household <his sons and daughters> <single suffix phrase>

`ï©pA b’na-yo {pl.} sons, children [ref. ipa]

`ïpA© ban’yo built, constructed

di¥pA b’neih children, household [ref. ipa and `ipa]

`Ẅp̈i©pa© ba-nai-no-sho mankind, fellow man, neighbor <lit. sons-of-man>

`q̈a b’so disdain, despise, scorn, devalue / neglect, ignore, disregard, slight

miq¦ A© ba-seem sweet smelling wood, fragrant / pleasurable, a delight

¨ a¥ bes’ro flesh of body / pulp of fruit [cmp. `xb
¨ t]

© a¥ bes’tar the back, hinderpart / behind, backside / follow after

`r̈a b’auo seek, hunt, acquire, pursue, chase / beseech, implore, beg, entreat

fr̈Ä bo-oz Name: Bo’oz (Boaz)

¥ b’ehl husband, master, headmaster, lord, keeper, officer

¥ b’ehl’d’vo-vo manipulator, slanderer, adversary [ref. `aac and lra and aeaflra]

dl̈rA© bau’loh husband, master

ª rA¥ b’eulz’vuwv Name: B’eulz’vuv (Beelzebub), Master of the Underworld <flies>

`xi¨ vA
¦ b’tzee’ro small, diminished, inferior, lacking, less than, least, insignificant

`ẅa b’qo to test, prove, approve / contemplate, consider, meditate on

`w¥ Ä bo-qe gnat <small insect>

¨ A© baq’ro herd, drove, flock, cluster, group

xA© bar aged, son of, offspring / fellow, associate / outside, wild, foreign, beyond

`x¨B̈ ¥ xA© bar eg’go-ro {phrase} demon or maker of madness <lit. son of madness>

¥ ¨ xa© bar shou’theh {phrase} quickly, soon, at once <lit. born in an hour>


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`A© `x
© A© bar’a-ba Name: Bar’aba (Barabbas)

¥ b’reh son, male child

¥ b’reh’d’yaw’no Name: Breh D’yawno (Bar-Jonas) <Shemun/Simon>

`ïx¨A© ba-ro-yo outer, omitted, removed / beyond, excluded, foreign / apart, separate

¦ b’ree’kho the blessed <those who bow with humility> [ref. jxa]

jx¥a© ba-rekh bless / kneel, bow / give to, yield to

© b’rakh’yo Name: B’rakhyo (Berechiah)

© b’ram but, and yet, however, nevertheless, moreover, additionally

`Ẅp̈xA© bar’no-sho man, person, fellow-man, common man, of mankind [ref. xa and `Wp`]

`ẅxa© bar’qo lightning

¥ ẄxA© bar’shou’theh at once, that moment, that instant <lit. the moment born>

© b’rath daughter [cmp. dxa and xa]

© Yxª a© bar’tuwl’mai Name: Bar’tulmai (Bartholomew)

zä both lodged, housed, camped

ª b’thuw’loh untouched, virgin, betrothed, maiden <separated or reserved>

xz© Ä bo-thar after, later / behind, rear / follow

b G Gomal / 3rd letter of Alap-Beth

x`© B̈ go-ar to adulterate, adulterating [ref. xb]

`äb g’vo chose, elect, collect

`A¥ b© gab’be gather out, collect, selectively take / choose, appoint, assign

`ïÄb© ga-bo-yo prison keeper, jailor, collection officer, tax collector, revenuer [ref. `ab]

¨ B© gav’roh husband, master / elder, father / particular man, certain person

¥ `xa
¨ B© gav’ro b’ehld’vo-vo {phrase} evil man, cruel person <lit. man of slanderous accusations>

`x¨B̈ © `xa
¨ b© gav’ro tag’go-ro {phrase} a merchant <lit. a man of business> [ref. xbz]

`ŸlebªB̈ go-jhuwl’to Place: Gojulto (Golgotha)

© g’dha-yo goats

¨ g’dol to twist, interweave, wickerwork, twine, plait / arrange, compose


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on© qC
¦ B¥ ged’si-man Place: Ged’siman (Gethsemane)

sc¥b© ga-def blaspheme, to revile, impious disrespect, boldly disregard <against God>

¨ b̈ godh’ro-ye Place: Godh’roye (Gadarenes)

`p̈d© b¦ gi-ha-no Gihano (Gehenna), garbage dump <an allusion to Hell or Hades>

`e¨b© ga-wo inside, within, inner / in the midst of, the centrality of something

`v̈n̈ebª guw’mo-tzo hole, pit, trench, lower regions, the depths / pitfall

`xe¨ bª guw’ro adulterate, sex without marriage, commit adultery [ref. xb and `xb]

`n̈WeBª guwsh’mo body, solid form / the corporate, system <the whole of something>

jg̈b g’chokh laugh, merriment, dance / mock, deride, ridicule

`xe¨ iªB¦ gi-yuw’ro convert, proselyte <a Gentile-Foreigner believer>

q¥ib© ga-yes take prey, plunder, ravage <seize by force>

`q̈ïB© ga-yo-so robber, thief, marauder, bandit, pirate <a violent criminal> [ref. qib]

xiB¥ geir for, as a consequence, because, due to

`z̈xïb© ga-yor’tho adulterous <someone who openly commits adultery> [ref. xb and `xb]

`l̈B¥ ge-lo dry stalk, twig <a small piece -but not tiny or miniscule>

`l̈b g’lo open, exposed / banished, exiled / wronged, deprived, defrauded

`z̈elªb̈ go’luw’thoh exile, banishment <sent away to the openness> [ref. `lb]

`ïlb¥ gel’yo publicly, openly, uncovered, revealed, exposed

¦ g’lee’lo Place: G’lilo (Galilee), hill country, foothills

`l¥ lœB© ga’le waves, swells, surge, billows <large waves>

`xi¥ nB
¦ g’mee’re {pl.} perfect, genuine, mature / complete, finished / thorough, studied

`l̈nb© gam’lo camel / rope from camels’ hair / to be thick / coarse, crude

¥ b© gam’le {pl.} camels

a©pb g’nav a side, shore, edge / the other place, elsewhere [cmp. `apb]

¥ b© ga-no-ve thief, pilferer, a sneak, one who comes from the side to take [ref. apb]

ª g’nuw’no bridal bed, bridal chambers / wedding feast

q¥pB g’nes collective / family, kindred, race, nation / species, varieties, types, things


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`r̈b g’au to low or bellow as a bull / to implore [cmp. `rw]

`t¥ B¥ ge-fe arm, wing, fin <of a creature>

ot¥ b© ga-fen to dig, cultivate / vineyard and vine [cmp. `ztb]

`Ÿt¥ b© ga-fe-to vineyard / cultivated, dug up and furrowed / layered, terraced [ref. otb]

xb̈ gor adultery, illicit sex, sex without marriage [ref. `xeb and `xb]

xb¥ ger for, but, indeed, however [ref. xib]

xb© gar to haul, to drag away, to stir up / labor with, prolong / lust [ref. `xb]

¨ g’ro to drag, carry away / a trickle of fluid, melting to fluid <wax> / stir up

`ÄxB© gar’bo leper <person having a disfiguring skin disease> / having leprosy

¨ g’ro-vo pot, jar, bottle, pitcher / a robe <a shell-like or skin-like covering>

ov̈ixB¦ g’ree’tzon cake, loaf <of bread>

¥ B© gar’me {pl.} bones

c D Dolath / 4th letter of Alap-Beth

`c¨ dho this, that

¥ C¦ di-ve {pl.} wolves, wild dogs

ª C¥ de’luw for had it, if it had [ref. `l` and - - c]

s`C¨ dof that even, that also

¥ c¥ desh’re {contr.} <lit. that I dismiss> [ref. - - c and - - ` and `xW]

¥ C¥ desh’re {contr} <lit. that I will dismantle> [ref. - - c and - - ` and `xW]

¥ c¨ do’thein those that came <in particular, certain ones> [ref. oiz` and - - c]

`ääc d’vo-vo slander, speaking evil, contentiousness [cmp. `aah]

`z̈gaC¥ de’bach’tho sacrifice, slaughter, offerings on the Altar

© d’vaq cling to, adhere, keep close / fasten together, clasp, join, be bound

© d’var seize, take, assault / take in, receive / to lead, guide

© d’va-ro open country, wild area, wilderness

`Ẅac¥ dev’sho wild honey <a kosher product of an insect>

`l¥ B̈C© dag’go-le liar, false, deception, fraud


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`z̈elªB̈c© dag’go-luw’tho lying, deceiving, cheating [ref. `lbc]

`d̈C d’ho behold, look here, observe this

`ädC© dah’vo gold

ce¥c© da-wedh seeth, boil / perturbed, disturbed, troubled confused / disorderly

cie¦c© da-weedh Name: Dawidh (David)

`M̈eCª duw’ko a place, location, position / office, post

¨ cª duwkh’ro-no memorial, remembrance [ref. xkc]

`l̈l̈ecª duw’lo-lo separation, divorcement, contractual release

¨ d’wash trod upon, trample, pound down with feet

ª cª duw’shuwn they trample [ref. Wec and oe- - ]

`g̈c¥ de-cho to arise <as the sun>, start of morning

© d’chal afraid, fear, revere, awe, worship

¥ C© dach’she {pl.} attendants, servants / officers, guards

¦ z`
¦ i©c¦ di-ya’thee’qi covenant, testament, purpose and will [also `wzic]

`ei¨ C© dai’wo demon, evil spirit, devil / possessed person [cmp. `c`W]

`¥pei¨ c© dai’wo-ne {pl.} demons, evil spirits, devils / possessed persons

lic¦ deel {insignificant if alone, but combined as prefix it means “ ownership” }

ª c¦ deel’huwn it is theirs, they own it [ref. lic]

oiC¥ dein but, that, which, thus, now, of, for, therefore, however, consequently

`p̈ic¦ dee’no court, council, magistrate system, public officers who administer justice

ª c¦ dee’nuwn judge, condemn, sentence, decide a dispute

¥ C¦ dee’no-re Dinore (Denarii) <a silver Roman coin / a day’s wages>

Wic¦ deesh trampled, trodden, walked upon

`w¦ z©
¦ ic¦ di-ya-thi-qi covenant, testament, purpose and will [also `wiz`ic]

`k̈c d’kho to clear or clean, make pure, purify / acquit, make guiltless

© d’khar remember, recall, think about something / male [cmp. `xkc]

¨ C¥ dekh’ro man, male identity, masculine, male sexual organs [ref. xkc]


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lc© dal thin, fine, rare / few, brief / easy, ready / diminished, poor

`l̈c d’lo that not, without

¦ d’leel with ease, being facilitated, inclined to, being predisposed [ref. lc]

`n̈lC© dal’mo {neg./emp.} perhaps not, else not, lest that, that not [ref. `nl and - - c]

mc¥ dem blood, bloodshed

`n̈c d’mo likeness, comparable, similar / mirrored, the same, suited / bloodline

dn̈C d’moh {fem.} blood, bloodshed [ref. mc]

oenª C© da-muwn be like; copy; imitate / be comparable; similar [ref. `nc]

© d’ma-yo valuable, expensive, pricey, precious / comparable to anything [ref. `nc]

jin¦ C© da-meekh sleeping, lying down in sleep

z©inC© dam’yath {pst/tns} likened, compares, is like [ref. `nc]

jn¥ c© da-mekh lie down, to sleep

`M̈nC© dam’ko sleeping, drowsy / lazy

¥ d’mein that were, that came <lit. for from, that from> [ref. - - c and on]

xn© C¨ do-mar wonderful, amazing, astonishing / curious, disturbing, troubling / tremble

`z̈xn© c¨ do-mar’tho miracle, wonder, marvel, great work

g©pC d’nach dawned, sunrise, morning, the rising of celestial objects

l¥i`ip¦ c¨ do-nee’yel Name: Doniyel (Daniel) t

rc¨ dhau to know, perceive, understand

jr¥ c© da-eukh put out, quench, extinguish / obscure, suppress, abate, subdue

¥ d’eukh extinguished, quenched, gone out / suppress, abate

`M̈rC¨ dou’ko quench, extinguish, burn out, stop burning

wc© daq broken pieces, reduced down, powdered, grindings, beaten things

¥ C© daq’d’qe very small, lightweight, little / common, average, normal [ref. wc]

¨ d’ro scatter, thresh, winnow, drive away

`Ÿxc¨ dor’to atrium, courtway, courtyard, hall, garden

d H Heh / 5th letter of Alap-Beth


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`d̈ ho {interj.} behold, observe, look, notice / {excl} indeed, oh, this, thus, now

ad© hav give, carry, bring [ref. `adi]

lia¥ d̈ ho-beil Name: Hoveil (Abel)

