Opportunities and Challenges in Biosimilar Development: Focus N..

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Opportunities and Challenges

in Biosimilar Development

Pankaj S. Chaudhari, Rajalaxmi Nath, and Sanjeev K. Gupta

biosimilar biotherapeutic Regulatory Framework

product is similar (but not of Biosimilars
identical) in terms of quality, Table 4 presents biosimilar regulatory

safety, and efficacy to an pathways for Europe and the United
already licensed reference product. States. The European Union (EU)
Unlike generic small molecules, it is pioneered development of regulatory

difficult to standardize such inherently requirements for biosimilars in 2005.
complex products based on complicated The EMA also was the first regulatory

manufacturing processes. Table 1 agency to authorize biosimilars for
describes the main differences between STOCK.ADOBE.COM
market. Europe’s extensive experience

biosimilar and generic drug molecules. gained with licensed biosimilars has led
The global biosimilar market is have on patients in terms of safety and to robust regulatory processing by the
growing rapidly as patents on efficacy. EMA, with a recent guideline revision
blockbuster biologic drugs expire
Developing and manufacturing adopted by the Committee for Human
(Table 2) and other healthcare sectors biosimilars is challenging, so well- Medicinal Products (CHMP) on
focus on reduction of costs. Biologics established biopharmaceutical October 2014. In 2015, the first US
are among the highest-cost treatments companies are investing in these biosimilar — Zarxio (filgrastim) from

on the global market today, which important medicines. As Table 3 shows, Sandoz — encouraged development of
implies the need for low-cost Europe is leading the way. The United biosimilars for that country as well.

alternatives. In emerging markets, States approved its fourth biosimilar in The US Food and Drug
biosimilars already offer more September 2016, compared with 15 Administration (FDA) released its final
affordable prices, which are not only products — marketed under 26 distinct biosimilar guideline on 28 April 2015.

attractive, but indispensable to brands — already approved by the Biosimilar Nomenclature: The
economies where expensive treatments European Medicines Agency (2, 3). The complex nature of biological

are not financially feasible (1). market will continue to grow as best- molecules requires specific
Interchangeability of biosimilars could selling biologics come off patent in nomenclature guidelines. Naming

have a big impact on drug budgets coming years (4). Hundreds of biosimilars has further increased this
around the world. However, concerns companies worldwide are developing complexity, and to date, several
remain about the effect that could biosimilars to target diverse markets. different and inconsistent conventions

have been applied around the world

Table 1:  Major difference between biosimilars and generic drugs
(6). Often, biosimilar and reference

products may share the same name.

Characteristics Biosimilars Generic Chemical Drugs
Together with naming
Chemical Complex, heterogeneous, with differences Simple, well defined, and
inconsistencies, that has led to

structure in protein folding and glycosylation chemically identical to a

reference product concern over the strength of the
Analytical Almost impossible to fully characterize; Ensures that active drug in a World Health Organization’s

characterization similar but not identical to reference generic product is identical to International Nonproprietary Name
products that of the reference product
(INN) system currently in place.

Manufacturing Very complex; produced in living cells, Relatively simple, uses organic
process with several stages of purification and medicinal chemistry reactions
The FDA defined how biologicals

production should be named in a January 2017

Impact of a Small changes in manufacturing process Likely to be negligible guidance (7), which states that each
process change can alter final protein structure and because the end products are biosimilar must have a proper name
function identical
made up of a core name hyphenated to
Development $100–200 million/molecule $3–5 million/molecule
a four-letter suffix representing the
Immunogenicity Immunogenic Mostly nonimmunogenic
developer. For example, Adalimumab-

