The True Church and The False Church,. Identified.: Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly

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: 31 FRANr\LII" rk "D. - PH. 45-7·4';)tl8
i SACRAMEN f0. CALIF. 95818 U. 5. A

! The
I True Church

and the
False Church,.;

Third Quarl.r,
, 1943-

Religioua Uberty Publi.hing A..ociation,

42 Prospect Rd., Summer Hi!I, N.5.W.
Lesson No. 1-8abbath, July 3, f943.


1. How is the way that leads to heaven described, and
how many J}eople find it and walk therein? Matt. 7 :13,
14: Luke 13:23, 24.'
NOTE: "The narrow'••W~~:'~l'd road leading to home and
I'est, furnished Jesus with an impressive figure of the Chris-
tian way. The path which I have'set before you, He said,
is narrow; the gattj is dWjcult of entrance- for the golden
rule excludes all pride and self-seeking. There is, indeed,
a wider road, but its end is destruction. If you would
climb the path Q 'ri i e you must copstaptl¥.asGend:
for it is an u ward way. You must go with the~ for
the multitude will choose the own ard ath."-M.B., p. 197.
2. Who has trodden this narrow }Vay before us? 1 Peter
2:21, 22. What testimony concerning the 144,000 does
the aPostle John, give? Rev. 14 :4.
NOTE: ':!2ll, patience, self-sacrifice, reproach, .~,
the contradiction of sinners against Himself, was the por-
tion of Christ, and it must be our portion, if we ever enter
the Paradise of God."-M.B., p. 198.
3. What must those who walk upon the narrow way do?
Matt. 16:24, 10:38: Acts 14:22: 2 Tim. 3:12.
4. What must take place in our life'before we can enter .upon
this narrow way that leads to h~aven? John 3:7. hat
will be out experience when we begin to wafk in this
way? Matt. 4:1-11. ,
5. Through what experien::es shaIi we have to pass before
we come to the" lind of' our Christian jour~y? . Luke
22:39-44; Mark 14:65: Matt. 24:9.
6. In whom will those trust who walk upon this'r"afh? Provo
3:5, 6.
7. Who is not permitted to traver'upon this narrow way?
Rey.. 3 :15, 16.
NOTE: '~Why is it so hard ~o lead a self-denying,
humble life? Because professed Christians are not dead
to the world. It is easy living after we are dead. But
many are longing for. the leeks and onions of Egypt. They
have a disposition to. dress anq act as much like the world
as possible, and yet go to Heaven. Such climb up some
other way. They do not enter through the strait gate and
narrow way."-Vol 1, p. 13l e

8. What promise is given to. th~se wh~ walk tW~ the narro.w
way and are faithful to the end? Matt. 24:13; 2 Ti 4:
8; Rev, 2:10.
9 .. Wl)jch way leads. to destruction, and how many choose to
walk therein? Matt. 7:13.
NOTE: "In the road to death the whole race may go,
with all their worldliness, all their selfishness, all their
pride, dishonesty, and moral debasement. There is room
'for every man's opinions and doctrines, space to follow
his 'inclinations, to do whatever his self-love may dictate.
In order to go in the path that leads to destruction, there
is no need of searching for the way; for the gate is wide,
and the way is broad, and the feet natnra!ly t1lm into the
path'that ends in death."-M.B., pp. 197, 198. .
10. What sin is committed by many of God's professed
people? Jer. 2:13; Hosea 8:8, 9.
11. With whom have they united themselves, and whose
friends have they become? James 4:4.
NOTE: "As I have of late looked around to find the
humble followers of the meek and lowly Jesus, my mind
has been much exercised. Many who profess to be look-
ing for the speedy coming of Christ are becoming con-
formed to this world, and seek more earnestly the applause
of those around them than the approbation of God. . . .
Many of .these professed Christians dress, talk, and act
like the world, and the only thing by which they may be
known, is their profession. Though they profess to be
looking for Christ, their conversation is not in heaven, but
on worldly things."-E.W., pp. 107, 108.
12. Why have so many forsaken the narrow pathway?
. What have they become, and where are they going?
1 John 2:19; 2 Peter 2:15; Phil. 3:18, 19.

f °Jl ~~~~ ••
Lesson No.2-Sabbath, July 10, 19t~.