ª d¦ hijh’muwne governor, prefect, principality, ruler

`c¥d̈ ho-dhe this, that / whereupon

`n̈C¨d© ha-do-mo limb, member, body part

edª huw he, it, the, that is, who is

`e¨dœ ’wo was, he was

ee©dœ ’waw who had, that had, what happened / be, exist, maintain, stay

¦ h’wee be, exist, maintain, stay

oïe©dœ h’wa-yon become, to be, change to, exist as

© h’wai’ti you are, you were

oedª huwn them

ze¨dœ ’woth was, she was

¨ h’woth happened, occurred

id̈ hoi {excl.} Indeed! Hey! Ah! Even! <syllabic outburst, used to draw attention>

oiCi¥ d̈ hoi’dein {inqu.} what now, which

oiCi¥ d̈ hoi’dein {react.} then, now then, consequently, thereupon, afterward

`l̈Mid© haik’klo Name: Haik’klo (Temple), sanctuary, palace

¥ d© hai’men belief, expectation, trust [ref. ond]

`z̈epªn̈id© hai’mo-nuw’tho faith, belief, trust / firmness, confidence, faithfulness [ref. ond]

¨ d̈ hokh’woth as, so, thus / likewise, the same [ref. `pkd]

lik¦ d̈ ho-kheel and so, therefore, hence

`p̈k© d̈ ho-kha-no manner of, likeness, form, similitude / so, thus, likewise, this way, as such

oil¥ d̈ ho-lein those, these, which, what

jl¥ d© ha-lekh walked, traveled, went, toured

on̈d h’mon trust, believe / being faithful, to entrust / matched, identical, one


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`p̈d̈ ho-no this, these <sense of presence> / this is, such is, therefore

`p̈d h’no pleasure, profit, benefit, contentment

e©pd̈ ho-naw this is it, this is him, this is he [ref. `pd]

oepªd¥ he-nuwn they, them

© h’fakh turn, change, move, return / exchange, barter / give back, recompense

ª d¥ hep’khuwn you -turn to, return to, change, exchange, barter [ref. jtd]

`i©ce¦ x¨d¥ he-row’dhi-yo Name: Herodhiya (Herodias)

¥ x¨d¥ he-row’dhes Name: Herodhes (Herod)

`M̈xd̈ hork’ko here, herein, in this place, now here, in this world, in this life

`Ẅd̈ ho-sho at present, at this moment, this hour, for now, currently

e W Waw / 6th letter of Alap-Beth

`Ce© w’da make confession [ref. `ci and oicen]

ie¨ woi alas, woe / weep, grieve, misery, anguish <syllabic outburst, disapproval>

`l¥ e¨ wo-le’ fitting, right, proper, convenient / ought, should, must [cmp. `l]

cr¥ e© wa-eudh fixed, appointed, assigned, indicated / a place or time [ref. `cre]

¨ e© wau’dho appointed time and place <comparable to the Hebrew crFn,
¥ Festival>

f Z Zai / 7th letter of Alap-Beth

© f© zav’dhai Name: Zavdhai (Zebedee)

ª äf z’vow’luwn Place: Z’volun (Zebulun)

`xe¨ aª f̈ zo-buw’ro dish, platter, pan / vessel, jar, container

`p̈af© zav’no buy, sell, bargain, exchange / time, season, period, occasion, moment

wecªf̈ zo-dhuwq Name: Zodhuq

`¥iẅeCªf© zad’duw-qo-ye Name: Zad’duqoye (Sadducees)

`ẅiC¦f© za-dee-qo righteous person, lawful person, observant, upright [ref. wcf]

wc¥f̈ zo-deq right, correct, worthy / just, fair / charitable, observant

`ẅcf¥ zedh’qo fairness, justice, righteousness, charity

© f¥ zedh’qa-tho charity, almsgiving, generosities, righteousness [ref. `wcf]


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© z’har caution, wary, care / admonish, inform / clear, glitter, bright, shine

be¥f© za-wejh united, joined, coupled / made equal, partnered, associated

¥ fª zuw’ze small coin equal to a quarter of a Sheqel <Temple Weight> [cmp. `xq`]

oife¦ fª zuw’zeen Quarter Sheqel <a coin for Temple offerings> [ref. `fef]

`z̈ïef̈ zow’yo-tho corner, convergence of two alignments

`r̈ef© zaw’ou agitation, shaking, tossing, motion / storm, tempest

¥ f© zaw’eu earthquake, trembling, shaking, agitation

la¥ Äxefª zuwr’bo-vel Name: Zurbovel

`z̈ixe¦ gf
ª z’chuw’ree’tho scarlet, crimson <a rich red color>

`¥pf̈if¦ zee’zo-ne tares, weeds, darnel

rif¦ zee’h disturbed, troubled, trembled, quaked, shake, agitate

`r̈if¦ zee’au shaking, trembling, quivering, wavering / fearful

`k̈f z’kho conquer, overcome, vanquish, victory / justified, innocence, aquitted

`z̈ekªf̈ zo-khuw’tho victory, success / gained reward / justification, acquittal [ref. `kf]

`ïM̈f© zak’ko-yo the justified, innocent, proved faultless [ref. `kf]

`ïxk© f© za-khar’yo Name: Za’kharyo (Zechariah)

lf¥ zel go, proceed, continue [ref. lf`]

`x¥n̈f© za-mo-re chanters, musicians / leaders in prayer

`p̈f z’no to fornicate, unlawful sex / low land marsh <producing wild grasses>

ª f̈ zon’yuw’tho fornication, illicit sex, forbidden sex [ref. `pf]

`xe¥ rf
ª z’euw’re {pl.} littlest, smallest / few, least, slightest / youngest, little ones

`w¥ f¥ ze-qe wineskin, leather bag <made from sheep or goat stomach>

¦ z’qee’fo cross-beam [ref. swf] <beam used to hang a man on a post to die>

© z’qaf to hang, lift up, set up / be erect, stand up, rise up, mount up

gxf© zar’ch Name: Zar’ch

rxf¨ z’rou to sow seed / scatter, disperse [ref. `rxf]

`r̈xf© zar’au seed, grain kernel / offspring, family


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g Ch Cheth / 8th letter of Alap-Beth

` ¥̀ g̈ cho-e’ live, survive

¥ g¦ chi’rei the free, well-born, noble, prince, stately, freed slave

`äg ch’vo love, affection, friendly, supportive / kindle a fire, warmth

`äiA¦ g© cha-bee’vo to cherish, love, admiration, highly valued

läg ch’vol corrupt, decay, defile / destroyed, undone, unsightly

¥ g¥ chev’le {pl.} sorrow, pains, travail, suffering

`p̈p̈a© g© cha-va-no-no lazy, slothful, negligent

© ch’var friend, fellow, companion, comrade, neighbor

`x¨Äg© chab’bo-ro a hole, a deep pit, deep darkness / pitfall / conjuror, charmer

¦ ch’jhees lame, halt, maimed

`xi¥ b¦ g© cha-jhee’re lame, halt, feeble, weak / stammering speech, stumbling motion

`n̈M cg© chadh k’mo {phrase} certainly so, including, much more <lit. the-one-the-many>

¨ ch’do joy, being glad / oneness, one / a certain or particular one

`z̈ecªg© cha-duw’tho joyously, rejoicing

© cg
© ch’dhau’sar Numeral: eleven [ref. cd and xqr]

¥ r¥ cg
© ch’da-eus’re {pl.} numeral: eleventh <the plurality infers its inclusion in a series>

¨ ch’dho-rai walking, moves along, advances <laying out, along side of>

© ch’dha-tho new, renewed, restored, revive

aeg̈ chowv obligation, responsibility, debt, liable / guilt, wrong, fault [cmp. aig]

© g© chaw’bayn guiltiness, indebtedness, obligations due to offence [ref. aeg]

`ee©g© cha-waw instruct, inform, declare, explain

¥ gª chuwt’re {pl.} staff, rod, sceptre / stick, club, mallet [ref. xhg]

ie¦g© cha-wee revealed, shown, told, instructed, directed

`ïeg¥ chew’yo snake, serpent

vegª chuwtz to bind, hold tight, press closely / intense, vigorous, urgent / dense, thick

xe¨g¥ che-war whitened, washed out, lighten, brighten


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xegª chuwr look at this, pay attention, take heed, consider this, meditate [ref. `xeg]

`xe¨ gª chuw’ro portal, aperture, opening, gap / gaze, look, stare

`Äxegª chuwr’bo wilderness, desolate or deserted area, confusion, ruin

wxe¨ gª chuw-roq gnashing, grinding, grating <of teeth> [ref. wxg]

`Ÿxe¨g¥ che-war’to white [ref. xeg]

`p̈ÄWegª chuwsh’bo-no profit / accounting, reckoning, enumeration / sum, total, result [ref. Wag]

zegª chuth {imp.} descend! go down! [ref. zgp]

`ef¨ g¥ chez’wo appearance, figure, form, look of / apparition, vision, specter

`l̈B̈ © e ª `ef¨ g¥ chaz’wo huw dag’go-lo {phrase} roaming spirit <lit. an abandoned specter>

¦ ch’zee recognize, look, see, appearance

© ch’zayn we saw

`xi¥ fg
¦ ch’zee’re {p,} pigs, swine

© ch’zaq to gird up or bind / prepare to walk or journey

`ïwf©g¥ che-zaq’yo Name: Chezaqyo

hg© chat dig, excavate <to plow or furrow the ground> / gouge out

`h¥ g¥ che-te {pl.} wheat, cereal grains

`ḧg ch’to to miss perform <fail in an objective> / sin, do wrong, offend <accidental>

id© ḧg ch’to-hai {pl.} (his) sins, errors, violations, waywardness [ref. `hg]

¥ hªg̈ cho’tuw’fe ravenous, greedy <wolf> / extortioner, manipulator <person> [ref. shg]

ª ch’tuwf’yo spoilage, plunder, rapine [ref. shg]

sḧg ch’tof seize, snatch, trap, grab / previously with, encouraged by

© ch’tar to beat with rods or sticks / carded <separate fibers by beating>

`¥ig̈ cho-ye to live, exist with soul, life power / salvation

aïg© cha-yov indebted, owing debt / guilty, condemned / conquered, vanquished

aïg© cha-yov guilty as charged, deserving of punishment [ref. aeg]

ai¦g© cha-yiv to condemn, disapprove, censure, sentence to punishment

`l̈ig© chai’lo strength, power, mighty, ability / miraculous, marvelous, heaven-sent


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`v̈ïg ch’yo-tzo linen bandages, cloth banding, garment swaths [ref. veg]

z©ig© cha-yath life, living <sense of certainty about life>

¥ ¦ z©ig© cha-yath mee’the {phrase} resurrection <lit. life for the dead> [cmp. `zniw]

mk© g̈ cho-kham wise, knowing, intimate, having relations

lg© chal pierce, hollow out, open up / profane, invade, violate <Pa’el: cleansed>

`l̈g© cha-lo vinegar <made from barley>

`l̈g̈ cho-lo fine sand, fine dust <movable by wind>

ª ch’luw’lo wedding feast, banquet celebration, special supper

© ch’lat to mix, mingle, blend

hil¦ g© cha-leet mixed, mingled, blended, infused [ref. hlg]

`n̈il¦ g© cha-lee’mo well, strong, stout, firm / entire, whole, complete [ref. mlg]

ml̈g ch’lom to dream, sleep well / be well and active / to be refreshed and whole

`n̈lg¥ chel’mo dream, vision

sl̈g ch’lof exchange, replace, instead of, change / compare, regard, value

© g© chal’fai Name: Chalfai (Alpheus)

`n̈g ch’mo fade, shrivel, faintness, wither / leaven, ferment, lighten / father-in-law

`n̈g¥ che’mo warmth, heat / fervent, violent / swept, garnished, dressed

dn̈g ch’moh surrounding, nearby, visible, observe, guard

`¥ienª g̈ cho-muw’ye to keep, maintain, preserve, contain

`xi¨ ng
¦ ch’mee’ro leavened grains, dough for bread, yeast for flavorings [cmp. `xng]

ln̈g ch’mol gather, package, cluster, lay up / observe, wait for, watch <gather info>

© ch’mau ferment, leavened / mixed, blended, penetrated, permeated

¨ g© cham’ro grain-wine, mead <grain wine mingled with flavorings> [cmp. `xing]

`x¨n̈g ch’mo-ro donkey, ass <beast for burden, like a horse>

Wn¥ g© cha-mesh numeral five

zn© g© cha-math angry, furious, become hot

`z̈n̈g ch’mo-tho mother-in-law [ref. `ng]


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o©pg ch’nan we, ourselves, us

`p̈p̈g ch’no-no mercy, compassion, favour, grace

¥ g© chan’fe {pl.} pagan, idolator, profane, godless

w©pg ch’naq choke, stifle, suffocate, strangle, drown / hang by the neck

qg̈ chos {excl.} It must not be! No way! Never so!

