KHC 1 Ultimate Pleasure Ride

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The key takeaways are about educating oneself on female sexuality and pleasure, including techniques for multiple orgasms and female ejaculation.

The speaker's story is that she had her first experience with female ejaculation 7 years ago during sex with a partner who was stimulating her G-spot. This profound experience led her to become a leading sex educator on the topic.

The speaker teaches women techniques for having multiple gushing orgasms. She also teaches about intimacy, empowering women's sexuality, and that women have unlimited sexual potential.

Personal Life Media [email protected] http://members.personallifemedia.

Ultimate Pleasure Ride
Transcript from Audio Segment 1

Thank  you  so  much  for  joining  me.  If  you  crave  more  juiciness  in  your  sex  
life,  deeper  in;macy,  a  strong  partnership  and  maximum  pleasure  for  her  
and  you,  you  are  taking  the  very  first  step  by  educa;ng  yourself  and  learn-­‐
ing  the  techniques  and  insights  into  what  makes  her  let  loose  and  declare  
you  as  her  ul;mate  sex  god.  This  included  giving  her  first  ;me  experiences,  
which  include  mul;ple  orgasms  and  several  types  of  orgasms,  as  well  as  fe-­‐
male  ejacula;on.  When  you  help  her  tap  into  her  unlimited  sexual  poten;al  
you  are  opening  up  a  world  for  her  that  she  nor  you  ever  thought  was  pos-­‐
sible.  Are  you  ready?  I  thought  so.  

My Story
I  wanted  to  share  a  liEle  bit  about  my  story  with  you  and  it  starts  out  about  
only,  I  would  say  about  7  years  ago.  And  I  was  with  a  partner  who  was  
s;mula;ng  my  G-­‐Spot  and  he  had  men;oned  that  he  had  heard  about  fe-­‐
male  ejacula;on  awhile  back  and  that  he  had  had  this  experience  with  
other  women.  And  he  was  very  into  being  the  most  amazing  lover  and  was  
a  very  aEen;ve  partner.  And  I  first  thought  “Oh,  this  is  probably  some  par-­‐
lor  trick”,  but  there  was  a  part  of  me  that  was  intrigued.  

The  first  ;me  I  ejaculated  he  was  s;mula;ng  my  G-­‐Spot  and  my  clit  at  the  
same  ;me,  and  I  had  this  beau;ful  amazing  orgasm  and  I  just  let  go  in  a  
deeper  way  than  I  ever  had  before  and  I  ended  up  ejacula;ng.  This  was  a  
profound  experience  for  me.  I  was  just  in  awe  and  amazed  that  my  body  
could  do  something  I  never  thought  was  possible.  I  went  from  a  rookie  to  
one  of  the  leading  sex  educators  and  female  ejacula;on  experts  through  
this  amazing  journey,  and  I  got  to  travel  around  the  country  and  I  s;ll  am  
traveling  around  the  country  teaching  workshops  and  working  one  on  one  
with  men,  women  and  couples  and  empowering  women  and  me  and  help-­‐
ing  them  understand  that  when  they  can  truly  let  go  that’s  when  the  magic  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

I  teach  about  how  women  can  have  these  mul;ple  gushing  orgasms,  I  teach  
about  how  to  build  in;macy  between  you  and  your  partner,  how  women  
can  open  up  and  reveal  this  very  deep  and  beau;ful  part  of  their  sexuality  
that’s  oNen  hidden  because  they  just  don’t  feel  safe  enough  to  reveal  those  
parts  of  themselves.  

And  I  also  teach  women  that  they  have  unlimited  sexual  poten;al.  These  
are  just  some  of  the  many  things  that  are  just  part  and  parcel  of  this  whole  
package  of  having  gushing  mul;ple  orgasms,  and  I’m  so  grateful  for  my  life’s  

This  has  been  such  a  joy  and  I  truly  appreciate  my  clients  and  my  students  
and  just  being  able  to  help  everyone  see  the  affects  of  these  kind  of  teach-­‐
ings  on  peoples  lives  and  how  it  just  doesn’t  affect  their  sex  life,  it  affects  all  
aspects  of  their  life  –  the  way  they  carry  themselves,  the  way  they  walk  in  
the  world,  the  level  of  in;macy  and  connec;on  and  the  passion  that  gets  
rekindled,  especially  in  long  term  rela;onships  and  marriages.  

This  is  a  wonderful  program  that  I  have  in  store  for  you.  You’re  not  going  to  
just  learn  the  techniques;  you’re  going  to  learn  all  the  tricks  of  the  trade  
and  how  to  really  turn  her  on  and  tease  her  and  help  her  to  be  more  juicy,  
how  to  let  go,  how  to  create  an  emo;onally  safe  place  for  her,  and  it’s  not  
just  about  having  mul;ple  orgasms.  It’s  about  how  you  can  be  the  most  ex-­‐
traordinary  lover.

Be The Most Amazing Lover

This  series  is  not  just  about  bringing  her  to  mul;ple  gushing  orgasms.  It’s  
also  about  how  you  can  be  the  most  amazing  and  extraordinary  lover  ever  
and  prepare  to  rock  her  world  and  back  again  and  keep  her  coming  back  for  

A  women’s  sexuality  can  be  complex  and  it  can  be  mysterious  and  has  lots  
of  subtle  intricacies  and  it  can  be  overwhelming  to  men.  This  can  be  in;mi-­‐
da;ng,  it  can  be  like,  “Oh  my  god,  am  I  ever  going  to  figure  her  out?”  or  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

“How  does  this  work?  One  moment  she  wants  this  and  the  next  she  

And  the  good  news  is  that  you  don’t  have  to  figure  her  out.  You  don’t  have  
to  understand  her.  You  just  have  to  learn  how  to  tune  in  with  her,  and  I  will  
help  you  navigate  her  uncharted  waters  and  learn  about  her  non  verbal  
communica;on  as  well  as  encouraging  her  to  communicate  with  you  so  you  
can  understand  and  flow  with  her  and  navigate  these  uncharted  waters  
with  her.  

Most  men  do  not  have  the  techniques  or  valuable  insights  into  women’s  
sexuality  because  oNen  ;mes  women  do  not  communicate  their  needs  or  
even  know  what  they  want.  Women  also  will  expect  that  men  just  simply  
get  it,  and  when  in  actuality  men  need  help  understanding  her  complexi;es.  

