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KR C2 edition2005


Release 1.0
for KUKA System Software (KSS) Release 5.4

Issued: 28 Sep 2005 Version: 03

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 1 of 106


e Copyright 2005

KUKA Roboter GmbH

This documentation or excerpts therefrom may not be reproduced or disclosed to third parties without the express permission of the publishers.
Other functions not described in this documentation may be operable in the controller. The user has no claims to these functions, however, in
the case of a replacement or service work.
We have checked the content of this documentation for conformity with the hardware and software described. Nevertheless, discrepancies
cannot be precluded, for which reason we are not able to guarantee total conformity. The information in this documentation is checked on a
regular basis, however, and necessary corrections will be incorporated in subsequent editions.
Subject to technical alterations without an effect on the function.

2 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en


1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.1 Target group for this documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2 Short description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3 Conditions, instructions, restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3.1 Robot hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3.2 Controller hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3.3 System software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3.4 Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.4 Terms and abbreviations used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.5 Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.1 Symbols and icons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.1.1 Safety symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.1.2 Icons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2 General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3 Additional safety instructions for “KUKA.SafeRobot” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.4 Designated use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.5 Liability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3 Product description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.1.1 Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.1.2 Configuration of the ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.1.3 Braking reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.1.4 Braking distance of the robot mechanical system (stopping distance) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.2 Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.2.1 Safe functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.2.2 Conditions for the safe monitoring of the robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.2.3 Monitoring of the safe inputs and outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.2.4 Safe reduced velocity, axis--specific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.2.5 Safe reduced velocity, Cartesian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.2.6 Safe position sensing system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.2.7 Safe axis range monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.2.8 Safe operational stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.3 Configuration program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

4 Layout, interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.1 Layout of robot and control cabinet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.1.1 Junction boxes on the robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.1.2 Control cabinet KR C2 edition2005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.1.3 Connection panel on the control cabinet (standard) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

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4.1.4 Connection panel on the control cabinet (DaimlerChrysler) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.2 SafeRobot control cabinet components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.2.1 Multi--function card MFC 3 Tech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.2.2 Safety logic -- CI 3 technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.2.3 Safe RDC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.2.4 Interfaces to the Safe RDC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.3 Connecting cables between robot and control cabinet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.3.1 Connecting cables diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.3.2 Connecting cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
4.3.3 Configuration of the connecting cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.3.4 Interface assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.4 Reference switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.4.1 Components for reference switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4.4.2 Installing the reference switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
4.5 Keyswitch for “safe retraction” mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4.6 Periphery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4.6.1 Example of connection to a safety PLC (Siemens ET200S) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4.7 Assignment of X40 for operation without a PLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.8 Functional examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.8.1 Example of a loading station at a turntable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.8.2 Example of a loading station at a robot gripper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

5 Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
5.1 Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
5.1.1 Requirements regarding the operating personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
5.1.2 Instruction and training of operating personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
5.1.3 Training for administrators and safety maintenance personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
5.2 Installing the configuration program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
5.3 Using the configuration program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
5.3.1 User group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
5.3.2 Starting the configuration program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5.3.3 Checking the data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
5.3.4 Changing parameter values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
5.3.5 Configuration of safety--relevant parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
5.3.6 Parameter default values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
5.4 Brake test and reference run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
5.4.1 Brake test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
5.4.2 Reference run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
5.5 Acceptance test for KUKA.SafeRobot -- Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

6 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
6.1 Safe robot retraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

7 Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
7.1 Brake test and reference run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
7.1.1 Example of extension to “SPS.SUB” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
7.1.2 Example of extension to a KRL program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

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8 Diagnostics, fault analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
8.1 Error messages for KUKA.SafeRobot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

9 Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
9.1 Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
9.2 Removing the Safe RDC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
9.3 Installing the Safe RDC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

10 Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
10.1 Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
10.2 Acceptance test for KUKA.SafeRobot -- Checklists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

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1 Introduction
1.1 Target group for this documentation
This user manual is intended for use by the system integrator.

Information about KUKA training programs is available from www.kuka.com or from
your KUKA Roboter GmbH representative.

1.2 Short description

“KUKA.SafeRobot” -- based on the controller KR C2 with ESC safety logic -- is an
automatically controlled programmable robot system for use in automated production
“KUKA.SafeRobot” features safe hardware and software and allows the position of the robot
to be continuously monitored. The principle of the safe functions is based on safe monitoring
of limit values.
If the robot moves outside the permitted ranges the Electronic Safety Circuit (ESC) safety
system disconnects the drives.
A basic description of the individual functions of the “KUKA.SafeRobot” technology is
contained in Chapter 3 of this documentation. Chapter 4 describes the individual
components of “KUKA.SafeRobot”, its layout and interfaces.
Commissioning is described in Chapter 4. In this chapter the installation of the configuration
program and its operation are also described.
Information on operation can be found in Chapter 6.
Chapter 7 contains information on programming and program examples for extended KRL
programs, brake tests and reference runs, as well as the extended “SPS.SUB”.
The “KUKA.SafeRobot” error messages are described in Chapter 8.
Chapter 9 describes the removal and installation of the Safe RDC.
Chapter 10 contains a summary of the technical data and the checklists for the acceptance
test of “KUKA.SafeRobot”.

“KUKA.SafeRobot” satisfies category 3 to EN 954--1, and SIL 2 to EN 61508, and has

been approved by the German Technical Inspectorate (TÜV).

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1.3 Conditions, instructions, restrictions
1.3.1 Robot hardware
“KUKA.SafeRobot” can be used with all KUKA robot variants in the following list:

Low payloads
KR 6; KR 6 KS; KR 6 ARC;
KR 16; KR 16 CR; KR 16 EX; KR 16 KS; KR 16 L6; KR 16 L6 ARC; KR 16 L6 KS
Medium payloads
KR 30--3; KR30--3 KS; KR 30 HA; KR 30 L16;
KR 60--3; KR 60--3 KS; KR 60 HA
High payloads
KR 100 comp, KR 140 comp, KR 200 comp;
KR 150--2; KR; KR 150--2 K; KR 150 W; KR 180--2; KR 180--2 K; KR 180 L130--2 CR;
KR 210--2; KR 210--2 K; KR240--2
Heavy--duty robots
KR 360; KR 500

1.3.2 Controller hardware

The following are necessary for “KUKA.SafeRobot”:
G Robot controller KR C2 edition2005 with KPC 2004
G ESC CI 3 Tech
G MFC3 Tech and
G KCP2 standard edition2005 with brought--out operating modes T1 and T2.
G Safe RDC
G Reference switch with actuating plate

1.3.3 System software

KUKA System Software (KSS) Release 5.4.

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1.3.4 Restrictions

Master/slave axes and CR (RoboTeam) are not supported..
The functions of “KUKA.SafeRobot” do not replace the limit switches and mechanical
end stops for range limitation of robot axes A1, A2 and A3.
Because of the design and quality assurance the robot mechanical parts operate safely.
The probability of malfunctions is very slight, nevertheless there remains a small
residual risk.
Therefore even in ranges which are safeguarded only by the control technology of the
robot, cognizance must be taken of possible incorrect movements by the robot.

1.4 Terms and abbreviations used

The following terms and abbreviations are used in this documentation:

Working range Permissible range within which the robot can work and move;
all the robot axes are contained within this range

Process range Permissible range within which the robot may move

Safety range Non--permissible range within which the robot may neither work
nor move

Axis range 1 Continuously monitored axis range

Axis ranges 2 ... 7 Monitoring using safe inputs

Axis ranges 8 ... 10 Status reporting using safe outputs

Reduced Permissible range within which the robot may move but only at
velocity range reduced velocity

I/O Inputs / Outputs

KR C2 edition2005 Control cabinet for KUKA robots

KCP2 Standard KUKA Control Panel -- Teach pendant with extended functionality
edition2005 for KUKA.SafeRobot

HMI Human Machine Interface

KRL KUKA Robot Language

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KUKA.SafeRobot Controller variant with software--controlled axis disconnection

Safe RDC Circuit board for the Resolver Digital Converter with safe

Safe RDC Box Housing for the Safe RDC (in the robot base)

I/O Print Piggyback circuit board on the Safe RDC

ESC Electronic Safety Circuit -- safety logic of the controller

ENA Externer NOT--AUS -- ESC input triggering a category 1


QE Local STOP -- ESC input triggering a category 0


MFC 3 Tech Multi Function Card -- plug--in card in the PC

CI 3 Technology Safety bus for monitoring safety--relevant components.

DSE--IBS Digital Servo Electronics -- piggyback circuit board on the

MFC 3 Tech

KGD KUKA Guiding Device -- unit for manual movement of axes

EMT Electronic Measuring Tool

Meas “Fast Measurement” input

DSP Digital Signal Processor

SSI Standard Serial Interface

PLC Programmable Logic Controller (within customer’s system)

CR Cooperating Robots (RoboTeam, Option)

1.5 Service
Procedure for dealing with queries or problems

If any questions or problems arise while using the robot system, please first try to solve them
with the aid of these operating instructions.
Should this not bring about the desired result, please contact one of our Service Centers.
So that the situation can be resolved easily and quickly, it is advisable for you to be at the
robot with access to the control panel when you call.

The operating handbook [KR C2edition2005 / Introduction / Service] will tell you what
information is important and which service support point you should contact.

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2 Safety
2.1 Symbols and icons
The following safety symbols and pictograms are used in these operating instructions:

2.1.1 Safety symbols

Text passages indicated by the following safety symbols are relevant to safety and must be

Following these safety warnings carefully can prevent personal injury.

Following these safety warnings carefully can prevent material damage.

2.1.2 Icons

Indicates special features for particular attention.

Indicates passages which are of particular significance or are useful for greater

See also
Indicates sections or chapters containing further information and explanations.

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2.2 General information
G All pertinent safety regulations as well as the booklet [Safety and Installation
Instructions] are to be observed when working on the system.
G The KUKA safety chapter [KR C Safety, General] is supplied with the robot system and
must be read and understood before commencing work.
G The safety instructions in the KR C2 Operating Handbook must be observed.

During operation of the robot a continuous ground conductor circuit

must exist between the control cabinet and the robot (equipotential
Before commissioning the robot this must be tested by means of a
ground conductor measurement to DIN EN 60204--20.2.
If the result of the test is negative, the robot must not be put into

2.3 Additional safety instructions for “KUKA.SafeRobot”

G Installation, exchange and service work on this option or individual components thereof
may be performed only by qualified personnel specially trained for this purpose and
acquainted with the risks involved.
G The axis ranges that are configured using the configuration and parameterization
program must be checked by movement.
G Changes to the configuration are recorded and must be checked by moving once again
to the parameterized limits.
G Changes to the machine data must be checked for correctness.
G Changes to the safety parameters must be checked for correctness.
G A reference run (mastering test) must be performed before the start of each shift and
before starting work.
G A brake test must be performed before the start of each shift and before starting work.
G After reinstallation, maintenance work and after every change to the system, the
system must be subjected to an acceptance test in accordance with the checklists in
Section 5.5.

