Bhakti Tattva Viveka

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The text discusses the intrinsic nature of pure bhakti and differentiates it from other inauthentic forms of bhakti.

The text discusses the nature of pure bhakti and how to distinguish it from other similar but inauthentic forms of bhakti.

The text mentions pretentious devotion, semblance of devotion, reflection of devotion, devotion mixed with fruitive action, devotion mixed with impersonal knowledge, endeavors indirectly attributed to devotion, and endeavors associated with devotion.

‚r” ‚r” Guru-GaurŒºgau Jayataú

Deliberation on the True Nature of Devotion

Composed by

‚r”la Bhaktivinoda æhŒkura

Translated from the Hindi edition of

‚r” ‚r”mad BhaktivedŒnta NŒrŒyaÃa MahŒrŒja

Gau∂îya Vedånta Publications
Mathurå, Uttar Pradesh, India
Other titles by ‚r”la NŒrŒyaÃa MahŒrŒja:

The Nectar of Govinda-l”lŒ

Going Beyond Vaikuà ha
‚r” PrabandhŒval”
‚r” ‚ik§Œ§ aka
‚r” Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu-bindu
‚r” Manaú-•ik§Œ

Available from:

Gau¶”ya VedŒnta Publications

254 Moorside Road
Downham, Bromley, Kent BR1 5EZ


‚r” Ke•avaj” Gau¶”ya Ma ha

MathurΠ(U.P.) 281001

Copyright©1997 by ‚r” Gau¶”ya VedŒnta Samiti



Chapter One
The Intrinsic Nature of Bhakti....................................1

Chapter Two
An Analysis of Bhakti-ŒbhŒsa
or the Semblance of Bhakti......................................13

Chapter Three
An Analysis of the Natural Attributes of Bhakti.......24

Chapter Four
An Analysis of the Qualification for Bhakti.............33

The unlimited glories of bhagavad-bhakti are visible in the PurŒÃas, •rutis, sm¨tis, MahŒbhŒrata,
and RŒmŒyaÃa, as well as in the literatures of famous Vai§Ãava ŒcŒryas. By understanding the
svarŸpa or constitutional nature of •uddha-bhakti or unalloyed devotion and genuinely engaging
in its practice, one can easily cross the ocean of nescience and achieve lifeÕs ultimate goal of k¨§Ãa-
prema. What to speak of the genuine practice of •uddha-bhakti, even the attainment of a slight
semblance of bhakti can award the fourfold boons of artha (economic development), dharma (reli-
giosity), kŒma (sense gratification) and mok§a (liberation). Therefore, people in general become
attracted towards the cultivation of bhakti. But due to being ignorant of the true nature of •uddha-
bhakti, they usually come in contact with pretentious devotees who desire only wealth, women
and fame, and under their influence either practice false devotion or adopt devotional sentiments
which are against the principles of pure devotion, all the while imagining them to be pure bhakti.
Coming under the influence of those desiring impersonal liberation, they practice a shadow or
reflection of real bhakti and deceive themselves. Thus they do not achieve the real fruit of bhakti.
Hence, the most merciful bhakti-rasŒcŒrya ‚r”la RŸpa GosvŒm” has explained in his book ‚r”
Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu the true nature of •uddha-bhakti on the basis of scriptural evidences.
Moreover, he has described the nature of chala-bhakti (pretentious devotion), ŒbhŒsa-bhakti (a
semblance of devotion), pratibimba-bhakti (a reflection of devotion), karma-mi•rŒ-bhakti (devo-
tion mixed with fruitive action), j–Œna-mi•rŒ-bhakti (devotion mixed with impersonal knowledge),
Œropa-siddhŒ-bhakti (endeavours which are indirectly attributed with the quality of devotion),
saºga-siddhŒ-bhakti (endeavours associated with or favourable to the cultivation of devotion) and
so on. In the realm of devotion the Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu is unanimously accepted as the most
authoritative literature, but it was composed in the Sanskrit language. So for the benefit of people
in general, in his Bhakti-tattva-viveka ‚r”la Bhaktivinoda æhŒkura has presented the grave and deep
conceptions of Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu in the Bengali language in a straightforward and easily
understandable manner.
‚r”la Bhaktivinoda æhŒkura is an intimate eternal associate of the saviour of the masses in the age
of Kali, ‚ac”nandana ‚r” Caitanya MahŒprabhu. After the associates of ‚r” Gaurahari such as the Six
GosvŒm”s, ‚r” K¨§ÃadŒsa KavirŒja, ‚r” Narottama æhŒkura and ‚r”la Vi•vanŒtha Cakravart” æhŒkura
left this world and entered the unmanifest pastimes, the one-hundred years that followed are con-
sidered a dark period for the Gau¶”ya Vai§Ãava line. This is because during this period in the
Gau¶”ya line no powerful ŒcŒrya appeared who could carry forward the teachings of ‚r”man
MahŒprabhu in their pure form as was done previously. As a result, in a short span of time, on the
pretext of following and preaching the prema-dharma taught by ‚r”man MahŒprabhu many false
sects like •ul, BŒul, KartŒ-bhajŒ, Ne¶Œ-ned”, SŒ”, SahajiyŒ, Sakh”-bhekh”, SmŒrta and JŒti-gosŒ”
appeared and, while engaged in abundant misbehaviour, started preaching their own imaginary
and materially motivated deceitful principles. They defamed Gau¶”ya Vai§Ãavism to such an extent
that educated and respectable people started viewing it with abhorrence. Gradually the Gau¶”ya
conception of devotion began disappearing.

At this time, in the year 1838, ‚r”la SaccidŒnanda Bhaktivinoda æhŒkura auspiciously appeared
in a well-educated and cultured family in the village of V”ra-nagara which is near ‚r” Navadv”pa-
dhŒma in West Bengal. By compiling approximately one-hundred authoritative books on the sci-
ence of bhakti in Sanskrit, Bengali, Hindi, English and various other languages, he ushered in a
new era in the Gau¶”ya Vai§Ãava line and re-established its lost glory. For this great effort, the
Gau¶”ya Vai§Ãavas will remain eternally indebted to him. In the modern age, ‚r”la Bhaktivinoda
æhŒkura set in motion once again the bhakti-bhŒg”rath”, or flowing river of pure devotion, and for
this he is well-known as the Seventh GosvŒm”.
This Bhakti-tattva-viveka is a collection of four essays he composed originally in Bengali on the
deliberation of devotional principles. The first Hindi edition of this material was serialised in issues
from the fourth and fifth years (1958-59) of ‚r” BhŒgavat PatrikŒ, a spiritual magazine in Hindi pub-
lished monthly from ‚r” Ke•avaj” Gau¶”ya Ma ha in MathurŒ. On the request of our faithful readers
and by the inspiration of the present day ŒcŒrya of the ‚r” Gau¶”ya VedŒnta Samiti, ‚r” ‚r”mad
BhaktivedŒnta VŒmana MahŒrŒja, it was presented in book form in 1990.
This present English edition is a direct translation of the Hindi edition. ‚r”man Prema-vilŒsa dŒsa
AdhikŒr” provided the English rendering as well as the layout and design. He also oversaw all
aspects of the bookÕs publication. ‚r”man Navadv”pa dŒsa AdhikŒr” served as Sanskrit editor and
offered many valuable suggestions which enhanced the clarity of the presentation. Finally, the
book was proofread by ‚r”mat” Ya•odŒ-gop” dŒs”. I pray that the mercy of ‚r” ‚r” Guru-GaurŒºga
and ‚r” ‚r” RŒdhŒ Vinoda-bihŒr” be upon all these devotees for their sincere efforts.
By the causeless mercy of the founder of the ‚r” Gau¶”ya VedŒnta Samiti and its subordinate
Gau¶”ya Ma ha branches throughout India, the most worshipable ŒcŒrya-ke•ar” jagad-guru oµ
vi§ÃupŒda a§ ottara-•ata ‚r” ‚r”mad Bhakti Praj–Œna Ke•ava GosvŒm” MahŒrŒja, Gau¶”ya devotional
literatures are being published by the Gau¶”ya VedŒnta Samiti. On the most auspicious occasion
of his appearance day, this edition is being presented as an offering placed into his lotus hands.
Being the great embodiment of affection and forgiveness, may he transmit the potency of his mercy
into the core of our hearts so that we can render maximum service to his innermost desire. This is
our humble prayer at his lotus feet.
Lastly, I humbly request the faithful readers to deliberate upon this literature with great concen-
tration. By understanding the true nature of •uddha-bhakti, one can relish the ultimate goal of all
scriptures, the pure nectar of k¨§Ãa-prema as exhibited and preached by ‚r” Caitanya MahŒprabhu.

An aspirant for a particle of mercy of

‚r” Guru and the Vai§Ãavas,

Tridaöi-bhik§u ‚r” BhaktivedŒnta NŒrŒyaÃa

‚r” Ke•avaj” Gau¶”ya Ma ha, MathurŒ

February 24, 1997

‚r”la Bhaktivinoda æhŒkura

‚r”la Bhaktivinoda-vandanŒ

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namo bhaktivinodŒya saccidŒnanda-nŒmine
gaura-•akti-svarŸpŒya rŸpŒnuga-varŒya te

I offer praÃŒma unto SaccidŒnanda ‚r” Bhaktivinoda who is the foremost of rŸpŒnuga devotees
and the embodiment of ‚r” Caitanya MahŒprabhuÕs •akti.
‚r” ‚r”mad Bhakti Praj–Œna Ke•ava GosvŒm” MahŒrŒja

‚r” Parama-gurudeva-praÃŒma

≤ºÅ F ⁄∆œ®‹¥AŸÆŸæ ÇŸòŸæ@-⁄–Ä“-¬⁄¥®‰ |

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namaú oµ vi§ÃupŒdŒya ŒcŒrya-siµha-rŸpiÃe
•r”-•r”mad-bhakti praj–Œna ke•ava iti nŒmine (1)
atimartya-caritrŒya svŒ-•ritŒnŒ–ca-pŒline
j”va-duúkhe sadŒrttŒya •r”-nŒma-prema-dŒyine (2)

I offer praÃŒma to the lion-like ŒcŒrya, jagad-guru oµ vi§ÃupŒda a§ ottara-•ata ‚r” ‚r”mad Bhakti
Praj–Œna Ke•ava GosvŒm”, who is a thoroughly transcendental personality, who nurtures with great
affection those who have taken shelter of him, who is always sad to see the sufferings of souls who are
inimical to K¨§Ãa, and who bestows love for the holy name.
‚r” ‚r”mad BhaktivedŒnta NŒrŒyaÃa MahŒrŒja

‚r” Guru-praÃŒma

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tridaö”nŒµ bhakta-•iromaÃim ca
•r”-k¨§Ãa-padŒbja dh¨taika-h¨di
caitanya-l”lŒm¨ta-sŒra sŒraµ
nŒrŒyaÃaµ tvam satataµ prapadye

I offer repeated praÃŒma unto ‚r” ‚r”mad BhaktivedŒnta NŒrŒyaÃa MahŒrŒja who is the crown-
jewel of devotees among tridaöi-sannyŒs”s, and who always keeps in his heart the lotus feet of ‚r”
(‚r”mat” RŒdhikŒ) and K¨§Ãa. He especially keeps in his heart the very essence of the nectarine
truths for which ‚r” Caitanya MahŒprabhu enacted His pastimes.
Chapter One

The Intrinsic Nature of Devotion

yugapad rŒjate yasmin bhedŒbheda vicitratŒ

vande taµ k¨§Ãa-caitanyaµ pa–ca-tattvŒnvitaµ svataú (1)

praÃamya gauracandrasya sevakŒn, •uddha-vai§ÃavŒn

Ôbhakti-tattva vivekŒÕ khyaµ •ŒstrŒµ vak§yŒmi yatnataú (2)

vi•va-vai§Ãava dŒsasya k§udrasyŒki–canasya me

etasminn udyame hy ekaµ balaµ bhŒgavat” k§amŒ (3)

ÒI offer praÃŒma unto ‚r” K¨§Ãa Caitanya who is naturally manifest with the pa–ca-tattva and
in whom the contrasting qualities of unity (abheda) and distinction (bheda) simultaneously
exist. After offering praÃŒma unto the servants of ‚r” Gauracandra, who are all pure Vai§Ãavas,
I undertake with utmost care the writing of this book known as Bhakti-tattva-viveka. Being an
insignificant and destitute servant of all the Vai§Ãavas in the world (vi•va-vai§Ãava dŒsa), in this
endeavour of mine I appeal for their divine forgiveness, for that is my only strength.Ó
Most respectable Vai§Ãavas! Our sole objective is to relish and propagate the nectar of •ud-
dha-bhakti unto Lord Hari. Therefore, our foremost duty is to understand the true nature of
•uddha-bhakti. This understanding will benefit us in two ways. First, knowing the true nature
of •uddha-bhakti will dispel our ignorance concerning the topic of bhakti and thus make our
human life successful by allowing us to relish the nectar derived from engaging in •uddha-
bhakti in its pure form. Secondly, it will enable us to protect ourselves from the polluted and
mixed conceptions which currently exist in the name of •uddha-bhakti.
Unfortunately, in present day society in the name of •uddha-bhakti various types of mixed
devotion such as karma-mi•rŒ (mixed with fruitive action), j–Œna-mi•rŒ (mixed with specula-
tive knowledge) and yoga-mi•rŒ (mixed with various types of yoga processes) as well as vari-
ous polluted and imaginary conceptions are spreading everywhere like germs of plague.
People in general consider these polluted and mixed conceptions to be bhakti, respect them
as such, and thus remain deprived of •uddha-bhakti. These polluted and mixed concepts are
our greatest enemies. Some people say that there is no value in bhakti, that God is an imagi-
nary sentiment only, that man has merely created the image of a God in his imagination, and
that bhakti is just a diseased state of consciousness which cannot benefit us in any way. These
types of people, though opposed to bhakti, cannot do much harm to us because we can easi-
ly recognise them and avoid them. But those who propagate that bhagavad-bhakti is the high-
est dharma yet behave against the principles of •uddha-bhakti and also instruct others against
the principles of •uddha-bhakti can be especially harmful to us. In the name of bhakti they

instruct us against the actual principles of bhakti and ultimately lead us onto a path which is
totally opposed to bhagavad-bhakti. Therefore, with great endeavour our previous ŒcŒryas
have defined the svarŸpa or intrinsic nature of bhakti and have repeatedly cautioned us to
keep ourselves away from polluted and mixed concepts. We shall deliberate on their instruc-
tions in sequence. They have compiled numerous literatures to establish the svarŸpa of bhakti,
and amongst them Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu is the most beneficial. In defining the general char-
acteristics of •uddha-bhakti, ‚r”la RŸpa GosvŒm” has written there (verse 1.1.11):

anyŒbhilŒ§itŒ-•Ÿnyaµ j–Œna-karmŒdy anŒv¨tam

ŒnukŸlyena k¨§ÃŒnu•”lanŒµ bhaktir uttamŒ

ÒThe cultivation of activities which are meant exclusively for the pleasure of ‚r” K¨§Ãa, or in
other words the uninterrupted flow of service to ‚r” K¨§Ãa, performed through all endeavours
of the body, mind, and speech, and through the expression of various spiritual sentiments
(bhŒvas), which is not covered by j–Œna (knowledge aimed at impersonal liberation) and
karma (reward-seeking activity), and which is devoid of all desires other than the aspiration to
bring happiness to ‚r” K¨§Ãa, is called uttamŒ-bhakti, pure devotional service.Ó
In the above verse, each and every word has to be analysed; otherwise we cannot under-
stand the attributes of bhakti. In this verse, what is the meaning of the words ÔuttamŒ-bhakti Õ?
Does the phrase uttamŒ-bhakti or topmost devotion also imply the existence of adhama or
inferior bhakti? Or can it mean something else? UttamŒ-bhakti means the stage where the devo-
tional creeper is in its completely pure or uncontaminated form. For example, uncontaminat-
ed water means pure water, meaning that in this water there is no colour, smell or adulteration
of any kind caused by the addition of another substance. Similarly, the phrase uttamŒ-bhakti
refers to bhakti which is devoid of any contamination, adulteration or attachment to material
possessions and which is performed in an exclusive manner. The usage of these qualifying
adjectives here teaches us that we should not accept any sentiments which are opposed to
bhakti. The negation of sentiments which are opposed to bhakti inevitably directs us towards
the pure nature of bhakti itself. Perhaps by merely using the word bhakti alone this meaning
is indicated, since the word bhakti already contains within it all these adjectives anyway. Then
has bhakti-rasŒcŒrya ‚r”la RŸpa GosvŒm” specifically employed the qualifying adjective uttamŒ
(topmost) for no reason? NoÑjust as when desiring to drink water people generally ask, ÒIs
this water uncontaminated?Ó similarly, in order to describe the attributes of uttamŒ-bhakti, our
previous ŒcŒryas considered it necessary to indicate that people mostly practice mi•rŒ-bhakti
or mixed devotion. In reality, rasŒcŒrya ‚r”la RŸpa GosvŒm” is aiming to describe the attributes
of kevalŒ-bhakti or exclusive devotion. Chala-bhakti, pratibimba-bhakti, chŒyŒ-bhakti (a
shadow of devotion), karma-mi•rŒ-bhakti, j–Œna-mi•rŒ-bhakti and so on are not •uddha-
bhakti. They will all be examined in sequence later on.
What are the svarŸpa-lak§aÃa or intrinsic attributes of bhakti? To answer this question it is
said that bhakti is anukŸlyena k¨§ÃŒnu•”lana, the cultivation of activities which are meant
exclusively for the pleasure of ‚r” K¨§Ãa. In his Durgama-saºgaman” commentary on Bhakti-

rasŒm¨ta-sindhu, ‚r”la J”va GosvŒm” has explained that the word anu•”lanam has two mean-
ings. First, it means cultivation through the endeavours to engage and disengage oneÕs body,
mind and words. Second, it means cultivation towards the object of our pr”ti or affection
through manasi-bhŒva, the sentiments of the heart and mind. Although anu•ilana is of two
types, the cultivation through manasi-bhŒva is included within cultivation by ce§ Œ, oneÕs activ-
ities. Hence, oneÕs activities or endeavours (ce§ Œ) and oneÕs internal sentiments (bhŒva) are
mutually interdependent, and in the end it is the ce§ Œ which are concluded to be the sole char-
acteristics of cultivation. Only when the activities of oneÕs body, mind and words are
favourably executed for the pleasure of K¨§Ãa is it called bhakti. Kaµsa and ‚i•upŒla were
always endeavouring towards K¨§Ãa with their whole body, mind and words but their endeav-
ours will not be accepted as bhakti because such endeavours were unfavourable to k¨§Ãa-pr”ti
or K¨§ÃaÕs pleasure. Unfavourable endeavours cannot be called bhakti. The word bhakti is
derived from the root verb form ÔbhajÕ. It is said in the Garu¶a PurŒÃa (PŸrva-khaöa 231.3):

bhaj itye§a vai dhŒtuú sevŒyŒµ parik”rtitaú

tasmŒt sevŒ budhaiú proktŒ bhaktiú sŒdhana-bhŸyas”

