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Irresistibility of Experience:

Action Now Playbook

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery
for the Over-35 Man

This book is a resource book for you.

It broadens out some of the skills outlined in the book: Agelessly

Irresistible: Attraction Mastery for the 35+ Man.

It delves into the Six Essential Areas of your life that you need to hone
and develop to become the irresistible and admirable man to whom
women are naturally and consistently drawn.

Part I: Strengthen your Inner Voice For Power and Unshakable


Part II: Structure Of Your Social Life For Leverage and Leadership

Part III: Refine Your “Approach” and Attraction Skills for

Outrageous Magnetism

a) Online Approach
b) Offline Approach
c) Approaching Younger Women

Part IV: Improve Your Sexual Depth To Unleash Her Pleasure and

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

Agelessly Irresistibility of
Action Now Playbook
The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery
for the Over-35 Man

This book is a resource book for you.

It broadens out some of the skills outlined in the book: Irresistible:

Attraction Mastery for the 35+ Man.

It delves into the Six Essential Areas of your life that you need to hone
and develop to become the irresistible and admirable man to whom
women are naturally and consistently drawn.

Part I: Strengthen your Inner Voice For Power and Unshakable


Part II: Structure Of Your Social Life For Leverage and Leadership

Part III: Refine Your “Approach” and Attraction Skills for

Outrageous Magnetism

a) Online Approach
b) Offline Approach
c) Approaching Younger Women
Part IV: Improve Your Sexual Depth To Unleash Her Pleasure and

Part V: Hone Your Body For Vitality, Stamina Muscle and Sexual

Part VI: Deepen Your Understanding of Women’s Secret and Erotic


You can read through it beginning to end, or you can just keep it handy
and pick it up for inspiration when you need ideas in any of these 6

If you want to add any ideas yourself so we can share them with the
rest of this community – please send them to me at
[email protected].


– Adam

Table Of Contents

PART I: Strengthen your Inner Voice for Power and Unshakable

Confidence 8
Take Action #1: Get Rid Of What’s Untrue .......................................................................... 8
Take Action #2: Create Your Own Reality – Moment by Moment .................................... 10
Take Action #3: Let Go Of the Past Now ............................................................................ 12
Take Action #4: Decide Now That Every Moment Is a Choice – Your Choice .................. 14
Take Action #5: Accept and Forgive Yourself .................................................................... 16
Take Action #6: Expand Your Idea of “I” ........................................................................... 18
Take Action #7: Dis-Attach Your Identity From Your Things ............................................ 20
Take Action #8: Own Your Rising Value ............................................................................ 22
PART II: Structure of Your Social and Dating Life for Leverage and
Leadership 23
Take Action #1: Organize a Roving Dinner Club ................................................................ 23
Take Action #2: Don’t Date ................................................................................................. 24
Take Action #3: Of Course, If You Do Have To Date – Do It Right! ................................. 25
Take Action #4: Avoid a Fancy Dinner First Date .............................................................. 27
Take Action #5: The Outdoors Date .................................................................................... 27
Take Action #6: The Retro Date .......................................................................................... 28
Take Action #7: Horse Around ............................................................................................ 29
Take Action #8: The Endorphin Date: Hiking ..................................................................... 29
Take Action #9: Picnic Her .................................................................................................. 30
Take Action #10: Listen To The Things Women Want You To Know ............................... 31
PART III: Refine Your “Approach” and Attraction Skills for Outrageous
Magnetism 34
Take Action #1: Remember That Your “Baggage” May Not Be Baggage At All ............... 36
Take Action #2: Avoid Comparing Yourself To Other Men ............................................... 38
Take Action #3: Date Online Efficiently ............................................................................. 38
Take Action #4: Master Older Men-Younger Women Dating Sites .................................... 40
Take Action #5: Nail Down What You Want As Soon As Possible .................................... 42

Offline Approach...................................................................................... 44
Take Action #6: Focus on the Positive Aspects of Your Age and Experience .................... 44
Take Action #7: See Every Moment As A Potential Magic Moment .................................. 45
Take Action #8: Act the King, Not the Jester ...................................................................... 47

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

Take Action #9: Go Light, Go Emotional And Avoid Small Talk....................................... 48

Take Action #10: Use Indirect Compliments ....................................................................... 49
Take Action #11: Help Her Seduce Herself ......................................................................... 50
Take Action #12: Meet Women Online – But Not Just on Dating Sites .............................. 51
Take Action #13: Make Facebook Your Friend ................................................................... 51
Take Action #14: Go To Self-Development Workshops and Seminars ............................... 52
Take Action #15: Volunteer ................................................................................................. 52
Take Action #16: Stand in the Center of the Room ............................................................. 53
On Dating Younger Women ................................................................................. 54
Take Action #17: Remember That Younger Women Are Smart and Fascinating ............... 56
Take Action #18: Avoid Becoming the Obvious Dad Figure ............................................. 59
Take Action #19: Maintain The Power Position .................................................................. 59
Take Action #20: Take the Lead in Conversation ................................................................ 60
Take Action #21: When In Rome, Text Like a Roman ........................................................ 61
Take Action #22: Let Her Make The First Move – or at least – The First Indication .......... 61
Take Action #23: Be Protective But Respect Her Independence ......................................... 64
Take Action #24: Super-Celebrate Her Accomplishments .................................................. 64
Take Action #25: Be Chivalrous, Be a Gentleman .............................................................. 65
Take Action #26: Stay Calm In the Face of Chaos .............................................................. 66
Take Action #27: Own Your Relaxation – Hand Out The Spiritual Underwear .................. 67
Take Action #28: Neither Live In The Past – Nor Drag Her Back There!........................... 69
Take Action #29: If You Date younger Women, Prepare For the Scorn of Women Your Age71
Take Action #29: Don’t Use Young Woman For the Wrong Reason .................................. 71
PART IV: Improve Your Sexual Depth to Unleash Her Pleasure and Yours
Take Action #1: Heighten Sexual Depth By Remembering Your Death ............................. 75
Take Action #2: Sex is a Time For Your Spiritual Practice ................................................. 76
Take Action #3: Approach Intimate Relations as a “Sacred Ordeal”................................... 78
Take Action #4: Pace Her Breath......................................................................................... 81
Take Action #5: Play the Pleasure Game ............................................................................. 82
PART V: Hone Your Body for Vitality, Stamina, Muscle and Sexual Appeal
Take Action #1: Love Your Body ........................................................................................ 84
Take Action #2: Decommoditize Yourself ........................................................................ 87
Take Action #3: Decommodify others ................................................................................. 88
Take Action #4: Show Your Body Love Through Positive Action and Positive Self-Talk 92
Take Action #5: Breathe Like a Master ............................................................................... 93
Take Action #6: Shoulders Back and Down ........................................................................ 95
Take Action #7: Cut Out Shitty Food .................................................................................. 96
Take Action #8: Exercise Smart not Hard ........................................................................... 97
Take Action #9: Stop Running Yourself Into The Ground .................................................. 98
FASHION ............................................................................................................... 99
Take Action #10: Consider Clothing as a Signal, Not an Identity ....................................... 99
Take Action #11: Set your Own Rules............................................................................... 100
Take Action #12: Develop Electric Contrast ..................................................................... 100
Take Action #13: If You Wear a Suit ................................................................................ 101
Take Action #14: Accessorize Sparingly ........................................................................... 102
Take Action #15: Accessorize Locally .............................................................................. 103
Take Action #16: Accessorize Intriguingly ....................................................................... 104
Take Action #17: Go Easy With Color .............................................................................. 104
Take Action #18: Know When Color is Good For You..................................................... 105
Take Action #19: Black is Always Beautiful ..................................................................... 106
Take Action #20: Jackets Please ........................................................................................ 107
Take Action #21: Choose Shoes and Spend Well .............................................................. 107
Take Action #22: Jeans ...................................................................................................... 108
Take Action #23: Choose Underwear Wisely .................................................................... 108
Take Action #24: Wear Cashmere ..................................................................................... 109
Take Action #25: Match Your Shirt To Your Eyes ........................................................... 110
Take Action #26: Groom Yourself Well ............................................................................ 110
Take Action #27: Teeth...................................................................................................... 111
Take Action #28: Hair Color.............................................................................................. 112
Take Action #29: Get a Haircut ......................................................................................... 113
Take Action #30: Know the Psychological Secrets of Colors ........................................... 113
Take Action #32: Employ Sexy Body Language ............................................................... 116
Take Action #33: Smile and The World Smiles With You ................................................ 117
Take Action #34: Convey Self-Respect ............................................................................. 118
Take Action #35: Protect Your Skin .................................................................................. 118
PART VI: Deepen Your Understanding of Women’s Secret and Erotic
Hearts 119
Take Action #1: Listen With ALL of You ......................................................................... 122
Take Action #2: Give Her What You Most Want To Receive From Her .......................... 123
Take Action #3: Welcome Criticism In Equanimity .......................................................... 123
Take Action #4: Evolved Women Retract From Angry Men – Learn To Release Anger.. 124
Take Action #5: Treat Love as a Verb – Never as a Noun................................................. 125
Take Action #6: Be Here, Now .......................................................................................... 127
Take Action #7: Give Her The Steady Center She Wants ................................................. 128
Take Action #8: If You Want to Keep Her, Accept Her 80% As Enough ......................... 129

PART I: Strengthen your Inner Voice for Power and
Unshakable Confidence

Before we start – you must clear away everything that is untrue.

If you are dating over 30 or over 40, you might be carrying some of the
following beliefs...

x I’m over the hill. I’ve lost my chance to winning over the woman of
my dreams.
x I’ve got too much baggage so I am at a disadvantage.
x Women who would be interested in me just want a guy to cling to for
x Women are bitter at my age.
x My dating pool is shrinking by the minute!
x Younger women would never be interested in me because I’m not
the man I used to be because…my hair is thinning, my body ain’t my
body ain't buff any more, my career isn't shaping up to be what I
thought, I feel malaise in my life.
x I’ve never been great with women, so I won’t be now.


Over the course of this program, I am going to help you drop all these
beliefs. Because… they are just beliefs.

They are not truth.

They are beliefs that live in your head – not hers.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

However, if you keep them in your head, they will transfer into hers.

How does that work? Let me give you a recent real live example.

Recently, I had a stunning young Euro girlfriend who had my complete

devotion – until she whittled it away with jealousy and accusations. Facebook
pings from women friends became cause for interrogations. Discussions with
women colleagues at conferences (even if they towered over me and were
married!) became cause for doubting my care for her. Week after week, her
fear that I – like her only other serious adult boyfriend – would leave her – as
of course all men do (her self-destructive belief) – eventually led to my
leaving her.

If you carry negative ideas about yourself or about what is possible in an

intimate relationship – you will create those things in reality.

Get this now: your thoughts and beliefs about yourself and about women are
like tiny, nano Dr. Frankensteins – and bungled relationships will be your
constant, ever-born monsters.

So the first thing you MUST do is get brutally honest with your mind – and
confront every thought that pops up in your head.

First task is to re-frame your dating and intimate life right now. So you don’t
make yourself suffer, you don’t spend unwanted nights alone – and you find
and deep whatever kind of intimacy it is you MOST desire.
Take Action #2: Create Your Own Reality – Moment by

You Are In Your Prime Attraction Years

Over 35 and over 40, you are entering your Age of Mastery.

The doubts you had as a young man will fall away one by one – either swiftly
because you are doing your inner and outer work – as by ripping deeply into
the entire Ageless Attraction system…

Or it’ll happen slowly because life will show you eventually that all that ego-
worry is for naught. No one cares about your image, your problems, your
challenges (except for me ʄ). They’re all busy with their own lives.

The only thing that matters in your life is the reality you create – not the
opinions of others. The gift of hitting 40 is that you will start wondering why
you cared so much about what other people thought and you will be more

Your job here as you are reading this, and throughout the day, is to
consciously shape the self you are becoming. To be as powerful and
purposeful and attractive as humanly possible.

Here’s the way it shakes out…

As a young man, you probably were (rightfully) intimidated by the wisdom

and decisiveness of older guys. They have been in battle. They know things
by now.

And that battle-testedness is MASSIVELY ATTRACTIVE TO WOMEN.

They yearn for men to trust, whose opinions are tempered by experience,
who are driven by good judgment, not by egoistic chaos and self-regard.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

There is a great quote which I want you to remember with humor and self-

“Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad
- Will Rogers

By now, you have made some bad mistakes (I hope. If you haven’t, you’ve
been too timid!) If you are anything like me, you probably are ashamed of
some of the things you’ve done, some of the people you’ve hurt.

I have broken up with angels with neither compassion nor self-

understanding. I have tried to make women feel wrong when the truth was,
we just weren’t suited, or we simply didn’t want the same kind of
relationship. I have dressed my ego in barbed armor rather that just admitting
I had been petty. I’ve been ashamed to admit that I wasn’t in my integrity.
Got a mistake? I’ve made it.


So we’ve made mistakes.

We will make more.

The planets turn. The sun rises and sets.

Welcome to Life.
Take Action #3: Let Go Of the Past Now

The important thing (besides not repeating the same dumb mistakes) is to
grasp and carry into this new, powerful stage of our lives – is that, by our
mistakes, we have grown in wisdom, in self-understanding. And to let the
past go.

In his contribution to this program (Month #2, Training #1) Carlos Xuma
talks about “scraping the barnacles” of the past – the junk that gets built up
and slows down your ship going forward.

I couldn’t agree with him more. And I want to share a story that you will
never forget that that will help you leave the past behind. It’s from the Zen

The Monk and The Sack of Shit

There was a brash young monk who wanted complete enlightenment. So
he knocks on the door of a monastery and demanded to be allowed to
meditate there. They allowed him in, and noticed that he carried a bag
of animal shit. He sat for meditation, and after a short while, declared,
“I can’t find enlightenment here! This place smells like shit!” So he
stormed out and found the next monastery and knocked on the door…
And so it went, week after week, monastery after monastery. The knock,
the request, the sitting, the stinking. Wherever he went, he blamed the
place for his inability to find enlightenment.

When the truth was, he was stinking each place up with the sack of shit
he brought in with him.

Guess what?

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

Your self-doubt, your self-shame for past mistakes (um, remember, they are
in the past), any and all ideas of self-limitation that you carry, whether put in
your head by your father, your ex or yourself – it’s just your sack of shit.

And you will continue to stink up the place anywhere you go.

That means when you approach a woman. It means as you connect with her.
It means as you go deeper into intimacy.

It is up to you to leave that sack of shit behind.

Resource: Carlos and I both recommend The Sedona Method as a way to

help clear out old negative mind patterns and self-blame. It’s a workshop,
it’s a book, but I recommend the workshop if you really want to shake the
past. Check out – there is good information, videos etc
right there on their site.

The Sedona Method uses a system that is very similar to everything I teach
– which is to gain objectivity and perspective on every aspect of your mind
and body so you can see it clearly. It is a path to choosing your emotions
instead of having your emotions choose you. It’s about empowerment. It’s
about becoming, and I hit this term over and over again, “King” of your
emotional realm.
Take Action #4: Decide Now That Every Moment Is a
Choice – Your Choice

For you to get the most out of the Dating Over 35 Training Program, you
will have to embrace this idea that you can reboot your life with a sense of a
blank slate.

Any time. I don’t care if you’ve been married or widowed or had your heart
broken. If people can survive the holocaust and start families and raise
healthy happy children, you can get over your past.

The first step is that you just have to DECIDE to do it.

You have to believe that a blank slate is possible. Most people cling to their
old selves because they find safety in familiarity – even if familiarity sucks.

It’s why I never use the phrase “comfort zone”. Most people are not
comfortable in their “familiarity zone” – they are just hiding from fear. And
so they suffer their miserable lives away because they fear making a move out
of the familiar.

And it's always because that fear, that self-misery, that uncomfortable familiar
is serving some hidden, unconscious strategy.
What is that strategy? Usually it’s simply a servant of fear. It justifies stasis. It
justifies life timidity. It justifies not making changes and owning what you
truly want in life.

Leaving what is uncomfortably familiar is the realm of the hero. It is a

HEROIC act to make changes in your life. It is also the expression of your
inner “magician” archetype – that part of you that won’t tolerate anything
less that the best from yourself and boldly creates change. Which is a hugely
sexy expression of your masculine strength to women. You will learn more
about how to embody your hero and your magician in the accompanying
training manual, Agelessly Irresistible.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

The past really is past.

You create your life anew every second. What you choose to do, what you
choose to believe, how you choose to express yourself, how you choose to
approach, connect or inspire woman is, at every moment is…

It’s that simple.

So now we are going to start choosing.

You will notice that each chapter is filled not with tips but with
PRACTICES. The difference? These aren’t off-the-cuff pieces of advice –
these are things to do. Not just once, but over and over as you achieve
greater and greater mastery over your mind, body, social interactions, sexual
depth and wisdom…

Mastery doesn’t always happen in an instant (it can, by the way). It often
takes repetition, persistence, fortitude and discipline.

Do these practices, and you will succeed in ways you never have before.

With women.
With yourself.
With life.
Take Action #5: Accept and Forgive Yourself

My natural inclination is to try to be better at things. To be a better lover, a

better father, a more successful and effective entrepreneur. It all makes sense.

But when we take this striving ethos, so powerful in our Western culture, and
apply it to our fundamental humanity, something weird happens.

