System Read Senzor
System Read Senzor
System Read Senzor
Reference Guide
April 2000
Series 2000 Reader System
Reference Guide
Preface ............................................................................................................................... 7
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 9
1.1 General ............................................................................................................. 10
1.2 System Description ............................................................................................... 10
1.3 Product Description ............................................................................................... 10
1.3.1 Interfaces .................................................................................................. 10
1.3.2 Communications Protocols .............................................................................. 11
2 Hardware ................................................................................................................. 13
2.1 General ............................................................................................................. 14
2.2 Product Description ............................................................................................... 14
2.2.1 Connectors ................................................................................................ 14
2.2.2 Switches ................................................................................................... 22
2.2.3 Indicators .................................................................................................. 24
2.2.4 Potentiometers ............................................................................................ 24
2.3 Mechanical Information ........................................................................................... 24
3 Synchronization ....................................................................................................... 25
3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 26
3.2 Types of Synchronization ........................................................................................ 26
3.2.1 No Synchronization ...................................................................................... 26
3.2.2 Wireless Synchronization ............................................................................... 26
3.2.3 Wired Synchronization ................................................................................... 27
3.2.4 Combined Wireless/Wired Synchronization........................................................... 27
3.2.5 Master/Slave Synchronization .......................................................................... 27
3.2.6 Carrier Phase Synchronization ........................................................................ 28
4 Installation ............................................................................................................... 31
4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 32
4.2 General ............................................................................................................. 32
4.3 Mechanical Mounting ............................................................................................. 32
4.3.1 Power Supply ............................................................................................. 32
4.4 Communication .................................................................................................... 32
4.4.1 Configuration .............................................................................................. 33
4.4.2 RS232...................................................................................................... 33
4.4.3 RS422...................................................................................................... 34
4.4.4 RS485...................................................................................................... 34
4.5 Synchronization.................................................................................................... 34
4.5.1 Software Controlled ...................................................................................... 34
4.5.2 Wireless Synchronization ............................................................................... 35
4.5.3 Wired and Combined Wireless/Wired Synchronization ............................................. 35
4.5.4 Master/Slave (without acknowledgment) & Triggered Synch. ...................................... 35
4.5.5 Master/Slave (with acknowledgment).................................................................. 36
4.5.6 Transmitter Carrier Phase Synchronisation (CPS) .................................................. 37
4.6 General Purpose Input/Outputs ................................................................................. 38
List of Tables
2-1 List of Connectors .......................................................................................................... 15
2-2 Power Range Settings ..................................................................................................... 16
2-3 Supply Connector .......................................................................................................... 16
2-4 Supply Connector – Specifications....................................................................................... 16
2-5 General Purpose Inputs/Outputs ......................................................................................... 17
2-6 General Purpose Inputs/Outputs – Specifications ..................................................................... 17
2-7 Synchronization Interface ................................................................................................. 18
2-8 Synchronization Interface – Specifications.............................................................................. 18
2-9 Carrier Phase Synchronization Interface ................................................................................ 18
2-10 CPS Interface – Specifications ........................................................................................... 19
2-11 Open Collector & I/Os ..................................................................................................... 19
2-12 Open Collector & I/Os – Specifications.................................................................................. 19
2-13 RS232 SUB-D Connector ................................................................................................. 20
2-14 RS232 WECO Connector ................................................................................................. 20
2-15 RS422/RS485 Connector ................................................................................................. 20
2-16 RS422/RS485 Communications Interface – Specifications........................................................... 21
2-17 Indicator Outputs ........................................................................................................... 21
2-18 Indicator Outputs – Specifications ....................................................................................... 21
2-19 Antenna ..................................................................................................................... 22
2-20 Antenna – Specifications .................................................................................................. 22
2-21 CTL Setup DIP Switches .................................................................................................. 22
2-22 I/O Setting Switches (6 & 7) .............................................................................................. 23
2-23 RS422/RS485/DAT Settings DIP Switches ............................................................................. 23
2-24 Synchronization DIP Switches ............................................................................................ 23
2-25 Indicators .................................................................................................................... 24
2-26 Mechanical Information .................................................................................................... 24
3-1 Distances Between Antennas ............................................................................................ 29
4-1 RS232 9-pin Connector ................................................................................................... 33
4-2 RS232 WECO Connector ................................................................................................. 33
4-3 RS422/RS485 Connector ................................................................................................. 34
4-4 Wired and Combined Wireless/Wired Synchronization ............................................................... 35
4-5 Master/Slave Synchronization Without Acknowledgment ............................................................. 36
4-6 Triggered Synchronization ................................................................................................ 36
This indicates information on conditions which must be met, or a procedure
which must be followed, which if not heeded could cause permanent damage to
the equipment or software.