1. What ,is' Christ. to His children, and what should tftY
do? John 10 :1-3.
2. What will Christ, the good Shepherd, do? What is said
~bout His sheep? John 10:4. Where will He lead His
sheep? ., Ps. 23:1, 2.
3. What must a true shepherd be able to do before he
is qualifted to lead the lIot:k of Christ? John 21 :15-17;
1 Peter 5 :2, 3.
NOTE: "The question that Christ put to Peter was sig-
nificant. He mentioned only one condition of discipleship
-and service. 'Lovest thou Me?' He said. This is the essen-
tial qualification. Though Peter might possess every other,
without the love of Christ He could not be a faithful shep-
herd over the Lord's flock. Knowledge, benevolence, elo-
quence, gratitude, and zeal are all aids in the good work;
but without the~f Jesus in the heart. the work of the
Christian minister will prove a failure "-G.W., p. 183.
>t. What mu~t the good shepherd be willing to do? John
10:11. For how many sheep does lie tenderly care?
Luke 15:4.
5. How is< 'a true sheep to be known? J'ohn 10:27.
6. What kind of shepherds were often found among God's
peo-ple? How did they conduct themselves in regard to
the slreep which had been entrusted to their care? Eze.
34 :1-6.
7. How far did the false shepherds go in betraying their
sacred trust? Eze. 34:8; Jer.23:11; Zech. 11:4, 5.
NOTE: "I have no real ground of hope fOl; those who
have stood as shepherds to the flock, and have £01' years
been borne with by the merciful God, following them with
reproof, with warnings, with entreaties, but who have hid
their evil ways, and continued in them, thus defying the
laws of the God of heaven by practising fornication. We
may leave them to work out their own salvation with fear
and trembling, after all has been done to reform them;
but in no case intrust to them the guardianship of souls.
False shepher9-s!"-T.M., p. 428.
8. How does Jesus designate such shepherds? John 10:8,
9. What will the Lord do with His flock when the shepherds
have become unfaithful? Ere. 34:9-16.
NOTE: "God has promised that where the shepherds..---"-
are not true He will take charge of the flock Himself.
God has never made the flock wholly dependent upon
human instrumentalities. But the days of purification of
the church are hastening on apace. God will have a people
pure and true. . . . Those who have trusted to intellect,
genius, or talent, will ·not then stand at the head of rank
and file. They did not keep pace :with the light. Those
who have proved the~i!lelves unfaithful will not then be
entrusted with the flock. In the last solemn work few
great men will be engaged. They are self-sufficient, inde-
pendent of God, and He cannot use them."-VoI. 5, p. 80.
10. What is the condition of the Laodicean church? ReT.
3:17. Who is responsible for this sad, condition?
ANSWER: "The are res onsible or the con-
dition of the eo Ie. . . . Many who have been placed upon
the walls of Zion, to watch with eagle eye for the approach
of danger, and lift up the voice of warning, are themselves
asleep."-VoI. 5, pp. 235, 236.
11. What are the sheep called upon to do when they gee
that the sh pherds have become unfaithful? Matt.
15:14. //.(V,I~I'k.... ~ /.
NOTE: "I saw that neither young or old should attend
their meetings; for it is wrong to thus encourage them
while they teach error that is a deadly poison to the soul,
and teach for doctrines the commandments of men. The
influence of such gatherings is not good."-E.W., p. 120£.
12. What will be the fate of the false and unfaithful shep-
herds? Zech. 11:17, 14:12.
NOTE: "The false prophets had been the signal ob-
jects of God's wrath. Their eyes had consumed· away in
their holes, and their tongues in their mouths."-E.W., pp.
~ ~
/!l .v:~ .•
13. What reward is promised to the good and faithful shep-
herds? 1 Peter 5:4; Dan. 12:3.
Lesson N(}. 3-Sabbath, July 17, 1943.
1. Who is. lik?ened unto ~ wise ~ ~ ~ ~ e se~e~
as foolIsh. Matt. 7.24-27. ,-e< - ' 4_.
2. Who represents the Rock upon which the urch is
founded? Eph.~l; Matt. 16:18; 1 Cor. 3:11; 10:4.
3. What blessings did this Rock bring to ancient Israel?
Deut. 8:15; Num. "29:8. 11.
4. What'otlrer blessings did Israel receive out of the Rock?
Deut. 32:13; Ps. 81:16.
5. What else did tit; Rock represent to Israel? Deut. 32:
15, 30, 31.
NOTE: "The same beautiful (lxpressive figures are
carried throughout the Bible. Centuries before the advent
- ~ ". '. t--- •• ~ ... ' ...
of . Christ, Moses pointed to Him as the rock of Israel's
salvation; the psalmist sung of Him as 'my Redeemer,'
'the rock of my strength,' 'the rock that is hiJrher than
I,' 'a rock of habitation,' 'rock of my heart,' 'rock of my
refuge' ."-P.P., p. 413. '~'!'!"/l" .
6. What wonderful experience was Moses permittlld to.
make with the Rock? Ex. 17 :5, 6..
7. D() the wicked also have a rock in whom they trust?
Deut. 32:37.
8. What is the difference between the ~ock of the righteous
and the rock of the wicked? Jer. 10 :10-16.
9. What is pronounced upon those wh(} do not put their
trust in the Lord? J~r. 17:5, 6.
10. Upon what firm foundation m'ust all principles be estab-
lished in order to withstand the storm 1 Isa. 8 :20.
11. What building will not withstand the storm 1 Matt.
15:9; Luke 6 :49.'
NOTE: "Bfff'every building erected on other founda-
tion than God's Word, will fa"l. He who, like the Jews
in Christ's day builds on the foundation of human ideas
and opinions, of forms and ceremonies of man's inTen-
tion or on any other works that he can do independently
of the grace of Christ, is erecting his structure of charac-
ter upon the shifting sand. The fierce tempest of temp-
tation will sweep away the sandy foundation, and leave
his house a wreck on the shores of time."-M.B., p. 216.
12. What have those who build upon the Rock Jesus Christ
become? F.,ph. 2:19, 20.
NOTE: "As you receive the Word in faith, it will
give you power t obey. As you give heed to the light
you have, greater light will come. You are building on
God's Word, and your character will be builded after the
similitude of the character of Christ. Christ, the true
foundation, is a living stone; His life is imparted to all
that are built upon Him."-M.B., p. 216.

Lesson No.4-Sabbath, July 24, 1943.