And  addi;onally  many  women  have  not  done  a  lot  of  self  explora;on,  a  lot  
of  women  don’t  masturbate  or  a  lot  of  women  if  they  do  masturbate  they  
oNen  are  stuck  in  these  very  limited  paEerns  of  their  masturba;on  that  
they’ve  been  doing  since  they  were  7  or  even  4  years  old.  You’re  going  to  
help  her  learn  about  her  sexuality  and  go  on  this  journey  with  her.  

Unlock Her Body Wisdom

Now  if  you  can  help  her  unlock  the  secrets  of  her  body  and  sexuality  and  
tap  into  her  juicy  wild  woman  with  explosive  mul;ple  orgasms,  she  will  look  
up  to  you  as  the  most  amazing  sexual  partner  and  lover  she’s  ever  had,  and  
she’ll  probably  thank  you  a  thousand  ;mes  over  with  her  enthusiasm  and  
intense  desire  for  you,  so  be  prepared,  she  might  get  addicted.  

Many  women  are  craving  and  looking  for  a  partner  who  not  only  is  an  expe-­‐
rienced  lover  but  one  who  is  open  to  exploring  and  learning  more  and  a  
partner  who  is  enthusias;c  and  who  has  a  strong  desire  to  bring  in  new  
level  of  sexual  energy  and  to  bring  her  to  new  heights  of  ecstasy.  

It’s  that  enthusiasm  and  that  willingness,  that  desire  and  that  passion  that  
women  really  want  and  you  can  have  all  the  experience  in  the  world  but  the  
P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming
way  that  you  bring  that  to  the  present  and  to  your  present  lover  is  what’s  
really  important.  If  she  sees  that  enthusiasm  and  feels  it  and  knows  that  
you  are  just  excited  to  just  dive  in  and  learn  and  explore  and  have  these  ad-­‐
ventures  with  her,  then  she’ll  be  a  lot  more  open.  

Each  woman’s  body  is  very  different  and  unique.  Now  each  woman  is  going  
to  be  in  a  different  place  with  their  sexual  journey  and  experiences.  Em-­‐
brace  her  uniqueness  and  celebrate  it  without  puYng  pressure  on  her  to  be  
something  she’s  not  or  to  make  her  feel  inadequate  in  any  way.  The  worse  
thing  you  can  do  is  to  compare  her  to  an  ex  lover  or  compare  her  to  what  
you  see  in  porn  and  say,  “Oh,  she’s  only  at  this  level”  or  “She’s  only  here”,  
this  or  that.  

Really  celebrate  her  unique  journey  and  help  encourage  her  and  if  she’s  a  
liEle  bit  closed  off  or  she  has  a  lot  of  sexual  healing  work  to  do  or  a  lot  of  
trauma  from  her  past,  really  be  pa;ent  with  her  and  be  pa;ent  and  open  
and  loving  and  have  that  energy  with  her  instead  of  puYng  pressure  on  her  
being  goal  oriented.  

And  there  are  many  women  who  are  feeling  shame  around  their  sexuality,  
their  desires  and  how  they  express  themselves  and  also  shame  around  their  
bodies  and  have  some  body  image  issues.  They’re  worried  about  their  taste  
and  their  smell  and  the  way  that  their  vagina  looks.  

One  major  way  that  you  can  help  her  to  release  shame  is  to  learn  about  
what’s  possible  and  to  be  a  partner  for  her  who  fully  supports  her  sexual  
expression  and  helps  her  to  feel  like  this  sexy  goddess  that  she  truly  is.  Just  
love  her  up  and  really  support  her,  and  if  she  has  a  lot  of  sexual  shame  then  
yeah,  be  very  pa;ent  with  her  and  be  tender  and  compassionate  for  where  
she’s  at.  Your  role  is  so  vital  and  important  as  a  partner.  

You’ll  be  her  biggest  cheerleader,  her  lover,  her  friend,  her  protector,  her  
guide  and  her  healer.  And  lets  not  forget,  her  sex  god.  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

How To Introduce New Ideas
How  do  you  introduce  new  things  in  the  bedroom  with  her?  Some  women  
will  be  more  open  than  others  to  trying  new  things.  And  actually  I  have  a  
few  ways  that  you  can  help  encourage  her  to  try  new  things  without  puYng  
pressure  on  her.  First,  you’re  going  to  frame  a  conversa;on  with  her  around  
trying  new  things,  as  something  we  can  learn  together.  

Have  an  aYtude  of  explora;on  and  adventure  rather  than  puYng  the  em-­‐
phasis  on  obtaining  a  goal.  If  she  feels  like  this  is  something  you’re  both  
learning  together  than  she  will  less  likely  feel  pressure.  Use  me  as  a  re-­‐
source.  I  have  several  online  products  for  women,  specifically  geared  to  
wards  women  who  just  want  to  learn  more  and  do  so  in  a  safe  way.  You  can  
also  even  perhaps  invite  her  to  listen  to  this  series  with  you,  and  I  guarantee  
that  she  will  learn  just  as  much  as  you  will.  You  can  invite  her  in  and  use  me  
as  a  resource.  

You  can  also  try  to  be  open  and  honest  and  hear^elt  with  her  about  your  
inten;ons.  Just  be  completely  transparent.  Let  her  know  that  this  is  some-­‐
thing  you  think  would  be  empowering  and  exci;ng  for  her  and  a  big  turn  on  
for  you,  and  let  her  know  that  you  are  curious  about  this  and  not  aEached  
to  any  outcome  or  goal.  This  is  really  important.  

Make  sure  that  you  express  that  non  aEachment  to  any  goal,  that  you  just  
want  to  give  her  pleasure  and  learn  more  about  her  body  and  have  this  
beau;ful  experience  and  that  you  want  to  help  her  tap  into  her  sexual  po-­‐
ten;al  and  that  this  is  a  process  of  learning  together  and  this  will  help  you  
get  to  know  her  sexually  even  beEer  and  that  you’re  wan;ng  to  give  her  the  
ul;mate  pleasure  and  deepen  your  connec;on  with  her.  Those  are  the  
magic  words.  You  want  to  give  her  pleasure,  you  want  to  strengthen  and  
deepen  your  connec;on  with  her,  this  will  bring  you  closer  together,  and  
really  mean.  This  is  really  what’s  possible.  

The  process  of  learning  about  mul;ple  orgasms  and  working  with  these  
techniques  and  ways  that  you  can  help  open  her  up  and  help  her  be  expres-­‐
P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming
sive  and  really  let  go,  this  will  ul;mately  enhance  and  deepen  your  in;macy  
and  your  connec;on.  

