Eng-5101-1 Rubric

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English and Plays ENG-5101-1

One Version Only

Adult General Education


Criterion-Referenced Rubrics

For: _____________________________________________
Adult Learner’s Name

By: _____________________________________________
Teacher’s Name


Diversified Basic Education Program

English Language Arts

English and Plays


Correction and Evaluation Guide Page 6 November 2015

English and Plays ENG-5101-1
One Version Only

Competency 2: Reads and listens to written, spoken and media texts (60%)

x For each criterion, circle the statement(s) that best correspond(s) to the adult learner’s performance level.
x In the last column, enter the mark that corresponds to the assigned rating(s). The only mark that can be allotted for a given level is that indicated in the

Rating scale
Evaluation Excellent Very good Good Weak Very weak Mark
criteria and task
A thorough and clear A clear explanation of how An adequate explanation A limited or disconnected Explanation of the theatrical
explanation of how one one theatrical element of how one theatrical explanation of how one element and its connection to
theatrical element contributes to the play’s element contributes to the theatrical element the plot is inconsistent and
contributes to the play’s plot with supporting play’s plot with supporting contributes to the play’s imprecise with no supporting
plot with supporting evidence evidence plot with little supporting evidence
evidence evidence

2.1 (10) (8) (6) (4) (2)

Coherent construction Q1 __/20
of meaning from texts A thorough and clear A clear explanation of how An adequate explanation of A limited or disconnected Explanation of the theatrical
explanation of how one one theatrical element how one theatrical element explanation of how one element and its connection to
theatrical element contributes to the play’s contributes to the play’s theatrical element the climax is inconsistent and
contributes to the play’s climax with supporting climax with supporting contributes to the play’s imprecise with no supporting
climax with supporting evidence evidence climax with little evidence
evidence supporting evidence

(10) (8) (6) (4) (2)

A perceptive and clear An interpretive explanation An adequate and general A limited explanation of Inaccurate or no explanation
explanation of how the of how the play’s theme explanation of how the how the play’s theme and of how the play’s theme and
play’s theme and and conclusion relate to the play’s theme and conclusion relate to the conclusion relate to the
conclusion relate to the broader social message conclusion relate to the broader social message broader social message
broader social message broader social message
Demonstration of (10) (8) (6) (4) (2)
understanding Q2 __/20
contextual A perceptive and clear An interpretive explanation An adequate and general Makes occasional Makes unrelated or illogical
connections explanation of how the of how the adult learner explanation of how the connections to the play’s connections to the play’s
adult learner connects to connects to the play’s adult learner connects to broader social message broader social message
the play’s broader social broader social message the play’s broader social and explanation is limited
message message

(10) (8) (6) (4) (2)

Correction and Evaluation Guide Page 7 November 2015

English and Plays ENG-5101-1
One Version Only

Rating scale
Evaluation Excellent Very good Good Weak Very weak Mark
criteria and task
A thorough and clear A clear comprehension An adequate A limited Misunderstanding of the
comprehension of the of the chosen theatrical comprehension of the comprehension of the chosen theatrical
chosen theatrical element(s) to interpret chosen theatrical chosen theatrical element(s) to interpret the
comprehension of
structures and
Q1 element(s) to interpret the plot and climax element(s) to interpret element(s) to interpret plot and climax __/10
the plot and climax the plot and climax the plot and climax
features of texts
(10) (8) (6) (4) (2)

A precise identification A precise identification An adequate A vague identification Misidentification and

and a thorough and and clear interpretation identification and and interpretation of misinterpretation of the
clear interpretation of of the broader social interpretation of the the broader social broader social message
Critical interpretation
of texts
Q2 the broader social message broader social message message __/10

(10) (8) (6) (4) (2)

NOTE: Assign a mark of 0 when the adult learner’s performance does not correspond to any of the statements in the rubric.


Correction and Evaluation Guide Page 8 November 2015

English and Plays ENG-5101-1
One Version Only

Competency 1: Uses language/talk to communicate and to learn (40%)

x For each criterion, circle the statement(s) that best correspond(s) to the adult learner’s performance level.
x In the last column, enter the mark that corresponds to the assigned rating(s). The only mark that can be allotted for a given level is that indicated in the

Rating scale
Evaluation Excellent Very good Good Weak Very weak Mark
criteria and task
A thorough and clear A clear description of the An adequate description A limited description of An incoherent and unclear
description of the text’s text’s impact on him/her of the text’s impact on the text’s impact on description of the text’s
1.1 impact on him/her him/her him/her impact on him/her
Effective communication of
ideas (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
A thorough and clear A clear communication An adequate An inadequate An incoherent and unclear __/10
Personal response
(emotions, reactions, communication of the of the character’s communication of the communication of the communication of the
perceptions, insights and character’s situation situation and state of character’s situation and character’s situation character’s situation and
opinions) and state of mind mind state of mind and state of mind state of mind

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

Correction and Evaluation Guide Page 9 November 2015

English and Plays ENG-5101-1
One Version Only

Rating scale
Evaluation Excellent Very good Good Weak Very weak Mark
criteria and task

Always maintains Almost always maintains Usually maintains Sometimes maintains Rhythm/speed is
rhythm/speed rhythm/speed rhythm/speed rhythm/speed inconsistent with the text
appropriate to the text appropriate to the text appropriate to the text appropriate to the text

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

Always stresses key Almost always stresses Usually stresses key Sometimes stresses Rarely stresses key words
words and phrases key words and phrases words and phrases key words and and phrases

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

Always demonstrates Almost always Usually demonstrates Sometimes Rarely varies voice tone
1.3 the ability to vary voice demonstrates the ability the ability to vary voice demonstrates the
Appropriate use of language tone appropriate to the to vary voice tone tone appropriate to the ability to vary voice
conventions text appropriate to the text text tone appropriate to __/30
the text
Text delivery
(10) (8) (6) (4) (2)
Always speaks clearly Almost always speaks Usually speaks clearly Sometimes speaks Speech is mumbled and
and audibly clearly and audibly and audibly clearly and audibly incomprehensible

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

Very effective use of Effective use of body Adequate use of body Minimal use of body Ineffective use of body
body language, language, gestures and language, gestures and language, gestures language, gestures and
gestures and facial facial expressions facial expressions and facial expressions facial expressions

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

NOTE: Assign a mark of 0 when the adult learner’s performance does not correspond to any of the statements in the rubric.


Correction and Evaluation Guide Page 10 November 2015

English and Plays ENG-5101-1
One Version Only
Adult General Education
Adult Learner’s Results Sheet
(for optional use)
Adult Learner’s Name
Program title: English Language Arts
Course title: English and Plays
Course code: ENG-5101-1
Version of the examination: One version only
Date: ___________________
Teacher’s name:
School board:
Adult education centre:
Comments Result
COMPETENCY 2 Evaluation of the
Reads and listens to competency
written, spoken and
_____/60 marks
media texts
COMPETENCY 1 Evaluation of the
Uses language/talk to competency
communicate and to
learn _____/40 marks
Final result _____/100 marks
Correction and Evaluation Guide Page 11 November 2015

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