KHC 4 Letting It All Go

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Letting It All Go: Supporting Her Surrender Into Bliss
Transcript of Audio Segment 4

Multi-Orgasmic Position Recap

We  talked  about  the  big  O  and  how  women  can  have  more  of  them  and  dif-­‐
ferent  ways  and  techniques  that  you  could  help  coach  her  to  be  more  or-­‐
gasmic.  And  then  I  also  shared  with  you  about  different  posi@ons  through  
intercourse  that  you  can  try  out  that  are  really  good  for  contac@ng  her  G-­‐
Spot  and  s@mula@ng  that  and  giving  her  more  pleasure  and  different  crea-­‐
@ve  varia@ons  of  all  of  those  posi@ons.  

It Was Right There The Whole Time!

Let’s  focus  on  the  G-­‐Spot  and  give  you  a  really  wonderful  G-­‐Spot  exercise  
and  talk  more  about  awakening  sensa@on  there.  And  every  woman  has  a  G-­‐
Spot,  and  some  women  have  really  big  G-­‐Spots  that  are  really  close  to  the  
vaginal  opening  and  others  have  G-­‐Spots  that  are  further  back,  and  the  
workshops  that  I’ve  taught  there  have  been  several  women  that  are  con-­‐
vinced  that  they  don’t  have  one.  And  aGer  further  inspec@on  it  became  
clear  that  their  G-­‐Spots  were  literally  just  right  there,  and  they  were  big  and  
juicy  and  hard  to  miss  once  you  know  what  you’re  looking  for.  

Rest  assured  that  there  has  not  been    a  single  woman  ever  in  the  history  of  
my  workshops  who  has  not  leG  knowing  exactly  where  her  G-­‐Spot  is.  And  I  
have  yet  to  find  one  woman  who  doesn’t  have  one.  She  has  one,  rest  as-­‐
sured.  The  best  way  to  find  her  G-­‐Spot  I  recommend  is  through  touch  or  
arousal  and  knowing  what  you’re  feeling  for,  and  the  best  way  to  locate  it  is  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

when  she’s  aroused  because  there’s  erec@le  @ssue  in  the  G-­‐Spot.  It’s  more  
visible  and  it’s  harder  to  miss  when  it  is  nice  and  plump.  

You  can  actually  see  her  G-­‐Spot  when  she  pushes  out  because  it’s  so  close  
to  the  vaginal  opening.  This  is  true  for  many  women,  and  there’s  a  whole  
bunch  of  other  women  too  that  it’s  a  liMle  bit  deeper  back  and  not  as  visible  
when  she  pushes  out.  When  she  does  push  out  and  you  do  see  something  
emerge,  you’ll  probably  see  a  ridgy  mound  that  emerges  from  the  top  of  
the  vaginal  opening.  If  her  G-­‐Spot  is  deeper  you  might  not  be  able  to  see  it.  
But  around  70  percent  of  women  have  G-­‐Spots  that  are  closer  to  the  vaginal  
opening,  and  can  therefore  be  pushed  out  and  made  visible.  

This  is  an  opportunity  for  you  both  to  get  acquainted  with  her  G-­‐Spot  and  
really  try  this  when  she’s  more  aroused,  because  it  is  more  visible  and  eas-­‐
ier  for  both  of  you  to  see.  And  you  can  actually  take  out  a  hand  mirror  and  
she  can  see  her  G-­‐Spot  and  you  can  see  her  G-­‐Spot.  And  remember  the  la-­‐
bial  explora@on  we  did  earlier  where  you’re  looking  at  her  clit  and  her  labia.  
What  we’re  going  to  do  is  we’re  going  to  wake  up  the  outer  part  of  her  va-­‐

Remember,  we’re  working  our  way  from  the  outside  in.  We  had  an  exercise  
earlier  where  you  started  to  learn  how  to  really  awaken  her  clit  and  arouse  
her  externally,  and  so  now  we’re  going  to  do  an  exercise  for  internal  s@mu-­‐
la@on  and  arousal.  

Create A Romantic Space

We’re  going  to  start  with  a  G-­‐Spot  explora@on  exercise  and  this  is  just  going  
to  be  like  a  run  through  of  a  possible  scenario  that  you  can  exercise  with  
your  sweetheart.  You  want  to  set  up  a  cozy  place  with  towels  down  for  your  
gorgeous  goddess  and  create  a  roman@c  sacred  space  for  her  with  lovely  
music,  candles,  special  ligh@ng  and  beau@ful  aromas  to  s@mulate  all  of  her  

You  might  want  to  start  by  telling  her  how  beau@ful  she  is,  gazing  into  her  
eyes,  taking  some  deep  breaths  with  her,  asking  her  if  there’s  anything  she  
P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming
needs  to  feel  more  comfortable.  Discuss  any  of  her  fears,  desires  or  
boundaries  and  state  yours  as  well.  Be  honest  with  her  if  you  have  some  
worries  so  that  way  they  won’t  overtake  your  mind  if  you  express  them  and  
then  you  can  be  fully  present  with  her.  

To  be  fully  present  with  her  is  to  be  aMen@ve  to  her  completely  without  
geSng  stuck  in  your  mind  or  fears.  You  don’t  want  to  be  spacing  out  or  un-­‐
comfortable  in  your  body,  so  make  sure  you  are  just  as  comfortable  as  she  
is.  I  recommend  surrounding  the  both  of  you  with  lots  of  pillows  to  support  
your  arms,  back  and  legs  and  head.  Make  sure  any  distrac@ons  like  your  
phone,  animals  or  other  people,  are  out  of  the  way  with  ample  @me  to  ex-­‐
plore.  Take  some  nice  deep  breaths  together.  Release  in  a  long  sigh  any  ex-­‐
cess  energy  or  thoughts.  

You  can  laugh  and  release  any  nervous  tension  that  might  be  there.  This  
doesn’t  have  to  be  super  heavy  and  intense.  You  both  can  create  whatever  
space  you  want  with  the  goal  of  helping  her  to  feel  safe,  honored,  loved  and  
super  juicy.  Close  your  eyes  and  start  at  home  base  with  one  hand  on  her  
heart  and  the  other  on  her  pubic  bone.  