Love The Sex You Are Already Having

And  another  thing  that  you  can  do  is  share  that  you  love  the  sex  you’re  hav-­‐
ing  now  and  it’s  amazing  and  there’s  some  things  that  you  would  like  to  ex-­‐
plore  together  to  make  things  even  more  amazing  than  they  already  are.  

Give  her  permission  also  to  opt  out  by  saying  that  if  she  doesn’t  want  to  try  
these  new  things  that’s  okay  too.  Again,  you’re  not  aEached.  But  I  kind  of  
would  es;mate  that  if  you  give  her  permission  to  opt  out  then  most  likely  
since  you  have  relieved  her  of  any  obliga;ons  then  she  is  free  to  say  yes.

Sexy Shoppe
Another  thing  you  can  do  is  buy  her  giNs  and  goodies.  Women  love  giNs.  
We  love  toys  and  lingerie  and  you  can  get  her  some  G-­‐Spot  toys,  you  can  
get  her  a  vibrator,  you  can  go  shopping  with  her  together,  you  can  get  her  
some  lingerie  and  as  well  as  some  educa;onal  DVD’s  and  videos,  and  you  
can  watch  them  together  and  make  a  whole  night  out  of  it.  

Stealth Moves

Another  op;on  is  to  not  say  anything  at  all.  You  can  try  your  moves  on  her  
and  have  your  new  energy  with  her  and  just  have  your  confidence  aNer  this  
series,  and  trust  me  you’ll  have  some  new  moves  aNer  listening  to  this  for  
sure.  And  then  you  can  just  try  your  new  moves  on  her  and  if  this  gives  her  
more  pleasure  and  she’s  excited  about  your  new  moves  and  enjoys  herself,  
so  be  it.  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

Ul;mately  though  I  recommend  being  fully  transparent  and  disclosing  up  to  
the  point  that  you’re  saying,  “I’m  listening  to  this  series.  I  want  to  learn  
some  new  ;ps,  I  want  to  amp  up  my  skills  in  the  bedroom.  I  want  you  to  ex-­‐
perience  lots  of  pleasure.  I  really  want  to  rock  your  world  and  at  the  same  
;me  I  don’t  want  you  to  feel  pressure.  I’m  worried  that  maybe  you  would,  
but  I  really  just  want  this  to  be  a  fun  amazing  adventure  for  us  and  I  think  
this  will  bring  us  closer  together.”  

It’s  ul;mately  up  to  you  how  you’d  like  to  introduce  this  to  her,  and  if  she’s  
on  board  with  exploring  this  with  you,  then  your  experience  will  be  that  
much  more  in;mate  and  exci;ng.  If  she’s  not  then,  give  it  some  ;me  and  
take  baby  steps  with  her.  You  can  always  give  it  ;me  and  try  liEle  baby  steps  
here  and  there,  and  that  works  just  as  well  too.  And  some;mes  those  baby  
steps  are  huge  things.  And  so  don’t  be  discouraged  if  she’s  not  as  amped  up  
about  this  as  you  are.  She  probably  doesn’t  know  what’s  in  store  for  her.  
And  in  the  mean;me,  study  up  and  prepare  to  rock  her  world  and  be  the  
most  amazing  extraordinary  lover.  

Just Let It All Go

Great  sex  can  be  messy.  Our  culture  tells  us  that  women  need  to  hide  and  
we  need  to  cover  up  our  natural  smells  as  well  as  our  period  blood.  
And  you,  who  is  the  rockstar  standup  guy  who  makes  her  feel  like  a  million  
bucks,  who  is  not  phased,  squeamish  or  weird  about  that,  and  part  of  what  
helps  women  get  super  aroused  and  have  mul;ple  orgasms  is  by  being  able  
to  fully  let  go.  

And  she’s  not  going  to  be  able  to  fully  let  go  if  she’s  self  conscious.  A  lot  of  
women  have  inhibi;ons  about  making  a  mess  and  are  worried  that  their  
partner  might  be  horrified,  disgusted,  disturbed,  and  she’s  worried  about  
what  you  might  think,  and  especially  because  our  culture  is  always  telling  us  
about  hiding  and  covering  up  our  smells  and  tastes  and  it  really  ingrains  and  
imprints  this  on  women.  Any  women  are  shut  down  because  of  these  fears,  
but  the  more  we  are  encouraged  to  embrace  our  bodily  fluids  the  more  
sexual  and  orgasmic  energy  she  can  experience.  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

When  she’s  in  her  mind  worrying  about  these  things  she  can’t  be  very  pre-­‐
sent  to  what’s  happening  in  her  body.  The  less  mental  chaEer  and  fear  that  
comes  up  for  her  and  the  less  self  consciousness  the  more  she  can  be  wildly  
uninhibited  and  really  let  her  juices  flow.  Great  sex  is  oNen  messy.  

Be  proud  of  the  wet  spot  and  help  her  put  aside  any  unrealis;c  no;ons  
about  women  not  making  a  mess.  Encourage  her  to  make  a  mess.  Love  up  
her  sexy  pussy  with  everything  you’ve  got  and  con;nuously  reiterate  to  her  
how  beau;ful  her  pussy  is  with  exact  details  so  she  will  actually  believe  you.  
Now  you  can  compliment  her  smell  and  taste  and  watch  how  those  things  
alone  can  open  up  her  flower.  Tell  her  how  sexy  her  juices  are.  

I’m  going  to  also  address  those  guys  who  are  reading  this  who  are  squeam-­‐
ish  about  women’s  juices  or  maybe  you’ve  had  some  unsavory  experiences  
in  the  past.  They  might’ve  been  with  a  woman  who  had  bad  hygiene  or  
didn’t  really  have  good  hygiene  before  he  went  down  on  her,  and  that  can  
be  even  trauma;c  for  some  guys.  I  definitely  have  compassion  for  that.  

And  yeah,  women  can  have  a  muskier  smell  too  that  can  be  stronger  with  
some  than  with  others.  Women  taste  and  smell  differently.  And  there’s  
things  that  you  can  do  too  if  her  odor  is  somewhat  difficult  to  deal  with  or  
it’s  somewhat  troublesome  to  you  and  doing  things  like  encouraging  her  to  
take  a  shower  with  you  beforehand  is  a  tricky  thing.  

You  have  to  be  careful  with  this  guys.  You  don’t  want  to  make  it  so  that  
you’re  offending  her,  making  her  feel  even  more  self  conscious,  but  being  
subtle  and  encouraging  her  to  take  a  shower  with  you  or  give  her  a  really  
nice  adoring  bath  beforehand  can  really  help  set  the  mood  and  help  her  not  
worry  about  her  taste  and  smell  and  you  either.  