12 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

2.4 Designated use
“KUKA.SafeRobot” is intended exclusively for use in accordance with the properties
described in this documentation.
Using the system for any other or additional purpose is considered contrary to its designated
use. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from such use. The
risk lies entirely with the user.
In addition the regulations and instructions contained in the KR C user manual, chapter [KR C
Safety, General], section [Designated Use] must be complied with.
“KUKA.SafeRobot” must be used only in conjunction with an effective safeguard (safety
fence, light barrier etc.).
The applicable national laws, regulations, standards and guidelines must be observed and
complied with.
“KUKA.SafeRobot” can be used in conjunction with all KUKA applications for which it is
approved. Examples of KUKA applications are:
G Welding
G Assembly
G Handling
G Coating
G Measuring/inspection
G Machining

2.5 Liability
“KUKA.SafeRobot” has been designed, built, and programmed using state--of--the--art
technology and in accordance with the recognized safety rules. Nevertheless, improper
installation of this system or its employment for a purpose other than the intended one may
constitute a risk to life and limb of operating personnel or of third parties, or cause damage
to or failure of the control cabinet, resulting in damage to or failure of the entire robot system
and other material property.
“KUKA.SafeRobot” may only be used in technically fault--free condition in accordance with
its designated use and only by safety--conscious persons who are fully aware of the risks
involved in its operation. Connection and use must be carried out in compliance with this

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 13 of 106

14 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en
3 Product description
3.1 General
The “KUKA.SafeRobot” technology permits continuous safe monitoring of the movement
limits of a robot.
In contrast to mechanical--electrical technology for working range monitoring using
mechanical limit switches on the axis ranges, “KUKA.SafeRobot” evaluates signals obtained
from the resolvers on the motor shafts. This permits quick reaction times.
“KUKA.SafeRobot” permits not only the monitoring of the main axes (A1 ... A3) but also the
monitoring of the wrist axes (A4 ... A6).
“KUKA.SafeRobot” features safe hardware and software--based functions and allows the
position of the robot to be continuously monitored, with safe axis disconnection.

3.1.1 Ranges

1 Working range
2 Safety range

Fig. 1 Working range, safety range

“KUKA.SafeRobot” allows working ranges and safety ranges to be defined for the robot.
These ranges are shown schematically in Fig. 1.

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 15 of 106

Definition of the ranges
G Working range All the robot axes are contained within this range
G Safety range No axes may be in this range

The monitoring of the ranges is performed by “KUKA.SafeRobot” using redundantly

safeguarded position monitoring with detection of the respective axis positions. The axis
ranges can thus easily be restricted and the safeguarded working ranges defined.

3.1.2 Configuration of the ranges

The configuration of the ranges is performed using the “KUKA.SafeRobot” configuration
program. Detailed information on this can be found in Section 5.3 of this documentation.

3.1.3 Braking reactions

Two types of STOP are defined as braking reactions in the event of an error or the violation
of configured settings:
If, at the point in time when the robot moves into a non--permissible range, the
monitoring of this range is active, the robot will be stopped with a category 0 stop
(STOP 0). To trigger a STOP 0 the ESC signal “QE” is set to LOW via a safe output of
the Safe RDC. This leads to direct disconnection of the drives.
If, at the point in time when monitoring is activated, the robot is already within a
non--permissible range, the robot will be stopped with a category 1 stop (STOP 1).
To trigger a STOP 1 the ESC signal “ENA” is set to LOW via a safe output of the Safe
RDC. This leads to delayed disconnection of the drives.

16 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

3.1.4 Braking distance of the robot mechanical system (stopping distance)
When the robot is stopped due to triggering of a monitoring function, the drives are
disconnected and the brakes are applied. Due to the mass inertia and other influences, the
robot has a certain stopping distance.

1 2 3 4

30 30

5 0

1 Safety range without stopping distances 4 Actual working range

2 Actual safety range 5 Robot
3 Braking distance (max. stopping distance)

Fig. 2 Working range, safety range, braking distance

Fig. 2 shows schematically the stopping distance (braking ramp), when the robot is stopped.
The extent of the controlled braking ramp, and thus the actual braking distance, depends on
the direction of the path and the kinetic energy of the robot at the time of disconnection.
The braking distance of the robot at maximum velocity is approx. 30 . The exact value can
only be determined by measuring the stopping distance.

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 17 of 106

3.2 Functions
3.2.1 Safe functions
The safe functions include:
G Safe reduced velocity/acceleration (axis--specific)
G Safe reduced velocity (Cartesian) at the flange
G Safe position sensing system
G Safe axis range monitoring
G Safe operational stop
G Safe stop (ESC function)
G Monitoring of the robot mastering
G Brake test
G Safe disconnection of drives in accordance with “STOP 0” or “STOP 1”

3.2.2 Conditions for the safe monitoring of the robot

The following conditions must be satisfied for the safe monitoring of the robot:
G The safety parameters have been confirmed in the configuration program (see
Chapter 7 of this documentation).
G The KUKA.SafeRobot acceptance test has been performed successfully in accordance
with the checklists (see Section 5.5 of this documentation).
Exceptions to this are the braking test (see Section 5.4.1) and the reference run (see
Section 5.4.2).

3.2.3 Monitoring of the safe inputs and outputs

To ensure the safety of the digital inputs and outputs of the Safe RDC, their functions are
checked cyclically during operation.
This entails monitoring of the
G inputs for cross--connections and dual--channel operation
and the
G outputs for cross--connections, short circuits and cable breaks
In the event of a fault, the robot will be stopped (STOP 0) and a message displayed.

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3.2.4 Safe reduced velocity, axis--specific
This monitoring function “safe reduced velocity, axis--specific” is activated by a safe input on the
Safe RDC. This causes limit values and actual values to be compared for every axis by the Safe
RDC. If the actual velocity exceeds the limit value, the drives are disconnected (STOP 0).

Monitoring is active under the following conditions:

-- Operating mode T1 (Test 1)
-- Safe robot retraction activated
-- Safe operational stop activated
-- dV signal LOW activated
In the operating mode “Automatic” the monitoring of the safe reduced velocity is activated
by an input “dV” to the Safe RDC.

3.2.5 Safe reduced velocity, Cartesian

The monitoring function “safe reduced velocity, Cartesian” to EN 775 relates to the flange
center point and is used for monitoring the safe reduced velocity.
The Safe RDC calculates the respective Cartesian position and velocity of the flange, based
on the resolver data. The velocity is monitored using a limit value configured with the aid of
the configuration program.

Monitoring is active under the following conditions:

-- Operating mode T1 (Test 1)
-- Safe robot retraction activated
-- Safe operational stop activated
-- dV signal LOW activated

3.2.6 Safe position sensing system

The safe position sensing system operates via a dual--channel link to the Safe RDC.
The software checks the reported values for plausibility. If deviations are found, the robot will
be stopped (STOP 0).

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 19 of 106

3.2.7 Safe axis range monitoring
A total of 10 axis ranges are available for the function “safe axis range monitoring”. Each axis
range can be defined as a working range or safety range.
If a working or safety range is violated a corresponding message will be displayed. If the robot
moves back into the permissible range, a corresponding acknowledgement message will be
The respective axis range is deactivated if a High signal is present at the input. After
disconnection, the robot can only be moved into the permissible range in “safe retraction”

The axis ranges are divided into three groups:

G Axis range 1 Continuously monitored
G Axis ranges 2 ... 7 Monitoring using safe inputs
G Axis ranges 8 ... 10 Status reporting using safe outputs

Axis range 1
Axis range 1 is continuously monitored. If the configured axis range is exceeded the drives
are disconnected and a category 0 stop performed (STOP 0).

Axis range 1
Axis 1
Axis 2 QE (ESC)
Axis 3
... STOP 0
Axis 8

Fig. 3 Axis range 1

20 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

Axis ranges 2 to 7 (safe inputs)
Axis ranges 2 to 7 are monitored by safe inputs 1 to 6. The assignment of the inputs to the
respective axis ranges cannot be changed. The monitoring of these axis ranges is activated
by the LOW signal for the respective axis range.

The designation of the safe inputs has the following relationship with hardware and

Software Hardware
Input 1 E0
Input 2 E1
... ...
Input 6 E5

The stop reaction of the axis ranges depends on how the range has been violated. The
following applies here:
G If, at the point in time when the robot moves into a non--permissible range, the
monitoring of this range is active, the robot will be stopped with a category 0 stop
(STOP 0).
G If, at the point in time when monitoring is activated, the robot is already within a
non--permissible range, the robot will be stopped with a category 1 stop (STOP 1).

Axis range 2
Axis 1
Safe input 1 Axis 2
Axis 3
... 1
Axis 8 QE (ESC)
Safe input 2...5 Axis ranges 2...5 & STOP 0
Axis range 7 ENA (ESC)
Axis 1 STOP 1
Axis 2
Safe input 6 Axis 3
Axis 8

1 STOP 0 Activated axis range has been violated

2 STOP 1 Violated axis range has been activated

Fig. 4 Axis ranges 2 to 7

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 21 of 106

The axis ranges 2 ... 7 can be configured as working ranges or safety ranges. This is done
using the configuration program (see Section 5.3).
For each range the value can be set as:
G FALSE working range
G TRUE safety range

Axis ranges 8 to 10 (safe outputs)

For axis ranges 8 to 10, the safe outputs 1 to 3 signal whether the robot is in the respective
permissible range. If the robot moves outside its permissible range the respective output
goes to the LOW condition. This monitoring is always active.

Actual axis values Axis range 8

Axis 1 Axis 1
Axis 2 Axis 2 Safe output 1
Axis 3 Axis 3
... ...
Axis 8 Axis 8

Axis range 9
Axis 1
Axis 2 Safe output 2
Axis 3
Axis 8

Axis range 10
Axis 1
Axis 2 Safe output 3
Axis 3
Axis 8

Fig. 5 Axis ranges 8 to 10

The axis ranges 8 ... 10 can be configured as working ranges or safety ranges. This is done
using the configuration program (see Section 5.3).
For each range the value can be set as:
G FALSE working range
G TRUE safety range

The assignment of each axis range to the respective output is fixed. The monitoring of these
axis ranges does not trigger a stop.

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3.2.8 Safe operational stop
The function “Safe operational stop” initiates monitoring of all robot axes; the drives remain
under control and the brakes are not applied. This function is activated by a safe input to the
Safe RDC.
If these are not within a defined tolerance, the drive enable flag is withdrawn by means of
a safe output and the robot is stopped (STOP 0).