1. To whom is a servant of God compared, and what is his
.J , ~I solemn duty? Eze. 33:7. Isa. 21:6; Hab. 2:1.
~-, NOTE: "The stewards of the mysteries of God should
stand as watchmen upon the walls of Zion; and if they see
the sword coming, they should sound the note of warning,
If they are sleepy sentinels, and their spirjtlH!] §ep§e§ are
so benumbed that they see and realize no danger, an'd- the
people perish, God will require their blood at the watch-
men's hands."-VoI: 4, p. 403.
2. What question cal1)l f,aitl\ful watchman always answer?
Isa. 21:11, 12. ~1fe A~,
3. - What special tas" has been entrusted to the spiritual
watchmen of the church? Eze. 33:2·5.
NOTE: "It is the privilege pf the watchmen On the
walls of. Zion to live so near to God, and to be so sus-
ceptible to the impressions of His Spirit, that He can work
through tb€m to tell sinners of their peril and point them
to the place ~f safety. O1Icsen of God, sealed with the
blood of consecration, they. are to rescue ~nd women
from Impendmg destruction. Faith,fully are they to warn
their fellow-men of the sure result of h'ansgression, and
faithfully are they to safeguard the• .illtere~ts .of... ~~
.,slll,rcb."-G.W., p. 15.
4. How long must the faithful watchmen continu~ ,t~Hfil
their solemn duty? Isa. 62:6, 7; 52:8.~r7-'.
5. What sound must the watchman~ trll!!!.p~t gi::..l2d1.der
to be effective? 1 Cor. 14:8.@~~ - •
NOTE: "In trumpet tones their voices are to be lifted
and never should they sound one unwavering note."-G.W.,15.
6. What kind of watchmen were often found among God's
people, ,nd what will the Lord reqpire from the~~e.
33:8·7'.{6U' U l 4 , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .
7. What does the Lord say concerning such ul\faith T
watchmen? Isa. 56:10. J.J..-.-k ~,
8. What is the condition ofYh??-watchmert)n the Laodicean
church? Rev. 3:15, 16. ..u~40""~.
NOTE: "Has not blindness fallen upon the watchmen
standing on the walls of Zion? Are not many of God's
servants unconcerned and well satisfied, as if the pillar
of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night rested upon
the sanctuary."-Vol. 8, p. 248.
9. What will come upon them as a result of their unfaith-
fulness? Eze. 9 :5, 6.
NOTE: "Here we see that the church-the Lord's
sanctuary-was first to :(eel the stroke of the Wl'ath of
God. The ancient men, those to whom God had given
great light, :Ind who had stood as guardians of the spiri-
tual interests of the people, had betrayed their trust.
. . . These dumb dogs that would not bark, are the ones
wno feel the just vengeance of an offended God."-Vol. 5,
p. 211.
10. Is it l)Ossible for those blind watchmen in the Laodicean
church to sound the note of warning? Matt. U:14.
NOTE: "Men who stand in responsible positions at
the lli work are asleep. Satan has paralyzed
them, in order that his~and devices may not be dis-
cerned, while he is active to ensnare, deceive and ~troy."
-Vol. 2, p. 439.

unfaithful wa"#'J;:::? 7t- ~

11. What is the Lord compelled to do with such blind antI
12. What admonition will a faithful watchman always
heed? Mark 13 :37"jA;~ •

Lesson No.5-Sabbath, July 31, 1943.


1. What kind of w. rshi pI ing t Isa.
66:2; Ps. 51:17. , '. '''''C--t.
2. On what occasion was the contrast between true and
false worship first seen? Gen. 4 :3, 4.
3-. What happened. to Abe cause of his faithfulness?
Gen. 4:5-8. •
NOTE: So far as bir h and religious instruction were
concerned, these brothers were equal. Both were sinners,
and both acknowledged the claims of God to reverence and
wOJ!ship. To outward appearance their religion was the,
same up to a certain point, but beyond this the difference
between the two was great. . . . Cain~and killed hig
brother, not for any wrong that Abel had done, but 'be-
cause his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous.' "
-P.P., pp. 72, 74.
4. Upon what do aU who forsake tJ;,ue worship depend?
Rev. 3:17; Jer. 7:4,( ~

- (Nt -
OJ'. What·· found a ion of all true worship?
5':2~ o. 6:6. t2 .
6. What worship did Israel practice in the days of Elijah?
1 Kings 18:17, 18.~oo-l.
'7, In wha condition was I at that tjm~ 1 Kings
19:10.~~ ~.) 4.1. . (
8. What dir c message d' Elijah bring them? 1 Kings ,. t
18:21.r o..-t
NOTE: "If God abhors one sin above another, of
which His' people are guilty, it is doing nothing in case
of an emergency. Indifference and neutrality in a reli-
gious crisis is regarded of God as a grievous crime, and
E:jqual to the very worst type of hostility against God."-
Vol. 3, p. 281.
~. What is the condition of the Laodicean church in regard
to true worship? Rev. 3:15, 16.~ •
10. Whom has God promised He will send when such a
condition of luke-warmness exists? Mal. 4 :5, 6.
NOTE: "Many reformers, in entering upon their work,
determined to exercise great prudence in attacking the
sins of the church and the nation. They hoped, e
exam Ie of ure Christi life, to lead the people ack
to the doctrine 0 t ible. But the Spirit o£ Qaa came
upon them as it came upon Elijah, moving him to r b e
the sins f a wicked king and t _ . they
could not refrain from preaching t e pain utterances of
the Bible. . . . The words which the Lord gave them they
uttered, fearless of consequences, and the people were
compelled to hear the warning. - G.C. p. 606.
11. What call must be heeded by those who expect to be
saved out of the Laodicean condition? Rev. 3:19.
NOTE: "I saw that the testimony 0:1; the True Wit-
ness has not been half heeded. The solemn testimony
upon which the destiny of the church hangs has been
lightly esteemed, if not entirely disregarded. This testi-
mony must wor de entan e. all who truly receive it
will obey it, and be purified."-E.W., p. 270.