`c¨q̈g ch’so-dho curse, scorn, disdain, reproach, reject, revile

oiq¦ g© cha-seen prevailing, powerful, dominant

`p̈iq¦ g© cha-see’no strong man, powerful person, the mighty

`n̈q̈g ch’so-mo envy, spite, jealousy, rivalry

© ch’sar wanting, decreasing, lacking, failing, diminishing

¦ ḧitg
¦ ch’fee’to-yith diligently, earnestly, strenuously

© ch’far dig, burrow, scratch

`v¥ g© cha-tze waist <half way or middle>

`v̈g ch’tzo tear out, pluck out, cut away, remove

cv̈g ch’tzodh reap, harvest, pluck

ª g¥ chetz’ruwn Name: Chetz’run

`l̈wg© chaq’lo a field, portion of property, parcel of land

xg̈ chor looked, gazed, stared, faced into [ref. xeg]

¥ ch’re {pl.} resist, contend, dispute, strive, quarrel

© ch’rav ruin, waste, dwindle, desolate / ravaged, destroyed

`l̈Cxg© chard’lo mustard seed, mustard plant <leafy vegetable>

`xe¨ xg
ª ch’ruw’ro freedom, deliverance / an escape, an opening, a hole

¥ ch’rem to curse / consign and devote something or someone to something

wx¥g© cha-req gnash, sharpen by grating, cut by rubbing / fix, appoint, settle, conclude

`Ẅxg© char’sho mute or deaf, dumbness, stupidity / magic, witchcraft, sorcery

`z̈xg© char’tho the end of, furthest point / the remnant, the last of all / finality

Wg© chash suffer, grieve, be abused


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aẄg ch’shov reckon, count, evaluate, conclude / think, consider, regard

`k̈eWª g¥ che-shuw’kho darkness, shadowy, obscurity, very little light

mẄg ch’shom to eat, dine, sup, take food, use food

`z̈ïnẄg ch’shom’yo-tho supper, feast [ref. mWg]

`z̈g̈ cho-tho sister [cmp. `g`]

mz̈g ch’tom to set a seal / affirm, sign, ratify, determine

`p̈zg© chath’no wedding groom, son-in-law, brother-in-law <a relative by marriage>

h T Teth / 9 letter of Alap-Beth

aḧ tov goodly, more than, better / very much, greatly, intensely

`a¥ ḧ to-ve good, goodly, pleasant, desirable / preference

`ääh© ta-vo-vo a rumor, divulged information, an assuming report [cmp. `aac]

dA¥ h¥ te-beh his goodness, his fame and honor, his reputation [ref. ah]

© t’bau sink, immerse, drown, be swallowed up

`äehª tuwv’bo happy, fortunate, favored, blessed

ii©rehª tuwau’yai {pl.} deceptions, lies [ref. `rh]

ii©rehª tuwe’yai {pl.} deceptions, deceitfulness, mistakes [ref. `rh]

`p̈ẗeh© taw’fo-no flood, deluge

`xe¨ hª tuw’ro mountain, a high place in the land, a hillside

¥ fC
© `xe¨ hª tuw’ro d’zai’te Place: Turo D’zai’te (Mount of Olives)

¥ t’chen grind, pound

op̈gḧ tochh’non grinding [ref. ogh]

© xh
© h¥ tet’rar’kha Title: Tetrarcha (Regional Governor) <ruler over a quarter portion>

a¥ih© ta-yev prepare, make better, get ready [ref. ah]

© h¦ tee’mai value, fee, price, cost

`l̈ḧ to-lo hung, suspended, bearing upon

`ïlh© tal’yo child, youth, boy, lad / children <boys and girls when plural>

`l¥ l̈h¥ te-lo-le shadow, shade, dimness / darkening


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© t’mar dig deep to bury, insert into cavity / hide, conceal within, cover up

s¥ph t’nef defiled, impure, filthy, unclean, abominable

`z̈ẗph© tan’fo-tho abomination, uncleanness, perversity and corruption [ref. sph]

`r̈h t’ou wandering, astray, in error / mistaken, fooled, deceived

mr̈h t’oum taste, to take food, eat / touch, attain, perceive

¥ t’eum to taste / to try, touch / to perceive, experience

¥ t’eun bear, carry, assume burden <child in womb, burden on camel> / freight

`ẗh t’fo shut up, close out, shelter yourself

xh© tar {imp of xz} keep, maintain, observant [cmp. xz and `xz]

¨ t’ro plow, overturn, break up / beat upon, shake, rattle

¥ h© tar’fe leaves, foliage

`Ẅh t’sho hide, protect, reserve

¥ t’shei hidden, protected, reserved

`ïWh t’sh’yo hidden, secretive, reservedly

i Y Yudh / 10th letter of Alap-Beth

` ¥̀ ï yo-eh fair, reasonable, fitting, suitable, seemly, proper

¦i ya-bee’sho withered, dried up, shriveled, gaunt [ref. Wai]

läi i’vol led, carried, conducted, transmitted, taken to

Wa¥ i¦ ee’besh dry, parched

c©i yadh hand / beside, along side, nearby / banks, shoreline, coastline [cmp. xtq]

`Ci© i’da confess, admit to truth, acknowledge, assert [ref. `ce and oicen]

rc©i¦ ee’dhau to know, perceive, understand, to be aware

`äd̈i i’ho-vo to confer, grant, transfer to, bestow upon, permit to [cmp. ad]

cedªi¦ ee-huwdh Name: I’hudh (Judea)

`ce¨ di
ª i’huw’dho Name: Ihudo (Judah), Place: Ihudho (Judah)

ª kq
© `ce¨ dªi¦ ee’huwdho s’khar’yuw’to Name: I’hudho S’kharyuto (Judas Iscariot)

`¥ice¨ di
ª i’huw’dho-ye Name: Ihudei (Jews, People of Ihudo)


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ª yo-huw’sho-fot Name: Yahushafot

ceiª yuwdh 10th and smallest letter of Alep-Beth

© iª yuw’cha-non Name: Yucha’non (John)

© iª yuw’khan’yo Name: Yukhanyo (John)

`p̈R̈leiª yul’po-no teachings, doctrine, scholarship, learning, opinion, dogma [ref. sli]

© i yaw’mai days [cmp. `ni and oinni` and oinei]

¦ i yaw’meen {pl.} days <day light period> [cmp. `ni and oinni` and inei]

`p̈n̈e©i yaw’mo-no this day [cmp. `ni and oinni` and oinei]

`z̈n̈e©i yaw’mo-tho days, a time period

`p̈e©i yaw’no dove <a bird accepted as an offering on the Altar>

op̈e©i yaw’non Name: Yawnon (Jonah)

¦ yaw’si Name: Yawsi (Joseph)

¦ yow’si Name: Yosi (Joses)

¥ i yaw’sef Name: Yawsef (Joseph)

op̈Cxeiª yuwrd’non Name: Yurd’non (Jordan)

mxe¨ iª yuw’rom Name: Yurom

¦ iª yuw’shi-yo Name: Yushiyo

sf©i¦ ee’zaf borrow, take in loan, temporary use or ownership

¨ i© yal’do birthing, children, offspring, culture, generation / fruition, produce

¥ i© yal’deh birth of, born by him

¥ i’lef to learn, be familiar, teach, preach, lecture

`ẗl© i¦ ee’la-fo learn, find out, get understanding [ref. sl`]

`n̈i¦ ee’mo to swear, obligate by oath [ref. oni]

`n̈©i ya-mo sea, ocean [cmp. `nei]

oenª i¦ ee’muwn swear, make an oath, vow [ref. oni]

¦i ya-mee’no the right side, stronger side, most used element [cmp. `lnq]

on̈i¦ ee’mon swore, made an oath, vowed


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w¥pi¦ ee’neq to suck, suckle

`ẗq̈i i’so-po add, increase

`r̈i¦ ee’au shoot, sprout, bud, spring up

ª i yau’quwv Name: Yauqov (James), Jacob

sv¥ i¦ i’-tzef anxious, uneasy, overly concerned, fretting [cmp. sv`]

cw© i¦ ee’qadh fiery, burning, set on fire

`z̈xi¨ w¦ i© ya-qee’ro-tho weight, heaviness / furniture / seriousness, reverence, honor [ref. xwi]

xw© i© ya-qar to honor, ascribe glory / be weighty, heavy / to burden, add weight

ª i yar’quw’ne small herbs

`z̈x¨i¦ ee-ro-tho inherit, possess

ªi ye-shuw’e Name: Yeshue (Jesus) <Heb: Yeshu (Yeshua), Wst-Ara: E’shu, Est-Ara: I’shu>

hẄi i’shot to hold out, offer, present something

¥ yo-thev sitting / dwell, reside, inhabit, live in a place / resting

¦ yoth’been living, inhabiting [ref. azi]

¦i ya-teer greater, surpassing / rather, instead

`x¨z̈i¦ ee’tho-ro exceed, have more, grow rich, abound, prosper

k K Kof / 11th letter of Alap-Beth

`k̈ ko here, this place

¨ k’a rebuke, restrain, forbid, oppose, exclaim against / charge, caution

a`M¦ keev pain, grief, sickness / affliction, suffering, malady, aches

`p̈`M¦ ki’no righteous, upright, just, charitable, kindly

ª M¦ ki’nuw’tho righteousness, justness, morality

`ẗ`k¦ k’fo stone, rock

`ẗ`M¦ ki’fo Name: Ki’fo (Peter)

© k’var perhaps, maybe, perchance / to increase and abound, augment, multiply

© k’vash overcome, subdued, subject to, beneath

cM© kadh while, when, though / after, later / like, familiar


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`z̈eaª C¨k© kad’do-vuw’tho lying, deceiving, falsehood, treacherous

`¥pdM̈ koh’ne Title: Priests

¥ Mª kuw’be {pl.} bramble, thorn-bush, thorns, thistle

`Ẅaekª kuwv’sho footstool, footrest, foot cushion <table beneath the seated feet> [ref. yak]

`l̈ie¥k¥ ke-wee’lo ark, boat, vessel / box, chest, basket

`äMeM© kawk’vo star

od̈xekª kuwr’hon malady, infirmity, disease / harm, misfortune, mischief / evil

oif¦ xe© M̈ kow-ra-zeen Place: Ko’razin (Chorazin)

`ïqxekª kuwrs’yo chair, seat, throne, couch / authority, dignity [cmp. qepxz]

¦ Mª kuw’tee’no tunic, cloak <loose fitting wrap to clothe the body>

iM© kai {int.} perhaps, maybe, might be / indeed, truly, now

`l̈ik© kai’lo measure, amount, extent, degree / type, standard, rule, principle

© k¦ kee’sai {pl.} pouch, pocket, bag, purse

¦ M© kak’reen talent <3000 staters or sheqels of silver = 12000 zuzin of silver>

lMª kul all, every

`l¥ M̈ ko-le refuse, forbid, stopped, hindered, restrained, deterred

¥ k© kal’be {pl.} dogs

dl̈Mª ku-loh complete, full, finished, everything

ª Mª kul’huwn everyone, all / all of this, everything

¦ k’lee’lo crown, garland

qin¦ lk
© k’la-mees mantle, robe

Wp̈lMª kul’nosh {contr.} all men, everyone [ref. lk and `Wp`]

Wl̈k k’losh lime powder <ground eggshell>

`z̈lk© kal’tho daughter-in-law, bride

`n̈M k’mo how much, many, more / when <a comparison of things>

`p̈enª k© ku-muw’no cumin <herb spice>

`xi¥ nM
¦ k’mee’re gloomy, sad-faced, contorted, distorted, grimaced [ref. xnk]


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xn̈k k’mor sad, depressed / shrink, wrinkle, wither, shrivel <as in produce>

ª k’nuwsh’to synagogue, house of assembly, place for worship and council

`z¥ Ẅepk
ª k’nuw’sho-the {pl} synagogues, assembly houses, places for worship and council

dz¥ e©¨pM k’na-wo-theh his companion; fellow; colleague / like, similar, equal [ref. zpk]

`Ÿip̈r©pM k’nau’nai’to Name: K’naunito (Canaanite)

`ẗpM¥ ken’fo upper ledge, side, wing, extension, ends <also garment hem or corner>

W©pM k’nash gathered, assembled, come together <synagogue>

¥ M¥ ken’she crowds, gatherings, multitudes

zp̈k k’noth companion, fellow, colleague / like, similar, equal [cmp. dzepk]

`q̈M̈ ko-so cup, drinking vessel / covering, veil, cloth

`ïqk¥ kes’yo covered, concealed, hidden by obstruction

¥ k’sef silver, money

`Ẅ ¦ sqk
¥ k’sef ri-sho {phrase} Temple Tax, Half-Sheqel Offering, Terumah Offering

ª k’puwr wipe clean, scour <wash hands> / deny, renounce, abdicate [ref. xtk]

¥ k’fen to be hungry, starving, a for need food

`¥ptM© kaf’ne hunger, famine, scarcity

`p̈Rk¦ kip’no hunger

© k’far wipe, scour / deny, renounce <sense of removing something dirty>

© k’far’na-chum Place: K’farnachum (Capernaum)

¨ k’ro reduced, shortened / grieved, saddened, annoyed / bothered, troubled

© k’rah weak, sick, feeble / shrinking, languished, lessened

© k’raz preach, proclaim, recite

¨ k’ro-ze preach, proclaim, lecture, teach, sermon

¦ k’reeh suffering, weak, sick, infirm, slack [ref. dxk]

z©ixM¥ ker’yath grieved, saddened, troubled, disturbed / sick, suffering [ref. `xk]

¨ k’ro-kho encircle, go around, roll, enshroud <as a scroll>, wrap, swathe

`n̈xk© kar’mo vineyard, vine garden <grapes>


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¥ k’res the belly, paunch, stomach, womb / intestines, entrails, inner-organs