Each of us is a bag of great qualities like altruism and integrity and also of
more embarrassing qualities like jealousy, venality, fear and even cruelty.

It’s okay to say to yourself that you’re not a good enough tennis player, but it
gets nasty and dangerous when you look at your fundamental humanity and
think you’re not “good” enough. This is where people and religions start
getting into destructive ideas like “original sin”. This is where the flagellation
and the burnings begin – to BEAT the sin out of yourself and, of course, out
of others.

Instead – just accept that you’re not Jesus or Gandhi or whatever image of
human perfection has been foisted on you. Stop worrying about being not
good enough.

Eckhardt Tolle, in his really wise book, “The New Earth”, says that you do
not become good by trying to be good, but by finding the goodness that is
already within you, and allowing the goodness to emerge.

An ex of yours, your parents or your own internal voice may be telling you
you’re not good enough. Let that voice gently go.

Instead – every day, identify what is GOOD about you. And just let it
emerge more and more, no matter how uncomfortable that make you feel at

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

If you are feeling particularly bad about yourself – maybe you’ve had a
horrible breakup, or no success with women for a while, or you’ve been
suddenly downsized in a shitty economy – in this case, ask your good friends,
and women if you can, what they find is “good” about you. You may be

In fact, you may be so surprised, you may not believe what they say, or
worse, tell yourself that they are delusional and wrong and that the good
thing they say you are really isn’t that good.

If so, STOP THAT! Start a file, or a notebook, or a note cards by the side of
your bed and just write down what they said. And review it daily.

And let those things emerge.

You will start liking yourself better, you will start emanating relaxation and
happiness more. And you will become infinitely and effortlessly more
attractive to women.
Take Action #6: Expand Your Idea of “I”
Young men are obsessively concerned with their image, their reputation,
what others think of them.

The luxury of living at your prime is that you stop caring so much about
others opinions, and care more about the experience of life you are creating
for yourself and others.

There are few things less attractive than a man over 35 who talks incessantly
about himself, who begins every sentence with “I”.

One of the joys of growing into your fullness as a man is that you let go of
that obsession of “I” – and, if you are paying attention, you develop a richer,
more textured idea of what or who “I” is anyway.

It’s called letting go of your adolescent ego. Eckhardt Tolle says it


“What you usually refer to when you say “I” is not who you are. By a
monstrous act of reductionism, the infinite depths of who you are as
confused with a sound produced by the vocal cords or the thought of “I”
in your mind and whatever the “I” had identified with… most people
are still completely identified with the incessant stream of mind, of
compulsive thinking, most of it repetitive and pointless. There is no “I”
apart from their thought processes and the emotions that go with them.
This is the meaning of being spiritually unconscious.”

In fact, you are the awareness who can watch the incessant stream of
thoughts and emotions passing through you.

You gain emotional and intellectual and yes, spiritual mastery when you stand
back and, in perfect equanimity, can observe your thoughts and feelings as if
they were part of a non-stop parade, noisy, clashing, bumping, banging –
trying to make itself noticed and important.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

But the parade ain’t you.

The mature masculine, like the competent CEO or wise King, observes all
but emotionally identifies with none of the noise – then makes his decisions
in peace – from a vaster sense of “I”.
Take Action #7: Dis-Attach Your Identity From Your

People identify themselves with things - your fancy car, or clothes. You could
also ego-identify with striving, for endless personal or financial growth or
success with women. The danger of all these processes is that they tend
toward going on auto-pilot – exactly like a cancer cell. The only goal is to
multiply itself unconsciously.

He suggests an exercise where you investigate your relationship with anything

when you use the word “my”.

How much is your self-worth bound up in any thing or part of your body?
What things induce a feeling of importance? What lack of things or part of
your body makes you feel inferior?

How often do you mention the things in your life? There is the simple joy of
being, which is a gift that is available every second that you live.

Identification with things is really just identification with the “I” concept that
your mind has created and defends like crazy.

But it’s a losing game. It’s building sandcastles before the tide.

I believe is the key to the old phrase “life begins at 40” means that you spend
the first four years building up your ego, your identity, your status, your
“things” – and then at midlife, it's like you're standing on the apex of a hill
seeing over the top for the first time, getting that it’s all “downhill” from here
– meaning you can see death out there the horizon and there’s no avoiding it
– and realizing – DECIDING – that now you’re going to damn well enjoy
the ride.

When it comes to the reality of death, the whole concept of ownership and
the value of “things” stand revealed as absolutely meaningless.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

When you get that you’re going to die, as we discussed in the book on The
Integrated Masculine, which is the core of this Training, suddenly the
“things” of your life – your reputation, your body parts, your possessions
have less meaning to who you really are than the experience you create for
yourself every day.

So your focus lasers in on experience – are you happy, are you creating joy
for the people you love?

All your egoistic attachments suddenly seem slightly amusing and quaint –
and small.

And this is the vastness of consciousness that you will be embodying more
and more, as you genuinely mature. This is the vastness of consciousness that
so few young men attain – and which makes you seem “bigger” or wiser or
deeper than the young men. So see? Just gently letting the ego drop away
isn’t just spiritual enlightenment – it’s also a foundation of attracting pretty
Take Action #8: Own Your Rising Value

You’ve heard this before – but women hit their peak attractiveness in their
twenties – men do in their forties – and sometimes beyond (if you’re Sean

They may not want to admit it to you or to themselves, but they know that
their physical beauty wanes after 30 but that your physical attractiveness –
the salt and pepper thing but also the settled confidence that comes with
experience – only grows after 30.

Don’t argue with this or try to make women feel better about it by mitigating
the truth. Own your increasing attractiveness and resourcefulness as a
maturing man. Smile slyly at it, or, to put it another way – channel George

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

PARTII: Structure of Your Social and Dating Life for

Leverage and Leadership
Take Action #1: Organize a Roving Dinner Club

This one is easy. On several of the weekly trainings in the full 6 Months
Ageless Attraction Program, we talk about how to create a roving cocktail
club, a regular party, or activities using Facebook group pages or

But here’s another idea: a roving dinner club. Everybody has to eat. Single
women don’t like to eat alone. And everybody likes to discover new
restaurants (and new people if they are single).

This is such an easy thing to create. You can use Facebook or Meetup – and
you can use to make it even more fun, though that is not necessary.

Determine to sample a interesting variety of restaurants in your town or city.

It’s easy to research – you can use or any one of many online
recommendation services. Or just start asking friends their favorite
restaurants and then ask the restauranteurs for places they recommend.

The more you can create an atmosphere of fun, the better. If you can set up
a tasting menu or chef’s menu so that everything is taken care of, including
matching wines, all the better. You don’t have to do this, you don’t have to
make it super expensive, just adjust to your locality, and the type of women
you would like to attract.

If there are private rooms and restaurants arranged to reserve those. If you
can work it out so at that everything is prepaid, so there is no nonsense
around splitting up the bill and working out tips at the end, all the better.

You can do this once every two weeks or once a month. As the impresario,
you will gain status and gratitude.
Don’t forget to come up with a fun name for this club..

Take Action #2: Don’t Date

Dating can be fun.

It can also be a nightmare.

You are busy. You don’t feel like going through the routine of picking up,
dinner, listening to her story, telling your story, spending a whole night of
your precious time to figure out if you even want a second date.

One of the best dating tips I give for men especially over 40 is not to date!

If you' re 40 plus, it’s likely that you’ve emerged from of a divorce or long
term relationship – there might be kids involved. Chances are there’s still a
lot of hurt and anger boiling inside you and you’re not even sure what you
want from that woman sitting opposite you – who is likely feeling the same
mix of emotions.

You don’t want to stay home and spiral into deeper loneliness. You want to
get out and be with other men and women in fun, relaxed atmospheres –
without the pressure of “performing” on a date.

The idea at this stage is to simply feel comfortable around women again, and
not zero in on any one woman as a possible date. You don’t need the “heat”
of sex; what you really need is the warmth of feminine human contact.

The desire to throw yourself into a sex, to throw yourself into a “rebound
relationship” often salves the surface wound but it doesn’t treat the symptom
– which is why rebound relationships feel GREAT at first – then come the
tears, anger and resentment.

Trust me – you CAN get a date. Don’t worry about that.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

But you will be fooling yourself if you look to your too-early dates as
solutions to your problems of loneliness, feeling like you’ve been let down or
even that you’ve let yourself down.

This is why I so strongly recommend creating or joining fun social groups,

often around outdoor activities, adventure travel, food and wine. Where
spirits are high, people are relaxed, and you can feel valued for being the man
you are, not “date material” with all those “datey” expectations foisted upon

Take Action #3: Of Course, If You Do Have To Date – Do It


Just as I show you how to create a stand-out online profile that is creative,
intriguing and sensual, so too, if you do go out on dates, make them creative,
intriguing and sensual.
Don’t first-date at Starbucks. Meet outside if possible, or at a wine-bar or
hotel bar – anywhere with romantic ambiance. Anywhere with a broad view
(sorry those of you in Nebraska and Winnipeg). Anything that inflames the

Here are some ideas…

# Think of Baseball Averages - .250 is Damned Good

You will meet all kinds of women. You may go out on hundreds of dates.
Not every woman will dig you as a potential sexual partner and you will not
dig all women as a potential sexual partner for you (although you are more
likely to settle!)

One of the reasons I don’t date actresses in LA is that they become so used
to rejection, that they tend to become emotionally fragile.
They go on audition after audition – but only a few parts exist. Dating is a
little similar. You can get down and depressed if you go on dozens of dates
but feel “rejected” by ¾ of them.

Or you can look at it another way – every date is a learning experience. Just
glean what you can from each. Refine what it is you are looking for –
examine how you came across and how the woman responded.

It only takes ONE great woman to create a happy intimate life. They don’t all
have to like you.

But if you find that your dates are not going anywhere – focus again on the
social group approach to meeting women. You don’t want to get into that rut
feeling that “dating sucks” or “there are no good women out there”.

Change up your pool.

Take Action #4: Avoid a Fancy Dinner First Date

It sets up all kinds of unwanted expectations. If you spend money, what’s

expected of her? Are you ALWAYS going to spend 150 bucks on dinner?
Are you ALWAYS going to take her to a special restaurant?

It’s like the woman friend of mine who gave her boyfriend oral sex
enthusiastically while they were dating but after marriage, stopped. She set up
expectations and now of course, their marriage is a shambles. “Manage
expectations” is one of my favorite business terms. It's far better to suggest a
drink instead of dinner for a first date. She dreads a boring four-course
ordeal, too, in case it doesn’t work out.

Another thing – by going to a nice dinner, you are now like every other
middle manager of the spirit she’s ever dated. Be different. Be wildly
different. Take her to a gun range. A wine tasting. A crazy gourmet chef class
– something that’s exotic – Eskimo Walrus braising, Tuscan cheese making,

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

Nepali Yak Beer brewing. Of those three – take the Tuscan. Below, you’ll
find some ideas.

Take Action #5: The Outdoors Date

Maybe it’s because I live in California, or maybe it’s because I grew up in the
forests and streams of the Hudson Valley – but I love the outdoors. I find it
sexy and fertile and full of flow and movement.

And I love to take girls for first dates to the beach, on a walk along a park
trail, even an outdoor cafe.

There is something so freeing and sexy about it.

Especially today, when so many women, with their delicious, sensitive,

feeling bodies are locked into executive suits and cubicles or offices or
“sensible” shoes.

How freeing it is to lie in the grass, or have their hair blow in the wind. When
it does, it’s the perfect opportunity for you to brush it back away from their

Nature is doing your work for you! Opening her to her senses.

Combine it with a rich red wine and some creamy cheese and apple or pear
slices, and it’s already sex. ʄ

This is why you don’t meet at Starbucks.

Take Action #6: The Retro Date

In many ways, sex is play. And you can set the mood by play-acting. Have a
'50s night date. Dress the part, tell her to dress the part. Don’t tell her why!
When she sees you, she’ll already crack up a little. Have '50s music playing in
your car. If there’s a '50s style diner, go there. If there’s a Drive-in theater
anywhere around you, go. Comb your hair like an actor from Grease.

If there’s no drive in theater, bring her home and watch American Graffiti.
When they “neck” onscreen – that’s your cue.

Have fun. Show imagination. Play.

Take Action #7: Horse Around

I’m lazy. I like the medium to do the work for me. Which is why I love
internet dating. I can meet 10 women in an hour, get to know who they really
are and engage them according to their overt and hidden passions.

Same with dates. Why waste them? Why do just another dinner and a movie?

Do something to fire up her endorphins. Grab mountain bikes. If you sail,

take her sailing, and put her hands on the ropes – let her feel the power of
the wind. Kayak.

Or take her horseback riding. I don’t have to tell you about young girls and
horses, do I? All that muscle between their legs? All that control that isn’t
really control.

The physical excitement and interaction fires up her fear/sex adrenaline. It

gets her out of her head and puts her in her body.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

Take Action #8: The Endorphin Date: Hiking

I’m not crazy about hiking, or the word, “hiking” – it sounds sweaty and it
sounds like work. In England they call it “ambling” and in Australia, of
course, it’s a “walkabout”.

Do that – invite her on a walkabout. It has a romantic exotic ring – unless of

course you live in Sydney. If it’s a first date – asking her to join you in the
wilderness is iffy – it doesn’t feel safe and I would advise women to reject
that idea.

So choose some kind of cool route. Do a little research in a charming area of

your city or area. Construct an architectural tour, Do a wine bar tour. Or a
charming cafe tour and get a pastry or a cup of tea or coffee in each place.
An art walk is always fun – it gives you something to talk about. If you know
her a little, or trust her – have her take you shopping – after you’ve
complimented her on her sense of style. But don’t make it open-ended. Tell
her you need to buy some new shirts or sweaters and you’ll buy her dinner if
she earns her keep with her good advice, wink wink, at the end of your
shopping tour. Note – this is NOT a trip to the mall – it’s an amble in a hip,
charming shopping area of your city – or nearby city.
Once she knows and trusts you – then you can do the great forests or
coastlines or desert trails.
Take Action #9: Picnic Her

Picnics in the park or at the beach. There are few things more widely
associated with a romantic date than a picnic. Whether you enjoy a picnic at
your favorite local, state, or national park or at the beach a picnic provides an
opportunity to have fun, get to know each other a little better, and get a little
bit of a romantic vibe going.

Unusual places are awesome. Evokes wholesomeness – red checked blanket.

Sweet touches. Invokes trust.

Take Action #10: Listen To The Things Women Want You

To Know

For your benefit (okay, and mine) I polled women on what they want
men to know about dating. Here’s what I got for you…

1. Weekends are not for first dates. Thursday night is good and
Wednesday is fine. But establish when and where at least a day ahead of
time. Be considerate. She may have to plan her clothing changes

2. Leave her your cell and work/home numbers. If you don’t give a
home number and you’re over 35, she'll suspect you have a wife or
girlfriend. Of course, she might be right.

3. Surprises are OK, even exciting – but you MUST tell her what to
wear. If you want to take her for a beach romp, you don’t want an upset
woman in heels. If you’re going to the W bar, you don’t want a pissed-off
woman in casual clothes.

4. Yes, she will absolutely notice if the restaurant you've chosen is located
conveniently around the block from your place! Of course, she may not

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

mind. It is a sexual signal. I’ve done it many, many times and if that’s
what you want to communicate, have at it. If you feel she is more shy
and that’s pushing it – don’t.

5. Yes, she wants to hear she looks great. Even if she’s a supermodel and
you don’t want to sound cliché – say something nice right at the
beginning of the night – as soon as you see her. Take her in! Drink her
in! “Wow, you look fantastic!” No woman ever resented that comment.
If you want to throw in the Zan addendum, “God, I love women!” as a
way to contextualize and de-sexualize her specifically, it’s a great time to
practice. Of course she may feel that she wants ALL your attention on
her right then and there.

6. Remember – she got dressed for YOU. Say something nice.

7. Women get cold more quickly. It’s a capillary thing – as you may have
discovered from women’s cold feet in bed. We have better circulation in
our extremities than they do. So be upfront and ask if she's too cold or
too warm in any situation – and change the temperature. If you’re at a
restaurant – call over the manager and make the request. You valiant
knight, you.

8. Keep a fan heater in my bedroom next to the bed. It’s not only
considerate to quickly warm up a room – it also makes it more naked-
friendly. Duh, right?

9. Breath! Breath! Breath! You and I spend the evening looking at her
body, wondering what it would be like having sex with them. They, on
the other hand, spend much more time looking at our maws and
wondering what it would be like to kiss us. So – fresh breath, white
teeth, no spinach between teeth and no detritus in the corners of your
10. Show you have taste, even if you don’t. Women do want you to lead.
They do want you to introduce them to new music and new ideas. So
when they get in the car, or to your place – you choose. And have
something intelligent to say about the music.

11. If you’re not sure – there are a thousand sites with a thousand ideas. I
like Esquire’s recommendations – they usually have a classic cool about
them. And then learn a few intriguing facts about the singer or band.
Informed is good. Informed is authoritative.

12. If she mentioned a favorite band on her online profile or earlier date,
have it playing when she enters your place.

13. Finally – go through the free music channels on the iTunes store.
They are ….free… and there is something for every romantic mood –
from trippy Burning Man Electronica to Hippie Mood Music to classical
to soft jazz to heavy metal for you metalheads out there.