If  it’s  s;ll  just  one  of  those  things  that  is  difficult  for  you  try  to  just  get  over  
it.  Try  to  relieve  yourself  of  the  mental  chaEer,  those  thoughts,  those  run-­‐
ning  thoughts  in  your  head  like  “Oh,  I  don’t  know  if  I  like  this”  or  “I  don’t  
know  if  I  like  her  taste  or  smell.”  The  more  you  think  about  it  and  kind  of  
P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming
obsess  about  it  or  let  that  run  the  show  the  less  you  are  also  being  present  
and  enjoying  the  moment.  

Really  just  have  this  aYtude  of  embracing  fully  her  pussy  and  her  juices  and  
you  can  learn  to  love  it.  It’s  an  acquired  taste  and  you  can  actually  go  from  
not  par;cularly  favoring  it  to  absolutely  not  being  able  to  get  enough.  So  
con;nuously  tell  her  how  sexy  her  juices  are.  And  also  when  she’s  having  
her  period  -­‐  guys  you  will  score  huge  points  for  this  –  offer  to  rub  her  lower  
back  or  her  lower  stomach  and  offer  to  make  dinner  for  her.  

Really  have  this  aYtude  that  when  she’s  just  star;ng  her  period  that  she’s  
going  to  be  possibly  in  pain  and  have  lower  energy,  and  you  can  really  just  
do  special  things  for  her  around  that  ;me.  Trust  me  guys,  you  will  score  
mad  points.  So  just  doing  something  like  that  outside  of  the  bedroom  actu-­‐
ally  enhances  your  level  of  in;macy  with  her  and  helps  her  feel  like  a  god-­‐
dess  in  the  bedroom.  

The  same  goes  for  her  body.  Women  have  so  many  hang-­‐ups,  whether  it  is  
her  weight  or  how  saggy  her  boobs  are,  their  ass,  their  thighs,  the  list  goes  
on  with  women.  Some  women  have  also  been  put  down  in  the  past  by  lov-­‐
ers  too  and  their  past  lovers  and  have  had  serious  hang-­‐ups  about  their  
body  because  of  that.  Some  women  have  given  birth  and  their  body  has  
changed  as  a  result  and  they  might  have  stretch  marks,  their  breasts  might  
be  saggier  from  breast  feeding,  they  might’ve  put  on  more  weight,  a  lot  of  
women  have  lowered  sex  drives  because  of  the  shame  around  their  bodies  
and  are  worried  about  what  you  would  think.  They  don’t  feel  sexy  anymore  
because  they’re  not  empowered  about  their  bodies  and  about  themselves.  

The Best Thing You Can Do

So  the  best  thing  you  can  do  is  compliment  her  from  head  to  toe  and  love  
her  up  and  be  very  specific  about  it.  And  what  I  mean  by  be  specific  is  you  
can  say  things  like  “You’re  hot”,  but  you  can  also  say  things  like  “I  love  the  
way  you  look  in  that  dress.  The  way  you  walk  turns  me  on.  You’ve  got  legs  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

for  miles  girl.  And  I’m  sorry,  I’m  checking  you  out  right  now.  You  are  just  so  
kissable.  I  love  the  way  you  laugh.  You’ve  got  a  very  sexy  voice”,  et  cetera.  

Complimen;ng  not  just  her  genitals  and  her  boobs  and  her  vagina;  it’s  also  
about  complimen;ng  the  way  she  walks,  her  laugh,  her  smile,  her  eyes,  her  
cheekbones,  the  nape  of  her  neck,  her  ears,  her  taste  in  clothes,  her  hair-­‐
cut.  Try  to  start  no;cing  these  details  about  her.  The  more  that  you  observe  
her  down  to  the  finest  details,  such  as  “Oh,  are  you  wearing  a  new  per-­‐
fume?  You  smell  so  good.  I  could  eat  you  alive;”  comments  like  that  just  
create  this  beau;ful  yummy  energy  between  you,  and  try  saying  these  
things  outside  of  the  bedroom.  

And  trust  me,  this  is  something  that  just  is  so  important,  the  more  you  en-­‐
courage  you  and  are  roman;c  and  really  amp  up  your  compliments  and  be  
very  specific  in  them,  the  more  she’ll  really  feel  seen  and  absolutely  beau;-­‐
ful  in  your  eyes.  And  when  she  feels  seen  and  beau;ful  she  will  open  up  like  
you  wouldn’t  believe.  

Let The Floodgates Open

So  keep  up  the  romance  that  compliments  the  adora;on.  Keep  them  going  
strong  outside  of  the  bedroom  and  you’ll  be  met  with  a  juicy  firecracker  in  
the  bedroom  who  feels  like  a  total  goddess  and  that  you  just  dig  her  with  all  
of  her  imperfec;ons,  that  there  is  an  uncondi;onal  desire  and  aErac;on  to  
her  no  maEer  what.  She  wants  to  know  and  feel  that  you  find  her  sexy  and  
beau;ful  no  maEer  what.  

Women  are  juicy  and  when  they  really  let  go  they  can  be  downright  explo-­‐
sive.  Let  the  floodgates  open.  And  I  wanted  to  read  a  quote  to  you  from  this  
woman  who  wrote  an  email  to  me  a  long  ;me  ago  about  this  whole  issue  of  
making  a  mess.  And  I  think  it’s  really  applicable.  “I  realized  that  for  years  
and  years  in  my  sexual    life  that  I  was  so  scared  to  make  a  mess.  I  guess  I  
had  some  voice  within  me  that  thought  it  wasn’t  sexy  or  that  my  boyfriend  
would  be  upset.  I  also  didn’t  want  to  be  loud  and  was  very  self  conscious.  It  
wasn’t  un;l  I  had  a  boyfriend  who  was  very  passionate  and  encouraged  me  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

to  surrender  and  be  loud  if  I  needed  that  I  realized  that  in  all  my  worrying  
and  self  consciousness  I  had  not  even  been  in  touch  with  my  sexuality.  

I  realized  that  I’d  been  holding  back  a  lot  and  that  men  actually  like  when  a  
woman  is  expressive  and  truly  turned  on.  It  took  some  prac;ce  and  ;me  
before  I  was  able  to  just  surrender,  and  not  only  did  I  experience  mul;ple  
orgasms  with  my  new  boyfriend,  but  on  occasion  I  would  actually  ejaculate  
–  and  gasp  –  make  a  mess.  I  think  back  to  all  those  years  that  I  was  not  
authen;cally  enjoying  myself  and  simply  playing  a  role  that  wasn’t  me.  Bet-­‐
ter  late  than  never,  right?”  