`l̈Wk¥ kesh’lo to trip, to stumble, falter, waver / offend, scandalize, shame, embarrass

`äz̈M k’tho-vo record, writing, manuscript

¦ k’theev written, recorded

`p̈Ÿk¥ ke-tho-no flax linen, cloth, garment

`z̈R̈zM© cath’po-tho shoulder, upper back / right side of house

l L Lomadh / 12th letter of Alap-Beth

`l̈ lo not, did not, is not [cmp. `le]

h ¥̀ l̈ lo-et abuse, mistreat, swear at, curse at

¨ l© lai’dho {contr.} whatever, to which, of which [ref. `ci` and - - l]

oï`l̈ lo’yon labor, toil, work / weary, harass, fatigue

© l© la’pai about, there about, as it were <lit. by the appearance> [ref. `t`]

al¥ lev heart, mind, sense of self-being

`Äl¥ le-bo heart as bodily organ, inner self as mind, inner feeling as emotion

aäl¥ le-vov encourage, comfort, console, exhort [ref. al]

ª l’vuwn’to frankincense <aromatic incense resin>

ª l’vuw’sho clothing, apparel

iA¦ l© lab’bee Name: Labbi (Lebbeus)

© l’var outside, beside, away from, beyond / other than, in exception

© l’jhaw inwardly, within, privately / community, common, being shared [ref. `eb]

¦ ib
ª l¥ lejh’yuw’neen {pl.} legions, multitudes <a Roman division of soldiers, 6000 men>

`z̈Bl© lag’tho dish, basin, vessel <for herbs and vegetables>

dl¥ leh to him, of him, by him

ª l’huwn of them

© l’hal distant, beyond, far off / from then, yet to appear

© lª luwq’bal opposite, against, contrary / facing, in front of, towards / adjacent

© lª luwq’dham first, at the beginning


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¨ l’woth unto, to, with, among, by way of, by means of

ª l’chuwdh alone, solitary, singular, oneness

`n̈gl© lach’mo bread, food from grains <ground, mixed and baked> [cmp. `ndl, proper]

`n̈g̈l l’cho-mo fitting, suitable, proper [cmp. `ndl, bread]

¦ l© lach’meen cakes, loaves <bread> [ref. `ndl]

il¦ lee to me, unto myself

¥ l¦ lee’te foul mouthed, accursed <lashon harau / slanderer>

© l© lai’la-won {pl.} nights <darkness period>

Yil© lait there is not, it will not be, it is not coming, it is lacking [ref. `l and zi`]

jl̈ lokh to you

`k̈l l’kho here or there, a place to a place, a time to a time <directional sense>

ª l’khuwn {pl. contr.} unto you, to you all [ref. - - l and oek-
ª -]

`l̈l¥ le-lo fool, stupid, lacking, void <a comparison to `ill, which is nighttime>

`ïll¥ lel’yo night, dark hours

`n̈l l’mo {neg./doubt} maybe, perhaps, what if, lest, it might, instead [ref. `nlc]

¦ l© lam’pee’dh lamp, torch

ol© lan for us

`¥iḧql¥ les’to-ye {pl.} robbers, bandits, pirates, marauders, thieves

¦ l’een {cntr.} before, unto, in the presence <lit. to the eye> [ref. `pir and - - l]

qr¥ l̈ lo-es dine, eat and drink, devour

© l’qat gather up, collect, pick up / scavenge, salvage

n M Mim / 13th letter of Alap-Beth

`n̈ mo {inqu.} what, when, how / {demo.} indeed, yet, but

``n̈ mo’ a hundred, century of

¥ k`ª n¥ meh’khuwl’teh his food, his provisions

`p̈`n̈ mo’no vessel, utensil, instrument, garment, decoration, furniture <an accessory>

¥ n© ma’se healing, restoring, stabilizing, balancing


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© m’va-dar

¥ n¥ mev’ei seeks, hunts [ref. `ra]

`l̈Cbn© majh’d’lo tower

© m’jha-def blasphemy, desecration, arrogance, haughtiness <against God> [ref. scb]

¥ bn
ª m’jhuw’she Title: M’jushe (Mystics, Essenes of Qumran)

oB̈n© mag’gon freely, without expense / without anything, empty handed

`g̈Acn© madh’b’cho Altar, Sanctuary, Holy Place <structure or place for burning offerings>

¨ n© madh’b’ro Place: Wilderness <open country, wild area> [ref. `xac]

¨ cn
© m’dhab’ro-ne {pl.} guides, leaders [ref. xac]

oic¥n̈ mo-dhein then, therefore, thereby [ref. oic]

¦ m’dhee’nath a place of business, city, village, town

¦ m’dhee’to village, town, place, community, populace area

`M¥ cn
© m’dhak’ke prepare, make fit, season with salt / clearing, cleaning [ref. `kc]

mC¥n¥ med’dem something, anything, that which, in particular, what was

g©pcn© madh’nach the rising sun, eastern rising, morning sun

`g̈pcn© madh’n’cho east, eastern district, country / place of the rising sun [ref. gpcn]

¨ n¥ medh’ro soil, clay, dirt

© m’haim’ne {pl.} eunuch, castrated, chaste / faithful, believer, trustworthy

`l̈Aen© maw’blo a burden, a heavy load / being carried, transmitted, brought [ref. lai]

¥ n© mawb’ble burden, cargo, package [ref. lai]

¥ n© maw’de acknowledge, confess / give credit, yield respect / honor, laud

¥ n© maw’dein confessing, admitting to violations [ref. `ci and `ce]

© n© maw’char slows, delays [ref. xg`]

¥ n© maw’me adjure, entreat, beseech / insist, require, charge, compel [ref. `ni]

`z̈n̈en© maw’mo-tho an oath, vow, agreement, treaty / bearing witness, testifying [ref. oni]

etªq̈en© maw’so-fuw add to, increase, accumulate [ref. `tqi]

¥ n© maw’qedh furnace, fire place


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`xe¨ nª muw’ro myrrh (aromatic perfume resin)

`k̈xen© mawr’kho to stretch, lengthen [ref. jx`]

¥ nª muw’she Name: Mushe (Moses)

¥ n© maw’shet extend, hand out, hold forward [ref. hWi]

ze¥n© ma-weth death, to die

`Ÿen© maw’to death

¥ n© mawt’ve chairs, seats, throne / place, site / buttocks, rear [ref. azi]

`¥pŸen© maw’tone sudden deaths <plagues, pestilence>

© n© maw’tar profit, help, prevail, succeed, improve / be useful, advantageous [ref. xzi]

© n¥ mez’dab’non {contr.} purchased, exchanged [ref. `paf and o- - and 3 2 C 1 p/n/`]

¦ Cf
© n¥ mez’dah’reen guards, watchmen, observers [ref. xdf and 3 2
C 1 p/n/`]

© m’zam’ne invited, bidden, appointed, requested / guest

`g¥ n̈ mo-che strike, hit with force / beat down, defeat [cmp. zgp]

© m’chab-lo disfigure, contort / corrupt, destroy [ref. lag]

¨ n¥ mech’do immediately, straightway, at once, already, without delay, directly

© m’cha-to needle <gouging instrument> [ref. hg]

¦ gn
© m’chat’feen plundering, pilfering, robbing, snatching [ref. shg and oi- ¦ - and - - n]

© m’cha-yav condemned, a judgment to guilt and its punishment [ref. aig]

¦ gn
© m’chai’veen condemned [ref. aeg]

¦ n© mach’leen profane, violate, corrupt [ref. lg]

iq© gn
© m’cha-sai absolved, cleared, made innocent, pardoned

¥ n© mach’rem cursed, invoke a curse [ref. mxg]

© n© mach’shav’tho thought, thinking, reasoning, intelligence / to scheme, contrive, plan

zg¥ n© ma-cheth causes falling [ref. zgp]

`ḧn m’to arrive, reach, conclude, attain to / season, time, sum

lhªn¥ me-tul on account of, for the sake of, due to, because of [ref. `lh]

`l̈lœhn© mat’lo booth, hut, tent, roof, shelter / habitation, lodging-place / nest <birds>


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`p̈ïrhn© mati’yo-no seducer, deceiver, imposter / cause of going astray, misguide [ref. `rh]

¥ hn
© m’taf’tef flicker, unsteady blinking, snuffling, bubbling, boiling

¨ n¥ met’ro rain, showers

`z̈xh© n© ma-tar’tho a watch, a post, guard <last watch of the night, before morning light>

¦ ïWhn© mat’sh’yo’yith privately, secretly [ref. `Wh ,iWh]

`ïn© ma-yo water

`l̈in¦ mee’lo a mile, a Roman measure of considerable distance

oẅpin© main’qon nursing, sucking [ref. wpi]

zin¦ meeth have died, are dead / kill, murder [ref: `z̈n]

¥ n¦ mee-the {pl.} deaths, the graves, tombs <lit. those who are dead>

¥ M¦ n© ma-kee’khe {pl.} lowly, humble, gentle, meek, temperate, patient

liM¦ n¥ me-keel thence, after this, for now, hence, therefore, by that, from that

`xi¨ kn
¦ m’khee’ro betrothed, consecrated to

¥ n© makh’l’she whitewash <lime or chalk plaster> [ref. Wlk]

¥ n̈ mokh’se publican (public agent), collector <tax collector, taker of portions>

¥ n© makh’rez preaching, proclaiming, lecturing [ref. fxk]

¨ n© makh’ro-zuw to preach, to lecture, give public teachings [ref. `fxk]

¥ Wk
ª n© mahh’shuw’le {pl.} offenders, transgressor, violator [ref. `lyk]

`l̈Wkn© makh’sh’lo causes stumbling, brings offence, results in scandal [ref. `lyk]

`l̈n¥ me-lo words, sayings, instructions, brief expressions <sense of fullness>

`l¥ n© ma-le full, fill, fulfill

oi`l¥ n© ma-lein trouble, harass [ref. oi`l]

`k̈`l© n© ma-la’kho angel, divine messenger <a holy creature>

¦ n̈ mol’geen to pluck, strip away hair from grain by rubbing in the hands / remove hair

dg̈ln¥ mel’choh salt, seasoning, flavoring / a purifying and preserving mineral

`M̈ln¥ mel’ko rule, to counsel, plan, scheme

`M̈ln© mal’ko King, ruler <male ruler> [cmp. `zkln]


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¥ n© mal’ke {pl.} kings, rulers

ª n© mal’kuw’tho kingdom, realm, community presence

`z̈Mln© malk’tho Queen <female ruler as or with the king> [cmp. `kln]

ll¥ n© ma-lel talked, reasoned, conversed / lectured, taught

sl¥ n© ma-lef teaching, lecturing

`p̈ẗln© mal’fo-no teacher, instructor, spiritual guide

`z̈ln¥ mel’tho a question, a case, on account of, due to, for reason of [ref. - - n and zel]

`p̈enª n̈ mo-muw-no money, wealth, riches, collections of value, accumulations of treasures

on© man {inq.} who, what, how, whence {dir.} o © lMª whosoever, anyone

on¥ mehn from, by, through, of

`p̈n̈ mo-no {inq.} what? how?

`¥pn¥ me-ne {pl.} hair, fur / strings, chords <musical instruments>

¨ pn m’nag’do-ne scourgers, tormentors / task-masters, slave-drivers [ref. cbp]

d¥pn¥ me-neh from him, by him, of him

dp̈n¥ me-noh from her, by her, of her

ª n¥ mehn’huwn {contr.} from them, by them

`x¦d̈pnª mun’ho-ri bring light, enlighten, kindle light

epªn© ma-nuw {inq.} who? what?

