Bakerloo News - August 2018

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August 2018 • @bakerloormt

Five new Instructor Operators to be recruited

Defending and creating jobs

Union would expect, we will be TAKING THE
pressure has keeping an eye on the
won an process to ensure that it is PNR...
agreement to done in a fair way. Under-
recruit five represented groups in There was a spate of
new Instructor paricular are encouraged to requests by managers for
Operators on the Bakerloo apply; anyone with Trains Persons Reports over
Line. paricular needs who Personal Needs Reliefs
Just one year ago, requires addiional support (PNRs), pressuring drivers
management gave us a should contact a rep. to con,nue driving trains
categorical “no” when we through hell and high
demanded they replace I/Os FOUR-DAY WEEK water.
who had let the job. This Once your reps
outcome is the result of our
ISSUES intervened, management
refusal to give up.
Management recently were quick to state this
Your union has a naional
a-empt to circumvent your pracice would cease
policy on ensuring that jobs
reps by crea,ng their own immediately.
are not lost once the post
roster for the pro‐rate four We aren’t transporing
holder reires/leaves the
day week. sacks of potatoes, we are
Unsurprisingly their roster responsible for people. If
company. Also our young
had no addiional weekends you need a PNR then call
members have raised
off, nor did it balance the one before an incident.
resoluions at our Annual
hours worked per week, You do not have to
General Meeing stressing
which is a key part of explain your reasons for a
the importance of filling
rostering procedure. A swit PNR, if asked we
vacancies and having career
union response saw the recommend you politely
roster end up where it reiterate what PNR actually
We raised solid arguments,
belonged: in the bin. stands for.
highlighted instances where
trainees were coming in with
The next window for Stand firm.
no I/Os available, and had
applica,ons for the pro‐rata Your union
discussions at senior levels
four‐day week roster is from has your
of the machinery. As you
19 August – 16 September. back.
Mismanaging attendance
A mutant rela,ve of the what the meeing is about, what
notorious “Rainbow” procedure the possible outcomes are,
Management messes up
for managing a-endance has and your enitlement to coverage for bosses’
emerged from the ashes of the representaion. knees‐up
first. Never atend a formal meeing
Managers are arranging case without a trade union Drivers informed their reps of
conferences, telling you your representaive! management pulling drivers off
du,es, hammering the spares, in
atendance isn’t good enough,
order to go on a jolly, or what they
and hassling you to agree to Hassled at home term a “team‐building exercise.”
some arbitrary target for future A number of different managers We’ll never know what
atendance. These meeings are have called up various train compelled these train operators
being held even for staff who operators to demand why they to be complicit in this endeavour,
haven’t breached the atendance were late or did not a-end for selling out their fellow train
standard. their duty, leaving the train operators. We hope that no dodgy
The recent threat of strikes on operator worried about losing deal was done with management.
the Piccadilly Line secured an money or being marked absent. Due to its seriousness the issue
agreement that these meeings was put on the agenda at Trains
Upon invesigaion, in some
would be suspended. We expect Funcional Council and all TOMs
cases it turns out the train on the combine have been writen
that to be rolled out across the operator wasn’t even booked to to by senior managers not to ever
combine. If it’s not, we may need work! do this again.
to follow the Picc’s lead and Being late or absent for a shit
ballot for strikes ourselves. does not consitute an
emergency and as such
No formal action from management should not be using
your emergency contact details
Your reps and branch officers
informal meetings
to hassle when you’re off.
are not employed, but
Management can speak to you at
Management have assured us
elected once a year by you.
any,me; how much you want to The union is only as strong
talk to them is up to you. this pracise will end. RMT will as the members in it and we
“Informal meeings” are just not stand for harassment; if you are proud to say we have so
chats. As with any chat there have any issues, speak to a rep. many experienced,
should be no formal minutes knowledgeable, and
taken, and no formal acions Careful principled members at both
agreed. There have been a spate of depots on the Bakerloo line.
You should request the terms of disciplinaries over drivers using Your branch meets on the
reference for any meeing you’re their phone in their cab, resul,ng FIRST TUESDAY of every
asked to atend: in dismissals. month, 16.00, upstairs at
Other staff and customers have The Royal Exchange, 26
YOUR LOCAL REPS reported drivers for viewing their Sale Place, W2 1PU
Queen’s Park phone whilst driving and recently (Edgware Road H&C). All
IR: Jayesh Patel 07834158677 there has been someone with a members welcome.
H&S: Jim McDaid 07917 131692 professional camera perched on
Elephant & Castle the bridge at Queen’s Park taking
pictures of drivers coming out the
IR: Mel Mullings 07718 645817 Bakerloo News is a monthly

H&S: Mick Hyde 07400 622592 newsletter from the Bakerloo branch
of the RMT union. This is a special
TRAINS FUNCTIONAL Train spoter or journalist for edition for our train driver members.
REPS the Daily Mail? Don’t leave it to To submit a story for Bakerloo News,

chance, please be careful out

or to contact the branch, please
Frank Curtis 07931 130849 email [email protected], or
Paul Shannon 07800 808297 there. ring Branch Secretary Jim McDaid on
Will Reid 07983 958429 07917 131692

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