14. Take the lead. Be original. Teach her something. Be informed.

15. They don’t want to order dessert, but they definitely want a forkful –
or two – of yours. It’s an easy way to show generosity, not to mention,
introducing another dollop of pleasure into the evening. And sharing is
sexy – it is oral and it makes you feel like a couple.

16. Play with this. If she says she doesn’t want dessert, ask her if she
WAS going to have dessert, what would she order. Say, “yeah, that
would’ve been good”.

17. Then when the waiter comes, make it sound like you just had the idea
and order that dessert. And say – two forks.

18. They always try to peek to see if you are a generous tipper or a
cheapskate. If service was good – screw it – 20% is fine. Share the

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

wealth. A couple of bucks won’t kill you. The easiest way to tip – divide
the bill by 10 and double that number. Don’t linger over the tip or spend
a lot of time making calculations. It shouldn’t be a big deal. You’re not
the Grinch.

19. Here are some more gems I picked up along the way…

“If I touch your arm, I’m interested. If I touch your hair or leg, I want you

“Make a move! We’re not idiots out here. Touch my arm. Put your hand on
the small of my back when you lead me through a door. Give me a hand when
I’m getting in or out of a care. Be a man, dork.”

“By the second date, we expect you to remember our birthdays, our best friends
names, our eye colors… and our names.”

“Don’t drift away and expect we’ll take you back. We need consistent interest.
If we meet and you like us, call the next day or at least text us. If you let three
days go, we will know you are more interested in other women and you’re
history. If we have sex of any kind – call the next day or you’re dead.”

“If you don’t invite me for a Friday or Saturday night date by date 3 or 4, I’ll
know I’m your backup or your hopeful booty-call. And that you don’t take
me that seriously.”

20. Again – women are not clueless. They know your evil intentions. She
knows that when you invite her over for a “homemade meal” or to
“watch a movie”, it's code for “I am going to bend you over the couch”.
Which is fine, just don’t rush it cowboy.

PART III: Refine Your “Approach” and Attraction Skills for
Outrageous Magnetism
Face the fact…

As a mature guy, you have double the dating pool. You can date your age or
you can date younger.

So, with all these choices – and assuming that you’ve got your head on
straight, your confidence in line, and your optimism working reliably, here
are some tips that will get you ahead – both online and off-line, and
especially also with younger women.

I can guarantee you, that if you are new on the dating scene, or if you have
had bad luck until now, because you hadn’t acquired the kind of skills in this
program, and also in my book – – you can and will
succeed beyond your wildest dreams.

I am living proof of this, and I’ve seen it happen with men over and over and
over again. In the realm of attraction and dating, practice does make perfect,
or at least close to perfect.

Just keep at it. Do not give up. Learn your lessons. Note that you will be
rejected from time to time. And get on with it, like a happy child who falls,
brushes off his knees, and gets right back into the game.

We’re not talking warfare here, we are talking about having fun, meeting
women, and experiencing life in all its joys and fullness. Promise me you
won’t take yourself too seriously – and just get out there use these tips and
techniques, and have fun. Remember – women are waiting for you to make
their lives more fun.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

Take Action #1: Remember That Your “Baggage” May

Not Be Baggage At All

The Buddhists have a saying: “Don’t put a head on top of your head.”

Don’t create extra troubles where they don’t exist.

Some men think that having kids is “baggage” and some women may
consider that to be true.

But other women may consider your father energy to be the sexiest thing
about you.

I can attest to that 1000 times over. Women have commented on how much
they love watching me father my two boys – we have fun, I am direct with
them, we have a lot of playful banter and we go deep, discussing sex, life,
death, intimacy, women, purpose and the realities of economic life openly.

What’s more – if you are a father, you have probably developed nurturing
habits and faculties which women find comforting and endearing. You get
used to being attentive to others needs and taking care of them.

Few women find that to be “baggage”.

Sure, you need to pull time to be with your kids, but most healthy women
don’t want 100% of your attention anyway.

I tell the story of the young woman who was outraged that I had chosen
another women to get serious with. The other woman had kids, and the
young one scolded me, “How could you choose someone with so much

My honest response in the moment was: “I don’t see them as baggage. I see
them as three more people in my life to love.”

Everything is true in how you frame it.

Some divorced men worry that divorce is a bad mark on their record. But
there are plenty of women who want a man who’s been divorced. It means
he’s been chosen at least once (social proof) and if you can demonstrate that
you have learned about social dynamics from it, have been somewhat
humbled by it, and have gained wisdom – that is sexier than never having
been married.

Of course, if you go on and on about your ex-wife or girlfriend – what’s

wrong with her, how she screwed it up, etc – you are demonstrating that
your past Is baggage.

The important thing is to be honest about your emotions. It’s normal to feel
self-blame, anger, depression and feelings of worthlessness after a huge break

Instead of dumping all that on some poor woman, clean it up as best as

possible with your friends, with a therapist, even with a special divorce-
recovery group. Get it OUT of your system as much as possible and, for
God's sake, don’t expect your next woman to absorb all your sadness and
mix of emotions. It is unfair to her and it will damage whatever intimacy you

Use the TMI rule – avoid “too much information” about your past –
especially on a first date. Talk about what you learned, not about the details
of your divorce settlement or how “wrong” she was.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

After a break-up, be sure to exercise vigorously, and get your body into a
happy place again. Your emotions, to a large degree will follow suit.

Take Action #2: Avoid Comparing Yourself To Other Men

I remember when I first started dating online, I would go look at the other
man who had profiles up. There were the pilots, and the captains of industry,
the triathletes, and the guys who invested in hi-tech early, and who spent
their time drinking better wine than I had ever even heard of.
Needless to say, it got me down.

I have since learned to look at other men’s profiles, as well as watch other
men, not to berate myself, or to rate myself, but to see what I can learn from
what makes them attractive.

That is one of the reasons I provide you in this program with a selection of
what I consider very effective, positive, attractive male profiles. Not to show
you what you aren’t, but to spark your imagination so that you can
communicate the best of yourself with the most powerful, magnetic and
enticing language possible.

When it comes to dating, try not to judge yourself, try to always keep on
learning and improving all of your basic skill sets – your internal dialogue,
your social matrix, your approach skills, your sexual skills, your knowledge of
women and your body and vitality.

That is the way forward.

Take Action #3: Date Online Efficiently

Vet her before you meet. Go from online contact to maybe a short IM to the
telephone and quickly to a first meeting. The rule is, one or two IMs at best
and get to the phone.
The trick is to keep the telephone call short. So much sexual tension can be
dissipated by phone when you don’t know each other. It happens way too
often that you’re both being polite and essentially sexless on the phone.

And if you want to play a little edgy and sexy, it doesn’t always come across
on the phone as fun and playful. It can come off as creepy. She doesn’t know
you yet and she can’t see you, so you can’t really be your full self.

Sometimes of course, you will find a girl who is happy to play edgy and sexy
on the phone, in which case, go with it.

So, with the caveat that you have to jump into a meeting soon but really
wanted to “connect” with her, speak for a short while.

Women disclose a lot quickly. If she talks 90% of the time and doesn’t ask
you a question, or seems self-doubting or overly aggressive or mean and
bitter -- you know you don’t need to meet, and you can cancel. You don’t
have a lot of time to waste and you owe NOTHING to someone you
haven’t met.

Use your online and phone contacts to weed out the unpromising ones. Bad
dates with women who you feel ahead of time might be trouble, bitter, ball-
busting etc. not only wastes your time – it also tends to get men down. It
tends to give you the illusion that dating sucks or it’s hopeless.

Best to avoid a bad date altogether.

Addendum: Make sure you don’t internet date a woman who doesn’t post a
full body shot. A pretty face might come with a Hindenburg body – and if
that will not work for you, better than you both know up front.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

Take Action #4: Master Older Men-Younger Women Dating


As you know, I have written extensively on online dating.

If you want to find a girlfriend of wife, you are best off on Eharmony or

If you have a little means and want to date like crazy, try out sites like or

I scoffed at these for years until I met “Mentor X” who is featured in Unit
Three of the Intensive, and who is author if the forthcoming book, “The
Gentleman’s Guide to Dating (Seriously) Younger Women”.

He is a reasonably good looking guy in his forties who has a reasonably nice
Condo – nothing by the beach and nothing in Beverly Hills.

He told me about his experience online on a sugar daddy site – and I didn’t
believe him. They he opened his computer and showed me the girls he’d
been dating – and sleeping with.
I say girls because they were 19-24. And they were stunning!

Here’s what I learned from him – and again, I was 100% skeptical at the
start. There are so many young women out there who are sick of guys with
messy apartments, who don’t have real jobs yet, who don’t have any world
experience or knowledge, who can’t teach a woman anything about life.
These women will adore you if you take them to a nice dinner and give them
some guidance and inspiration, tell stories about travel and business and just
treat them with respect and interest. Not only that, they find older guys sexy
for all these reasons, and they are very generous with their bodies.

Now, he will often fill up their car with gas or – and this is a bit of genius –
pre pay for a manicure-pedicure before their first date – and even that bit of
generosity feels like a huge gift in their lives.

Ever your dutiful servant, I created a profile and jumped on one of these
sites – and got over 1000 emails in the first two months. Of course, my
profile was a standout but still – the hunger out there blew me away. The
hunger for a nice good man who can show a young woman a nice evening or
weekend getaway.

I was VERY specific in my profile that I wasn’t a “Sugar Daddy” who pays
for sex. I was clear that I love inspiring people to live their best lives – which
is what I hope I doing here with you. And it’s true. The response was
overwhelming. Here’s what I learned… there are 4 kinds of women on these

1. Hookers or call girls who will be up front and offer sex for 300 bucks a

2. Very pretty women who want a monthly allowance for sex and the
facsimile of a relationship.
3. Really lonely girls in small towns across the country who want something
more out of life but who don’t know a single man who has money or life
experience there to lead them. These are kind of heartbreaking – they are
usually VERY sincere about wanting to travel out of their town or state and
will fly on a moment’s notice to visit you if you are a nice, decent person.

4. Really smart, ambitious young women who want to meet a guy who’s got
some experience and world smarts.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

It’s that fourth category that rocked my world. I was impressed at the
worldliness and intelligence of these girls and found them great company.

If you want to meet a nice, sweet, country girl – you can find that in category
3. She might end up being the best thing that ever happened to you.

As for categories 1 and 2, not my scene!

Take Action #5: Nail Down What You Want As Soon As


When you sign up for a dating site, you may be overwhelmed by just how
many beautiful women out there waiting to meet a man.

Unfortunately, if you live in the sticks, you will not have the local choice or
those who live in the city. Either move, or be prepared to travel or pay for
the travel of women to come meet you.

Now, you might have one of two goals in online dating.

The first is to date lots of women. In this situation, maybe you’ve just gotten
out of a long relationship, or maybe you just want to spend your life eating
and having sex with lots of women.

If you are looking for a wife, or long-term girlfriend, then be smart: set
realistic goals.

Don’t spend all your time writing to women 20 years younger – although you
can certainly pepper your online dating activity by throwing your line out into
these waters – you never know what you might catch.
But if you focus only on the super hot women, or the super young women,
you will likely get frustrated and leave online dating altogether.

If you want to just date and have fun, there are no limits to what is realistic.
There’s a great story told in our training session with Lance, (Month #3,
Week #2) of the 53-year-old man who hangs out on campus and manages to
meet all the girls who have a thing for significantly older men – roughly
about 10-20% of women. He just puts himself in the right place. Sometimes,
that’s all it takes.

Decide…. and keep refining your TOP requirements – and let the other ones

What’s most important to you? Do you want her to work? Do you want her
to make a significant income, or do you really want a partner who will have
much more time to bring beauty and companionship into your life. Do you
want her to have kids? Does it matter to you? What’s a deal breaker? More
importantly – what is not?

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

Take Action #6: Focus on the Positive Aspects of Your Age
and Experience

A lot of us are returning to dating after long relationships. And we look at

ourselves the last time we dated and now and we see a bit of paunch, a bit of
gray, a bit of lost verve. It’s easy to look back and see the negatives of your

However, the woman that you meet at a bar, in a cafe, on the street or at
work only sees you in the moment now. She’s not looking at your college
photos when you were ripped and had free-flowing hair.

So your impact on her is all about the self you are bringing to her, and what
is going through your mind affects that.

The questions going through your mind that you should be answering is,
“What makes me attractive right now?” And your body should reflect that.

I am healthy, I eat well, I am vital and full of energy

I am reliable and a man of my word and women crave that
I am hardworking and honest and women admire that
I am caring and compassionate and women dream of that
I am sexual and attentive and women yearn for that
I am happy and curious and women enjoy that
I am creative and social and women want that
I have dressed myself with care and touch of flair – and women dig that
I am relaxed because I like and accept myself and women are
grateful for that
I create my own fate, am a bit of a rebel, and women find that
I am wise and battle-scarred, and women coddle to that
By keeping your focus on the positive aspects of you, you cultivate a
confident energy. The story you tell about yourself, in your body, words and
action is the story that women will accept right up front.

It may be exactly what the next beautiful woman you meet may be looking
for. When you carry yourself with these beliefs, you will discover that women

At school, at work, online, in the mall, on the street, at the gym. Where they
once were invisible, they appear to you before your eyes because they are
suddenly attracted to your positive vibe.

If you thought there might be a magic “pickup” or approach secret – this is


Be happy, positive and confident in who you are – and women will WANT
to go on the ride.

Take Action #7: See Every Moment As A Potential Magic Moment

What I don’t like is the kind of marketing some people do – “seduce any
woman anywhere!”

That’s bullshit. Some women are grieving a death. Some are tense over some
pressure in their lives. Some just aren’t going to like you – and some you are
not going to like.

You can’t have “any woman any time”.

But you can discover a fantastic woman anywhere!

Everywhere you go during the day, you have opportunities to have positive
interactions with women. Not to “seduce them” but to open a fun

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

interaction with. A kind word, a little joke, a compliment without neediness.

Talk to everyone. Say hello to everyone. Be a positive presence.

Even if she’s not going to jump into your arms and bed that night and she
might! – any women, every woman is a doorway to a new social circle, and a
larger pool for you.

Every encounter is a treasure waiting to be explored.

That’s why you should look and feel your best whenever you leave your

It’s like my son said when he was 3 and I asked him why he went to sleep in
his crusader armor, his cowboy boots, his sword in hand and his belt stuffed
with, as he called them “my pistols, histols, gistols and nistols”.

He looked at me through his visor and said, steely as Dirty Harry: “You
never know.”

Same thing. Wherever you go, that amazing life changing woman may be
there, waiting for you to simply open a conversation with an offhand

You never know.

So treat every moment as a possible encounter.

Take Action #8: Act the King, Not the Jester

A sly quip slipped amid very proper conversation is far more attractive than a
jumpy, jokey aggressive assault.

You are a man of some years experience, you are expected to act
knowledgeable, respectful and mature.

But once you set that context, then you can enjoy being the self-assured rule-

Remember, and this goes especially for younger women or beautiful women
of any age – they are constantly getting hit on, having nasty sexual things said
to them on the street and generally often feel treated disrespectfully.

You should be the man who is different.

For younger women, you respect their independence and assuredness. Treat
them, at first, like an intellectual equal, but then, within that context, don’t be
afraid to tease them about the gaps in their knowledge. Don’t insult. Tease.

For beautiful women over 35, say, you want to respect them not so much by
speaking to their intelligence, but to their grace and the beauty of who they
are. The beauty of the love that they offer or the beauty that they bring to the
world. “I love the way that looks on you” is better than “Nice dress!”

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

Take Action #9: Go Light, Go Emotional And Avoid Small

I hate small talk.

Women hate small talk from men.

Small talk is talk about small things, small scope. Small talk skirts the BIG
areas of life: love, sex and death.

Small talk deals with memos, the weather and the drier aspects of the news.

Yes, you can ask someone where they are from. This is particularly great if
you’ve traveled a bit and have something to say about almost anywhere.

But what you want to do is avoid “interview” type questions.

Going “light” means making fun of where she’s from, or where you’re from.
Finding humor in her, in the social situation, in yourself. Enjoying the froth
of life – the sexual play that’s always afoot. Being “cheeky” or a “daring” in
your banter often accelerates attraction – women like a daring man. They
may take it as a signal, take your hand and take you home. Of course,
sometimes you will offend someone’s sensibilities. It’s gonna happen. Don’t
sweat it.

Going “emotional” means asking really penetrating questions. What do you

love most about where you live? What do you miss most about where you
grew up? What was your favorite hiding place? What did you dream of being
when you grew up? What’s your ideal vacation fantasy (make sure they walk
you through the day, from waking up right into the night and…. back into
bed. Ask what they see, smell and hear?)
Take Action #10: Use Indirect Compliments

Direct compliments can often come across as insincere, clichéd, pompous or

she may not believe them and reject them and you.

Ross Jeffries writes about the power of the “implied compliment” –

something the other party has to think about, participate in, and create with

“It’s just that I really like (or admire) women with class and style, so I had to
come up and say hello. My name’s Bob.”

She’s not thinking – oh this guy’s hitting on me. It’s more: Oh, this man
thinks I have class and style – I DO have class and style!”

This is similar to Zan’s advice to use the phrase “I love women” within a
string of compliments or observations.

It’s less of an assault and more of an appreciation of her as a woman among

women – not as a body in your gun sights.

Take Action #11: Help Her Seduce Herself

This technique I owe completely to the evil genius of Mentor X, who appears
(Month #4, week #2) in the At Home Mastery Series.

