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0 Level (Cantrips) Faerie Fire: Outlines targets in a 20 ft cube in

colored light. Creatures must make a Cha save to

Druidcraft: You can do a minor nature oriented
avoid. Attacks against outlined creatures have
trick. (like predict the weather, make a flower
bloom, or snuff out small flames)
Goodberry: Creates up to 10 berries that heal 1 HP
Guidance: For up to 1 minute, a target can add 1d4
and can nourish a creature for 1 day.
to one ability check of its choice.
Healing Word: A creature of your choice that you
Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object.
can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4
Poison Spray: Creature must succeed on a Con
+ your spellcasting ability modifier. At higher
save or take 1d12 poison damage.
levels increases 1d4 per level above 1st.
Produce Flame: Creates a flickering flame in your
Jump: A target’s jump distance triples.
hand for 10 minutes. Can also be used as a ranged
Lonstrider: A target’s speed increases by 10 ft.
magic attack that deals 1d8 damage on a hit.
Purify Food and Drink: Purifies any nonmagical
Resistance: For up to 1 minute, a target can add
food and drink in a 5 ft sphere.
1d4 to one saving throw of its choice.
Speak with Animals: Allows you to temporarily
Shilleglagh: The wood of a club or quarterstaff you
speak with animals.
are holding is imbued with nature’s power. For the
Thunderwave: 15 ft cube of thunder, targets make
duration, you can use your spellcasting ability
a Con save. If failed, they take 2d8 thunder damage
instead of Str for the attack and damage rolls of
and are pushed back 10ft. If not, halve the damage.
melee attacks using that weapon, and the weapon's
damage die becomes a d8. 2nd Level
Thorn Whip: Creates a thorny whip that deals 1d6 Animal Messenger: Sends a tiny animal to deliver a
piercing damage and if the creature is Large or message.
bigger, you can pull the creature 10 ft towards you. Barkskin: Gives a target barklike skin for up to an
Damages increases by 1d6 at levels 5th, 11th, and hour and their AC cannot be less than 16, regardless
17th. of any armor.
Beast Sense: For one hour, you can see through the
1st Level mind of a beast.
Animal Friendship: Makes one animal your Darkvision: Grants a target Darkvision up to 60 ft
friend. (Doesn’t work if they have an intelligence of Enhance Ability: Choose one for the next hour:
4 or higher!) Bear’s Endurance. The target has advantage
Charm Person: Makes one person your friend. on Constitution checks. It also gains 2d6
Create or Destroy Water: Create or destroy up to temporary hit points, which are lost when the
10 gallons of water. Alternatively, create 30 ft of spell ends.
rain or destroy 30 ft of fog. Bull’s Strength. The target has advantage on
Cure Wounds: Heals a target by 1d8+your Wis Str checks, and his or her carrying capacity
modifier. Can be cast at higher levels for an doubles.
additional 1d8 per level above 2nd. Cat’s Grace. The target has advantage on Dex
Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items checks. It also doesn’t take damage from
within 60 ft. falling 20 feet or less if it isn’t incapacitated.
Detect Poison and Disease: Detect and identify Eagle’s Splendor. The target has advantage
on Cha checks.
poisons and diseases 30 ft from you for up to 10
Fox’s Cunning. The target has advantage on
Int checks.
Entangle: A 20 ft square of weeds and vines
Owl’s Wisdom. The target has advantage on
restrain any creature that fails a Str save.
Wis checks.
When cast at higher level slots, you can target an down from for 10 minutes. Each creature 5 ft from a
additional creature. bolt must make a Dex save or take 3d10 lightning
Find Traps: You sense the presence of any trap damage. (half on success)
within range that is within line of sight. Conjure Animals: You summon fey spirits that take
Flame Blade: Creates a fiery scimitar that deals 3d6 the form of beasts and appear in unoccupied spaces
fire damage on a successful attack. that you can see within range. Choose one of the
Flaming Sphere: Creates rolling ball of fire, 2d6 following options for what appears:
damage on failed Dex save. • One beast of challenge rating 2 or lower
Gust of Wind: Creates a 60 ft long, 10 ft wide gust of • Two beasts of challenge rating 1 or lower
strong wind. Creatures in it must take a Str saving • Four beasts of challenge rating 1/2 or lower
throw or be pushed 15 ft back. It also takes twice as • Eight beasts of challenge rating 1/4 or lower
