Human Motor Neuron Obtained From iPSCS As The Most Promising Tool To Define Pathomechanismsand Novel Therapies in ALS

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Annals of Transplantation Research Editorial

Published: 29 Dec, 2017

Human Motor Neuron Obtained from iPSCS as the Most

Promising Tool to Define Pathomechanismsand Novel
Therapies in ALS
Patrizia Bossolasco1 and Vincenzo Silani1,2*
Department of Neurology and Laboratory of Neuroscience, IRCCS Italian Auxological Institute, Milan,Italy
Dino Ferrari” Centre, Department of Pathophysiology and Transplantation, University of Milan, Milan, Italy

Difficulty of translation from pre-clinical to clinical settings represents the main limitation
in decipheringpathomechanismsof neurodegenerative diseases, and this is primarily due to the
shortage of adequate pre-clinical models. This is especially true for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
(ALS). Due to the absence of naturally occurring ALS in rodents, informative transgenic miceare
the most frequently used animal models [1]. However, albeit they have been useful for studying
somepathological mechanisms of the disease, none of themperfectly replicate the human ALS.
Developmental and anatomical differences between mice and humans may explain the gap in
translation. Several cellular modelsare also available such as neuralcell lines [2-4]. However, as
cell lines are mostly tumor-derived and have become immortalized, they may display significant
biological differences from neuronal cells. Primary neuronal cultures would be thereforethe most
appropriate in vitro model, but the major problem is that mature neurons have limited proliferation
capacity. As a matter of fact, Motor Neurons (MNs) hasbeen isolated by immunomagneticseparation
by our group [5], demonstrating some survival potential in serum-free media in defined
biochemical conditions. The induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) [6] represent a breakthrough
OPEN ACCESS in stem cell field.These cells may be generated using several delivery systems [7,8] and certainly
present numerous advantages compared to otherpre-clinicalapproaches, allowing the generation
*Correspondence: of patient specific models able to reproduce the disease phenotype. The iPSCs, unlike tumor cell
Vincenzo Silani, Department of lines, are primary cells but with an unlimited proliferation capability. They can be generated from
Neurology and Laboratory of any patientand can be differentiated into any cell type. In ALS, iPSCs-derived MNs may be obtained
Neuroscience, IRCCS Italian from both patients harboring genetic mutations linked to the disease (such as SOD1, TARDBP, FUS
Auxological Institute, Dino Ferrari and C9ORF72) than from sporadic patients (the prevalent cases) without a disease family history.
Centre, Department of Pathophysiology Beside their differentiation into MNS, iPSCs can generate other cell types that have been proved
and Transplantation,University of Milan, to have important implications in the disease, such as glial cells. Interactions between different
Milan, Italy, neural cellscan therefore be investigated in vitro. Albeit fibroblasts are most commonly used, several
E-mail: [email protected] different starting cells have been reprogrammed and ideally, each dividing somatic cell may be used.
Received Date: 15 Dec 2017 Clinical, genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity of ALS may also lead to multiple and discordant
Accepted Date: 26 Dec 2017 responses with analogous treatment. Another important advantage using iPSCs, is the possibility to
Published Date: 29 Dec 2017 use cells from patients still alive, allowing to design a patient specific therapy [9].
Citation: Thanks to the high versatility of iPSCs, the reprogramming of somatic cells from ALS patients
Bossolasco P, Silani V. Human Motor and their differentiation to MNs may represent a major achievement in understanding the
Neuron Obtained from iPSCS as mechanism of ALS, identifying innovative therapeutical strategies. As a proof of principle, iPSC
the Most Promising Tool to Define derived MNs have been also utilized to start a clinical trial in humans after FDA approval [10] if
Pathomechanismsand Novel Therapies this approach is reproducible, other neurodegenerative diseases will definitely take great advantages
in ALS. Ann Transplant Res. 2017; 1(2): from this innovative, unprecedented approach that may represent a paradigm shift for effective drug
1008. finding in ALS as in other neurodegenerative disorders.
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