Take  a  moment  to  do  a  check  in  to  find  out  what  her  pussy  might  need.  Find  
a  calm  and  center  place  within  yourself  and  take  some  more  deep  breaths.  
Be  pa@ent  with  her  if  she  is  finding  it  difficult  or  if  it  takes  her  a  while  before  
her  mind  stops  racing  to  get  focused  and  in  her  body.  Breathe  in  whatever  
you  want  to  create  and  exhale  any  of  your  frustra@ons.  Tell  her  to  do  the  
same  if  you  sense  some  tension.  Take  a  lubricated  hand  and  stroke  her  
whole  pussy  in  whatever  way  feels  delighXul,  soothing  and  nurturing.  Rec-­‐
ommend  that  she  undulate  her  hips  to  take  in  full  luxurious  breaths  if  she  

S@mulate  her  clit  more  specifically  with  your  finger  when  you  feel  ready.  If  
you  have  any  preprogrammed  ways  that  you  s@mulate  her  clit  normally  try  
to  break  out  of  your  paMern  and  find  new  ways  to  s@mulate  her  that  are  
crea@ve.  Let  your  free  hand  touch  the  rest  of  her  body.  Touch  her  breasts,  
neck  and  face,  stomach  and  inside  of  her  thighs.  Let  any  stuck  energy  or  
blockages  be  released  by  breathing  with  her  and  massaging  out  any  places  
she  has  tension.  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

Imagine  you’re  opening  a  flower  gently  and  slowly.  You  have  to  finesse  her  
in  all  the  right  ways  and  places  with  pa@ence  and  love.  Encourage  her  to  
ride  any  energy  waves  of  arousal  with  sound  and  movement.  When  she’s  
sufficiently  aroused  and  you  no@ce  her  clit  is  hard  and  juicy  take  your  index  
or  middle  finger  and  lovingly  enter  her  magical  pussy.  You  can  let  her  slowly  
take  your  finger  in  with  her  breath  in  muscles  movements.  Make  sure  you  
have  lots  of  lube  on  your  finger.  Feel  free  to  tease  her  a  bit  with  this  one,  to  
build  up  her  arousal  and  an@cipa@on.  Curly  your  fingers  in  the  come  hither  
mo@on  inside  of  her  vagina  and  see  if  you  can  feel  a  spongy  mound  with  

Apply  firm  pressure  star@ng  with  the  very  opening  of  her  vagina  while  going  
deeper  and  deeper.  Ask  her  what  sensa@ons  she’s  feeling  when  you  apply  
firm  pressure  to  her  G-­‐Spot.  Pressure,  pain,  pleasure,  numbness  or  a  feeling  
of  needing  to  pee  are  some  possible  answers.  Simultaneously  with  your  
other  hand  s@mulate  her  clit  and  check  in  to  see  if  both  the  external/
internal  s@mula@on  together  are  arousing  for  her.  See  if  you  can  feel  the  
guMers,  which  run  along  either  side  of  the  spongy  mound.  Really  take  note  
of  this  spongy  mound  and  its  dimensions.  If  you  don’t  feel  any  ridges  or  
spongy  mound  you  might  have  to  bring  her  to  more  of  an  aroused  state  in  
order  to  feel  it.  

Get  out  the  hand  mirror  and  hold  open  her  inner  labia.  Tell  her  to  push  out  
with  her  pelvic  floor  muscles  and  see  if  her  G-­‐Spot  emerges  and  is  made  
visible  when  she  does  this.  There’s  a  chance  that  as  she  is  sufficiently  
aroused  and  some  ejaculate  has  built  up  that  they  very  act  of  the  pushing  
the  G-­‐Spot  out  will  allow  her  to  ejaculate  when  she  does  this.  Be  prepared  
for  a  poten@al  unannounced  squirt  from  this.  If  you  can’t  see  it  emerge  do  
not  worry.  Her  G-­‐Spot  might  be  further  in  and  harder  to  see.  If  she  wants  
you  to  keep  going  with  your  G-­‐Spot  s@mula@on  then  you  can  take  this  exer-­‐
cise  in  any  direc@on  you  would  like.  

If  you  feel  like  you’ve  found  her  G-­‐Spot  and  are  ready  to  take  a  break  you  
can  congratulate  her  and  yourself  for  finding  her  beau@ful  G-­‐Spot.  Please  
note,  if  you  s@ll  cannot  find  the  spongy  mound  with  ridges  do  not  give  up.  
Keep  on  feeling  around  and  applying  firm  pressure  near  the  opening  and  
gradually  move  further  back.  If  anything  feels  like  she  has  to  pee  when  you  
press  firmly  on  it,  then  you  are  probably  encountering  a  part  of  her  G-­‐Spot.  
P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming
If  you  have  found  the  spongy  mound  but  she  doesn’t  feel  any  sensa@on  or  
arousal,  don’t  panic.  I  will  guide  you  from  there.  The  goal  of  this  exercise  is  
simply  to  find  it.  Once  you’ve  done  that  you’re  off  to  a  great  start.  

Sexual Healing, Uh Huh

That’s  a  great  opening  exercise  that  can  lead  to  so  much  more.  And  I  would  
like  to  share  with  you  some  more  about  the  G-­‐Spot.  Something  that’s  really  
important  when  you’re  going  to  start  inves@ga@ng  down  there  to  prepare  
yourself  for  the  possibility  of  an  emo@onal  response  from  her  when  you  
start  s@mula@ng  her  G-­‐Spot.  

Now  the  G-­‐Spot  is  a  place  that  holds  a  lot  of  emo@on  and  even  trauma.  Be-­‐
cause  the  G-­‐Spot  is  surrounded  by  muscles  and  packed  with  nerve  ending,  
it  can  be  a  vortex  for  deep  seeded  emo@ons.  Some  of  them  could  be  related  
to  sexual  experiences  that  were  trauma@c  or  could  be  related  to  stress  at  
work.  And  I  got  cer@fied  as  a  soma@c  sexologist  a  few  years  back  and  I  stud-­‐
ied  a  lot  about  soma@c  therapy  and  how  we  hold  emo@onal  energy  in  our  
body  and  we  hold  it  par@cularly  in  our  muscles.  And  when  we  get  massage  
or  a  certain  part  of  our  body  gets  ac@vated  some@mes  that  trauma  which  is  
stored  there  can  release,  and  when  it  releases,  which  is  a  good  thing,  
some@mes  things  can  shiG  for  us.  