ÒThe verbal root bhaj means to render service. Therefore, thoughtful sŒdhakas should engage
in the service of ‚r” K¨§Ãa with great endeavour, for it is only by such service that bhakti is
According to this verse, k¨§Ãa-sevŒ or loving devotional service to K¨§Ãa is called bhakti. Such
service is the intrinsic attribute of bhakti.
In the main verse the word k¨§ÃŒnu•”lanam has been used. The purport of this is that Svayam
BhagavŒn ‚r” K¨§Ãa is the sole ultimate objective indicated by the term kevalŒ-bhakti (exclu-
sive devotion). The word bhakti is also used for NŒrŒyaÃa and various other expansions of
K¨§Ãa, but the complete sentiments of bhakti which can be reciprocated with K¨§Ãa cannot be
reciprocated with other forms. This point can be analysed in detail on another occasion when
the topic is more suitable for it. For the time being it is necessary to understand that bhagavat-
tattva is the only object of bhakti. Although the supreme absolute truth (para-tattva) is one, it
is manifested in three forms, that is brahma-tattva, paramŒtma-tattva and bhagavat-tattva.
Those who try to perceive the absolute truth through the cultivation of j–Œna cannot realise
anything beyond brahma-tattva. Through such spiritual endeavour they try to cross material
existence by negation of the qualities of the material world (neti-neti); thus they imagine
brahma to be inconceivable, unmanifest, formless and immutable. But merely imagining the
absence of material qualities does not grant one factual realisation of the absolute truth. Such
spiritualists think that because the names, forms, qualities and activities in the material world
are all temporary and painful, the brahma which exists beyond the contamination of matter
cannot possess eternal names, forms, qualities, pastimes and so on. They argue on the basis of
evidence from the •rutis, which emphasise the absence of material attributes in the Supreme,
that the absolute truth is beyond the purview of mind and words, and that it has no ears, bod-
ily parts, limbs and so on. These arguments have some place, but they can be settled by

analysing the statement of Advaita •cŒrya found in the ‚r” Caitanya-candrodaya-nŒ akam
(6.67) written by Kavi KarÃapŸra:

yŒ yŒ •rutir jalpati nirvi•e§aµ

sŒ sŒvidhatte savi•e§am eva
vicŒrayoge sati hanta tŒsŒµ
prŒyo bal”yaú savi•e§am eva

In whatever statements from the •rutis where the impersonal tattva is indicated, in the very
same statements personal tattva is also mentioned. By carefully analysing all the statements
from the •rutis as a whole, we can see that the personal tattva is emphasised more. For exam-
ple, one •ruti says that the absolute truth has no hands, no legs and no eyes, but we under-
stand that He does everything, travels everywhere and hears everything. The pure under-
standing of this statement is that He doesnÕt have material hands, legs, limbs and so on as con-
ditioned souls do. His form is transcendental, meaning that it is beyond the twenty-four ele-
ments of material nature and purely spiritual.
By the cultivation of j–Œna it will appear that impersonal brahma is the supreme tattva. Here
the subtlety is that j–Œna itself is material, meaning in the material world whatever knowledge
we acquire or whatever principle (siddhŒnta) we establish is done by depending solely upon
material attributes. Therefore, either that principle is material or by applying the process of
negation of the material (vyatireka) we conceive of a principle which is the opposite of gross
matter, but by this method one cannot achieve the factual supreme tattva. In his Bhakti-san-
darbha, ‚r”la J”va GosvŒm” has outlined the tattva which is attained by those who pursue the
path of impersonal j–Œna as follows:

prathamataú •rot¨ÃŒm hi vivekastŒvŒn eva, yŒvatŒ ja¶Œtiriktaµ cinmŒtraµ vastŸpasthitaµ bha-

vati. tasmi–• cinmŒtre Õpi vastuni ye vi•e§Œú svarŸpa-bhŸta-•akti-siddhŒú bhagavattŒdi-rŸpŒ
varttante tŒµs te vivektuµ na k§amante. yathŒ rajan”-khaöini jyoti§i jyotir mŒtratve Õpi ye
maöalŒntar bahi• ca divva-vimŒnŒdi-paraspara-p¨thag-bhŸta-ra•mi-paramŒÃu-rŸpŒ vi•e§Œs
tŒµ• carma-cak§u§ na k§amanta ity anvayaú tad vat. pŸrvavac ca yadi mahat-k¨pŒ-vi•e§eÃa
divya d¨§ itŒ bhavati tadŒ vi•e§opalabdhi• ca bhavet na ca nirvi•e§a cinmŒtra-brahmŒnubhave-
na tal l”na eva bhavati. (214)
idam eva (G”tŒ 8.3) ÒsvabhŒvo ÕdhyŒtmam ucyateÓ ity anena •r”-g”tŒs Ÿktam. svasya •ud-
dhasyŒtmano bhŒvo bhŒvanŒ Œtmany adhik¨tya vartamŒnatvŒd adhyŒtma-•abdenocyate ity
arthaú. (216)

ÒIn the beginning the students who are pursuing the path of j–Œna require sufficient dis-
crimination to comprehend the existence of a transcendent entity (ciÃmaya-vastu) which is
beyond the contamination of gross matter. Although the specific attributes of Godhead estab-
lished by the potencies inherent within the LordÕs very nature are intrinsicly present within that
transcendent entity, the adherents of the path of j–Œna are unable to perceive them. For exam-

ple, the sun is a luminary which dispels the darkness of night. Although its luminous quality is
easily understood, the inner and outer workings of the sun planet, the difference which exists
between individual particles of light, and the specific distinguishing features of the innumer-
able atomic particles of light are all imperceptible to human eyes. Similarly, those who view
the transcendent entity through the eyes of impersonal j–Œna are unable to perceive the LordÕs
divine personal attributes. If, as previously described, one acquires transcendental vision by
the special mercy of great devotees, one will be able to directly recognise the LordÕs personal
attributes. Otherwise, by realisation of the impersonal existential brahma, one will attain only
the state of merging into that brahma.Ó (Anuccheda 214)
ÒThis knowledge is stated in the Bhagavad-g”tŒ (8.3): svabhŒvo ÕdhyŒtman ucyateÑÔThe
inherent nature of the living entity is known as the self.Õ The meanings of the words svabhŒva
and adhyŒtma are as follows. Sva refers to the •uddha-ŒtmŒ or pure self, and the word bhŒva
refers to ascertainment. Consequently the ascertainment of the pure living entity as a unique
individual, eternally related to the Supreme, is known as sva-bhŒva. When the ŒtmŒ or self is
made the principal subject of focus and thus given the power to act in its proper function, it is
known as adhyŒtma.Ó (Anuccheda 216)
The purport of this is that when spiritual knowledge is acquired through the process of nega-
tion (neti-neti), the absolute truth, which is transcendental to mŒyŒ, is realised only partially.
The variegated aspect of transcendence which lies much deeper within is not realised. If one
who follows this process meets a personalist, self-realised Vai§Ãava guru, then only can he be
protected from the anartha of impersonalism.
Those who pursue the path of yoga in the end arrive only at realisation of the all-pervading
paramŒtma-tattva. They cannot attain realisation of •uddha-bhagavat-tattva. ParamŒtmŒ,
é•vara, personal Vi§Ãu and so on are the objects of research in the yoga process. In this process
we can find a few attributes of bhakti, but it is not •uddha-bhakti. Generally religious princi-
ples in this world which pass for bhagavat-dharma are all merely yoga processes which strive
for realisation of the paramŒtmŒ feature. We cannot expect that in the end all of them will ulti-
mately lead us to bhagavat-dharma, because in the process of meditation there are numerous
obstacles before one finally realises the absolute truth. Besides, when after practicing either
yoga or meditation for some time one imagines that ÒI am brahmaÓ (ahaºgrahopŒsanŒ), there
is the maximum possibility of falling into the trap of impersonal spiritual j–Œna.
In this process, realisation of the eternal form of BhagavŒn and the variegated characteristics
of transcendence is not available. The form which is imagined at the time of upŒsanŒ or med-
itational worshipÑwhether it be the virŒ (the gigantic form of the Lord conceived in the shape
of the universe) or the four-armed form situated within the heartÑis not eternal. This process
is called paramŒtma-dar•ana or realisation of the Supersoul. Although this process is superior
to the cultivation of impersonal j–Œna, it is not the perfect and all-pleasing process. A§ Œºga-
yoga, ha ha-yoga, karma-yoga and all other yoga practices are included within this process.
Although rŒja-yoga or adhyŒtma-yoga follows this process to a certain extent, in most cases it
is merely included within the process of j–Œna. The siddhŒnta or philosophical conclusion is
that paramŒtma-dar•ana cannot be called •uddha-bhakti. In this regard it is said in Bhakti-san-

darbha, ÒantaryŒmitvamaya-mŒyŒ-•akti-pracura-cic chaktya•a vi•i§taµ paramŒtmeti Ó: after the
creation of this universe, the expansion of the Supreme Lord who enters it as the controller of
material nature and who is situated as the maintainer of the creation is known as Jagad”•vara
or the all-pervading ParamŒtmŒ. His function is related more to displaying the external poten-
cy rather than the internal potency. Therefore, this tattva is naturally inferior to the supreme
and eternal bhagavat-tattva.
Absolute truth realised exclusively through the process of bhakti is called BhagavŒn. In
Bhakti-sandarbha the characteristics of bhagavat-tattva are described as Òpari-pŸrÃa-sarva-
•akti-vi•i§ta-bhagavŒn iti Ó: the complete absolute truth endowed with all transcendental poten-
cies is called BhagavŒn. After the creation of the universe, BhagavŒn enters it through His par-
tial expansion as the ParamŒtmŒ: as Garbhodaka•Œy”, He is situated as the Supersoul of the
complete universe (virŒt-antaryŒm”) and as K§”rodaka•Œy”, He is situated as the Supersoul in
the hearts of the living entities. Again, in direct distinction from the manifested material worlds,
BhagavŒn appears as the impersonal brahma-svarŸpa-tattva. Hence, BhagavŒn is the original
tattva and is the supreme absolute truth. His svarŸpa-vigraha or intrinsic form is transcenden-
tal. The complete spiritual bliss resides in Him. His potencies are inconceivable and beyond
any reasoning. He cannot be fathomed by any process fabricated by the knowledge of the
infinitesimal j”va. By the influence of His inconceivable potency, the entire universe and all the
living entities residing within it have manifested. J”vas manifesting from the ta astha-•akti or
marginal potency of BhagavŒn become successful only by following the dharma of engaging
exclusively in His loving transcendental service. Then by the practice of nŒma-bhajana one can
realise through oneÕs transcendental eyes the unparalleled beauty of BhagavŒn. The process-
es of j–Œna and yoga are incapable of approaching BhagavŒn. By combining bhagavat-tattva
with j–Œna, the tattva appears as the formless and effulgent impersonal brahma, and if He is
seen through the yoga process, He appears as ParamŒtmŒ invested within this material cre-
ation. Bhakti is supremely pure. It is very painful for Bhakti-dev”, the personification of bhakti,
to see the Supreme Personality in His lesser manifestations. If she sees this anywhere, she can-
not tolerate it.
Out of these three manifestations of the absolute truth, it is only the manifestation of
BhagavŒnÕs personal form which is the object of bhakti. But even within BhagavŒnÕs personal
manifestation there is one important distinction. Where the internal potency (svarŸpa-•akti)
displays its complete opulence (ai•varya), there BhagavŒn appears as Vaikuà hanŒtha
NŒrŒyaÃa, and where the internal potency displays its supreme sweetness (mŒdhurya), there
BhagavŒn appears as ‚r” K¨§Ãa. In spite of being predominant almost everywhere, ai•varya
loses its charm in the presence of mŒdhurya. In the material world we cannot draw such a com-
parison; no such example is visible anywhere. In the material world ai•varya is more influen-
tial than mŒdhurya, but in the spiritual world it is completely the opposite. There mŒdhurya is
superior and more influential than ai•varya. O my dear devotees! All of you just deliberate
upon ai•varya one time, and then afterwards lovingly bring sentiments of mŒdhurya into your
hearts. By doing so you will be able to understand this truth. Just as in the material world when
the sun rises and consumes the moonlight, similarly when a taste of the sweetness of mŒdhurya

appears in a devoteeÕs heart, he no longer finds ai•varya to be tasteful. ‚r”la RŸpa GosvŒm” has
written (Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.2.59):

siddhŒntatas tv abhede Õpi •r”•a-k¨§Ãa svarŸpayoú

rasenotk¨§yate k¨§Ãa-rŸpam e§Œ rasa-sthitiú

Although from the viewpoint of siddhŒnta NŒrŒyaÃa and K¨§Ãa are non-different, K¨§Ãa is
superior due to possessing more rasa. Such is the glory of rasa-tattva. All of this tattva will be
made clear later in this discussion. But for now it is essential to understand that the favourable
cultivation of activities meant to please ‚r” K¨§Ãa (ŒnukŸlyena-anu•”lanaµ) is the sole intrinsic
characteristic (svarŸpa-lak§aÃa) of bhakti. Thus this confirms the same statement made in the
main verse.
To remain both devoid of desires separate from the desire to please ‚r” K¨§Ãa (anyŒbhilŒ§itŒ)
and free from the coverings of j–Œna and karma (j–Œna-karmŒdy anŒv¨tam) is the ta astha-
lak§aÃa or marginal characteristic of bhakti. ÒVi§Ãu-bhakti pravak§yŒmi yayŒ sarvam avŒpy-
ateÓÑin this half verse from Bhakti-sandarbha the marginal characteristics of bhakti are
reviewed. Its meaning is that by the practice of the aforementioned vi§Ãu-bhakti the j”va can
attain everything. The desire to attain something is called abhilŒ§itŒ. From the word abhlilŒ§itŒ
one should not derive the meaning that the desire to progress in bhakti and to ultimately reach
its perfectional stage is also to be rejected. ÒThrough my practice of sŒdhana-bhakti I will one
day attain the stage of bhŒvaÓÑit is highly commendable for a devotee to maintain such a
desire, but apart from this desire all other types of desires are fit to be rejected. There are two
types of separate desires: the desire for sense gratification (bhukti) and the desire for liberation
(mukti). ‚r”la RŸpa GosvŒm” says (Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.2.22):

bhukti-mukti-sp¨hŒ yŒvat pi•Œc” h¨di varttate

tŒvat bhakti-sukhŒsyŒtra katham abhyudayo bhavet

As long as the two witches of the desires for bhukti and mukti remain in a devoteeÕs heart,
not even a fraction of the pure happiness derived from svarŸpa-siddhŒ-bhakti * will arise. Both
bodily and mental enjoyment are considered bhukti. To make an extraneous effort to remain
free from disease, to desire palatable foodstuffs, strength and power, wealth, followers, wife,
sons and daughters, fame and victory are all considered bhukti. To desire to take oneÕs next
birth in a brŒhmaÃa family or in a royal family, to attain residence in the heavenly planets or
in Brahmaloka or to obtain any other type of happiness in oneÕs next life is also considered