24 BioProcess International 15(5) M ay 2017

atto (Amjevita) is a biosimilar of 1) can vary in their primary amino First, the DNA sequence that
AbbVie’s Humira drug. acid sequence or through encodes a desired biosimilar is
Those FDA-designated suffixes modifications made to their amino identified, isolated, inserted into a
should prevent inadvertent substitution acid chains (e.g., glycosylation, vector, and incorporated into the
of products. The agency states that PEGylation, or addition of other side genome of a suitable host cell (e.g.,
these products thus will be chains to form a secondary structure) bacterium or mammalian cell).
distinguishable so that only products and in their higher-order structure Bacterial host cells are inexpensive
that have been approved as (e.g., folding to form a tertiary and easy to grow, and they generate
interchangeable biologicals (biosimilars) structure, more complex interactions high product yields. But they cannot
for a particular indication will replace to form a quaternary structure). produce large, complex proteins such
innovator treatments for that indication. Proprietary biomanufacturing as MAbs. By contrast, mammalian
This is intended to prevent accidental processes and environmental cells do so, but they are more sensitive
alternation between different biological conditions used in development of and costly, and they generate relatively
products that share the same core name. innovator products usually are difficult low product yields. A master cell bank
Biosimilars are receiving approval for biosimilar manufacturers to with identical cells that produce a
in Europe before receiving it in the replicate. So biosimilars are highly desired protein is established through
United States. However, no naming unlikely to be completely identical to cell screening and selection. That
convention has been established in comparator products. bank is used to culture additional cells
Europe to date. There, biosimilars
share the same INN with innovator
products, which can create confusion Table 3a:  Biosimilars approved on the European market (5); * CHMP positive opinion
among healthcare professionals. INN Names Brand Names Company Names Approvals
Filgrastim Accofil, Biograstim, Accord Healthcare, CT 18 Sep 2014, 15 Sep
Biosimilar Development Filgrastim Hexal, Arzneimittel, Hexal, 2008, 06 Feb 2009, 18
Grastofil Apotex, Hospira, Oct 2013, 08 Jun 2010,
and Manufacturing Nivestim, Ratiograstim Ratiopharm, Teva 15 Sep 2008, 15 Sep
Therapeutic proteins derived through Tevagrastim, Zarzio Generics, Sandoz 2008, 06 Feb 2009
recombinant DNA technology (Figure Adalimumab Amgevita, Solymbic Amgen 26 Jan 2017*, 26 Jan
Etanercept Benepali Samsung Bioepis 14 Jan 2016
Table 2:  Patent status of some innovator Infliximab Remsima, Flixabi, Celltrion, Samsung 10 Sep 2013, 26 May
biologics (3) Inflectra Bioepis, Hospira 2016, 10 Sep 2013
Exclusivity Rituximab Truxima Celltrion 15 Dec 2016*
Reference Expiration
INN Name Product EU USA Epoetin zeta Retacrit, Silapo Hospira, STADA R&D 18 Dec 2007, 18 Dec
Adalimumab Humaria 2018 2016
Epoetin alfa Binocrit, Abseamed, Sandoz, Medice 28 Aug 2007, 28 Aug
Etanercept Enbrel 2015 2028 Epoetin alfa Arzneimittel, Hexal 2007, 28 Aug 2007
Infliximab Remicade 2015 2018 Follitropin alfa Ovaleap Teva Pharma 27 Sep 2013
Rituximab Mabthera 2013 2018 Somatropin Omnitrope Sandoz 12 April 2006
Bevacizumab Avastin 2022 2019 Insulin Abasaglar, Lusduna Eli Lilly/Boehringer 9 Sep 2014, 4 Jan 2017
Trastuzumab Herceptin 2014 2019 Ingelheim, Merck (MSD)
Pegfilgrastim Neulasta 2017 2015 Enoxaparin sodium Inhixa Techdow Europe 15 Sep 2016
Ranibizumab Lucentis 2022 2020 Teriparatide Movymia STADA Arzneimitte 10 Nov 2016*

Figure 1:  Biosimilar production: source of variation between manufacturers (24)

Cloning, Protein Expression, and Production

Cloning of specific Recombinant Transfer into Cell Protein production

gene into DNA vector DNA Plasmid host cell expansion in bioreactor

Same gene sequence Different vector Different Different Different bioreactor

expression cell line conditions

Protein Purification and Formulation

Protein recovery Protein Purified Protein Formulation

through filtration purification by bulk characterization
and centrifugation chromatography and stability