If  we  had  a  backache  and  then  we  have  an  emo@onal  release,  then  the  
backache  can  go  away.  For  example,  if  we  have  pain  or  discomfort  and  then  
whatever  emo@onal  energy  that’s  stuck  there  is  released,  then  what  could  
be  there  as  a  result  aGerwards  is  pleasure.  And  the  same  is  true  for  the  G-­‐
Spot.  We  all  hold  our  emo@ons  in  different  parts  of  our  body,  like  our  
assholes.  You  know  the  phrase  as  in  @ghtass  or  up@ght,  and  it  might  sound  
scary  to  encounter  intense  emo@ons,  but  ul@mately  the  release  and  ac-­‐
knowledgement  of  them  is  vital  to  her  well  being  and  self  awareness.  This  
might  in  turn  create  more  in@macy  between  you.  If  we  can  acknowledge  
and  incorporate  her  emo@onal  energy  into  her  sexual  experiences  and  ac-­‐
knowledge  it  as  such,  she’ll  be  far  less  repressed  and  more  fully  expressed,  
awakened  and  radiant  and  be  this  juicy  superstar  sex  goddess.  
P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming
I  say  all  this  not  to  scare  you,  ‘cause  it  could  be  scary.  I  think  a  lot  of  guys  are    
in  touch  with  their  emo@ons.  I  know  there  are  plenty  of  guys  who  are.  But  if  
you’re  not  really  that  well  versed  in  handling  your  own  emo@ons  it  might  be  
scary  to  encounter  hers.  And  it  might  come  up  because  the  G-­‐Spot  is  a  

It  literally  is  a  sponge,  so  what’s  happening  is  if  she  even  has  some  small  bit  
of  trauma  or  something  disturbing  happening  or  emo@onal  it  might  be  in  
her  G-­‐Spot,  and  if  you’re  s@mula@ng  it  for  the  first  @me  that  might  actually  
get  released.  If  she  feels  a  wave  of  emo@onal  energy  coming  through  when  
you’re  s@mula@ng  her  G-­‐Spot  or  during  an  orgasm,  encourage  her  not  to  
hold  back,  repress  and  shut  down  because  of  fear.  These  emo@ons  need  to  
come  up  and  get  released  for  a  reason,  and  you  need  to  give  her  permission  
to  express  herself  fully.  

And  if  she  needs  a  good  cry  she  can  let  it  out,  she’ll  be  just  fine  and  perhaps  
she  might  eve  feel  light  on  her  feet,  and  this  is  natural  and  a  part  of  being  a  
sexual  woman.  You  might  be  surprised  to  feel  panic  stricken  seeing  her  cry  
or  have  an  emo@onal  outburst  or  trauma@c  memory,  but  I  can’t  emphasize  
this  enough,  don’t  try  to  stop  her  from  emo@ng,  just  allow  her  to  feel  what  
she’s  feeling  and  simply  be  present  and  loving  with  her.  You  don’t  even  have  
to  say  much.  Perhaps  you  might  even  want  to  encourage  her  to  let  it  all  go  if  
she’s  feeling  self  conscious.  

Actually  saying,  “Babe,  it’s  okay.  Let  it  go”,  “ That’s  fine”,  just  anything  that  
you  can  say  to  her  that’s  reassuring  ‘cause  she’ll  probably  feel  self  con-­‐
scious.  If  she’s  having  an  orgasm  or  just  feeling  really  close  with  you  and  
then  all  this  emo@on  just  starts  to  come  through,  and  it  needs  to  come  
through,  wants  to  come  through,  and  that  is  what  happens  when  you  start  
moving  and  s@rring  up  sexual  energy,  with  men  too.  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

Learn to “Hold Space”
What  can  you  do?  You  can  hold  space  for  her,  and  I  can  describe  what  it  is  
to  hold  space.  If  she  knows  that  you  can  hold  space  for  her  wherever  she  is  
at  then  this  will  create  this  profound  level  of  trust  and  surrender  between  
the  two  of  you.  She’ll  also  feel  so  grateful  that  you  stood  strong  and  were  
very  compassionate  and  loving  and  look  up  to  the  way  you  truly  showed  up  
for  her.  

Women  have  various  issues  sexually  –  whether  it  has  to  do  with  religious  
upbringing  that  was  taught  to  her  or  religious  upbringing  that  told  her  that  
her  sexual  feelings  were  sinful,  maybe  a  difficult  and  painful  experience  at  
the  gynecologist,  maybe  she  was  molested  or  raped  or  maybe  she  just  feels    
shut  down  aGer  having  her  heart  broken.  

This  variety  of  experiences  make  us  who  we  are  and  as  difficult  as  it  is  al-­‐
lowing  them  to  come  up  and  be  healed  by  acknowledging  them  will  be  a  
transforma@ve  experience  and  help  you  deepen  your  connec@on  with  her  
and  she  with  her  own  sexuality  and  this  will  ul@mately  be  very  empowering  
for  her.  She  will  learn  a  lot  about  herself  and  through  you  start  to  see  you  as  
someone  who  is  catalyzing  sexual  awakening  experiences  deep  within  her.  
And  that’s  powerful.  

This  is  not  anything  to  be  taken  lightly  and  maybe  that’s  kind  of  what  you  
were  thinking  of,  “I’ll  just  get  her  off  several  @mes  and  it  will  be  cool”  and  
you  could  have  that  experience.  Sex  could  be  anything  of  how  you  make  it.  
But  if  you  are  going  to  be  having  such  a  profound  knowledge  of  her  body  
and  be  checking  in  with  her  and  cul@va@ng  this  feeling  of  closeness  and  in-­‐
@macy,  especially  if  you’re  doing  some  of  the  eye  gazing  techniques  and  
puSng  your  hand  on  her  heart  and  on  her  yoni,  she  might  get  to  a  point  -­‐  in  
fact  I  would  highly  es@mate  that  that  would  be  the  case,  that  she  would  
start  to  open  up  and,  ‘cause  she’s  star@ng  to  feel  safe  with  you.  

My  word  of  cau@on  too  is  that  since  this  could  be  a  very  emo@onal  experi-­‐
ence,  it  might  not  be,  but  I  want  to  prepare  you  in  case  it  is,  you  have  to  be  
prepared  for  her  to  feel  more  emo@onally  bonded  and  connected  with  you  
through  these  sexual  experiences,  and  if  you’re  not  ready  for  that  or  you  
have  different  inten@ons  that  she  does  or  there  is  some  lack  of  integrity  on  
P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming
your  part,  then  that  could  be  even  more  hurXul  to  her,  especially  if  she  feels  
like  she’s  opening  up  and  being  vulnerable  and  then  feels  betrayed,  that  
could  be  really  horrible.  Really  just  when  you’re  doing  work  with  her  such  as  
this  where  you’re  really  helping  her  open  up  to  profound  levels  of  emo-­‐
@onal  vulnerability  as  well  as  sexual  arousal  because  they  go  hand  in  hand  
oGen@mes,  just  be  careful.  Be  careful  with  her  heart,  be  honest,  be  trans-­‐

This  is  an  opportunity  for  really  profound  in@macy  on  your  end  too  for  you  
to  also  open  up  your  heart.  And  depending  on  where  you  are  with  your  re-­‐
la@onship  –  it  may  not  be  a  serious  rela@onship  –  but  just  if  it’s  not  then  I  
would  be  careful  about  how  far  you  go  and  how  deep  you  go  and  how  much  
you  want  her  to  open  up  vulnerably.  That’s  just  my  word  of  cau@on.  

