Jubilee South News April 2019

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A p r i l 2 0 1 9 - r e a d mo r e a t w w w . r mt l o n d o n ca l l i n g . o r g .

u k/ j u b i l e e s o u t h


But this union isn’t stale, so prepare for action!
our regional reps have confirmed
that the offer is an insult to our
RMT’s plan of action
tube members and made it The RMT will write to London Un-
crystal clear that London Un-
derground advising them of our
derground have no respect for
us or the work that we do. formal rejection of the pay of-
RMT members deserve a de- fer. Further stating that unless
cent pay rise, as well as im- the offer is significantly improved
proved terms for the work that we that it is likely that a dispute situa-
do. We must be prepared to fight tion will exist between our re-
to secure these objectives.
spective organisations.
RMT General Secretary Mick
Cash said: “RMT’s negotiating We will also:
rejected a pay offer from Lon- team has wholly rejected the pay • Remain available for further
don Underground bosses. The offer from London Underground
management and that position discussions with the company
union is beginning preparations with a view to reaching an im-
for a ballot of all tube members for has now been endorsed by our
both strike action and action short executive. As a result we will proved position.
of a strike as we launch a London begin preparations for an industri-
al action ballot and the ball is firm- • Call an urgent meeting of our
-wide campaign for pay justice
ly in LU's court to come back with 2nd Stage LU representatives
that improves living standards and
working lives across the combine. an improved offer. in order to discuss the offer
“The union has made it clear that and potential further steps in
Our negotiating team met with the campaign.
tube bosses recently who made we are looking for substantial im-
their derisory pay offer of a one- provements in pay and the work- • Prepare an industrial action
year, RPI only ing conditions for our members
ballot matrix of our London
deal, which “we are looking for substantial who work round Underground members.
works out as improvements in pay and the the clock to keep
2.5% based on working conditions for our mem- London moving • Produce appropriate materials
the February bers who work round the clock to and that we are and propaganda to support
2019 figure. keep London moving. prepared to fight
This offer was to secure those the aims and objectives of the
conditional on - Mick Cash, General Secretary objectives. campaign.
the union re- “Our planning for a ballot is now • Send a circular to branches
moving all other aspects of our underway and we will be launch-
pay claim, for example a shorter and members to advise them
ing a campaign for pay and work-
working week, better work/life bal- place justice the length and of the latest developments.
ance and improved travel facili- breadth of London Underground.
ties. Get involved at branch and have
We remain available for further
your say on this crucial matter.
In a report to the RMT executive genuine and meaningful talks.”

This newsletter is produced by Jubilee South branch activists. If you have any queries or would like to sug-
gest content, you can contact Branch Organiser Eamonn Lynch at [email protected]
Branch news in brief...
Sickness reviews are not Massive vote for strike
action in train prep ballot
compulsory to attend Over a thousand key Tube mainte-
less you have been off sick,
nance staff have voted by around
or are likely to be sick for
more than 28 days. Our nine to one for strike action in a
advice would be to not dispute over the hacking back of
attend any meeting train preparation and inspection
without a rep present. schedules which would have a
devastating impact on service reli-
Remember this is an
informal meeting which ability and public safety.
you can decline to at- Earlier this year RMT advised Lon-
tend. Should you be
don Underground that a dispute
invited to such a meet-
ing, it would be sensible situation exists over its intentions.
to contact your RMT Despite that, LU has continued to
representative first and fail to engage in any meaningful
they can advise you on consultation or negotiation.
how to proceed.
The LU proposals will decimate
If you are unfortunate enough to Money stopped inspection frequencies beyond all
be off work sick for several days, recognition. Not only will it lead to
your manager may write to you We have heard that in some are- major fleet issues, it will inevitably
inviting you to an informal sick- as, the AM has stopped pay due
ness review meeting. lead to more train failures in ser-
to members not attending sick
reviews. vice putting unacceptable pressure
A sickness review is a meeting on members and leaving the
management claim to use to en- This is outrageous and a clear whole of LUL at significant in-
quire about your ill health and ask breach of process by manage- creased risk. RMT has demanded
if there is anything they can offer ment. So long as you stick to the
to assist you. that no changes to fleet prepara-
sickness reporting procedures
tion schedules take effect without
(i.e reporting regularly by tele-
You do not have to attend this phone as agreed, which should agreement between LU and RMT.
meeting as it is informal. Manage- be of reasonable frequency
ment must not use this meeting to This is an issue that is a massive
based on the length of sickness)
take formal action such as reason- and you respond to any formal threat to jobs and safety, and will
able adjustments under the Equal- meetings that may be called, i.e have a knock on effect to all
ity Act, referral to redeployment, the case conference procedure, grades.
medical termination, light duties your pay cannot and must not be
and so forth. stopped. Jubilee South branch supports our
colleagues who are coming under
Managers often try and argue that In all instances talk to your rep attack from our penny pinching,
you are not entitled to a repre- first! They have the experience safety cutting bosses!
sentative at these meetings un- to assist you.

The RMT is your union, have your say!

The Jubilee South Branch meets every pay day (weds) 1600-1800 at The King’s Arms on Newcomen St which is
just of Borough High Street. The nearest tube station is London Bridge via the Borough High Street exit.
All members are welcome. It’s important members have an input on what the RMT submit to LUL in regards to our
next pay deal and now is the time we must format that claim.
• The next meeting is on Wednesday, 8th of May at 4pm.
For further information please speak to your local rep or contact our Branch Secretary Eamonn Lynch on
07578769943 / [email protected].

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