3.3 Configuration program

A configuration program is available for configuring and parameterizing the safe parameters.
The installation of this program is described in Section 5.2, and its operation is described in
Section 5.3.

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24 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en
4 Layout, interfaces
4.1 Layout of robot and control cabinet


12 11 10 9 6

1 Control cabinet KR C2 edition2005 7 Junction box X01

2 SafeRobot interface 8 Safe RDC junction box
3 Robot 9 Ground conductor 16 mm2 *)
4 Reference switch 10 Data cable X21 -- X31
5 Periphery (safety PLC) 11 Data cable X21.1 -- X41
6 Connecting cable X42 -- XS Ref 12 Motor cable X20 -- X30
*) Ground conductor necessary only for cable lengths > 25 m

Fig. 6 Layout of control cabinet, robot, SafeRobot

For detailed information regarding all connections, see circuit diagrams and cable
listings supplied.

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 25 of 106

4.1.1 Junction boxes on the robot
The plug--in connections on the robot are located on the junction boxes on the base frame: on
junction box X01 for the motor cable, on X02 for the data cable. The arrangement of the junction
boxes and the associated connectors on the robot are as shown in the example in Fig. 7.
If connecting cables with a length > 25 m are used, a ground bolt must be provided on the
base frame for the ground conductor (Fig. 25).

The connectors for the motor cable X20 -- X30 and data cables X21 -- X31 and X21.1 --
X41 are coded to avoid crossing over.




Fig. 7 Junction boxes

26 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

4.1.2 Control cabinet KR C2 edition2005
The control cabinet KR C2 edition2005 (Fig. 8) has been suitably modified for the
KUKA.SafeRobot option. The connection panel is accessed by opening the door to the

The connected cables are routed under the control cabinet to the rear.


1 Power unit
2 Computer unit (KUKA PC2004)
3 Connection panel

Fig. 8 Control cabinet KR C2 edition2005 (for SafeRobot)

Detailed information regarding the KR C2 control cabinet and the modules shown here
can be found in the [KR C2 edition2005 Operating Handbook].

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 27 of 106

4.1.3 Connection panel on the control cabinet (standard)
The connection panel (Fig. 9) is accessed by opening the door to the cabinet.
The connected cables are routed under the control cabinet to the rear.

1 2 3 4 5

1 X1 Power supply connection 4 X21.1 Data cable, ESC -- Safe RDC

2 X20 Motor connector, axes 1 to 6 5 X19 KCP connection
3 X11 Customer interface 6 X21 Data cable, DSE -- Safe RDC

Fig. 9 Connection panel on the control cabinet (standard)

Depending on the motor package and cabinet option, the assignment of the connectors
and the motor connector design may differ from those shown.
The connection panel for the DaimlerChrysler variant is described in Section 4.1.4.

28 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

4.1.4 Connection panel on the control cabinet (DaimlerChrysler)
Fig. 10 shows the connection panel for the DaimlerChrysler variant.

1 2 3 4 5

1 X1 Power supply connection 4 X21.1 Data cable, ESC -- Safe RDC

2 X20 Motor connector, axes 1 to 6 5 X19 KCP connection
3 X11 Customer interface 6 X21 Data cable, DSE -- Safe RDC

Fig. 10 Connection panel on the control cabinet (DaimlerChrysler)

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 29 of 106

4.2 SafeRobot control cabinet components
4.2.1 Multi--function card MFC 3 Tech
The multi--function card MFC 3 in the PCI--BUS version contains the inputs and outputs for
the system.

This card has the following properties:

G RTAcc chip for VxWinRT (real--time function)

G DeviceNet/CAN bus connection

G Interface with the DSE

Fig. 11 Multi--function card MFC3 Tech

30 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

1 2

1 X3: PC fan monitoring (3--pin Wago)

2 X6: ESC, KCP--CAN, COM, user I/O (26--pin male connector)
3 X8101: DSE (50--pin socket connector)
4 X2: Interface to ESC--CI3 board (26--pin Sub--D connector)
5 LED2 DeviceNet CAN bus (two--color data bit indication)
6 LED1 DeviceNet CAN bus (two--color data bit indication)
7 X801: CAN bus (5--pin Combicom socket connector)

Fig. 12 Components on the MFC 3 Tech

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 31 of 106

Digital servo--electronics (DSE--IBS)
The DSE--IBS module (Fig. 13) plugged into the multi--function card undertakes the control
of up to eight axes and also the processing of the error and status information read from the
servo--modules. The DSE--IBS module is equipped with its own Interbus interface.

Fig. 13 DSE--IBS module

32 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

4.2.2 Safety logic -- CI 3 technology
CI 3 technology is a microcontroller--based safety bus. This dual--channel system
permanently monitors all connected safety--relevant components.
If the robot moves outside the set permissible working ranges, the drives are disconnected
via the ESC safety logic.

“KUKA.SafeRobot” uses the CI 3--Tech board for the ESC safety circuit. The ESC is
connected to the Safe RDC using the additional interface X21.1 in the control cabinet.

The following signals are available:

G QE (category 0 STOP)

G ENA (external EMERGENCY STOP, category 1 STOP)

G KGD (KUKA Guiding Device)

Fig. 14 CI 3--Tech board

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 33 of 106

CI 3--Tech board components and connections

Connector Function
X1 Internal 24 V power supply
X2 KPS connection
X3 MFC connection
X4 External mode selector switch connection (optional)
X5 KCP connection
X6 Connector for internal/external power supply and ESC circuit
X7 CAN connection, I/O board (optional)
Connection of external controllers, EMERGENCY--STOP button on
X10 Spare
X11 Safe input E7 (SafeRobot option)
X12 Periphery interface outputs >500 mA
X13 SafetyBUS Gateway interface (optional)
Cobra Control (CC) interface, Common Control Cabinet (CCC)
X18 Interface to MFC3 (CR safety signals) (optional)
X19 Interface to CR lamp (optional)
X20 Interface to selector switch in Shared Pendant (optional)
X21 KCP power supply and KCP CAN
X22 Periphery interface inputs and outputs
X23 Safe RDC interface (optional)
X24 CR OUT interface (optional)
X25 CR IN interface (optional)
X26 KUKA Guiding Device (KGD) interface (optional)
X27 Multi--power tap (DeviceNet on MFC) (optional)
X28 Multi--power tap (OUT1) (optional)
X29 Multi--power tap (OUT2) (optional)
X30 Spare
X31 Internal cabinet fan connection

34 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en


The fuses are rated for voltages of up to 35 V. By every fuse on the board is a red LED which
lights up if the fuse is defective.

Fuse Fuse rating Function

F2 2A Fan monitoring in cabinet
F10 3A ESC supply voltage
F13 4A Periphery
F21 2A CR lamp
F23 2A RDC supply
F24 2A Multi--power tap supply


Relay Function
K1 Message: Drives ON
K2 Message: Drives ON
K3 Message: Local EMERGENCY STOP
K4 Message: Local EMERGENCY STOP
K7 Message: TEST mode
K8 Message: AUTOMATIC mode

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 35 of 106

4.2.3 Safe RDC

Safe RDC box

The Safe RDC box is fitted to the robot base. This box contains the Safe RDC board and the
connections to the control cabinet, robot and safety PLC.

Fig. 15 Safe RDC box

36 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

Connections to the Safe RDC box

1 2 3

10 4

9 6

1 X41 ESC (X2 signals) 6 X45 DSE (optional)

2 X32 EMT 7 X44 KGD (optional)
3 X31 DSE output 8 X40 Safe inputs / outputs
4 X33 Fast Measurement (optional) 9 X42 Reference switch
5 X46 Spare 10 X43 Spare

Fig. 16 Connections to the Safe RDC box

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 37 of 106

Safe RDC board
The Safe RDC board (Fig. 17) is installed in the Safe RDC box on the robot base.

The board comprises the basic board and the I/O Print piggyback board.

The basic board is of dual--channel design. Each channel is equipped with its own DSP
(Digital Signal Processor) which converts the incoming analog signals to digital signals.

On the I/O Print board, the safe inputs and outputs of the Safe RDC are provided for linking
to a safety PLC.

If the inputs are led to switching equipment with contacts, a resistive circuit must be
provided to ensure that the necessary minimum current flows through the contacts:
Inputs 24 V: ~3 mA; outputs 24 V: 100 mA.

1 Basic board
2 Piggyback board for inputs and outputs (I/O Print)

Fig. 17 Safe RDC board

38 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

The Safe RDC performs the following functions:

G Generation of all necessary operating voltages from the supply voltage

G Evaluating the resolvers for 8 axes

G A/D conversion of up to 8 axes

G A/D conversion of 8 temperature sensors

G Evaluation of an EMT

G Open--circuit monitoring of the resolvers

G Motor temperature monitoring

G Communication with the DSE--IBS via an RS422 serial interface

G Fast Measurement

G Sensing circuit board temperature

The following safety--relevant monitoring features are available:

G Safe reduced velocity/acceleration (axis--specific)

G Safe reduced velocity (Cartesian) at the flange

G Safe position sensing system

G Safe axis range monitoring

G Safe operational stop

G Safe stop (ESC function)

G Monitoring of robot mastering

G Brake test

G Safe disconnection of drives in accordance with Stop 0 or Stop 1

Safe inputs and outputs

The following safe inputs are provided on the basic board: Corob_En and E_T1 and also the
safe outputs: QE_A/B and ENA A/B.

The safe inputs: E0 -- E5 (axis ranges 1 -- 6), reference switch, safe retraction, safe stop,
reduced velocity and KGD and also the safe outputs: A0 -- A2 (axis ranges), status and spare
output are on the I/O Print board.

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 39 of 106

Connections to the Safe RDC board

1 2 3 4


15 14 13 12 11 10

1 X2000 Connection to I/O Print board 9 X1207 Sensor module slot

2 X901 ESC signals 10 X1208 Sensor module slot
3 X900 Connection to DSE (channel A) 11 X1200 Sensor connector
4 X1000 Connection to DSE (channel B) 12 X1202 Sensor connector
5 X1301 “Fast Measurement” connection 13 X1203 Sensor connector
6 X1300 EMT connection 14 X1201 Sensor connector
7 X1204 Sensor module slot 15 X1--X8 Resolver connector
8 X1205 Sensor module slot

Fig. 18 Connections to the basic board

40 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en


5 3

1 X901 Connection to Safe RDC

2 X904 Input for reference switch
3 X905 Input for KGD
4 X903 Spare output
5 X902 Connection for safe I/Os

Fig. 19 Connections to the piggyback board for inputs and outputs (I/O Print board)

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 41 of 106

On the Safe RDC basic board there are LEDs to indicate the operating status. The positions
are shown in Fig. 20.