It Can Change Both Your Lives Forever

I  wanted  to  share  with  you  a  quote  from  someone  who  was  an  incest  survi-­‐
vor  and  that  had  some  sexually  awakening  experience.  

“I’m  an  incest  survivor,  and  as  you  might  imagine  sex  has  been  a  very  chal-­‐
lenging  and  even  painful  experience  for  me.  I  really  didn’t  think  I  could  ever  
truly  enjoy  sex  and  that  it  was  just  not  for  me.  I  would  feel  overwhelmed  
some@mes  during  sex  and  all  of  my  painful  memories  and  trauma  would  
come  rushing  back.  I  went  to  see  a  woman  who  specialized  in  sexual  healing  
work  and  she  recommend  G-­‐Spot  healing.  I  had  no  idea  what  that  was,  but  I  
thought  it  was  worth  a  try.  She  told  me  that  applying  pressure  and  s@mulat-­‐
ing  the  G-­‐Spot  can  help  release  stuck  and  blocked  energy.  Midway  into  our  
session  I  started  trembling  and  let  out  a  huge  sob  that  shook  my  whole  
body.  I  felt  all  this  light  releasing  at  the  top  of  my  head  and  I  felt  like  some-­‐
thing  huge  was  released  that  I’d  been  holding  onto  for  years.  The  next  days  
aGer  that  I  felt  radiant  and  very  hopeful  that  I  could  actually  have  a  healthy  
sex  life.  I  know  I  have  a  lot  more  work  to  do,  but  this  experience  has  
changed  my  life  forever.”  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

This  is  a  really  encouraging  quote  and  you  might  –  not  you,  but  she  might  
feel  very  overwhelmed  emo@onally  and  that’s  a  possibility  and  I  would  just,  
again,  be  pa@ent  and  loving  and  sit  with  her  and  hold  space  and  just  be  her  
rock  and  be  so  encouraging  of  how  she  can  feel  free  to  express  herself  

Awakening Her G-Spot

I  want  to  talk  to  you  a  liMle  bit  about  awakening  her  G-­‐Spot,  awakening  sen-­‐
sa@on  there.  This  might  sound  strange  but  you  can  actually  awaken  sensa-­‐
@on  in  the  G-­‐Spot.  Even  if  her  G-­‐Spot  feels  good  and  arousing  it  can  feel  
even  beMer,  so  you  can  sensi@ze  any  part  of  her  body  by  giving  it  aMen@on  
and  s@mula@on  and  focusing  your  energy  on  it.  You’re  literally  crea@ng  new  
neural  pathways  to  the  pleasure  centers  of  her  brain  by  focusing  touch  and  
arousal  in  different  places  on  her  body,  especially  her  G-­‐Spot.  When  you  
tried  the  exercise  previously  that  when  you  were  finding  her  G-­‐Spot,  she  
might’ve  told  you  any  number  of  things  about  what  she  was  feeling.  She  
might’ve  said  that  she  had  pain  in  her  G-­‐Spot.  

There  are  a  range  of  possible  feelings,  when  you  are  first  making  contact  
with  her  G-­‐Spot,  how  it  could  feel.  If  she  says  that  there’s  pain  in  her  G-­‐Spot  
this  might  be  because  she’s  holding  onto  a  trauma  or  a  wounding  in  this  
area,  and  I  encourage  you  to  keep  s@mula@ng  the  area  gently  at  first  and  
have  her  breathe  through  the  pain  of  discomfort,  to  eventually  release  the  
stuck  energy.  

Now  there’s  probably  nothing  wrong  with  her  from  a  gynecological  per-­‐
spec@ve  and  most  likely  this  physical  pain  is  a  result  of  emo@onal  pain  and  
tension  in  the  area  and  she  might  know  what  it  is,  she  might  not.  The  im-­‐
portant  thing  is  to  not  give  up  on  her.  Do  not  push  her  if  she’s  not  ready  to  
go  there,  but  if  she  is  ready  then  working  with  her  G-­‐Spot,  releasing  the  
stuck  energy  and  then  tapping  into  the  ero@c  energy  that  can  now  be  ac-­‐
cessed,  can  now  be  a  huge  breakthrough  experience  for  both  of  you.  And  
you  want  to  tell  her  to  keep  undula@ng  her  hips  and  breathing  to  move  the  
energy,  and  you  pay  close  aMen@on  to  her  breathing.  
P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming
If  she  stops  taking  deep  breaths,  in  this  case  it  could  be  because  she’s  in  her  
head  or  figh@ng  against  some  sensa@on  that’s  coming  up  for  her  that  she  
feels  in  her  body  and  that’s  making  her  uncomfortable.  But  she  wants  to  
keep  breathing.  You  want  to  help  her  keep  breathing.  Eventually  you  might  
have  some  amazing  breakthroughs  or  even  small  ones  with  her.  I  also  en-­‐
courage  you  to  have  her  seek  pelvic  release  work  or  some  kind  of  soma@c  
therapy  or  other  modali@es  of  healing  if  you  feel  like  she  needs  support  be-­‐
yond  the  healing  work  that  you  can  give  her  or  if  she’s  faced  a  big  trauma  or  
some  major  stuff  that’s  come  up  for  her.  

You  don’t  have  to  be  a  sexual  healer  to  be  her  partner,  but  know  that  this  
might  some@mes  come  up  and  it  is  good  to  be  prepared  for  lest  you  make  
her  feel  even  worse  by  reac@ng  and  you  don’t  want  to  do  that.  You  want  to  
just  seem  very  calm  and  strong  and  solid  and  really  show  up  that  way  as  her  
rock.  And  it’s  easier  than  you  think  to  just  hold  space  and  to  be  present  and  
to  allow  her  to  emote  and  release  everything  she  needs  so  that  she  can  
open  up  her  body  to  pleasure  and  ecstasy.  

