Jubilee News Dispute Special June 2018 PDF

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June 2018 - read more at www.rmtlondoncalling.org.


Management offer increase in Saturday rest days

The RMT National Executive will debate and make a formal decision about the offer from LU early next week

The detail of the

offer from LUL
This is what London Underground
bosses have offered to resolve the
issue of an increased percentage of
Saturday shifts on the new timetable.

Your reps at the ACAS negotiations

believe this is a good offer. The
RMT’s decision making body, the
National Executive Committee, will
A successful dispute Issues with the new timetable now proceed to debate and formally
The Jubilee Line dispute is near to a Your reps also highlighted further respond to the offer early next week.
successful conclusion, with an offer issues with the timetable at a special-
of an increase in the number of rest ly convened line meeting. This includ-
days on the roster at Stratford, North ed issues such as the move towards 1. At each depot on the Jubilee line,
Greenwich and Wem- more extreme duties, increase the roster size by adding
bley Park depots. insufficient stepping an additional week to the top of

After the threat of two

In numbers back time at Stratford
now that a platform
each main roster (this will be cat-
egorised as pool cover, thereby
reducing the pool by one person);
days of industrial ac- 2 - The number of planned has been closed, and
tion and several days the agreement around • Include a guaranteed Sat-
in ACAS negotiating strike dates. North Greenwich urday rest day on this
a deal, your reps 30+ The number of reps meal breaks. week;
have ensured that the • Make no change to the
and managers involved in
increase in weekend At this meeting man- minimum establishment
negotiations. numbers;
working that the im- agement said they
plementation of time- 5 - Days spent negotiating at would come back to • On this week, duties will be
table 15 bought about ACAS. us with their re- allocated 28 days in ad-
will be reversed. vance. In the unlikely event
80% - The percent who vot- sponse, and we look
forward to them mak- there are no rostered du-
Importantly, this dis- ed yes to strike. ing a proactive at- ties available, additional
pute also highlights to 0 - The strike days taken to tempt to resolve is- spare duties will be allocat-
managers on the line, sues and make im- ed. These additional spare
resolve the dispute.
that when reps and provements as neces- duties are subject to
union members feed- 0 - The wages lost. sary. change while remaining on
back concerns, this the same shift pattern.
shouldn’t be ignored. Changes can- Solidarity wins!
not be steamrollered through without This dispute, as with all others is
2. The pool train operator nominat-
proper dialogue and processes being about more than just the direct issues
ed to work on the roster (in ac-
followed correctly. raised. It came about because line
cordance with this agreement):
management believed they could
How does the resolution work? ignore the concerns you raised via • Will be subject to the Line
At your depot an extra roster line will your reps. We’ve reminded them that Pool Agreement. This will
be added called ‘pool cover’; but with they can’t. only be once the pool is
a guaranteed Saturday rest and 28 exhausted.
days notice given like any normal It is crucial for all of us to support the • May have their duties
cover week. The most senior person union and to vote yes in industrial changed up until midday
on the pool will then be put onto the ballots. The stronger the yes vote, on the Thursday prior to
roster to cover this additional roster the more power negotiators have to the week they are to be
line. worked.
get more great results like this.
when it’s your name in the manage-

ACAS - An insider’s report ment frame.

“The whole debacle also serves as a
wake-up call to London Underground
to end the bullying culture which is
In the end we got there. Think about rife throughout the company and stop
where we started, with rest days be- setting up and picking off individual
ing nicked off us in breach of an staff. The attempt to rule by fear has
agreement. Now we're getting them been exposed by this case and RMT
back. Our rights at work (agreements is demanding it is called to a halt im-
with the trade unions) have been pro- mediately.”
tected and honoured.

Respect for the workforce for sure! Check your details

It is imperative that RMT members
who have changed their place of
In other news… work, job title, home address and
contact details inform head office of
their new situation.
RMT tells LU 'end the This can be done by email-
bullying culture' follow- ing [email protected], calling free-
ing ET loss phone 0800 376 3706 or changing
them yourself by logging in at the top
TUBE UNION RMT today called on of the page and amending your de-
London Underground to end the cul- tails.
ture of picking on staff and misusing
procedures after the company lost an Employers have used discrepancy in
important employment tribunal case, RMT's membership database to chal-
costing the taxpayer a six figure sum lenge legitimate activity through the
in the process. use of anti-union legislation in court.
Have you ever wondered what
happens at ACAS? The driver in question was re-instated Executive report: Ballot pre-
by LU yesterday at a resolution meet- pared for all LUL grades over
ACAS, the ‘Advisory, Conciliation and ing with the Employment Tribunal
Arbitration Service’ is used to enable unfair sacking
Judge and London Underground
two sides in a dispute to try and re- management
solve disputes. This NEC is appalled by London Un-
. dergrounds shocking handling of the
Not only have LU re-instated the Paul Bailey case.
In our case it meant more than a doz- member back to his driver
en reps from RMT and position but they have al-
ASLEF in one room, and We note that this travesty calls into
so agreed to back pay all question the integrity of the entire
a similar number of man- his wages - well over a
agers in another; with a drugs and alcohol policy and testing
years worth - and pay his regime.
third room used for small- legal costs plus compen-
er breakout negotiation sation. All due to the fact
groups made up from di- Due to the potential consequences of
that trumped up charges this sacking being upheld at appeal in
rectors , full-time officers were levelled at him with
from the union and the event of this occurring we instruct
procedures bent and mis- the General Secretary to immediately
reps each side to work used to try and make
through a deal. Bringing prepare a ballot matrix for all grades
them stick. on London Underground at all loca-
in specialist and local
reps where needed. tions.
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash
The reality of ACAS is that it is a nec- Your branch needs you!
essary, yet long and often boring pro- “RMT is delighted with the outcome of
cess; waiting for the other side to All members are welcome and en-
this case but our member should nev-
come forward with a new or revised er have been subjected to this traves- couraged to attend their branch.
offer. Indeed the offer which saw our ty of justice from the start which left Speak to your local rep, or contact the
second strike date suspended, was him with an axe hanging over his relevant Branch Secretary for details.
made just after 7pm as ACAS were head due to appalling mismanage-
telling us the room hire had ended ment by London Underground.
and the lights were about to go out! Jubilee South (Stratford and NOG)
“The victory, which will cost the Lon- Eamonn Lynch:
Detail is key don taxpayer a packet due to the vin- [email protected]
Much of the detail hung on a few dictive attitude of the company, is
words, with the unions taking a de- ringing out across the combine as Neasden Branch (Wembley Park)
tailed and methodological approach staff take note of both the background
to ensure there was nothing in it that and outcome. It proves that you need Nigel Eivers:
could be detrimental to us. a strong trade union on your side [email protected]

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