`ci¨ pn
¦ m’nee’dho wagging, shaking, tossing and rolling, jesturing [ref. `cp]

oïpn© man’yon numbered, counted, reckoned / accounted for

ik¥pn¥ me-nekhi since, due to, from then, on account of [ref. ikp]

¥ pn m’na-se Name: M’nase (Tempter)

¥ pn m’na-sein testing, tempting [ref. `qp]

`Ÿxp̈n m’nor’to lampstand, a place that elevates a lamp

¥ pn m’na-she Name: M’nashe

`z̈pn¥ men’tho a part, portion, a share, allotment

aq© n¥ me-sav to couch, to bed, receive, accept


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© n¥ mes’gadh worship, prostrate, bow down

© m’sa-yev compromise, defile, pollute / jeopardize, condemn, fault [ref. aiq]

¦ n¥ mes’ki-ne poor, wanting, lacking, needy / meek, humble, gentle

¦ n¥ mes’ki-ne {pl.} the poor, needy, miserable, lacking, wanting [ref. okq cmp. ikq]

¦ n¥ mes’ki-ne the poor [ref. okq]

¦ n© mas’leen {pst} rejected, spurned, refused / contemptible, scorned [ref. `lq]

`p̈q̈n m’so-no shoes, sandals, footwear, shodding [ref. o`q]

¦ Yq
© n¥ mes’tau’reen a project, a task <something that must be done> [ref. xrq and 32
z 1 n]

© n¥ me’badh do, be doing, provide service

cn̈rn̈ mou’modh a pool, a watery abode, a body of water

¨ n© maum’dho-no Title: Immerser, Baptist <ritual bather> [ref. cnrn and cnr]

`x¨q̈rn© mau’so-ro tithe, tenth portion

© n© mau’tzar’to wine press, vat for crushing grapes [ref. xvr]

`Ÿlw© rn
© m’auq’l’to distorted, perverse, amiss, crooked, awry <lacking form> [ref. lwr]

`äxrn© maur’vo west, twilight, setting sun <nightfall/twilight direction>

© m’aur’fo-ne {pl.} money changers, bankers

© n¥ meh’raq fleeing, escaping [re. wxr]

© m’aur’tho cave, cavern, den, hollow

`ŸleRªn© ma-puwl’to collapse, dropping, falling [ref. ltp]

© m’fat’mo fatling, young cattle, yearlings

wt© n© ma-faq strung-out, lengthy, a detailed answer, an exhaustive defense

¦ tn
© m’faq’qeen long-winded, wordy, tedious, verbose [ref. wtn]

zA© vn
© m’tza-bath adorned, decorated, beautified [ref. zav]

`g¥ vn
© m’tza-che {pl.} revile, curse, verbally abusive, evil speaking

© n¥ metz’tar’yon burst out, rip apart

`z̈ci¨ vn
¦ m’tzee’dho-tho fishnet

ll¥ vn
© m’tza-lel strainer, filter, screen


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¥ n¥ metz’rein Place: Metz’rein (Egypt)

¨ n¥ meq’b’ro burial [ref. axw]

© m’qa-desh sanctify, make holy [ref. Wcw]

© m’qaf’cho to slap, buffet [ref. gtw]

xn© mar bitter

`x¥n̈ mo-re {pl.} lord, master, proprietor, ruler, controller, sovereign [cmp. `pxn]

`x¨n̈ mo-ro Name: Moro (Master), Lord

`Ÿi © `x¥n̈ mo-re bai’to {phrase} owner, master, land-holder <lit. master of the household/place>

`z̈ip¦ B̈xn© marg’go-nee’tho pearls <a dense shelly formation within a mollusk / a valuable ornament>

dx¨n̈ mo-roh he is master, he is lord [ref. `xn] <the d is sympathetic to context>

¥ xn
© m’raw’me the highest places

oe¨x©n̈ mo-ra-won {pl.} masters, lords, rulers [ref. `xn]

© m’rach dare, presume, venture / insolent, brash, forward

© m’rach’mo-ne merciful, compassionate, tender hearted

ª n© mar’tuw’to cloak, mantle, outer wrap <outer garment>

ixn̈ mor´ my Lord / my master of <when followed with a common qualifier>

ix ¨ ixn̈ mor´-mor´ Lord-Lord <invoking the Holy Name, equi. Adonoi-Adonoi> [ref. ixn]

`ïxn̈ mor’yo Name: Mor’yo (Lord-God)

m©ixn© mar’yam Name: Mar’yam (Mary)

¦ xi¨ x¦n© ma-ree’ro-eeth bitterly [ref. xn]

`p̈x©n̈ mo-ra-no Lord-God, the Holy Name, the Lord

¨ m’ror’to bitter herbs <non-sweet vegetables, parsely, cilantro, coriander>

ª m’shuwch anointed, covered with olive oil / measured, calculated [cmp. jeWn]

jeẄn m’showkh to pull, draw out, stretch [cmp. geWn]

`g̈Wn¥ mesh’cho aromatic ointment, liquified incense and spice, perfume <oil or salve>

¥ Wn© m’shach’l’fe various, many kinds, diverse, assorted [ref. slg and - - - Wn]

xg© Wn
© m’sha-char compelled, forced, required <forced labor without pay> [ref. xgy]


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¦ m’shee’jho-no washing, cleaning / principle of, or vessel for washing [ref. beW]

¦ m’shee’cho Name: M’shicho (Messiah) [ref. geWn cmp. jeWn]

`M̈Wn¥ mesh’ko skins, leather <to be stretched or pulled> [ref. jeWn]

© n¥ mesh’kach easily find, likely discover, can retrieve / being able, capable [ref. `gkW]

`g̈MWn¥ mesh’k’cho possible, accessible, retrievable / apparent, evident, exposed [ref. gkW]

© m’shal’to authoritative, having authority [ref. hlW]

¥ n© mash’lem surrender, deliver, betray, hand over

¦ n© mash’l’meen betray, deliver up, hand you over to / charge, accuse

`z̈epªn̈lWn© mash’l’mo-nuw’tho tradition, handed down, oral laws, commentary, community practice

© m’sham’sho attended to, serving, caring for, to minister [ref. WnW]

¥ n© mash’qe offering water to drink, bringing water, providing drink [ref. `wW]

© m’sha-rai paralyzed, immobilized, unmovable <cannot move> [ref. `xW]

© m’sha-ra-yo cared for, disabled, paralytic, crippled, maimed

ª n¥ mesh’tuw’tho feast, banquet, celebration <wedding feast>

¥ n¥ mesh’t’lem given up, delivered over, handed over, betrayed, surrendered

¦ YW
© n¥ mesh’tam’een are obedient [ref. rnW and 3 2
Y 1 p/n/`]

© n¥ mesh’ta-naq hurting, tortured, suffering, pained [ref. wpW and 3 2
Y 1 p/n/`]

`z̈n¥ me-tho dead, to die

¥ z© n¥ me-tha’we agreeable, in accord, reasonable [ref. `e` and e` and - - zn]

`r¥ Az
© n¥ meth’ba-ae acquired, have, gotten / needed, require, necessary [ref. `ra and - - zn]

¦ CY
© n¥ met’dam’reen they were astonished; amazed; marvelled [ref. xnc and - - zn and oi- - ]

ª m’thuwm ever, at any time / of all time, everlasting, eternity

` ¨ mezn
ª m’thuwm lo {phrase} never <lit. ever not>

iY© n© mat’tai Name: Mattai (Matthew)

¥ n¥ meth’k’rekh toured, went in circuits, rotations, around and about [ref. `kxk]

`l̈zn© math’lo proverb, allegory, comparison, simile, representation [cmp. `z`lt]

oz̈n̈ mo-thon Name: Mathon


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¦ zn
© m’thaq’neen mending, fixing, preparing, arranging [ref. `pwz]

¥ n¥ meth’q’re who was called

¥ zn
© m’thar’se {pl.} nourishes [ref. `qxz]

oir¥ xz
© n¥ meth’ra-ein reasoned, conferred [ref. oirx and - - zn]

p N Non / 14th letter of Alap-Beth

© p¦ ni’rath {contr} he will inherit [ref. `zxi and - - p]

ª p¦ nir’thuwn they will inherit [ref. `zxi and - - p and oe-ª - ]

¦ n’vi-ye Name: N’viye (Prophets), {pl.} scrolls of the prophets / {pl.} prophets

¦ n’vi-yo prophet, spiritual shepherd, holy guide

© n’jhadh draw out, lengthen / guide, lead / withdraw, move /scourge, lash, flog

© no-jhah dawn, break of morning, first light

¥ bp̈
ª no-jhuw’dhe guide by using a stick <used for the blind> [ref. cbp]

`x¨B̈©p nag’go-ro carpenter, wood worker, craftsman

¨ n’dho break away, splash, burst

¦p na-heer’to glowing, shining, illumined

© n’har shine, illumine, brighten, gleam, emanation, radiance

¨ p nah’ro river, water way, a flowing issue of waters [cmp. xdp]

© p naw’badh they may destroy [ref. ca`]

¨ pª nuwh’ro fire, flame, light, lamp

gepª nuwch Name: Nuch (Noah)

¨ pª nuwkh’ro-yei stranger, foreigner, alien / unusual, alienated / discomforted, unsettled

`p̈epª nuw’no fish

`xe¨ pª nuw’ro fire, flaming

oA© Cf¥
©p nez’da-ban should be sold, must be sold [ref. oaf and 3 2 C 1 p/n/`]

¥p na-che sustain life, save life, recover life / bring salvation [ref. `ig and - - p]

©p ne-chash {fut.} will suffer [ref. Wg]

`Ẅg̈p n’cho-sho brass


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ª p nach’shuwn Name: Nach’shun

¥ n’cheth descended, went down, sent downward

`Ÿgp̈ noch’to descending, downward / cloak, long outer garment <descends to feet>

©p ne-tar observe, watch / guard, protect / maintain, keep, preserve

gïp n’yoch rest, calm, quiet, placid, tranquil / please, satisfy, refresh

xip¦ neer yoke for oxen / service, task

¥ p¦ nee’she ensign, banner, standard, flag

ikp̈ nokhi deduct, extract, paid, take, injure, hurt [ref. ikpn]

`l̈k¥p nekh’lo guile, deceit, treachery, deception, fraud / a plot, entrapment

mp̈ nom sleepy, slumber, groggy, doze

ª no-muw’so Name: Torah, Law of Moshe (Moses) <1st five books of Tanakh (Bible)>

`r̈pp̈ non’au mint <herb spice>

¥p na-se tested, proven, tempted <being lifted to view or smell> [cmp. `pqp]

aq̈p n’sav took, received, made claim to, assume responsibility

¥ © aqp̈
¥ no-sev bap’pe {phrase} hypocrite, charlatan <exploit by attention> [ref. aqp and `t`]

¥ iAqp̈
© nos’bai i’pe {pl.} hypocrites, charlatans <exploiting by attention> [ref. aqp and `t`]

¦ nos’been collectors, gatherers, who take up, who receive [ref. aqp]

`¥pq¥p nes’ne to hate, dislike, disapprove, resist, reject <be testy and mean> [ref. `qp]

©p ne-saq {an irregular contr.} went up, got up, to ascend [ref. wlq]

© p nes’tam recline, relax, sit / set, laying upon / confirm [ref. miq and 3 2 Y 1 p/n/`]

ª n’fuwjh cool, abate, quench, slacken, lessen

ªp ne-puwq go out, come out, result, derive, conclude, end [ref. wtp]

© n’fal fall, go down, lowering, bow / to thrust upon, cast, throw [ref. `ltp]

`l̈ẗp n’fo-lo to fall, descend, pass downward

© n’fatz shake, toss

© n’faq bring forth, go forth, issued / got away, escaped, gone out

`ẅtp̈ nof’qo went forth, go out, escape, proceed from


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`Ẅt©p naf’sho life, self <fig. soul>

il¦ Ÿt©p naf’to-li Place: Naf’toli (Naphtali)

© n’tzav planted

`z̈Av¥p netz’b’tho planting, implant, graft <a starter with reproductive ability>

ª n’tzuwdh trap, catch, snare, capture / hunt, fish, chase [ref. cv]

¨ notz’ro-yo Name: Notz’royo (Nazarene), shoot, twig, stick, branch

© notz’rath Place: Notz’rath (Nazareth), place of twigs and basket weaving

`ẅp n’qo swallowed, eaten, bitten, consumed

`z̈Aw¥p neq’b’tho female, feminine, female sex organ / hole, hollow, tunnel, opening

¨ p naq’do clear, pure, spotless, bright / fine, sheer, thin

¥ p neq’eh {pl.} hole, lair, cave, den

¥ n’kef cleave to, adhere, fasten, join with, follow after

© n’qar hollowed out, hewn, carved

© n’qash knocking at a door, strumming a stringed instrument

`b̈xp̈ nor’jho an axe <hand tool for cutting down trees>

¥p ne-she {pl.} women [cmp. `Wp`]

© n’shav blowing, gusting

¥ no-sheq kiss <to tenderly touch something with the lips as a show of affection>

¥ p nesh’re {pl.} eagle <predator bird>

ª p nesh’t’quwn {contr} they should be quiet [ref. wzW]

¥p ne-tel to give by barter or agreement, give in exchange, pay, redeem

lz̈p n’thol {fut.} will give, to give, be paid <to hand over an item> [cmp. `lz]

¥ no-thef pull, drag, draw / attract, entice

q S Semkath / 15th letter of Alap-Beth

``¨ q̈ so-o a bushel measure <a quantity of dry goods; of grain, etc.>

oi`¦ q̈ so-een measures, lump, quantity <a whole quantity of measures> [ref. ``q]

`n̈`q¦ si’mo silver


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o`q¥ sehn to wear foot shodding [ref. `pqn]

`z̈`q© sa’tho bushel <container for dry goods>, grain basket <tightly woven> [ref. ``q]

aq© sav take [ref. aqp]

© s’va satisfied, content, filled, satiated

© s’var hope, expectation, confidence / belief, presumption, opinion

© s’va-ro expect, presume, hope, assume / tolerate

© s’var’tho message, gospel, tidings, news [ref. xaq] [cmp. `zxaiq]

`b̈q s’jho increase, multiply, great

cB© q̈ so-gar worship, prostrate, bow down

ª s’guwr worshipful, to worship

¦ s’jhee increased, greater, multiplied / much so, very much [ref. `bq]

``ïB¦ q© sag’gi-yo multiplying, increasing, too much, over spreading, massive / crowding

ª s’dhum Place: S’dhum (Sodom)

cd¥ q© sa-hedh bore witness, testified, attested to, proclaim proof

ª q̈ soh’duth bear witness, make testimony [ref. cdq]