So  that’s  just  a  great  example  of  a  woman  who  really  broke  through  and  she  
was  so  caught  up  in  her  head  that  she  wasn’t  really  able  to  have  a  real  sex-­‐
ual  experience.  So  the  less  that  she’s  worrying  about  how  she  looks,  if  she’s  
preEy,  if  you  find  her  aErac;ve  and  worried  about  her  stretch  marks  and  
this  and  that,  the  more  she  can  just  totally  let  go.  So  give  her  lots  of  com-­‐
pliments,  lover  her  up  and  you  will  reap  the  benefits  exponen;ally.  

Anatomically Speaking

It  helps  to  have  a  good  understanding  of  her  anatomy  first  so  you  can  have  
what’s  called  an  ero;c  map  of  what  you’re  touching,  s;mula;ng  and  look-­‐
ing  at.  And  her  ero;c  map  is  her  unique  ero;c  fingerprint,  so  to  speak,  of  
just  where  her  hot  spots  are,  what  the  par;cular  things  are  that  she  really  
likes,  enjoys  and  gives  her  pleasure.  And  the  ero;c  map  is  not  just  some-­‐
thing  sta;c.  

It’s  actually  a  dynamic  process,  so  something  that  she  likes  one  ;me,  she  
may  not  like  it  another.  And  it’s  a  con;nuous  journey  of  finding  new  things  
that  she  really  enjoys  and  gets  her  to  feel  really  juicy  and  highly  aroused.  So  
you’re  going  to  be  con;nuously  exploring  her  ero;c  map.  And  since  you’re  
both  exploring  this  together  you  can  choose  to  get  out  a  hand  mirror  and  
explore  her  anatomy  with  her.  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

And  there’s  a  strong  possibility  that  she  might  not  be  en;rely  familiar  with  
her  anatomy.  There  are  many  women  who  have  not  seen  what  their  pussies  
look  like  in  a  hand  mirror  ever.  Many  do  not  sit  down  and  study  it  and  oNen  
;mes  women  have  a  lot  of  insecuri;es  about  the  way  that  their  pussies  
look.  And  because  of  that  they  don’t  even  want  to  look  at  it  in  the  mirror.  

And  when  I  teach  my  workshops  with  women  one  of  the  things  that  we  do  
is  we  get  out  the  hand  mirror  and  put  it  out  in  front  of  us  and  look  at  our  
anatomy  and  look  at  our  vaginas  and  just  see  what  they  look  like  and  how  
we  feel  about  them,  and  some  women  have  a  lot  of  amazing  and  even  
emo;onal  discoveries.  

They  might  just  have  this  epiphany,  “Oh,  I  always  thought  I  looked  ugly  but  
she’s  so  beau;ful.  This  is  a  really  beau;ful  pussy”,  and  they  have  a  new-­‐
found  apprecia;on  because  they’ve  actually  just  taken  the  ;me  to  look  at  
her  and  give  her  aEen;on.  So  this  might  be,  when  you  have  the  hand  mirror  
out  with  her  this  might  be  a  great  ;me  to  check  in  and  see  how  she  feels  
about  her  pussy.  Does  she  think  it’s  sexy,  does  she  thinks  it’s  ugly,  is  it  un-­‐
familiar,  et  cetera.  She  might  have  different  feelings  about  it.  

And  just  kind  of  check  in  with  her,  let  her  know  that  you  want  to  get  to  
know  her  beEer,  and  in  turn  she’ll  get  to  know  herself  beEer.  And  again,  
this  scores  you  major  points.  You’re  really  taking  the  ;me  to  check  in  with  
her  and  see  how  she  feels  about  her  pussy,  and  you  might  discover  that  she  
doesn’t  like  it  or  thinks  it’s  ugly  and  you  can  reassure  her  and  help  her.  And  
it  might  also  be  a  very  healing  experience  for  her.  So  this  is  a  very  important  
thing,  to  find  out  what  her  rela;onship  is  to  her  pussy,  is  she  estranged  
from  it,  is  she  really  close,  is  it  her  best  friend,  does  she  feel  really  comfort-­‐
able  with  herself,  and  that  will  give  you  a  lot  of  insight  into  how  you  can  re-­‐
assure  her,  compliment,  encourage  her,  etcetera.  

So  the  more  that  she  is  in  touch  with  her  body,  the  more  she’ll  be  recep;ve  
to  your  touch.  Again,  reassurances  in  this  direc;on  are  really  important  to  
help  get  her  juices  flowing  and  those  mul;ple  orgasms  rolling.  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

Her Luscious Clit
So  lets  go  piece  by  piece  and  part  by  part  of  her  luscious  anatomy  and  her  
ero;c  map.  So  first  lets  start  with  the  clit.  

The  clit  for  many  women  is  her  best  friend.  ONen  it’s  the  place  she’s  really  
familiar  with  –  and  even  at  a  young  age  when  women  start  to  masturbate,  
they  just  go  for  their  clit.  

The  clitoral  area  is  simply  a  very  familiar  experience,  although  a  lot  of  
women  again  have  these  paEerns  of  the  way  that  they  s;mulate  them-­‐
selves  so  they  haven’t  really  broken  out  and  truly  explored  the  possibili;es  
of  their  clit.  

The  clit  is  this  cute  pack  of  nerve  endings  peaking  out  of  its  hood  and  it’s  
like  a  mini  penis  and  it’s  equipped  with  the  same  amount  of  nerve  endings  
as  the  penis  in  its  en;rety.  Isn’t  that  wild?  Some  women  like  direct  s;mula-­‐
;on  of  the  clit  while  others  prefer  to  s;mulate  the  hood,  and  we’re  going  to  
talk  about  the  clitoral  hood  in  just  a  second.  Now  if  her  clit  was  a  clock  and  
you’re  staring  at  it  and  it’s  a  clock  the  most  pleasurable  place  for  most  
women  is  on  the  2  o’clock  point.  So  again,  you’re  going  to  try  to  go  for  this  
par;cular  place  and  see  if  this  is  a  pleasurable  place  for  her  in  par;cular.  

