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Sardar Patel University

Vallabh Vidyanagar
S.Y. B. Sc. (Mathematics)
Three periods per week (3 hours-80 Marks)
(With effect from June 2003)

M-201(Advanced Calculas)

Unit 1

Limits, theorems on limits and continuity; functions continuous on Closed and

bounded intervals; uniform continuity; derivability of a Function; properties of
derivable functions; signs of derivatives of Monotonic functions ; Darboux’s
theorem for derivable functions.

Unit 2

Rolle’s theorem; Lagrange’s and cauchy’s mean value theorems; Higher order
derivatives; Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s theorem with Langrange’s and cauchy’s
form of remainder; generalizations of Mean value theorem; Taylor’s infinite series
and power series Expansions of ex, cosx , log(1+x) and (1+x)n.

Unit 3

(a) Definition of improper integrals of both types, beta and gamma Functions and
their properties; relation between beta and gamma Functions (without proof)
(b) Directional derivative; gradient of a scalar field; level surfaces;
gradient and surface normal; normal to a plane curve; Laplace
equation; divergence of a vector field; curl of a vector field.

Unit 4

Line integral; evaluation of line integrals; double integrals; mean Value theorem;
change of variables in double integral; change of order of integration in Cartesian
and polar forms; line integrals Independent of path.

Unit 5

Green’s theorem; area of a plane region in Cartesian and polar Coordinates;

surfaces; tangent plane; first fundamental form; area of a surface; surface
integrals; moment of inertia
Unit 6
Triple integrals; divergence theorem of gauss and its applications; Uniqueness
theorem(without proof); stoke’s theorem and its Applications.

Recommended Texts:

Malik S.C, Principles of real analysis, Revised edition, New Age

International (p) Ltd., New Delhi 2000, Chapters5 and 6.
Shanti narayan, integral calculas, Ninth edition, S.Chand & Co.,1996,
Chapter 1(only 1.9), Appendix 1(A-4,A-5(Except cor. 3))
kreyszing E., Advanced engineering mathematics, Fifth edition, New
Age International(p) Ltd., New Delhi, 1997,Chapter 8(Section8.8(Th. 1&2(only
statements)), 8.10(Th.1(only statement)) ,8.11(Th.1(only statement))),
Sardar Patel University
Vallabh Vidyanagar
S.Y. B. Sc. (Mathematics)
Three periods per week (3 hours-80 Marks)
(With effect from June 2003)

M-202: Differential Equations


The power series method; theoretical basis of the power series method;
Legendre’s equation; Legendre polynomials; extended power series method;
indicial equation.

Unit. 2

Bessel’s equation; Bessel functions of the first and second kind; orthogonal sets
of functions; Strum-Liouville problem; orthogonalilty of Legendre Polynomials and
Bessel function.


Laplace transform; inverse transform; linearity; Laplace transforms of derivatives

and integrals; shifting on the s-axis and t-axis; unit step function; differentiation
and integration of the transform; convolution theorem (statement only); partial
fractions; table of some Laplace transforms.


Surfaces and curves in thee dimensions; methods of solving dx/P = dy/Q =

dz/R orthogonal trajectories of a system of curves on surface; Pfaffian forms and
equations, solution of Pfaffian differential equations in three variables.


Partial differential equations; origins of first order partial differential equations;

linear equations of the first order, integral surfaces through a given curve;
surfaces orthogonal to a given system of surfaces.