long to move in it. Each beast is also considered fey, and it disappears
Heat Metal: Heats a metal object to red hot and deals when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends.
2d8 to anyone holding it. Daylight: A 60-foot-radius sphere of light spreads out
Hold Person: Paralyzes one humanoid on failed from a point you choose within range. The sphere is
Wisdom save. bright light and sheds dim light for an additional 60
Lesser Restoration: You touch a creature and can feet.
end either one disease or one condition afflicting it. Dispel Magic: Cancels magical spells and effects.
The condition can be blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or Feign Death: Puts a creature into a willing, death-like
poisoned. coma.
Locate Animals or Plants: Find a specific beast or Meld into Stone: You become one with a stone
plant within 5 miles. surface or object of your choice for up to 8 hours.
Locate Object: Describe or name an object that is Plant Growth: Make plants grow more. The longer
familiar to you. You sense the direction to the object’s you cast it, the richer the growth.
location, as long as that object is within 1,000 feet of Protection from Energy: Willing creature you touch
you. If the object is in motion, you know the direction has resistance to one damage type of your choice.
of its movement. Sleet Storm: Create a 40 ft wide, 20 ft tall cylinder of
Moonbeam: Creates a 5 ft wide, 40 ft tall beam of freezing rain and sleet that creates difficult terrain.
light that deals 2d10 radiant damage on a failed Con When a creature enters it makes a Dex save, on a
save. (half on success) You can move the beam 60 ft failure it falls prone.
per turn. Speak with Plants: You can temporarily make plants
Pass without Trace: Each creature 30 ft from you sentient in order to communicate with them or move
and yourself become shadowy and gain +10 to Dex them.
(stealth) checks. Water Breathing: Up to 10 subjects can breathe
Protection from Poison: Gives target resistance and underwater.
advantage against poison for 1 hour. Also cures any Water Walk: Lets you walk on water for 1 hour
poison. Wind Wall: Creates a wall of wind that can be up to
Spike Growth: The ground in a 20-foot radius 50 ft long, 15 ft high, and 1 ft thick. Any creature
centered on a point within range twists and sprouts within it must make a Str check and if it fails they take
hard spikes and thorns. The area becomes difficult 3d8 bludgeoning damage. (half on success) Also
terrain for up to ten minutes. When a creature moves blocks out ranged weapon attacks.
into or within the area, it takes 2d4 piercing damage
for every 5 feet it travels.
4th Level
Blight: On a failed Con save (half on success) target
3rd Level takes 8d8 necrotic damage. If the target is a plant
Call Lightning: Creates a 60 ft wide cloud 100 ft creature it has disadvantage, if it’s a plant it dies.
above the ground that you can send lightning bolts
Confusion: On a failed Wis save in a 10 ft sphere, shapechanger automatically succeeds on this saving
affected creatures become confused. throw
Conjure Minor Elementals: Summons either one Stone Shape: You touch a stone object of Medium
elemental of CR 2 or lower, 2 of CR 1 or lower, 4 of size or smaller or a section of stone no more than 5
CR ½ or lower, or 8 of CR ¼ or lower. feet in any dimension and form it into any shape that
Conjure Woodland Beings: You summon fey suits your purpose.
creatures that can be one of the following: Stoneskin: Target gains resistance to nonmagical
• One fey creature of challenge rating 2 or bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
lower Wall of Fire: You can make a fire wall up to 60 feet
• Two fey creatures of challenge rating 1 or long, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick, or a ringed wall up
lower to 20 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick.
• Four fey creatures of challenge rating 1/2 or When a creature comes in contact with it it deals 5d8
lower fire damage on a failed Dex save. (Half on a success)
• Eight fey creatures of challenge rating 1/4 or
5th Level
Antilife Shell: Creates a 10 ft wide barrier around you
A summoned creature disappears when it drops to 0
that blocks out any living creatures for up to an hour.
hit points or when an hour is up.
Awaken: Makes a plant or dumb beast sentient for 30
Control Water: Until the spell ends, you control any
days or until the caster or their companions harms it.
freestanding water inside an area you choose that is a
Commune with Nature: You become one with