When She Can’t Feel Anything

The  next  one  is  numbness  in  her  G-­‐Spot.  And  she  might  just  say,  “I  don’t  
feel  anything.  It  doesn’t  really  feel  like  much.”  And  if  she  never  even  knew  
she  had  a  G-­‐Spot  to  begin  with  and  never  directly  s@mulated  it  before,  then  
chances  are  that  her  G-­‐Spot  might  not  be  sensi@zed  yet.  Don’t  worry.  As  I  
said,  it’s  possible  to  sensi@ze  an  awakened  sensa@on  in  her  G-­‐Spot,  and  the  
best  thing  that  you  can  do  if  she  doesn’t  feel  much  of  anything  is  to  first  try  
applying  firmer  pressure.  

I  will  be  soon  just  talking  about  the  most  sensi@ve  areas  of  the  G-­‐Spot.  If  
you  have  tried  a  firm  pressure  to  the  whole  sponge  and  around  it  and  she  
s@ll  doesn’t  feel  much  just  keep  prac@cing  and  s@mula@ng  it  and  eventually  
she’ll  have  sensa@on  there,  which  is  so  cool  that  our  bodies  can  do  this.  
When  she’s  aroused  explore  the  area  and  have  her  pay  aMen@on  to  even  
slight  @ngles  and  feelings  there.  
P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming
And  over  @me  I  promise  you,  over  @me  and  with  prac@ce,  awareness  and  
s@mula@on,  you  will  find  that  you  have  a  very  sensi@ve  and  happy  G-­‐Spot  
with  full-­‐on  mul@ple  orgasms  and  possibly  female  ejacula@on.  If  she  feels  
like  she  has  to  pee  this  is  a  very  common  response  actually  and  when  pres-­‐
sure  is  applied  to  the  G-­‐Spot  in  fact  this  is  oGen  the  way  to  know  that  you  
are  in  fact  on  her  G-­‐Spot.  

Part  of  the  process  of  sensi@zing  her  G-­‐Spot  is  by  taking  sensa@ons  that  
prior  to  might  feel  uncomfortable  or  they  might  feel  strange  and  transform  
them  into  arousal  and  orgasmic  sensa@on.  For  example,  if  the  feeling  of  
needing  to  pee  isn’t  something  that  she’s  normally  seen  or  has  normally  
been  a  feeling  of  arousal  for  her,  then  shiGing  her  consciousness  and  trans-­‐
forming  it  into  a  pleasurable  sensa@on  might  be  something  consider.  It  
might  be  a  whole  transi@on  for  her  to  reorient  herself  with  her  body  and  
these  new  sensa@ons.  

When  you’re  opening  her  up  into  new  sensa@ons  that  she’s  never  experi-­‐
enced  before  be  prepared  for  her  to  not  necessarily  have  the  most  amazing  
reac@on.  She  might  say,  “ That’s  kind  of  strange”  or  “ That’s  interes@ng.”  But  
what  ends  up  happening  is  that  she  just  doesn’t  have  the  neural  pathways  
necessarily  yet,  those  pleasure  centers  are  not  necessarily  there  yet.  When  
you’re  working  with  the  area  and  s@mula@ng  it  and  con@nuously  prac@cing  
and  puSng  energy  towards  that  part  you’re  awakening  new  neural  path-­‐
ways  to  pleasure  for  her  and  what  could  be  seen  as  painful,  numb  or  weird  
or  strange  could  all  of  the  sudden  become  –  I  shouldn’t  say  all  of  the  sud-­‐
den  –  but  over  @me  become  something  very,  very,  very  pleasurable.  

If  you’re  s@mula@ng  her  G-­‐Spot  and  she  complains  that  she  feels  like  she  
has  to  pee,  then  if  you  say  something  like,  “Good,  that’s  a  sign  that  I’m  right  
on  your  G-­‐Spot.  It  might  feel  strange  at  first  but  if  we  prac@ce  s@mula@ng  it  
over  @me  it  might  eventually  feel  really  good  and  you  might  even  experi-­‐
ence  a  G-­‐Spot  orgasm”,  so  giving  her  that  reassurance.  Because  you  know  
what’s  going  on.  You’ll  probably  know  more  about  women’s  sexuality  than  
she  will  by  leaps  and  bounds  aGer  this  program.  

You  can  really  knock  her  socks  off  by  having  this  informa@on  already  and  if  
she  says,  “Wow,  man,  how  did  you  know  that”  or  “Wow,  is  that  really  what’s  
P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming
happening”,  I  mean  you  can  really  impress  her  and  she’ll  say,  “Wow,  he’s…  
Wow!  That’s  my  man.”  You’re  going  to  impress  her  just  with  your  knowl-­‐
edge,  I  mean  let  alone  your  techniques.  

The Perfect Duo

In  the  case  where  it  feels  like  a  pressure  sensa@on  I  recommend  adding  
some  clit  s@mula@on  with  that  and  see  if  the  combina@on  of  both  is  suc-­‐
cessful  and  it’s  arousing  elixir  for  her.  The  G-­‐Spot  have  different  kind  of  
nerve  endings  than  the  clit  and  it’s  a  deeper  sensa@on,  one  that  at  first  can  
feel  unfamiliar  and  strange,  but  with  prac@ce  and  the  accompaniment  of  it’s  
BFF,  it’s  best  friend  forever,  the  clit,  the  orgasmic  possibili@es  are  endless.  

OGen@mes  in  my  workshops  there  have  been  many  women  that  tell  me  
that  their  G-­‐Spot  feels  strange  when  they  s@mulate  it  for  the  first  @me,  and  I  
found  that  when  I  said,  “Why  don’t  you  s@mulate  your  clit  simultaneously  
and  see  how  both  of  them  feel  together”,  then  I’m  usually  told  that  they  are  
able  to  feel  intense  pleasure  and  they  understood  how  well  the  two  actually  
go  together  and  how  they  really  compliment  each  other.  

Now For The Juicy Stuff

I  want  to  tell  you  the  most  sensi@ve  areas  of  the  G-­‐Spot,  and  my  caveat  in  
revealing  this  informa@on  is  that  you  must  find  what  works  uniquely  for  
you.  And  when  it  comes  to  the  G-­‐Spot,  geSng  to  know  all  of  its  dimensions  
and  awakening  sensa@ons  are  the  key.  And  here  are  the  two  most  highly  
sensi@ve  part  of  the  G-­‐Spot.  Are  you  ready?  Number  one  is  behind  the  

Now  that  you’ve  located  that  spongy  mound  with  ridges  you  can  feel  its  di-­‐
mensions  from  the  guMers  –  remember  those  guMers  running  along  either  
side  as  well  as  the  back  of  the  sponge,  which  actually  tapers  off.  And  one  of  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

the  most  highly  sensi@ve  parts  of  the  G-­‐Spot  for  many  women  is  the  spot  
right  behind  the  urethral  sponge,  which  oGen  aligns  behind  the  clit  inter-­‐
nally.  The  best  way  to  find  this  highly  sensi@ve  spot  is  if  you  use  your  fingers  
so  you  know  how  far  in  you  are  when  you  reach  it,  and  you’re  curling  your  
fingers  up  in  the  come  hither  mo@on  to  get  to  the  G-­‐Spot.  