Non-linear partial differential equations of first order; compatible systems of first

order equations; Charpit’s method; the origin of second order equations; linear
partial differential equations with constant coefficients; equations with variable
coefficients; separations of variables.
Recommended Texts:

Kreyszig E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Fifth Edition Chapters 4, 5

(except 5.7)
Sneddon I., Elements of Partial Differential Equations, Mc Graw Hill Book
International Student Edition
Chapters 1 (1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5(excluding Thm.6), 1.6) 2 (2.1, 2.2, 2.4
(statement only for Thm.3), 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.9, 2.10),3 (3.1, 3.4, 3.5, 3.9)

Reference Books:

Doe S.G. et al., ordinary differential equations, Tate-McGraw Hill Publishers

Co. Ltd.
Raisinghania M.D., ordinary and partial differential equations, 6th edition,
S.Chand & Co. Ltd.
Amarnath T., an elementary course in partial differential equations, Narosa
Publishing Co. 1997
Sardar Patel University
Vallabh Vidyanagar
S.Y. B. Sc.(Mathematics)
Two periods per week (2 hours-54 Marks)
(With effect from June 2003)


Unit 1

Numbers and their accuracy; mathematical preliminaries; errors and Their

analysis; a general error formula; error in a approximation; Solutions of algebraic
and transcendental equations –Bisection Method , iteration method, Aitken’s
process, method of false Position, Newton-raphson method. (Numerical Analysis)

Unit 2

Interpolation; forward, central and backward differences; symbolic Relations of

operators ; detection of errors by use of difference Tables; differences of a
polynomial; Newton’s forward and Backward formulae; Gauss forward and
backward; Bessel’s Stirling’s and Everett’s formulae.

Unit 3

Interpolation with unevenly spaced points; Lagrange’s formula (Without proof);

divided difference and their properties; Newton’s General formula; Inverse
interpolation; method of successive Approximations; numerical differentiation-
Newton’s forward and Backward, stirling’s , Newton’s general and Lagrange’s
formulae; Maximum and minimum values of a tabulated function.

Unit 4

Numerical integration trapezoidal rule; Simpson’s 1/3rd and 3/8th Rules;

with their errors; Romberg differential equations; solution by R. Taylor’s series;
picards’ method, Euler’s method; Range-kutta Method; Range-kutta method
upto second order.

Recommended Texts:

Sastry, S.S., Introductory methods of Numerical analysis, prentice Hall

Of India, 1990.
Chapter 1(1.1 to 1.6), chapter 2(2.1 to 2.5(omit 2.5.1)), Chapter 3(3.1, 3.3 to
3.7(omit 3.7.5) 3.9,(omit 3.9.1)),chapter 5(5.3,5.4(omit 5.4.4,5.4.5,5.4.7)),chapter
7 (7.1 to 7.5)
Sardar Patel University
Vallabh Vidyanagar
S.Y. B. Sc. (Mathematics)
Three periods per week (3 hours-26 Marks)
(With effect from June 2003)

M-204 Numerical Analysis (Practical)

Unit 1.

Curve tracing in Cartesian; polar and parametric coordinates; inherent

Errors and truncated errors; errors in a series approximation.

Unit 2.

Interpolation- Newton’s forward and backward, Gauss’s forward and

Backward, Sterling’s, Bessel’s, Everett’s, Lagrange’s; Newton’s General and
Lagrange’s general formulae; method of successive Approximations.
Numerical differentiation and integration - differentiation of Newton’s forward and
backward, Sterling’s, Bessel’s, Newton’s General and Lagrange’s formulae;
Trapezoidal, simpson’s 1/3rd and 3/8th rules, Romberg method.

Unit 3.

Solution of algebric and transcendental equations–Bisection method, Iteration

method, Aitken’s process, method of false position, Newton Raphson’s method.
Numerical solution of ordinary differential Equations – Solution by Taylor’s series,
Picard’s method, Euler’s Method, Euler’s method. Runge-kutta method (fourth
order only).

Unit 4.

Boolean algebra and Switching circuits.

Recommended Texts:

Sastry, s.s. , Introductory methods of Numerical analysis, Prentice Hall

Of India, 1990.
Scarborough, Numerical Mathematical Analysis
Bajpai, calus and farly, Numerical Analysis for scientists and Engineers, John

Notes: (1) Use of the standard texts books may be permitted at the time of
Practical Examination.

The candidate shall have to produce at the time practical Examination the record of
their prescribed Laboratory work, certified by the Head of the Department.

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