The idea is to avoid coming off as if you are a wolf on the prowl, making
everything happen to get her into bed. Instead, have her participate.

When he invites a girl up for a drink, he offers Mimosas – which is

champagne mixed with fruit juice. He already has three nice glass pitchers of

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

different fruit juices – orange, grapefruit and mango, say – and has her pour
each into the champagne flute in part of a fun taste-test process.

But wait – where did those champagne flutes come from? He led her to a
glass cabinet that contains several one-off glasses – some antique some
modern and asks her to pick the one that most reflects who she is. That is a
whole topic of conversation in itself – about women’s favorite subject –
them! Plus, by choosing, she is participating in the whole process.

Then, as they move to the living room, he hands her the matches or lighter
and asks her to light the candles while he gets the dishes. She is setting the
romantic scene. Pouring drinks. Choosing the glassware. Lighting the

Like I said. Genius.

Take Action #12: Meet Women Online – But Not Just on

Dating Sites

Yes, Match and EHarmony (for the marriage minded), PlentyOfFish, OkCupid,
Yahoo! Personals, MillionaireMatch, The Onion Personals, DancePartners – all those are
great places to find infinite women.

But use other sites as well. Look up Look for a subject or activity
that you are interested in or might be interested in exploring. It is FREE!

Groups meet at local restaurants, parks, beaches and at each other’s homes.
What a great way to rev up your social life if you’ve been out of the game for
a while.
Take Action #13: Make Facebook Your Friend

You may be one of the five people left in the world who thinks Facebook is
only for teens.

My mom has a Facebook account. My girlfriend’s mom does. Everybody and

his mom has a Facebook account.

It is the easiest and most casual way to meet people ever invented.

Create a profile and think of it as a 24-hour “advertisement” for your life.

Make sure your photos portray a happy, fun, active guy with lots of friends
and family (read: “safe”).

Adding friends of friends is perfectly nice and natural and not too strong of a
come on. Just say: “I see you’re friends with my friend Diana. You seem
cool.” Or : “I also love mountain biking.” Or whatever you see on a young
lady’s profile. Then a few days later, you can ping her.

I personally LOVE the chat function on Facebook – it shows you who on

your friends’ list is online and ready for an IM chat. It’s a great way to be
breezy, say hi quickly, ask an opinion or make fun of them for being up so

I have built several relationships on FB chat alone, which have developed

into intimate relationships. Bless Facebook.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

Take Action #14: Go To Self-Development Workshops and


Women, being more socially attuned, spend a lot of time and money on
personal growth. If Marianne Williamson or Wayne Dyer of John Assaraf or
any one of a million personal growth gurus are coming to town, check out
the offerings.

Not only might you learn something, but you are bound to meet bucket
loads of women, usually about 70% of the audience – and the kind of
women, by the way who are looking for more depth, satisfaction and
experience in their lives.

Why don’t you help them?

Take Action #15: Volunteer

If you get out there and do some volunteer work in your community – or
even abroad – you are likely to meet many warmhearted women who are
dedicated to making the world a better place.

The context will be casual and non-“datey” and you will already have
“passive value” by having shown up to volunteer your time. Just by showing
up, you are demonstrating leadership, service and sense of virtue.

Check out local singles-philanthropic groups – especially the kinds that build
houses or work with kids. Demonstrate your expertise in a context of fun.

Beats the hell out of hugging a wall at a dance club.

Take Action #16: Stand in the Center of the Room

Have you ever heard of the field of spatial psychology? Well, there is one. I
know. I have consulted with supermarkets on what to do with their front
areas, you know outside the cashier lines where they tend to put dog food,
firewood and patio furniture.

There is a whole science to how people enter a room, flow through it, where
they feel comfortable and where they feel on edge.

According to Dr. Albert Mehrabian, author and expert in the field of spatial
psychology, where you stand in a room (and what you're doing) has a lot to
do with your ability to attract women.

He says, stand in the center. Move around a bit, but stay in the center zone.
And own the space. Welcome people into the area as if you own it.

If you're in a bar, he says, the best place to be is at one of the corners on the
bar. Not only will you meet more people, get involved in more conversations
but also, bartenders tend to gravitate toward the corners as well. And in the
strange, pecking order of this micro-climate – having a bartender as a pal is
seen as social proof of your value.

Of course outside the bar is a whole other thing.

The worst place to be is clinging to a wall, like a lurker, an observer, an


The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

On Dating Younger Women

About 20% of men who marry for a second time, marry a woman who is
over 20 YEARS YOUNGER. It’s normal. It’s happy. And if it’s something
you want, go after your goal with confidence and generosity of spirit, not

And I’ve read that 20% of young women say they are attracted to
significantly older men.

Why? There are lots of reasons. Here are a few typical reasons I’ve come

“Older men are like a breath of fresh air. Most of the men that are my
age (26) are not comfortable in their skin yet. They are still figuring
themselves out. I did that 3 years ago and am ready to be with someone
that is a little more mature, independent and confident.”

– Melissa 26

“I like to date men who are in their late 30s – early 40s. They are less
headaches and are more open to communicating because they are
not worried about looking cool and being macho. Plus they know who
they are or are at least closer to getting there then men my own age.”

– Jennifer 27

“I have dated younger men and I have dated older men and I definitely
prefer dating older men. They are just better. Men who are younger or my
age don’t really interest me. I find it easier to connect to older men.”
Belinda 35
Some of the women who love older men didn’t have present fathers and
really feel secure and happy in the presence of a nurturing older guy.

Some are super-ambitious and absorb all your lessons of success in the
world. It turns them on. She wants to better herself and you are a vehicle of
that bettering.

Some are rebelling against their strict religious or authoritarian families and
want to date you as a mark of her independence.

Some want the status of a man with a nice car and money. They feel it’s a
quick way to make themselves feel better about themselves – certainly better
than being picked up by the barista with a ’92 Ford Fiesta. These may not be
Some simply enjoy a more sexually experienced man who knows how to go
down on a woman, how to cherish a woman, how to bring her to orgasm
and politely wait his turn.

It’s important to understand their motivations, but there are also some
universals which will make it work for you and for her. You’ve got to clean
up your basics. We go into depth in our amazingly revealing training with
Mentor X in Unit Three of the 6 Unit Intensive that make up this full

But here’s a start to begin shifting anything that’s blocking you…

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

Take Action #17: Remember That Younger Women Are Smart

and Fascinating

If you want to give away your power, charm and attractiveness very quickly
with a younger woman, compliment our her on her looks.

If you want to build your power, charm and attractiveness – compliments her
on her brains. On her energy. On her ambition. If you tell her she is
sophisticated and advanced beyond her years, not only will that amp up her
sexuality with you, it will help her bond with you – because she feels
appreciated and seen for the part of her that most men don’t see.

You always want to complement in a way that makes you stand out from
other men. This is why do complement of beautiful women on their grace or
graciousness or elegance – and not on their rack, or eyes, or smile.

Young women especially want to be seen as sophisticated in the eyes of an

older man. So don’t you her ear off by talking about yourself or your
business – after lots of questions, acknowledge her insight and how much he
knows, be genuinely appreciative and let her know that she is so unlike other

To really understand this, take a few moments to think about what it must be
like for a sexy 20-year-old woman who has started college and attracts the
attentions of men in their 30s and 40s, or who is a beautiful woman by any
standard, which she knows what she sees herself naked in the mirror, or
mirrored in the eyes of men.
Chances are she doesn’t have the clothing or romantic nighttime experiences
that she sees in the movies or has imagined at night alone.

On the other hand, she has definitely imagined herself sitting in a candlelit
restaurant overlooking Paris with a dashing man in evening jacket. In fact she
believes – and knows – that she deserves this. That she deserves the best.

If you were her, who would be more appealing? A 23-year-old kid who has
just begun his first job, hurrying to please his boss? Or a man who has great
responsibility in his work, owns his own business, has traveled a bit, and who
knows a thing or two about the world?

She already knows that she is beautiful. Chances are she hears it thrown at
her and wolf whistled at her every day.

So what really turns her on is a man who finds her smart, interesting and
Be that man.

You've probably also begun to realize that there are certain types of “boys”
that hold a certain appeal... and ones that trigger a certain type of magnetic
attraction in you.

(If you've had a chance to go through my Advanced Dating Techniques

Program, then you understand that this ATTRACTION is being triggered by
certain traits, and not just good looks.)

Now, without taking too long to explain the point, if you think about it, the
traits that trigger ATTRACTION in women are MORE likely to be found in
an OLDER man than a YOUNGER one.

Traits like higher status, masculinity, leadership, mystery, challenge,

confidence, and composure... and many others.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

It often takes men DECADES to cultivate the traits that are attractive to
women... and you'll notice that when they do, they often act like they just
discovered the concept of FRICTION... and they behave accordingly.

And if you were an attractive younger woman who was just “finding her
wings” in life, you'd be responding to this in a way that you probably
wouldn't be able to explain.

The point?

Younger women are more likely to feel ATTRACTION for a man who is

Take Action #18: Avoid Becoming the Obvious Dad Figure

Who doesn’t love a sweet, smooth young female body?!

But who also forgets what he’s about when he gets near one. Of course, if
you want to date younger, or MUCH younger – then have at it. But stay true
to core. This might require enlisting a friend, the way Odysseus had his crew
tie him to the mast so he could hear the sirens singing – the song that lured
every other sailor to his death.

The key is – don’t do what you wouldn’t otherwise. Don’t allow her to pull
you into her world, where you will feel old and out of place. Draw her into
yours. Take her to a charity event, make her feel like a treasured princess. But
don’t you go down to her spoken poetry night to hear her dorky friends.
There, you are the enemy. You’re the dad figure adolescent girls and guys are
bucking against.

If you take her to music, go hear a cool group where there is a mixed age
audience. Or to anywhere where there is mixed-age – outdoors or indoors.
Take Action #19: Maintain The Power Position

Young beautiful women feel they have the power with an older guy – but it’s
a brittle power, and when you don’t get over-responsive, the power balance
shifts back to you.

So keep your cool, no matter what. Don’t yell at other cars. Don’t let her
rattle you. If she makes fun of your age, make fun of hers (“Where’d you
learn a big word like that?” “Ooh, smart. I see you’ve been studying for the

Stay unruffled. This cannot be stressed enough. One of the main reasons
young women want to date older guys is because they expect older men to
remain in control of themselves and their environment.

You are safe, unlike some testosterone-ridden hothead who gets into a
fistfight because someone stepped on his shoes.

By getting nervous, defensive or angry, you destroy the aura of power you
naturally have – and she will respect you less, and find you less alluring.

Take Action #20: Take the Lead in Conversation

To compensate for their lack of experience, young women often behave in

extreme ways and surround themselves in drama – which make them feel
important. Often they talk a mile a minute – don’t be afraid to gently press
your hand to her mouth when he’s filling up blank airtime with chatter and
say, “surely there is something better you can do with that mouth” and just
kiss her.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

If she is blathering, or talking about something obviously shallow because

she has nothing else to talk about, don’t be afraid to shift topics on a dime.

If you can build a deeper conversation, or even one about others in the room
with your practiced eye, you get to make her feel smart, heard and included –
and you can give her points for rising to your level. Literally say: “That was
quick – you get ten points.” If she asks what they are for you just say “you
may be able to redeem them later”, and move the conversation on.

Whatever you do, don’t let her “lead” conversations. Don’t sink to a lower
level of conversation because you want to please her.

By contrast, raise her game.

Take Action #21: When In Rome, Text Like a Roman

If you’re dating a girl in her twenties, understand how she has learned to
communicate. Which means, texting. My grandfather wrote long love letters
to my grandmother when he was wooing her. They are beautiful
constructions, the outpourings of a thoughtful heart.

Wooing, however, has gone out of style. Long letters will make you feel like
her grandfather. Drop her fun texts during the day. If your phone can do it –
send funny photos that tease her with your texts. I was dating a Hispanic girl
and sent her a window ad for “hot fritters” and told her for some reason it
reminded me of her. She texted back that hers are the hottest fritters!

Don’t ask what she’s doing or who she’s with. Avoid becoming the “father”
she is probably trying to replace with you.

Keep it light. Stay in touch. Remind her she’s on your mind. Texting is like a
sexy string between you – and if she is in her 20s she's habituated to that
string. Don’t be chatty or annoying – but don’t let it go slack for too long.
Take Action #22: Let Her Make The First Move – or at least
– The First Indication

This may seem counter-intuitive.

Older men/younger women – it’s an interesting dynamic. Until you get

intimate, she has the power. She flaunts it. She is used to it. You’re the old
guy, the perv – meaning just that she KNOWS you want her.
So this is the most delicate period. You cannot SEEM like you are desperate
for her. To do this, there are two steps: you have to build her trust and de-
focus on her body.

You build trust by going slow. By being indifferent to her attentions. Young
women flit. They vibe on attention. They are at the height of the sexual
attraction, and consciously or not, they will try to draw as many eyes and as
many compliments as possible. You can’t rope them and pull them in like
calves. Fishing is better metaphor. You pull them in a little, let out a little line
while she goes and flirts or texts or whatever – without seeming at all jealous,
then pull her in a little more.

You de-focus on her body by employing one of the beautiful techniques I

discuss in the “Bring Your Inner Lover” training with Zan Perrion in Unit
Six of this program, on Mastering The Secret Heat of Women.

Say: “You’re so adorable. I love women. Look at you.” This accomplishes a

few things. You compliment her, which she needs. You also contextualize
her into “women” which is more sophisticated than the “girl” she still is.

If she has dressed up, you can say instead: “You’re beautiful. I love elegant
women.” This has the dual effect of seeing the goddess in her* and letting
her know she’s not the ONLY woman!

(*Seeing and cultivating the Goddess in her is a skill and gift we develop in detail in the
interviews in Month Four of the Training, with Mare and Claire)

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

In Hollywood, we call this a push-pull. It creates self-conflicting emotions –

he wants me, but he could love OTHER women too – and it draws her
further in to your sphere.

Once you feel that she is in your sphere – meaning that the bravado of her
sexual attraction has been whittled away by your patience and your
appreciation of “woman” – and once you feel that she is digging you, and
maybe wants to even prove to herself that you want her specifically, that’s
when you kiss her.

My friend David DeAngelo likens young women to cats…

If you want to make friends with a cat, the best tactic is to IGNORE

Cats are interesting creatures.

Have you ever noticed that if you chase a cat, it will run... but if you sit
and ignore it, you'll soon find yourself pushing it off of your lap?

Same goes for younger women.

Like I just mentioned, younger women have often just "escaped" from
controlling parents, structured lives, and zero freedom.

If she's attracted to you, it's not because you're creating the environment
that she just left... it's because you represent something different.

You'll find that if you call her all the time and chase her, she'll be harder
to get a hold of, and less likely to continue to see you.

If you let her go, let her live her life, and make yourself more scarce, you'll
be more likely to have her pursuing YOU.
Be the man that she's always dreamed about, and then don't chase her.

Take Action #23: Be Protective But Respect Her


This is an addendum to the point about “don’t be her Dad”. You don’t want
to bring up the worst of the father figure she is probably escaping – you do
want to remind her of the best of the father figure she trusts.

So don’t get possessive or jealous at all. Don’t ask her where she’s been or
who she’s been talking to. She is going to continue having friends her age
and you’d better be relaxed with that. Don’t show up at her place
unannounced – as it will seem like you are spying on her.

Don’t interfere in her life. If she asks you opinion, great, share it.

She's free, so let her be free. Encourage it, even. Don't interfere. Especially in
her family affairs.

Take Action #24: Super-Celebrate Her Accomplishments

This is just a reminder. I mean, you should celebrate any lover’s

accomplishments, but remember – what seems like a big deal to a younger
woman may not seem like much to you.

Getting an apartment of her own. Passing some benchmark at work. Getting

a raise that to you wouldn’t make a dent – these are big deals for her and you
should treat them with utter enthusiasm and praise.
You want her to be all she can be and she will deeply appreciate having you
as a cheerleader on her team – especially because friends and family can be
very negative and judgmental.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

Enjoy her while you have her, and don’t be surprised if she outgrows her
need for you.

You cannot cling to her as she grows.

Just as a baby goes through huge learning spurts compared to your adult self,
so too a younger woman will take huge maturing leaps compared to you, and
may need something different before you do.

Let her go, like a lovely flower petals on the wind. In appreciation and

Take Action #25: Be Chivalrous, Be a Gentleman

Most younger women have never been treated like a lady. They frat guys and
artist-baristas they’ve dated never stood up for them when they entered a
room, nor cleaned their car, not even cleared the laundry off the bed when
she comes over.

And yes, every woman wants to be treated like a lady. You can even create
the context for that. Play old sexy duets – like Louis and Ella bantering. Have
an Astaire-Rogers movie playing on the big screen. She may make fun of you
for being ancient – but watching them dance, she will be charmed.

I’m a little crazy about this, by the way. I love the old songs: “Angel Eyes”,
“Can’t Take That Away From Me”, “My One and Only Love”. I tend to sing
them unconsciously – and women will ask me to sing it to them. If you like to
sing, turn your attention on her and sing it right into her heart and eyes.

If you can’t sing – do a fun night where you are in a tux and she’s in a gown.
If you can’t find an event where this is appropriate, create a crazy evening –
just set it up. Rent a boat, or have a special table set up at a beautiful
restaurant, or easier – reserve a dance studio and have an instructor take you
through some romantic old steps. Try Tango of course, but also -

Most younger women have had VERY FEW men in their lives who even
know what the word "Chivalry" means.