Every  woman’s  anatomy  is  different  in  regards  to  this,  so  her  special  spot  
might  be  a  liMle  farther  back  or  slightly  to  the  right  or  leG.  When  you  use  
the  firm  pressure  on  the  spot  right  behind  the  sponge,  fireworks  might  not  
necessarily  go  off  the  first  @me.  In  fact,  she  might  be  thinking,  “Is  this  what  
all  the  fuss  is  about?”  Keep  at  it.  

As  I  said  earlier,  the  sensi@vity  of  the  G-­‐Spot  can  be  awakened  and  it  might  
not  feel  pleasurable  in  the  beginning.  On  the  other  hand,  she  might  experi-­‐
ence  pleasure  never  before  imagined.  And  even  though  every  woman  is  dif-­‐
ferent  you  can  count  on  the  fact  that  pleasure  is  a  possible  experience  of  
her  G-­‐Spot  just  like  her  clit,  and  it’s  only  a  maMer  of  @me  before  she  awak-­‐
ens  to  her  orgasmic  poten@al.  Have  faith  and  trust  in  that  process  of  awak-­‐

And  the  other  really  exci@ng  and  highly  sensi@zed  part  of  the  G-­‐Spot  for  
many  women  is  the  front  of  the  sponge;  behind  the  sponge  and  then  now  
the  front  of  the  sponge.  It’s  another  @@lla@ng  and  juicy  hotspot.  The  front  
of  the  sponge,  the  urethral  sponge,  is  easier  to  find  because  it’s  where  the  
urethral  opening  is.  The  urethra  is  a  highly  sensi@ve  place,  which  has  erec-­‐
@le  @ssue  and  it  has  several  nerve  endings  surrounding  it.  As  I  said,  I  refer  to  
it  as  the  u-­‐spot.  

Rubbing  and  tapping  the  spot  and  rubbing  with  a  well  lubricated  finger  or  
penis  is  really  important  and  this  spot  is  highly  pleasurable  and  can  lead  to  
some  explosive  ejacula@on  too,  as  well  as  heighter  her  arousal  for  mul@ple  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

Get Out The Toys, Boys!
I  would  also  like  to  talk  about  G-­‐Spot  toys.  Manually  s@mula@ng  her  G-­‐Spot  
can  be  uncomfortable.  If  she,  for  example,  is  s@mula@ng  herself  or  it  can  be  
uncomfortable  for  your  fingers  if  you’re  at  it  for  a  while;  I  also  recommend  
and  checking  out  having  handy  some  G-­‐Spot  toys  that  she  can  also  try  out  
herself  and  that  she  can  have  and  use  to  masturbate  and  prac@ce  with  and  
help  awaken  her  own  G-­‐Spot  and  do  her  own  homework  and  research  in  
regards  to  that.  

G-­‐Spot  toys  can  be  extremely  effec@ve  in  s@mula@ng  her  G-­‐Spot  and  in  ex-­‐
ploring  new  ways  to  G-­‐Spot  pleasure  and  orgasm,  and  you  can  find  G-­‐Spot  
toys  on  the  internet  and  at  sex  posi@ve  stores  in  most  major  ci@es.  And  G-­‐
Spot  toys  are  usually  notable  because  they  have  a  hooked  shape  and  they  
have  the  hooked  shape  to  s@mulate  the  juicy  spot  behind  the  G-­‐Spot  and  it  
delighXully  kind  of  pulls  and  tugs  at  the  sponge  while  building  up  the  ejacu-­‐
late  and  building  up  the  arousal.  

I  recommend  buying  her  a  fun  and  beau@ful  G-­‐Spot  toy  or  even  a  couple  to  
try  out.  And  oGen@mes  these  G-­‐Spot  toys  are  made  out  of  pyrex  or  they’re  
made  out  of  glass.  Glass  ones  are  really  nice.  They’re  made  out  of  very  firm  
and  hard  material  because  the  G-­‐Spot  really  likes  the  hard  pressure  and  
firmness.  It  doesn’t  necessarily  need  vibra@on.  Some  women  might  like  
that,  and  you  might  even  want  to  experiment  with  that,  but  the  G-­‐Spot  likes  
firm  pressure  and  a  toy  that  is  too  flimsy  might  not  feel  like  anything.  

Remember  the  G-­‐Spot  needs  that  firm  pressure  in  order  to  really  start  get-­‐
@ng  going  and  get  ac@vated,  so  you  want  to  find  a  toy  that  she’s  going  to  
enjoy  playing  with,  that’s  beau@ful  and  it  is  probably  going  to  be  made  out  
of  glass.  I  also  highly  recommend  the  toys  that  are  made  out  of  steel.  
There’s  these  G-­‐Spot  toys  that  are  made  out  of  steel  and  they’re  very  wash-­‐
able,  they’re  heavy,  you  can  do  pelvic  floor  exercises  with  them  and  they’re  
just  shaped  really  nicely.  

The  brand  is  Njoy  and  that’s  a  really  good.  They’re  expensive  but  well  worth  
it.  You  can  look  online  to  gather  and  get  excited  about  new  toys,  and  more  
expensive  doesn’t  always  mean  more  pleasurable,  although  the  one  I  just  
recommended  is  $100  dollars.  But  remember  that  vibra@on  can  be  good  for  
P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming
the  clit,  it  makes  sense  the  clit  likes  that  nice  vibra@on,  but  the  G-­‐Spot  is  
more  deep  and  hard  and  firm  pressure  and  it  likes  this  intense  rhythmic  
rocking  kind  of  energy  and  s@mula@on.  

Come Hither or Cum Hither

I  wanted  to  talk  about  the  come  hither,  which  is  one  of  the  best  ways  to  
s@mulate  the  G-­‐Spot.  The  famous  come  hither  approach  and  since  you  now  
know  that  behind  the  urethral  sponge  is  one  of  the  most  sensi@ve  parts  
aside  from  the  front  of  the  sponge,  then  s@mulate  it  with  the  come  hither  
mo@on  is  the  most  effec@ve  in  building  up  her  orgasmic  energy  and  even  as  
well  as  the  ejaculate.  