Lesson No.6-Sabbath, August 7, 1943.

1. To what time period does the church of Laodicea belong,
and what church is represented by Laodicea?
ANSWER: "The message to the church of the Lao-
diceans is a startling denunciation, and is applicable to
the people of God at the present time."-Vol. 3, p. 252.
2. Who is repre!lented by the angel of the church ef Lao-
dicea? Mal. 2:7, 3:1.
NOTE: "The W0rk of pl'eaching the gospel has not
been committed to angels, but has been intrusted to men.
Holy angels have been employed in directing this work,
they have in charge the great movements for the salva-
tion of men; but the actual proclamation of the gospel is
performed by the servants of Christ upon the earth."-
G.C., p. 312.
3. How does the Lord introduce. Hi..self to thoe Laodicean
church? Rev. 3:14.
NOTE: "The testimony, so cutting and severe, cannot
be a mistake, for it is the True Witness who speaks, and
HilS testimony must be correct."-,-Vol. 3, p. 253.
4. What testimony concerning the Laodie-ean church does
1lte True Witness give? Rev. 3:15, 16.
5. Does the church believe and accept the testimony of the
True Witness? Rev. 3:17.
NOTE: "The people slumber on in their sins. They
continue to declare themselves rich, and having need of
nothing."-Vol. " 3, p. 254.
6. Can those who are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and
naked, be a help to others? Luke 6 :39.
7. What loving counsel does the True Witness give to the
church? Rev. 3:18.
8. What is represented by the gold which is tried in the
fire, the white raiment, and the eyesalvoe? 1 Peter 1:7;
Rev. 19:8.
NOTE: "They will feel the necessity of buying gold,
which is pure faith and love; white raiment, which is a
spotless character made pure in the blood of their dear
Redeemer; and eyesalve, which is the grace of God, and
which will give clear discernment of spiritual things, and
detect sin. These attainments are more precious than
the gold of Ophir."-Vol. 3, p. 254.
9. To whom does the True Witness appeal when He sees
that His counsel is not accepted by the church? Rev.
3:19, 20.
NOTE: "To the lowly, the suffering, the faithful, the
patient, who are alive to their weakness and insufficiency,
are given words of encouragement: 'Behold, 1 stand at the
door, and knock; if any man hear My voice, and open the
door, 1 will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he
with Me."-Vol. 5, p. 484.
10. What will result when many reject the counsel of the
True Witness, while some accept it? Amos 3:3.
NOTE :"1 asked the meaning of the shaking 1 had
seen, and was shown that it would be caused by the
straight testimony called forth by the counsel of the True
Witness to the Laodiceans. This will have its effect upon
the heart of the receiver, and will lead him to ex;alt the
standard and pour forth the straight truth. Some will
not bear this straight testimony. They will rise up against
it, and this is what will cause a shaking among God's
people."-E.W., p. 270.
11. Under whose power is the work of reformation to go
forward? Z·cch. 4 :6.
NOTE: "A revival and a reformation m.ust take place
under the ministration of the Holy Spirit."-"Review and
Herald," Feb. 25, 1902.
12. Under the direction of which angel" will the ''''ork of
reformation be gloriously finished? Rev. 18:1.
13. Does the Reform Movement represent the >eighth church
or with what name does the Lord designate those who
call the professed people of God back to the old paths?
ANSWER: "God's remnant people, standing before the
world as reformers. are to show that the law of God is
the foundation of all enduring reform."-P.K., p.~