Note: Indicates conditions which must be met, or procedures which must be followed, to ensure
proper functioning of the equipment or software.
Note: Information:
Indicates information which makes usage of the equipment or software easier
This introduces you to the S251B Reader, what it is and what it does.
1.1 General
This document provides information about the S251B Reader. It describes the reader and how to install it.
If connected via an RS232 or an RS422/RS485 interface the computer sends commands to the reader
using one of the two protocols used by the system (ASCII or TIRIS Bus Protocol), and the reader then
communicates via its antenna with any transponders within that antenna’s range. The antenna can be
mounted up to 5 m (depending on the antenna) away from the reader.
1.3.1 Interfaces
The reader has the following connections/interfaces
• Communications interface: RS232, RS422 or RS485 (F & G)
• 8 general purpose I/O lines (B)
• 2 Open Collector outputs (E)
Product Description
• Synchronization bus (C)
• Carrier Phase Synchronization bus (D)
• Power connector (A)
• Indicator outputs connector (H)
• Antenna connector (I)
This chapter describes the hardware of the S251B Reader. It tells you which modules
together comprise the reader. It also describes the front panel (switches connections
etc.) and specifies the electrical inputs and outputs.
2.1 General
This chapter describes the hardware comprising the S251B Reader and provides the electrical
The reader comprises two modules assembled together in a housing. The modules are:
Control Module which contains all the circuitry required to communicate via the interface to the
computer and external devices, to provide synchronization, and to control the RFM. It includes a
Dynamic Auto Tuning (DAT) function to automatically tune the antenna to resonance.
Radio Frequency Module (RFM) which contains all the analog functions of a TIRIS reading unit that
are needed to initialize a TIRIS transponder and to detect its return signal.
2.2.1 Connectors
There are 10 connectors on the S251B, 7 WECO connectors, the antenna connector, a 9-pin sub-D
RS232 connector, a 6-pin connector for the indicator outputs and a 2-pin connector for the antenna. The
function of each pin on each connector (except the RS232 sub-D connector) is described in the following
paragraphs. Their location is shown in Figure 2-2.
Product Description
1 2 1 15 1 6 1 6
1 2 3
RF Power Output Adj.
In order to gain access to the fuse and connector J you must first remove the upper two screws holding
the front panel on, remove the plastic cover strip and then replace the two screws. To gain access to the
connectors H and I you must first remove the lower two screws holding the front panel on, remove the
plastic cover strip and then replace the two screws.
The pins are not individually numbered on the connectors themselves (just on Figure 2-2 for your
The connectors are all marked on Figure 2-2 with a letter (from A to I) and are listed in Table 2-1 which
also shows the section that describes them.
Product Description
1. In order to operate the reader over the full temperature range with pins 1 +
2 connected (15 to 24 V), the maximum current consumption must not
exceed 0.9 Apeak. Exceeding this value could result in unreliable functioning
of the dynamic auto tuning, or sharp limitation of the transmitter output
power because of internal protection. If either of these should occur, switch
the device off and allow it time to recover; and then when it is switched on
again it will revert to normal operation. Note that if either of these occur it is
an indication that the reader is not being operated within its specifications.
2. The reader itself generates heat, therefore if it is incorporated into a housing
you must ensure (by proper design and/or cooling) that the temperature
immediately surrounding the reader does not exceed the operating
temperature range.
Product Description
Do not connect any power supply to pin 13 as it would damage the reader.
The total consumption of the two VCC outputs (General Purpose
Inputs/Outputs pin 13 together with Open Collector & I/Os – pin 1) must not
exceed 500 mA.
Product Description C – Synchronization Interface
The synchronization interface is used to establish hard wired synchronization with other readers through a
single or double pair of wires. Its pin assignment is given in Table 2-7 and its specifications are given in
Table 2-8.
Product Description
1. The total consumption of the two VCC outputs (Open Collector & I/Os – pin 1
together with General Purpose Inputs/Outputs pin 13) must not exceed 500 mA.
2. This function is not used or supported by TIRIS standard firmware. It can however be
used, if required, by customers who are providing their own software.
Product Description
All interface parameters are according to the RS232 Specification and are not given in detail in this
manual. The DTR and DSR lines are currently not used for any purpose.