Different operating Different binding and Different Different methods, Different

conditions elution conditions filter reagents, and suppliers of
supplier reference standards excipients

26 BioProcess International 15(5) M ay 2017

Table 3b:  Biosimilars approved on the US market (5)
at increasing scale under strictly
INN Name Brand Name Company Name Approval Date
defined conditions that optimize
Adalimumab Amjevita Amgen 23 Sept 2016
protein production.
Insulin glargine Basaglar Eli Lilly and Boehringer Ingelheim 16 Dec 2015
In downstream processing,
Etanercept Erelzi Sandoz 30 Aug 2016
undesired proteins and other impurities
Infliximab Inflectra Pfizer (Hospira) 5 Apr 2016
are removed from culture supernatant.
Filgrastim Zarxio Sandoz 6 Mar 2015
Harvested protein is analyzed for
uniformity in its three-dimensional
Figure 2:  Reference standard requirements for biosimilar development in major markets
structure and potency using a number
of analytical methods, including EU reference product EU approval
physicochemical and biological tests.
Finally, the purified drug substance is CMC
In vitro nonclinical
formulated with added excipients (e.g.,
In vivo nonclinical CMC bridging
antioxidants, osmotic agents, and (repeat-dose toxicity,
reference PK/PD bridging
buffers), filled into containers and immunotoxicity) product approval
Pediatric studies
external packaging, then stored and Phase 1 PK/PD
shipped under appropriate Efficacy,
environmental conditions. immunogenicity
Biosimilar use of different
CMC = chemistry, manufacturing, and controls; PK = pharmacokinetics; PD = pharmacodynamics
expression systems from those
producing reference drugs can change
a protein’s posttranslational systems for cell screening and the effects of such changes using
modifications (e.g., glycosylation selection to establish the master cell appropriate analytical methods,
profile), which in turn can affect bank, culture media, methods for functional assays, and animal and
product safety or effectiveness (8). production or purification, and clinical studies to ensure that such
Modification of any steps in excipients) can alter the effectiveness changes do not adversely affect the
biomanufacturing (e.g., use of a and safety of a product. Thus, identity, quality, purity, potency,
different vector to create host cells, biosimilar manufacturers must assess safety, or effectiveness of their

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Table 4:  Regulatory framework in Europe and the United States — differences between European Medicines Agency (EMA) and Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) pathways; areas of overlap are tinted.
Criteria EMA FDA
First approved biosimilar Omnitrope (somatropin), 2006 Zarxio (filgrastim-sndz), 2015
Biosimilar regulatory paradigm Demonstration that a potential biosimilar is highly similar to its reference product in safety, purity, and
potency/efficacy with no clinically meaningful differences
In vivo comparative toxicology Not required routinely, relies more on Routinely required, although the agency can waive this
studies in vitro evaluation of structure–function
Multistep comparison of a Analytical and functional studies; in vivo nonclinical analyses; clinical pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic
biosimilar to its reference assessments; head-to-head clinical trials in the most sensitive population(s) — safety, efficacy, and
product immunogenicity studies
Biosimilar review process Nontherapeutically aligned structure in centralized Therapeutically aligned structure with multiple levels of
CHMP reviews supervision and oversight
Legal pathway A separate branch of the generic pathway (Directive Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act (BPCI
2001/83/EC, Article 10.4) Act) of 2009

Meetings between Centralized advice procedure by the EU CHMP FDA meeting structure defined by the Biosimilar User
developers/sponsors and Scientific Advice Working Party provides mostly Fee Act (BsUFA for biosimilar applications)
regulatory agencies written advice; meetings called when regulators
disagree with a sponsor’s proposed plan
Advice procedures with individual EU country health Biosimilar product development (BPD) meetings enable
authorities, usually involving meetings Biologic License Applications under 351(k) pathway
Interagency meetings EMA and FDA cluster meetings (closed, regulators-only meetings); EMA/FDA parallel advice (for companies)