o Lesson No.7-Sabbath, August 14, 1943 ...J c;l4~

t /,I~N'7(£.· J
~F· 5"(). l.qoN\~o..:'·w many classes of servants are at work before the
return of the Lord? Matt. 24:45-50.
2. What distinguishes the good and faithful servants?
Luke 12:35-40.
3. Through how many periods must th'e faithful servants"
be found watching? Luke 12:37, 38. With what may we
compare the three periods of watching? Rev. 14:6-12.
NOTE: "I was shown three steps-the first, second, and
third angels' messages. Said my accompanying angel, 'Woe
to him who shall mOve a blOCk. or stjr a pjn of these
messages.' "-E.W., p. 258.
-4. In what condition were those who under the first
angel's message waited for the return of th:e Lord in
the year 1843?
ANSWER: "All who found peace in Christ longed to
see others share the blessing. The hearts of parents were
turned to their children, and the hearts of children to
their parents. The barriers of pride and reserve were
swept away. Heartfelt confessions were made, and the
members of the household labored for the salvation of those
who were nearest and dearest. Often was heard the sound
:Of earnest intercession. Everywhere were souls in deep
anguish, pleading with God."-G.C., p. 369.
,5. What' counsel was given to the waiting ones when the
Lord did not appear in the first watch? Hab. 2:2, 3.
What message was now made plain to them? Rev.14 :8.
06. What call was sounded at the beginning of the second
angel's message? Matt. 25:6. What was the condition
of those who waited for the Lord's return in 1844?
ANSWER: "A spirit of solemn and earnest prayer
'was eyerywhere felt by the saints. A holy solemnity was
Testing upon them. Angels were watching with the
.deepest interest the effect of the message, and were elevat-
ing those who received it, and drawing them from earthly
things to obtain large supplies from salvation's fountain.
God's people were then accepted of Him. Jesus looked upon
them with pleasure, for His image was reflected in them."
-E.W., p. 239.
'7. Upon what message did the waiting ones receive light
when the Lord did not appear in the second watch on
October 22, 1844? Rev. 14:9-12.
'8. Under what message will the work of God be finished?
ANSWER: The third angel of Revelation fourteen is
-represented as flying swiftly through the midst of heaven
crying, 'Here are they that keep the commandments of
God, and the faith of Jesus.' . . . This is the last mes-
sage. There are no more to follow; no more invitations
of mercy to be given after this message shall have done
'its work."-Vol. 5, pp. 206, 207.
-9. What attitude concerning the Lord's appearing is taken
by the evil servant? Matt. 24:48, 49. Whom does he
ANSWER: "That evil servant who said in his heart,
"My Lord delayeth His coming,' professed to be waiting for
.Ai· 6);:
Christ. He Wa1l a 'servant' outwardly devoted to the ser-
vice of God; while at heart he had yielded to Satan. He
does not, like the scoffer, openly deny the truth, but re-
, veals in his life the sentiment of the heart-that theLL, d' /
com1ng is delayed."-Vol. 5, pp. 101,!1.,..",- / - ' .
10. In what condition will the remnant church be found
when the Lord shan return? Eph. 5:27.
NOTE: "Those who are living upon the earth when
the intercession of Christ shall cea!le in the sanctuary
above are to stand in the sight of a holy God without a
mediator. Their robes must be spotless, their characters
must be purified from sin by the blood of sprinkling. . ..
When this work shall have been accomplished, the followers
of Christ will be ready for His appearing."-G.C., p. 425.,
V. What does the' Lord pronounce Up9n those who are
ready for His return in the third watch? Luke 12 :38.
Lesson No.8-Sabbath, August 21, 1943.
1. What beautiful symbol does the Lord use to show the'
relationship that exists between Him and His church?
2 Cor. 11 :2. Eph. 5 :24-27.
NOTE: "In the Bihle the sacred and enduring character
of the relation that exists between Christ and His church
is represented by the union of marriage. The L.ord has'
joined His people to Himself by ,a §oIeglll ~ovep.2N..t , He'
promising to he their God, and pledging themselves'
to be His and His alone."-G,C., p. 8t.

2. Upon what foundation i is union be.tween Christ and

His church establishe~ ~ ~ 20; Mal. 2 :5, 6.
3. What is said -of those who. do not keep the cov-enant of'
the Lord? Jer. 11:1-3. .
4. What will the Lord do with the church when she
chooses another husband and unites hoerself with the'
world? Rev. 3:16; Mal. 2:11, 12;....~"""''''''''''~.
5'. What does' the Bible say cOl\cernin,.g those who are the'
friends of the world? James 4:4. ~~ ,u"ea~4r.
NOTE: "The unfaithfulness of the church to Christ fu
permitting her confidence and affection to be turned :l;rom
Him, and allowing the love of worldly things to occupy the
soul, is likened to the violation of the marriage vow."-G.C.,
p. 38l.
6. Against what has the church been faithfully warned?
ANSWER: "The world must not be introduced into the
church, and married to the church, forming a bond of
unity. Through this means the church will become indeed
corrupt, and; as stated in Revelation, 'a cage of every
unclean and hateful bird.' "-"Testimonies to Ministers,"
p.265. .
7. When the church unites herself with the world, what
does the church become? Isa. 1:2l.
NOTE: "It was by departure from the Lord, and
alliapce with the heathen. that the Jewish church became
a harlot; and Rome, corrupting herself in like manner by
seeking the support of worldly powers, receives a like
condemnation."-G.C., p. 382.
8. Did the Seventh-day Adventist church, by following in
the footsteps of ancient Israel, receive a ],ike con-
demnation? Eccl. 1 :9, 10.
NOTE: "'How is the faithful city become an harlot?'
My Father's house is made a house of merchandise, a
place whence the divine presence and glory have departed!"
-Vol. 8, p. 250.
9. What does Jesus call those who for the sake of worldly
advantag·es forsake His commandments and unite with
the world? Luke 22:48.
NOTE: "It is no other than betraying Him with a
kiss, to talk of His blood and take away His crown; to
set light by any part of His law, under the pretence of
advancing His gospel."-'-G.C., p. 263. .
10. To what synagogue do those who unite with the world
belong? Rev. 3:9.
11. Is the Seventh-day Adventist church courting the friend-
ship of the world?
ANSWER: "The professed followers of Christ are no
longer a separate and peculiar people. . The line of demar-
~ation is indistinct. The people are subordinating them-
selves to the world, to its practises, its customs, its selfish-
ness. The church has gone over to the world in trans-
gression of the law, when the world should have come
Qver to the church in obedience to the law. Daily the
church is being:· converted to the world."-C.O.L., pp. 315,
12. What 'I'm the honest
unites with the world
Rev. 18:4.