*All favourable endeavours (ce§ Œ) such as •ravaÃa, k”rtana, smaraÃa and so on, as well as the manifestation of
the spiritual sentiments which occur beginning from the stage of bhŒva, which are completely devoid of all
desires separate from ‚r” K¨§Ãa and which are freed from the coverings of j–Œna and karma are known as sva-
rŸpa-siddhŒ-bhakti. In other words all endeavours of the body, words and mind which are related to ‚r” K¨§Ãa
and which are performed exclusively and directly for His pleasure without any intervention are known as sva-

bhukti. Practice of the eightfold yoga system and to desire the eight or eighteen varieties of
mystic perfections are also categorised as bhukti. The greed for bhukti forces the j”va to
become subordinate to the six enemies headed by lust and anger. Envy easily takes over the
heart of the j”va and rules it. Hence, to attain •uddha-bhakti one has to remain completely aloof
from the desire for bhukti. To abandon the desire for bhukti, a conditioned soul need not reject
the objects of the senses by going to reside in the forest. Merely going to reside in the forest or
accepting the dress of a sannyŒs” will not free one from the desire for bhukti. If bhakti resides
in a devoteeÕs heart, then even while living amidst the objects of the senses he will be able to
remain detached from them and will be capable of abandoning the desire for bhukti.
Therefore, ‚r”la RŸpa GosvŒm” says (Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.2.254-256):

rucim udvahatas tatra janasya bhajane hareú

vi§aye§u gari§ ho Õpi rŒgaú prŒyo vil”yate

anŒsaktasya vi§ayŒn yathŒrham upayu–jataú

nirbandhaú k¨§Ãa-sambandhe yuktaµ vairŒgyam ucyate

prŒpa–cikatayŒ buddhyŒ hari sambandhi vastunaú

mumuk§ubhiú parityŒgo vairŒgyaµ phalgu kathyate

When the j”va develops a taste for k¨§Ãa-bhajana, at that time his excessive attachment for
the objects of the senses starts gradually fading. Then with a spirit of detachment he accepts
the objects of the senses only according to his needs, knowing those objects to be related to
K¨§Ãa and behaving accordingly. This is called yukta-vairŒgya. The renunciation of those who,
desiring liberation from matter, reject the objects of the senses considering them to be illusory
is called phalgu or useless. It is not possible for an embodied j”va to completely renounce the
objects of the senses, but changing the enjoying tendency towards them while maintaining an
understanding of their relation to K¨§Ãa cannot be called sense-gratification. RŸpa (form), rasa
(taste), gandha (smell), spar•a (touch) and •abda (sound) are the objects of the senses. We
should try to perceive the world in such a way that everything appears related to K¨§Ãa, mean-
ing that we should see all j”vas as servants and maidservants of K¨§Ãa. See gardens and rivers
as pleasurable sporting places for K¨§Ãa. See that all types of eatables are to be used as an offer-
ing for His pleasure. In all types of aromas, perceive the aroma of k¨§Ãa-prasŒda. In the same
way, see that all types of flavours are to be relished by K¨§Ãa, see that all the elements we touch
are related to K¨§Ãa, and hear only hari-kathŒ or narrations describing the activities of His great
devotees. When a devotee develops such an outlook, then he will no longer see the objects of
the senses as being separate from BhagavŒn Himself. The tendency to enjoy the happiness
obtained from sense gratification intensifies the desire for bhukti within the heart of a devotee
and ultimately deviates him from the path of bhakti. On the other hand, by accepting all the
objects of this world as instruments to be employed in K¨§ÃaÕs service, the desire for bhukti is
completely eradicated from the heart, thus allowing •uddha-bhakti to manifest there.

As it is imperative to abandon the desire for bhukti, it is equally important to abandon the
desire for mukti. There are some very deep principles and conceptions regarding mukti. Five
types of mukti are mentioned in the scriptures:

sŒlokya-sŒr§ i-sŒm”pya-sŒrŸpyaikatvam apy uta

d”yamŒnaµ na g¨hÃanti vinŒ mat-sevanaµ janŒú

‚r”mad-BhŒgavatam 3.29.13

‚r” Kapiladeva said, ÒO my dear Mother! Despite being offered the five types of liberation
known as sŒlokya, sŒr§ i, sŒrŸpya, sŒm”pya and ekatva, my pure devotees donÕt accept them.
They only accept my transcendental loving service.Ó
Through sŒlokya-mukti one attains residence in the abode of BhagavŒn. To obtain opulence
equal to that of BhagavŒn is called sŒr§ i-mukti. To attain a position in proximity to BhagavŒn
is called sŒm”pya-mukti. To obtain a four-armed form like that of BhagavŒn Vi§Ãu is called
sŒrŸpya-mukti. To attain sŒyujya-mukti (merging) is called ekatva. This sŒyujya-mukti is of two
kinds: brahma-sŒyujya and ”•vara-sŒyujya. The cultivation of brahma-j–Œna or impersonal
knowledge leads one to brahma-sŒyujya. Also by following the method prescribed in the spir-
itual scriptures one attains brahma-sŒyujya. By properly observing the PŒta–jali yoga system,
one attains the liberation known as ”•vara-sŒyujya or merging into the LordÕs form. For devo-
tees both types of sŒyujya-mukti are worthy of rejection. Those who desire to attain sŒyujya as
the perfectional stage may also follow the process of bhakti, but their bhakti is temporary and
fraudulent. They donÕt accept bhakti as an eternal occupation and merely consider it to be a
means to attain brahma. Their conception is that after attaining brahma, bhakti does not exist.
Therefore, the bhakti of a sincere devotee deteriorates in the association of such spiritualists.
‚uddha-bhakti never resides in the hearts of those who consider sŒyujya-mukti to be the ulti-
mate perfection. Regarding the other muktis, ‚r”la RŸpa GosvŒm” explains (Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-
sindhu 1.2.55-57):

atra tyŒjyatayaivoktŒ muktiú pa–ca-vidhŒpi cet

sŒlokyŒdis tathŒpy atra bhaktyŒ nŒti virudhyate

sukhai•varyottarŒ seyaµ prema-sevottarety api

sŒlokyŒdir-dvidhŒ tatra nŒdyŒ sevŒju§Œµ matŒ

kintu premaika-mŒdhurya-ju§a ekŒntino harau

naivŒºg” kurvate jŒtu muktiµ pa–ca-vidhŒm api

Although the aforementioned five types of mukti are worthy of rejection by devotees, the
four types of sŒlokya, sŒm”pya, sŒrŸpya and sŒr§ i are not completely adverse to bhakti.
According to the difference in a particular devoteeÕs eligibility to receive them, these four types

of mukti assume two forms: sva-sukha-ai•varya pradŒnakŒr” (that which bestows transcenden-
tal happiness and opulence) and prema-sevŒ-pradŒnakŒr” (that which bestows loving tran-
scendental service unto BhagavŒn). Those who reach the Vaikuà ha planets through these four
types of liberation obtain the fruit of transcendental happiness and opulence. Servitors or
devotees of the Lord never accept such liberation under any circumstances, and the prem”-
bhaktas or loving devotees never accept any one of the five varieties of mukti. Therefore, with-
in pure unalloyed devotees the desire for liberation does not exist. Thus to remain free from
the desire for mukti is anyŒbhilŒ§itŒ-•Ÿnya, being devoid of any desire other than that to please
‚r” K¨§Ãa. This is one of the ta astha-lak§aÃa or marginal characteristics of bhakti.
To remain free from and uncovered by tendencies such as those for j–Œna and karma is
another marginal characteristic of bhakti. In the phrase Ôj–Œna-karmŒdi,Õ the word ÔŒdi,Õ mean-
ing Ôand so forth,Õ refers to the practice of a§ aºga-yoga, vairŒgya sŒºkhya-yoga and the occu-
pational duties corresponding to oneÕs caste or creed. It has already been mentioned that the
favourable cultivation of activities to please ‚r” K¨§Ãa is called bhakti. The living entity is tran-
scendental, K¨§Ãa is transcendental, and the bhakti-v¨tti or tendency of unalloyed devotion
through which the living entity establishes an eternal relationship with K¨§Ãa is also transcen-
dental. When the j”va is situated in his pure state, only then does the svarŸpa-lak§aÃa or intrin-
sic attribute of bhakti act. At that time there is no opportunity for the ta astha-lak§aÃa of bhakti
to act. When the j”va is conditioned and situated in the material world, along with his svarŸpa
or constitutional identity two more marginal identities are present: the gross and subtle bod-
ies. Through the medium of these the living entity endeavours to fulfil his various desires while
residing in the material world. Therefore, when introducing someone to the conception of •ud-
dha-bhakti we have to acquaint him with the concept of anyŒbhilŒ§itŒ-•Ÿnya, being devoid of
any desires other than the desire to please ‚r” K¨§Ãa. In the transcendental world this type of
identification is not required. After becoming entangled in the ocean of material existence, the
j”va becomes absorbed in various types of external activities and is thereby attacked by a dis-
ease called Ôforgetfulness of K¨§ÃaÕ. Within the j”va suffering from the severe miseries caused
by this disease arises a desire to be delivered from the ocean of material nescience. At that time
within his mind he condemns himself, thinking, ÒAlas! How unfortunate I am! Having fallen
into this insurmountable ocean of material existence, I am being thrown here and there by the
violent waves of my wicked desires. At different times I am being attacked by the crocodiles
and other violent creatures of lust, anger and so forth. I cry helplessly at my miserable condi-
tion but I donÕt see any hope for my survival. What should I do? Do I not have any well-wish-
er? Is there any possible way I can be rescued? Alas! What to do? How will I be delivered? I
donÕt see any solution to my dilemma. Alas! Alas! I am most unfortunate.Ó In such a distressed
state of helplessness, the j”va becomes exhausted and falls silent.
Seeing the j”va in this condition, the most compassionate ‚r” K¨§Ãa then mercifully implants
the bhakti-latŒ-b”ja or seed of the creeper of devotion within his heart. This seed is known as
•raddhŒ or faith and it contains within it the undeveloped manifestation of bhŒva or the first
sprout of divine love for BhagavŒn. Nourished by the water of the cultivation of devotional
activities headed by hearing and chanting, that seedling first sprouts, then grows leaves, and

then finally flowers as it assumes the full form of a creeper. When in the end good fortune
dawns upon the j”va, the bhakti-latŒ bears the fruit of prema.
Now I will explain the gradual development of bhakti starting from its seed-form of •raddhŒ.
It is to be understood clearly that as soon as the seed of •raddhŒ is sown in the heart, imme-
diately Bhakti-dev” appears there. Bhakti at the stage of •raddhŒ is very delicate like a new-
born baby girl. From the very time of her appearance in a devoteeÕs heart she has to be very
carefully kept in a healthy condition. Just as a householder protects his very tender baby
daughter from sun, cold, harmful creatures, hunger, and thirst, similarly the infant-like
‚raddhŒ-dev” must be protected from all varieties of inauspiciousness. Otherwise the undesir-
able association of j–Œna, karma, yoga, attachment to material objects, dry renunciation and so
forth will not allow her to gradually blossom into uttamŒ-bhakti and will instead make her grow
into a different form. In other words, the •raddhŒ will not eventually develop into bhakti but
will merely assume the form of anarthas. The danger of disease remains up until the tender
‚raddhŒ-dev” becomes free from the influence of anarthas and transforms into ni§ hŒ from
being nurtured by the affectionate mother of the association of genuine devotees and from tak-
ing the medicine of bhajana. Once she has reached the stage of ni§ hŒ, no anartha whatsoever
can easily harm her.
If ‚raddhŒ-dev” is not properly nurtured with the utmost care, she will be polluted by the
germs, termites, mosquitoes and unhealthy environment of the processes of j–Œna, renuncia-
tion, impersonal conceptions, sŒºkhya and so forth. In the conditioned stage, j–Œna, vairŒgya
and so on are unavoidable for the j”va, but if j–Œna is of a particular variety which is
unfavourable to bhakti, it can ruin bhakti. Hence, according to ‚r”la J”va GosvŒm” the word
Ôj–ŒnaÕ here refers to the pursuit of impersonal brahma. J–Œna is of two types: spiritual knowl-
edge which is directed towards obtaining mukti, and bhagavat-tattva-j–Œna which arises simul-
taneously along with bhakti within the heart of the j”va. The first type of j–Œna is directly
opposed to bhakti and it is essential to stay far away from it. Some people say that bhakti aris-
es only after the cultivation of such spiritual knowledge, but this statement is completely erro-
neous. Bhakti actually dries up by the cultivation of such knowledge. On the other hand, the
tattva-j–Œna concerning the mutual relationship (sambandha) between the ”•vara, the j”va and
mŒyŒ which arises within the heart of the j”va through the faithful cultivation of devotional
activities is helpful for his bhakti. This knowledge is called ahaituka-j–Œna or knowledge which
is devoid of ulterior motive. SŸta GosvŒm” says in the ‚r”mad-BhŒgavatam (1.2.7):

vŒsudeve bhagavati bhakti-yogaú prayojitaú

janayatyŒ•u vairŒgyaµ j–Œnaµ ca yad ahaitukam

ÒBhakti-yoga which is performed for the satisfaction of BhagavŒn VŒsudeva brings about
detachment from all things unrelated to Him and gives rise to pure knowledge which is free
from any motive for liberation and which is directed exclusively toward the attainment of

Now, by carefully reviewing all the previous statements, we can understand that to remain
uncovered by j–Œna, karma and so forthÑwhich means accepting them as subservient enti-
tiesÑand engage in the favourable cultivation of activities meant to please ‚r” K¨§Ãa which are
devoid of any other desire is called uttamŒ-bhakti. Bhakti is the only means by which the j”va
can obtain transcendental bliss. Besides bhakti all other methods are external. With the assis-
tance of bhakti, sometimes karma is identified as Œropa-siddhŒ-bhakti or endeavours which are
indirectly attributed with the quality of devotion and sometimes j–Œna is identified as saºga-
siddhŒ-bhakti or endeavours associated with or favourable to the cultivation of devotion. But
they can never be accepted as svarŸpa-siddhŒ-bhakti or bhakti in its constitutionally perfect-
ed stage. SvarŸpa-siddhŒ-bhakti is kaitava-•Ÿnya or free from any deceit and full of unalloyed
bliss by nature, meaning that it is devoid of any desires for heavenly enjoyment and the attain-
ment of liberation. But in Œropa-siddhŒ-bhakti the desires for bhukti and mukti remain in a hid-
den position. Therefore, it is also called sakaitava-bhakti or deceitful bhakti. Oh my dear inti-
mate Vai§Ãavas! By your constitutional nature you are attracted to svarŸpa-siddhŒ-bhakti and
have no taste for Œropa-siddhŒ-bhakti or saºga-siddhŒ-bhakti. Although these two types of
devotion are not actually bhakti by their constitution, some people refer to these two types of
activities as bhakti. In fact they are not bhakti, but bhakti-ŒbhŒsa or the semblance of real
bhakti. If by some good fortune through the practice of bhakti-ŒbhŒsa one develops •raddhŒ
for the true nature of bhakti, then only can such practice transform into •uddha-bhakti. But this
doesnÕt happen easily, because by the practice of bhakti-ŒbhŒsa there exists every possibility
of remaining bereft of •uddha-bhakti. Therefore, in all the scriptures the instruction is to fol-
low svarŸpa-siddhŒ-bhakti.
In this short article, the intrinsic nature of •uddha-bhakti has been explained. Having care-
fully reviewed all the instructions of our predecessor ŒcŒryas, in summary form we are pre-
senting their heartfelt sentiments in the following verse:

pŸrÃa cidŒtmake k¨§Ãe j”vasyŒÃu cidŒtmanaú

upŒdhi-rahitŒ ce§ Œ bhaktiú svabhŒvik” matŒ

‚r” K¨§Ãa is the complete, all-pervading consciousness who always possesses all potencies,
and the j”va is the infinitesimal conscious entity who is likened to a single particle of light sit-
uated within a ray of the unlimited spiritual sun. The natural and unadulterated endeavour of
the infinitesimal conscious entity towards the complete consciousness is called bhakti. The
j”vaÕs persistence towards anyŒbhilŒ§a (acting to fulfil desires other than the desire to please ‚r”
K¨§Ãa), j–Œna and karma is called Òacquiring material designation.Ó We should understand that
the natural inherent endeavour of the j”va can only mean the favourable cultivation of activi-
ties to please ‚r” K¨§Ãa.