products. That also is a question pharmacokinetic (PK) and/or consistently delivers products that meet
addressed by regulatory agencies when pharmacodynamic (PD) bridging quality attribute requirements. The
they evaluate biosimilars for approval. studies for all three products as well. level of control needed for each
Reference Standard Selection: The Extensive Comparability Data: individual quality attribute is
EMA has clear guidelines on use of Biological systems are inherently determined based on the criticality level
reference standards for similar biological variable, and expression systems can of that attribute and the capability of a
medicinal products (9). To facilitate the substantially affect the structure and process to deliver product consistently
global development of biosimilars and function of proteins they produce. Thus, that meets quality expectations.
prevent unnecessary repetition of biological products are extensively An integrated control strategy
clinical trials, it may be possible for an characterized for variability, even among includes procedural and raw-material
applicant to compare its biosimilar in different lots of the same product. controls, in-process control (IPC)
certain clinical studies and in vivo Stringent EMA and FDA regulations tests, process monitoring and product
nonclinical animal studies with a require comprehensive structural and data monitoring, release specification
reference product that is not authorized functional analytic comparative data to testing, stability testing, process
in the European Economic Area demonstrate comparability before validation, characterization testing,
(EEA), but that comparator should be initiating preclinical testing and clinical control of process validation, and
authorized by a regulatory authority PK/PD studies (10). comparability testing. Figure 3
with similar scientific and regulatory Biomolecular analyses fall under illustrates development of a control
standards (e.g., signatories to the three categories: physicochemical, strategy and its importance to product
International Council on immunological, and biological assays. lifecycle management
Harmonisation of Technical Table 5 summarizes those used in Establishment of specifications is a
Requirements for the Registration of comparability studies of biosimilar and major area of uncertainty for a biosimilar
Pharmaceuticals for Human Use, ICH). reference products. Demonstrating a integrated control strategy. Regulatory
According to the EMA biosimilar high level of analytical similarity expectations for commercial
guidelines (Figure 2), if an applicant between those drugs is the first step. specifications are not completely clear,
performs parallel development for All structural elements and however. EU guidance mentions that
Europe and the United States, then modifications of a protein should be selection of tests to be included in
inclusion of US reference standards is evaluated with full capability of specifications (or control strategy) is
necessary. Scientifically, the type of detecting differences. Based on product specific for both drug substance
bridging data needed always will observed characteristics of the reference and drug product, and thus should be
include data from analytical studies product, a quality target product profile defined as described in ICH Q6B (11).
(e.g., structural and functional data) (QTPP) is defined for a biosimilar. US guidance, however, offers no specific
that compare all three products (the Control Strategy: The term “control reference to expectations for development
proposed biosimilar, the EU reference strategy” refers to a combination of of a biosimilar control strategy.
product, and the US comparator). input, procedural, and testing controls Manufacturing Changes and
They may include data from clinical that ensure that a bioprocess Challenges: Some biosimilar

28 BioProcess International 15(5) M ay 2017

manufacturers may need to make changes and associated regulatory approach, clinical comparability
changes or alter their own requirements during different stages of requirements vary by case. Three-arm
manufacturing processes — for manufacturing. phase 1 clinical trials can demonstrate
enhancement of product quality and Clinical Development: Clinical trials comparability for a biosimilar and two
yield, adherence to upgraded regulatory for biosimilars must demonstrate safety licensed versions of the same reference
policies, or increased efficiency and and efficacy comparable to their product on different markets (e.g.,
improved reliability of the comparators through sequential PK/ Europe and the United States). That
biomanufacturing process (12). PD, immunogenicity, and efficacy/ allows developers to proceed with
Modifications to any biological product safety trials. Stand-alone phase 3 pivotal phase 3 trials using a single
— whether originator or biosimilar — studies or combined phase 1–3 designs version of the reference product for
that result from manufacturing changes without supporting PK data are biosimilar approval in each respective
are subject to tight regulatory controls unlikely to be accepted by regulatory market (14). Extrapolation from one
and limits (13). Table 6 illustrates such reviewers. Subject to a risk-based indication to another is allowed by both

Figure 3:  Control strategy during biosimilar development

Preclinical Phase 1 Phase 3 Filing Launch/postlaunch

Reference product
characterization Continued
CPD P&PC PPQ process verification
Biosimilar product
and process

QBD Finalize
PQR control strategy Lifecycle
QTPP/PQ (routine testing). Management
assessment Evaluate risk of
commercial process
Raw- before process
material validation, refine Reevaluate to
assessment as appropriate. maintain and, if needed,
Identify CQA and improve control.
needs for process
control strategy.