Women  are  different  -­‐  it  might  be  amazing  for  her  and  for  another  women  
it’s  not  as  highly  sensi;zed  because  she’s  not  used  to  s;mula;ng  in  that  
par;cular  part  of  her  clit.  And  this  2  o’clock  part  is  also  considered  the  up-­‐
per  leN  quadrant,  it’s  the  leN  quadrant  for  her.  It’s  on  her  leN  but  at  2  
o’clock  for  you  if  you’re  facing  her.  So  the  clit  responds  very  well  to  vibra-­‐

It  responds  well  to  really  fast  s;mula;on  and  some  women  like  really  a  lot  
of  like  a  lot  of  pressure  on  their  clit,  a  lot  of  firm  pressure  and  fast  back  and  
forth  mo;on.  Some  women  really  like  pulsa;ons  on  their  clit,  such  as  a  pul-­‐
sa;ng  shower  head  could  be  really  good,  some  women  masturbate  with  

And  clits  respond  really  well  to  tongues  and  lubricated  fingers  –  lubricated  is  
very  important  –  as  well  as  humping  of  objects.  For  a  lot  of  women,  if  you  
P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming
have  your  leg  between  her  thighs  too  you  might  no;ce  that  she’s  sort  of  gy-­‐
ra;ng  against  it  because  that  feels  really  good,  service  that  she  can  rub  up  
against  actually  feels  really  good  for  the  clit,  as  well  as  your  pubic  bone  
which  I’ll  talk  about  later  too  when  it  comes  to  intercourse  techniques  that  
are  really  good  for  the  clit.  

And  I  wanted  to  just  give  you  some  more  clit  techniques.  One  of  those  is  to  
take  the  flat  of  your  hand  near  the  tops  of  your  fingers  and  go  back  and  
forth  very  quickly  over  her  clit  and  the  clitoral  hood.  And  you’re  applying  a  
fair  amount  of  pressure,  and  you  want  to  make  sure  to  check  in  with  her  for  

When  it  comes  to  things  like  pressure  and  speed  and  par;cular  types  of  
stroke  you  want  to  check  in  with  her  because  you  don’t  want  to,  some  
women  are  more  sensi;ve  than  others  and  you  might  be  doing  something  
that’s  painful  for  her  and  some  women  actually  have  a  hard  ;me  even  
speaking  up  when  something  is  kind  of    painful.  And  the  more  you  encour-­‐
age  her  to  speak  up  for  what  she  wants  as  well  as  check  in  with  her,  that  is  a  
very  successful  way  to  really  gauge  the  type  of  pressure  and  speed  that  she  
really  likes  for  her  clit.  

And  so  that’s  a  more  indirect  approach,  and  indirect  meaning  that  you’re  
s;mula;ng  the  hood  and  you’re  not  directly  s;mula;ng  the  clit.  I  mean  you  
are  indirectly  s;mula;ng  the  clit  by  simula;ng  the  hood,  and  for  some  
women  they  prefer  clitoral  hood  s;mula;on  versus  direct  clit  s;mula;on,  
and  we’ll  get  into  that  a  liEle  bit  later.  One  of  the  things  that  you  can  do  is  
pull  back  her  clitoral  hood  and  if  you  pull  back  her  clitoral  hood  and  you  can  
look  at  this  in  the  mirror  with  her,  and  you’re  not  going  to  be  yanking  it  

Remember  just  be  careful.  You  don’t  have  to  be  so  delicate.  You  want  to  be  
confident  in  the  way  that  you  touch  but  also  sensi;ve  at  the  same  ;me.  It’s  
kind  of  a  fine  line.  And  you  want  to,  when  you  pull  the  hood  of  the  clit,  the  
clitoral  hood  back,  you’re  going  to  see  this  liEle  ;ny  clit  is  just  this  ;ny  thing  
and  for  some  women  it’s  bigger  than  others  and  is  one  of  those  things  that  
gets  engorged  and  actually  erect  when  she’s  aroused.  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

So  if  you’re  just  star;ng  off,  the  clit’s  going  to  be  kind  of  small  and  maybe  
even  a  liEle  hard  to  find  underneath  the  hood  and  the  more  turned  on  she  
gets  the  more  engorged  and  larger  and  actually  erect  that  the  clit  will  actu-­‐
ally  become.  

A  friend  of  mine  calls  it  having  a  clit  boner,  ‘cause  it’s  like  a  liEle  mini  penis.  
And  when  you  pull  back  the  clitoral  hood  you  want  to  touch  the  clit  very  
lightly  and  well  lubricated.  Definitely  keep  a  nice  lube  that  she  likes  and  
works  really  well  next  to  the  bed  so  that  you  can  have  lubrica;on.  You  can  
also  use  your  saliva  too,  but  make  sure  at  all  ;mes  you’re  well  lubricated,  
your  fingers  are  well  lubricated  so  she’s  well  lubricated,  ‘cause  nothing  feels  
worse  than  a  dry  finger  rubbing  the  head  of  your  clit.  I  mean  that’s  just  
arggh.  You  don’t  want  to  do  that  guys.  

So  check  in  with  her  because  this  is  a  very  sensi;ve  area  because  it’s  so  
;ghtly  packed  with  nerve  endings,  so  tread  lightly  with  this  one.  If  you’re  
working  directly  with  the  clit,  not  the  clitoral  hood,  you  want  to  just  tread  
lightly  at  first  and  check  in  with  her  and  some  women  like  a  lot  of  pressure  
and  you  can  really  go  to  town  directly  on  their  clit  while  for  other  women  
it’s  a  very  sensi;ve  place  and  they  can  only  take  very  light  slow  strokes.  

And  some  women  really  like  a  horizontal  mo;on  back  and  forth  on  their  clit  
while  other  women  like  more  of  an  up  and  down  mo;on.  Now  one  of  the  
best  ways  to  understand  how  a  woman  likes  to  be  touched  with  her  clit  and  
receive  clit  s;mula;on  is  the  way  that  she  touches  herself.  So  I  would  en-­‐
courage  you  to  invite  her  to  masturbate  for  you  and  just  to  observe  her,  ob-­‐
serve  exactly  how  she  touches  herself  –  with  how  much  pressure,  the  way  
that  she  strokes  her  clit,  is  it  up  and  down,  is  it  back  and  forth,  is  she  s;mu-­‐
la;ng  her  clit  horizontally,  ver;cally,  firm  pressure,  is  she  using  a  vibrator?  

So  you’re  going  to  really,  there’s  so  many  subtle;es  to  this.  It’s  so  easy  to  
just  be  working  with  the  clit  and  be  like,  “Oh,  I’m  on  the  clit.  I’m  really  
showing  her  a  good  ;me”,  but  there  are  some  subtle;es  to  it  so  you  really  
have  to  be  very  educated  about  the  way  that  she  likes  her  clit  s;mulated  by  
doing  things  herself  and  checking  in  with  her  as  well  as  watching  her  mas-­‐
turbate  and  see  what  she  really  likes  because  women  have  all  different  
ways  that  they’ve  been  used  to  s;mula;ng  their  clit  over  the  years  and  you  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

can  definitely  introduce  some  new  things  with  her  too  and  definitely  if  
you’re  trying  something  new  always  ease  into  it.  