¨ q© sah’ro moon

© s’wach to long for, earnestly desire, eagerly await, greatly desire

`M̈eq© saw’ko branch, bough

`M̈eq© saw’ko bough, branch, twig

`i©xe¦ qª suw’ri-ya Place: Su’riya (Syria)

sg¥ q© sa-chef overturn, overthrow / defeat, cast down

`p̈ḧq̈ so-to-no Name: Sotono (Satan), enemy, despiser, hater

© s’tar divisions of, on the side / beside, beyond, except, without, other than,
a¥iq© sa-yev defile, pollute / common, unclean

© q© sai’bar endure, sustain, to bear with, have sufferance / faithful

`z̈xÄiq© sai’bor’tho nourishment, food, provisions, sustenance / wages, hire, support

`ŸxÄiq© sai’bor’to food <the objective of the hunger desire> [ref. `xaq] [cmp. `zxaq]


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`b̈ïq s’yo-jho hedge, fence <wall for separation and containment>

miq¦ seem recline, sit / lay down, set upon, setting, to place something [cmp. zniq]

zn̈iq¦ see’moth store chest, treasure chest, chests [ref. miq]

`z̈n̈iq¦ see’mo-tho treasure <private or special possession> [ref. zniq]

jq̈ sokh limit, terminate, end, confine, bind / extreme, absolute, totality

`¥pz̈leMªq© sak’kuwl’tho-ne {pl.} schooled, learned, scholars / understanding, intelligent [ref. `lkq]

iM¦ q© sa-kee expect, anticipate, not yet having <expect a different ending> [cmp. jq]

`l̈kq© sakh’lo foolish, careless, stupid / <caus. case: make smart, understand, reveal>

¨ q© sakh’l’wo-tho wrong doing, foolishness, transgression [ref. `lkq]

ok̈q s’khon weaken, reduce, lessened / poverty, poor [cmp. ikq]

`lq s’lo contempt, despise, abhor, refuse, reject, discard

oen̈lq© sal’mown Name: Sal’mon

¥ s’leq ascended, went up, arose, raised up, taken up [cmp. wqp]

mq̈ som place, put, set, lay out / hand out, distribute

© s’ma-yo blind / darkened, concealed, hidden / groping, limping [cmp.xier]

¥ nq
¦ s’mee’khe guests, company, supporters, friends [ref. jnq]

jn̈q s’mokh support, steady / sit, recline / rest, lay

`k¥ n̈q s’mo-khe {pl.} couches, benches, pillows <low seating for the knee-high table>

`l̈Öq¦ sim’mo-lo the left side, weaker side, least used element [cmp. `pini]

© s’maq to redden or glow

¦ s’nee hate, oppose / stand separate, stand straight / reject, refuse

¦ s’neeq need, needy, wanting, desperate desire, a must

`q̈q̈ so-so moth, worm

© s’ar visitation, inspection / perform, work, achieve / skin growth, hair

¨ q© sau’ro hair, strand, thread-like growth from skin [cmp. xrq]

`R̈q¥ sep’po doorway, threshold, porchway <an arched gateway>

¦ s’fee’to sailboat <a small one mast sailing vessel>


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¦ q© saf’si-re {pl.} sword, metal blade, knife or flint

wt¥ q̈ so-feq enough, sufficient, equal to, to be fitting, well suited

xẗq s’for shore, beach, seaside, coastline [cmp. ci]

¥ q̈ sof’re Name: Scribes

`w¥ q© sa-qe {pl.} sackcloth, hair-cloth, burlap <coarse fibrous cloth material>

`ḧxq¥ ser’to tiny stroke, horn-like tip <decorative mark (crown) on Torah letters>

¦ s’reeq vain, worthless / empty, bare, lacking / combed, carded <with hair>

¨ q© sath’wo stormy, winter

¨ q© sath’wo winter, stormy, cold

¨ q¥ seth’ro secret, covertly, hiding, concealed / ruined, overturned, undone

r E Eh / 16th letter of Alap-Beth

¨ r¦ i’dho Festival <a prescribed Feast of Torah> [cmp. `crcr]

l ¥̀ r̈ ou’el upon, over, about, against / enter, go in [ref. lr]

`är i’vo to swell, thicken, harden / become dense, fat, heavy

© e’vadh do, perform, act upon / make, serve, attend, prepare / observe

¨ r© av’do servant, laborer

oici¦ ar
¦ i’vee’dheen overcome, enslaved, subject to / chronically ill, perpetually sick

xär i’vor to cross, go over, pass by / transgress, infringed, trespass

¨ r¥ ev’ro a crossing, the other side, a place beyond / beside, alongside, by way of

© ih’jhal quickly, shortly, soon / rolling on, rapid

cr© adh meanwhile, during, until / while, unto, as far as / a juncture, meeting

liM¦ cr
© i’dha-keel still, yet <waiting> [ref. cr]

`l̈cr© adh’lo not yet, waiting, before then, until, while as yet

il̈cr¥ edh’loi fault, blame, guilt, condemned / censure, accuse / problem, difficulty

© e’dha’mo until, through / as far as, hitherto, unto / be, maintain / remain, stay

© ¥ `n̈cr
© i’dha-mo le’mathi {phrase} how long, until when <lit. as far as to when>

¦ r© audh’ih-dho feast, festival, holiday, holy day


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© i’dhar help, assist, favor

`z̈c©r¦ i’dha-th congregation, assembly, church

cd© r¥ eu’hadh remember, recall / recount, mention, relate

¦ rª auw’veedh Name: Uvidh

`ïfe¦ rª auw’zi-yo Name: Uziyo

`¥ip̈fer© awz’no-ye {pl.} thorns, bramble

xie¦r© au-weer blind or partly blind, darkened, one-eyed [cmp. `inq]

`l̈er© aw’lo wickedness, evil, corruption, iniquity, immorality

`ẅnerª uwm’qo depth, deepness

xefªr̈ ao-zuwr Name: Ozur

ol̈fr̈ ayz’lon to weave or spin thread for garment

`l̈hr© at’lo slow, stupid / difficult, hard / hesitant, reluctant

`l̈ir¦ ee’lo colt, foal, young offspring of a horse or donkey

`p̈ir© ai’no eye, <body part> organ for seeing

xir¦ i’eer wake, stir, arouse / be attentive, sober, watchful, alert [cmp. `inq]

lr© aul go in, enter / upon, above, about, concerning, for / carry, lead, bring

© i’lai’mo youth, juvenile, young <maiden or bachelor>

`n̈lr̈ ol’mo world / nations, tribes, peoples, cultures / age, epoch

`z̈lr¥ eul’tho pretext, pretense, show, disguise / occasion, necessity / fault, accusation

mr© am with <another>, together, joined, side by side

`n̈r© a-mo people, populace / the people, the Jews [ref. mr and `nnr]

cn̈r e’modh go down into, sink, dip <immerse in water to wash>

¦ r̈ aom’deen they immersed, they baptized

dn¥ r© au-meh his people / those who are with him [ref. `nr and mr]

`xe¨ nª r© au-muw’ro Place: Aumuro (Gomorrah)

¨ n¦ r© au-mee’no-dov Name: Aminadov

`n¥ nœr© auh’me peoples, multitudes, nations / Gentiles, non-Jews [ref. mr and `nr]


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on© r© au-man with us

¦ pªn© r© au-ma-nuw’yil Name: Amanu’il (Immanuel)

© i’matz to be closed, shut up / restrained, suppressed

xn© r© au’mar to stay, dwell

¨ r̈ aum’ro inhabit, dwell, live / to stay, colonize

`p̈r i’no answer, respond, reply, react <verbally react>

¥ r¥ eun’be {pl.} grapes

i©pp̈r i’no-nai clouds

`Äqr¥ ehs’bo green herb, grass, blades, stalks, plants

¨ r¥ es’re Numeral: ten

¦ xq
© r¥ es’rath’m’dhee-no-tho Place: Esrath’midinotho (Ten Cities), metroplois area

`ẗr i’fo to double, fold / enfold, collapse, faint / twist, wrap / winged, a bird, fowl

© i’tzar trample, tread, crush, squeeze

`ẅr̈ ou-qo grief, sadness, distress, depression

aw¥ r© au-qev track, trace, follow, search

lẅr© au-qol twisted around, tied up, entangled / confused, perplexed

`x¨ẅr¥ eh-qo-ro uproot, dig, break up by digging

¨ r¦ ihq’ro root of plant, the plant organ for absorption

¥ i’rev to set, go down, a setting sun / mingling, mixing <changing light>

¥ r¥ er’be sheep, flocks

ª i’ruwv’to sunset, end of twilight [ref. axr]

wexªr© au-ruwq flee, run away, escape

¥ r© aur’te-lo-yo bare, nude, naked / stripped, exposed, unadorned, simple / vulnerable

`q̈xr© aur’so couch, litter, bier, stretcher / bed

© e’raq fled, escaped

ciz¦ r© au-theedh prepare, get ready, the future, it is time, it is now

`z̈ẅiY¦ r© at’tee’qo-tho ancient, old, aged / antiquated [ref. wzr]


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`xi¨ Y¦ r© ayt’tee’ro rich person, wealthy

¦ i’thiq to grow old, aged out, worn

xz© r¥ eh-thar richness, gain, profit / fertile, boutiful

t P Peh / 17th letter of Alap-Beth

¥ R¦ pi’re {pl.} fruits, a plant and tree products

© p’jhau meet a person, arrive at a place, chance upon, fall in with

¨ t© pajh’ro body, all flesh, total substance of a living or dead thing [cmp. `xqa]

`n̈eRª puw’meh mouth, lips

¨ Rª puwq’do-ne {pl.} commandments, charges, ordinances

¨ Rª puwq’do-ne commandments, instructions, charges

`p̈ẅxeRª puwr’qo-no redemption, ransom, salvation <purchase value> [ref. wxt]

`x¨g̈t© fa-cho-ro a potter, maker of clay pottery

`xi¥ h¦ t© pa-tee’re Patire (Unleavening) / Feast of Motzei [ref. xht]

© p’tar depart, leave, quit, return / pass on, die, cease / be unleavened

© R¦ pee’la-tows Name: Pilatos (Pilate)

¦ t¦ pee’lee’pows Name: Pilipos (Philip)

`M̈pit¦ peen’ko dish, platter, board, tablet

qit¦ pees persuade, convince / reason, argue / compel, encourage / incite

`M̈R© pak-ko cheek, side of face, jaw

© p’kah tasteless, bland, worthless, insipid

`l̈t p’lo something strange, wondrous, unusual, curious [ref. ilt and `z`lt]

`z̈`l̈t¥ pe-lo’tho parable, allegory, comparison, riddle [cmp. `lzn and `lt and ilt]

© p’lajh divide, part into two, schism / strife, be separate / confusion, suspicion

ª p’luwjh division, be at odds, contending, fight / punish [ref. blt]

ª p’luwch labor, work, toil, serve / husbandman, cultivator, vine-dresser

© p’lach tilled, labored, worked, served

¦ p’lee search, examine / select, cut away / secret, hidden [ref. `z`lt and `lt]


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ol̈R p’lon so and so, such and such, a person, someone <you’ll know who>

`r̈lR¥ pel’au occasion, opportunity, chance, occurrence

¦ R̈ pol’shee digs, breaks through, digs up

`p̈t p’no return, turn around, gave a response / restored, brought back / turned

¦ p’ni turned, brought the face to bear [ref. `pt]

qt© pas cast lots, chance selection

¥ p’seq cut down, break / cut off, cease, shorten / to decide, having determined

`ẅq̈t p’so-qo shorten, make shorter, cut down, cut off

¥ R̈ pou’le workers, laborers

ut¥ petz shake off, dust off [ref. utp]

`g̈vR¥ petz’cho Petz’cho (Passover)

iv¦ R© patz’ee deliver, set free, release, give liberty / preserve, support [ref. utp]

© p’qadh commanded, instructed, told

gẅR© pa-qoch advantageous, useful, suitable / better / productive, flowering

`g̈ẅR p’qo-cho preferred, better, reasonable, expedient / suitable, proper, fitting

`l¥ b¥ xt
¨ f’ro-jhe-le whip, lash

¥ p’red’to a grain, kernel, single seed

¥ xªR© pa-ruw’jhe chicks, fledgling, nestling <young birds>

ª p’ruwq save, deliver, defend, rescue / saviour, guardian [ref. wxt]

¨ p’rach to fly, glide / flee, escape / squander, dissipate, drift away

¨ p’ro-cho flight, fleeing, whirl, flutter / advance, spread / merchant, spendthrift

`z̈gx©ẗ po-rach’tho a flying creature, insect, bird, fowl [ref. gxt]

oixe¦ ḧxR
¥ p’re-taw’reen Place: P’retaw’reen (Praetorium), Governor’s Palace/Residence

¥ xR
¦ p’ree’she Name: P’rishe (Pharisees)

¥ t© par’seih divulge, expose, scandalize

¨ p’rau to pay, due return, discharge obligation, render, compensate, reimburse

uxt© partz Name: Par’tz


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ª R© par’tzuw’po the face / person, presence, personality <sense of being near>