If you're one of those men, then you need to LEARN what the word means.

Opening doors, walking on the outside of the curb, and pulling out chairs
makes a BIG impression on younger women.

When you combine a masculine, powerful presence with chivalry, you will
stand out and make yourself VERY intriguing and attractive.

Take Action #26: Stay Calm In the Face of Chaos

We discussed this in depth in the Irresistible Book, but it’s worth re-

Women admire men who stay calm in the face of trouble, chaos or danger.

Women’s lives tend to feel more chaotic, especially when they are young and
things are changing so fast. They will try to draw you into that chaos. They
may get upset that you don’t “feel” it as strongly as they do – but, in time –
could be minutes, hours or days – they will respect you for keeping solid

If she freaks out about something, don't let it get to you. Stay cool and calm.
Your stability is the core of your attraction.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

Take Action #27: Own Your Relaxation – Hand Out The

Spiritual Underwear

You meet a woman and she’s stunning – and to your astonishment, she
seems interested in you. You blush. You stutter. You try to find the right
thing to say. You can’t believe your luck.

It happens to all of us. It’s happened to me. Turns out she was a porn
actress, but that’s another story (and a short one!)

Now, there is a trick that public speakers use when they face a big crowd or
big moment. They are told to picture everyone in the audience in their

It makes them less threatening, less judgmental, less on-high.

Ditto for feminine beauty in all its glory – it is threatening. You want to
please. You are treating her like an “other”. Especially when you know (but
she doesn't) how ripped you were 10 years ago, how your hair was full and
flowing. You are judging yourself and projecting it on her.

So am I suggesting that when you meet an astonishingly beautiful woman

that you picture her I lingerie. No. You are probably doing something like
that anyway. And you will sound even more like Elmer Fudd.
Picturing an audience in skivvies is a way to un-other them. There is a
spiritual parallel practice here, which not only levels the playing field and
calms you, but actually makes you a vaster spirit, a more spacious and deep

How else can you dissolve the line that separates you from others? How do
you dissolve the sense of separation between you and any woman?

The answer takes you into a profound realm…

As we deepen as spiritual beings, we see every single being, human and
otherwise, as fundamentally like ourselves - and therefore it becomes natural
to treat them and love them in the way we would ideally be treated (not
including our perversions and neuroses).

This simple, benevolent, selfless love is called in Buddhism, Bodhicitta or the

Awakened Heart, it is rooted in the knowledge of death and the passing of
everything and is the very spirit of enlightenment.

I find this very well expressed in this lyric by the poet, Mary Oliver:

When Death Comes

When death comes

like the hungry bear in autumn;
when death comes and takes all the bright coins from his purse
to buy me, and snaps the purse shut;
when death comes like the measles-pox;
when death comes like an iceberg between the shoulder blades,
I want to step through the door full of curiosity, wondering:
what is it going to be like, that cottage of darkness?
And therefore I look upon everything as a brotherhood and a
sisterhood, and I look upon time as no more than an idea,
and I consider eternity as another possibility,
and I think of each life as a flower,
as common as a field daisy, and as singular,
and each name a comfortable music in the mouth tending as all
music does, toward silence,
and each body a lion of courage,
and something precious to the earth.

When it's over, I want to say: all my life I was a bride married to

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms.

When it is over, I don't want to wonder if I have made of my life
something particular, and real.
I don't want to find myself sighing and frightened, or full of
I don't want to end up simply having visited this world.
From New and Selected Poems by Mary Oliver

This is what you might call love, Buddha-style: impartial to all, free from
excessive attachment or false hope and expectation; accepting, tolerant, and

Take Action #28: Neither Live In The Past – Nor Drag Her Back

In conversation, focus on the wisdom you have, not the long stories that got
you that wisdom. You don’t need to trot out the detailed story of that
woman you dated in the nineties – or eighties! – whose neediness taught you
blah blah blah.

All that she will hear is that you were dating a somebody else while she was
learning how to finger paint. And that woman now must look like a
combination of Mother Theresa and the California Raisins.

Young women don’t want your war stories. They live in this moment, which
is sparkling with life. Any time you start bringing up other women in the past
– especially ex-wives: they will assume you are still attached to them – and
you will suddenly seem less youthful, less alive-in-the-moment and altogether
less interesting.

Remember – you are interesting to you. But the you that you were is not so
interesting to others. The you who you are RIGHT NOW is all that is
important – especially to young women.

They are looking FORWARD in life, not backwards. Focus on what you are
planning to create! Where you are planning to travel! What’s next? And of
course, if it’s possible that get to enjoy that ride with you, paint that picture!
Ask them what they want to experience or create or enjoy.

Be the ride that young women want to get on. Remember – your resources
and knowledge of the world are probably far vaster than hers.

Be the doorway to excitement and fun. Not the doorway to a musty cellar of

Take Action #29: If You Date younger Women, Prepare For the Scorn
of Women Your Age

This is inevitable.

Show up with a hot younger woman on your arm and you will get two
reactions. Other men, especially married men will tell you “I hate you”, but
mean it in a playful, jealous way.

Women your age will actually hate you! Well, okay, not “hate” but they will
be angry at you and that anger will come out as scorn. They will say you
“can’t handle” an older woman or that something is “wrong” with you.

Don’t fight them. Don’t name-call. Don’t defend yourself.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

Have compassion. One woman of more advanced years described her pain
to me around this issue as feeling “irrelevant”.

That’s some painful shit – and if you can get inside that feeling – maybe
you’ve felt that way in your life (especially if, like me, you wandered into a
Sunset Strip Dance Club at age 40 and everyone else was 21).

She is feeling her life pass her by, and is sad that a woman, like herself, of
greater wisdom and experience than a young hottie – or so she believes –
cannot get a good man who is still attractive and in her age range.

Take Action #29: Don’t Use Young Woman For the Wrong Reason

A final word here.

There is a lot of social pressure to “get” younger women.

But if you get one, she might not make you much happier.

Younger women can often be much more demanding, needy, frazzled and
life-energy-sucking than a more seasoned woman. They may wreck your
equanimity, your focus, your ambition, your happiness.

That does not mean they will lose their appeal for you physically.

David Deida offers a brilliant insight on what to do about this conundrum.

How to drink in the life-affirming pleasure of a young woman’s presence –
without getting trapped into thinking you have to create a relationship with

In chapters 7 of The Way of the Superior Man: “Young Women Offer You a
Special Energy”, he offers a very profound message – one that will allow you
to thoroughly enjoy the refreshing and happy effect young women have on
you while at the same time freeing yourself from her thrall, freeing her from
your neediness, and serving your life and others in an admirable way. These
passages are directly from that chapter…

“In general, youth in a woman bespeaks radiant, unobstructed, and

refreshing feminine energy…

There is something unique about being with a young woman, and all
men with masculine sexual essences feel it. You feel rejuvenated by her.
Just sitting next to a young woman can make you happy and fill you
with life force. You might have nothing in common. But that doesn’t
matter. It is her energy that delights and inspires you…

As a man, it is your responsibility to honor the heart rejuvenating gift of

a young woman, without violating this honor by imposing your sexual
desire on her. If sexual desire arises, fine…

Circulate it through your body. Learn to conduct the magnification of

desire without needing to throw it off in a spasm of release. A major part
of mastering sexuality is learning to sustain greater and greater degrees of
pleasure and desire in the body, without needing to rid yourself of the
force because you can’t handle it.

When you find yourself really enlivened by a young woman, breathe in

her fragrance. Breathe in her energy. Relax your body and allow your
heart to open in her presence. Take in her beauty through every pore in
your body. Allow love to radiate from your heart toward her. Maintain a
respectful formality so that she is free and empowered to give her gifts
without being complicated by your personal agenda. Use the energy she
has given you in your own service to others, passing the gifts of heightened
aliveness and passionate heart into all of your relationships, so that all
beings may benefit by the delight you have received from this woman…

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

PART IV: Improve Your Sexual Depth to Unleash Her Pleasure and

Sex after 35 and 40 becomes less a sport to be played hard, and more of a
landscape to be explored.
In any sexual encounter, or session, there is no reason not to enjoy the
rushing river of it as well as the slow able through the forest, the resting on
the mountaintop, the headlong race down the slopes, the steady, careful
climb up the cliffs.

The moods and textures should ebb and flow. Your body positions should
change every couple of minutes (because you are not allowing your attention
to be reduced to a particular body part of hers).

There can be laughter and talking and playing as well as hair-pulling, ass-
slapping and good old-fashioned pounding away.

As you develop sexually, you come to understand sex as a mode of

communication of your whole self with her whole self…

… and then, ultimately, with practice and with a bit of luck, it becomes the
momentary obliteration of your and her self as you merge into a kind of
dissolving ecstasy.

Her body shatters in your hands into a millions shards of light – and your
body dissolves…

You can’t tell where she begins and you end, or where the two of you begin
and end where the oxygen around you begins.
There are levels of “kundalini” or energetic body awakening that I can’t
“teach” here – but I can point you in the right direction.

If attaining states of “tantric” bliss or dissolution appeal to you, I urge you to

get into yoga classes so you can learn how you energetic body works and can
be opened through yogic motions.

I urge you to get my program Tantric 101 and 102 if you don’t have it

And I also urge you to join, a community of men and

women who are interested in deepening their Tantric knowledge. I actually
created that community because I am endlessly fascinated by the depth of
sexuality and to the broader depths to which sexuality as a practice, can lead.

As a man over 35 and 40, you don’t have to become a Tantric master,
obviously, but it helps!

At the very least, women expect a certain degree of skill, comfort,

ejaculatory-control and what I would call “broad consciousness” in the midst
of sex.

That means you aren’t just hungrily grunting into her – although there is a
time for that.

It means that you are a skilled and present explorer of her body and of the
energy passing between your bodies. You are like a veteran director, or
conductor of the symphony that is emerging between you.

You are both 100% present in, and 100% consciously aware of all the
energetics passing between you.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

This takes practice. This takes some learning. Here are some important

Take Action #1: Heighten Sexual Depth By Remembering Your Death

Do you remember my discussion of what the Warrior knows about Death in

the Irresistible book?

Well, time to take it into the sexual world. Remember, the remembrance of
death creates a heightened awareness and a sense of urgency. Here’s a
thought from David Deida, in fact they are the closing words of his
fascinating book, Finding God Through Sex:

“As you make love, feel this moment as your last. No future.
What pleasure can distract you from this depth? Feel your
sexual organs engorge with blood, and feel death. See your
lover’s beauty, and feel death. Allow desire to move your body,
and feel death. Continually remind yourself that this moment
could be your last. Maybe there will be no orgasm five minutes
from now. Maybe this will be your last kiss, ever. Make love
now, as if death was imminent. Give yourself completely in

– From “Finding God Through Sex”, by David Deida

Take Action #2: Sex is a Time For Your Spiritual Practice

This may sound odd. Shouldn’t you be concentrating on the woman in front
of, under or on top of you?
Of course. But if you are having sex at any level beyond a quick pound and
shoot, then you will have time to take in the situation from other

Deida’s teachings on sexuality lead not toward better orgasms necessarily, but
toward a more expansive, deeper experience of what it means to be alive –
and what it means to be integrated into the Great She of existence itself.

During the Six Month Series we discuss what it means to penetrate a woman
as all masculinity, as all life, or as all consciousness. And we discuss the
profound feeling a woman senses when you enter and fill her not as you, the
accountant, but as you the masculine force of nature who happens to be
moving through the body of an accountant at the moment.

I forget the term, but Samurai, I believe, used to practice blindfolded. They
were trained to sense everything around them, 360. So too, great athletes can
sense what is happening on the field or court without actually “seeing” it.

This is the kind of expanded perception you want to develop.

While making love, what if you could pull into your body the light of the
stars outside the window, the scent of the cinnamon candle (you bought it!),
the night sounds, the movement of your town and the stillness beyond – and
what if you could pass all that through you into her?

Young men focus on their cocks. They let their hearts race and their eyes
bulge and they come quickly, pretty to their bodies.

By expanding your consciousness outward, by sensing your placement in,

and union with, all that is… you attain a kind of calm and power that is
vaster than yourself.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

You become less the victim of your body, and also, less dependent on her, as
Deida explains here in one of his characteristic fatalistic passages. You attain
a kind of regal freedom…

“One of the basic lessons of spiritual growth occurs when you realize that
you will never be fulfilled for very long or very deeply like anything in life.
Even things you work really hard for when you get them are just another
moment. There are some tremendous moments of happiness in life, but
they pass. And even when they last, there is always a tension and fear
that they might not last too much longer and your lover is a concentrated
dose of this lesson.

He or she will never truly fulfill you – not for good, and not even that
deeply in the best of times. At first this seems to be bad news – a good
excuse for having a few drinks, or eating a box of chocolates.

But getting this news is crucial. It allows you to stop wasting time in the
hope of being fulfilled once and for all by relational love. Instead, you can
devote your relationship – and your entire life – to realizing the truth of
this and every moment: this moment is spacious, full, aware, and
luminous, regardless of the love you feel you are getting or not.”

– From “Finding God Through Sex”, by David Deida

Take Action #3: Approach Intimate Relations as a “Sacred Ordeal”

I think you know this by now.

People talk about marriage as “work” but that even makes it sound worse.
I prefer to think of it as play – as a game you play with each other – not a
competitive game, but a dance, a way to keep your egos in the court and
bounce them around.
Because all relationship problems, big or small, come down to someone
feeling they deserve more – or needing to control the other’s actions to slake
their own ego’s infinite thirst.

Another way to re-frame relationship is as an “ordeal”. Now, I don’t mean

that as pure torture, but in the mythological or sacred sense. I’ll let Joseph
Campbell explain it…

“Marriage is not a love affair, it’s an ordeal. It’s a religious exercise, a

sacrament, the grace of participating in another life.”

He says it’s a damned shame that people don’t know the possibilities of the
second half of life. He says if you go into marriage with a pre-set program
you will find it does not work. It is putting the ball in play.

“Successful marriage is leading innovative lives together, being open, non-

programmatic It’s a free fall: how you handle each new thing as that comes
along. As a drop of oil on the sea, you must float, using intellect and
compassion to ride the waves.”

Lust doesn’t last. Women don’t get “easy” over time. You can’t really shape
them into the pliant beings you fantasize about.

It will continually be a challenge, and that is the core of a sacred “ordeal” – a

challenge that refines you to rise into being a better man.

He also says that when you marry – you are essentially entering the woman’s

You are giving up initiative. In marriage, though while man is the initiator,
once it happens, the man rides along.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

The woman is the energy the Shakthi and “any marriage becomes the vehicle
of a woman’s energy”.

He says a marriage requires the dissolution of the male initiative.

He talks about it as a crucifixion.

“The bridegroom does go to the bride as to the cross. The bride gives her
self equally. It’s a reciprocal crucifixion. In marriage, you are not
sacrificing yourself to the other person. You are sacrificing yourself to the

He says: “When a man looks at a woman and sees only somebody to go to

bed with, he is seeing her in relation to a fulfillment of some need of his own
and not as a woman at all. It’s like looking at cows and thinking only of roast

In his understanding the coming together of the masculine and feminine is a

putting together a something deep, ancient and lost is akin to Deida’s
statement about loving beyond personality…

You will get sick of each other’s personalities. As charming as the girl in
front of you is now - three months later, a year later, she will have quirks and
characteristics that you come to disrespect. Things that you once found
adorable – her snoring, her witty, catty comments about others – will become
monumentally annoying. If you remain attached to her personality the
surface of her, only doom can follow.

This is why you must practice penetrating beyond her surface beauty to the
core femininity, the core goddess, the core pure heartbreaking yearning to
love and be loved within.
Your sacred ordeal is to release your constriction, pain, suffering,
disappointment, “turn-off” and desire – and to connect with that burning,
vulnerable core of love that she is – and that is waiting for your mature
masculine to hold and cherish no matter how moody she may be feeling or
how dry her skin may be getting.

This is your ultimate gift in love as the mature masculine. The piercer of the
veil. The god-man loving the goddess-woman, no matter what is burning up
on the surface of the skin or the surface of the earth.

You are, beneath it all, at core – the force of love loving the force of love.

That is eternal. That is unassailable. That will make her feel cherished beyond
a million roses or rocks pulled from the Earth.

Take Action #4: Pace Her Breath

This is a fantastic and almost magical practice.

Breathe with her. Match her breath for breath.

Women don’t expect young men to be attuned to them. They expend young
men to pound them mercilessly, and show them fun and a good time.

When a woman looks at you, she wants a true leader – someone who can feel
into who she is, who intuits her well, who pays close attention to her shifts
and shadings.

One of the most powerful ways you can attune a woman to you and you to
her is to breathe at the same time. Inhale when she inhales. Exhale when she

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

It may be hard at first, as you probably have deeper lungs, so don’t worry
about doing a few deep catch up breaths.

But if you are talking or, better, cuddling, watching a movie, or even better,
making love, and you match your breath to hers, she will feel, almost
magically, that you are fully present with her.

The next level, once you have accomplished this, is to start breathing a little
more deeply, and leading her open, leading her into slightly more deep

Done correctly, you will alter her breathing, and induce her deeper surrender
to your leadership.