Chapter Two

An Analysis of Bhakti-ŒbhŒsa
or the Semblance of Bhakti

yad bhaktyŒbhŒsa-le•o Õpi dadŒti phalam uttamam

tamŒnanda-nidhiµ k¨§Ãa-caitanyaµ samupŒsmahe

ÒWe worship ‚r” K¨§Ãa Caitanya, who is an ocean of transcendental bliss. Even a faint trace
of devotion unto Him yields the highest result.Ó
My dear devotees! In the previous chapter we discussed the intrinsic nature (svarŸpa) and
extrinsic characteristics (ta astha-lak§aÃa) of bhakti. In this chapter we will discuss bhakti-
ŒbhŒsa or the semblance of bhakti. We have already discussed a little about bhakti-ŒbhŒsa
while reviewing the ta astha-lak§aÃa of bhakti, and indeed, bhakti-ŒbhŒsa is actually included
within the category of the ta astha-lak§aÃa of bhakti. But since it is not really suitable for
bhakti-ŒbhŒsa to be thoroughly analysed in a section where both the svarŸpa and ta astha-
lak§aÃa of bhakti are being described, it has become necessary to write a separate chapter on
the topic of bhakti-ŒbhŒsa. We hope that this article will serve to further clarify the subject mat-
ter of the previous chapter.
It has already been stated that the natural and unadulterated endeavour of the infinitesimal
consciousness, the j”va, towards the complete consciousness, K¨§Ãa, is called bhakti. J”vas are
situated in two stages, the liberated stage and the conditioned stage. In the liberated stage the
j”va is free from all varieties of material relationships and is situated in his pure, constitutional
position. In such a stage the j”va remains free from any material designation and hence within
him there is no opportunity for the marginal characteristics of bhakti to exist. In the condi-
tioned stage the j”va forgets his constitutional identity as his spiritual intelligence is deluded by
the coverings of the subtle and gross bodies. In this stage the j”va acquires various material des-
ignations. When a mirror is free from dust, it gives a clear reflection of any object, but when it
is covered with dust, it does not give a clear reflection. In such a condition we can say that the
mirror has acquired a designation. When something covers the svabhŒva or nature of an
object, then that covering is called the objectÕs designation. Material nature covers the pure
constitutional nature of the j”va, and that covering is the j”vaÕs designation. It is said in the
‚r”mad-BhŒgavatam (11.2.37):

bhayaµ dvit”yŒbhinive•ataú syŒd

i•Œd apetasya viparyayo Õsm¨tiú
tan-mŒyayŒto budha Œbhajet taµ
bhaktyaikaye•aµ guru-devatŒtmŒ

The j”vaÕs innate tendency of unalloyed devotion towards the complete consciousness,
BhagavŒn ‚r” K¨§Ãa, is his nitya-dharma or eternal occupational duty. When the same j”va
becomes opposed to BhagavŒn, then he is gripped by fear and his intelligence is lost. MŒyŒ is
the aparŒ-•akti or external potency of BhagavŒn. Considering the existence of this material
world which has manifested from the external potency to be an independent element from
BhagavŒn, the unfortunate j”va falls into material existence. Intelligent people, accepting the
shelter of the lotus feet of a sad-guru, engage themselves in the exclusive bhajana of the para-
ma-deva or supreme god, ‚r” Hari.
From the above verse we can conclude that the j”vaÕs mŒyŒbhinive•a or absorption in the
material energy imposes a false designation upon him. In such an adulterated stage, the bhakti
of the j”va easily deteriorates and appears as bhakti-ŒbhŒsa. Those who desire nothing other
than entrance into •uddha-bhakti should completely cross over bhakti-ŒbhŒsa and take shelter
of kevalŒ-bhakti, exclusive and uninterrupted devotion. For this reason we are reviewing the
topic of bhakti-ŒbhŒsa in great detail. This in-depth analysis of bhakti-ŒbhŒsa is extremely con-
fidential; only intimate devotees are qualified to hear it. This is because those who consider
bhakti-ŒbhŒsa to be bhakti will never be pleased upon reading this book until they become
truly fortunate. I am feeling immense pleasure in presenting this topic before the intimate
‚r”la RŸpa GosvŒm” has not given a separate analysis of bhakti-ŒbhŒsa in Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-
sindhu. Within the first half of the verse ÒanyŒbhilŒ§itŒ-•unyam j–Œna-karmŒdy anŒv¨tamÓ he
has given a complete yet hidden explanation of bhakti-ŒbhŒsa. While discussing the topic of
rati-ŒbhŒsa or the semblance of rati in his review of rati-tattva, ‚r”la RŸpa GosvŒm” has nicely
explained bhakti-ŒbhŒsa. I am presenting this deliberation on bhakti-ŒbhŒsa upon the basis of
the conception of rasŒcŒrya ‚r”la RŸpa GosvŒm”. Bhakti-ŒbhŒsa exists prior to the stage of •ud-
dha-bhakti. From bhakti-ŒbhŒsa the stages of •uddha-bhakti and rati in •uddha-bhakti appear
in sequence. ‚r”la RŸpa GosvŒm” says (Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.3.45), Òpratibimbas tathŒ
chŒyŒ ratyŒbhŒso dvidhŒ mataú.Ó There are two types of bhakti-ŒbhŒsa: pratibimba-bhakti-
ŒbhŒsa and chŒyŒ-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa. The difference between the two is that pratibimba remains
apart from the original object and appears as another separate entity, while chŒyŒ is completely
dependent on the original object and from a position of proximity to it appears as a partial
manifestation of the original object. When a tree is reflected in water, the tree which is visible
in the water is called the pratibimba or reflection of the original tree. The reflection is never in
touch with the original object. The existence of the reflection is due solely to the existence of
the original object; still, the reflection is accepted as a separate identity. The form which
appears because of the treeÕs blockage of the path of light and which resembles the form of
the tree itself is called the chŒyŒ or shadow. The existence of the chŒyŒ is entirely dependent
upon the original object. ‚r”la J”va GosvŒm” says, ÒtasmŒn nirupŒdhitvam eva rater mukhya-
svarŸpatvŒµ sopŒdhitvam ŒbhŒ§ŒtvŒµ tattva gauÃyŒ v¨ttyŒ pravarttamŒnatvam iti,Ó which
means that when bhakti is unadulterated, it is svarŸpa-bhakti or devotion in its intrinsic state,
but when bhakti is adulterated, then it is called bhakti-ŒbhŒsa. Bhakti-ŒbhŒsa is manifested by
the gauÔ-v¨tti or secondary inclination of the j”va. The j”vaÕs intrinsic inclination is called the

mukhya-v¨tti and the inclination which is obstructed or covered is called the gauÔ-v¨tti.
Pratibimba-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa and chŒyŒ-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa are both categorised as gauÔ-v¨tti or sec-
ondary tendencies. When bhakti reaches its pure form, it is completely free from the tenden-
cies of pratibimba and chŒyŒ. At that time only the original object itself, pure spontaneous
devotion, is manifest.

Pratibimba bhakti-ŒbhŒsa

Pratibimba-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa can be divided into three categories: (1) nirvi•e§a-j–ŒnŒv¨ta-bhakti-

ŒbhŒsa, (2) bahirmukha-karmŒv¨ta-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa, and (3) vipar”ta vastu me bhakti-buddhi-
janita bhakti-ŒbhŒsa.
(1) In nirvi•e§a-j–ŒnŒv¨ta-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa, bhakti remains hidden by a covering of impersonal
knowledge. At that time a curtain of impersonal knowledge exists between the sŒdhaka and
svarŸpa-siddhŒ-bhakti, making direct realisation of svarŸpa-bhakti impossible.
The conception of impersonal j–Œna is that within cit-tattva or transcendence, names, forms,
qualities, pastimes and other attributes donÕt exist. According to this philosophy, these attrib-
utes exist only in material objects and when the j”va becomes liberated from material existence,
he merges into undifferentiated brahma. Wherever such nirvi•e§a-j–ŒnŒ exists, •uddha-bhakti
cannot manifest there. K¨§ÃŒnu•”lana is called •uddha-bhakti. But the activities of bhakti are
not possible in the nirvi•e§a stage because neither K¨§Ãa, the k¨§Ãa-dŒsa-j”va, nor devotional
endeavours are present. If someone believes that when the perfectional stage of liberation is
achieved bhakti no longer exists due to the destruction of the mind, body and false ego, but
simultaneously they continue to follow the process of bhakti to achieve such perfection, then
how can their k¨§Ãa-bhakti be called eternal and free from deceit? Such a person tries to please
K¨§Ãa for the time being and in the end attempts to extinguish K¨§ÃaÕs existence. In precisely
the same way, V¨kŒsura pleased ‚iva with his worship and after obtaining a boon from ‚iva
that he could kill anyone by merely placing his hand on their head, he tried to kill ‚iva him-
self. The devotion of such a person is deceitful and temporary due to his ignorance of the
intrinsic nature of nitya-siddhŒ-bhakti. In Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu (1.3.44, 46), ‚r”la RŸpa
GosvŒm” has described the attributes of such deceitful bhakti:

kintu bŒla-camatkŒra-kŒr” tac-cihna v”k§ayŒ

abhij–ena subodho Õyaµ ratyŒbhŒsaú prak”rtitaú

a•ramŒbh”§ a-nirvŒh” rati-lak§aÃa lak§itaú

bhogŒpavarga-saukhyŒµ•a-vya–jakaú pratibimbakaú

By observing the symptoms of shedding tears and trembling in persons who desire material
enjoyment and liberation, it may seem that they have developed k¨§Ãa-rati or excessive attach-
ment for K¨§Ãa. But only foolish people, who are easily influenced by a show of external symp-
toms, will consider such so-called rati as genuine. Those who are knowledgable know it as

rati-ŒbhŒsa. Such a personÕs trembling and shedding of tears are due to two reasons. The first
reason is that they have a hankering for impersonal liberation and by remembering K¨§Ãa, who
alone can award such mukti, they feel great pleasure. This pleasure is the cause of their shed-
ding tears and trembling; it is not due to spontaneous love for K¨§Ãa. The second reason for
their shedding tears and trembling is the happiness derived from thinking that simply by the
performance of such bhakti-ŒbhŒsa their inner desires for material enjoyment will be easily ful-

vŒrŒÃas”-nivŒs” ka•cid ayaµ vyŒharan hare•caritam

yati-go§ hyŒmutpulakaú si–cati gaöadvay”masraiú

Once, in the city of VŒrŒÃas”, a sannyŒs” was chanting the names of Hari in an assembly of
sannyŒs”s and eventually he began trembling and tears started flowing from his eyes. While
chanting harinŒma he was thinking, ÒAha! By such a simple process I will attain impersonal lib-
eration.Ó ‚r”la RŸpa GosvŒm” describes the cause of such a condition (Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu

daivŒt sad-bhakta-saºgena k”rtanŒdyanusŒriÃŒm

prŒyaú prasanna-manasŒµ bhogo mok§Œdi-rŒgiÃŒm

ke•Œ–ciddh¨di bhŒvendoú pratibimba uda–cati

tad-bhakta h¨nnabhaústhasya tat saµsarga-prabhŒvataú

Exhibiting such trembling and shedding of tears is not easy for an impersonalist because
j–Œna and vairŒgya make the heart hard and push away all the symptoms of bhakti, which is
very tender by nature. Even though in the process of •ravaÃa and k”rtana conducted by the
impersonalists the disease of the desires for sense gratification and liberation exists, they still
feel a little pleasure in their hearts from their performance of •ravaÃa and k”rtana. If at such a
time by some good fortune they obtain the association of a pure devotee of BhagavŒn, then by
the effect of that association the bhŒva which has arisen like the moon in the sky of the hearts
of pure devotees is reflected even in their hearts which are contaminated by the impersonal
conception. Such an occurrence can sometimes cause a little ecstasy and shedding of tears. But
when again they lack the association of such a devotee, they deride the tears and trembling of
their own disciples as fraud or cheating. Hence, bhakti can never appear in the heart covered
by impersonal j–Œna, but sometimes there is the appearance of bhakti-ŒbhŒsa.
(2) In bahirmukha-karmŒv¨ta-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa a blockage comprised of an external covering of
karma or fruitive activities is produced by the gauÃa-v¨tti or secondary tendency of bhakti. It
is as if a curtain of fruitive activity is present between the relisher, the j”va and that which is to
be relished, bhakti. This curtain covers the svarŸpa or intrinsic nature of bhakti. VarÃa-dharma,
Œ•rama-dharma and a§ aºga-yoga are all classified as karma. Karma is of two types: nitya and
naimittika. All actions which result in piety are considered karma. A detailed explanation of

karma here would greatly enlarge this presentation. Those who specifically want to understand
karma-tattva may read the initial pages of my book ‚r” Caitanya-•ik§Œm¨ta. The process of
karma delineated in the books of the smŒrta-brŒhmaÃas is all external karma. The sandhya-
vandana or prayers to be recited daily at dusk and so on which are suitable for the proper exe-
cution of oneÕs varÃŒ•rama duties and which are mentioned in the books of the smŒrtas are
called nitya-karma or daily routine activities. The smŒrtas consider these nitya-karma activities
to be bhakti. Yet an in-depth review of these activities will reveal that they are also external.
The symptoms of bhakti which are visible in them are due merely to pratibimba-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa
and not real bhakti. This is because the desired fruit of these activities is either the attainment
of impersonal liberation or the pleasures of this world or the heavenly worlds. Some people
consider the limbs of bhakti-tattva such as •ravaÃa and k”rtana to be karma and the •ravaÃa
and k”rtana of karma-tattva to be bhakti. These misconceptions are caused by their ignorance
of proper tattva. Although externally there appear to be many similarities between karma and
sŒdhana-bhakti, there exists a fundamental difference between the two. Whatever action is
performed to attain mundane happiness in this world or in the heavenly worlds is called
karma. This happiness is classified as either sense gratification or relief from suffering in the
form of impersonal liberation.
On the other hand, bhakti is the action performed with absorption in those sentiments which
only help to increase our natural inborn inclination towards achieving k¨§Ãa-rati and where the
performer has no other desire whatsoever. Despite accruing some other fruits by the perfor-
mance of such activity, the performer considers that fruit to be very insignificant. Those acts
which nourish •uddha-bhakti are also considered bhakti because bhakti alone is the mother of
bhakti; j–Œna and karma can never be capable of producing bhakti. My dear intimate devotees!
You cannot satisfy the people engaged in gross activities by presenting before them this sub-
tle difference between karma and bhakti. Only when their faith in karma and j–Œna dwindles
by the accumulation of heaps of pious activities and by the effect of association with pure
devotees of BhagavŒn will the seedling of undeveloped bhakti appear in their hearts in the
form of •raddhŒ. Unless in possession of such •raddhŒ, no one can understand the subtle dif-
ference between karma and bhakti. We should understand that if someone thinks that bhakti
is simply another form of karma, then he wonÕt be able to relish the transcendental sentiments
of •uddha-bhakti in his heart. The difference between bitter and sweet can be distinguished
only by tasting them, not by reasoning. After actually tasting them, it becomes much easier to
consider and then determine which of them is superior. Those inclined towards karma some-
times dance, tremble, and shed tears while chanting harinŒma, but all of this is pratibimba-
bhakti, not •uddha-bhakti, and is the result of their previous good fortune of having associat-
ed with devotees as described in the verses which were quoted previously such as Òsat-bhakta-
saºgenaÓ. Their trembling and shedding of tears are just bhoga-saukhyŒµ•a-vya–jaka or symp-
toms produced by sensual pleasure and are considered mere pratibimba only. At such times
they are either immersed in thoughts of heavenly pleasure or absorbed in an imaginary ocean
of the pleasure derived from liberation. This is pratibimba-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa.

(3) In present times we can easily point out vipar”ta vastu me bhakti-buddhi-janita bhakti-
ŒbhŒsa which is produced by the visualisation of bhakti in activities which are actually
opposed to bhakti and which is prevalent in the pa–copŒsanŒ and in the ”•vara-praÃidhŒna or
concentration upon the ”•vara within the yoga process. Those known as pa–copŒsanŒ consider
that there are five sampradŒyasÑ‚aiva (worshippers of ‚iva), ‚Œkta (worshippers of DurgŒ),
GŒnapatya (worshippers of GaÃe•a), Saura (worshippers of SŸrya), and Vai§Ãava (worshippers
of Vi§Ãu). All five are followers of impersonalism. The Vai§Ãava line mentioned here is not the
Vai§Ãava line which follows the genuine principle of bhakti. The four genuine Vai§Ãava sam-
pradŒyas are not included within the Vai§Ãava pa–copŒsanŒ-sampradŒya mentioned here. ‚r”
RŒmŒnujŒcŒrya, ‚r” MadhvŒcŒrya, ‚r” Vi§ÃusvŒm” and ‚r” NimbŒditya are the four ŒcŒryas of the
four bona fide sampradŒyas of •uddha-bhakti which are described in the verse •r”-brahma-
rudra-sanakŒ•catvŒraú sampradŒyinaú. To indicate these four sampradŒyas, it is said in the
scriptures, ÒsampradŒya-vih”nŒ ye mantrŒs te ni§phalŒ matŒú,Ó which means mantras not
accepted from the four bona fide sampradŒyas yield no results.
Vai§Ãavas who belong to the pa–copŒsanŒ section are basically impersonalists, not pure
devotees. All the pa–copŒsakas believe that the mŸrtis of their five worshipable deities are ulti-
mately imaginary. In other words they believe that brahma has no form and that these forms
are conceived only as a convenience for worship while still in the bodily conception of life.
According to their concept, when oneÕs worship becomes perfect they merge into impersonal
brahma and the devotion they offered to those ÔimaginaryÕ mŸrtis whom they consider to be
the é•vara is not eternal. This activity is simply j–ŒnŒv¨ta-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa. One cannot attain •ud-
dha-bhakti as long as he believes such j–ŒnŒv¨ta-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa to be real bhakti. If symptoms
of bhakti such as trembling and the profuse shedding of tears are detected in the performers
of this type of bhakti-ŒbhŒsa, they should be taken only as symptoms produced by sensual
pleasure and mere pratibimba or a reflection of the genuine symptoms. Just as the pa–-
copŒsakas display bhakti-ŒbhŒsa towards their ÔimaginaryÕ mŸrtis of demigods, similarly yog”s
also display trembling and shedding of tears towards their ÔimaginaryÕ mŸrti of the Supersoul.
These are all examples of pratibimba-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa. The concept that pratibimba-bhakti-
ŒbhŒsa will gradually develop and will ultimately transform into •uddha-bhakti is totally false
because by rejecting impersonal meditation and the benefits sought from fruitive activities the
existence of this tattva (bhakti-ŒbhŒsa) totally vanishes. There remains no possibility of those
practicing pratibimba-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa actually being benefited unless they completely purify
their consciousness from its very root. Impersonalists such as the four KumŒras and the top-
most j–Œn” ‚ukadeva GosvŒm” could only begin new and more exalted lives when they com-
pletely renounced their previous faiths and accepted the path of bhakti. By the strength of their
new, exalted lives they achieved the status of our ŒcŒryas. Regarding pratibimba-bhakti-
ŒbhŒsa, ‚r”la RŸpa GosvŒm” says (Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.3.42-43):

vimuktŒkhila tar§air yŒ muktair api vim¨gyate

yŒ k¨§ÃenŒtigopyŒ•u bhajadbhyo Õpi na d”yate

sŒ bhukti-mukti-kŒmatvŒc chuddhŒµ bhaktim akurvatŒm
h¨daye sambhavaty e§Œµ kathaµ bhŒgavat” ratiú

ÒHow is it possible for the rare bhagavat-rati or intense attachment for BhagavŒn in the stage
of bhŒva to appear in the hearts of those desiring material sense gratification and impersonal
liberation when such rati is being eagerly sought after by liberated souls who have complete-
ly renounced all varieties of material desires and is not easily granted by ‚r” K¨§Ãa to those
engaged in His exclusive bhajana?Ó
It is imperative to mention here that those who consider the pleasure derived from illicit asso-
ciation with women and taking intoxication to be bhagavat-rati are themselves polluted and
may pollute others also.