NOTE: "The !jttle remnant who love God and keep

His commandments, and are faithful to the end, will enjoy
this glory, and ever be in the presence of Jesus, and sing
with the holy angels."-E.W., p. 66.

Lesson N(). 9-Sabbath, August 28, 1943.

.N" "''''/ Tt/07$7{F- t6t7//,eroA,jlJ!"p c1"'#.#E~Y.
SPIES. .4k .-l. r,';u
1. Whom did Moses send out when Israel approoched the
borders of Canaan? Num. 13:1-3.
2. What report did ten of the sPieS~;ye when they re-
turned? Num. 13:27-33. t/~"i -E.z~ '/.4)
h/f'··"( >9'N..o£/i' dl'd
What was. the result of ~lr eVI rep()rf.? :.wher~to
Israel wish to~~urn?f~ I ~:~.(/f!H1?~/";V';
";iitM1,1tt'LI. ~ ~ ~
What did Mos s and Aaron tio? urn. 14:6. ~hat re<../
port did Joshua and Caleb give? Num. 14:7-9'CfYIf,~'/J
NOTE: "By the covenant of God, the land was;;:f'n';;~red
-to Israel. But the false report of the unfaithful spies was
accepted, and through it the whole congregation was
deluded. . The traitors had done their work. If only the
two men had brought the evil report, and all the ten had
~mcouraged them to possess the land in the name of the
Lord, they would still have taken the advice of the two
in preference to the ten, because of their wicked unbelief.
But there were only tW() advocating the right, while ten
were on the side of rebellion."-P.P" p. 390.
5. What judgment did God pronounce upon disobedient
Israel? Num. 4:28-35. What happened to the unfaith-
ful spies? Num. 14:36, 37.
6. What promise was given to Joshua and Caleb? Num.
14:24, 38.
7. What did Israel, contrary to the will of God, now try
to do and what happened to them? Num. 14:39-45.
~JI fF-4/fr.~ NOTE: "So terribly blinded had they become by tl~ns­
'/~"j(?"t-ression. The Lord had never commanded them to 'go up
and fight.' ani ur lS a he uld ain
the la d arfare ut strict 0 edience to His co -
mandsi"-P.P., p. 392.
8. When Israel had wandered forty years in the wildern'e3S
who was chosen to lead them into the promised land?
Joshua 1:1-6.
9. Upon what firm platform did God command JO!lhua to
take his stand? Joshua 1:7, 8.
10. Upon what was the new congregation of Israel com-
manded to fix their -eyes while crossing the Jo~:dan?
Joshua chapter 3..
11. What will the Lord write in the hearts of those who
are under the new covenant? Heb. 8:10.
12. What will be the standard of the remnant church? Isa.
NOTE: "God has spoken to us through His word. He
has spoken to us through the testimonies to the church,
and through the books that have helped to make plain our
present duty and the position we should now occupy."-
G.W., p. 308.
13. What will fully identify the remnant of Laodic'ea? • {z... Y.;'?
Rev. 12:17; 19:10; 14:12. (J/IIf- v' . ,
Lesson No. 10-Sabbath, September 4, 1943.~
1. With what is the church of God compared? Whaj is
the meaning of the ,)edge, the . efa , and the ~er? 1.
Mark 12:1. pC~ ,
NOTE: "In the parable e householder represented
God, the vineyard the Ish nation, and the hedge the
-/ divine law whic their protection. The tower was a

symbol of the temple."-D.A., p. 596. e.U;;*,,4Cii~'4
2. What attitude was taken by the husb dmen whe~ the
owner of the vineyard sent forth His s rvants to demand
the fruit of it? Mark 12:2-8; Matt. 23:34.
NOTE: "The husbandmen who had been placed in
charge of the Lord's vineyard were untrue to their trust.
The priests and teachers were not faithful instructors of
the people. They did not keep before them the goodness
and mercy of God and His claim to their love and service.
These husbandmen sought~. They desh'ed
to appropriate the fruits of the vineyard. It was their
study to attract attention and homage t emselves."-
C.O.L., p. 292.
3. Because of their unfaithfulness, what fate befell the
husbandmen, and what did the Lord do with His vine-
yard? Mark 1ll :9.
NOTE: "As a people the Jews had failed of fulfilling
God's purpose, and the vineyard was taken from them. The
privileges they had abused, the work they. had slighted,
was entrusted to others."-~.O.L., p. 296. ~
4. To whom does the parable of the vineyard also i\pply?
Rom. 15:4. 1\