1 2 3 4 5 6







1 H2103 Safe output ENA (B) 9 H1402 Microcontroller A Busy

2 H2102 Safe output QE (B) 10 H1500 Microcontroller B Operational
3 H2101 Safe output ENA (A) 11 H1501 Microcontroller B Status
4 H2100 Safe output QE (A) 12 H1502 Microcontroller B Busy
5 H1801 DSP A 13 H1702 Not used
6 H1800 DSP A 14 H1701 DSP B
7 H1400 Microcontroller A Operational 15 H1700 DSP B
8 H1401 Microcontroller A Status

Fig. 20 LEDs on the basic board

42 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

Meaning of the LEDs for the safe outputs
The statuses of the safe outputs are shown by the LEDs H2100 to 2103 (see Fig. 20). The
assignment of LEDs to outputs and the meaning of the indications is described in the
following table.

LED Safe output Meaning

H2100 STOP 0 A channel
QE (A)
(green) On: Output has HIGH signal
H2101 STOP 1 A channel
(green) On: Output has HIGH signal
H2102 STOP 0 B channel
QE (B)
(green) On: Output has HIGH signal
H2103 STOP 1 B channel
(green) On: Output has HIGH signal

If all four LEDs (H2100 ... 2103) are lit, no safety stop (STOP 0 or STOP 1) is active.
Assuming that no other stop condition is prevailing (such as EMERGENCY STOP at
the KCP) the robot can move.

Description of the LEDs for the microcontrollers

The current operating mode and status for microcontrollers A and B is indicated by the LEDs
H1400 ... H1403 and H1500 ... 1503 (see Fig. 20). The meaning of the indications at boot--up
and during normal operation is described in the following table.

LED Boot--up Normal operation

H1400 MC A Operation Operation
(green) Off: Cannot operate, Off: Cannot operate,
H1500 MC B serious error serious error
(green) On: Boot loader running Flashing: Normal operation
Flashing: Firmware defective
H1401 MC A State State
(green) Off: Initialization error Off: Normal operation
H1501 MC B On: Initialization ended On: DPRAM for DSP
(green) frozen
Flashing: Waiting for synchro-
nization signal
H1402 MC A Busy Busy
(red) Off: Waiting for Off: Waiting for
H1502 MC B command command
(red) On: Command being On: Command being
executed executed

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 43 of 106

Description of the LEDs for the DSP
The current status of the DSP is indicated by the LEDs H1700, H1701, H1800 and H1801.
The meaning of the indications at boot--up and during normal operation is described in the
following table.

LED Boot--up Normal operation

H1800 DSP A Operation Operation
(green) Off: Cannot operate, Off: Cannot operate,
H1700 DSP B serious error serious error
(green) On: Boot loader running Flashing: Normal operation
State State
H1800 DSP A
(red) On: Error during DSP test Not connected

H1700 DSP B Lights up briefly:

(red) Data transmission

44 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

4.2.4 Interfaces to the Safe RDC

DSE signals, Safe RDC -- connection X31

X31 Signal name Description

01 +24V_CR 24V supply to the CR lamp on the robot
Reference potential for the 24V supply to the Safe RDC
02 GND_P
from the control cabinet
03 +24V 24V supply to the Safe RDC from the control cabinet
04 /A_CLKR1 SSI interface to DSE channel A
05 A_CLKR1 SSI interface to DSE channel A
06 A_FSX1 SSI interface to DSE channel A
07 /A_FSX1 SSI interface to DSE channel A
08 A_DX1 SSI interface to DSE channel A
09 /A_DX1 SSI interface to DSE channel A
10 /A_FSR1 SSI interface to DSE channel A
11 A_FSR1 SSI interface to DSE channel A
12 /A_DR1 SSI interface to DSE channel A
13 A_DR1 SSI interface to DSE channel A
14 /A_CLKX1 SSI interface to DSE channel A
15 A_CLKX1 SSI interface to DSE channel A
Reference potential for the 24V supply to the CR lamp on
17 GND--CR
the robot

EMT signals, Safe RDC -- connection X32

X32 Name Description

01 GND--P Reference potential for the 24V supply
02 24V--P 24 V supply
05 EMT2 EMT input 2
06 EMT1 EMT input 1

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 45 of 106

Safe inputs and outputs, Safe RDC -- connection X40

X40 Signal name Description

01 E0_A_24V Input 0 channel A for axis range 1
02 E0_B_24V Input 0 channel B for axis range 1
03 /E1_A_24V Input 1 channel A for axis range 2
04 /E1_B_24V Input 1 channel B for axis range 2
05 E2_A_24V Input 2 channel A for axis range 3
06 E2_B_24V Input 2 channel B for axis range 3
07 /E3_A_24V Input 3 channel A for axis range 4
08 /E3_B_24V Input 3 channel B for axis range 4
09 E4_A_24V Input 4 channel A for axis range 5
10 E4_B_24V Input 4 channel B for axis range 5
11 /E5_A_24V Input 5 channel A for axis range 6
12 /E5_B_24V Input 5 channel B for axis range 6
13 /E_FREI_A_24V Input for safe retraction channel A
14 /E_FREI_B_24V Input for safe retraction channel B
15 E_HALT_A_24V Input for safe stop channel A
16 E_HALT_B_24V Input for safe stop channel B
17 /E_DV_A_24V Input for reduced velocity channel A
18 /E_DV_B_24V Input for reduced velocity channel B
20 OUT_A0_A Output 0 channel A for axis range 1
21 OUT_A0_B Output 0 channel B for axis range 1
22 OUT_A1_A Output 1 channel A for axis range 2
23 OUT_A1_B Output 1 channel B for axis range 2
24 OUT_A2_A Output 2 channel A for axis range 3
25 OUT_A2_B Output 2 channel B for axis range 3
26 OUT_STATUS_A Output STATUS channel A
27 OUT_STATUS_B Output STATUS channel B
28 /TA24V_A Pulsed voltage channel A for input test
29 /TA24V_B Pulsed voltage channel B for input test
Reference potential for safe inputs with external power sup-
30 GND--E

46 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

X40 Signal name Description
If no safety PLC is connected, this pin is jumpered to pin 30
31 GND--P
+24V for external independent power supply to the safe
32 +24V_AUSG1
Reference potential for +24V--AUSG1
33 GND--A1 If no safety PLC is connected, this pin is jumpered to pin 35
If no safety PLC is connected, this pin is jumpered to pin 32
34 +24V--P
35 GND--P Reference potential for TA24V_X
Reference potential for /TA24V_X
36 GND--P If internal power supply is available, can be jumpered to pin
22 GND_E.

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 47 of 106

ESC signals, Safe RDC -- connection X41

X41 Signal name Description

Pulsed voltage coming from ESC--CI3, power supply to
01 TA 24V (A) --ESC
outputs QE_A and ENA_A
02 GND ESC Reference potential for TA 24V (A and B) ESC
Pulsed voltage coming from ESC--CI3, power supply to
03 TA 24V (B) --ESC
outputs QE_B and ENA_B
Safe output,
04 ENA_A_24V
ENA channel A (Stop 1) to ESC--CI3 board
Safe output,
05 ENA_B_24V
ENA channel B (Stop 1) to ESC--CI3 board
Safe output,
06 QE_A_24V
QE channel A (Stop 0) to ESC--CI3 board
Safe output,
07 QE_B_24V
QE channel B (Stop 0) to ESC--CI3 board
08 TA 24V (B) Pulsed voltage for channel B input test
09 TA 24V (A) Pulsed voltage for channel A input test
10 E_T1_A_24V Safe input, test 1 channel A
11 E_T1_B_24V Safe input, test 1 channel B
COROB_ Safe input,
EN_A_24V for activating the KGD function channel A
COROB_ Safe input,
EN_B_24V for activating the KGD function channel B
14 GND--E Reference potential for safe inputs with external power supply
If internal power supply is available, is jumpered to pin 30
15 GND--P
16 Reserved Coding pin
17 N.C. Not connected

48 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

Input for reference switch, Safe RDC -- connection X42

X42 Signal name Description

01 E_REF_A_24V Input for reference switch channel A
02 E_REF_B_24V Input for reference switch channel B
03 /TA24V_A Pulsed voltage channel A for input test
04 /TA24V_B Pulsed voltage channel B for input test
05 GND--P Reference potential for /TA24V_A and /TA24V_B
06 N.C. Not connected

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 49 of 106

Connection KCP X19 (control cabinet KR C2 edition2005) to
connector X20 (ESC CI3 board)

X19 Name Description X20

Pin Pin
C SW_Selection(A) Switch setting “Selection” to SSB 3
D SW_Release(B) Switch setting “Release” to SSB 4
+24 V KCP
+24 V ESC
5 ESC In (B)
6 ESC In (A)
7 ESC Out (B)
8 ESC Out (A)
9 CAN +
10 CAN --
11 CR_TA(A) 24V test output A from CR logic 1
12 T1--A Safe input, operating mode T1 channel A 5
13 CR_TA(B) 24V test output B from CR logic 2
14 T2--B Safe input, operating mode T1 channel B 6

50 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

DSE signals
Connection X31 (Safe RDC box) to connection X21 (control cabinet KR C2)

X31 Name Description X21

Pin Pin
01 +24V CR 24V supply to the CR lamp on the robot 1
Reference potential for the 24V supply to the Safe
02 GND--P 2
RDC from the control cabinet
24V supply to Safe RDC
03 +24V 3
from control cabinet
04 /A_CLKR1 SSI interface to DSE channel A 4
05 A_CLKR1 SSI interface to DSE channel A 5
06 /A_FSX1 SSI interface to DSE channel A 6
07 A_FSX1 SSI interface to DSE channel A 7
08 A_DX1 SSI interface to DSE channel A 8
09 /A_DX1 SSI interface to DSE channel A 9
10 /A_FSR1 SSI interface to DSE channel A 10
11 A_FSR1 SSI interface to DSE channel A 11
12 /A_DR1 SSI interface to DSE channel A 12
13 A_DR1 SSI interface to DSE channel A 13
14 /A_CLKX1 SSI interface to DSE channel A 14
15 A_CLKX1 SSI interface to DSE channel A 15
Reference potential for the 24V supply to the CR
17 GND--CR 17
lamp on the robot

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 51 of 106

ESC signals (QE, ENA, T1)
Connection X41 (Safe RDC box) to connection X21.1 (control cabinet KR C2)

X41 Signal name Description X21.1

Pin Pin
Pulsed voltage coming from ESC--CI3, power
1 TA 24V (A) --ESC 2
supply to outputs QE_A and ENA_A
2 GND ESC Reference potential for TA 24V (A and B) ESC 1
Pulsed voltage coming from ESC--CI3, power
3 TA 24V (B) --ESC 3
supply to outputs QE_B and ENA_B
Safe output,
4 ENA_A_24V 8
ENA channel A (Stop 1) to ESC--CI3 board
Safe output,
5 ENA_B_24V 9
ENA channel B (Stop 1) to ESC--CI3 board
Safe output,
6 QE_A_24V 6
QE channel A (Stop 0) to ESC--CI3 board
Safe output,
7 QE_B_24V 7
QE channel B (Stop 0) to ESC--CI3 board
8 TA 24V (B) Pulsed voltage for channel B input test 4
9 TA 24V (A) Pulsed voltage for channel A input test 5
10 E_T1_A_24V Safe input, test 1 channel A 10
11 E_T1_B_24V Safe input, test 1 channel B 11
COROB_ Safe input,
12 12
EN_A_24V for activating the KGD function channel A
COROB_ Safe input,
13 13
EN_B_24V for activating the KGD function channel B
Reference potential for safe inputs with external
14 GND_E 14
power supply
If internal power supply is available, is jumpered to
15 GND--P 15
pin 30 GND_E
16 Reserved Coding pin 16
17 N.C. Not connected 17

52 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

Reference switch
Connection X42 (Safe RDC box) to connection XS Ref (reference switch)
See also Section 4.4.1.