It is very important for a sŒdhaka to understand chŒyŒ-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa. Unlike pratibimba-

bhakti-ŒbhŒsa, chŒyŒ-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa is not crooked and shrewd; it has simplicity and virtue.
‚r”la RŸpa GosvŒm” has written as follows regarding chŒyŒ-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa (Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-
sindhu 1.3.49-53):

k§udra kautŸhalamay” ca–cala duúkha-hŒriÔ

rate• chŒyŒ bhavet ki–cit tat-sŒd¨•yŒvalambin”

apy Œnu§aºgikŒde§Œ kvacid aj–e§vap”k§yate

kintu bhŒgyaµ vinŒ nŒsau bhŒvac chŒyŒpy uda–cati

yad abhyudayataú k§emaµ tatra syŒd uttarottaram

hari-priya-janasyaiva prasŒdabhara-lŒbhataú
bhŒvŒbhŒso Õpi sahasŒ bhŒvatvam upagacchati

tasminn evŒparŒdhena bhŒvŒbhŒso Õpy anuttamaú

krameÃa k§ayam Œpnoti khastha pŸrÃa-•a•” yathŒ

There are a few similarities between chŒyŒ-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa and •uddha-bhakti, but by nature
the practitioner of chŒyŒ-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa feels some slight curiosity concerning what fruit will be
attained by following this process, his mind is restless and some of his material distress is erad-
icated. ChŒyŒ-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa is sometimes visible even within a person bereft of spiritual
knowledge just by the influence of their having come into contact with the times, places and
devotees that are related to BhagavŒn. Whether one be a pa–copŒsaka or a sampradŒyika
(coming in a bona fide paramparŒ), one cannot attain the stage of chŒyŒ-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa with-

out some special good fortune having arisen within him because upon the shadow of bhŒva
arising just onceÑin whatever minute degree it may beÑit will certainly grow and result in
progressive benefit for the sŒdhaka. Upon obtaining the mercy of a pure Vai§Ãava, bhŒvŒ-
bhŒsa can suddenly progress up to the stage of bhŒva. But on the other hand, if one commits
offences at the feet of pure Vai§Ãavas even the topmost bhŒvŒbhŒsa gradually deteriorates just
like the gradual waning of the moon in k¨§Ãapak§a, the dark fortnight of the lunar month.
ChŒyŒ-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa is of two types: (1) sva-rŸpa-j–ŒnŒbhŒva-janita-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa or bhakti-
ŒbhŒsa which appears in the absence of knowledge of oneÕs inherent identity, and (2) bhakti-
udd”paka-vastu-•akti-janita-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa or bhakti-ŒbhŒsa in which the stimulation for bhakti
is caused by the influence of having come into contact with objects such as time, place and cir-
cumstance which are related to BhagavŒn.
(1) The svarŸpa-j–Œna or intrinsic knowledge concerning the sŒdhaka (the practitioner), sŒd-
hana (the practice) and sŒdhya (the object of achievement) is nondifferent from the svarŸpa of
•uddha-bhakti. When such svarŸpa-j–Œna has not yet arisen within a sŒdhaka but the desire to
cross over the ocean of material existence has come within him, then whatever symptoms of
bhakti which are visible in him in that condition are merely bhakti-ŒbhŒsa. This bhakti-ŒbhŒsa
transforms into •uddha-bhakti when one obtains svarŸpa-j–Œna. Even for Vai§Ãavas who are
duly initiated into the genuine sampradŒya the vastu-prabhŒ, or illumination of oneÕs eternal
identity arising from their dik§Œ-mantra which they received from their dik§Œ-guru, wonÕt
appear until they receive this svarŸpa-j–Œna by the mercy of a •ik§Œ-guru. Due to ignorance of
svarŸpa-j–Œna, svarŸpa-siddhŒ-bhakti remains covered and hence only bhakti-ŒbhŒsa is visi-
ble. The devotion of pa–copŒsakas who remain aloof from the teachings of impersonalism and
perform the worship of their favourite deity by considering Him to be a direct expansion of
BhagavŒn and the supreme goal is also chŒyŒ-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa. Still, there is a great deal of dif-
ference between pa–copŒsaka Vai§Ãavas and sŒmpradŒyika Vai§Ãavas. The ni§ hŒ or firm faith
of sŒmpradŒyika Vai§Ãavas in the personal aspect of BhagavŒn is much stronger than that of
pa–copŒsaka Vai§Ãavas. By receiving proper instruction on tattva, a sŒmpradŒyika Vai§Ãava
remains hopeful of reaching a very exalted stage of •uddha Vai§Ãavism, but a pa–copŒsaka
cannot be as hopeful of achieving such an exalted stage of Vai§Ãavism by receiving instruction
on the tattva according to their own custom. The accessibility of association of pure devotees
for sŒmpradŒyika Vai§Ãavas is much better than it is for pa–copŒsakas. If by some fortune the
pa–copŒsakas obtain the association of devotees and simultaneously keep themselves aloof
from the association of impersonalists, they can then be refined by the sŒmpradŒyika system
and can begin pursuing the path of •uddha-bhakti. Two scriptural evidences mentioned in
Bhakti-sandarbha are being quoted here. In the Skanda PurŒÃa it is confirmed that sŒm-
pradŒyika Vai§Ãavas achieve their desired result even by the practice of chŒyŒ-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa.
‚r” MahŒdeva says (Hari-bhakti-vilŒsa 11.200):

d”k§Œ-mŒtreÃa k¨§Ãasya narŒ mok§aµ labhanti vai

kiµ punar ye sadŒ bhaktyŒ pŸjayanty acyutaµ narŒú

ÒJust by receiving initiation into the k¨§Ãa-mantra one can obtain mukti, so what can be said
about what one can achieve by performing bhagavad-bhakti?Ó
Regarding pa–copŒsakas who remaining free from pratibimba-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa have devel-
oped chŒyŒ-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa, the •di-varŒha PurŒÃa (211.85) says:

janmŒntara-sahasre§u samŒrŒdhya v¨§adhvajam

vai§Ãavatvaµ labhet ka•cit sarva-pŒpak§aye sati

ÒIf one worships GaÃe•a for thousands of births and becomes free from all sins, then it is pos-
sible to come to the platform of Vai§Ãavism.Ó
The scriptural conclusion is that •aktas or worshippers of the goddess DurgŒ are gradually
elevated to bhakti, either personal or impersonal, by first becoming worshippers of the sun-
god, then worshippers of GaÃe•a, then worshippers of ‚iva, then pa–copŒsaka Vai§Ãavas, and
finally sŒmpradŒyika Vai§Ãavas. By the careful analysis of the words of the scriptures it is
understood that by the influence of association with pure devotees chŒyŒ-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa trans-
forms into •uddha-bhakti.
(2) In the scriptures there are many examples of bhakti-udd”paka vastu-•akti janita bhakti-
ŒbhŒsa. The tulas” plant, mahŒ-prasŒda, vai§Ãava-prasŒda, the days of devotional observance
such as EkŒda•”, the Deity of BhagavŒn, the holy dhŒmas, the GaºgŒ, the footdust of Vai§Ãavas
and so on are various objects which act as bhakti-udd”paka or stimuli to bhakti. The j”va
receives immense benefit even by coming in contact with these objects unknowingly.
Sometimes benefit is accrued even when the innocent j”va unknowingly commits an offence
to them. Coming into contact with these objects in this way is also bhakti-ŒbhŒsa. Devotees
wonÕt be astonished upon witnessing such remarkable results of bhakti-ŒbhŒsa; all such results
are due solely to the immense power of •uddha-bhakti. If the processes of j–Œna and yoga are
not executed purely and if they are not supported by bhakti-ŒbhŒsa, then they are incapable
of granting any result. On the other hand, Bhakti-dev” is completely independent; regardless
of the motives of those who take shelter of her, she fulfils their innermost desires. Although all
these results are visible in bhakti-ŒbhŒsa, it is not the prescribed conduct. The execution of
•uddha-bhakti is our only duty. Those who desire absolute success should not in any circum-
stances give a place to pratibimba-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa within their hearts. By the strength of bhajana
performed under the guidance of pure Vai§Ãavas, they should cross beyond chŒyŒ-bhakti-
ŒbhŒsa and take exclusive shelter at the lotus feet of Bhakti-dev”. Therefore, all of you kindly
accept the following principle presented by Vi•va-vai§Ãava dŒsa:

pratibimbas tathŒ chŒyŒ bhedŒttatva-vicŒrataú

bhaktyŒbhŒso dvidhŒ so Õpi varjan”yaú rasŒrthibhiú

Those who desire to relish bhakti-rasa should always remain aloof from both types of
bhakti-ŒbhŒsa. By reviewing the tattva, it is concluded that bhakti-ŒbhŒsa is of two types, prati-
bimba-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa and chŒyŒ-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa. Pratibimba-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa has a tendency to

make the j”va commit offences while chŒyŒ-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa is incomplete in itself. The execu-
tion of •uddha-bhakti is the only recommended activity for the j”va.

Offences towards Bhakti

This is a very dangerous item. We execute so many limbs of bhakti, such as accepting the
dik§Œ-mantra from a bona fide guru, everyday applying tilaka to twelve different parts of the
body, performing arcana unto ‚r” K¨§Ãa, observing the vow of EkŒda•”, chanting harinŒma and
remembering K¨§Ãa according to oneÕs ability, visiting the holy places like V¨ndŒvana and so
forth. But unfortunately we donÕt try hard enough to avoid committing offences at the feet of
Bhakti-dev”. Giving the example of the activities of Mukunda, ‚r”man MahŒprabhu highlight-
ed to His devotees the various symptoms of offence towards bhakti (‚r” Caitanya-BhŒgavat,
Madhya-l”lŒ, 10.185, 188-190, 192):

k§aÃe dante t¨Ãa laya, k§aÃe jŒ h” mŒre

o kha¶a-jŒ hiyŒÑbe Œ nŒ dekhibe more

prabhu boleÑÒo be Œ jakhana yathŒ jŒya

se” mata kathŒ kahi tathŒya mi•Œya

vŒ•i§ ha pa¶aye jabe advaitera saºge

bhakti-yoge nŒce gŒya t¨Ãa kari dante

anya sampradŒye giyŒ jakhana sŒmbhŒya

nŒhi mŒne bhakti jŒ hi mŒraye sadŒya

bhakti-sthŒne uhŒra haila aparŒdha

eteke uhŒra haila darasana-bŒdhaÓ

MahŒprabhu said, ÒI can never bestow mercy upon Mukunda because sometimes he displays
his humility by taking straw between his teeth and at other times he attacks Me; in other words,
he keeps one of his hands at My feet (displaying humility) and the other at My neck (attacking
Me). According to his own convenience, sometimes he behaves as My follower and at other
times he criticises Me. Hence, I cannot reward him. Wherever he goes, seeking his own bene-
fit he represents himself accordingly and mixes with people. Sometimes he supports the doc-
trine of MŒyŒvŒda by reciting from the book Yoga-vŒ•i§ hŒ which is endowed with Advaita phi-
losophy and at other times he shows his faith by abandoning the impersonal concept and cul-
tivating k¨§Ãa-bhakti by becoming meek and humble and dancing and performing k”rtana.
When he enters the sect of the impersonalists, he rejects the eternity of bhakti and condemns
the devotees with the weapon of argument and logic. In this way he has committed an offence
at the feet of Bhakti-dev”. Therefore, I cannot give him My dar•ana.Ó

Mukunda Datta is an eternal associate of the Lord, so whatever MahŒprabhu said to him in
this regard is only a l”lŒ or pastime. But MahŒprabhuÕs objectives are very grave, so there must
be an extremely confidential reason for His statements here. His confidential instruction is that
we cannot please K¨§Ãa just by accepting dik§Œ and executing the various limbs of bhakti. Only
those who have unwavering faith in exclusive devotion can satisfy Him. Those who have
developed such faith accept the path of •uddha-bhakti with great determination. They donÕt
visit places where doctrines which are unrelated to •uddha-bhakti are discussed. They go to
places where the topic of •uddha-bhakti is being discussed and they listen with great interest.
Simplicity, determination and exclusive desire for bhakti are the natural characteristics of such
unalloyed devotees. They never approve of statements or activities which are opposed to the
principles of bhakti merely to gain popularity; pure devotees always remain indifferent to such
These days most people donÕt try to avoid the above-mentioned offences. Just from seeing
the devotees or hearing bhagavat-kathΠthey display symptoms of apparent spiritual ecstacy
such as trembling and the shedding of tears and they support spiritual philosophy in assem-
blies, but afterwards they are again seen becoming mad after sense gratification. Therefore,
dear readers! What can be said about the so-called ni§ hŒ of those who display these bogus
sentiments? We understand that just to earn fame they display these symptoms before the
devotees. Out of greed to acquire fame or other material benefits they display varieties of this
sort of conduct. It is a matter of great sorrow that these people not only commit an offence at
the feet of Bhakti-dev” by propagating deceitful philosophies in the name of bhakti, but also
completely ruin the spiritual lives of the j”vas of this world.
Dear readers! We should remain very careful not to ever commit any offence at the feet of
Bhakti-dev”. First of all, we must vow to perform bhakti while remaining indifferent to all else.
We must never do anything or speak anything which is contrary to bhakti just to gain popu-
larity or collect followers. We must remain simple and straightforward in our actions. There
shouldnÕt be any difference between our words and our actions. We must never try to gain the
favour of those who are indifferent to bhakti by displaying to them artificial symptoms of
advanced devotion. We will always remain chaste to the principles of •uddha-bhakti and will
never support any other doctrine. Our external conduct and the feelings within our hearts
should be one and the same.

