De Magnetization

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Indian Society for Proc.

National Seminar on
Non-Destructive Testing Non-Destructive Evaluation
Hyderabad Chapter Dec. 7 - 9, 2006, Hyderabad

Demagnetization of Residual Magnetism in Plates of Odd Shapes

K.R. Suresh and P. Senthilmurugan
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Ranipet


Usually plates of rectangular shape are supplied by steel mills, which are cut into
required odd shapes and then weld to manufacture Fans, Air- preheaters and
Electrostatic precipitators of thermal power plant manufacturing units. In fabrication
industries, for both low alloy and plain carbon steel plates of odd shapes excessive
residual magnetism is a bottleneck in the welding process. Welding can not be done
in plates having excessive residual magnetism due to spitting and throwing of molten
metal of the filler rod by magnetic polarization. Even though in theory lot of methods
were told about demagnetization, in practical due to odd shapes like curved and arch
shape plates, the behavior of magnetic field is very peculiar. Gradually removing the
plate from magnetic field of a magnetizing source is a common method, but this will
not work out because of the odd shape. The other method of slowly reducing the
magnetic field and changing the polarity will also fail due to shifting of polarity from
one end to the other end of the plate.

In the absence of any standard procedure to meet this demagnetization process,

separate effective and easy process method is required to be established. This paper
describes a simple and effective application of demagnetization procedure for
particularly curved and arch shaped steel plates.

Keywords: Demagnetization, Ferromagnetic materials, Hysteresis loop

1. Introduction
All ferromagnetic materials, after having 2. Reasons for Requiring
been magnetized or handled by magnet, will Demagnetisation
retain a residual field to some degree. This It is not always necessary to demagnetize
field may be negligible in very soft parts after inspection. However in some
materials, but in harder materials it may be cases it is essential to demagnetize.
comparable to the intense fields associated Demagnetization is necessary when the
with the special alloys used for permanent residual field in a part
magnets. The problem of demagnetization
may be easy or difficult depending on the a. May interfere electric arc welding
type of material. Materials having higher operations to be performed subsequently
coercive force are the most difficult to since strong residual fields may deflect
demagnetize. Demagnetisation of the arc away from the point at which it
ferromagnetic material in industry is limited should be applied.
to reducing the degree of magnetization to
an acceptable level, since complete
demagnetization is usually impractical.

K.R. Suresh and P. Senthilmurugan

b. May interfere with subsequent reversal. Frequency of reversals is an

machining operations by causing chips important factor and it should be low.
adhere to the surface of the part.
5. Removing Longitudinal and Circular
c. May interfere with the operation of Fields
instruments which are sensitive to Longitudinal magnetized part has
magnetic fields, such as the magnetic external poles and demagnetization aims to
compass on an aircraft, or may effect the reduce these to the lowest possible value.
accuracy of any form of instrumentation Circularly magnetized part may have no
incorporated in an assembly which external poles at all so it is more difficult to
includes the magnetized part remove by any ofthe usual methods. To
d. May interfere with the functioning of the demagnetize a circularly magnetized part, it
part itself, after it is placed into service. is better to convert the field to a longitudinal
field in a DC solenoid and this field can be
3. Basic Principle of Demagnetization [1] easily removed and the extent of removal
can be easily checked.
All steels have certain amount of
coercive force, and it is extremely difficult 6. Methods of Demagnetization
to bring the steel back to the zero point by Even though lot of demagnetization
any magnetic manipulation. In fact that, it is methods are available like,
so difficult that for all practical purposes it
may be said that the only way to • AC coil type,
demagnetize a piece of steel completely is
to heat it red hot, and cool it with its length • AC through current step down type,
directed east and west, to avoid re-
magnetization by the earth's field. Other • AC through current reactor decay type,
means of demagnetizing almost always
leave, for one reason or another, some • DC through current reversing step down
residual field in the part. In ferromagnetic type,
parts the earth's field always affects the
magnetism, and will always determine the • DC coil reversing step down type,
lower limit of practical demagnetization.
• AC yoke and
Demagnetization can be explained using
hysteresis 100p,all demagnetization ways • Reversing DC yoke
are based on the principle of subjecting the
part, to a field continually reversing its 7. Demagnetisation of Odd Shape Plates
direction and at the same time gradually In general none of the above single
decreasing in strength down to zero. demagnetization method is applicable for
demagnetizing the plates of odd shape.
4. Precautions Following picture shows a cover plate of
The magnetizing force is high enough so impeller assembly of an industrial fan, with
that the reverse the residual field initially in chemical composition, of thick ness mm and
the part; the decrements between successive dia of mm, the 'A' and 'B' marked edge is to
reductions of current are small enough so be welded with 'C' and 'D' edge of the plate.
that the reverse demagnetizing force will be Due to more than 10 gauss magnetic field
able, on each cycle, to reverse the field present at the above mentioned edges
remaining in the part from the last previous welding is not possible because of