© p’raq break away, withdraw / redeem, ransom / abandon, quit / turn aside

¨ p’rosh separate, set apart, appoint / determine, differentiate / test, prove

© p’shat straighten, stretch forward, stand erect / guileless, righteous [cmp. `hiWt]

¦ p’shee’jho crippled, maimed, gimped

¦ p’shee’to simplicity, straightforwardness, directness / plainness, clearness [ref. hWt]

¦ p’sheeq easily, readily, natural [ref. wWt]

wẄt p’shoq make plain, be easy / explain, translate / a parable

¥ p’the wide, broad, spacious, expansive

`n̈B̈zR¥ peth’go-mo a word, a saying, phrase / a matter, affair / an answer for, in account of

`xe¨ zª ẗ po-thuw’ro table, tray, altar <a gift place, or a place of exchange>

© p’thach an opening, doorway / commencement, beginning

© p’thach an opening, doorway, entrance

v Tz Tzodhe / 18th letter of Alap-Beth

`äv tz’vo desire, willingness / approval, accepting

`ïav̈ tzov’yo bend, relent, accommodate, desire, accept

© tz’vau finger, thumb, toe, digit / dip, moisten, wetted / dye, stain, paint

zA¥ v© tza-beth adorn, decorate

cv̈ tzodh hook, net, trap / hunt, fish, chase

`d̈v tz’ho thirst

ª v¥ tzeh’yuwn Place: Tzeh’yun (Zion) <the broad and open hillside in the sun>

`n̈ev© taw’mo fasting <in the active state, ie. “ ing” , due to the e> [ref. mv]

xevª tzuwr Place: Tzur (Tyre)

`xe¨ v© zaw’ro neck, throat / collar / top of a stalk

¨ v© tzach’wo open sky, fair weather [ref. igv]

igv© tzachi to glow, a sun bath / express, publish, proclaim, tidings <public news>

`cï¥ v© tza-yo-dhe fishing, netting


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oCi¨ v© tzai’don Place: Tzai’don (Sidon)

`l̈v tz’lo pray, petition, offer praise

el© v© tza-law you pray, petition, intercede [ref. `lv]

ª tz’luw’tho praying <in the active state, ie. “ ing” , due to the e> [ref. `lv]

mv̈ tzom to fast

© tz’ar small / slighted, embarrassed, shamed / despised, mocked, abused

¨ v¥ tzep’ro finch, sparrow <any small or little bird>

¨ v© tzaf’ro early morning, daybreak, dawn <when small birds sing> [ref. `xtv]

`z̈tv¥ tzef’tho decoration, ornamentation, / facade, facing / care, anxiety

¨ tz’ro to rip, rend, break, burst

¨ ts’ron tore, rent, burst

w Q Quf / 19th letter of Alap-Beth

m ¥̀ ẅ qo-em stood, stayed [ref. mew]

¥ w¦ qir’se adversities, calamities, conflicts, wars, fighting, revolts

xeAª w¥ qeb’bur bury <set a body in a sepulchre, tomb or cave> [ref. `xaw]

© q’val complain, affront, protest / contact, engage / accept, receive, consent

¨ w© qav’ro grave, sepulchre, sealed cave <place for flesh to decay and bones to dry>

¨ q’dhom before, ahead, in front / former, previous / start, first

`¥in̈cw© qadh’mo-ye ancients, those before your time, forefathers

WC©w© qa-dash revered, sacred, esteemed / unique, different, separate / consecrate, holy

¨ q’wo abide, remain, await / continue / assemble

© wª quw’val opposite, adjacent, against, beside, before, in front [ref. law]

`Ẅcewª quwdh’sho holy, holiness

mewª qum stand by, last, remain, endure / maintain, exist, be available [ref. `nw]

¥ w© qawm’the stature, height, standing form [ref. `nw]

¦ wª quw’fee’no large or wide-mouth basket

`p̈Äxewª quwr’bo-no an offering, gift for the Altar


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¥ wª qurwt’be {pl.} thistle, prickly weeds

`ïxewª quwr’yo districts, communities [ref. `zixw and `xw]

`ïp̈ixe¦ wª quw’ree’no-yo Place: Qu’rinoyo (Cyrene)

eWewª quwsh’w knock, thump, tap <at a door> [ref. Wwp]

`ŸWewª quwsh’to rightness, justice, fairness

ª q’tuwl murder, to kill without purposeful justice

oih¦ w© qa’teen thin, slender, narrow, constricted / small, tiny, little

`xi¨ hw
¦ q’tee-ro compulsion, coercion, force, violence / binding in chains [ref. xhw]

lh¥ w© qa-tel to kill

`l̈hw¥ qet’lo to kill, slay, murder

`n̈hw¥ qet’mo ashes <from fire>

xḧw q’tor tie, bind, fetter, chain

`ḧiw© qai’to summer

`Ÿnïw q’yom’to resurrection <lit. the rising up> [cmp. `zin zig]

`l̈ẅ qo-lo voice, speech

`ci¥ lw
¦ q’lee’dhe {pl.} keys <to a door or gate>

`l̈il¦ w© qa-lee’lo light weight / swift / easy / a little, slightly

mẅ qom awoke, arose, stood

`n̈w q’mo arise, stand

`g̈nw© qam’cho flour, grain meal <coarsely ground cereals>

¥ w© qam’tze {pl.} grasshoppers, locusts <the only kosher insect>

`p̈w q’no gain, purchase, obtain / possess, have

ª w¥ qent’ruw’no Qenturno (Centurian), Roman Officer <in charge of a hundred soldiers>

`ïpw© qan’yo cane, reed, stalk, stick, branch

`ïp̈w© qa-no-yo possessor, owner, purchaser / rich person / noble, ruler

`ïp̈p̈w q’no-no-yo Name: Q’nonoyo (Canaanite)

¥ hqª w¥ qes’tuw’no-re guard, enforcer / torturer, executioner


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xq© w¥ qe-sar Name: Qesar (Caesar)

¦ tc`
¦ i©x¦q© w¥ qe-sa-ree’yadh’fee’lee’paws Place: Qesariyodh’filipos (Caesarea Philippi)

`r̈w q’au to call out, cry out, shout / to implore / blast of a trumpet [cmp. `rb]

gẗw q’foch slap, beat, hit, cuff / humiliate, insult, abuse / oppress, persecute

`v̈w q’tzo cut off, end, bottom, finality, conclude / because, on account, resulting

xw© qar coolness, chilly / to be cold

¨ q’ro called, summoned, invoked / read, recite, explain, dispute

¥ q’re call, summon, appeal to, request attention, invoke / assign / read

¥ q’re town, village, community <conversation place> [ref. `zixw and `ixew]

¨ q’rov coming, approaching, brought near / contact, touch / given, presented

ax¥w© qa-rev offering, presenting, giving

`a¥ xw
¨ q’ro-ve {pl.} nearness, advancements / invasion, battles, wars

`äix¦w© qa-ree’vo neighbor, fellow, person near you

`xi¥ x¦w© qa-ree’re {pl.} very cool, chilly, cold [ref. xw]

¦ q’reeth have summoned, called unto

¦ q’ree’tho town, village, district, community / place, area, field [ref. `xw and `ixew]

`z̈ix¦ẅ qa-ree’tho beam, timber <the horizontal central-ridge-beam of a roof>

`p̈xw© qar’no animal horn, Shofar <Ram’s Horn>, trumpet [cmp. `xwz]
`p̈xw© qar’no a tip or corner, arm or extension of object, tassels <tzitzith> of grament

`v̈xw© qar’tzo pull apart, chunk bread / biting words, viciously accuse, disparage

© w© qar’qaf’tho a head, skull / top, crown, summit / chief, prince

Ww© qash to grow old, advance in years / to collect objects, pick things up

¥ W¦ w© qa-shee’she {pl.} elders, ancestors, ancients / community leaders [ref. Ww]

x R Rish / 20th letter of Alap-Beth

ax© rav Title: Rav (master)

`Äx© ra-bo great, large

eAª x¥ reb’buw myriad, ten thousand


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iA¦ x© rab’bee Title: Rabbi (my master), my teacher; instructor; tutor / my lord

iA© x© rab’bai {pl.} chief, leader <high officer>

oïax¨ rov’yon prosper, increase, grow in abundance

¦ r’vee’aui’to numeral four

`z̈Ax© rab’tho growing, increasing / large, massive

`b̈x¥ re-jho desire, lust, longing, craving, coveting [ref. `xeb and xb]

© r’jhaz angry, provoked, offended

¥ r’jhez anger, enmity, hostile, provoked

`l̈bx© rajh’lo foot, feet

© r’jham stoning, throwing stones / to kill by hurling stones

© x© rajh’rajh earnestly desired, very much wanted [ref. `bx]

`c¥x¨ ro-dhe journey, travel, move along / be forward, ambitious / flow, issue, stream

ª r’dhuwf’yo harassment, persecution [ref. scx]

© r’dhaf persecute, pursue, chase <as in run after>, hunt, harass, abuse, torment

¥ r’het run, be quick, move swiftly, make haste / be eager, energetic

`Äex© raw’bo clamor, uproar, unrest, protest <lit. a buzzing sound that reverberates>

`f̈bexª ruwjh’zo anger, indignation, trouble, calamity [ref. fbx]

¨ r’wo-zo exult, rejoice, high spirited

gexª ruwch breath, spirit, soul, self power, self-esteem

`g̈exª ruw’cho Name: Spirit

`¥ie¨x© ra-wo-ye drunkards

¦ r’wee’cho spacious, widening expanse, very open, airy [ref. `gex]

¥ xª ruwq’eh piece of old cloth, tatter

oäxex© rawr’von haughty, excessive, assuming / magnificent, great [ref. `ax]

ag̈x¨ ro-chov Name: Rachov

© gx
© r’chav’aum Name: R’chavam

`ïgx© rach’yo millstone <grinding stone pulled by cattle to crush grain on a stone>


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lig¥ x¨ ro-cheil Name: Ro’cheil (Rachel)

© r’cham love, compassion, friendliness

¥ x© rach’me {pl.} mercies, affections, friendship / inward parts, hearts

© r’chaq remote, being distant, far away

oh¥ x© ra-ten murmur, complain, grumble, speak against

jx© rakh soft, tender, fresh / moderate

aik¦ x© ra-kheev riding, mounted upon <upon an animal or cart>

¥ M¦ x© ra-kee’khe {pl.} soft, gentle, mild, tender / luxurious, refined [ref. jx]

`n̈x r’mo to throw, cast, set out, lay out, lay across / raise <a cast high motion>

oin¥ x¨ ro-mein casting, throwing / laying, prostrate / submit, take heed [ref. `nx]

`Ẅnx© ram’sho evening, dusk, twilight <as the sun is setting>

`z̈nx¨ rom’tho Place: Rom’tho (Rama)

`p̈x r’no to think, heed, attend, plan, consider / notion, idea / worry

`ïpx¥ ren’yo reflection, meditation, thought, concern, care [ref. `px]

rx© rau beat, pound, dash, wound / break up, shatter, fracture / ruin [cmp. xaz]

`r̈x© ra-auo feed, tend as shepherd, satisfy, reconcile, make agreement, settle out

zerª x¨ ro-auth Name: Ra’uth (Ruth)

¥ r’ei {pl.} shepherd, lead, guide, rule

`ïrx¨ rou’yo feeding, eating / shepherd, guide

oïrx¥ reu’yon mind, intellect, thinking, judgement, opinion

oir¥ x¨ ro-ein herding, tending, watching / manage, supervise / ponder, reason, think

¦ r’ee’ou bruised [ref. rx]

`Ẅtx© raf’sho fan, broad basket <for winnowing grains>

wx© raq to spit / make thin

`w© x© ra-qa {a slander} vain, empty, worthless, idiot, stupid

© r’qadh dance, skip <responsive gestures> / mourn, lament <reactive gestures>

Wx¦ reesh prominent, most forward, place of importance


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Wx© rash head, beginning, start, first / tip, top, end, uttermost / chief, prince, ruler

¦ r’sheeth the beginning, the actual start

y Sh Sheen / 21st letter of Alap-Beth

¥ W¦ shi’dhe {pl.} demon, evil spirit, supernatural power or being, devil [cmp. `peic]

l ¥̀ W© sha-el asked, queried, petition, request

`ÄW© shab’bo a week <a group of seven days, being Sunday (Day One) to Shab’tho>

gäW sh’voch praise, glorify, commend, give thanks

`ḧaW© shav’to staff, rod, scepter <walking and defensive stick> / tribe, clan

lia¦ W© sha-veel pathway, way of going, method of rule

¦ aW
¦ sh’vee’qeen forgiven, pardoned / sent away, released, let loose [ref. waW]

¦ sh’veeq’to abandoned, neglected, deserted, uncared for, unattended [ref. `waW]

la¥ W© sha-bel show the way, train or instruct / form spikes, arrange with order

¥ W¥ sheb’ble spike, blade, ear of wheat <nested rows of grain kernels> [cmp. liaW]

© sh’vau numeral: seven

© raW
© sh’vau sh’vau {phrase} “ of seven, as the seven” <lit. seven of seven>

¦ W© shav’een numeral: seventy

© sh’vaq forsook, deserted / ignore, forget / to leave, go away / remitted, forgiven