By  doing  this  you’re  essen@ally  milking  the  G-­‐Spot  by  geSng  her  nice  and  
engorged  and  erect  and  filled  with  fluid.  Start  by  taking  two  fingers  –  actu-­‐
ally  one  to  start.  Start  by  taking  one  finger,  yes,  and  s@mula@ng  from  behind  
the  sponge  forward  with  firm  pressure.  And  then  you’re  always  going  to  
start  with  one  finger  and  then  build  up  to  more,  you’re  always  going  to  start  
a  liMle  bit  slower  then  build  up  to  faster,  you’re  always  going  to  start  with  
less  pressure  and  build  up  to  more  pressure,  unless  she  is  barking  orders  for  
you  to  do  other…  

If  she  says  jump  you  say  how  high.  Do  this  over  and  over  and  over  again  
with  the  varia@ons  of  speed  and  pressure  and  with  her,  communica@ng  with  
her  too  and  checking  in  with  her,  and  no@ce  how  engorged  her  G-­‐Spot  gets  
when  you  do  this.  You  might  even  hear  the  ejaculate  sloshing  around,  and  I  
recommend  star@ng,  really  experimen@ng  with  your  come  hither  mo@ons  
and  again  geSng  crea@ve  with  it  and  leSng  her  be  your  guide.  “Babe,  what  
happens  if  we  try  this  windshield  wiper  kind  of  effect”,  and  you  can  do  
something  where  you’re  taking  your  fingers  and  you’re  kind  of  ac@ng  like  a  
windshield  wiper.  

Or  you  can  do  one  where  you’re  kind  of  doing  pulsa@ons  with  your  finger  
and  you’re  kind  of  keeping  it  straight  but  just  kind  of  vibra@ng  and  kind  of  
tapping  the  G-­‐Spot  with  your  fingers  internally.  You  might  want  to  be  going  
P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming
in  and  out  with  your  fingers  or  you  might  want  to  be  staying  inside  and  do-­‐
ing  some  more  subtle  movements  and  deeper  firmer  pressure  behind  the  
sponge.  And  then  you  might  also  want  to  be  incorpora@ng  the  front  of  the  

Once  you’ve  got  her  G-­‐Spot  nice  and  juiced  up  complete  with  the  sloshing  
sounds  where  you  can  really  hear  the  fluid  and  the  ejaculate  building  up,  
you’re  going  to  probably  say,  “All  right,  I’m  off  to  a  preMy  great  start  here”,  
perhaps  it  might  be  @me  to  incorporate  the  urethra  or  the  front  of  the  ure-­‐
thral  sponge  as  I  had  men@oned  earlier,  and  this  is  a  very  sensi@ve  part  of  
the  G-­‐Spot,  and  running  your  fingers  near  the  opening  of  the  vaginal  canal  
in  combina@on  with  this  deep  firm  pressure  and  the  come  hither  mo@on  is  
a  great  way  to  really  get  her  juices  flowing.

Combined With Deeper Thrusting

Near  the  entrance  of  the  vaginal  canal  is  where  her  urethra  is  and  explore  
this  yummy,  yummy,  yummy  area  when  she’s  really  turned  on.  Again,  you’re  
exploring  it  with  the  flat  of  your  finger.  You’re  not  poking  her  urethra,  you  
don’t  want  to  poke  at  it.  You  want  to  use,  your  penis  will  feel  so  good  
against  the  front  of  her  sponge,  the  u-­‐spot.  Definitely  highly  recommend  
using  your  penis  as,  whether  you’re  hard  or  not,  as  a  way  to  s@mulate  her  u-­‐
spot,  her  clit,  and  tease  her.  It’s  the  opening  of  the  vaginal  canal  is  such  a  
yummy  place  for  women.  

That’s  where  the  G-­‐Spot  is,  the  urethral  sponge,  the  glands  that  fill  with  
ejaculate,  that’s  where  a  lot  of  the  amazing  good  sensa@on  is  having,  as  
well  as  deep  within  when  you  get  more  towards  the  cervix.  Really  experi-­‐
ment  with  the  shallow  s@mula@on,  intercourse  wise,  or  even  with  your  fin-­‐
gers  too,  combined  with  this  deeper  thrus@ng  and  deep  s@mula@on,  and  
just  kind  of  see  what  gets  her  going  more  if  she’s  more  responsive  to  like  
this  more  rhythmic  shallow  thrus@ng  or  like  the  really  deep  or  combina@on  
of  both.  Get  crea@ve.  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

Reassure Her
She  might  feel  as  you’re  rubbing  her  urethra  that  she  has  to  pee  or  that  she  
might  accidentally  pee.  This  is  a  normal  sensa@on  and  over  @me  she  will  
come  to  associate  it  with  ejacula@ng.  Just  reassure  her  that  this  is  normal  
and  to  just  feel  free  to  let  go  even  if  she’s  convinced  that  it’s  pee.  When  you  
get  into  s@mula@ng  the  G-­‐Spot  there’s  this  con@nuous  pee  feeling  that  
comes  up  and  it’s  a  sign  that  she  most  likely  needs  to  ejaculate  or  just  that  
you’re  s@mula@ng  the  urethra  and  that’s  where  you  normally  pee  and  that’s  
what  most  women  associate  with  s@mula@on  of  the  urethra  with  is  what  
they  know,  which  is  peeing.  

When  the  ejaculate  is  building  up  the  pressure  with  the  ejaculate  can  make  
her  feel  like  she  has  to  pee  but  if  you  reassure  her  and  tell  her  that  she  can  
let  go,  this  can  help  liberate  her  in  terms  of  ejacula@on.  And  oGen@mes  
that’s  what  the  case  is.  And  remind  her  that  it’s  okay  to  make  a  mess  and  
that  there  are  plenty  of  towels  that  you  put  down  ahead  of  @me  so  she  has  
nothing  to  worry  about.  

This  is  important.  Tell  her  that  if  she  does  end  up  peeing  instead  of  ejaculat-­‐
ing  that  that’s  okay  too  and  that  you’re  not  going  to  judge  her  in  any  way.  
Let  her  know  that  you  find  it  sexy  when  she  feels  free  and  uninhibited  and  
lets  herself  go.  And  you  can  even  have  her  pee  beforehand  before  she  starts  
the  session  so  that  she  just  doesn’t  have  to  worry  about  it.  