Take Action #5: Play the Pleasure Game

Before I give you this one, I need you to remember – women’s bodies
change over time, and what was pleasurable to her last Sunday may not feel
good this Wednesday. So sex and pleasure always must stay in the moment.
You must stay attentive to her slight shifts of breaths, her tensing of muscle
and relaxation, the curling of her toes, how her nails dig into your back, when
her spine releases and she “lets go” – you must stay with her and not lose
yourself to the moment (that’s why we did all that expand your
consciousness and awareness work above, so you don’t get reduced to the
moment and miss all her great signals).

That said, it behooves you both to learn each other’s bodies (just don’t get
robotic about what you learn).

Here’s the pleasure game.

Her job is to lie back and say nothing but numbers. You touch and caress,
kiss and nibble, lick and suck her wherever you please.

And she responds, on a scale of 1-10 by telling you the intensity of the
moment by moment – 2…. 5….. 8….9!.... 2….

Her job is to say nothing but numbers, no commentary, no suggestions, no

leading you. It’s your discovery, 100%.

And your job is to detach from your ego, and enjoy the process of discovery.
You’re not going to earn a constant 10, so give that idea up. The goal is not
to bring her to orgasm, but to learn the sensitivities of her body.

Set a clock and do this for 5 or 10 or 15 or 30 minutes. Then, switch. You lie
back and she plays.


These I consider to be the foundations of you becoming a deeper, more

mature lover.

There are endless resources to expand your skill-sets.

Month Four of the 6 Month At-Home Advanced Training in this Dating

Over 35 Series is focused exclusively on advanced sexual skills and pleasure.
If you did not sign up for the Series, you still can at

As I mentioned – is an introduction to Tantra. – is a community of people devoted to learning more

about Tantra and sharing knowledge with each other. The welcome package
– teachings by a number of teachers is well worth the membership fee several
times over.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

My program, – covers the gamut of sexuality – from

learning how to control your ejaculation to “hot talk” to how to bring out
female ejaculation where that is possible, to any number of physical
techniques to give and receive pleasure.

I recommend Alex Allman’s work on Revolutionary Sex – which you can

find on

PART V: Hone Your Body for Vitality, Stamina, Muscle and Sexual

Take Action #1: Love Your Body

Your body, for better or worse, is the vehicle in which you deliver your life.
You live in your body.

So you’d better damn well accept it.

Ideally, you not only accept it, but you cherish it, the way an enthusiast
cherishes a $400,000 car.

You feed it well, you keep it lean and running clean.

And when you love your body – you will find that others love it too.

Notice I don’t’ say accept your body. Yes, you’ve got to accept it. This messy
meat-sac you’re carrying around. With its new little pillows. Its determination
to lose muscle mass. Its desire to rest. Even the hair growing out of your
nose and ears (did you know your nose and ears actually get larger as you get

It’s going to happen. Your body will change. And it will decay. And you will

No way around that.

But you can guide this whole process. You can guide with grace and humor –
and with love. Ya might as well love what you can’t change! And work with

Now, here’s the tricky thing. You can get in shape. You can eat buckets of
tofu. You can inject growth hormones. But if your mindset isn’t right, you
still won’t love your body.

Mary Oliver wrote in the first lines of her poem, Wild Geese…

You do not have to be good.

You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.

Fantastic words of wisdom!

So many of us get caught up in ideas of self-hatred, that we are not good

enough. Bless the feminine – in this case, in the body of Mary Oliver – for
reminding us that we live in soft animals of our bodies – that we should
listen to it, and love this world through our bodies, love this life – and give
ourselves a freakin’ break.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

(For more on this, pay special attention to the Weekly Trainings with
Mare and Claire during Unit 5, and during the training, “Mastering
Your Inner Lover,”in Month 6).

As a man, chances are you live in your head. You live in ideas of what you are
supposed to be, what you are supposed to have accomplished by now. And
you don’t take the time to just relax into your body.

So let's get into this, here. Ultimately I want you to accept your body, love it
and at the same time, commit to improving it. You can certainly eat better,
work out more efficiently, carry yourself with more confidence and solidity.

But you will get nowhere if you treat your body as your enemy. You must
detach your identity from your body. It’s not “you”. It’s just the vehicle of
you. And like any vehicle, the more you cherish it, the better care you will
take of it – and the better care you take of it, the more you (and women) will
cherish it.

The important thing is to love your body now – right now – not when it
achieves some desired future state or as it was at a reminisced point of peak

It's a magnificent machine, and does wonders for you everyday. Honor it. Be
grateful for it…

Even if you can only eat and walk to the bathroom – be grateful for that.
Surely you have far more capability than that. Just love your body as a vehicle
for what it does for you.

Think of it as beloved servant, or personal assistant! It does stuff for you

every minute of every day. Appreciate all the quiet miracles that allow you to
live – strong legs, a stomach that digests, lungs that breath, nerves that allow
you to feel the soft skin of women.
I don’t care if you’ve got a fat belly or a balding head. Go check out my
friend Sean Stephenson, who is less than three feet tall and has brittle bone
disease. He’s wheelchair bound and spent his whole childhood in pain – and
yet he’s the most upbeat, positive guy in the world. And he dates beautiful

So please, drop any un-love you have for your body. It is an amazing piece of
technology. Celebrate everything right with it. Daily. Hourly. Minute by
minute if you can. And once you are grounded in that – then you can make
some commitments to transform what you would like to change.

Take Action #2: Decommoditize Yourself

Damn GQ and Abercrombie and Fitch. They throw up images of 20-year-

old guys with killer abs and sleek hairless, toned bodies. There’s no way we
can compete with that – not without time at the gym.

But the good news is – women don’t respond to one kind of body. Yes,
generally more women will be attracted to you if you build strong shoulders,
a broad chest and a relatively flat stomach. But honestly, they don’t care.

They want your HEART. They want your ATTENTION. They want your
HUMOR. They want your STRENGTH. They want your PRESENCE.

They are lonely, not hankering for a model to have sex with (in this way, they

So the practice here is to detach from the popular magazine culture and don't
allow yourself to be commoditized. There is no cookie-cutter beauty,
sexuality, age, or attractiveness. These are cultural constructs, and there is no
need to accept them. If you were born in a different place and time, the rules
would have been different. They are not real! In fact they are really just well-
funded advertising campaigns making a sucker out of us for spending tons of
money on transplants, Botox, restalin, etc.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

That said, I have friends who did hair transplants from the back of their
heads to the front – and they do look 10 years younger! I have friends
who’ve had eye-lifts and got rid of bags. I’ve had friends who’ve changed
their nutrition and worked out well – and look fantastic.

The trick here is take the actions you need to take – but do it to FEEL good
– not to look good to others.

The artist, Stefan Sagmeister, said: “Trying to look good limits my life.”

Look good to add to your life, not as a running away, but as a moving
towards greater vitality.

Whatever serves your inner feeling of vitality – serves you. Sure, improve
your looks if that helps, but never forget that who you are is ALWAYS going
to be the center of your attractiveness to great women. Not your hair.

Take Action #3: Decommodify others

This sounds hard at first – we all love physically beautiful women. And if
you’ve been on a dry spell or married for a long time with a woman who
didn’t take care of herself – you’re probably overwhelmed by a beautiful
woman. Trust me, I know the feeling – it’s like getting suddenly drunk

There are two practices here, which are actually incredible attraction tools for
you whether you are approaching women the first time: online, offline or as
you get deeper into intimacy…

A: Don’t Praise Cliché Beauty

Yes, women love being complimented. They love being complimented on

their eyes and their smile. Connect your compliments to who they are as
people which demonstrates your experience in the world. “You have such a
beautiful smile – you seem like such a naturally happy person.” “I love it
when you smile – you light up the room!" (Remember always, women love
being identified with “light” – that’s why they wear sequins, sparkling jewelry.
It’s in our language – it's why we call women dazzling, say they have
“sparkling” personalities and sing songs like “You Light Up My Life”.) “You
have beautiful eyes – so relaxed and warm, something accepting in them….”
Say what is true.

Women don’t really appreciate being complimented on their breasts or their

ass, especially if they are awesome. Not directly anyway. If you want to
indicate you find a woman physically attractive without sounding like every
cleavage-struck 25-year-old – compliment her on her grace, her gracefulness.
Her elegance. How happy she seems in her body. Point that out and she will
be happier in her body – and like you for reminding her.

B: Turn Lust into Worship

This may sound a bit weird or a stretch for you, and if this idea is new to you,
I ask that you let it just settle in for a while – there is HUGE truth and power
in it.

Any woman who has not been 100% masculinized and neutered is in touch,
on some level, with her inner “goddess”. Listen – women are the source of
beauty and the source of life. They are waiting to be adored and don’t forget,
Adoration is something that is gone to the divine – as in Adoration of the

David Deida talks about strip clubs. Sometimes you will see men weeping at
the feet of strippers, saying “I love you! I love you!” and giving money (just
like at goddess temples worldwide men give money and offerings to the

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

Do these men really love these Tiffanies and Brandies? Of course not – they
are loving the goddess that is being expressed through their bodies. They are
being reminded of the very beauty of life. They are not thinking I want to
bang them at that moment of adoration and worship. They are giving a
PROFOUND gratitude for life itself. For being in the presence of divine
beauty – a beauty that is so powerful, it breaks the stone or sadness of their
hearts and opens them to the idea of love – the very core of divinity.

When you see a beautiful women, breathe her in as an incarnation of the

goddess and worship the goddess. That doesn’t mean worship HER – don’t
get caught up in her tits and ass. Instead, breathe in her full grace and beauty,
how her neck is like a Donatello marble, her arms like willowy branches, her
hair like silk spun in exotic fog-shrouded eastern villages, how her breasts
and ass are like supple and fertile hills in some lost wild river valley.

You know when women feel their body as an expression of divine beauty, of
the natural flow of water – when they do yoga.

Woman is nature and nature is women – they are our bed, our sustenance,
our soothing water, our inspiration. We wouldn’t get out of bed in the
morning and do anything if it wasn’t for women, if it weren’t for the
inspiration of the goddess.

See her as an incarnation of the eternal feminine – the little girl in her, the old
woman in her – the force, the flow of love that she is, that her heart is, that
her body is.

Western monotheism stamped out goddess worship – form the temple

prostitutes/goddesses of Baal worship in ancient Israel to the utter fear of
witches – the empowered magical feminine who knows and is in touch with
the true fecundity of nature – and who doesn't need stern, male monotheistic
sky gods or their sexually repressed priests to love this life and feel loved.
It’s a shame we’ve lost the sacredness of the divine feminine – and we have it
replaced with the Britney Spears of the world. Although Lady Gaga may be
reinventing and reintroducing the infinite power of the feminine to self-
express in ways that we’ve never seen since Kali stalked the Earth, slicing off
men’s heads to make her necklace of skulls.

If you can be the man who sees the divine goddess within women, you will
not only attain a detached loving adoration that makes you less slave to your
lust (a weak state if ever there was, causing men to overspend, to beg and to
lose their center), you will stand out among other men to women – as the
one who is above mere lust, and who returns her to the juicy core of her
secret divine erotic fountain. What woman doesn’t want a man touching and
pleasuring her body as a divine goddess?

To reintroduce yourself to the divine goddess… go poke around in Google

and get to know Venus, Aphrodite, Artemis, Freya, Mother Mary, Shakti,
Mary Magdalene, Kwan Yin, Isis, Oshun, Oya, Kali, Athena, Persephone,
Cybele, Palla, Vesta, Hekate, Earth Mother Gaia…

Become a connoisseur of the goddess. Look attain at high renaissance

sculpture – Michaelangelo, Botticelli’s Venus, Donatello’s Mary. Get familiar
with Indian art – go to a museum or bookstore and spend some time feeling
the limbs and imagery of Parvathi, of Sita, of Krishna’s little milkmaid gopis.

And start connecting beautiful women with their goddess core.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

Take Action #4: Show Your Body Love Through Positive

Action and Positive Self-Talk

This is a great mindset point. IF you make the decision to lose weight or add
muscle, or simply to eat better, do so as if you are tending your Ferrari – not
out of a compulsive need to fix something broken but with the joy and pride
and excitement of making what you have gleam.

It’s the oldest cliché in the book, because it is true – it ain’t about the
destination, it’s about the journey. It’s not about the end point it’s about how
you feel doing it. So have fun and joy in your self-improvement. You’ll get
further with it too, because you’ll stick to you commitment.

The same goes for praise and appreciation. Whenever you hear the old tape
in your head saying something like "I am so fat!", counteract it with the
positive mantras. “This body serves me well. It lets me run, eat delicious
food, kiss and fuck!”

Have fun with your body. Feel it. Allow yourself to feel. And watch how
women follow your lead.

(By the way, one of the cardinal principles I give women when it comes to dating is to never
put your own body down. When a woman down talks her body, a man will generally see
the flaw, and only the flaw from then on. Women generally don’t care about flaws in your
body. But they do care about your confidence and self-esteem, and fretting about your body
will not help convince her that you have either!)
Take Action #5: Breathe Like a Master

Almost everything I’ve learned about breathing I learned from working with
David data and with his great student, Satyen Raja.

Chapter 45 of the book, The Way of the Superior Man, gives you the basics.

Deida says:

“The principle bodily key to mastering the world and women is

maintaining a full and open front of the body at all times. The best
method is through full and relaxed breathing, drawing energy down the
front, and freeing attention from neurotic self concern.”

Notice the connection he makes between ego, or self-concern, and how you
breathe. The key linking point is your relaxation…

“The front of your body, especially your belly, is the place where your
energy meets the energy of the world. When the front of your body is open
and relaxed, your power flows freely, and your presence fills the room.”

To relax your body, your belly, your front, and your presence – learn to
breathe all the way down into your genitals. As he writes, your belly and
lower abdomen and genitals are your “places of power” – reaching all the
way down into them with your breath will recharge their batteries. Here’s the

“Inhale deeply, through your nose, and breathe through whatever tensions
you notice in your body. Inhale deeply into your lower belly. Then exhale.
On your next inhalation, breathe into your lower and upper belly. Then
exhale. On your next inhalation, fill your entire belly, then your solar
plexus and lower chest. Then exhale. Then inhale and fill your belly,
solar plexus, and your entire chest, in that order. For several breaths,

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

inhale fully in this way filling your belly, solar plexus, and finally your
chest. Then exhale fully, slowly, and smoothly.”

Practice filling your body like a balloon, he says. Inhale and with your mind,
send the breath to expand any area where you feel tension. Relax it open.

With more advanced work, you will learn how to breathe other people open,
reducing their stress with the depth of your breathe.

Suggestion: Sitting cross legged, clear your mind and begin a daily practice of
STARTING your day with at least 7 minutes of this deep 3 part breathing.

The key is make sure you feel the breath swelling your balls.

By the time you get up, the front of your body should be open with presence.
Take note if there is a difference in the way your women sees you. Take note
of the way you relate to the world in this more open state.

Take Action #6: Shoulders Back and Down

I thought I was pretty good. I used to slump my shoulders and jut my head
forward. I was a young man on the go, hungry to devour the world.

Doing body work and breath work, I straightened my spine and raised my
chin and made a lot a progress.

And I had, but I had more to go.

A lovely young yoga instructor was watching me during one of the Deida
Workshops I produced – 280 people in San Diego – and though I felt quite
relaxed, she showed me a way of feeling my relaxation, and communicating it
with my body even better.
The practice here is to raise and hunch your shoulders, then ROLL them
back as far as you can, then pull them downwards from that back position.

That will naturally straighten your pack and open your heart and chest.

Bless the yoga goddesses.


Now, about fitness.

You want to be as lean as comfortably possible.

You will lost muscle after 40, I believe it’s a pound a year.

To keep muscle, you must work your muscles, and I give you the best time-
saving, efficient way to workout below.

I also recommend you listen VERY closely to Jon and Vince – two wise and
deeply informed great discipline and even greater physique as they walk you
through the specifics of how and why to hone your body after 35 and 40.
Vince appears in Month 5 of the At Home Series. Jon is yours as part of the
Introductory Program.

Take Action #7: Cut Out Shitty Food

Remember what I told you about treating your body well? As if it were a fine
running machine. Well as you get older, you definitely want to keep it
running in prime condition.

You will want all your energy, especially if you plan on continuing to have a
vital sex life.

Your body won’t do what it did ten years ago, without proper care and

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

For example, if you are going to have many lovers, or long lovemaking
sessions with your girl, you are going to need strong abs and thighs. Sex
burns calories! It’s work as well as play.

In our dialogue with Jon Benson, included as part of this Program – we talk
about the importance of nutrition. Get rid of the word “diet” – that word is
full of self-denial.

Instead, pay attention to the fuel you put in your body.

It’s really not that hard.

Eat vegetables. A lot of them. Especially dark green ones. Steam them if you
must but don’t boil out the nutrients. Better yet, eat them raw.

Eat lean meats – turkey, chicken. Not fried. Lay off fried everything.

Avoid processed food products that have long lists of ingredients, especially
things you’ve never heard of – chemicals and additives.

If you really want to amp up your metabolism, then get Jon Benson’s Fit After

Also check out the VERY smart, no-nonsense program, The Diet Solution,
which has some of the most advanced nutritional guidance you can find. To
explore that, go here for Jeff Siegel’s program.
Take Action #8: Exercise Smart not Hard

If you are anything like me, you have limited time to spend at the gym. I also
don’t really enjoy the gym very much. Except when I am worked out by a
beautiful trainer – which is where I’m at now.

