ShearWall SNI2847 2013

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The document discusses design provisions and equations for calculating shear capacity and designing shear reinforcement of shear walls according to ACI code.

The ACI provisions discussed for shear wall design include minimum shear strength ratio (φ), upper limit on nominal shear strength (Vn), and equations for calculating nominal shear strength based on concrete contribution (Vc) and steel contribution (Vs).

The equations used to calculate concrete contribution to shear capacity (Vc) of a shear wall include Equation 11.27, 11.28, and the minimum of Vc1 and Vc2 is taken as Vc.

SHEAR WALL Tony Hartono Bagio



d = 0.8 ℓw hw

ACI provisions for Shear Wall
1) Vn ≥ Vu/Ø
Ø= 0.75

2) Vn ≤ Vc + Vs

3) Vn ≤ (5/6) √(fc') hd 11.9.3

h= tebal dinding

4) d= 0.8 ℓw 11.9.4

5) Vc = (1 + (0.29 Nu)/Ag))*(λ)*√(fc')/6 (bw d) pers (11.8)

6) Vc = 0.27(λ)hd + (Nu d)/(4ℓw) pers (11.27)

Vc = [0.05(λ)√(fc') + ℓw (0.1 λ√(fc') + 0.2Nu/(ℓw h)) / (Mu/Vu - ℓw/2)] (hd)
pers (11.28)

SHEAR WALL Tony Hartono Bagio

10) Vs = Av fy d /s pers (11.29)

11) ρt ≥ 0.0025
12) s (hor) = ℓw /5 , 3 h atau 450 mm
13) ρℓ = 0.0025 + 0.5*(2.5-hw/ℓw)*(ρt - 0.0025) pers (11.32)
14) s (ver) = ℓw /3 , 3 h atau 450 mm


d = 0.8 ℓw hw

1) fc' = 21 MPa 3301.994 1078.916 4176.003
fy = 420 MPa -1256.29 -1021.18 -3979.64
h= 200 mm
hw = 4.2 m tinggi keseluruhan dinding
ℓw = 3 m panjang keseluruhan dinding
Vu = 1070 kN
Nu = 3302 kN

d = 0.8 ℓw
d= 2400 mm
hw = 4200 mm
ℓw = 3000 mm
hw/2 = 2100 mm
ambil ter kecil = L
ℓw/2 = 1500 mm
L= 1500 mm
z= 2700 mm (hw - ℓw/2)
Ø(shear) = 0.75 shear
Mu = Vu*L SNI (11.9.7)
2889 kNm

1 Vu = Ø(5/6) √(fc') hd 11.9.3
Vu = (0.75)(5/6)√(21)(200)(2400)

SHEAR WALL Tony Hartono Bagio

Vu = 1374772.7 N
Vu = 1374.7727 kN

2 Vc1 = (0.27)(λ)√(fc')hd + (Nu d)/(4ℓw) pers 11.27

Vc2 = [0.05 (λ)√(fc') + ℓw (0.1λ√(fc') + 0.2Nu/(ℓw h)) / (Mu/Vu-ℓw/2)] (hd)
pers 11.28
Vc1 = (0.27)(1)√(21)(200)(2400) + (3302)(2400)/(4x3000)
Vc1 = 594,562 N

Vc 2 = (P + Q/R)(hd)
P= 0.05 (λ)√(fc')
Q= ℓw {(0.1)λ√(fc') + 0.2Nu/(ℓw h)}
R= (Mu/Vu) - (ℓw/2)

P= 0.05 (1)√(21)
P= 0.2291288
Q= 3000{0.1(1)√(21) + 0.2(3302)/(3000×200)}
Q= 1378.07
R= (2889000/1070) - (1500)
R= 1200
Vc 2 = (0.229128784747792 + 1378.07/1200)(200*2400)
661,210 N
Vc = minimum (Vc1, Vc2)
Vc = 594,562 N

3) ØVc/2 = 0.75*594562.21/2
222960.83 N

4) Horizontal Shear Reinforcing

Vu = ØVc + ØVs
Vs = (Av fy d)/S
Av/S = (Vu - ØVc)/(Ø fy d)
[1070000 - 0.75(594562.21)]/(0.75x420x2400)
0.8255 mm²/mm
Av = two bar cross sectional areas

D 10 mm
D10, Av = 79 mm²
S= (2)(79)/(0.8255)
S= 191.39915 mm

D 13 mm
D13, Av = 133 mm²
S= (2)(133)/(0.8255)

SHEAR WALL Tony Hartono Bagio

S= 322.22895 mm

Maximum vertical spacing pada Horizontal Stirrups

ℓw/5 = 600 3000/5
3h = 600 3*200
450 mm = 450
Max Vert Space = 450 mm (minimum)

use 2 D13 @ 300 mm

Ag = wall thickness x vertical spacing of Horizontal Stirrups
tebal dinding x jarak vertikal of Horizontal Stirrups
Ag = 60000 200x300

ρt = Av/As
ρt = (2)(133)/(200x300)
ρt = 0.004433

minimum ρt = 0.0025 SNI

5) Design Vertical Shear reinforcing

min ρℓ= 0.0025 + 0.5 (2.5 - hw/ℓw)(ρt - 0.0025) SNI pers 11-30
0.0025+0.5(2.5 - 4200/3000)(0.004433 - 0.0025)

D13 vertical bars with
Av = two bar cross sectional area and
S = horizontal spacing of vertical bars

S = (2)(133)/(200x0.00356315)
373.26523 mm

Max horizontal spacing of vertical stirrups

ℓw/3 = 1000
3h = 600 450 mm
450 mm = 450
using = 400 mm
use 2 D13 - 400
vertical bars 400 mm, pusat ke pusat horiz

6) Design Vertical flexural reinforcing

Mu = Vu x hw
4494000 kN-mm

SHEAR WALL Tony Hartono Bagio

Mu = dari SAP
Mu = 4176.0025 kNm
4176002.5 kNmm

Mu(control) = 4494000 kNmm

where b is wall thickness and d is approximated by = 0.8 lw =

fc' = 21 MPa
fy = 420 MPa
b= 200 mm
d= 2400 mm

𝑓𝑦 𝑀𝑢
𝐴𝑠 2 − 𝐴𝑠 𝑑 + =0
1.7 𝑓𝑐′ 𝑏 ∅ 𝑓𝑦
A= 0.0588235 = 420/(1.7*21*200)
B= -2400 = -2400
C= 11888889 = 4494000000/(0.9x420)
A= 1 = 0.05882/0.05882
B= -40800 = -2400/0.05882
C= 202111111 = 11888889/0.05882
As = (- -40800 - √[(-40800)² - 4×202111111.11])/2
As = 5769.59 mm²

D 29
As = 661 mm²
n= 5769.59/661
n= 8.728578
n= 10 (round)
Use 10 D 29

DRAWINGS 4. Horizontal Bars
6. Vertical Flexural bars use 2 D13 @300 6. Vertical Flexural bars
Use 10 D29 Use 10 D29


Use 10 D29 use 2 D13 - 400 Use 10 D29

6. Vertical Flexural bars 5. Vertical Bars 6. Vertical Flexural bars


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