© sh’va-qo leave alone, allow, accept, permit, forgive, pardon, release, surrender

¥ sh’ve-to dill <herb spice>

`z̈AW© shab’tho Sabbath, seventh day, Saturday, day of rest / a week [ref. azi]

ª sh’jhuwsh’yo riot, commotion, tumult / protest, sedition, dissent [ref. WbW]

© sh’jhash trouble, disturb, provoke, stirred / boisterous, wild, excited / emotional

¨ sh’do throw off, cast down, thrust

¦ sh’dhee hurl, throw, cast, sling [ref. `cW]

xC©W© shad’dar to send, to throw, dispatch, order to, charge

© sh’har watch, be wakeful, be diligent, alert

© sh’wa level, smooth, equal, matching, joined, sharing / agreeing


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`e¥Ẅ sha-we to be even, level / equal, matching, the same / sufficient, worthy

`g̈aeWª shuwv’cho praises, show of worth, glory, splendor, glorification

`p̈ẅaeWª shuwv’qo-no forgiveness [ref. waW]

¨ sh’wojh to wash; clean away

rce© W© shaw’dhau mark, signify, identify / recognize, acknowledge, respect [ref. rci]

© sh’wach sprout, spring up, flourish

heWª shuwt dishonor, contempt, despise, scorn

oie¥Ẅ sha-wein being equal to, of mutual worth / spread out, flattened [ref. `eW]

`n̈l̈eWª shuw’lo-mo the end, summation, conclusion, finish

`r̈eWª shuw’au rock, rocky ground

¥ Wª shuw’qe {pl.} open area, wide section / market, square / highway, trade-route

¨ Wª shuwq’ro lying, perjury, falsehood, deception [ref. xwW]

© Wª shuw’sha-ne {pl.} lilies <glass-like flowers, many colors, having a glassy shine>

`t¥ ŸeW© shaw’to-fe {pl.} partner, associate, companion, in league, sharers

xg̈Ẅ sho-chor dark, gloomy, frightening / abandoned, remaining / forced, compelled

`Ÿtih¦ Ẅ sho-teef’to a small tapering vase or bottle, ointment box, perfume vial [ref. shW]

© sh’taf cut apart, cut at a skew / sloping, slanted / narrowing

ª sh’yul Place: Sh’yul (Hades), grave, pit, lower regions, lowest hell

`p̈iW© shai’no tranquility, calm, easiness

`xe¨ ti
ª W¦ shee’fuw’ro trumpet, Shofar <ram’s horn>

© sh’kav to sleep, lie down

© sh’khach find, uncover, expose, reveal / discarded, forgotten

`g̈k̈W sh’kho-cho accidentally find, discover by chance, happen upon / can do, able

© sh’la-dho a corpse, carcass, body, trunk

© sh’lach to send, dispatch <as a letter or messenger> / to cast off, shed away

gl̈W sh’loch put off, lay aside, undress, strip <remove clothing>

hl¥ W© sha-let authority, overseeing, having control, having rule, dominion


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`ïlW¥ shel’yo silence, quietness / stillness, calm

¥ lW
¦ sh’lee’che apostle, messenger, emissary, missionary

hil¦ W© sha-leet lawful, allowed, permitted, being observant [ref. hlW]

¥ sh’lei’mown Name: Sh’leimon (Solomon)

ª lW
¥ sh’lei’muwn Name: Sh’lemun (Solomon)

¥ sh’lem finished, complete / stopped, halted

`n̈l̈W sh’lo-mo peace, concord, welfare, stable, intact, wholeness / complete, fulfilled

li`z¦ l© W¥ she’la-thi’il Name: Shelathil

`n̈W sh’mo a name, a place <a there> / there

¥ sh’meh his name, name of [ref. `nW and d- - ]

`p̈enª Ẅ sho-muw’no a small copper coin, a mite, farthing

© sh’mat draw out, unsheathe, tear out, pull, pluck

© sh’ma-yo sky, heavens, abode of Aloha (God)

© sh’mau heard, listened / obey, submit to perform

ª W¥ shem’uwn Shemun (Simon)

¨ Ẅ shom’-ro-ye Name: Shomroye (Samaritans)

Wn¥ Ẅ sho-mesh to serve, attend, care for

`ẄnW¥ shem’sho the sun [ref. yny]

`p̈W sh’no a year, a full time period, cycle / change, depart / deranged, demented

`p̈W¥ she-no tooth <repeat motion, cyclical>

`©pW sh’na change place, depart, migrate, keep traveling

ip¦ W© sha-ni departed, changed directions, went to, returned to, withdraw to [ref. `pW]

¦ sh’neen years

wp̈W sh’noq punish, abuse, afflict, torture

`ẅp̈W sh’no-qo torment, punishment, abuse, severe trouble, biting pain [ref. `wp]

¥ W¥ shen’theh his sleep, sleep of

`r̈W sh’ou smooth out, fill holes / relate, narrate, explain / discuss, talk about


Compiled by Rick Wills / / POB 446 Waxhaw, NC 28173 USA / Permission Required for Publication
P’shitto Aramaic Dictionary, by Rick Wills

`z̈rẄ shou’tho hour, moment, immediate time

xiR¦ W© shap’peer to please, do well, act nicely, be mannerly / beauty, comely, goodness

© sh’fau poured, shed, overflowed / copious, lavish, abundant, abound

`ẅW sh’qo to water, irrigate, serve water to, give to drink

¦ sh’qee’fo steep rock, steep cliff, precipice, crag

© sh’qal to take, take away, remove, carry away / depart, leave / reserve, retrieve

xẅW sh’qor a lye, falsehood, pretense

xW© shar strengthen, confirm, affirm, assure [ref. ixW]

¥ sh’re {pl.} untied, disengaged, dismissed / released, begun [ref. ixW]

`z̈ÄxW© sharb’bo-tho history / generation / tribe, family

¨ sh’ro-jho a lamp, a vessel for burning oil for light

`z̈exªẄ sho-ruw’tho meal, feast, dinner, banquet, foods, fixings [ref. `xW]

¦ sh-ree relief, set free / loosen, dismiss / resolve, conclude / object to, refute

ix¦W© sha-ree initiate, start, begin <independent or self determined action> / release

¥ sh’rei untie, disengage, dismiss / release, begin, initiate [ref. `xW]

xix¦W© sha-reer true, proven, firm / honest, upright, direct [ref. xW]

`M̈xW© shar’ko remnant, remaining, the rest, the others

`z¥ Ẅ sho-the {pl.} drinking

`z̈W sh’tho six

`z̈q`z¥ W¥ she-thes’tho base, foundation, grounding

ª YW© sh’taw’t’fuwn consummated [ref. szW]

¦ sh’teen sixty [ref. `zW]

© YW
© sh’takh’chath discovered [ref. gkW]

© sh’taf join, attach, merge, combine

wŸW sh’toq cease, be still, keep peace / quieten, silence

z Th Thaw / 22nd letter of Alap-Beth

`z̈ to to go, to come / return, go back, recycle, repeat, do again [ref. ez]


Compiled by Rick Wills / / POB 446 Waxhaw, NC 28173 USA / Permission Required for Publication
P’shitto Aramaic Dictionary, by Rick Wills

© z̈ tow’ma Name: Toma (Thomas)

¥ Y¦ ti’me you shall swear [ref. oni and - - z and - - i]

ª Y¦ ti’muwn {contr.} you shall swear [ref. oni and - - i]

`¥p`Y¦ ti’ne {pl.} figs

aŸ tov repent, reform, return, change back [ref. aez]

eaY¥ tevw be seated, you should wait, please stay <the e is a suffix> [ref. azi]

`p̈az¥ thev’no chaff, husks, loose grasses and debris

© th’bar break, bruise, fracture [cmp. rx]

xb̈z t’jhor wages, earnings / trade, commerce, business / contend, strife, argue

ic©Y© ta-dhai Name: Tadhai (Thaddeus)

¦ z© thadh’kee’tho cleansing, purification / purgation, evacuation <as excrement> [ref. `kc]

oixi¦ d¦ Y© ta-hee’reen {contr} they were amazed; astonished; shocked [ref. xdz and oi- - ]

© t’har amazed, marvelled, astonished, wonderment, surprise [cmp. xez]

eY© taw come, return, repeat, again / at the end, follow, trail behind [ref. `z]

aeYª tuwv again, besides, furthermore / repeat, return, changing / repent [ref. az]

¦ t’wee repented, reconsidered / turned back [ref. ez and `z]

`p̈e¨z© ta-wo-no inner chamber, private room, enclosed place

© Yª tuw’qal-to a stumbling, offence, scandal [ref. lwz]

© t’war amazed, marvelled, astonished, wonderment, surprise [cmp. xdz]

`xe¨ z© thaw’ro bull, ox

`x¨z̈ez© taw’tho-ro remainder, the rest of, leavings / excess, overflow / what is there

¦ t’zee’e became disturbed, was bothered [ref. rif]

ª t’chuw’mo border, dividing line, boundary / confinement [ref. `ng and mgz]

mg̈z t’chom to mark a boundary, set limits, display restrictions [ref. `ng]

Ygz© tach’t under, beneath, lower, below, downward

ª th’yo-vuw’tho penitence, remorse, sorrow over fault, repentance

`p̈niz© taim’no south <being the right side from facing east> [ref. `pini]


Compiled by Rick Wills / / POB 446 Waxhaw, NC 28173 USA / Permission Required for Publication
P’shitto Aramaic Dictionary, by Rick Wills

¦ t’keel trusts, relies, depends upon [ref. lkz]

lk̈z t’khol trust, have confidence, rely on / secure, safe / certainty, assurance

`z̈l̈kY¥ tekh’lo’tho Tekh’lotho (Tikheleth), fringes <lit. the blue thread of the Tzitzith>

`q¥ Mz
© t’ka-se {pl.} struck, jerked, dislocated, bumped / stopped, coerced, reproved

`l̈z t’lo hang, dandle, suspend / hoist, lift up [cmp. lzp]

`B̈lY© talg’go snow

`ci¨ nl
¦ Y© tal’mee’dho Name: Talmidho (Disciple), student and assistant

`ci¥ nl
¦ Y© tal’mee’dhe Name: Talmidhe (Disciples), students and assistants

zl̈z t’lath {fem.} numeral: three

`z̈l̈Y t’lo-tho numeral: three

oiz¦ l̈z th’lo-theen numeral: thirty [ref. `zlz]

mz© tam innocent, simple, perfect / harmless, guileless

¥ n¦ z© ta-mee’me innocently, harmlessly / not targeting, not addressing specifically [ref. mz]

on̈z© ta-mon there, that place / whence, thence, thither, yonder <directional>

xn̈Ÿ to-mor Name: Tamor (Tamar)

op̈Y t’non here, in this place, now present

¥ z© thau’le {pl.} foxes

lR¥ Y¥ te-pel Construct: <typical contraction, p is quiesced> [ref. `ltp and - - z]

© Y¥ tef’la-yo Tefillan <small boxes containing scrolls as instruments for prayer>

¥ t’qel be struck, caused to stumble, be offended / to fall [ref. `ltp and - - z]

¥ t’qen trimmed, repaired, restored /prepared, modelled, fashioned [ref. `pwz]

ow¥ Y© ta-qen bird nest [ref. `pwz]

`p̈ẅz t’qo-no establish, settle, order, arrange, prepare, restore / furnish, provide, build

¥ Y¥ teq’re sound out, blow the horn, announce by trump [ref. `xw cmp. `pxw]

xz© tar have near, be with, keep close [cmp. xh and `xz]

`x©z© ta-ra instruct, discipline, guide, admonish

© Y© tar’gam interpreted, translated, meaning


Compiled by Rick Wills / / POB 446 Waxhaw, NC 28173 USA / Permission Required for Publication
P’shitto Aramaic Dictionary, by Rick Wills

¥ t’rein Numeral: two

¥ oixY
¥ t’rein t’rein {phrase} two each, two by two <Inf. two here and two there>

¦ t’rits aimed, pointed, directed, turn to

¥ Y© tarm’yo-theh {pl.} foundations, a starting, beginnings, emergence [ref. `nx]

ª Y© tar’no-jhuwl’to hen, fowl, chicken

`l̈bp̈xY© tar’najh’lo cock, rooster, male fowl

¨ t’ro-nows throne, altar [cmp. `iqxek]

`q̈xz© tar’so feed, nourish / give support, furnish needs, be a parent to

`r̈xY© tar’au doorway, passage, gateway

ir¦ xz
© t’ra-ee divide, lay open / planning, thinking / entrance, doorway, passage, gate

© xY
¥ t’reu’sar numeral: twelve [cmp. `xqrzxz] [ref. oizxz and `xqr]

¥ Y© tar’tein two, the second, the other

¥ r¥ Yx
© Y© tar’ta-es’re the numeral twelve <two and ten> [ref. oizxz and `xqr]

`r̈Wz¥ tesh’ou Numeral: nine

¦ Y¥ tesh’ieen Numeral: ninety

`ŸY¦ ti-to fig-tree

seYª Y¥ te-tuwf tear, rend [ref. szp and - - z]


Compiled by Rick Wills / / POB 446 Waxhaw, NC 28173 USA / Permission Required for Publication

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