Lesson 1 Unit Plan On Identity

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Emerging 7 07-16-18 Day in 1 52

Language Level Grade Date Minutes
Identity: Who am I?
Unit Theme and Question
What factors make up your identity? How does what I do define who I am? Why is my identity important?

Discover yourself
Daily topic:


Which modes of Students can:
communication will be -recognize and sound out new words when speaking, reading, or listening
addressed? in order to enrich their vocabulary.
 Interpersonal
What are the communicative Communication - use formulaic language to communicate and use their background
and cultural objectives for the and  Interpretive knowledge to answer questions.
Cultures  Presentational - engage in conversational exchanges with the teacher through answering
yes-no questions and wh- questions and responding using simple phrases.

- use new created language related description of one self to give sentences

Compare others’ self-identity to own.

If applicable, indicate how Comparisons
Connections  Comparisons 
Communities  Common Core Learn to accept others and find an appreciation for diversity.
will be part of your lesson. Communities

Keys to Planning for Learning, 2013

Appendix M. Blank Lesson Plan Template


Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups,
and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 7 topics, texts, and issues, building
on others’ ideas and expressing their own
Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading,
or listening.
Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-
specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a
word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and
style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations
for writing types are defined in standards 1–3 above.)

Keys to Planning for Learning, 2013

Appendix M. Blank Lesson Plan Template
Materials  Resources 
Activity/Activities Technology
How many
Lesson Sequence What will learners do? Be specific. What materials will
minutes will this
What does the teacher do? you develop? What materials will
segment take?
you bring in from other sources?
The teacher will deliver the daily objectives of the 7 minutes https://youtu.be/SR8j_P1
lesson before playing a video about identity from O0os
Gain Attention / Activate
Prior Knowledge
YouTube. Students will listen and retain information.

The teacher will have discussion with the students

about the importance of our identity. -a graphic organizer

The teacher will go over the graphic organizer

questions and then play the video. Students will watch
a video on identity: who am I?
https://youtu.be/SR8j_P1O0os. The teacher will
monitor students while watching the video.

Students will fill out graphic organizer and have

discussions of answers after using yes/ no questions
after, with the teacher.

The teacher will go over second graphic organizer and 10 minutes -video
play the video again for the students. Students will watch -a graphic organizer
Provide Input the video attentively. The teacher then will fill it out the -color pencils
graphic organizer with the students (first part together).
Then teacher lets students do the drawings individually
for the second part.

Keys to Planning for Learning, 2013

Appendix M. Blank Lesson Plan Template
The teacher gives the students new set of vocabulary 10 minutes -dictionary (may use a
words (10), where students have to draw the meaning. technology device)
Elicit Performance / Provide
The teacher will set up the vocabulary words on the board -color pencils
and the students have to fold their paper in 10 squares to
write the words 5 times each and drawing the meaning.

Intelligent, merits, shortcomings, optimistic,
positive, friendly, good student, lazy, irritable,
The teacher asks students to turn to page 10 of the book 10 minutes -the High Point textbook
and look at the image paying close attention to details -an image
and focusing on identity. Teacher has students to write
Provide Input down phrases that after they will use to answer questions
about the image.

The teacher has the questions written on the LCD 10 minutes -the LCD projector
projector and picks students to answer the questions, if
Elicit Performance / Provide no volunteers. Students engage in the conversation with
Feedback the teacher.

Keys to Planning for Learning, 2013

Appendix M. Blank Lesson Plan Template
The teacher gives students an exit slip where students 5 minutes -a flash card
have to write two things they learned from today’s lesson
Closure and one question about today’s lesson.

Enhance Retention &

Reflection – Notes to Self What worked well is to break lesson in different activities. This helped to keep students engaged and
 What worked well? Why? interested. Scaffolding for the students was appropriate to their grade level. Formulaic language was
 What didn’t work? Why? used since it is an emerging level. Using images and the video target visual learners and help all
 What changes would you
students increase comprehensibility. It all worked for this group of students because it was designed
make if you taught this
lesson again? accordingly to their needs. I would make changes according to the needs the group of students taking
 ???? this class in the future.

* Remember that the maximum attention span of the learner is approximately the age of the learner up to 20 minutes. The initial lesson cycle (gain
attention/activate prior knowledge, provide input and elicit performance/provide feedback) should not take more than 20 minutes. The second cycle
(provide input and elicit performance/provide feedback) should be repeated as needed and will vary depending on the length of the class period.

Keys to Planning for Learning, 2013

Appendix M. Blank Lesson Plan Template


I AM Video Questions

Does the video show different personalities? Yes No

Is being athletic an identity? Yes No

Is “happy” a self-identification? Yes No

Are 6 personalities represented in the video? Yes No

Did the video help you understand what self-identity is? Yes No

Write one identification word you remember from the video: ___________

Keys to Planning for Learning, 2013

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Name: ______________

Date: _______________

Period: ______________

“I am” Graphic Organizer

Directions: List the words you see in the video that describes the person.

_________________ __________________ ___________________

_________________ __________________ ____________________

_________________ __________________ ____________________

Do you identify yourself with any of these descriptions about yourself? If yes, to whom and why?
If the answer is no, mention or draw something that describes who you are.

For example, if you are athletic you can say “I like to play soccer” or draw an image of it.

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Page 10 Image

*Students will answer the following questions about this image?

 What do you see in this image? Example questions to ask students: Do you see a graduate student yes or no? Is the girl being positive about her
future yes or no? Is she a good student yes or no?
 How do you describe this person using the vocabulary words learned?
The teacher write this phrases for students to write on their notes and select one to talk about the image:
I can see that ___, In my opinion_____, From my perspective_____, I think_____, I believe_____

 What words describe the way you look?

Use the phrase: Words like___,____,____ describe the way I look.

 What words describe the way you are?

Example: are you tall? Are you friendly? (go over words using gestures or pull out images for internet to help with comprehension)

 What do you want to find out about yourself? (give students examples and phrases)

 What kind of person do you want to become? (discussion using background knowledge of careers they have heard about in the past)
Use the following phrases: I want to become____, I would like to become_____,

 How can knowing about yourself help you now and later? (give students examples on board and have them write notes)

Keys to Planning for Learning, 2013

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