De Magnetization
De Magnetization
De Magnetization
National Seminar on
Non-Destructive Testing Non-Destructive Evaluation
Hyderabad Chapter Dec. 7 - 9, 2006, Hyderabad
Usually plates of rectangular shape are supplied by steel mills, which are cut into
required odd shapes and then weld to manufacture Fans, Air- preheaters and
Electrostatic precipitators of thermal power plant manufacturing units. In fabrication
industries, for both low alloy and plain carbon steel plates of odd shapes excessive
residual magnetism is a bottleneck in the welding process. Welding can not be done
in plates having excessive residual magnetism due to spitting and throwing of molten
metal of the filler rod by magnetic polarization. Even though in theory lot of methods
were told about demagnetization, in practical due to odd shapes like curved and arch
shape plates, the behavior of magnetic field is very peculiar. Gradually removing the
plate from magnetic field of a magnetizing source is a common method, but this will
not work out because of the odd shape. The other method of slowly reducing the
magnetic field and changing the polarity will also fail due to shifting of polarity from
one end to the other end of the plate.
1. Introduction
All ferromagnetic materials, after having 2. Reasons for Requiring
been magnetized or handled by magnet, will Demagnetisation
retain a residual field to some degree. This It is not always necessary to demagnetize
field may be negligible in very soft parts after inspection. However in some
materials, but in harder materials it may be cases it is essential to demagnetize.
comparable to the intense fields associated Demagnetization is necessary when the
with the special alloys used for permanent residual field in a part
magnets. The problem of demagnetization
may be easy or difficult depending on the a. May interfere electric arc welding
type of material. Materials having higher operations to be performed subsequently
coercive force are the most difficult to since strong residual fields may deflect
demagnetize. Demagnetisation of the arc away from the point at which it
ferromagnetic material in industry is limited should be applied.
to reducing the degree of magnetization to
an acceptable level, since complete
demagnetization is usually impractical.
K.R. Suresh and P. Senthilmurugan
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Demagnetization of Residual Magnetism
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K.R. Suresh and P. Senthilmurugan
when the hanging iron dust particles and parallel to and transverse to the coil's
pins start dropping from the part. Check the axis. This method is effective in
residual magnetic field of the part with field demagnitising hollow or cylindrical
indicator and confirm a drastic reduction in parts. Ring shaped parts may be rolled
the field bringing down the residual through the coil
magnetic field to acceptable level.
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Demagnetization of Residual Magnetism
be pointed out, complete removal is part or its orientation with respect to the
seldom necessary. demagnetizing field. The results obtained by
any method should be carefully evaluated
8.1. Methods for Measuring Leakage Field before concluding that a given method is
Intensities applicable to the particular part in question.
1. Field indicator 10. References
2. Compass indicator 1. Edited by Robert C. McMaster
Nondestructive testing handbook, The
3. steel-wire indicator American Society for Nondertructive
Testing, INC. 1959.
9. Conclusions 2. Doane,F.G.. and C.E.Betz.Princip1es of
Magnaflux, 3rd edition Chicago: photopress
Occasionally attempts to demagnetize a 1948.
part will result in chasing magnetic poles
from one location on the part to another.
This is due to the particular geometry of the
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