X42 Signal name Description XS Ref

Pin Pin
01 E_REF_A_24V Input for reference switch channel A 2
02 E_REF_B_24V Input for reference switch channel B 5
03 /TA24V_A Pulsed voltage channel A for input test 1
04 /TA24V_B Pulsed voltage channel B for input test 4
05 GND--P Reference potential for /TA24V_A and /TA24V_B 3
06 N.C. Not connected 6

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 53 of 106

4.3 Connecting cables between robot and control cabinet
4.3.1 Connecting cables diagram


9 8 7 6

1 Control cabinet KR C2 edition2005 6 Ground conductor 16 mm2 *)

2 SafeRobot interface 7 Data cable X21 -- X31
3 Robot 8 Data cable X21.1 -- X41
4 Junction box X01 9 Motor cable X20 -- X30
5 Safe RDC junction box
*) Ground conductor necessary only for cable lengths > 25 m

Fig. 21 Connecting cables between control cabinet and robot, Safe RDC

54 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

4.3.2 Connecting cables
Connecting cables are all the cables running between the robot and the control cabinet
(Fig. 21). They have plug--in connections at both ends. In order to avoid the connectors being
mixed up, the ends of each cable are provided with a designation label, which must match
the designation of the socket on the robot or on the control cabinet. In addition the connectors
are coded.

The connectors must be plugged in carefully so as not to bend the contact pins.

For connecting cables of length > 25 m an additional ground conductor is required to provide
a low--resistance connection in accordance with DIN EN 60204.
The ground conductors are fastened with cable lugs to threaded bolts.

Routing of cables
The following points must be observed when routing the cables:
-- The minimum bending radius of the cables (150 mm for fixed installation) must be
-- Protect cables against exposure to mechanical stress.
-- Route the cables without tension (no tensile forces on the connectors).
-- Cables are only to be installed indoors.
-- Observe permissible temperature range (fixed installation) 263 K (--10 _C) to
343 K (+70 _C).
-- Route power cables separately from the control cables (such as data cables, bus

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 55 of 106

4.3.3 Configuration of the connecting cables

X20 X30

X20 X30

a f F A

Fig. 22 Motor cable, X20 -- X30

1 2

X21 X31

X21 X31

1 Coding pin 3 Barcode plate

2 Coding hole

Fig. 23 Data cable X21 -- X31

11 22

X21.1 X41

X21.1 X41

1 Coding hole 3 Barcode plate

2 Coding pin

Fig. 24 Data cable X21.1 -- X41

56 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en


8 1

10 7

5 3

1 PE bolt: M8x30 stud bolt 6 M8 nut

mech. galv. DIN 913 7 Washer 8.4
2 Cable lug 8 VS8 washer
3 Robot 9 M8 nut
4 Ground plate 10 Ring cable lug,
5 Washer VS8 hole 8.4 mm

Fig. 25 Ground conductor connection

4.3.4 Interface assignments

The pin assignments for the connecting cables and their signal designations are
described in Section 4.2.3.

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4.4 Reference switch
For safe operation, a reference run must be performed every time the robot controller is
booted up, and also at specified intervals during continuous operation (see Section 5.4.2).
For this purpose a reference switch must be installed within the possible working range of
the robot. This reference switch should be installed outside the process range of the robot
and must not be at the mastering position of the robot or at a singularity position.
The function of the reference run is described in Section 5.4.2 of this documentation, and
a program example is shown in Section 7.1.

1 2

5 4 3

1 Process range within the working range 4 Reference switch

2 Range outside the process range 5 Reference switch actuating plate
3 Construction for mounting the reference switch

Fig. 26 Reference switch: working range, process range

58 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en


XS Ref


1 Control cabinet KR C2 edition2005 4 Connecting cable X42 -- XS Ref

2 Robot 5 Safe RDC junction box
3 Reference switch

Fig. 27 Interface, SafeRobot -- reference switch

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 59 of 106

4.4.1 Components for reference switch
The following components are necessary:
G Reference switch (KUKA)
installed in the working range of the robot
G Reference switch actuating plate (KUKA)
installed on the robot wrist, projecting beyond the flange
G Connecting cable for reference switch, 15 m (KUKA)
to interface X42 on the Safe RDC

Fig. 28 Reference switch with position of fastening holes

Fig. 29 Reference switch actuating plate with position of fastening holes

60 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

X42 XS Ref

Fig. 30 Connecting cable X42 -- XS Ref (length: 15 m)

1 2 3

X42 XS Ref

3 1
1 2
5 3
4 4
2 5
6 6
N.C. N.C.

1 Safe RDC
2 Connecting cable X42 -- XS Ref
3 Reference switch

Fig. 31 Pin assignment for connector X42, reference switch

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 61 of 106

4.4.2 Installing the reference switch
The reference switch is installed within the working range of the robot. The installation posi-
tion should be chosen so that the switch does not interfere with the normal working process
of the robot (see Fig. 26), i.e. outside the normal process range of the robot.

The reference switch must not be installed in a position which would bring the
robot into the mastering position or a singularity position while performing a
reference run (actuation of the reference switch). Were this to happen it would
mean the reference run could not be successfully completed.

A singularity of the robot is a position that satisfies any of the following conditions:
-- Axes A4 and A6 are in line
-- Axes A1 and A4 are in line
-- Axes A1 and A6 are in line

1 Connecting cable X42 -- XS Ref 3 Sensors on the reference switch

2 Reference switch 4 Fastening plate

Fig. 32 Installing the reference switch

62 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en


1 Robot flange
2 Tool
3 Reference switch actuating plate

Fig. 33 Actuating plate for reference switch

G At a suitable position, set up a sufficiently stable mechanical mounting to carry the
reference switch. An example is shown in Fig. 32.
G Secure the reference switch to it using the holes provided for the purpose (see Fig. 28
and Fig. 32).
G Connect the reference switch to the X42 interface on the Safe RDC using the
connecting cable (see Fig. 30 and Fig. 32).
G Fit the actuating plate (see Fig. 29 and Fig. 33) to the robot wrist, so that this projects
beyond the flange.

It must be ensured that the reference switch and actuating plate are installed in such a way
that the switching sensors (see Fig. 32) integrated in the reference switch can be correctly
approached with the forked actuating plate.
The sensors can be approached forwards or sideways, as shown in Fig. 34, but always so
that the actuating plate points with the fork towards the two sensor markings on the reference
The operation of the reference switch can be checked using the LED indicator on the rear
of the reference switch (see Fig. 28).

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 63 of 106


1 Reference switch 3 Actuating plate for the reference switch

2 Sensors on the reference switch 4 Possible approach directions to the
reference switch

Fig. 34 Reference switch, actuating plate -- possible approach directions

4.5 Keyswitch for “safe retraction” mode

“Safe retraction” mode can be activated for moving the robot free under manual control. This
is done by setting the safe input “Safe retraction”.
For this purpose a keyswitch can be installed at a suitable point, with which the input “Safe
retraction channel A” or “Safe retraction channel B” (see Section 4.2.3, Safe inputs and out-
puts, Safe RDC -- connection X40) can be set to the HIGH signal.

4.6 Periphery
“KUKA.SafeRobot” allows connection of a safety PLC.
If the robot is operated without a PLC, the Safe RDC interface X40 must be connected
as described in Section 4.7.

4.6.1 Example of connection to a safety PLC (Siemens ET200S)

An example of connection of the safe outputs of a safety PLC to the safe inputs of the Safe
RDC is shown in Fig. 35. This is a solution using relays.

The relays used must be positively driven.

64 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

1 X40 2 3
E0_A_24V 1 DO 0 (P)
E0_B_24V 2 DO 0 (M)
P4 DI0 /M1
/E1_A_24V 3 DO 1 (P)
/E1_B_24V 4 DO 1 (M)
P4 DI4 /M1
E2_A_24V 5 DO 2 (P)
E2_B_24V 6 DO 2 (M)
P4 DI1 /M1
/E3_A_24V 7 R4
DO 3 (P)
/E3_B_24V 8 DO 3 (M)
P4 DI5 /M1
E4_A_24V 9 DO 0 (P)
E4_B_24V 10 DO 0 (M)
P4 DI2 /M1
/E5_A_24V 11 DO 1 (P)
/E5_B_24V 12 DO 1 (M)
P4 DI6 /M1
/E_FREI_A_ 24V 13 DO 2 (P)
/E_FREI_B_24V 14 DO 2 (M)
P4 DI3 /M1
DO 3 (P)
DO 3 (M)

E_HALT_A_24V 15 R8
DO 0 (P)
E_HALT_B_24V 16 DO 0 (M)
P4 DI7 /M1
/E_DV_A_24V 17 R9
DO 1 (P)
/E_DV_B_24V 18 DO 1 (M)
P4 DI0 /M2

/TA24V_B 29
/TA24V_A 28 P4 24V

1 Safe RDC R1 ... R9 Positively driven relay DO x

2 Relay (positively driven) R1 ... R9 DO x Outputs, Siemens ET200S
3 Module, Siemens Profi Safe 4F--DO 24V/2A

Fig. 35 Connection of safe outputs from Siemens ET200S to inputs of Safe RDC
using relays (example)

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 65 of 106

An example of connection of the safe inputs of a Siemens PLC ET200S to the safe inputs
of the Safe RDC is shown in Fig. 36.

1 2

20 DI 0
21 DI 4

22 DI 1
23 DI 5

24 DI 2
25 DI 6


24 V DC

+24V_AUSG1 32 DI24
+ 3 V

1 Safe RDC DI x Outputs, Siemens ET200S

2 Module, Siemens Profi Safe 4/8F--DI 24V/

Fig. 36 Connection of safe inputs of Siemens ET200S to safe outputs from Safe
RDC (example)

66 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

4.7 Assignment of X40 for operation without a PLC
When the “KUKA.SafeRDC” is operated without a safety PLC, the interface X40 of the Safe
RDC must be connected as shown in Fig. 37.



