Reactive Power Compensation Using TCSC

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A flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS) is a system composed of static

equipment used for the AC transmission of electrical energy. It is meant to enhance
controllability and increase power transfer capability of the network. It is generally a power
electronics-based system.[1]

FACTS are defined by the IEEE as "a power electronic based system and other static
equipment that provide control of one or more AC transmission system parameters to enhance
controllability and increase power transfer capability."[5]

FACTS Increase the reliability of AC grids and reduce power delivery costs. They improve
transmission quality and efficiency of power transmission by supplying inductive or reactive
power to the grid.[5]


In AC power systems, given the insignificant electrical storage, the electrical generation and
load must balance at all times. If generation is less than load, the voltage and frequency drop,
and thereby the load, goes down to equal the generation minus the transmission
losses.However, there is only a few percent margins for such a self-regulation. If voltage is
propped up with reactive power support, then the load will go up, and consequently frequency
will keep dropping, and the system will collapse. Alternately, if there is inadequate reactive
power, the system can have voltage collapse.It can be achieved by using FACTS controllers.
FACTS controllers are a group of power electronics controllers expected to revolutionize the
power transmission and distribution system in many ways. FACTS technology can boost
power transfer capability by 20-30% by increasing the flexibility of the systems FACTS
controllers can also increase the load ability or distance to voltage collapse of power system,
so that additional loads can be added in the system without expansion of new transmission and
generating facilities[1]


 “Simulation aspects of thyristor controlled Series Compensator in Power System” Kusum

Arora, S.K. Agarwal, Narendra kumar, Dharam Vir,YMCA University of Science &
Technology, Faridabad, Haryana Delhi Technologica lUniversity, New Delhi. This paper
describes about implementation of Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) in
transmission line model in order to enhance power flow at the receiving end.

 Understanding FACTS by Narain Hingorani-the subject matter of this book and a relatively
new technology has the principal role to enhance controllability and power transfer
capability in ac systems. FACTS involves conversion and/or switching power electronics
in the range of a few tens to a few hundred megawatts. describes various series Controllers
essentially for control of the transmission line current, mainly the Thyristor-Controlled
Series Capacitor (TCSC)

 “Thyristor controlled series capacitor:simulation and analysis“ by Chauhan

Chandkuwarbaa Hitendrasinh Dr. Vijay Makwana,International Journal of Advance
Engineering and Research Development Volume 2,Issue 5 May 2015.This paper represents
various steps to be followed in selection of TCSC parameters. The selected parameters are
implemented in MATLAB software and satisfactory results are obtained.Also results are
carried out for various modes of operation of TCSC

 “Design and implementation of TSC-TCR for reactive power ompensation “by Malvik
k Lad,Patil Kalpesh,International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in
Engineering,Vol. 3 issue No. 5, 2016. This paper of svc system that include TSC-TCR
section though simulink of matlab.the simulation result show that TSC-TCR has good
effect in maintaining voltage when the industrial loads is steady moments it also have
ability of stability control .KVAR given by TSC is absorbed by TCR .the firing angle
range of TCR is selected in such way that harmonic produced .the completely work as
an important devices of reactive power compensation



We always reduce reactive power to improve system efficiency. If system is purely resistively or
capacitance it make cause some problem in Electrical system. Alternating systems supply or
consume two kind of power: real power and reactive power. Real power accomplishes useful work
while reactive power supports the voltage that must be controlled for system reliability. Reactive
power has a profound effect on the security of power systems because it affects voltages throughout
the system.[4]

Reactive power compensation is defined as the management of reactive power to improve the
performance of ac power systems. The concept of reactive power compensation embraces a diverse
field of both system and customer problems, especially related with power quality issues, since
most of power quality problems can be attenuated or solved with an adequate control of reactive


3.2.1 Why We Need Reactive Power:
 Active power is the energy supplied to run a motor, illuminate an electric light bulb.
Reactive power provides the important function of regulating voltage.
 If voltage on the system is not high enough, active power cannot be supplied. Reactive
power is used to provide the voltage levels necessary for active power to do useful work.
 Reactive power is essential to move active power through the transmission and distribution
system to the customer .Reactive power is required to maintain the voltage to deliver active
power (watts) through transmission lines.
 Motor loads and other loads require reactive power to convert the flow of electrons into
useful work. When there is not enough reactive power, the voltage sags down and it is not
possible to push the power demanded by loads through the lines

In commercial and industrial electrical loads include induction motor driven equipment such as
elevators, pumps, presses, DC motors, power transformers, welding machines, and arc furnaces
are mostly inductive in nature. Inductive load consumes reactive power in addition to the active
power to do useful work. Reactive power required by inductive loads increases the amount of
apparent power ( kVA) in the distribution system. This is important a low power factor can waste
energy, result in inefficient use of electrical power.
FACTS are devices are which can be inserted into power grids series, in shunt, a both in shunt and
series for reactive power compensation & hence for unity power factor control.[4]


In general, FACTS Controllers can be divided into four categories:[1]
 Series Controllers
 Shunt Controllers
 Combined series-series Controllers
 Combined series-shunt Controllers

It is further classified as
3.3.1 Shunt Connected Controllers
a) Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM)
b) Static Synchronous Generator (SSG)
c) Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)
d) Supercondacting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES)
e) Static Var Compensator (SVC)
f) Thyristor Controlled Reactor (ICR)
g) Thyristor Switched Reactor (TSR)
h) Thyristor Switched Capacitor (TSC)
3.3.2 Series Connected Controllers
a) Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC
b) Interline Power Flow Connoller (IPFC):
c) Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC)
d) Thyristor-Switched Series Capacitor (TSSC):
e) Thyristor-Controlled Series Reactor (TCSR)
f) Thyristor-Switched Series Reactor(TSSR)
3.3.3 Combined Shunt and Series Connected Controllers
a) Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC):
b) Thyristor-Controlled Phase Shifting Transformer (TCPST):
c) Interphase Power Controller (IPC)