Product Description
Product Description
2.2.2 Switches
There are three banks of DIP switches on the S251B Reader, one is for the Control Module set-up (12
switches), one is for the RS422/RS485/DAT settings (5 switches), and the third one is for the
synchronization settings (5 switches). The Control Module set-up switches are listed in Table 2-21, the
RS422/RS485/DAT settings are listed in Table 2-23, and the synchronization settings switches are listed
in Table 2-24. The ON position and switch 1 are always shown in the switch bank, the switch is on when
the switch is set to the up position.
Product Description
Note: SW1 and SW2 must always be in the same position as each other, either both OFF or
both ON.
Mechanical Information
2.2.3 Indicators
There are six LEDs on the front panel of the reader they are described in Table 2-25.
The TX Active and Read O.K. LED lines are also made available for external use if required, details are
given in section 4.7.
2.2.4 Potentiometers
There are two potentiometers that can be adjusted through the reader front panel, they are: the RF Power
Output adjustment potentiometer ( and the EMI/Sync. Level adjustment potentiometer (
If you are using more than one reader in an application, it may mean that you need to
synchronize their operation so that they do not interfere with each other. This chapter
describes the various synchronization options.
3.1 Introduction.............................................................................. 26
3.2 Types of Synchronization .......................................................... 26
3.1 Introduction
Where multiple readers are operating in the same area, it is necessary to coordinate the activities of those
readers to avoid mutual interference. This is known as synchronization. Synchronization in this context
means that the readers in your application are controlled in such a way that they do not interfere with each
There are several types of synchronization that can be used depending on the situation in a particular
application, for example: the type of transponder, the type of operation performed on that transponder
(Charge-only read, General read, Program page, Lock page), the size of the antennas and the speed of
the transponder. The different kinds of synchronization are described in section 3.2. How to actually set-up
your system to use the synchronization you’ve chosen is described together with the other installation
procedures in Chapter 5.
The distance that readers’ antennas have to be separated before the need for some method of
synchronization is required, varies with local conditions, for in addition to purely airborne (radiated)
interference, signals can travel from one reader to another via metal structures (conducted). Metal
structures can include the frames of metal buildings, reinforcing bars in concrete floors and power or data
3.2.1 No Synchronization
This option is only used in conjunction with Software synchronization, or if there is only a single reader. No
sync. and Master/Slave sync without acknowledgment are the fastest methods of reading transponders.
If all readers are connected by the same RS485 data network, coordination of the readers can be
controlled directly by the Host Computer. For example, the Host Computer may issue a Broadcast
command for all readers to simultaneously perform a read cycle and buffer the result. Another technique
possible using the data network is to issue individual commands to each reader in turn. This technique is
used when writing data to Multipage Transponders (MPTs). Where a PLC has a number of point-to-point
connections to readers, it is also possible to coordinate the activities via the ladder logic. With Software
synchronization all readers will be simultaneously transmitting or, each reader individually operating. In
both cases the readers can be configured to have No Synchronization.
Types of Synchronization
1. There are no wires to run.
2. All readers are autonomous (no Master unit).
3. Enables Hand held readers to co-exist with fixed units (using wireless synchronization).
1. In noisy environments, there is too much sensitivity with larger antennas (G04 and larger custom
antennas) to allow accurate setting of the background levels.
2. It is not suitable for operations other than Charge-only read.
3. It cannot be used when other readers are writing information to transponders.
4. Where the environmental conditions change, for example: a ground loop antenna’s characteristics are
changed by a vehicle over it, the synchronization adjustment could be wrong.
Types of Synchronization
1. All readers must be on the same synchronization bus.
2. If the Master fails, all units stop.
3. Slave units cannot be individually tested without the Master running.
4. Slaves must perform exactly the same RF-Task as the Master (read the same page, write the same
data to a transponder).
Types of Synchronization
This is Carrier Phase Synchronization where all of the readers in a system use the same oscillator. Carrier
Phase synchronization must be used whenever Gate or Stick antennas are facing each other and if they
are inside the distances D1 or D2 as given in Table 3-1 (Figure 3-1 shows the places to measure D1 and
D2). This ensures that there will not be any “beat effect” between the antennas.
Note: Remember that putting two antennas close together also changes antenna inductance, so
that the antennas may no longer be tuneable to resonance.
This chapter provides you with the information that you need to know in order to install
the reader.
This chapter also describes how to incorporate the various synchronization options.
4.1 Introduction.............................................................................. 32
4.2 General .................................................................................... 32
4.3 Mechanical Mounting................................................................. 32
4.4 Communication ........................................................................ 32
4.5 Synchronization ........................................................................ 34
4.6 General Purpose Input/Outputs .................................................. 38
4.7 LED Outputs ............................................................................. 38
4.8 Reset ....................................................................................... 39
4.9 Antenna ................................................................................... 39
4.10 RF Power Output Adjustment ..................................................... 39
4.11 EMI/Sync. Level Adjustment ....................................................... 39
4.1 Introduction
Note: Always ensure that the reader is switched off when making or breaking connections to it.