1 Safe RDC

Fig. 37 Pin assignment for X40 Safe RDC for operation without a PLC

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 67 of 106

4.8 Functional examples
In this section two examples are described, which make clear the function of “KUKA.SafeRobot”.
The inputs and outputs of the Safe RDC should be configured as shown in the following tables.

Inputs to the Safe RDC

Input Description
E0 Input for activating axis range 0 (safety range on LOW signal)
E1 Input for activating axis range 1 (safety range on LOW signal)
E2 Input for activating axis range 2 (safety range on LOW signal)
E3 Input for activating axis range 3 (safety range on LOW signal)
E4 Input for activating axis range 4 (safety range on LOW signal)
E5 Input for activating axis range 5 (safety range on LOW signal)
E_dV Input for monitoring the reduced velocity (on LOW signal)
E_Halt Input for monitoring the robot at standstill (on LOW signal)

Outputs from the Safe RDC

Output Description
A0 Output to indicate when axis range 0 has been left (LOW signal)
A1 Output to indicate when axis range 1 has been left (LOW signal)
A2 Output to indicate when axis range 2 has been left (LOW signal)

68 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

4.8.1 Example of a loading station at a turntable

Fig. 38 shows a loading station at a turntable.

1 Robot
2 Turntable
3 Safeguard (e.g. safety mat)

Fig. 38 Loading station at a turntable

It must be ensured that the robot cannot move into the safety range or carry out motion within
it when the safeguard is triggered (e.g. when a person is standing on the safety mat). This
is monitored in this example by input E0, which in the example shown is linked to the safety
mat (LOW signal).
Fig. 39 shows the individual ranges:

G Working range
G Range with reduced velocity

G Safety range

Fig. 40 shows the connection of the safeguard (e.g. safety mat) to the interface X40 of the
Safe RDC and other necessary jumpers.
The range with reduced velocity is also monitored, so that the safety clearances can be reduced.
This is done by connecting output A0 to the input for activating the reduced velocity (E_dV).

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 69 of 106


Safe RDC
E0 4
E5 5


1 Working range 4 Safeguard (e.g. safety mat)

2 Safety range 5 Range with reduced velocity
3 Turntable 6 Dual channel connection

Fig. 39 Loading station at a turntable -- ranges, inputs, outputs

1 X40 2



1 Safe RDC
2 Safeguard (e.g. safety mat)

Fig. 40 Safe RDC, X40 -- connection to safeguard and jumpering

70 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

4.8.2 Example of a loading station at a robot gripper
Fig. 41 shows a loading station at which the component is placed manually directly into the
robot gripper.


1 Robot
2 Robot gripper
3 Safeguard (e.g. safety mat)

Fig. 41 Loading station at a robot gripper

Fig. 42 shows the individual ranges:

G Working range
G Range with reduced velocity
G Safety range

Fig. 43 shows the connection of the safeguard (e.g. safety mat) to the interface X40 of the
Safe RDC and other necessary jumpers.
It must be ensured that if the robot is in the safety range it does not move after the safeguard
has been triggered (e.g. after the safety mat has been stepped on). This is monitored in this
example by input E_Halt, which is linked to the safety mat (LOW signal).
The range with reduced velocity is also monitored, so that the safety clearances can be reduced.
This is done by connecting output A0 to the input for activating the reduced velocity (E_dV).

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 71 of 106


Safe RDC
E0 4
E4 5

A0 6

1 Working range 4 Safeguard (e.g. safety mat)

2 Safety range 5 Range with reduced velocity
3 Robot gripper 6 Dual channel connection

Fig. 42 Loading station at a robot gripper -- ranges, inputs, outputs

1 X40 2


1 Safe RDC
2 Safeguard (e.g. safety mat)

Fig. 43 Safe RDC, X40 -- connection to safeguard and jumpering

72 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

5 Commissioning

5.1 Prerequisites
5.1.1 Requirements regarding the operating personnel
The following instructions and information must be observed in order to ensure the safety
of the operating personnel, third parties and the overall installation.

In case of doubt regarding the order in which to carry out different procedures,
human safety is to be the overriding consideration that determines the sequence

G Operating personnel must be thoroughly instructed in the handling and operation of the
equipment, either by the user or by a person entrusted with this task by the user.

G Set--up, installation, configuration, operation, programming, exchange and

maintenance / repair must be performed only by personnel specially trained for the
product described here.

5.1.2 Instruction and training of operating personnel

The basis for the instruction of the operating personnel is these operating instructions.
We recommend suitable training for the operating personnel.
Information on training courses is available from the addresses listed in Section 1.1.

5.1.3 Training for administrators and safety maintenance personnel

For persons with access to the user groups “Administrators” and “Safety maintenance”
appropriate training is necessary.
Information on training courses is available from the addresses listed in Section 1.1.

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 73 of 106

5.2 Installing the configuration program
The installation, uninstallation, reinstallation and update of technology packages are described
in detail in the documentation [Installation/Uninstallation/Update of Tech Packages].

5.3 Using the configuration program

5.3.1 User group
For configuration and parameterization a dedicated configuration program is available. To
use this program it is necessary to have the appropriate user rights.
This requires
G Logging into the appropriate user group by means of the menu function
“Configuration” ! “User group”.
In the window which opens, select the option “Safety maintenance” under “Choose a
user:” and enter the password in the corresponding box. See also information and
instructions on the HMI screen.
G Setting the operating mode “T1” or “T2”

It is essential that users of the robot controller cannot log into the user group
“Safety maintenance” and also do not have administrator rights, because
otherwise the safety aspects of user administration in the robot controller would
be compromised!

If the login is not to the user group “Safety maintenance” the parameters can still be
viewed, but not changed.

74 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

5.3.2 Starting the configuration program
The configuration program is started from the HMI menu “Setup”.
Two start options are available:
G Setup ! Service ! Safe Robot ! Examination
The configuration program is started and the data are checked, but the configuration
window to change the parameters is not displayed.
G Setup ! Service ! Safe Robot ! Configuration
The configuration program is started, the data are checked, and the configuration
window to change the parameters is displayed.

Displaying the configuration program

The screen display of the program appears in the form of a table (Fig. 44).

Fig. 44 Screen display of parameter groups

The configuration program window is not fully covered by other windows, even when
those windows are active.
This means, for instance, that the navigator is not available in full--screen mode if the
configuration program is running at the same time.

Navigation is performed using the cursor keys ("#), and opening / closing of the individual
sections is performed using the cursor keys ({). The “Enter” key is used to apply the
changes that are made; the ESC key to discard them.

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 75 of 106

After the program has been started the necessary data records are read in. This is indicated
by a message on the screen.

The RDC data are read in only if the data saved on the hard disk are identical with
those saved in the RDC.

The format version of the data is compatible with the RDC software and has a fixed link to it.

Loading and saving procedures should not be interrupted.

If an error occurs, the procedure will be aborted.

This is indicated by an error message.

5.3.3 Checking the data

When the robot controller is booted up a check is made to discover whether the software on
the Safe RDC is the current version. If the software version on the Safe RDC is an older
version than that in the controller, the current version will be loaded to the Safe RDC.
After reading in the data, the data saved on the hard disk are compared with the data in the
RDC. If they are identical, the data are loaded into the configuration table.
If the data are different, the user must decide which data records to use.
If the RDC data are invalid or incompatible, only the data on the hard disk can be loaded.

When data are loaded from the hard disk or from the RDC, all of the respective para-
meters are loaded into the configuration table.
When machine data are loaded, only the data from the machine data file are loaded.
If an error occurs, the execution of the program is aborted; this is indicated by an error

Runtime variables are only stored internally (volatile memory) and not on the hard disk
or in the RDC table.

76 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

5.3.4 Changing parameter values
Parameter values are changed using the respective box in the “Value” column. After a
change, the respective parameter (“Name” column) and the changed value are shown in red.

If a value in shown in gray, that value is write--protected and cannot be changed.

If a value outside the permissible value range is input, an appropriate error message is
A list of default values can be found in Section 5.3.6.

Fig. 45 Changing parameters

The values in the selection boxes (see example in Fig. 45) can be changed by keyboard input
(in the example “false” as a change from “true” to “false”) or by pressing the key combination
<ALT> + cursor key " or <ALT> + cursor key #.

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 77 of 106

To quit the configuration program, press the softkey “Close”. If changes have been made,
you will be asked whether these changes should be saved. Press the softkey “Yes” to save
the changes and close the configuration program. Press the softkey “No” to close the
program without saving the changed values. Press the softkey “Cancel” to return to the
configuration program.

5.3.5 Configuration of safety--relevant parameters

The configuration program allows safety parameters to be configured.
Safety--relevant parameters are:
G Axis velocity [_/s]
G Axis acceleration [_/s2]
G Safe reduced velocity [mm/s]
G Reference point (position of all axes) [_]
G Axis range limits [_] (radial axes)
G Axis range limits [mm] (linear axes)
G Activation/deactivation of the test pulses for the inputs

There follows a description of the safety--relevant parameters in the order that they appear
in the configuration program.

General information
The section “General information” (Fig. 46) shows the content of the time stamp and the
version. These values cannot be edited.

Fig. 46 General information

78 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

Monitored axes
In the section “Monitored axes” (Fig. 47) the monitored axes (A 1 ... A 8) are entered.

Fig. 47 Monitored axes

Axes to be monitored are set to the value “true”, axes not to be monitored are set to the value
The names of axes that are not to be monitored are shown crossed out in the “Name” column.

Reduced axis velocity

In the section “Reduced axis velocity” (Fig. 48) an axis velocity differing from the default
value (see Section 5.3.6) can be entered.

Fig. 48 Reduced axis velocity

Cartesian velocity
In the section “Cartesian velocity” (Fig. 49) the Cartesian axis velocity (flange center point)
can be changed.

Fig. 49 Cartesian velocity

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 79 of 106

Reduced axis acceleration
In the section “Reduced axis acceleration” (Fig. 50) an axis acceleration differing from the
default value (see Section 5.3.6) can be entered.

Fig. 50 Reduced axis acceleration

Axis range monitoring

In the section “Axis range monitoring” (Fig. 52) the upper and lower axis angles can be entered.

Fig. 51 Axis range monitoring

The axis angles are always entered reckoning from axis position 0_ (see also Fig. 52).

The robot stopping distance (braking distance) must always be taken into
account here; in the example in Fig. 52 this is taken to be 30_.
The exact value for each individual case must be determined by a stopping
distance measurement.
After every change to the axis parameters a check must be carried out.

80 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

1 2 3 4

30 30

100 100

5 0

1 Safety range without stopping distances 4 Actual working range

2 Actual safety range 5 Robot
3 Braking distance (max. stopping distance)

Fig. 52 Example: axis range axis 1 -- axis angles

Monitoring of mastering
In the section “Monitoring of mastering” (Fig. 53) the reference mastering positions of the
individual axes (as were determined at commissioning) are entered (see Section 5.4.2 of this

Fig. 53 Monitoring of mastering

These are the axis--specific values which are given on triggering the reference switch (menu
function “Monitor” ! “Rob. position” ! “Axis--specific”).