Fig 1:Basic scheme of TCSC

3.4.1 Modes of operation of TCSC

There are three modes of operation of TCSC depending upon the firing angle of the pulses fed
to the thyristor

Thyristor blocked mode

Thyristor by passed mode
Vernier operating mode

 Thyristor blocked Operating Mode:When the thyristor valve is not triggered and the
thyristors are kept in non conducting state, the TCSC is operating in blocking mode. In
this mode, the TCSC performs like a fixed series capacitor

 Thyristor bypass Operating mode:In bypass mode the thyristor valve is triggered
continuously and the valve stays conducting all the time; so the TCSC behaves like a
parallel connection of the series capacitor with the inductor, Ls in the thyristor valve
 branch. In this mode, the resulting voltage in the steady state across the TCSC is
inductive and the valve current is somewhat bigger than the line current due to the
current generation in the capacitor bank. For practical TCSC’s with ratio (XL/XC)
between 0.1 to 0.3 ranges, the capacitor voltage at a given line current is much lower in
bypass than in blocking mode

 Vernier Operating Mode:In Vernier control the TCSC dynamics are varied
continuously by controlling the firing angle. The firing angle is possible from 0deg to
90deg for each half cycle when it is generated from the zero crossing of the line current
hence divided into two parts:[2]

a) Inductive Boost Mode

In this mode, large thyristor currents result and further the capacitor voltage
waveform is very much distorted from its sinusoidal shape. The peak voltage
appears close to the turn on. The poor waveform and the high valve stress make the
inductive boost mode less attractive for steady state operation.This mode increases
the inductance of the line, so it is in contrast to the advantages associated with the
application of TCSC[2]

Fig 2:TCSC in inductive region

b) Capacitive Boost mode:In capacitive boost mode a trigger pulse is supplied to
the thyristor having forward voltage just before the capacitor voltage crosses the
zero line, so a capacitor discharge current pulse will circulate through the
parallel inductive branch. The discharge current pulse adds to the line current
through the capacitor and causes a capacitor voltage that adds to the voltage
caused by the line current. The capacitor peak voltage thus will be increased in
proportion to the charge that passes through the thyristor branch. The
fundamental voltage also increases almost proportionally to the charge. From
the system point of view, this mode inserts capacitors to the line up to nearly
three times the fixed capacitor. This is the normal operating mode of TCSC[2]

Fig 3: TCSC in capacitive region


Practical TCSC circuit has various protection elements including MOV, circuit breaker in series
with an inductor. TCSC module with different protective elements is as shown below

Fig. 4 Practical circuit of TCSC

Basically, it comprises a series capacitor, in parallel with a Thyristor Controlled Reactor (TCR),
Ls. A Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV), essentially a nonlinear resistor, is connected across the
series capacitor to prevent the occurrence of high capacitor over voltages. Not only does the
MOV limit the voltage across the capacitor, but it allows the capacitor to remain in the circuit
even during fault conditions and helps improve the transient stability. A circuit breaker is also
installed across the TCSC module to bypass it if a severe fault or equipment malfunction occurs.
A current limiting inductor, Ld is incorporated in the circuit to restrict both the magnitude
and the frequency of the capacitor current during the capacitor bypass operation[2]

4.1.1 For RL Load

Fig 5 TCSC Model

For α=30deg and α=210deg (inductive mode)

Vtg(tcsc)-56V,V(rms)-154.8V ,Vo-162.73V

Fig 6 Waveforms of TCSC in inductive region

For α=100deg and α=280deg (capacitive region)

Fig 7:Waveforms of TCSC in capacitive region

4.2.1 Model with RL load

Fig 8:TCSC with compensation with RL load

Fig:9Active and reactive power measurement

Vtg(tcsc)-56V,V(rms)-154.8V ,Vo-162.73V
This paper is to analyze the actual behavior of the TCSC FACTS device. The steps followed to
develop a model is assumed that only the open loop impedance control mode is embedded in the
TCSC control system and as a result, the firing angle could be taken as one of the inputs to the
TCSC’s controller part to vary its reactance to get the desired results.The TCSC has been operated
in two modes(1)inductive mode and (2)capacitive mode.The objective of this project is to analyze
and investigate the impact of series compensation using TCSC on the performance of impedance
based power system model under normal operation and fault conditions at different firing
delays.The future scope is to study the impact of TCSC on protection of the lines, both aspects of
the TCSC operation, contribution of the TCSC to power system operation and control along with
its hardware designing on a small scale laboratory model.


1. Understanding FACTS : concepts and technology of flexible AC transmission systems by

Narain G. Hingorani, Laszlo Gyugyi
2. “Simulation aspects of thyristor controlled Series Compensator in Power System” Kusum
Arora, S.K. Agarwal, Narendra kumar, Dharam Vir,YMCA University of Science &
Technology, Faridabad, Haryana Delhi Technological University, New Delhi
3. “Implementation of thyristor controlled series capacitorin transmission line model using
Aurdino” by Dr J.Sridevi,International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
4. “Design and implementation of TSC-TCR for reactive power ompensation “by Malvik k
Lad,Patil Kalpesh, International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in
Engineering,Vol. 3 issue No. 5, 2016.


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