cube up to 100 feet on a side.
nature and learn about the lay of the land for up to 3
Dominate Beast: Controls an animal telepathically.
miles away.
Freedom of Movement: For an hour, a target’s
Contagion: Melee spell attack that causes one of the
movement is unaffected by difficult terrain, and spells
following diseases on hit:
and other magical effects can neither reduce the
Blinding Sickness: Target has disadvantage
target’s speed nor cause the target to be paralyzed or
on Wis saves and checks and becomes
Giant Insect: You transform up to ten centipedes,
Filth Fever: Target has disadvantage on Str
three spiders, five wasps, or one scorpion within range
checks, saves, and attacks that use Str.
into giant versions of their natural forms for up to 10
Flesh Rot: Rots targets flesh and it has
disadvantage on Cha checks and is vulnerable
Grasping Vine: Creates a giant vine that can drag
to al damage.
anything 30 ft of it 20 ft towards it if it fails a Dex
Mindfire: Target has disadvantage on Int
checks, saves, and becomes confused.
Hallucinatory Terrain: You make natural terrain in a
Seizure: Target has disadvantage on Dex
150-foot cube in range look, sound, and smell like
checks, save, and attacks that use Dex.
some other sort of natural terrain.
Slimy Doom: Target bleeds uncontrollably
Ice Storm: Hail deals 4d6 cold and 2d8 bludgeoning
and has disadvantage on Con checks, saves,
damage in a cylinder 40 ft. across. Dex save halves
and becomes stunned until the end of its next
Locate Creature: Describe or name a creature that is
Geas: If the target can understand you, it makes a Wis
familiar to you. You sense the direction to the
save. On a failure, it becomes charmed and must obey
creature’s location, as long as that object is within
a command you give. (Not suicidal, that ends the
1,000 feet of you. If the creature is in motion, you
spell) If it disobeys, it take 5d10 psychic damage.
know the direction of its movement.
Greater Restoration: You can reduce the target’s
Polymorph: This spell transforms a creature that you
exhaustion level by one, or end one of the following
can see within range into a new form. An unwilling
effects on the target:
creature must make a Wis save to avoid the effect. A
• One effect that charmed or petrified the Heroes’ Feast: In 10 minutes, a grand feast is
target summoned that up to 12 creatures can partake in. For
• One curse, including the target’s attunement 24 hours they gain 2d10 HP, immunity to poison and
to a cursed magic item fear, and are cured of all diseases and poisons.
• Any reduction to one of the target’s ability Move Earth: Reshape an area of 40 feet or less of
scores earthen terrain for up to 2 hours.
• One effect reducing the target’s hit point Sunbeam: Creates a 5ft wide, 60 ft long beam of light
maximum from your hand that deals 6d8 radiant damage and
blinds affected creatures on a failed Con save. (Halves
Insect Plague: Creates a 20ft sphere of biting locusts on a success and no blindness) Undead and Oozes
that deal 4d10 piercing damage on a failed Con save have disadvantage.
on anyone inside or entering. (half on a successful Transport via Plants: Creates a magical link between
save) large plants that anything can creature can travel
Mass Cure Wounds: Up to 6 creatures in a 30 ft through.
sphere heal 3d8+ spellcasting modifier. At higher Wall of Thorns: Creates a wall of thorns that can be
levels it increases by 1d8 for each level above 5th. up to 60 ft long, 10 ft high, and 5 ft thick or a circle 20
Planar Binding: You attempt to bind a celestial, an ft in diameter and 5 ft thick. Each creature in its area
elemental, a fey, or a fiend to your service. Takes 1 must make a Dex save or take 7d8 piercing damage.
hour to cast and the target must be in range! At the (half on success) If it moves, it has to take another
end, on a failed Cha save, the creature serves you for Dex save or take 7d8 slashing damage. (half on
24 hours. success)
Reincarnate: Brings a dead person back to life if it Wind Walk: For up to 8 hours, you and 10 creatures
has been dead less than 10 days. It enters a new body, become gaseous forms, have a flying speed of 300 ft,
and it might not be the same race. The DM randomly and resistance to nonmagical weapon damage.
rolls which race the new on is.
Scrying: You can see and hear a particular creature
7th Level
Fire Storm: Creates an up to 100ft storm of raining
you choose that is on the same plane of existence as
fire that deals 7d10 fire damage on a failed Dex save.