Don’t  just  go  right  for  it  and  just  start  going  crazy.  Women  really  need  a  
build  up,  we  need  to  be  turned  on  in  other  parts  of  our  bodies,  we  need  to  
be  turned  on  emo;onally  before  you  go  straight  to  the  genitals.  So  I’m  ac-­‐
tually  giving  you  a  whole  anatomical  viewpoint,  but  I  will  actually  get  into  
more  detail  about  how  you  actually  set  the  stage  and  create  a  space  for  her  
to  really  open  up  and  get  really  juicy  and  aroused  and  things  that  you  can  
do  to  tease  her  and  build  up  her  ero;c  energy  to  the  point  where  she’s  just  
ready  to  explode  and  hungry  for  your  touch  and  hungry  for  you  to  touch  her  
and  this  will  surely  lead  to  explosive  mul;ple  orgasms.  

Exploring Her Erotic Map

We  have  to  get  the  basic  anatomy  first  so  that  we  could  understand  the  
ero;c  map  that  you’re  working  with,  and  this  is  vital  informa;on.  So  really  
you  want  to,  going  back  in  terms  of  s;mula;ng  her,  you  can  take  a  lubri-­‐
cated  finger  directly  to  the  2  o’clock  spot  on  her  clitoral  hood  and  move  
your  finger  back  and  forth  or  up  and  down,  and  you  can  also  try  circles  and  
various  speeds  and  pressures.  

And  again,  you’re  star;ng  off  lighter,  you’re  star;ng  out  slower  and  you’re  
building  some;mes  ever  so  slowly  towards  faster  and  more  pressure  when  
it  comes  to  the  way  that  most  women  like  to  be  s;mulated.  With  clit  s;mu-­‐
la;on  every  woman  has  her  own  specific  recipe  of  what  she  likes  and  make  
sure  you  encourage  her  to  tell  you  what  she  wants  by  crea;ng  a  space  for  
that  ahead  of  ;me.  

Even  saying  something  like,  “I’m  going  to  explore  your  clit  and  I  want  you  to  
tell  me  what  you  like  and  feel  free  to  direct  me.  I’ll  be  trying  different  things  
and  give  you  total  permission  to  let  me  know  what  works  and  what  doesn’t,  
and  you  don’t  have  to  worry  about  hur;ng  my  feelings  if  you  don’t  like  
something,  I  really  want  to  get  to  know  what  you  like.”  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

So  you  just  open  up  a  beau;ful  door  for  her  to  really  be  expressive  and  give  
her  permission  to  say  “I  don’t  like  that”  or  “Why  don’t  we  try  this”  or  “No,  
no,  no,  that  doesn’t  feel  quite  well.  Why  don’t  you  try  that”  or  “I  liked  what  
you  were  doing  before.”  

And  don’t  take  offense  to  it;  just  let  her  direct  you  around.  When  you’re  
caught  up  in  the  moment  and  you’re  very  aroused  it’s  very  hard  to  have  
these  complex  ways  of  speaking  about  things.  Some;mes  it’s  just  like  
“Harder”,  “Faster”,  “ To  the  right”,  “ To  the  leN.”  

She’s  not  in  her  head  when  she’s  in  a  place  of  pleasure,  she’s  more  surren-­‐
der,  so  just  let  her  bark  orders  out  to  you  if  that’s  what  she  needs  to  do  not  
to  disturb  the  ero;c  space  that  she’s  in.  And  also  please  note  that  what  she  
likes  one  day  or  one  session  might  change  in  the  next.  

Also  what  worked  on  one  girlfriend  in  the  past  might  not  work  on  another.  
Your  moves  that  you  have  acquired  over  the  years  might  have  to  be  ad-­‐
justed  for  the  specific  needs  of  your  new  partner.  So  if  you  were  a  total  
rockstar  in  bed  with  a  past  girlfriend  and  you’re  like  “Oh,  she  loved  that”  
and  you  try  those  moves  that  you’ve  acquired  on  your  new  partner  she  
might  just  be  like  “What  are  you  doing?  That  hurts”  or,  “ That  doesn’t  feel  
quite  right.”  

So  really  try  to  get  super  familiarized  with  her  unique  ero;c  map,  it’s  going  
to  be  different  for  every  woman.  There  are  men  out  there  who  have  really  
great  moves,  but  a  lot  of  their  success  is  not  so  much  in  the  moves  and  the  
techniques  –  that’s  important  –  but  what’s  really  important  is  the  way  that  
you  discover  and  learn  and  develop  a  keen  sense  for  her  subtle;es  of  what  
she  needs  for  touch  and  what  she  needs  in  any  given  moment.  

And  even  if  you’ve  been  together  for  years  you  will  learn  so  many  things  by  
having  an  exquisite  approach  to  touching  her.  And  there’s  always  new  things  
that  you  can  bring  into  the  bedroom.  Even  if  you’ve  been  together  for  years  
and  you  think  you  know  her  inside  and  out  and  she  might  even  think  that  
she  knows  herself  inside  and  out,  but  trust  me,  there  is  always  more  to  dis-­‐
cover  and  learn.  It’s  actually  unlimited.  So  take  the  ;me.  Trust  me,  taking  
the  ;me  to  really  get  to  know  her  anatomy  and  have  her  vocalize  what  she  
P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming
likes  and  doesn’t  will  create  deeper  in;macy  and  trust  between  you  and  si-­‐
multaneously  allow  you  to  blow  her  mind  with  new  moves  that  partners  be-­‐
fore  you  in  the  past  never  bothered  to  learn  with  such  care  and  dedica;on.  

Again,  it’s  this  level  of  aEen;veness  to  the  details,  this  level  of  caring,  ado-­‐
ra;on,  honoring,  respect  and  dedica;on  to  her  pleasure.  

In the ‘Hood
And  lets  talk  about  the  clitoral  hood,  shall  we?  The  clitoral  hood  protects  
her  sweet  liEle  clit  and  can  be  directly  s;mulated  or  pulled  back  for  more  
direct  s;mula;on  of  the  clit,  like  I  said  before.  Experiment  with  direct  s;mu-­‐
la;on  of  the  clit,  which  is  very  gentle  at  first  and  s;mula;ng  the  clitoral  
hood,  see  what  she  prefers.  Remember  you’re  going  to  use  broader  strokes  
with  the  flat  of  your  hand  and  you  can  even  use  your  palm  too.  