Chapter Three

An Analysis of the
Natural Attributes of Bhakti

•uddha-bhakti-svabhŒvasya prabhŒvŒn yat-padŒ•rayŒt

sadaiva labhate j”vastaµ caitanyam ahaµ bhaje

ÒI worship ‚r” Caitanya MahŒprabhu. By taking shelter of His feet, the j”va forever obtains the
potency issuing from the very nature of •uddha-bhakti.Ó
‚uddha-bhakti manifests along with six symptoms: (1) kle•aghn”Ñit brings immediate relief
from all kinds of material distress, (2) •ubhadŒÑit brings all auspiciousness, (3) mok§a-
laghutŒk¨taÑliberation becomes insignificant before it, (4) sudurlabhŒÑit is rarely achieved,
(5) sŒndrŒnanda-vi•e§ŒtmŒÑit grants intense transcendental pleasure and (6) k¨§ÃŒkar§iÔÑit
is the only means to attract ‚r” K¨§Ãa. In the stage of sŒdhana-bhakti only the first two symp-
toms appear, in the stage of bhŒva the first four symptoms appear, and in the stage of prema
all six symptoms appear. These six symptoms will now be systematically discussed.
(1) Kle•aghn”ÑBhakti-dev” completely removes all the kle•a or distress of those who take shel-
ter of •uddha-bhakti. Kle•a are of three types: pŒpa or sin, pŒpa-b”ja or sins in their seed form
and avidyŒ or ignorance. Due to the sins committed by the j”va in innumerable lifetimes or the
sins which he may commit in his present or future lives, he has to suffer various types of dis-
tress. The prominent sins have been analysed in the fifth wave of the second shower of ‚r”
Caitanya-•ik§Œm¨ta. These sins can be further divided into two categories: prŒrabdha and
PrŒrabdha sins are those for which the j”va must suffer the reactions in his present life span.
The sins whose reactions will be suffered in oneÕs next life are called aprŒrabdha. The sins
committed by the j”va in innumerable lifetimes are added to the series of previous aprŒrabdha
sins and in his next birth fructify as prŒrabdha sins. Hence, within the jurisdiction of eternal
law, the j”va is bound to suffer the reactions of the sins he has committed in his innumerable
lifetimes. Birth in a brŒhmaÃa family, a Muslim family, a wealthy family, or a poor family, or
having beautiful personal features or being ugly are all the results of prŒrabdha-karma. Birth
in a yavana or untouchable family is due to prŒrabdha sins. ‚uddha-bhakti destroys both types
of sins, prŒrabdha and aprŒrabdha. If the path of j–Œna is followed properly it destroys
aprŒrabdha-karma. But according to the scriptures of the j–Œn”s, one must suffer the reactions
of his prŒrabdha-karma. But bhakti also destroys prŒrabdha-karma:

yat-prahvaÃŒd yat smaraÃŒd api kvacit
•vŒdo Õpi sadyaú savanŒya kalpate
kutaú punas te bhagavan nu dar•anŒt

‚r”mad-BhŒgavatam 3.33.6

ÒO my dear Lord! By hearing and chanting Your holy names, by offering praÃŒma unto You
and by remembering You, even a person born in a family of dog-eaters immediately obtains
the right to perform Vedic sacrifices; in other words, he acquires the status of a brŒhmaÃa.
What to speak then of the benefit one can achieve by receiving Your direct dar•ana?Ó
This verse highlights how bhakti easily destroys the prŒrabdha sins which result in taking
birth in a low-class family. Now see how bhakti also destroys aprŒrabdha sins:

aprŒrabdha-phalaµ pŒpaµ kŸ aµ b”jaµ phalonmukham

krameÃaiva pral”yeta vi§Ãu-bhakti-ratŒtmanŒm

Padma PurŒÃa and Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.1.23

ÒFor those who have undeviating and exclusive attachment for vi§Ãu-bhakti, their (i) aprŒrab-
dha or the accumulated stock of sins which are lying in a dormant condition, (ii) kŸ a or sins
which are tending toward producing seeds, which means that they are beginning to take shape
as sinful desires, (iii) b”ja or seeds which are already established as sinful desires and (iv)
prŒrabdha or fructified sins are all destroyed in sequence.Ó The purport is that for the destruc-
tion of their sins, the devotees need not perform any separate acts of either karma or j–Œna as
The desires to commit sinful activities which are situated within the heart of the j”va are called
pŒpa-b”ja or the seeds of sins. PŒpa-b”ja can only be destroyed by bhakti:

tais tŒny aghŒni pŸyante tapo-dŒna-vratŒdibhiú

nŒdharmajaµ tad-dh¨dayaµ tad ap”•Œºghri-sevayŒ

‚r”mad-BhŒgavatam 6.2.17 and Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.1.24

The systematic methods for the atonement of sins which are prescribed in the scriptures, such
as the performance of difficult vows like candrŒyaÃa and other activities on the path of ordi-
nary karma as well as the performance of austerities and the giving of charity, destroy only
those sins for which they are specifically prescribed. Those atonements do not destroy the
seeds of sin, or in other words the sinful desires which have arisen due to ignorance. Sinful
desires can be removed only by engaging in the service of K¨§Ãa, meaning that besides bhakti
there is no other means which can expunge sinful desires from the heart. As soon as Bhakti-

dev” appears in the heart, all the sinful desires as well as any desires for piety are destroyed at
the root. In the Padma PurŒÃa and in the ‚r”mad-BhŒgavatam, it is described how bhakti erad-
icates avidyŒ:

k¨tŒnuyŒtrŒ vidyŒbhir hari-bhaktir anuttamŒ

avidyŒµ nirdahaty Œ•u dŒvajvŒleva pannag”m

Padma PurŒÃa and Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.1.26

ÒWhen hari-bhakti appears in the heart, she is followed by vidyŒ-•akti which immediately
dispels the ignorance situated within the heart of the j”va, just as a serpent is burnt by a blaz-
ing forest fire.Ó

karmŒ•ayaµ grathitam udgrathayanti santaú
tadvan na rikta-matayo yatayo Õpi ruddha-
sroto-gaÃŒs tam araÃaµ bhaja vŒsudevam

‚r”mad-BhŒgavatam 4.22.23 and Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.1.25

ÒAscetics who have detached their minds from the objects of the senses by keeping their
senses away from those objects cannot easily untie the knot of the false ego from their hearts,
whereas devotees who are exclusively engaged in transcendental loving service unto the lotus
feet of ‚r” K¨§Ãa can untie this knot in no time. Hence, one should engage in the bhajana of ‚r”
K¨§Ãa, the supreme shelter.Ó
Though the cultivation of j–Œna can dispel avidyŒ to some extent, without taking shelter of
bhakti a sŒdhaka will certainly fall down:

ye Õnye ÕravindŒk§a vimukta-mŒninas

tvayy asta-bhŒvŒd avi•uddha-buddhayaú
Œruhya k¨cchreÃa paraµ padaµ tataú
patanty adho ÕnŒd¨ta-yusmad-aºghrayaú

‚r”mad-BhŒgavatam 10.2.32

ÒO lotus-eyed Lord! Although by the cultivation of neti-neti or the negativity principle non-
devotees endeavour to attain something different from dull matter and consider themselves lib-
erated, their intelligence is impure. With great difficulty they cross the ocean of nescience to
attain the stage of brahma, but because they have not taken permanent shelter of Your lotus
feet, they fall down from such a stage.Ó

O intimate devotees! Having surely heard the word ÔavidyŒÕ before, you must be eager to
know its intrinsic nature. Therefore, I will explain a few points in this regard. ‚r” K¨§Ãa pos-
sesses unlimited varieties of •aktis or potencies. Among them, cit-•akti, j”va-•akti and mŒyŒ-
•akti are prominent. Cit-•akti displays BhagavŒnÕs dhŒma or abode and all the paraphernalia
necessary for His l”lŒ. Another name for cit-•akti is svarŸpa-•akti. J”va-•akti produces innumer-
able j”vas. By nature j”vas are purely cit-tattva or spiritual, but due to their incomplete consti-
tution they can be trapped by mŒyŒ. By harbouring selfish desires they become opposed to
K¨§Ãa and are trapped by mŒyŒ, and by desiring to be disposed towards K¨§Ãa they are freed
from mŒyŒ and engage in His service. This is the difference between conditioned and liberated
j”vas. MŒyŒ acts in two ways upon the intrinsic nature of the conditioned j”va: through the
avidyŒ potency and through the vidyŒ potency. Through its avidyŒ aspect, mŒyŒ covers the
constitutional pure ego of the j”va, thus creating a false or distorted ego by which the j”va iden-
tifies himself with gross matter. This shackle of avidyŒ is the cause of the j”vaÕs conditioned
stage. Becoming free from avidyŒ and devoid of false designations, the j”va attains the stage of
liberation. Thus avidyŒ is nothing more than a special potency of mŒyŒ which makes the j”va
forget his constitutional position. AvidyŒ causes karma-vŒsanŒ or the desire for fruitive activi-
ty in the j”va. These desires initiate the process of sin and piety. This avidyŒ is the root cause
of all the difficulty experienced by the j”va. Besides bhakti no other process is capable of elim-
inating this avidyŒ. Karma can only destroy sins, and j–Œna can destroy at the root the desires
which cause both sin and piety. But bhakti totally eradicates at the root the sins themselves,
the desires to perform both sin and piety, and the prime cause of these desires, avidyŒ.
(2) Bhakti is auspicious by nature. ‚r”la RŸpa GosvŒm” says (Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.1.27):

•ubhŒni pr”Ãanaµ sarva-jagatŒm anuraktatŒ

sad-guÃŒú sukham ityŒd”nyŒkhyŒtŒni man”§ibhiú

ÒScholars define •ubha or true auspiciousness as possessing love for all living entities and
becoming the object of affection of all living entities as well as possessing all good qualities,
happiness, and other similar auspicious achievements.Ó
The Padma PurŒÃŒ explains what is meant by possessing love for all living entities and being
the object of affection of all living entities (Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.1.28):

yenŒrcito haris tena tarpitŒni jaganty api

rajyanti jantavas tatra jaºgamŒú sthŒvarŒ api

ÒThose who have worshipped ‚r” Hari have satisfied the entire universe. Therefore, all living
entities, both animate and inanimate, love them.Ó The purport is those who are devoted exclu-
sively to hari-bhajana love everyone without any envy; therefore, others also love them.
In devotees all varieties of good qualities develop naturally. This is easily verified by exam-
ining the lives of devotees. In this regard it says in ‚r”mad-BhŒgavatam (5.18.12, as well as
Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.1.29):

yasyŒsti bhaktir-bhagavaty-aki–canŒ
sarvair guÃais tatra samŒsate surŒú
harŒvabhaktasya kuto mahad-guÃŒ
manorathenŒsati dhŒvato bahiú

Those who possess undeviated and exclusive bhakti for BhagavŒn become the residence of
all the demigods and all good qualities. How can such great qualities exist in non-devotees
whose illicit desires compel them to run after sense gratification? The qualities of compassion,
truthfulness, humility, detachment, spiritual awareness and so forth appear only in those hearts
in which bhakti has arisen. Even upon numerous endeavours these qualities donÕt appear in
those hearts which are occupied with desires for sense gratification. Though happiness is
included within auspiciousness, it is being reviewed separately. By nature bhakti bestows all
‚r”la RŸpa GosvŒm” has written that the happiness of the conditioned soul can be divided
into three categories: vai§ayika-sukha, brahma-sukha and ai•vara-sukha. Vai§ayika-sukha is all
the varieties of mundane pleasure which are found within this material world. The eighteen
types of mystic perfection and heavenly enjoyment are also considered vai§ayika-sukha. Upon
realising that mundane pleasure is ultimately distressful and temporary, the endeavours to
eradicate it through the process of neti-neti is called vyatireka or the principle of negation. The
impersonal pleasure derived from these vyatireka efforts through eliminating all mundane feel-
ings and imagining oneself to be one with the unchangeable brahma is called brahma-sukha.
The happiness derived from taking permanent shelter of BhagavŒn, who possesses all opu-
lences in full, is called ai•vara-sukha. By nature hari-bhakti bestows all varieties of happiness.
According to oneÕs specific qualification and desires, it bestows either vai§ayika-sukha, brahma-
sukha or ai•vara-sukha.

siddhayaú paramŒ•caryŒ bhukti-mukti• ca •Œ•vat”

nityaµ ca paramŒnandaµ bhaved govinda bhaktitaú

Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.1.31

ÒAÃimŒ, mahimŒ, laghimŒ, prŒpti, ”§itŒ, va•itva, prŒkŒmya and kŒmavasŒyitŒÑthese eight
types of perfections, all varieties of material enjoyment, brahma-sukha and paramŒnanda or
the supreme bliss can all be achieved by performing bhakti for ‚r” Govinda.Ó
It is written in the ‚r” Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya (and Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.1.32):

bhŸyo Õpi yŒce deve•a tvayi bhakti-d¨¶hŒstu me

yŒ mok§Œnta-caturvarga-phaladŒ sukhadŒ latŒ

ÒO Lord of the demigods! I repeatedly beg for the boon of attaining exclusive devotion unto
You by which, according to their specific qualification, some devotees obtain the fruits of
wealth, religiosity, sense gratification and liberation while others obtain the fruit of the happi-
ness of possessing prema for You.Ó
The purport is that bhakti is capable of bestowing all types of happiness but the unalloyed
devotees, considering the pleasure derived from sense gratification and brahma-sukha to be
insignificant, search exclusively for prema-sukha. Without the help of bhakti, the paths of
j–Œna and karma are incapable of yielding any result. Hence, in any condition, happiness can-
not be obtained without bhakti.
(3) Mok§a-laghutŒk¨ta: By nature bhakti renders the conception of mukti insignificant. It is said
in the NŒrada-pa–carŒtra (and Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.1.34):

hari-bhakti mahŒdevyŒú sarvŒ muktyŒdi siddhayaú

bhuktaya• cŒdbhutŒs tasyŒ• ce ikŒvad anuvratŒú

ÒThe various kinds of perfections headed by mukti and the entirety of mundane pleasures
follow behind the goddess of hari-bhakti, Bhakti-dev”, as her maidservants.Ó
‚r”la RŸpa GosvŒm” has also said this very beautifully (Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.1.33):

manŒg eva prarŸ¶hŒyŒµ h¨daye bhagavad ratau

puru§ŒrthŒs tu catvŒras t¨ÃŒyante samantataú

ÒOnly when one understands the fourfold achievements of economic development, reli-
giosity, sense gratification and liberation to be very insignificant can it be accepted that •uddha-
bhakti is appearing within him.Ó
(4) Attainment of hari-bhakti is extremely rare, sudurlabhŒ. ‚r”la RŸpa GosvŒm” writes about
the extreme rarity of bhakti (Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.1.35):

sŒdhanaughair anŒsaºgair alabhyŒ sucirŒd api

hariÃŒ cŒ•v adeyeti dvidhŒ sŒ syŒt sudurlabhŒ

There are two reasons for hari-bhakti being so rare. First, it cannot be achieved in spite of
engaging in many varieties of sŒdhana for a long period of time as long as one is bereft of firm
faith and unwavering persistence. Second, ‚r” Hari does not easily grant His bhakti even
though one may be engaged in Œsaºga-yukta-sŒdhana or sŒdhana endowed with unflinching
attachment. The word ÔŒsaºgaÕ implies expertise in bhajana. Without expertise in bhajana, no
sŒdhana can grant hari-bhakti. By executing sŒdhana with expertise in bhajana for a long peri-
od of time and after nŒmŒparŒdha and vai§Ãava-apŒrŒdha have been dispelled, by the mercy
of BhagavŒn •uddha-bhakti which establishes one in knowledge of his constitutional identity
arises in the heart.

j–Œnataú sulabhŒ muktir bhuktir yaj–Œdi puÃyataú
seyaµ sŒdhana-sŒhasrair hari-bhaktiú sudurlabhŒ

Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.1.36

ÒBy the cultivation of j–Œna one can easily obtain mukti and by the performance of sacrifices
and other pious activities one can also easily obtain bhukti, but despite performing innumer-
able sŒdhanas one cannot achieve hari-bhakti so easily.Ó
BhagavŒn does not easily grant His bhakti, as confirmed in ‚r”mad-BhŒgavatam (5.6.18 and
Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.1.37):

rŒjan patir gurur alaµ bhavatŒµ yadŸnŒµ

daivaµ priyaú kula-patiú kva ca kiºkaro vaú
astv evam aºga bhajatŒµ bhagavŒn mukundo
muktiµ dadŒti karhicit sma na bhakti-yogam

ÒMy dear King Par”k§it! Lord Mukunda Himself was the protector, guru, i§ adeva (worshipable
Deity), well-wisher and kula-pati (head of the dynasty) of the PŒÃ¶avas and the Yadu dynasty.
Sometimes He even became their obedient servant. It is a matter of great fortune because
BhagavŒn easily grants mukti to those engaged in His bhajana, but He doesnÕt easily award His
prema, which is far superior to mukti.Ó
In his commentary to this verse, ‚r”la J”va GosvŒm” comments, ÒtasmŒd ŒsaºgenŒpi k¨te sŒd-
hana-bhŸte sŒk§Œd bhakti-yoge sati yŒvat phala-bhŸte bhakti-yoge gŒ¶hŒsaktir na jŒyate tŒvan
na dadŒt”ty arthaúÓ: those who engage in bhagavad-bhajana by executing the ninefold limbs
of bhakti are not granted •uddha-bhakti by BhagavŒn until they develop strong attachment for
rati-tattva which is the fruit of the perception of oneÕs eternal identity. Until that time comes,
oneÕs bhakti remains in the form of chŒyŒ-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa.
(5) SŒndrŒnanda-vi•e§ŒtmŒ: By nature bhakti is very intense Œnanda or transcendental plea-
sure. It has already been mentioned that BhagavŒn is the complete saccidŒnanda-svarŸpa and
the j”va is anucidŒnanda or an infinitesimal particle of spiritual bliss who is likened to a single
particle of light situated within a ray of the unlimited spiritual sun. Hence, cit and Œnanda are
also present within the j”va in minute quantity. People generally understand the word Œnanda
to mean mundane pleasure, but whatever pleasure can be derived from all material pleasures
combined is extremely negligible when placed before Œnanda-tattva. Material pleasure is
extremely weak and momentary, whereas cidŒnanda, transcendental pleasure, is extremely
intense. Bhakti is very intense transcendental pleasure and the intrinsic pleasure of the j”vas.
BrahmŒnanda is negligible before bhakti. BrahmŒnanda is not the eternal bliss of the j”va; it is
the so-called pleasure obtained from the negation of matter and material activities. ‚r”la RŸpa
GosvŒm” has said (Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.1.38):

brahmŒnando bhaved e§a cet parŒrddha-guÔ-k¨taú
naiti bhakti-sukhŒmbhodheú paramŒÃu-tulŒm api