NOTE: "The parable of the vineyard applies ;not alone

to the Jewish nation. It has a lesson for The u c.h
in this eneration has been endowed by 0 with great
privileges and blessings, and He expects corresponding re-
turns."-C.O.L., p. 296.
5. Under what condition does the Lord bind Himself to
His church? Ex. 19 :5.
NOTE: "BecaulOe they failed of fulfilling God's pur-
pose, the children of Israel were se side, and God's call
was extended to other peoples. If these, too, prove Un-
faithful, will they not in like manner be rejected ?"-
C.O.L., p. 304.
6. Have the husbandmen of modern Israel been faithful to
their trust?
ANSWER: "The ancient men, those to whom God had
given great light, and who had stood as guardians of the
s iritual interests of the people, .ha~heir trust."
-Vol. 5, p. 211. -,:~./,. ~
7. Because modern Isra'el, like ancient Israel, proved un-
faithful, whom does the Lord now recognize as His true
church? Zeph. 3:12, 13.
NOTE: "The re nant church will be brought into
great trial and <'!Is Those who keep the command-
ments of God and the faith of Jesus, will feel the ire of
the dragon and his hosts. Satan numbers the world as
his subjects, he has gained control of the apostate churches;
but here is a little company that are resisting his
supremacy. If he could blot them from the earth, his
triumph would be complete."-Vol. 9, p. 231.
g. Will God have faithful husbandmen in this time of the
end? Isa. 62:6, 7.
NOTE: "The Lord has faithful servants, who in the
shaking, testing time will 'be disclosed to view."-Vol. 5,
p. 80.
9. Will the remnant church be victorious and triumph in
the end? Rev. 14:12.
NOTE: "Satan will sorely harass the faithful, but, in
the name of Jesus, they will come off more than con-
querors. Then will the church of Christ appear 'fair as
the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with
banners.' "-Vol. 5, pp. 81, 82.
]0. What will the Lord say to those who have been faith·
ful to the end? Matt. 25:21.
Lesson No. 11-Sabbath, September 11, 1943.
1. What is closely connected with the .third angel's
ANSWER: '''1 was again shown that the health reform
is one branch of the great work which is to a people
101' the coming of the Lord. It is as close y connected
with the third angel's message as the hand is with the
body."-Vo!. 3, p. 161.

~~~~,~~-~ \~.
2. Why is health reform so important for us? 1 Cor.
6:19, 20.
3. Of what did the diet of our first .n he gardell
of Eden consist? Gen. 1 :29t7 ',~ I
4, What is God's object for His remnant church In regard
to healthful living? Jer. 6:16.
NOTE: "I have been shown that the principles that
were given us in the early eays of the message are as
important and should be regarded just as conscientiously
to-day as they were then. There are some who have never
followed the light given on the question of diet. It is
now time to take the light :from under the bushel, and
let it shine forth in clear, brighij rays."-Vol. 9, p. 158.
5. What wonderful example in regard to health reform
should we faithfully imitate? Dan. 1:11-17.
NOTE: "There are many who feel that they can not
get along without flesh foods; put,Jf th~se would 'place
. themselves on the Lor<fs ~ide resolutely t:e7;;lved to walk

" in the way of His guidan e, they would receive
and~ as did Daniel and his fellows."-Vol. 9, p. 157.

6. What must those who have made a covenant with God

be willing to do? Ps. 50 :5.
NOTE: "Those who have received instruction regard-
ing the evils of the use of flesh foods, tea and coffee, and
rich and unhealthful preparations, and who are deter-
mined to make a covenant with God by sacrifice, will not
continue to indulge their appetite for food that they
know to be unhealthful. God demands that the appetite>;
be cleansed, and that self-denial be practised in regard to
those things Which are not good. This is a work that
will have to be "done before His people can stand before
Hiin a perfected people."- Vol. 9, pp. 153,154.
7. Hare the professed people of God been faithful in re-
gard to the principles of health reform?
ANSWER: "I am instructed to bear a message to~
our people on the subject of health reform; for many have
c from their former loyalty to health reform
principle~ Vol. 9, p. 153.

~ -------
~ ~ a. ""cu'£e~:_J~'~~ I

7/~J.'6.J,6S ..{~.r-
. -~1-

8. What attitude do~s Laodieea tak~ in regard to health

reform? Rev. 3:16.
NOTE: "A wonderful inditference has been manifested
upon this important subjeet, by those right at the heart
of the work. The lack of stability in regard to the prin-
ciples of health reform, is a true index of their ehBJlQcter
and their spiritual strength."-VoI. 2, p. 487.
9. What should be our aim in regard to the principles of
health refOl'm"1 1 Cor. 10:31.
10. In regard to health reforms, what does God expect of
his true people?
ANSWER: "As we near the close of time, we must
~ and ~ upon the questi.n of health
reform and Christian temperance, presenting it in a more
positive and decided manner. We must ~ continually
to educate the people, not only by our worda, but by our
practice. Precept and practice combined have & telling
influence."-Vol. 6, p. 112.

Lesson No. 12-Sabbath, September 18, 1943.

heaven? Matt. 25:1.
d oL././
l' .
2. What is represented by the lamps which the ten virgins
carried? Ps. 119:105; Provo 6:23; 2 Peter 1:19.
NOTE: "The t cla ses of watchers represent
two classes who profess to be waiting for their Lord.
are called virgins because profess a u e faith y
the lamps is represented the word of God."-C.O.L., p.406.
3. How are the ten virgins described? What dift'erence
was apparent among them? Matt. 25 :2-4.
NOTE: "In the parable, all the ten virgins went out
to meet the bridegroom. All had lamps, and vessels for oil.
-IF or a time there was seen no difference between them.
'So with the church that lives ju~t before's second
coming.~ All have a knowledge of the Scriptures. AI
have heard the message of Ghrist's near approach, and
confidently ex ct His appearing. But as in tile parable,
o.. -22-
i .2/~~ /,PYJ. £"~ . ..(/~

so .no'¥., A ti~!L of w~i~i,n~. in~.ery,en~s;. fai~Q., is

tried. and when the cry is heard, 'Behold, 'the" B jdegro om
cOflletp;1 go yeo oq~ to, meet: Hi!?1': .' in~!1Y are un:re'~dy.

T~ey, hav~ no oil i~n th,eir vess~l~'i with the,\r .lamps., 'They,
arfl·de~tituFr of, 01 irit."-C.O.L." p. 408, '
:5ZAdc' 3'1":
• 1.
4. What happen~d while the ~ri~e~room tarried? Matt. 25 .u.
5. When was the cry heard; "lrehold, the bridegroom
cometh!~? Matt. 25~6.: . .

NOTE: "The coming of the bridegroom was at· mid'
ni ht-the . darkest hou~. So the coming of Christ wile
tak.e pl~ce in.: th.e. d'a~~~st peri?? of thi~ ~ill~th's hi~tpry."
-C.O..L ., p. 41,i.
6. Being arous1!d ollt,of their slum1:Jer, what did .the oolish / .
vir~ip'~ .no~ im~~~iaiely 'dis~o,ver? ' Matt., 25:8. " . '1i1.J~:
7,. W-b,.t. fu)ly. ,reveal~d, th~ difflrreNF be.twe,en .the. wise-an,d
foolisft vi~gins? l "

ANSWER: It is in a crisis tlu}~ c~aracter, is rev.eale4,..

When the earnest voice proclaimed at midnight, 'Behold,
the bridegroom. com~th; go ye ,out to meet hi1J1,' and the
sleepil)g virgins were roused from their slumbers, it was
seen who had made preparation for the event. Bath
parties were taken unawares; but one was prepared for
the 'emergency, and the other was found· without pre-
paration. So now, a sudden and unlooked-for calamity,
something that brings the soul' face to face with death,
will show whether there is any real faith in the promises
of God."-C.O.L., p. 412.
8. Are tholle, represented. by the foolish virgins, hypocrites?
ANSWER: "The cla~s represented by the' foolish
virgins are not hypocrites. They have a regard for the
truth, they have adv.oca d the truth, they ar~ attracted
tOt, thos~ who believe the tr~th, but they have not yielded
thenwelves to the Holy Spirit's worki~,~."-C.O.L., p. 411.
9" \Y.hat class do the' five foolish virgins. repre~nt?, 2
Tim. 3:5; Eze. 33:31.
NOTE: "The, class represented by the foolish virgins
have. been content, with a p'et;Ji.cial work. They do not
~~~. ;/;~.
'Know God. They"ilave' not studied His character; they
have not 'h'eld communion With' Him: 'therefore they' do
not know h.ow"to trust. how to look and live. Their ser-
vice' to God': degenerates into' a 'form."-C.O.L., p; 411.
10;, In' 'iVlioni do those, who are' i'epres-ented ,'by the fohlish
virgins, put their trust? Jer. 17:5.
NOTE:' liThe' 'great "dari:ger:' of' 6ur people' has been
that of depending upon men, ',and making fleSh .th'eif 'arm.
;Those who have not' been in the' 'habit of searching the
Bible for themselves, or weighing evidence, have confidence
in the leading men, and accept the decislon they make;
and"thus' will . jed the very 'messages' God sends to His
p~ople, if these leading brethren do not accept them."-
T.M., pp. 106, 107.