One  great  thing  that  you  can  do  is  take  the  palm  of  your  hand  and  your  fin-­‐
gers  are  going  to  be  up  at  12  o’clock,  so  your  just,  your  hand’s  going  to  be  
directly  straight  up,  and  you’re  rubbing  the  palm  of  your  hand  in  circles  or  
you  can  rub  it  back  and  forth  or  even  up  and  down  on  her  clitoral  hood,  
even  up  even  a  liEle  bit  towards  her  pubic  mound.  I’ll  get  more  into  the  pu-­‐
bic  mound  later.  So  try  the  flat  of  your  hand,  try  your  palm.  

These  broad  strokes  feel  really  good  and  you  can  use  a  fair  amount  of  pres-­‐
sure,  so  see  what  she  prefers.  And  using  the  flat  of  your  tongue  back  and  
forth  too  when  you’re  giving  oral  sex  to  the  area  is  really  great  and  you  can  
try  using  the  ;p  of  you  tongue  for  that  2  o’clock  spot  for  more  specific  
s;mula;on  on  her  clit.  So  play  with  the  direct,  indirect  s;mula;on.  Know  
that  there’s  these  two  basic  different  types  of  s;mula;on  that  you  can  work  
with  the  clit,  and  women  usually  love  both  at  different  ;mes  but  if  she’s  
saying  she  is  really  liking  something  you’re  doing,  this  is  so  key,  do  not  
change  it  or  stop.  

So  when  women  are  building  towards  climax,  steady  and  consistent  speed  
and  pressure  will  get  you  far  with  her.  If  you  want  to  change  something  up  
P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming
because  you’re  either  geYng  ;red  or  want  to  try  something  new  check  in  
first  to  see  if  that  is  okay.  

Some;mes  it  is  hard  to  tell  where  women  are  at  in  their  climac;c  journey.  
Some;mes  the  quieter  she  is  the  more  she’s  concentra;ng  and  really,  really  
close  to  coming,  because  it  really  does  take  a  lot  of  concentra;on  to  come  if  
you’re  a  woman.  Now  for  men  it  can  take  a  lot  of  concentra;on  not  to  

So  there  is  kind  of  this  fundamental  difference  between  the  way  that  
women  orgasm  and  women’s  orgasmic  energy  works  versus  men’s.  So  take  
that  into  account.  She’s  not  going  to  be  necessarily  charging  out  of  the  gate  
at  the  very  beginning  of  your  sessions  with  her,  she  will  most  likely  take  a  
fair  amount  of  ;me  –  and  it  varies  from  woman  to  woman  –  to  actually  get  
really  aroused  and  juiced  up.  Women  are  slow  cookers,  so  it’s  really  impor-­‐
tant,  and  I’m  going  to  get  into  that  more  too  about  arousing  and  opening  up  
other  parts  of  her  body  first,  and  when  it  even  comes  to  direct  s;mula;on  
of  her  genitals  or  clit  start  first  with  the  slow  soNer  s;mula;on.  

That’s  going  to  do  two  things;  number  one,  start  to  get  her  juiced  up  and  
opened  up.  You’re  not  going  to  just  go  straight  away  for  intense  crazy  pres-­‐
sure.  She  needs  to  work  up  to  that,  and  once  the  clit  is  very  engorged  and  
erect  then  you’re  going  to  know  that  she’s  fairly  turned  on.  And  I’m  going  to  
tell  you  about  signs  to  know  how  she’s  turned  on  so  that  you’re  very  clear  
kind  of  where  she’s  at  in  her  clima;c  journey  without  her  even  having  to  tell  

Keep Her Moving Toward Climax

As  you  were  building  up  your  speed  and  she’s  moving  towards  climax  you  
want  to  stay  slow  and  steady.  Every  ;me  you  switch  something  up  it  can  
throw  her  off  track  and  it  can  literally  almost  instantaneously  go  from  being  
super  close  to  having  a  climax  to  all  of  the  sudden  she’s  just  frustrated  or  
her  climac;c  energy  has  dropped  and  then  all  of  the  sudden  she’s  frustrated  
or  saying  to  herself,  “Argh,  this  is  never  going  to  happen.”  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

So  really,  if  you’re  doing  something  and  it’s  working  for  her  and  she’s  telling  
you  and  you’re  no;cing  in  her  body  language  too  that  what  you’re  doing  
feels  really  good  and  encourage  her  to  tell  you.  You  can’t  always  read  her  
mind  or  know  exactly  what’s  going  on  for  her.  Through  checking  in  with  her  
in  the  verbal  and  non  verbal  queues  you’re  going  to  get  a  feel  for  when  
what  you’re  doing  feels  really  good  for  her.  So  be  consistent.  

Don’t  just  switch  it  up  all  of  the  sudden  that  can  throw  off  everything.  Go  
for  the  slow  and  steady  and  then  slowly  work  your  way  up  and  ever  so  
slowly,  be  very  pa;ent  with  her.  If  you’re  going  too  slow  for  you,  if  anything  
you’re  building  up  and  teasing  her,  and  women  need  to  be  teased.  

And  it’s  something  that  helps  us  get  really  full  of  desire  and  passion  and  
even  more  aroused.  The  more  we’re  craving  touch,  the  more  we’re  craving  
someone  to  go  faster  or  harder,  the  more  that  ero;c  energy  is  building  to  
the  point  when  actually  when  you  actually  do  get  to  the  faster  harder  por-­‐
;on  of  your  s;mula;on,  if  you  do  go  to  that  place  with  her  if  she  likes  that,  
then  she’ll  be  so  recep;ve  to  your  touch  and  hungry  and  you  can  just  feel  
her  just  drinking  in  your  touch  and  s;mula;on  when  she  gets  to  that  point  
aNer  being  teased  a  bit  and  being  really  aroused  and  able  to  have  this  con-­‐
sistent  steady  s;mula;on.  

So  before  switching  it  up,  do  the  check  in  with  her,  really  make  sure  that  
she’s  on  board  with  that.  You  don’t  have  to  have  an  extensive  conversa;on,  
but  she  will  really  be  able  to  focus  and  move  that  climac;c  energy  when  she  
doesn’t  have  to  worry  about  adjus;ng  the  new  strokes  that  you’re  doing  
sexually,  that  she’s  just  able  to  really  go  into  the  zone  and  almost  in  this  
hypno;c  ero;c  trance.  

It’s  super  juicy.  So  try  it.  

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P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming


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