4.2 General
The S251B Reader has been designed with easy installation in mind. The following information provides
you with any details such as switch settings and so on that you will need to know.
4.4 Communication
Follow the instructions given in the section that describes the communications set-up that you have
decided to use in your system: Section 4.4.2 for RS232, Section 4.4.3 for RS422 and Section 4.4.4 for
4.4.1 Configuration
CTL Setup switch 8 determines the mode of operation of the control module when power is applied to the
control module. When CTL Setup switch 8 is in the OFF position, standard TIRIS default parameters are
used, these are:
• ASCII protocol
• 9600 baud, eight databits, no parity, one stop bit, Xon/Xoff enabled
• Normal Mode
• Wireless synchronization
• I/O 0 to 3 defined as input
• I/O 4 to 7 defined as output and logic high
• Hardware interface RS232C
If CTL Setup switch 8 is in the ON position, customer specific parameters are used to operate the Control
Module. These application specific parameters are stored in the serial EEPROM on the Control Module.
Note: The setting of CTL Setup switch 8 is only checked after power on.
You can use the Software Utility Program which is available on the internet at our site: to configure your reader.
In order to configure the reader for customer specific parameters you must connect the reader via the
RS232 port (connector F1 or F2) to your host and get connection using the TIRIS standard parameters
(with CTL Setup switch 8 is in the OFF position). Change the default parameters to the customer specific
parameters and save them. Set CTL Setup switch 8 to the ON position and reset the reader. The reader
will then work with the customer specific parameters.
4.4.2 RS232
Either connect a 9-pin SUB-D female plug to the SUB-D connector, or connect up the 6-pin WECO
connector marked “RS232” on the reader’s front panel, the pin signals are given in Table 4-1 or Table 4-2.
Synchronization Activation
The Data Terminal Ready signal (DTR) is connected to the reset/watchdog circuit of the S251B Reader.
This ensures a PC controlled microcomputer initialization before the default Read Mode is started.
When power is applied to the reader the Data Set Ready signal (DSR) of the RS232-C interface is
4.4.3 RS422
Connect the WECO (marked RS422/485) connector as shown in Table 4-3. Set the switches as shown in
Figure 4-1. If you are only using one reader the line terminal switch 3 must be switched to ON, if you are
using more than one reader only the last reader in the line must be switched to ON (all other readers to
4.4.4 RS485
Connect the WECO (marked RS422/485) connector as shown in Table 4-3. Set the switches as shown in
Figure 4-2. If you are only using one reader the line terminal switch 3 must be switched to ON, if you are
using more than one reader only the last reader in the line must be switched to ON (all other readers to
4.5 Synchronization
4.5.2 Wireless Synchronization
There are no switch or jumper settings for wireless synchronization. Make sure that you set the software
configuration to wireless synchronization when you are configuring the reader.
Note: If the distance between Unit 1 and Unit n is less than approximately 400 m, DIP switch
SW3 can be left OFF.
Note: If the distance between Unit 1 and Unit n is less than approximately 400 m, DIP switch
SW3 can be left OFF.
Note: If the distance between Unit 1 and Unit n is less than approximately 400 m, DIP switch
SW3 can be left OFF.
to other
Master Slave
Figure 4-6. Carrier Phase Synchronisation Interface Connection
4.8 Reset
The S251B Reader provides a connection for an external reset on pin 12 of the General Purpose
Input/Output connector (B). This pin can be used reset the S251B Reader externally. You can apply an
external reset to the reader by connecting a push-button to the connectors as shown in Figure 4-8.
4.9 Antenna
The S251B Reader can be used together with the TIRIS antennas RI-ANT-G01E, RI-ANT-G02E,
RI-ANT-G04E and RI-ANT-S02C. If you wish to use it with your own design antenna that antenna must
conform to the specifications given in Table 4-9.
Note: The Stick Antenna (RI-ANT-S02C) must only be used together with a reader supply
voltage up to 12 V. If you use this antenna with a higher reader supply voltage the
antenna becomes too warm which effects the antenna’s Q.
The antenna must be connected to the terminals marked Antenna on the S251B.
This chapter provides the Warnings, Cautions and Notices that are relevant to the
S251B reader.
FCC/PTT Regulations
Care must be taken when handling the S251B. High voltage across the antenna terminals could be
harmful to your health. If the antenna insulation is damaged the antenna should not be connected to the
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