I have learned, after years of every kind of exercise and sport, two key
elements of efficient workouts.

Use high weights at a very slow rate. The key is to put maximum weights on,
then do a full ten count up and a full ten down, breathing as slowly as
possible as you go.

It is better to do 5 of these than 30 reps.

What happens is when you are just using your aerobic system, which is your
common everyday system, your surface muscles work.

But when you do a slow burn, you engage the large or “fast-twitch” muscles,
the muscles close to the bone.

This is good because it protects your bones by building the muscles close to
the bone.

It also activates a level of metabolizing that burns calories for two days
afterward because it taxes the muscle.

The slow burn workout turns your body into a calorie-burning furnace –
AND – it also floods your body with endorphins. The more pain your body

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

feels, the harder your muscles work, the more your dopa-mines and other
happy hormones kick in.

To learn more, I highly recommend the book, the bible on this:

The Slow Burn Fitness Revolution: The Slow Motion Exercise That Will
Change Your Body in 30 Minutes a Week - by Michael R. Eades, Fredrick
Hahn and Mary Dan Eades.

Take Action #9: Stop Running Yourself Into The Ground

Top athletes all know the value of interval running.

Running for 40 minutes is nice, but if you want to be super-efficient and do

your body much better, run intervals.

I like to run in the park near my house, but for training purposes I have to
use a treadmill.

Here’s the routine.

Set the speed at running fairly fast.

Set the clock at 12 minutes.

Then run for 20 seconds, and using the bar and the platforms on either side
of the tread, hop up and off and rest 10 seconds. Then run 20 and rest 10.
Continue for 12 minutes.

At each minute marker, meaning every two rounds of running, bump up the
speed by 2/10ths of an mph.

By the end, you should be digging deep, and sprinting as fast as you can.

Your body with thank you.

Your women will thank you.


Take Action #10: Consider Clothing as a Signal, Not an


It’s a signifier. What you wear indicates what kind of energy you bring. Is it
vital, with tight shirts on a muscular body? Or safe – Eddie Bauer khakis with
a crew neck sweater? Or financially successful – high quality materials with a
private tailored cut?

Different women look for different signals.

The ideas and practices below are for you to choose from. They are helpers
for you to signal your unique mix of archetypal masculine strengths.

If you want to convey the lover, add some silk, a handkerchief, scarf or shirt
or cashmere. If you want to convey the warrior in you, get yourself some
unusual, kickass boots. Rattlesnake or with steel tips on the toes.

Play with these ideas. Remember, they are not physical laws of the universe!

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

Take Action #11: Set your Own Rules

Only one rule applies – you create your own style.

That’s it.

You can’t please everyone with anything. One woman’s too conservative is
another woman’s distinguished. One woman might think you look artsy, the
other effeminate.

So the rule is – it’s up to you. If you are happy and comfortable in what you
are wearing, that’s the best start.

Take Action #12: Develop Electric Contrast

Nothing is worse on a man over 40 that “trying too hard”. An outlandish hat,
a prominent belt, a wild shirt, brightly colored shoes – one piece in a
conservative outfit – you’re intriguing.
All together, you’re bozo the clown.

It is very powerful and suggestive to wear one standout article – whether it’s
a hat or unusual cap, a silk scarf, a pendant (I’ve seen it work, garnering
attention!) – or best of all – a killer pair of unusual shoes or boots that
suggest danger.

You want to show a flare of style – not a wildfire.

Take Action #13: If You Wear a Suit

By the time you have reached your forties or beyond, sophistication is the
quickest way to make a good impression.

That means you pay attention to material, to stitching, to tailoring.

This doesn’t mean you have to go out and spend a ton of money. You do
have to have 4 basic outfits and each should be well-crafted.

The Power Suit

All men should have at least one power suit to their name. Such a suit comes
in handy for formal occasions, and when it's time for wining and dining.

The combination color shirt is back in fashion and can look great with a suit.
The color of the combination shirt is different on the collar than its main
body and still looks stylish when the suit jacket is removed.


Soft materials are in at the moment. This is an advantage as silks and satin
feel great against the skin and can look romantic when worn as a shirt, or as a
wide material sash instead of an ordinary belt.

Cool linen and cotton is also a must when it comes to summer clothing that
is stylish.

As for buttons…

No more three button suits. They make you look seedy. Two button suit
makes all men look slimmer. End stop.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

Take Action #14: Accessorize Sparingly

I don’t like accessories, myself, so I have a prejudice here. I don’t like

constraints, and I trained in the martial arts so anything that can be pulled
out of my ear or nose during a fight – not for me.

Anything that can be tightened around my neck like a chain of any type – no

I also don’t like hard, cold things. I like soft, warm things ʄ.

So I personally do not wear a watch or any jewelry. I threw my wedding ring

over a cliff shortly before I separated from my wife, but that’s another story.

Also, I find adornment to be the prerogative of the feminine realm. I like the
Zen sparseness of my body, unadorned. I feel more in fighting form. I feel
that adornment distracts from my true power, which is my mind and
consciousness, my humor and perception.
Massive jewelry is blingy. Great if you’re a 23-year-old Rap sensation or Flava
Flav. Not so good if you’re middle management at IBM. Elegance works
always, sophistication works always – subtle sophistication.

Gold is good, but go for one statement piece rather than chains and bracelets
and rings etc. It’s the same principle as applies above to “statement” articles
of clothing. One well chosen one is a subtle signal to women of style and
sensuality. Several standout pieces, by contrast, are like a loud high school
marching band playing off- key.
Take Action #15: Accessorize Locally

Given my prejudices, let me first point out the obvious: it depends on where
you live. You turquoise wearing New Mexicans – I got nothing to say. When
in Rome, right? It is beyond me. Bolo ties for Texans and ten gallon hats –
hey to each state its own.

So regional matters. Ask attractive women if they like the local man-
adornments. Then ask them why. Understand the impact they have,
understand the signals they send. Then decide if you want to embody that
mode of attraction. Go with your gut.

Take Action #16: Accessorize Intriguingly

If your intention is to meet lots of women, consider wearing one piece of

jewelry that has a story – that is intriguing, that seems to have mystical
I learned this from a friend of mine in NY who is no more that 5 foot 6.

He wears this spiritually suggestive thing on a necklace – and I seen woman

after woman stop him and ask him what it meant. He, clever devil, and
spiritually well-informed guy, launches into a well practiced explanation of
the layered symbolism of the piece, drawing women more and more deeply
into the realm of sensuality and the spirit – as well as his expertise in both.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

Take Action #17: Go Easy With Color

Maybe you’ve just come out of a divorce. Or maybe you’ve just sold your
company and you’re ready to have fun. Or maybe your kids are teens and you
want to feel young with them. Or maybe you are seriously missing your
youth and you just want to feel that freedom you felt when you were 17.

Whatever the case, often men in their forties want to let loose and try
something new.

Great! Learn a new sport (I took up snowboarding). Travel (I hit Italy, Peru,
Central America and China).

But do NOT – do NOT become a cartoon of yourself. This is an easy gaffe

to avoid. Just think of the bright colors of cartoons on TV. Remember – they
are there to capture and keep the attention of ADD kids.

Yes, have fun with your wardrobe.

But no cartoon color bright ties in clashing colors and nothing with childish
cartoon graphics on them. You are not cool if you are wearing South Park
figures on your shirt, awesome as that show may be.

Trying to wear brightly colored sweaters (god save us all), cartoon shirts or
bright colors is a flashing signal to others that you are …. trying too hard.

The practice: throw out your cartoonish prints, colors and graphics.

Take Action #18: Know When Color is Good For You

Primary or bright colors can look vibrant and vivifying on men who are over
forty, especially if they have gray hair.
The current trend for metallic colors, such as bronze, silver and gold, may
over accentuate your gray, so you might want to avoid.

Also, grays and metallics can make your skin looks sallow. If you are tan,
silvers etc. are better. Suddenly you look like the Captain of an America’s
Cup crew.

If you do tend to look a little pale, then opt for warmer colors which won't
give you a washed out appearance, and which will bring color to your face.
Rusts and maroons. Rich colors, not pastel ones.

Take Action #19: Black is Always Beautiful

Black wins always, except for some garden parties and Hawaii.
It is dignified.

Let women be the flowers, sporting bright colors and patterns.

By contrast, there are few things more attractive than a man in a tux. Want to
know why? It’s because of the spareness (please, no ruffles, wide wings,
blaring waistcoats) which serves to emphasize your head.

By blacking out everything else bodily, a black tux or black sweater and
slacks, places attention on your true source of power: your mind. Your

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

Your consciousness, your decisiveness – that is what makes you sexy to


By contrast, a woman’s source of power – from her shoes to her dress to her
jewelry to her hair – is her sparkle, her radiance, her and ability to bring light
into the world.

So yes, a dash of color is great. But no striped shirts with striped ties. No
crazy patchwork.

Ask women whose taste you like to take you shopping ( a great date by the
way – oh she will love to dress you like her little Ken doll). Watch what other
men wear – and figure out what would look good on you. Collect ideas.

Then, if you don’t have a lot of time or direction – just go with black. Black
knit, black dress shirt at night, black tee. You can’t go wrong (unless you

Take Action #20: Jackets Please

At around 35, it is powerful to wear jackets when you head out at night.
Unless you maintain a great physique, a tee shirt will diminish your
attractiveness. You can never go wrong with a blue blazer, well-fit to you
(Banana Republic is fine). I also recommend a black light wool jacket that is
always sophisticated and goes with everything. Unless you are the town
caller, barber or buffoon – avoid stripes (other than seersucker if you move
in the Preppie set). Be careful with corduroy. It often looks fuddy-duddy and
non-sexual. Unless you are trying to meet college girl English majors. Then
corduroy away!

Take Action #21: Choose Shoes and Spend Well

Essential. Of towering importance. Monumental!

Women, especially women who care about their own beauty will notice your
shoes. I have a pair of handmade Italian creamy leather shoes that always
draw comments from women. I also have well crafted loafers, laces and
boots. I have seen a great pair of cool boots – snakeskin, ostrich, croc (not
sure about the ethics of these) or some interesting and dangerous looking
material have a mesmerizing effect on women. Again – but as your ONLY
standout piece at a time. Don’t match it with a standout belt.

Black sneakers worked for me in my early 30s but I’d feel like a senior citizen
if I wore them out now. They are the footwear equivalent of a track suit.
There was that great Seinfeld episode where they say at some point you just
give up and go with comfort and start wearing a track suit. Don’t give up.
Not yet. That’s for later!

I live a pretty relaxed Cali lifestyle. My days pass with women, in cafes
writing, reading and researching – so I wear Uggs. Some guys like to make
fun of them, but damn they are comfortable – they are a signal that I own my
life and don’t have to dress for others – and of course, since women love
Uggs, they are a great conversation starter.

Take Action #22: Jeans

Yes, if you are slim. No if you are not.

Barbara, our Hollywood Stylist consultant, says a little baggy is good around
the butt – leaves more to the imagination. Too tight, she says, is weird.

You don’t have to spend 300 dollars! Banana Republic just came out with a
whole selection of every color/cut you can imagine.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

If you live in an highly urban area, you might want to consider one kick-ass
stylish pair of jeans. See what Italian cuts are available. They tend to get a lot
of attention from women in a stylish setting.

Take Action #23: Choose Underwear Wisely

Okay, again, this is physique-dependent.

If you can, bikini briefs are sexy. If you can’t, they are a horror movie. Brand
name is important – they signal you take care of yourself (I’ve learned this
from several women). There is nothing that turns women off more than
regular Sears bought tightie-whities!

What I want you to remember here is Zan’s question in our Training on

Accessing Your Inner Lover: how can you become the object of a woman’s
fantasy? If you have never been, why not? Remember, they want to fantasize
about you.

Take Action #24: Wear Cashmere

Yes, yes and yes. Price on cashmere has come WAY down in recent years
and is one of the easiest and best ways to have women cooing over you,
rubbing your chest and your arms.

(By the way, this is a GREAT reason to work out your pecs and your guns
for that wonderful, always welcome, “ooooh!” factor, when they rub you.
Trust me on this one!)

Cashmere draws not only their eyes, but their hands. It is a relatively
inexpensive immersion in sensual elegance. If you wear sweaters, get
And don’t forget, you can get very lightweight sweaters that function as shirts
in cashmere now. Really – a no brainer. It will make you an immediate
standout in any social situation.

And on a first date, I almost always wear cashmere. Hands are on me before
the main course.

Bottom line: if you like being touched by women – wear cashmere.

Take Action #25: Match Your Shirt To Your Eyes

Learned this one from women too.

If you have green eyes, wear a green shirt that matches. If you have blue eyes,
wear blue shirts.

I don’t know the physics of this, but your shirt wildly magnifies the color
intensity of your eyes – and women notice. I have green eyes and I never
wear blue anymore. I wear greens of all types, including white shirts with
subtle green patterns when I’m not wearing black, and women comment all
the time about my lovely eyes, so there!

If you have brown or black eyes, brown or black. If you have red eyes, put
the bong down, wait and see what color emerges.

Take Action #26: Groom Yourself Well

For grooming, I bow to Mentor X, author of The Gentleman’s Guide

To Dating (Seriously) Younger Women (due, May 2010) – his
Training session appears later in this series).

Ugh! That’s what women say about so many men’s grooming status.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

This is so simple but so fundamental.

You don’t have to pay for a mani-pedi, though many men like to. I’m too old
school NY for the metrosexual thing, though I get the attraction to women
of well-manicured nails.

But be sure to get them yourself, as nails tend to be more yellow the older
you get. Watch especially your toes – something men pay little attention to.

And if you want to get a professional job on them, there is no shame in it.
Trim your damned eyebrows! No Andy Rooneyism out there. Trimmed
eyebrows are sexy and elegant.

As for nose and ear hair – watch what happens as you close in on 50 and
beyond. Trim that shit!

Pubic hair? Well, you probably know the old porn trick – if you shave around
the base of your penis, it looks bigger. Other than that, given how much
attention women pay attention to their own bush-trimming and erasing (bless
their hearts), there is no shame in returning the favor. Big bushy pubic
regions are just so 1970s. Trim it up. You’ll be surprised at the grateful

As for the scrotum – trimming off the hair and around the base almost
universally is reported to increase the level of sexual sensitivity. Your call,

Take Action #27: Teeth

Teeth! This is one of the most amazing oversights men make. I have met so
many guys who might otherwise be good looking, but the yellowing or
coffee, wine or cigarette staining totally destroys the effect.
Get your teeth whitened. There are many products out there but they are all
just variants of the same thing, just at different concentrations. Ask your
dentist or pharmacist. But take care of this.

The most obvious of all – breath. I carry breath mints ALWAYS, in my car,
in my computer bag, I have them in my nightstand. More than that, I use
antibacterial mouthwash when I stop in at home. Single malt scotch, I find,
also does a great job.

Finally, although it may feel weird – a tongue scraper is a great bad-breath

fighter. Bacteria tends to build on the back of your tongue and research
suggests it’s a prime cause of halitosis.

And yes – floss.

Take Action #28: Hair Color

Should you dye your hair? Sure, to tone down the gray, but not to eliminate

This is a minefield.

First of all, you can shade down the gray, but don’t eliminate it. You don’t a
black helmet-head or that horrible unnatural orange-y thing that guys older
than 60 do.

In fact, set a time limit on any hair-dye. At sixty or so, stop doing it.

Until then, I recommend something called camouflage rather than dye. It is

subtler and you won’t get that horrible monotone sheen of dye. Ask your
hair stylist/barber. I prefer that they do it. I hate getting involved with these

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

sorts of things at home. Nevertheless, if you must, Esquire recommends

Redken’s Color Camo for home use.

Younger guys can get away with highlights. After 40, you can’t. Unless you
plan on appearing on Dancing With the Stars.

As a chick.

Your hair will produce less pigment as you grow older, and a blended ashy
feel feels dignified. Monochrome is a death wish.

Take Action #29: Get a Haircut

Often and with care.

Well, if you want to date younger women, you should show some style. I
don’t have that much hair myself, but I’m amazed what someone who knows
what they’re doing can make it do!

Go to a stylist rather than a barber and get some ideas and options. A
woman stylist who can talk about what flatters the shape of your face, your
head, your stature – that’s what you’re looking for.

It’s not about the hair – it’s about the overall impact of your appearance.

Don’t overdo anything!

Skip the earrings.

Take Action #30: Know the Psychological Secrets of Colors

I really started learning about this when I wrote a film for BMW Design in
Munich. I had never really hung with designers before, and it was a
revelation. Every color, for example, has a powerful, subconscious
psychological impact.

Ignore this at your peril!

For example, women instinctively know they should wear a pink- peach to
make themselves most approachable. The color is “very flattering to most
skin tones, it gives you healthy glow”, and according to CoLeatrice Eiseman,
Director of the Pantone Color Institute and author of “Colors For Your
Every Mood”. She says it projects “a little vulnerability which brings out
something protective in men”.

Smart women will wear deep red, burgundy or plum to weed out guys who
can't handle strong women?

And of course, red is the color of sex and power, for women. They wear it to
attract two types of men – men interested in sex, and men attracted to
powerful women.

As for men – and women, there is only one no-no, according to Eiseman –
“squished caterpillar yellow-green”, which is said to repel both sexes equally.

Now, as for you…

Deep blue. It’s the color of police uniforms and power suits for a reason. It
connotes authority and respect.