194 NDE-2006
Demagnetization of Residual Magnetism

deflection of the arc away from the point at

which it should be applied.

The other method of slowly reducing the

magnetic field and changing the polarity
will also fail due to shifting of polarity from
one end to the other end of the plate also has
not demagnetized the area.
Even though in theory lot of methods
were told about demagnetization, in
practical due to odd shapes like curved and
arch shape plates, the behavior of magnetic
field is very peculiar. Gradually removing
the plate from magnetic field of a
magnetizing source is a common method,
but this will not work out because of the odd

As per the new established procedure,

always keep some iron dust particles and
small pins (which also indicates the
presence of residual magnetic field) sticking
to the part to be demagnetized. Using the
demagnetizing button of the MPI equipment
start demagnetisation of the part by AC 5
turn coil method with full ampere selection
of the equipment. Have close watch on the
hanging iron dust particles and pins with
gradual magnetizing power reduction. The
MPI equipment's magnetizing power supply
is to be stopped immediately at the stage

NDE-2006 195
K.R. Suresh and P. Senthilmurugan

when the hanging iron dust particles and parallel to and transverse to the coil's
pins start dropping from the part. Check the axis. This method is effective in
residual magnetic field of the part with field demagnitising hollow or cylindrical
indicator and confirm a drastic reduction in parts. Ring shaped parts may be rolled
the field bringing down the residual through the coil
magnetic field to acceptable level.

Residual field indicator reading after Demag

• Small parts of LID ratio of one or lass

demagnitisation can be done by placing
it between two pole pieces of soft iron of
similar diabut longer than the part. This
combination is then passed through the
coil as a unit.

• For longer parts, an AC coil with current

on may be moved along the length of the
part and the part then withdrawn from
the coil's influence.

• For longer parts, move the AC coil high

current along the length of the part then
step-down by one of the current decay

• For large hollow parts, a central

conductor with high AC current is
passed throughand close to the wall of
Residual field indicator reading before the part, and the part rotated 3600, then
Demag the AC current is caused to decay zero.
8. Other Helpful Hints for • Lengthy parts demagnitised with its
Demagnitisation length directed east and west to avoid
• When short part is demagnitised in an remagnitisation by earth's field.
AC coil by with drawing the part along Complete removal of all fields is
the line of the axis of the coil method, virtually impossible- but again it should
the part is to be rotated both around axis

196 NDE-2006
Demagnetization of Residual Magnetism

be pointed out, complete removal is part or its orientation with respect to the
seldom necessary. demagnetizing field. The results obtained by
any method should be carefully evaluated
8.1. Methods for Measuring Leakage Field before concluding that a given method is
Intensities applicable to the particular part in question.
1. Field indicator 10. References
2. Compass indicator 1. Edited by Robert C. McMaster
Nondestructive testing handbook, The
3. steel-wire indicator American Society for Nondertructive
Testing, INC. 1959.
9. Conclusions 2. Doane,F.G.. and C.E.Betz.Princip1es of
Magnaflux, 3rd edition Chicago: photopress
Occasionally attempts to demagnetize a 1948.
part will result in chasing magnetic poles
from one location on the part to another.
This is due to the particular geometry of the

NDE-2006 197

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