CPD = commercial process development; QTPP = quality target product profile; P&PC = process/product characterization;
PPQ = process performance qualification; PQR = product quality risk assessment; QBD= quality by design

Table 5:  Physicochemical and biological characterization methods for comparability studies of biosimilars (8)

Characteristics Attributes Analytical Methods

Primary structure Amino acid sequence RP-HPLC, LC-ESI-MS, peptide mapping

Higher-order structure Disulfide structure, free thiol analysis, secondary and LC-ESI-MS peptide mapping, Elman assay, CD,
tertiary structure FTIR, antibody conformational array, X-ray

Purity, charge heterogeneity, Thermal stability, monomer content, charged isoforms DSC, SEC-HPLC,SEC-MALS, SV-AUC,CE-SDS, IEF,
amino acid modification IEC-HPLC
Glycosylation Deamidation/oxidation/C-terminal variants, N-glycan LC-MS peptide mapping, LC-MS, CE-SDS, HPLC,
analysis, glycosylation, oligosaccharide profile, sialic acid HPAEC-PAD
analysis, monosaccharide content (fructose, GlcNAc,
galactose and mannose)
Potency Antigen and C1q binding, FcRn binding, antigen ELISA, SPR, cell-based neutralization assay, cell-
neutralization, apoptosis, CDC based apoptosis assay, cell-based CDC assay
FTIR: Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy RP-HPLC = reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography; LC-ESI-MS = liquid chromatography with
electrospray ionization mass spectrometry; CD = circular dichroism; DSC = differential scanning calorimetry; SEC = size-exclusion chromatography; MALS =
multiangle light scattering; SV-AUC = analytical ultracentrifugation; CE-SDS = capillary electrophoresis with sodium-dodecyl sulfate; IEF = isoelectric focusing;
LC-MS = liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry; HPAEC-PAD = high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection;
ELISA = enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; SPR = surface plasmon resonance; CDC = complement-dependent cytotoxicity

30 BioProcess International 15(5) M ay 2017

the EMA and FDA for biosimilars, switching studies would be conducted no agreed-upon definition of what
although it must be supported by must be the same as that approved interchangeability actually means to
strong scientific justification (15). without an interchangeability Europe and no inclusion of such
designation. There is no higher information in the European Public
Interchangeability regulatory standard for biosimilars, Assessment Report (EPAR) (15).
As with generic drugs, and the data burden to obtain a Currently, the United States is the only
interchangeability would allow designation of interchangeability is country allowing for a formal such
biosimilars to be substituted by increased (7). designation among biologic products. A
pharmacists without the intervention To be considered interchangeable in recent FDA draft guideline requires
of a prescribing doctor. This is the the United States, biosimilars must that sponsors show that a proposed
next big hurdle in the path of (among other things) “be expected to product “is biosimilar to the reference
biosimilars, clearing which would produce the same clinical result as the product” (20). When a product is first
create a real challenge to the reference reference product in any given licensed as a biosimilar, that licensure
products’ markets (16). Such patient,” according to the Biologics may be referenced to support the
substitution is what allows generic Price Competition and Innovation Act statutory criterion for demonstrating
medicines to gain market share rapidly of 2009. Developers also must interchangeability on the basis of a
(17). However, some prescribers may document that a patient could switch switching study or studies.
have safety concerns. back and forth between the original
Immunogenicity studies present an and biosimilar products without Opportunities and
additional consideration, particularly increased risk. According to the FDA’s Recommendations
for interchangeable biosimilars, rules, neither biosimilars nor Based on a literature review, we offer
although they generally are not interchangeable drugs can have in Table 7 some recommendations to
required for manufacturing changes. clinically meaningful differences in overcome barriers to the market access
But designation of interchangeability safety when compared with the for biosimilar MAbs (21). Once such
would allow pharmacists to substitute originator products (19). blockbusters start to go off patent in
such a biosimilar for its reference like Interchangeability and substitution Europe, biosimilars should become
they do with small-molecule generic of biosimilars are not within the scope 20–30% cheaper than original MAb
drugs (18). The candidate on which of EU regulatory approval, so there is products. Market competition will