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 81 of 106

Standstill monitoring -- Axis angle tolerance
In the section “Standstill monitoring” (Fig. 54) an axis angle tolerance differing from the
default value (see Section 5.3.6) can be entered for the respective axis.

Fig. 54 Standstill monitoring -- Axis angle tolerance

Interfaces -- Input check pulsing

In the section “Interfaces” (Fig. 55) the value for “Input check pulsing” can be set to “true”
or “false”.

Fig. 55 Interfaces -- Input check pulsing

82 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

Machine data
In the section “Machine data” (Fig. 56) the machine data from “$robcor.dat” and
“$machine.dat” can be viewed but not changed.

Fig. 56 Machine data

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 83 of 106

5.3.6 Parameter default values
Monitored axes

Name Value
Axis 1 ... 8
Safe axis monitoring false

Reduced axis velocity

Name Value
Axis 1 ... 8
Axis velocity 100 _/s

Cartesian velocity

Name Value
Cartesian velocity
Flange center point velocity 250 mm/s

Reduced axis acceleration

Name Value
Axis 1 ... 8
Axis acceleration 200 mm/s

Axis range monitoring

For all axis ranges and all axes:

Name Value
Upper axis angle 180_
Lower axis angle --180_
Range inversion false

84 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

Monitoring of mastering

Name Value
Axis 1 ... 8
Reference mastering position 0 _/s

Standstill monitoring -- Axis angle tolerance

Name Value
Axis 1 ... 8
Axis angle tolerance 0.01_

Interfaces -- Input check pulsing

Name Value
Input check pulsing true

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 85 of 106

5.4 Brake test and reference run

While the drives are being disconnected, no person should be within the robot
range, because it is not impossible the robot may sag!

5.4.1 Brake test

For assurance of the braking function of the robot axes, after every boot--up of the robot
controller and at intervals of every eight hours when the robot is operating a brake test
must be performed.

The brake test cannot be performed in “T1” mode.
If the test is not performed in time or is unsuccessful a message appears to this effect in the
KCP message window.

The robot can continue to operate and execute its program after a brake test has
been omitted or failed, but it is no longer in a safe condition and this can pose a
hazard to persons and property!

The brake test is activated by calling a function in a KRL program. This is done by creating
a KRL sub--function, which is integrated into a KRL program. A program example is included
in Section 7.1 of this documentation.
The brake test is performed on each axis successively. The robot moves at a defined velocity
and the brakes are applied. During this process the respective motor current is monitored.
A message is displayed based on the measured value of the current.

After successful completion of the test on all axes, the message “Ackn. brake test re-
quired” is displayed in the message window of the KCP.

In the event of a brake failure the robot should be brought into a gravity--neutral
position, to reduce the risk of uncontrolled movements resulting from the
absence of braking.
Please contact your KUKA Service Center to initiate repairs.

86 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

5.4.2 Reference run
To check the robot mastering, after every boot--up of the robot controller and at intervals
of every eight hours when the robot is operating a reference run must be performed.
For this purpose the robot is moved to a defined reference position where it actuates the
reference switch. At this reference position the actual values of the axes must correspond
to the reference setpoint values. To move to the reference position, a movement to an exact
positioning point is programmed, so that the robot moves to precisely the desired position.
If the test is not performed in time or is unsuccessful a message appears to this effect in the
KCP message window.

The robot can continue to operate and execute its program after a reference run
has been omitted or failed, but it is no longer in a safe condition and this can
pose a hazard to persons and property!

For information about the reference switch and its installation, see Section 4.4 of this
documentation. A program example is included in Section 7.1 of this documentation.

The following actions should be performed at commissioning or if it is necessary to determine

the reference values:
G Move the actuating plate mounted on the robot wrist towards the sensors on the
reference switch (identified by the two green dots on the face of the reference switch).
The distance between the reference switch and actuating plate must be between 2 and
3 mm.
G When the actuating plate is correctly positioned over the reference switch, the two LEDs
on the underside of the reference switch light up.
G Teach this position and name the point “RefSwitch”.
G Using the menu function “Monitor” ! “Rob. position” ! “Axis--specific” open the status
window and make a note of the axis--specific values.
G Move the robot to the home position.
G Start the configuration program using the menu function
Setup ! Service ! Safe Robot ! Configuration (see Section 5.3.2).
G Under “Monitoring of mastering” enter the values previously noted, and save them.
G The next time the robot moves to the reference switch, the values determined for the
current robot position are compared with the saved reference values. If the values
agree, the message “Ackn. mastering test required” is displayed.

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 87 of 106

5.5 Acceptance test for KUKA.SafeRobot -- Checklist
It is a pre--requirement for commissioning that an acceptance test shall have been performed
for the system in accordance with the checklist shown in Section 10.2.

88 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

6 Operation

6.1 Safe robot retraction

“Safe retraction” mode is activated by setting the safe input “Safe retraction” using the
keyswitch. See Section 4.5. When safe retraction is activated a corresponding message is
In “safe retraction” mode the Cartesian velocity monitoring, the axis--specific velocity
monitoring and the axis--specific acceleration monitoring are all activated. All other
monitoring is deactivated, so that the robot can be moved free out of an interlocked range.

In this operating mode the robot cannot be monitored in safe mode.
Because safe retraction compromises the safety of the robot, this must be
performed only by authorized personnel using a safe input.

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 89 of 106

90 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en
7 Programming
7.1 Brake test and reference run
Brake tests and reference runs must be performed every time the robot controller is booted
up, and also at specified intervals during continuous operation. See Section 5.4.
Program examples for extending the “SPS.SUB” program and the KRL program (*.src) can
be found in Sections 7.1.1 and 7.1.2.

As well as these extensions, some additional user--defined variables must be declared in the
file “$CONFIG.DAT” (directory “C:\KRC\ROBOTER\KRC\steu”), in the section
“User--defined Variables”:

; Userdefined Variables
BOOL boBrakeTest=FALSE
BOOL boBrakeTestDone=FALSE

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 91 of 106

7.1.1 Example of extension to “SPS.SUB”
In the file “SPS.SUB” (directory “C:\KRC\ROBOTER\KRC\R1\System” the extensions
described below are necessary.


if $POWER_FAIL then

The FOLD “INIT_SAVEROB” must be added.

;perform reference run and brake test on restart
IF (boReboot OR $TIMER_FLAG[20]) THEN
IF (boReboot OR $TIMER_FLAG[19]) THEN
IF (boRef AND boRefDone) THEN
IF (boBrakeTest AND boBrakeTestDone) THEN


92 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

7.1.2 Example of extension to a KRL program
To perform brake tests and reference runs automatically at the required intervals of time, an
appropriate command sequence must be inserted into the KRL program.

if boRef then
Refschalter( )

if boBrakeTest then
brakeTest(0 )

Program example for reference run

; Movement to within approx. 10 cm of the reference switch

PTP P1 Vel= 100 % PDAT1 Tool[1] Base[0]
; Precise movement to the reference switch
LIN REFSCHALTER Vel= 0.5 m/s CPDAT1 Tool[1] Base[0]
; Movement away from the reference switch
LIN P1 VEL= 0.5 m/s CPDAT2 Tool[1] Base[0]

When programming the reference run, note that the movement to the reference switch
and the movement back from it are not executed as PTP motions.

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 93 of 106

94 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en
8 Diagnostics, fault analysis
8.1 Error messages for KUKA.SafeRobot
“KUKA.SafeRobot” generates a range of error messages which are described below.

Message text Type of message Reaction

Safe reduced axis--specific acceleration: Status and acknowl- STOP 0
“Maximum acceleration of [axis] edgement message
Safe reduced axis--specific velocity: Status and acknowl- STOP 0
“Maximum speed of [axis number] edgement message
Safe reduced Cartesian velocity: Status and acknowl- STOP 0
“Maximum Cartesian speed exceeded” edgement message
Axis--specific workspace monitoring: Status and acknowl- STOP 0 or
“Workspace no. [axis range number] edgement message STOP 1,
exceeded” depending on
the type of axis
range violation.
Brake test: Status and acknowl- None
“Brake test failed [axis number]” edgement message
“Brake test required” Status and acknowl- None
edgement message
Reference run for mastering: Status and acknowl- None
“Mastering test failed” edgement message
“Mastering test required” Status and acknowl- None
edgement message
System error for extraordinary Status and acknowl- STOP 0
malfunctions on the Safe RDC: edgement message
“Safe RDC system error
[system error number]”
Preconditions for safe monitoring: Status and acknowl- STOP 0
“Safety parameters incorrect edgement message
[parameter index]”
“Safe input/output incorrect” Status and acknowl- STOP 0
edgement message
“Safe operational stop violated” Status and acknowl- STOP 0
edgement message

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 95 of 106

Message text Type of message Reaction
“Error while starting the Safe RDC” Status message STOP 1
“EMERGENCY STOP safety controller” Status message STOP 0
“Safety mode not possible” Status message STOP 0
“Safe retraction activated” Status message Monitoring of
the safe re-
duced velocity/
acceleration ac-
tive; further
monitoring by-

Two types of STOP are defined as reactions to errors:

To trigger the STOP 0 the ESC signal QE is set to LOW via a safe output of the
Safe RDC.
This leads to direct disconnection of the drive contactor.
To trigger the STOP 1 the ESC signal ENA is set to LOW via a safe output of
the Safe RDC.
This leads to delayed disconnection of the drive contactor.

96 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

9 Repair
The specified service life of the hardware used for “KUKA.SafeRobot” is 40,000 operating
“KUKA.SafeRobot” components should be exchanged no later than at the expiry of this
period of time (as shown on the operating hours counter).

9.1 Preparation

All pertinent safety regulations as well as the chapter [Safety, General] must be
observed when performing any of the work described below.
Before the start of work the main switch on the control cabinet must be switched
off and locked with a suitable lock to prevent it being switched back on! The
incoming power cable must be deenergized and measures must be taken to
prevent it from being inadvertently energized again.



Fig. 57 Main switch in the “OFF” position and locked

The RDC data cable may not be disconnected while energized!
It is essential to wait until completion of the battery backup operation.

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 97 of 106

9.2 Removing the Safe RDC
(1) Switch off the system and wait until the battery--backed shutdown storage procedure
has been completed.
(2) Undo the screws on the cover of the RDC box and swing the cover open.
(3) Carefully disconnect all connections to the Safe RDC and bend them to one side so that
they are out of the way.
(4) Release the fastenings of the basic board (Fig. 58 [3]) and carefully remove the circuit
board with the I/O Print board from the box.
(5) If necessary, release the fastenings of the I/O Print board (Fig. 58 [4]) and pull it off the
basic board without tilting it.