ÒEven if the brahmŒnanda experienced by impersonalists is multiplied by ten million times,

the resulting Œnanda wonÕt be equal to even a drop of the ocean of pleasure derived from
bhakti.Ó The purport is that by simple imagination we may extend brahmŒnanda to whatever
extent, but in reality it cannot even come near the intrinsic pleasure of the j”va, what to speak
of equalling it. The constitutional pleasure of the j”va is inborn and hence natural.
BrahmŒnanda is unnatural due to arising from the j”vaÕs distorted endeavours and hence it is
temporary. It is said in Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya (and Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.1.39):

tvat-sŒk§Œt-karaÃŒhlŒda-vi•uddhŒbdhi-sthitasya me
sukhŒni gospadŒyante brŒhmŒÃy api jagad-guro

ÒO BhagavŒn! By attaining Your dar•ana, I am now established in the ocean of pure bliss.
What to speak of material pleasure, even brahma-sukha now seems as insignificant as the
water in a calfÕs hoof-print.Ó
There are many similar statements found in the scriptures.
(6) K¨§ÃŒkar§iÔ: Bhakti is the only means to attract K¨§Ãa. As ‚r”la RŸpa GosvŒm” writes
(Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.1.41):

k¨tvŒ hariµ prema-bhŒjaµ priya-varga-samanvitam

bhaktir va•”-karot”ti •r”-k¨§ÃŒkar§iÔ matŒ

Ò‚uddha-bhakti overpowers ‚r” K¨§Ãa and all His dearmost associates with prema; this very
ability to attract ‚r” K¨§Ãa is actually the inherent nature of Bhakti-dev”.Ó
The purport of this is that in the stage of sŒdhana-bhakti, as long as •uddha-bhakti hasnÕt
arisen within the heart, a sŒdhaka is performing bhakti-ŒbhŒsa. At this stage the attainment of
•uddha-bhakti is very rare. But when •uddha-bhakti does appear in the heartÑeven in the
stage of sŒdhanaÑa little of the splendour of the limbs of bhajana begins to blossom. At that
time realisation of the j”vaÕs eternal identity and realisation of the true intrinsic nature of bha-
gavat-tattva is kindled by the medium of that splendour. Subsequently, a powerful agitation in
the form of deep attachment for bhakti develops within the heart of the devotee. Thus, the
appearance of this stage of bhajana causes •uddha-bhakti-sŒdhana to quickly unfold into the
stage of rati or bhŒva and to ultimately fully blossom into prema. In the stage of bhŒva, bhakti
attracts ‚r” K¨§Ãa along with His dearmost companions, but in the stage of prema, bhakti makes
the sŒdhaka an instrument of •r”-k¨§Ãa-l”lŒ and thus induces him to relish the topmost rasa. This
topic will be explained more clearly ahead. Vi•va-vai§Ãava dŒsa comments on this subject in
the following five verses:

kle•aghn” •ubhadŒ-bhaktir yadŒ sŒ sŒdhanŒtmikŒ
h¨daye baddha-j”vŒnŒµ ta astha-lak§aÃŒnvitŒ (1)

kle•aghn” •ubhadŒ moksŒ-laghutŒk¨t sudurlabhŒ

sŒ bhaktir bhŒva-rŸpeÃa yŒvat ti§ hati cetasi (2)

prema-rŸpŒ yadŒ bhaktis tadŒ tat-tad-guÃŒnvitŒ

sŒndrŒnanda-vi•e§ŒtmŒ •r”-k¨§ÃŒkar§aÔ ca sŒ (3)

muktŒnŒm eva sŒ •a•vat svarŸpŒnandŒ-rŸpiÔ

sambandha-svarŸpŒ nityaµ rŒjate j”va-k¨§Ãayoú (4)

bhaktyŒbhŒsena yŒ labhyŒ muktir mŒyŒ nik¨ntan”

sŒ kathaµ bhagavad-bhakteú sŒmyaµ kŒºk§ati ce ikŒ (5)

ÒThere are three stages of bhakti: sŒdhana, bhŒva and prema. Bhakti in the stage of sŒdhana
has two aspects: kle•aghnatva, meaning it removes all types of material distress, and •ubha-
datva, meaning it offers the supreme auspiciousness. In the stage of bhŒva, four aspects of
bhakti are visible: kle•aghnatva, •ubhadatva, mok§a-laghutŒkŒritva, meaning it reveals to the
practitioner the insignificance of liberation, and sudurlabhatva, meaning it is extremely rare. In
the stage of prema, over and above these four attributes, two more aspects are visible: sŒn-
drŒnanda-vi•e§ŒtmŒ, meaning it grants extremely intense transcendental pleasure, and •r”-
k¨§ÃŒkar§iÔ, meaning it is the only means to attract ‚r” K¨§Ãa. In the conditioned stage of the
j”va, the three intrinsic attributes of bhakti, that is sŒndrŒnanda-svarŸpatva, •r”-k¨§ÃŒkar§atva
and sudurlabhatva, remain mixed with its three marginal characteristics, that is kle•aghnatva,
•ubhadatva and mok§a-laghutŒkŒritva. In the liberated stage, the bhakti of the j”va acts
between the j”va and K¨§Ãa as eternal loving service in a particular relationship and as the j”vaÕs
intrinsic transcendental pleasure. The mukti which dispels the covering of mŒyŒ can be
attained simply by the performance of bhakti-ŒbhŒsa. Since such mukti is just one of the ordi-
nary maidservants among the many maidservants of Bhakti-dev”, how can she aspire to be
equated with Bhakti-dev”?Ó

Chapter Four

An Analysis of the Qualification for Bhakti

karma-j–Œna virŒgŒdi-ce§ Œµ hitvŒ samantataú

•raddhŒvŒn bhajate yaµ •r”-caitanyam ahaµ bhaje

ÒI worship ‚r” Caitanya MahŒprabhu, who is always served by faithful devotees who have
completely given up the pursuit of karma, j–Œna and dry renunciation.Ó
In the first chapter we discussed the intrinsic nature of •uddha-bhakti, in the second chapter
we discussed the intrinsic nature of bhakti-ŒbhŒsa or that which appears to be bhakti but in
fact is not, and in the third chapter we discussed the natural attributes of •uddha-bhakti. In this
chapter we will discuss the adhikŒra or qualification for •uddha-bhakti. No one acquires any-
thing without possessing the eligibility for it. This eligibility or qualification is the very foun-
dation of success. When a devotee fully understands this, he will no longer remain doubtful
concerning his eventual achievement of the ultimate goal. Many devotees think, ÒFor a long
time now I have been fully surrendered to my guru, I have accepted the dik§Œ-mantra from
him, I am also engaged in •ravaÃa and k”rtana, but still I am not experiencing the desired
resultÑwhat is the reason for this?Ó Gradually they become disinterested in their bhajana and
in the end they become totally faithless. Sound knowledge of the conception of the proper
qualification for bhakti can easily protect one from such doubts.
It should be carefully noted that the performance of devotional activities such as •ravaÃa and
k”rtana and the resultant appearance of symptoms like the shedding of tears and trembling
should not be accepted as true bhakti for anyone and everyone. Hence, in order to take shel-
ter of •uddha-bhakti it is compulsory to analyse the proper qualification for it. The hari-bha-
jana performed by karmŒdhikŒr”s and j–ŒnŒdhikŒr”s, or those who are eligible to perform
karma and cultivate j–Œna, usually becomes a part of mere karma and j–Œna. Therefore, such
people donÕt obtain the auspicious fruit which is expected from the performance of bhajana.
A devoteeÕs hari-bhajana becomes pure only when he obtains the proper adhikŒra or qualifi-
cation for •uddha-bhakti, and when this happens, his bhajana will very quickly bear fruit in the
form of bhŒva. For this reason I have undertaken an analysis of this very important topic.
Scholars quote the following verse from ‚r”mad Bhagavad-g”tŒ (7.16):

catur-vidhŒ bhajante mŒµ janŒú suk¨tino Õrjuna

Œrto jij–Œsur arthŒrth” j–Œn” ca bharatar§abha

ÒMy dear Arjuna! As a result of their accumulation of pious activities in innumerable lifetimes,
four types of people engage in My bhajana: Œrta or those who are distressed, jij–Œsu or those

who are inquisitive, arthŒrth” or those who desire wealth and j–Œn” or those who possess spir-
itual knowledge. These four kinds of virtuous persons are qualified to perform My bhajana.Ó
Those who are very anxious to eradicate their distress are called Œrta. Those who are inquis-
itive to understand the absolute truth are called jij–Œsu. Those who desire to attain material
happiness are called arthŒrth”, and those who are realising spiritual truth at every moment are
called j–Œn”. Though one may be Œrta, jij–Œsu, arthŒrth” or j–Œn”, unless one has some suk¨ti or
accumulated pious merit he will not be inclined towards bhajana. ‚r”la J”va GosvŒm” has
defined suk¨ti as Òthose activities in connection with transcendental personalities which give
rise to an intense desire to perform bhakti.Ó There may be doubts concerning the existence of
suk¨ti in the Œrtas, jij–Œsus and arthŒrth”s, but in relation to the j–Œn”s there are no such doubts.
It is a fact that j–Œn”s certainly engage in bhajana after their abundant accumulation of suk¨ti.
‚r”la RŸpa GosvŒm” writes (Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.2.20-21):

tatra g”tŒdi§ŸktŒnŒµ caturÃŒm adhikŒriÃŒm

madhye yasmin bhagavataú k¨pŒ syŒt tat priyasya vŒ

sa k§”Ãa-tat-tad-bhŒvaú syŒc chuddha-bhakty adhikŒravŒn

yathebhaú •aunakŒdi• ca dhruvaú sa ca catuú-sanaú

ÒWhen the four types of persons who are eligible to engage in bhakti as mentioned in the
G”tŒ and other scriptures receive the mercy of BhagavŒn or His devotees, they become free
from their particular motivations which are respectively desire for relief from distress, the
desire to have their inquisitiveness satisfied, the desire to obtain wealth and the attachment to
j–Œna. They then become adhikŒr”s or rightful candidates for •uddha-bhakti. This is clearly vis-
ible from the examples of Gajendra, the ¨§is headed by ‚aunaka, Dhruva MahŒrŒja and the four
When Gajendra was seized by the crocodile and was unable to free himself despite innu-
merable strenuous efforts, he fervently prayed to BhagavŒn. Then BhagavŒn, the saviour of the
distressed, appeared and delivered Gajendra by killing the crocodile. By the mercy of
BhagavŒn, GajendraÕs distress was removed and he became qualified for •uddha-bhakti.
‚aunaka and the other ¨§is became very fearful upon the arrival of Kali-yuga. Understanding
the inability of karma or fruitive activity to yield any benefit, they approached the great devo-
tee SŸta GosvŒm” and inquired how the people of this age could attain the ultimate benefit. In
his reply SŸta GosvŒm” instructed them on •uddha-bhakti, and as a result of receiving his
mercy in this way, they attained •uddha-bhakti. Dhruva MahŒrŒja worshipped BhagavŒn moti-
vated by the desire to attain an opulent kingdom. But when BhagavŒn appeared before him,
by BhagavŒnÕs mercy his desire for a kingdom vanished and he became qualified for •uddha-
bhakti. Sanaka, SanŒtana, Sanandana, and Sanat-kumŒra are the four KumŒras. Previously they
were nirvi•e§a-j–Œn”s or impersonalists, but later on, by the mercy of BhagavŒn and His devo-
tees, they completely rejected the conception of impersonalism and attained the adhikŒra for

The purport is that as long as all of them harboured desires within their hearts either for relief
from their distress, to satisfy their inquisitiveness or to obtain wealth, or were attached to an
impersonal conception of the absolute truth, they were ineligible for •uddha-bhakti. Therefore,
in relation to the adhikŒra for •uddha-bhakti, ‚r”la RŸpa GosvŒm” has written (Bhakti-
rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.2.14):

yaú kenŒpy ati-bhŒgyena jŒta-•raddho Õsya sevane

nŒtisakto na vairŒgyabhŒg asyŒm adhikŒry asau

ÒWhen one is not too attached to or detached from this material world and by some good
fortune develops faith in the service of K¨§ÃaÕs lotus feet, he is considered to possess the
adhikŒra for •uddha-bhakti.Ó
The purport is that when worldly people realise the futility of material existence after being
afflicted by various types of distress and by suffering in the absence of their desired objects,
they begin to lead their lives in a mood of detachment from the material world. If by some
good fortune at such a time they acquire the association of BhagavŒnÕs devotees, they enquire
from them and come to understand that there is no higher destination than the attainment of
BhagavŒn. Gradually they develop firm faith in this and engage in bhajana. At that time it can
be said that they have developed •raddhŒ in k¨§Ãa-bhakti. This very •raddhŒ is the root cause
of the eligibility for •uddha-bhakti, as confirmed by ‚r”la J”va GosvŒm”Õs explanation (found in
Bhakti-sandarbha, Anuccheda 172) of these verses from ‚r”mad-BhŒgavatam (11.20.27-28):

jŒta-•raddho mat-kathŒsu nirviÃÃaú sarva-karmasu

veda duúkhŒtmakŒn kŒmŒn parityŒge Õpy an”•varaú
tato bhajeta mŒµ pr”taú •raddhŒlur d¨¶ha-ni•cayaú
ju§amŒÃa• ca tŒn kŒmŒn duúkhodarkŒµ• ca garhayan

‚r” K¨§Ãa says, ÒMy devotees who have developed faith in hearing the narrations of My pas-
times remain detached from fruitive activities and try to accept the objects of the senses just
enough to maintain their lives, knowing well that sense enjoyment leads to a miserable result.
Still enduring the reactions to their previous karma and endeavouring to become free from the
cycle of the pleasant and unpleasant results which arise from such activities, they sincerely
regret those fruitive activities and silently condemn them. They simply tolerate the reactions to
those activities while simultaneously remaining engaged in My bhajana with firm faith and
While explaining the above verses which describe how a faithful devotee performs bhajana,
‚r”la J”va GosvŒm” has commented in the Bhakti-sandarbha, Òtad-evam-ananya-bhakty-
adhikŒre hetuµ •raddhŒ-mŒtram uktvŒ sa yathŒ bhajeta tathŒ •ik§ayati,Ó which means that
•raddhŒ is the sole cause of the adhikŒra to perform •uddha-bhakti. ‚r”la J”va GosvŒm” also
mentions, Ò•raddhŒ hi •ŒstŒrtha-vi•vŒsaú. •Œstraµ ca tad a•araÃasya bhayaµ tac charaÃŒsyŒb-
hayaµ vadati. ato jŒtŒyŒú •raddhŒyŒs tat •araÃŒpattir eva liºgam iti,Ó which means faith in the

words of the scriptures is called •raddhŒ. The scriptures mention that those who have taken
shelter of the lotus feet of BhagavŒn have nothing to fear, but those who have not done so
remain fearful. Thus, it can be understood from the symptoms of •araÃŒpatti whether or not
•raddhŒ has developed within someone. What is •araÃŒpatti? ‚r”la J”va GosvŒm” writes
ÒjŒtŒyŒµ •raddhŒyŒµ sadŒ tad anuv¨tti-ce§taiva syŒt Ó and Òkarma-parityŒgo vidh”yate,Ó which
means upon the appearance of •raddhŒ, k¨§ÃŒnuv¨tti-ce§ Œ or the constant endeavour to serve
K¨§Ãa is always visible in a personÕs behaviour and the tendency to perform karma or fruitive
activities is altogether removed. This is •araÃŒpatti. In ‚r”mad Bhagavad-g”tŒ (18.66), after giv-
ing separate explanations of karma, j–Œna and bhakti, through a most confidential statement
BhagavŒn has given instruction on •araÃŒpatti:

sarva-dharmŒn parityajya mŒm ekaµ •araÃaµ vraja

ahaµ tvŒµ sarva-pŒpebhyo mok§ayisyŒmi mŒ •ucaú

We should understand the words Òsarva-dharmaÓ in this verse to mean dharmas which are
obstacles to •araÃŒpatti such as the pursuance of oneÕs occupational duties within the
varÃŒ•rama system and the worship of demigods. ‚r” K¨§Ãa is saying, ÒRejecting all of these,
one should perform •araÃŒpatti unto Me, meaning one should develop exclusive •raddhŒ
towards engaging in My bhajana. DonÕt be fearful of the reactions which come to those who
commit the sin of rejecting their occupational duties. I assure you that I will free you from the
reactions of all such sins.Ó
The doubt may arise that the word •raddhŒ, meaning faith, actually refers here to respect.
The paths of karma, j–Œna and so forth also require •raddhŒ. Thus •raddhŒ is not only the cause
of bhakti, but of karma and j–Œna also. The philosophical principal is that the word •raddhŒ
actually means feelings of faith in the injunctions of the scriptures, and included within this
feeling another sentiment certainly exists which is called ruci or taste. Despite possessing faith,
one may not desire to participate in a particular activity unless he has developed ruci for it.
‚raddhŒ in the paths of karma and j–Œna is always mixed with a particle of bhakti in the form
of ruci. Only through the influence of this fraction of bhakti are the paths of karma and j–Œna
able to yield any result. Similarly, the •raddhŒ which develops for bhakti is endowed with ruci,
and this •raddhŒ is none other than the seed of the bhakti-latŒ or creeper of devotion which is
sown in the heart of the j”va. ‚raddhŒ in the paths of karma and j–Œna is mixed with ruci for
the activities of karma and j–Œna respectively, but the nature of this •raddhŒ is different. Only
the •raddhŒ which is endowed with ruci for bhakti culminates in the symptoms of bhakti. This
is called •araÃŒpatti. Only when oneÕs ruci for bhakti advances through the progressive stages
of sadhu-saºga, the performance of bhajana, anartha-niv¨tti and finally assumes the form of
ni§ hŒ does it become •uddha-ruci. Thus •raddhŒ is a separate tattva or entity from bhakti. ‚r”la
J”va GosvŒm” writes in Bhakti-sandarbha, ÒtasmŒc chraddhŒ na bhakty aºgaµ kintu karmaÃy
asamartha vidvat tŒvad ananyatŒkhyŒyŒµ bhaktŒv adhikŒri-vi•e§aÃam eva.Ó Hence, •raddhŒ is
not a limb of bhakti, but an attribute for the adhikŒra for •uddha-bhakti resulting from oneÕs

having become indifferent to the activities of karma-kŒÃ¶a. It says in ‚r”mad-BhŒgavatam

tŒvat karmŒÃi kurv”ta na nirvidyeta yŒvatŒ

mat-kathŒ-•ravaÃŒdau vŒ •raddhŒ yŒvan na jŒyate

‚r” K¨§Ãa says, ÒOne should continue performing his occupational duties as long as he has-
nÕt become indifferent to them and hasnÕt developed •raddhŒ towards hearing the narrations
of My pastimes.Ó
The purport is that one is qualified to renounce his occupational duties only when he devel-
ops •raddhŒ in hearing the narrations of K¨§ÃaÕs pastimes. This is the conclusion of the scrip-
To clarify a possible doubt here, we must note that if •raddhŒ, which is the very cause of the
qualification for •uddha-bhakti, is itself not a limb of bhakti, then how can j–Œna and vairŒgya,
which in some instances manifest before the appearance of •raddhŒ, be limbs of bhakti? ‚r”la
RŸpa GosvŒm” says (Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.2.248):

j–Œna-vairŒgyor bhakti-prave•ŒyopayogitŒ
”§at prathamam eveti nŒºgatvam ucitaµ tayoú