That’s  my  word  of  advice  too  is  just  that  when  you  start  working  with  the  u-­‐
spot  and  with  the  G-­‐Spot  there’s  going  to  be  that  pee  feeling  and  if  she  
knows  what  it  is  versus  just  this  fear  of  it  could  be  having  to  pee,  then  she’ll  
just  be  able  to  let  go  and  release  it  if  she  needs  to,  if  it  feels  good  to  do  so,  
or  just  not  feel  self  conscious  or  like  she  really  has  to  hold  back.  You  have  
the  front  of  her  urethral,  how  it  feels  for  her  when  you  rub  the  front  of  the  
urethral  sponge,  gently  at  first  and  then  you  alternate  that  with  deeper  and  
firm  pressure  behind  the  sponge  with  that  come  hither  mo@on.  

You  can  also  try  taking  the  flat  of  your  hand  and  tapping  or  lightly  slapping  
the  front  of  the  urethral  opening.  This  might  sound  like  it’s  painful,  but  note  
P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming
that  you’re  not  doing  it  hard  and  that  you  can  control  how  hard  you’re  do-­‐
ing  it  and  that  you’re  also  leSng  her  be  your  guide  when  it  comes  to  that.  

There’s  something  about  this  mo@on  of  the  tapping,  the  firm  rubbing  or  the  
slapping  or  the  flap,  flap,  flap,  which  you  can  do  with  the  head  of  your  penis  
against  her  urethral  opening.  And  that  actually  gets  the  ejaculate  to  squirt  
out  spontaneously,  and  she’s  kind  of  feeling  like  she  can’t  really  let  it  go  but  
she  needs  to  ejaculate,  that  some@mes  help  and  there’s  some  other  points  
too  here  that  I  don’t  want  you  to  lose  sight  of  when  we’re  talking  about  the  
G-­‐Spot,  is  the  G-­‐Spot  and  the  clit  go  so  well  together  and  this  is  key  for  
mul@ple  orgasms  and  for  orgasmic  experiences  in  general.  

When  you’re  working  with  G-­‐Spot  explora@on  I  highly  recommend  simulta-­‐

neously  s@mula@ng  her  clit.  It’s  important  in  the  beginning  for  her  to  under-­‐
stand  the  sensa@ons  in  her  G-­‐Spot  first  without  other  types  of  s@mula@on  
so  she  can  really  feel  what’s  happening  there,  and  the  more  she  focuses  her  
energy  on  the  G-­‐Spot  sensa@ons,  the  more  she  can  really  understand  and  
sensi@ze  the  area.  But  the  G-­‐Spot  and  the  clit  are  very  complimentary.  If  
s@mula@ng  her  G-­‐Spot  feels  spectacular  and  then  s@mula@ng  the  clit  feels  
really  good  and  heavenly,  then  put  them  together  and  you  have  a  perfect  
recipe  for  mul@ple  –  I  did  say  mul@ple  –  blended  orgasms,  as  well  as  the  
possibility  of  juice  ejaculatory  orgasms  as  well.  Some@mes  when  the  G-­‐Spot  
s@mula@on  alone  feels  strange  

I  recommend  incorpora@ng  the  clit  s@mula@on  to  help  get  her  more  
aroused.  If  clitoral  orgasms  or  s@mula@on  is  what’s  familiar  to  her  start  with  
what  she  knows  and  is  comfortable  first  and  then  weave  in  the  unknown  so  
her  body  has  an  opportunity  to  blend  the  familiar  with  the  unfamiliar.  And  
over  @me  knowing  that  more  is  possible  she  will  crave  both  and  she  will  
learn  how  to  work  with  both  the  G-­‐Spot  and  the  clit  together  and  receive  
that  kind  of  s@mula@on.  

How  this  relates  to  mul@ple  orgasms  is  that  because  all  the  energy  is  just  
not  focused  in  the  clitoris,  she  can  have  buildup  towards  –  first  of  all  she’s  
having  heightened  sensa@on  because  she’s  having  not  one,  but  two  differ-­‐
ent  types  of  ero@c  sensa@ons  happening,  so  she’s  more  apt  to  feel  more  
pleasure  and  ero@cism  in  her  body,  and  now  you  know  the  techniques  
building  up  the  energy  and  teasing  her  and  checking  with  her  for  guidance,  
P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming
as  well  as  the  hotspots  of  the  best  and  most  sensi@zed  spots  of  the  G-­‐Spot.  
You  put  that  all  together  and  she’s  going  to  build  up  towards  an  orgasm.  

This  isn’t  going  to  be  the  type  of  orgasms  that  ends  with  her  not  wan@ng  to  
be  touched  aGerwards  or  not  having  her  be  too  sensi@zed  to  be  touched,  
because  the  energy,  the  ero@c  energy  is  being  dispersed  throughout  her  
en@re  vagina,  not  just  focused  right  on  her  clit.  She’s  going  to  want  to  keep  
going,  and  that’s  the  beauty  of  working  with  the  G-­‐Spot  is  it  really  helps  and  
it  makes  it  a  whole  different  experience  of  orgasm.  

When  you’re  working  with  both  of  those  together  –  and  I’m  going  to  even  
do  an  exercise  of  the  blended  orgasm  so  you  really  understand  that  process  
so  she  can  get  to  mul@ple  orgasms.  And  remember  that  the  blended  or-­‐
gasm  consis@ng  of  both  clitoral  and  G-­‐Spot  orgasm  is  the  number  on  way  
that  women  have  mul@ple  orgasms  and  ejaculate.  I  also  highly  recommend  
geSng  her  to  the  edge  of  a  clitoral  orgasm  and  then  s@mula@ng  her  G-­‐Spot  
without  clitoral  s@mula@on  for  a  while.  

You’re  going  to  build  up  the  arousal  in  her  G-­‐Spot  and  then  switch  the  clit  
again  when  she  is  ready.  Try  working  them  back  and  forth  and  then  puSng  
them  together.  Playing  with  both  together  is  a  great  way  to  get  her  aroused  
and  really  juicy.  It’s  kind  of  like  the  G-­‐Spot/clit  dance.

What’s Next?

Next  we  are  going  to  talk  about  different  ways  to  s@mulate  her  G-­‐Spot  manually,  
with  toys,  with  dildos,  with  your  penis,  anally  and  some  more  about  the  blended  
orgasm  and  mul@ple  orgasms,  as  well  as  some  more  @ps  and  techniques.

Now  it’s  @me  to  move  on  to  Segment  5,  the  G-­‐Spot  Ac@va@on  Formula.

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

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