you. The target must make a Wis save, which is
(half on successful save)
modified by how well you know the target and the
Mirage Arcane: You make terrain in an area up to 1
sort of physical connection you have to it.
mile square look, sound, smell, and even feel like
Tree Stride: You gain the ability to enter a tree and
some other sort of terrain.
move from inside it to inside another tree of the same
Plane Shift: You and up to eight willing creatures
kind within 500 feet. Both trees must be living and at
who link hands in a circle are transported to a
least the same size as you.
different plane of existence.
Wall of Stone: Creates a stone wall that can be
Regenerate: Target heals 4d8 +15 HP and regains 1
HP at the start of each turn for 1 hour. Severed body
6th Level members restored after two minutes.
Conjure Fey: Conjures a fey creature/beast sprit of Resurrection: You touch a dead creature that has
CR 6 or lower for up to an hour. When cast at higher been dead for no more than a century, that didn’t die
spell slots, the CR increases by 1 for each level. of old age, and that isn’t undead and it returns to life
Find the Path: Allows you to find the shortest, most with all its hit points.
direct physical route to a specific fixed location that Reverse Gravity: Reverses gravity in a 50-foot-
you are familiar with on the same plane of existence. radius, 100- foot high cylinder centered on a point
Heal: Target heals 70 HP and is cured of all disease, within range.
blindness, and deafness. At higher spell slots, the
healing increases by 10 per level above 6th.
Round 3. You call six bolts of lightning from
8th Level the cloud to strike six creatures or objects of
Animal Shapes: Transforms any number of creatures
your choice beneath the cloud. A given
within 30 ft into large or smaller animals with a
creature or object can’t be struck by more than
challenge rating 4 or lower for 24 hours.
one bolt. A struck creature must make a Dex
Antipathy/Sympathy: Either repels or attracts a
save. It takes 10d6 lightning damage on a
creature of your choice with a failed Wis save
failed save, or half as much damage on a
Control Weather: You take control of the weather
within 5 miles of you.
Earthquake: Create a 100 ft radius earthquake that Round 4. Hailstones rain down from the
creates fissures and destroys most buildings. cloud. Each creature under the cloud takes 2d6
Feeblemind: You blast the mind of a creature that bludgeoning damage.
you can see within range and it takes 4d6 psychic
Round 5-10. Gusts and freezing rain assail the
damage and must make an Intelligence saving throw.
area under the cloud. The area becomes
On a failed save, the creature’s Intelligence and
difficult terrain and is heavily obscured. Each
Charisma scores become 1.
creature there takes 1d6 cold damage. Ranged
Sunburst: 60 ft radius of sunlight deals 12d6 radiant
attacks are impossible. The w ind and rain
damage and blinds targets for 1 minute. Successful
count as a severe distraction for the purposes
Con save halves damage and prevents blindness.
of maintaining concentration on spells.
Tsunami: Creates a giant 300 ft long, 300 ft high, and
Finally, gusts of strong wind (ranging from 20
50 ft thick wave of water that deals 6d10 bludgeoning
to 50 miles per hour) automatically disperse
damage to any creature in it that fails a Str save. (half
fog, mists, and similar phenomena in the area,
on success) At the start of each turn it moves 50 ft
whether mundane or magical.
away from you, loses 50 ft of height, and deals 5d10
damage to anything that fails a Str save. This repeats True Resurrection: Brings someone back to life and
every turn dealing 1d10 less damage each turn. When full HP if they have been dead for less than 200 years
the height is 0, the spell ends. and didn’t die of old age.
9th Level
Foresight: Willing creature gains advantage on attack
rolls, ability checks, saving throws, and cannot be
surprised. Other creatures have disadvantage on attack
rolls against the target.

Shapechange: You assume the form o f a different

creature for up to an hour. The new form can be of
any creature with a challenge rating equal to your
level or lower.

Storm of Vengeance: Creates a mighty 360 ft wide

storm cloud that deals 2d6 thunder damage and
deafens any creature beneath it that fails a Con save.
The longer you focus on the spell, the following

Round 2. Acidic rain falls from the cloud.

Each creature and object under the cloud takes
1d6 acid damage.

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