According to Eiseman, guys who frequently wear blue are “stable, faithful,
constant and always there”. Deep blue signals that you are a fantastic

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

candidate for a long-term relationship – or at least dependable. Or at least

don’t wear squished caterpillar colors.

Here is a fashion guide to the subconscious impact of colors. Again, as

always, this isn’t LAW – it’s a guide. It doesn’t have the same impact on
every woman.

AQUA – Motivated, active, dynamic

TURQUOISE – Refreshing, cool, imaginative, innovative, youthful

BLUE – High regard, knowledge, authority, trust, serious, responsibility,

peace, social status, caring, good health, tranquil, intuitive, happiness, calm,
honest, loyalty, integrity

LIGHT BLUE – Peaceful, sincere, affectionate, soft, gentle

INDIGO – Knowledge, power, integrity, kingship

PURPLE – Spiritual, passionate, visionary, regal, powerful, respected,

dignified, luxurious

LAVENDER – Romantic, imaginative, fantasy, gently sexual

MAGENTA – Outrageous, imaginative, innovative

GOLD – Illumination, wisdom, prestige, expensive

SILVER – Prestige, cold, scientific, effective, powerful

BLACK – Elegance, authority, dignity, sophistication, seductive, mystery

GRAY – Brainy, class, efficiency, sophisticated, confidence

WHITE – Virtue, fertility, clean, status, prosperity, disease free ʄ

RED – Dominance, power, attention, sexual energy, health, determination,
passion, persistence, excitement, strength, boldness

PINK – Upbeat, good health, calming, friendly, compassionate, faithful,

femininity, calm

ORANGE – Happy, courageous, successful, enthusiasm, bold,

adventuresome, friendliness, warmth, informality, welcoming, movement,

BROWN – Informal, reliable, approachable, relaxed, stability, earthy (I hate

brown clothes personally, unless you are a Granola type seeking a Granola
girl. Or you live in Seattle).

YELLOW – Anxiety, alert, optimistic, confident, stimulating, enthusiastic,

playful, cheerful, communicative, expressive, intelligent, energetic.

GREEN – Relaxing, compassion, prosperity, prestige, growth, abundance,

money, vitality, harmony, efficiency

Take Action #32: Employ Sexy Body Language

Solidity is the key for a man over 35 or 40. Relaxation is the overarching
theme. That doesn’t mean slouching or slovenliness. It means relaxed
alertness. Here are a few quick tips…

When you stand, do not fidget. Equalize your weight on both feet, hips
square and pulled slightly forward.

Shoulders square, back and down – relaxed.

Head drawn upward as if there were a string at the highest, backmost point.
This is the posture of an officer, or ballet dancer. Dignified, elongated –

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

Breathe deeply and with regularity. Keep your eyes steady, especially when
you speak to someone. Turn slowly.

One interesting guide I’ve learned is to move as if you underwater –

gracefully, controlled, with majesty.

Slowness draws intrigued attention as does stillness.

Folding your arms over chest indicates pugnacity, or guardedness.

Chewing on gum, ice or your fingernails not only dissipates your

authoritative energy, it indicates anxiety or frustration, neither of which are
going to win any attraction polls.

Take Action #33: Smile and The World Smiles With You

One of the most important things you can do to make yourself more
attractive (and approachable) is to smile.

Not a great big plastic game-show smile, just your normal “I'm having a great
time and I'm happy to be here” face will do the trick. According to Wood:
“The smile is the international signal of friendliness.” It is an invitation to
you and invitation to women to smile too and relax in your presence.

In my dialogue with Lance (Month Three) I talk about how I listen to

comedy all the time, including now on my iPhone at AolRadio App – attack

I will walk into any room with some great zinger still making me chuckle.

Your ability to laugh and help make others laugh is one of the most powerful
(and um, free) attractor traits you can develop.
Take Action #34: Convey Self-Respect

You’ll notice that “kids today” dress like street bums – just like we did when
we were young.

You may want to sport an AC-DC t-shirt and raggedy sneakers to show that
you are still young and cool, but you will just convey that you are a slob.

Remember, women want to look UP to you at this age. They want to admire
you. Given the choice, dress it upwards one notch at any point rather one
down. A crisp shirt that has texture, spiffy socks and shoes – make an instant
impression. In the right direction.

Take Action #35: Protect Your Skin

I personally hate this one because I don’t like to adorn myself in general.

On the other hand, as an outdoors guy, I just had to get a pre-cancerous spot
lasered off my face.

Simple truth: you need to protect your skin with a moisturizer that contains
sunscreen. Even if you're face is ruddied from all your years in the sun
without any protection, you can slow down further damage or aging by using
a men's face moisturizer with at least SPF 30.

It’s simple. Any time you leave your house and the sun is still in the sky –

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

PART VI: Deepen Your Understanding of Women’s Secret

and Erotic Hearts


The entire first book, Agelessly Irresistible: Attraction Mastery For The 35+
Man, is devoted to helping you become the free, thoughtful, magnetic, sexy,
admirable man that women crave.

Invested in every page of that book are the deepest qualities that women
yearn for from you as a man of experience.

Here, I want to sharpen some of those ideas and sharpen your skills so that
you are even MORE attractive to the women you meet.

I believe that any significant transformation comes back to two “spiritual


And if you’ve been listening, I think you will have picked up what they are.

The first is that you are not your ego. You are not your body. You are not
your story. You are definitely not your job. You are not your place in your

You are a free agent, who can recreate himself at every moment.

When you get the truth of this – the profound truth – that you are utterly
free, you will develop the deeply attractive masculine trait of being bigger
than your name, title, job, social role, ego.

A woman will sense your freedom and be allured to it.

The second is that we are all one. By physics, by chemistry, by stardust, by

spirit – any way you look at it, you and I and every girl you meet are made
from the same recycled carbon and hydrogen.
“Intimate relationships… can be the greatest opportunity for genuine
awakening. For self-realization, the meditation cushion may be ideal; to
realize Oneness, however, it’s necessary to practice in a relationship. Life
is relationship… when we look into ourselves, we discover that were both
just manifestations of the same ocean of Oneness, When a relationship is
dedicated in this way, it becomes a temple no longer dedicated to desire
but to Oneness...”

- From “Leap before you Look”, by Arjuna Ardagh

And when you can guide a woman into feeling that oneness – particularly
during sex – you will have become an unusual master in her life. A king
among kings – because your “realm” will suddenly feel to her like infinity.

And that is the ultimate sexiness.

A man whose purview is infinite. It is, by the way, the way of Tantra. You
will have received with your Dating Over 35 Package my short book, Tantric

I included it because I want you to dive deeper into these notions. The more
depth and breadth you can bring a woman, the deeper and more devotional
the women you will attract will be.

And I want you to have the best.

To inspire the highest quality women, I want to now give you practices that
will help you bring your deepest depths to the women in your life…

I don’t know if you are 35 or 45 or 55, but the older we get, the physical act
of sex, the spasm of it, becomes less important than the feeling of being
genuinely and deeply connected. As Ardagh writes…

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

“The key to living a relationship as practice, is to become translucent: to

be able to see oneself in the other, and as the other. This does not mean
that when you look into your spouse’s eyes, you see your own personality,
your own desires and fears… it means that you know yourself to be
deeper than you took yourself to be, with his or her story and distortions
of perception. You know yourself to be space, free and open, with an
infinite capacity to love, and the ability to recognize that the same
mystery is looking back at you.”

Now, how many men operate on THAT level!??? You can.

The doors of your perception are opening on every page of this book and in
greater depth, in the dialogues that are part of the 6 Month Training that
accompanies this book.

Clearly you can’t change in a sitting, with one reading. I want you to evolve,
week by week, month by month – as your sense of what you bring to a
woman broadens out.

Devote yourself to

(1) loosening your full self from the smallness of your social ego and
(2) leading your woman (women) into a border-less love where you
each dissolve into the larger mystery of being…

– and you will have yourself a devotional goddess, relaxed and surrendered
to your masculine inspiration.

Oh, and also, brush your teeth.

I think you will find the following will help as well…

Take Action #1: Listen With ALL of You

I read recently that something like 60% of people will pick up their cell
phone during sex! And not because it vibrates.

We live in a culture of distraction. When I go to dinner with a woman I really

dig, or even my sons, I make it a point to leave the phone in the car. I don’t
even carry it. I tend to be very distractible anyway, but it is a sign of love and

When your woman speaks to you, especially as you are sliding toward
physical intimacy, turn up the sexual heat by giving her self all of you.

Listen with your whole being. Your ears, your lips, your eyes, your skin, your
deep breaths, your cock. Breathe her in. Feel her words wash through and
over you like water and feel them on every inch of your body. Let her feel
that you are feeling her so deeply that the rest of the world has disappeared.
A bomb can go off 20 feet away and it would not break how deeply into her
you have dived.

Feel the vibration of her voice, the music of her inflections, the breath in her
silences. Feel also what one writer calls “the mysterious presence from which
those words arise”.

Listen to what she is holding back, what is not said. Listen to her hesitancy,
to her yearning to be felt, beloved, held, worshiped, embraced once and for

Take Action #2: Give Her What You Most Want To Receive From Her

This one may seem counter-intuitive at first. I first learned this practice from
my friend and teacher, Satyen Raja. It really goes for all of life and all your
relationships, but it especially goes for your intimacy.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

If you want to be touched more tenderly, touch her more tenderly. If you
want to be touched more roughly, touch her that way. If you want
compliments, give them. If you want to be heard by her, listen to her as in
the exercise above. If you want her to cover your body with kisses, you go
first! If you want your partner to be more mindful, then you pay closer
attention to every moment.

As the masculine, lead. Be the sun that shines, not the black hole that is
jockeying to suck up attention and energy. Ardagh says it beautifully…

“Shift the attention from the trickle

You hope to elicit from the outside,
To the ocean that you can become within yourself.”

Take Action #3: Welcome Criticism In Equanimity

A young man goes crazy when you criticize him. Unformed, he rages against
being “defined” by another person. In essence, he is still shaping himself
against the mother-father energy that has been shaping him.

When a man argues back or grows emotional at criticism, he is, essentially,

demonstrating his residence in the house of adolescence.

As a man moving into your mature masculine, you define yourself. Anyone
can throw any criticism at you, and you find it only curious. Curious that the
person feels this way, and curious to see if there is a grain of truth in it.

If there is, you note it, and then, upon reflection, decide what to do with it.
What changes you might like to make in your life practices, your habits.
But what you don’t do is not welcome the criticism. You cannot possibly be
threatened by the criticism because you are already whole. You are not trying
to “convince” anyone that you are anything.

You merely embody it. Take every criticism from a woman as a gift. Mull it.
Thank her. And in your mind, bow to her, for she may have helped refine
you into an even greater man.

Take Action #4: Evolved Women Retract From Angry Men – Learn To
Release Anger

Anger is your attempt to control the world. Angry people are angry that the
world is simply not what they want it to be. But why should it be? And it
never is going to be anyway.

One of the great things about being a parent is that you witness the natural
joy, forgiveness and presence of children. They have no problem letting go
of their egos, of their pasts and of their anger. They have a natural tendency
toward joy. To letting go of what bugs them. If something isn’t what they
want, they just move on and create the world anew in the next moment so
that suddenly the world does reflect what they want it to be.

If you have a tendency to flare up into anger, and you are over 35, you have
not confronted your own sense of inadequacy, or your high-chair tyrant
phase of needing to control the world around you.

Rage is a body energy. Take it out on a heavy bag. Not on your woman and
not on the people in your life.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

Take Action #5: Treat Love as a Verb – Never as a Noun

Did you ever think how weird it is that wedding vows ask you to promise to
FEEL something for the rest of your life?

As soon as that ring goes on the finger, the notion goes, you’ve made a
PROMISE and you’d better not break it, or you’re a fraud and a monster. No
matter how fat or demanding or withholding or taking-you-for-granted she

This is why so many husbands are miserable. They just shuffle forward,
trying to gallantly keep the promise they once made.

But the truth is, love isn’t a “thing”. It’s not a noun. It’s a verb.
You create it moment by moment or you don’t.

A choice. Moment by moment.

I consistently remind both men and women – marry everyday or never.

What does that mean – it means when you open your eyes and see that
woman on the pillow next to say, re-state your vow – that you are going to
actively love her today. You are going to cherish her today. You are not
going to rely on momentum and habit. You are going to actively choose to
love her.

If you want to be REALLY strict about it, marry every MOMENT or never.
Every glance, every word, every gesture, every action you make with a
woman is either loving or unloving. You want a FANTASTIC relationship?
Offer love in whatever form love calls for in the moment and you will have a
devoted goddess.

Offer un-love over and over and you will have an angry, bitter, disappointed
shriveled woman – and likely alimony.
Take Action #6: Be Here, Now

Rather than dwelling on the past or the future, or on who I think I am and
who I imagine others are – helps free me from excess baggage, anxiety and
neurosis – and opens me to love.

When you are with her, your ex should not be a topic of discussion. Sure,
you can mention her, or answer (briefly) if asked about her. But any kind of
lengthy explanation of what went wrong begins to sound like a reminisce.

I can’t underline this one enough. When it comes to the past, tread lightly
and quickly, and get back to the woman staring at you.

To the now. To the way the breeze is moving her hair. To the candle light
playing in her eyes.

Anything but the ex!

A lot of men don’t believe this, because we got habituated to needy young
women in our youth – but at our age, women are FAR more interested in the
depth of your presence than the amount of time you spend together.

If she feels that you are truly with her, 10 minutes is more valuable than 2
hours of half-presence.

If you feel that you can’t give her your full attention – stand in your truth and
value her at the same time: “I have to take care of this bit of business. It is
important to me and to what I do. You deserve more than half my attention,
you deserve all of it, and I’d rather unload my responsibility then come to
you with the absolute full 100% attention you deserve.” Any woman who
doesn’t respect that, isn’t worth your time.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man

Take Action #7: Give Her The Steady Center She Wants

When a woman gets overwhelmed by her emotions, one woman I used to be

with called “flooding” – your impulse might be due, her down, or help or
explain away the intensity of what she is feeling. Or, you might try to run
away and come back when “I can talk to you”.

But your position as a mature masculine men is neither to fix nor to run –
but to remain, and to remain in your strength. What does a strengthening, for
this, I turn to the song of songs, where it says “love is stronger than death”.
Can you maintain an openhearted, settled, imperturbable love for her no
matter how chaotic she seems or angry she gets that you – at first – for not
joining her in her chaos?

You are no longer a firebrand. You are sold and who is rested in the calm of
his leadership. This is attractive. Stay with her. Take her hand and press your
lips into her palm or wrist. Press your belly into hers and hold her tight.

As David Deida writes:

“Keep your breath full. Keep your body strong. Keep your attention
present. No matter what your woman says or does, give her love…. Do
whatever it takes to crack the shell of her closure, get your love inside that
crack, and put her heart. Learn to enjoy her anger, her tears, her silent

One of the ideas that I think is so powerful in “The Way of the Superior
Man” is that how you treat your woman is how you treat the world, and vice
versa. How you penetrate each, either timidly or with full powerful, present
consciousness – is related, one to the other.

Mastery of life is learning to work with the unknown, unpredictable and

wildly delicious feminine – whether in a woman’s body or in the nature of
the world itself – and to give yourself fully and openly to create the greatest
good with no attachment to the result.

This is why trying to fix a woman that right away comes off like an
expression of youthful fear – like you can’t handle chaos like it upsets you.

When you operate from fear, you lose your natural authority and the
masculine aspect of your attractiveness. (For more on natural authority, play
close attention to the Training with John Alanis in Unit One of the Intensive

Take Action #8: If You Want to Keep Her, Accept Her 80%
As Enough

The downside of online dating is that there are infinite choices. That’s also its

But if you get into it, you start realizing that there are so many women to
choose from, that even when you find a great one, you will be tempted to
keep looking.

But the truth is if you find somebody who has 80% of the qualities you are
looking for – don’t throw them back into the pond! Chances are all you may
find, at best, is another 80%er.

If you want to just keep dating, throw as much as you want back into the
pond. But if you meet a girl you really like, that you think may have long-
term value or you, shut down your dating profile. Get rid of that distraction
and temptation. It will destroy anything you try to build – I have seen this
happen over and over.

And I have lived it.

The Six Essential Dating and Sexual Areas of Mastery for the Over-35 Man


As I wrote in the introduction, this is meant to be a resource-rich workbook

for you. Print it out and keep it handy.

Review the Action Steps often until they become part of your instincts, part
of your self.

As a man over 35, women will expect you to embody all the expertise of the
Advanced Masculine.

Of course, they may expect it even though they haven’t done the work to
transition into the Advanced Feminine!

That doesn’t matter. Leave those women to their fates.

The beautiful thing is that when you meet a woman who HAS honed her
Advanced Feminine qualities (and I’ll be writing a book soon for them!) –
and you have done your work – as outlined here, in Irresistible, in the AT
Home 6 Month Home Study Training Course and elsewhere – you will find
joyful companionship, laughter, lightness, hot and profound sex, warmth and
fulfillment beyond anything you might have experienced early in life.

I honor you for taking the steps you’ve already taken.

I honor you for the steps you will continue to take.

And I wish you a deeply satisfying exploration of life with the goddess – in
all her lovely forms.

If you have any questions or ideas, please never hesitate to send them to me
at [email protected]
To your happiness!!
Your friend,



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