Lava Flows

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On your turn, take one of the following actions:
• Move a Piece: Take a piece of your color from the top
of a stack and move it one space, non-diagonally. If the
space it enters is occupied, place it on top of the stack.
• Slide a Stack: Move a whole stack of pieces one space,
non-diagonally, but only if your color is on top and the
space it’s moving into is empty. Take care when sliding
the stack not to lift the bottom piece, lest you reveal
what may (or may not) be hidden underneath.
• Bubble Up: Move the bottom-most piece in a stack, of
either color, to the top of that stack. If the bottom-most
piece is hidden, you must correctly state the color of
that piece before revealing it. If you state the wrong
2 FAS T SI M PLE color, or there is no hidden pyramid, nothing happens
and your turn ends. You may not Bubble up a piece if
your opponent just did so in the same tower.
EQUI PM E NT • Lava Tube Ejection: If the top three pieces of any stack
• 6 black pyramids: 3 Larges + 3 Mediums consist of one color between two pieces of the other
• 6 white pyramids: 3 Larges + 3 Mediums color, you may push out the in-between piece and move
• 3 x 3 grid it in any non-diagonal direction. If any pieces involved
are hidden, you must successfully announce what they
are before ejecting the piece.
• Pass: Take no action.
Move your pieces into set positions on the other side
of the board, but don’t forget whose pieces are hidden
under whose. Once the game starts, you are not allowed to look under
any pieces, except when performing an action that forces
GOAL a reveal.
Be the first to move your pieces to the other side of the
board, assembled as three Cinder Cones, one in each
space of the back row. Any time a Medium of your color is on top of a Large
of your color, in your target row, those two pieces lock
together as a Cinder Cone and sink to the bottom of the
TE RM I NOLO GY stack they are in. The pieces that were under the Cinder
• Cinder Cone: A Large capped by a Medium of the Cone are moved to the top of Cone, without changing
same color is called a Cinder Cone. These structures their order. Only one Cinder Cone can Solidify in any
"solidify" when they appear in their destination row. given space. It's considered good form to make a sizzling
noise when Solidification occurs. Other pieces may be
SETUP moved onto and off of a Solidified Cone, but the Cone
itself cannot be moved or split up again. Pieces on top of
Each player starts with their three Large pieces in the
a Cone can be bubbled up as if the Cone does not exist.
three spaces on their side of the board. Under these
pieces will be: a white Medium, a black Medium, and
nothing. Each player secretly hides one Medium of HOW TO WIN
each color under two of their Larges, leaving their third As soon as your six pieces are arranged on the opposite
Large empty. Use the last pair of Mediums to randomly
side of the board as three Cinder Cones, one per space,
determine who goes first, then stack these pieces, with
you win! (Enemy pieces on top of your Cinder Cones do
the second player's piece on top, in the center space.
not prevent victory.)

This game was the Looney Labs

Holiday Gift for 2017. Enjoy!

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