1 2 3

5 3 4

1 I/O Print board 4 Mounting for spacer pins of the sensor modules
2 Basic board 5 Fastening points for I/O Print board
3 Fastening points for basic board

Fig. 58 Fastening points of the Safe RDC

98 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

9.3 Installing the Safe RDC
(1) Plug the I/O Print board on to the new basic board and tighten the fastening screws
(Fig. 58 [4]).
(2) Install the Safe RDC and fasten it into place (Fig. 58 [3]).
(3) Reconnect all connections.

The cables are labeled.

If there are no external axes, connectors X7 and X8 (Fig. 18) are not used.

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 99 of 106

100 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en
10 Appendix
10.1 Technical data
In this chapter, only the data specific to the “Safe Robot” system are described.
Information regarding the technical data of the control cabinet can be found in the chapter
[Technical Data] of the KR C2 Operating Handbook.

The following standards were taken into account for “KUKA.SafeRobot”:

G EN 292--1 and 2
G EN 60204--1
G EN 775
G EN 418
G EN 614--1
G EN 954--1
G EN 55011
G EN 61508
G EN 61000--4--2
G EN 61000--4--3
G EN 61000--4--4
G EN 61000--4--5
G EN 61000--4--6
G EN 61000--4--11

“KUKA.SafeRobot” satisfies Safety Category 3 (SIL 2).

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 101 of 106

Safe RDC
Environmental conditions for the Safe RDC within the box:

Name Technical data

during transport: --25_ C to +70_ C
during storage: --25_ C to +60_ C
Temperature range
during operation: components up to +85_ C
circuit boards up to + 75_ C
Relative atmospheric humidity Class 3K3 to EN 50178 (non--condensing)
Shock Duration 5 ms 20g
Amplitude 1 mm up to 13.2 Hz
Vibration Acceleration 0.7g from 13.2 Hz to 100 Hz
(German Lloyd, General Conditions)
Supply voltage 18 to 33 V DC
Immunity from interference with mains filter to
EN 61800--3
Degree of fouling Degree of fouling 2 (internal) to VDE 0110 part 2
Permissible altitude of
1000 m above MSL with no reduction in power
Protection rating of circuit
IP 00
Protection rating of box
IP 65

Safe inputs
Voltage: 24 V DC

Input current: 3 mA

with special external circuit: max: 10 mA

Safe outputs
Voltage: 24 V DC

Load rating: 100 mA per channel

102 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

10.2 Acceptance test for KUKA.SafeRobot -- Checklists
Before the robot is put into operation, the continuity of the ground conductor
connection between the control cabinet and the robot must be tested with a ground
conductor measurement to DIN EN 60204--20.2.
After reinstallation, maintenance work and after every change to the system, the
system must be subjected to an acceptance test in accordance with the checklists:
-- Robot system check
-- Working range monitoring configuration check
The forms filled in during the checks are to be retained in a secure place as evidence!

The system may be put into operation only after successful completion of all
The forms filled in during the checks are to be retained as evidence.

The preconditions for the acceptance test of KUKA.SafeRobot are the complete mechanical
and electrical installation of the robot, the controller and the necessary accessories, together
with the correct installation of the software
G KUKA System Software (KSS) Release 5.4
G KUKA.SafeRobot V1.0

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 103 of 106

Checklist for robot system check
The checks were performed on robot serial number .......................................................

No. Check OK
1 The robot and tool were checked for correct mechanical condition and
2 The control cabinet and all its connections were visually checked.

3 All electrical cables were checked for good condition and correct
4 A check was made to determine whether the entire system (robot,
controller, accessories, etc.) satisfied the environmental conditions set out in
the respective specifications.
5 All safeguards (protective fence, light barriers, etc.) were checked for good
condition and correct operation.
6 The machine data selected were checked and were suitable for the type of
robot that was connected.
7 A check was made that the actual payload of the robot did not exceed the
permissible payload capacity set out in the specification for the robot.
8 Robot mastering was performed.

9 The reference switch was not in a position which would bring the robot into
the mastering position or a singularity position (see section 4.4.2) while
performing a reference run (actuation of the reference switch)
10 The external activation of the safe inputs and outputs for the working ranges
was checked for correct operation.
11 The configuration program was opened; if different or incompatible data
were reported, the data were transferred to the Safe RDC.
12 The position of the reference switch was entered in the configuration
program in axis--specific form.
13 Necessary further configurations were performed in the configuration
program and transferred to the Safe RDC.
14 The correct configuration of the working ranges were successfully checked
by moving to them. For each working range that was used, the form
“Checklist for working range monitoring configuration check” was used and
the respective check successfully performed.
15 Correct configuration of the Cartesian velocity was checked

16 Correct configuration of the axis--specific velocity was checked

17 Correct configuration of the axis--specific acceleration was checked

18 Brake test was performed successfully

19 Reference run was performed successfully

20 Message “Ackn. safety mode not possible” (this message appears when points
11, 13, 18 and 19 have been completed successfully)

104 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en

21 The correct configuration of the axis--specific velocity was checked

Axis 1 ..................... _/s

Axis 2 ..................... _/s

Axis 3 ..................... _/s

Axis 4 ..................... _/s

Axis 5 ..................... _/s

Axis 6 ..................... _/s

Axis 7 ..................... _/s

Axis 8 ..................... _/s

22 The correct configuration of the axis--specific acceleration was checked

Axis 1 ..................... _/s

Axis 2 ..................... _/s

Axis 3 ..................... _/s

Axis 4 ..................... _/s

Axis 5 ..................... _/s

Axis 6 ..................... _/s

Axis 7 ..................... _/s

Axis 8 ..................... _/s

Performed by (Date, signature): ..................................................................................

By signing, the signatory confirms the correct performance of the acceptance test.

KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en 105 of 106

Checklist for working range monitoring configuration check

Designation of system: ................................................................................................

Working range number .........................

Axis Check OK

Lower limit value: ...................... was checked for correctness

Upper limit value: ...................... was checked for correctness

Lower limit value: ...................... was checked for correctness

Upper limit value: ...................... was checked for correctness

Lower limit value: ...................... was checked for correctness

Upper limit value: ...................... was checked for correctness

Lower limit value: ...................... was checked for correctness

Upper limit value: ...................... was checked for correctness

Lower limit value: ...................... was checked for correctness

Upper limit value: ...................... was checked for correctness

Lower limit value: ...................... was checked for correctness

Upper limit value: ...................... was checked for correctness

Lower limit value: ...................... was checked for correctness

Upper limit value: ...................... was checked for correctness

Lower limit value: ...................... was checked for correctness

Upper limit value: ...................... was checked for correctness
In the configuration of the working ranges, due allowance was made for
the maximum stopping distance of the robot.

Performed by (Date, signature): ..................................................................................

By signing, the signatory confirms the correct performance of the acceptance test.

106 of 106 KUKA.SafeRobot_1.0 03.05.03 en


Acceptance test for KUKA.SafeRobot, 88, 103 Defective fuse, 35
Additional safety instructions for “KUKA.Safe- Designated use, 13
Robot”, 12 Digital Servo Electronics, 32
Axis angle tolerance, 82, 85 Displaying the configuration program, 75
Axis range 1, 20 DSE signals, 51
Axis range monitoring, 84 DSE--IBS, 32
Axis ranges 2 to 7, 21 DSP, 38
Dual--channel, 33, 38

Basic board, 99
EMT signals, 45
Battery backup, 97
Environmental conditions for Safe RDC, 102
Brake test, 86, 91
Error messages, 95
Braking distance, 17
ESC signals, 48, 52
Braking reactions, 16 Examination, 75

Cartesian velocity, 84 Fastening points of the Safe RDC, 98
Changing parameter values, 77 Functions, 18
Checking the data, 76 Functions of the Safe RDC, 39
Checklist, 88, 103
CI 3 technology, 33 I
Commissioning, 73
I/O Print, 38
Conditions for the safe monitoring of the robot,
If questions or problems arise, 10
Indicators, 42
Configuration, 75
Input check pulsing, 82, 85
Configuration of safety--relevant parameters,
78 Input for reference switch, 49
Installing the Safe RDC, 99
Configuration program, 74
Connecting cables, 54
Connection panel on the control cabinet (Daim- J
lerChrysler), 29
Junction boxes on the robot, 26
Connection panel on the control cabinet (stan-
dard), 28
Connection to a safety PLC, 64 K
Connections to the basic board, 40
KRL program, 93
Connections to the I/O Print board, 41
Connections to the piggyback board for inputs
and outputs, 41 L
Connections to the Safe RDC board, 40 Layout, 25
Connections to the Safe RDC box, 37 LEDs for microcontrollers, 43
Construction standards, 101 LEDs for safe outputs, 43
Control cabinet components, 30 LEDs for the DSP, 44
Control cabinet KR C2 edition2005, 27 LEDs on Safe RDC, 42

Index -- i

M Safety parameters -- Monitored axes, 79

Main switch, 97 Safety parameters -- Monitoring of mastering,
Minimum current, 38 81
Monitored axes, 84
Safety parameters -- Reduced axis accelera-
Monitoring of mastering, 85, 87 tion, 80
Monitoring of robot mastering, 39
Monitoring of the safe inputs and outputs, 18 Safety parameters -- Reduced axis velocity, 79
Multi--function card MFC 3, 30 Safety range, 16

P Safety regulations, 97

Parameter default values, 84 Safety--relevant parameters, 78

Periphery, 64
Securing with a lock, 97
Product description, 15
Program example for reference run, 93 Setup, 75, 87

Standstill monitoring, 82, 85
Red LED, 35
Reduced axis acceleration, 84 Starting the configuration program, 75
Reduced axis velocity, 84
STOP 0, 16, 21
Reference run, 87, 91
Reference switch, 49, 53, 58 STOP 1, 16, 21
Removing the Safe RDC, 98
Stopping distance, 17
Resistive circuit, 38
Resolver evaluation, 39

Safe axis range monitoring, 20
Safe functions, 18
Safe inputs, Technical data, 102
Safe inputs and outputs, 46 Technical data, Safe Robot, 101
Safe operational stop, 23 Terms and abbreviations, 9
Safe outputs, Technical data, 102
Safe position sensing system, 19
Safe RDC, 36, 38
Safe RDC box, 36
Safe reduced velocity, axis--specific, 19
Safe reduced velocity, Cartesian, 19
Safety, 11
User group, 74
Safety bus, 33
Safety category of Safe Robot, 101
Safety logic, 33
Safety maintenance, 74
Safety parameters -- Axis range monitoring, 80
Safety parameters -- Cartesian velocity, 79 W
Safety parameters -- General information, 78
Safety parameters -- Machine data, 83 Working range, 16, 20

Index -- ii

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