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Table 6:  Manufacturing changes and regulatory recommendations
Development Stage Expected Changes Regulatory Recommendations
Early stage Change in cell line, fermentation process, raw materials used during Comparability testing generally not as
(preclinical) fermentation; order of purification steps, replacement and/or removal of extensive as for an approved product
purification steps
Late stage Change in cell line, fermentation process, raw materials used during Extensive comparability studies to confirm/
(clinical) fermentation; order of purification steps, replacement and/or removal of support that the pre- and postchange
purification steps; formulation of drug product and manufacture of drug products are not different in quality, safety,
product; new drug substance and/or new drug product and efficacy; data as per ICH Q11 (25)
After market Change in cell line, fermentation process/scale-up, raw materials; order of At this stage, product is not expected to
authorization purification steps, replacement and/or removal of purification steps; change; any changes need careful
(postapproval formulation of drug product and manufacture of drug product; new investigation and justification for safety and
changes) manufacturing site efficacy; follow variation guideline

Table 7:  Recommendations for overcoming challenges to market access

agencies. Successful development and
Barrier Recommendation commercialization of biosimilars
Manufacturing process Invest initially in advanced production processes with the help of requires business strategies that
single-use technology. Outsource technology.
integrate appropriate clinical design
Regulatory process Gain experience with regulatory process and establish alignment
between stakeholders. Engage in early dialogues with regulators.
and regulatory compliance.
Intellectual property Limit patent litigations. Eliminate evergreening benefits. Build out
Although it requires a substantial
rights further the unitary patent and unified patent litigation system. investment in time and money, the
Impossibility of Change attitude toward biosimilar switching/substitution, starting development and introduction of
substitution with physician and patient education. biosimilars ultimately should provide
Innovator’s reach Differentiate biosimilars with service offerings. Use appropriate cost savings compared with innovator
comparators in cost-effectiveness analyses.
products. The growth rate for
biosimilar MAbs might be over 25%
play a pivotal role in favor of approved the first two biosimilar by 2020. The industry of biosimilars
biosimilars. These speculations come versions of Remicade (infliximab). should bring benefits both for science
from the fact that a 30–40% price Now, those two biosimilars together and for healthcare.
reduction already has been seen for incur more sales than all the other
epoetin and filgrastim (granulocyte biosimilars on the market combined References
colony-stimulating factor). The sole (12). With the great majority of 1 Ginestro M, Moore J. How to Compete
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Launch Strategies and Defensive Positioning for
to lower the cost relative to original US, EU, and other major markets, the the US. KPMG: Chadds Ford, PA, 2015.
biologics and take their market share. current pipeline includes ~800 2 Acha V. Countering Points Made in
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3 Rader RA. Manufacturing Costs Will
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Be Critical to Biosimilars’ Success. Pharmaceut.
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number of biosimilars, especially those in many healthcare sectors, more so Europe.
introduced to the US market. The than for small molecules. But the 6 Jensen AR. US FDA Proposals for
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be kept away, and the race has begun strategic planning, and effective 9 CHMP/437/04 Rev 1. Guideline on Similar
already. In September 2013, the EMA communication with regulatory Biological Medicinal Products. European Medicines
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16 First Biosimilar with Extrapolation: Worth USD 32 Billion Worldwide by 2025
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February 2016; www.fdamap.com/first- 2025.” GlobeNewswire: El Segundo, CA, 12
biosimilar-with-extrapolation- November 2015.

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