ÒIn some particular instances j–Œna and vairŒgya may be useful while a devotee is in the ini-
tial stages of entering into bhakti-tattva, but they can never be said to be limbs of bhakti.Ó
Hence, it is an established fact that only that •raddhŒ which is endowed with the symptoms
of •araÃŒpatti is the cause of the qualification for •uddha-bhakti. Sometimes people are heard
saying that faith in hearing the narrations of K¨§ÃaÕs pastimes is developed by some through
the strict performance of their occupational duties, by some through the cultivation of j–Œna
and by others through renunciation of the objects of the senses. But such statements are erro-
neous. It is possible that these processes may have been cultivated just prior to the appearance
of •raddhŒ, but through a more detailed analysis it becomes apparent that somehow or
another there must have been some sat-saºga or association with devotees just between the
two instances; that is, between the cultivation of the above-mentioned processes and the
appearance of •raddhŒ. In this context the following verse from ‚r”mad-BhŒgavatam (10.51.53)
is worthy of consideration:

bhavŒpavargo bhramato yadŒ bhavej

janasya tarhy acyuta sat-samŒgamaú
sat-saºgamo yarhi tadaiva sad-gatau
parŒvare•e tvayi jŒyate matiú

ÒO my dear infallible Lord! Becoming opposed to You, the living entity sometimes attains
worldly sense pleasure by pursuing the path of karma and sometimes attains liberation

through the cultivation of j–Œna. Thus he is entangled in the repeated cycle of birth and death.
If while wandering in this way the j”va somehow becomes fortunate and receives the associa-
tion of Your devotees, with great determination he fixes his intelligence at Your lotus feet,
understanding You to be the only shelter of saintly persons, the origin of all creation, both
material and spiritual, and the ultimate goal.Ó
Thus karma, j–Œna, vairŒgya and so on can never be the cause of the appearance of •raddhŒ;
only sat-saºga can cause the appearance of •raddhŒ. In this regard ‚r”la RŸpa GosvŒm” has
composed lines such as, Òyaú kenŒpy ati-bhŒgyena jŒta-•raddho Õsya sevane.Ó Thus only per-
sons endowed with •raddhŒ are the adhikŒr”s or rightful candidates for •uddha-bhakti. There
is another consideration here. SŒdhana-bhakti is of two types, vaidh”-sŒdhana-bhakti and
rŒgŒnugŒ-sŒdhana-bhakti, as confirmed in this verse from Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu (1.2.5):
vaidh” rŒgŒnugŒ ceti sŒ dvidhŒ sŒdhanŒbhidhŒ. It is essential to understand the difference
between vaidh”-sŒdhana-bhakti and rŒgŒnugŒ-sŒdhana-bhakti because without this under-
standing there may remain many suspicions which can harm the development of oneÕs bhakti.
Concerning vaidh”-bhakti, ‚r”la RŸpa GosvŒm” has written:

yatra rŒgŒnavŒptatvŒt prav¨ttir ŸpajŒyate

•Œ•anenaiva •Œstrasya sŒ vaidh” bhaktir ucyate

Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.2.6

Bhakti is the j”vaÕs natural inclination and the inseparable occupation of his intrinsic nature.
In the conditioned stage, the j”va is opposed to BhagavŒn and becomes attached to the world-
ly enjoyment presented by the illusory energy. As the j”va becomes immersed in worldly plea-
sure, his natural inclination to render loving devotional service unto K¨§Ãa becomes dormant.
The j”va is fully satisfied only when by some good fortune his intrinsic rŒga or strong loving
attachment for K¨§Ãa reawakens, however it may happen. When prema appears, rŒga natural-
ly appears alongside it. But the rŒga or attachment for material sense objects which is visible
in the conditioned soul is distorted rŒga, not •uddha-rŒga. In that stage the inborn rŒga of the
j”va remains covered or dormant. To awaken this inherent rŒga, the acceptance of spiritual
instruction is essential. The Vedas and their subordinate literatures are storehouses of such
instructions. The bhakti which is performed within the framework of the instructions of the
scriptures is called vaidh”-bhakti.
Now I will give a brief review of rŒgŒnugŒ-bhakti. ‚r”la J”va GosvŒm” writes in Bhakti-san-
darbha, Òtatra vi§a-yiÃaú svŒbhŒvik” vi§aya-saµsargecchŒti•aya-mayaú premŒ rŒgaú. yathŒ
cak§ur Œd”nŒµ saundaryŒdau, tad¨•a evŒtra bhaktasya •r”-bhagavaty api rŒga ity ucyate.Ó The
powerful loving affection which naturally develops within a materialistic person by his affilia-
tion with the objects of sense pleasure is called rŒga. Just as eyes become excited upon seeing
any beautiful form, the similar inclination of a devotee towards K¨§Ãa is also called rŒga. The
taste which develops from following in the footsteps of a personality who possesses natural

ruci or taste for such rŒga is called rŒgŒnugŒ-bhakti. Regarding the qualification for rŒgŒnugŒ-
bhakti, ‚r”la RŸpa GosvŒm” writes:

rŒgŒtmikaika-ni§ hŒ ye vraja-vŒsi-janŒdayaú
te§Œµ bhŒvŒptaye lubdho bhaved atrŒdhikŒravŒn

tat-tat-bhŒvŒdi-mŒdhurye •rute dh”ryad apek§ate

nŒtra •Œstraµ na yuktiµ ca tal lobhotpatti-lak§aÃam

Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.2.291-292

ÒThe vraja-vŒs”sÕ sentiments for K¨§Ãa are the most exalted and exceptional example of rŒgŒt-
mikŒ-bhakti. Such sentiments cannot be seen anywhere other than Vraja. The fortunate soul
who develops the greed to attain sentiments for K¨§Ãa such as those displayed by the vraja-
vŒs”s is the adhikŒr” or rightful candidate for rŒgŒnugŒ-bhakti. Despite having heard about the
sweetness of such sentiments, one cannot enter into them until he becomes ÔgreedyÕ for them.
The sole cause of the qualification for the practice of rŒgŒnugŒ-bhakti is this spiritual greed,
not careful study of the scriptures and the skilful use of logic.Ó
Thus we understand that just as •raddhŒ is the only cause of the adhikŒra for vaidh”-bhakti,
similarly greed is the only cause of the adhikŒra for rŒgŒnugŒ-bhakti. Here a doubt may arise
concerning whether the •raddhŒ which has been previously established as the cause for the
eligibility for •uddha-bhakti is incomplete. If that •raddhŒ is the cause of the eligibility only for
one type of bhakti, then why has it been said to be the cause of the eligibility for all types of
bhakti? To dispel such a doubt, it is again stressed that •raddhŒ is the only cause of the adhikŒra
for •uddha-bhakti. In the absence of •raddhŒ, no variety of •uddha-bhakti can ever appear.
The conclusion is that •Œstra-vi•vŒsamay”-•raddhŒ or •raddhŒ derived from faith in the injunc-
tions of the scriptures is the only cause of the adhikŒra for vaidh”-bhakti and bhŒva-mŒdhurya-
lobhamay”-•raddhŒ or •raddhŒ derived from intense greed to experience the sweet sentiments
of the vraja-vŒs”s is the only cause of the adhikŒra for rŒgŒnugŒ-bhakti.
Only •raddhŒÑwhether it be vi•vŒsamay” or lobhamay”Ñis the cause of the eligibility for
both types of •uddha-bhakti.
There are three types of adhikŒr”s or rightful candidates for vaidh”-bhakti: uttama, madhyama
and kani§ ha, as confirmed by ‚r”la RŸpa GosvŒm” in Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu (1.2.16), Òuttamo
madhyama• ca syŒt kani§ ha-•ceti sa tridhŒ.Ó
The symptoms of an uttama-adhikŒr” in vaidh”-bhakti are:

•Œstre yuktau ca nipuÃaú sarvathŒ d¨¶ha-ni•cayaú

prau¶ha •raddho ÕdhikŒr” yaú sa bhaktŒv uttamo mataú

Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.2.17

ÒOne who is conversant with the scriptures, expert in all types of logic and possesses unwa-
vering determination is the uttama-adhikŒr” or one endowed with firm •raddhŒ.Ó
The symptoms of the madhyama-adhikŒr” in vaidh”-bhakti are:

yaú •ŒstrŒdi§v anipuÃaú •raddhŒvŒn sa tu madhyamaú

Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.2.19

ÒOne who is not so expert in understanding the scriptures and yet is faithful is a madhyama-
adhikŒr”; in other words, although when presented with difficult arguments he is unable to
answer them, within his mind he remains firmly faithful to his own principle.Ó
The symptoms of the kani§ ha-adhikŒr” are:

yo bhavet komala-•raddhaú sa kani§ ho nigadyate

Bhakti-rasŒm¨ta-sindhu 1.2.19

Kani§ ha devotees have very little expertise in understanding the scriptures and their •rad-
dhŒ is very delicate and immature. Their •raddhŒ can be changed by othersÕ logic and argu-
It is to be noted here that the •raddhŒ which is visible in these three types of faithful persons
is characterised by faith in the injunctions of the scriptures and by being mixed with logical evi-
dences which are dependent on the scriptures. According to the degree of greed possessed by
the rightful candidates for rŒgŒnugŒ-bhakti, they can also be divided into the three categories
of uttama, madhyama and kani§ ha.
The conclusion is that every human being has the right to perform bhakti. BrŒhmaÃas,
k§atriyas, vai•yas, •Ÿdras and antyajas (untouchables), g¨hastas, brahmacŒr”s, vŒnaprasthas and
sannyŒs”sÑall of them can be qualified for bhakti if they have •raddhŒ in the injunctions of the
scriptures and the instructions of the sŒdhu and guru. Either an educated person through the
study of the scriptures or an uneducated person through hearing the principles of the scrip-
tures in the association of devotees is said to have developed •raddhŒ when he realises the
supremacy of bhakti as described in the scriptures. Alternatively, if one develops lobhamay”-
•raddhŒ by continually hearing the narrations of BhagavŒnÕs pastimes in the association of
devotees while desiring to follow in the footsteps of the ragŒtmikŒ devotees of Vraja, then it
can be said that he has acquired the adhikŒra to perform •uddha-bhakti. The adhikŒra for •ud-
dha-bhakti cannot be achieved by the processes of j–Œna, vairŒgya, philosophical analysis, reli-
gious discussion, self-control or meditation. Despite receiving sampradŒyika-d”k§Œ or initiation
into a bona fide disciplic succession one cannot enter into the previously discussed uttamŒ-
bhakti until he becomes an uttama-adhikŒr”. Until that time oneÕs bhakti can be said to be

There is great necessity to strive for the stage of uttama-adhikŒr”. This is possible only when
one engages in •ravaÃa and k”rtana in the association of devotees. We should never think that
one becomes an uttama-adhikŒr” simply by diligently practicing •ravaÃa and k”rtana and then
displaying the symptoms of shedding tears, trembling and dancing, because these symptoms
can also manifest in bhakti-ŒbhŒsa. Whatever little softening of the heart and determination to
realise oneÕs inherent identity which are visible in the beginning stages of •uddha-bhakti are
far superior to the display of symptoms such as falling unconscious and so on which arise as
a result of pursuing the path of bhakti-ŒbhŒsa. Therefore, we should strive to attain •uddha-
bhakti with the utmost care. We should make a special effort to pursue the proper method to
attain the qualification for bhakti; otherwise there is no possibility of attaining the eternal asso-
ciation of BhagavŒn. Vi•va-vai§Ãava dŒsa puts forward the following verses:

•raddhŒ lobhŒtmakŒ yŒ sŒ vi•vŒsa-rŸpiÔ yadŒ

jŒyate Õtra tadŒ bhaktau n¨mŒtrasyŒdhikŒritŒ (1)

nŒ sŒºkhyaµ na ca vairŒgyaµ na dharmo na bahuj–atŒ

kevalaµ sŒdhu-saºgo Õyaµ hetuú •raddhodaye dhruvam (2)

•ravaÃŒdi-vidhŒnena sŒdhu-saºga-balena ca
anarthŒpagame •”ghraµ •raddhŒ ni§ hŒtmikŒ bhavet (3)

ni§ hŒpi rucitŒµ prŒptŒ •uddha-bhaktyadhikŒritŒm

dadŒti sŒdhake nityam e§Œ prathŒ sanŒtano (4)

asat-saºgo ÕthavŒ bhaktŒv aparŒdhe k¨te sati

•raddhŒpi vilayaµ yŒti kathaµ syŒc chuddha-bhaktatŒ (5)

ataú •raddhŒvatŒ kŒryaµ sŒvadhŒnaµ phalŒptaye

anyathŒ na bhaved bhaktiú •raddhŒ prema-phalŒtmikŒ (6)

When •raddhŒ which is based either on faith in the injunctions of the scriptures or on greed
to follow in the footsteps of a rŒgŒtmikŒ-bhakta appears in the heart, a person attains the
adhikŒra for •uddha-bhakti. SŒºkhya, vairŒgya, varÃŒ•rama-dharma or becoming a scholar do
not cause the appearance of •raddhŒ. The sole cause of the appearance of •raddhŒ is the asso-
ciation of a sŒdhu who has deep love for the narrations of K¨§ÃaÕs pastimes. When •raddhŒ
appears, one becomes a kani§ ha-adhikŒr”. When one executes the limbs of sŒdhana-bhakti
such as •ravaÃa, and when by the influence of sŒdhu-saºga one becomes free from anarthas
and his •raddhŒ becomes dense and transforms into ni§ hŒ, one develops the madhyama-
adhikŒra or intermediate qualification for •uddha-bhakti. By the further pursuance of the activ-
ities of sŒdhana-bhakti such as •ravaÃa and by the influence of associating with devotees who
are more advanced than oneself, oneÕs ni§ hŒ intensifies and assumes the form of ruci. The sŒd-

haka within whom such ruci has developed is called an uttama-adhikŒr”. Only such an uttama-
adhikŒr” attains •uddha-bhakti. This is the eternal process for the attainment of •uddha-bhakti.
But if during the execution of this gradual process of sŒdhana one keeps the bad association
of those who are attached to sense pleasure or those attached to an impersonal conception of
the absolute truth, or if one disrespects a pure devotee or commits any other offence to him,
•raddhŒ at the kani§ ha level as well as that at the madhyama level will dry up from its very
root and the sŒdhaka will be unable to achieve •uddha-bhakti. In such a condition the sŒdha-
ka is either entangled in chŒyŒ-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa or, in the case of committing numerous offences,
even glides down into pratibimba-bhakti-ŒbhŒsa. Therefore, until one attains the stage of utta-
ma-adhikŒra, the faithful and sincere sŒdhaka should remain extremely careful. Otherwise it
will be very difficult to achieve •uddha-bhakti which ultimately bears the fruit of prema.

‚r”-k¨§ÃŒrpaÃam astuÑmay this treatise

be an offering unto ‚r” K¨§Ãa.


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