, Lesson No. 13--=Sabbath, September 25, '19~3.


1. What did the foolish' virgins say to the wise when they
discovered their lack of oil? Matt. 25 :8.
2.' But what did the wille virgins answer them?' -Matt. 25 :9.
3. Who are represented by those that sell?
ANSWER: liThe people turned upon their ministers
with bitter hate, and reproached them, 'saying, 'You have
not warned us. You told us that all the world 'was to
be converted; and cried, Peace, peace,' to 'quiet every fear
that 'was aroused. You have not told us of this hour;
and those who warned' us of it you declared to be fanatics
aJ:1d evil men, who would ruin us.' But I saw that the
ministers did not escape the wrath of God. Their suffer-
ing was tenfold greater than that of the people."-E.W.,
p. 282.
4, . What happened after a, separation of the two 'cla!l8es
had taken place? Matt. ' 25 :10.-
5....When l;IifJ, th~ ,fool~sh ,~irgins:., a~rive! ~t '. the - m;arriage
'feast? What did they say! Matt. 25 :11.
6. \vha't imswe; di(l they receive from 'th~ briaegroom,?
Matt. 25 :12.
NOTE: "Those who have 'given God only halfhearted
service, allowing' their lives to be conformed to the ways
and practises of the world, will hear the sad words,
'Depart from Me; I know you not.' "-Vol. 9, p. 252.
7. What should we do in this waiting and testinr time?
2 Peter 1 :10. 11.
8. What message is given to those who go out to meet
the Bridegroom? Iss. 60 :1.
NOTE: "Those who wait for the Bridegroom's coming
are to say to the people, 'Behold your God.' The last
rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be
given to the world, is a revelation of His character of
love. The children of God are to manifest His glory.
In their own life and character they are to re.eal what
the grace of God has done for them."-C.O.L. p. 415.
9. When should we be found ready to meet the· Bride-
groom? Matt. 24 :44.
NOTE: "Be ye always ready, in the evening, in the
morning, and .at noon, that when the cry is heard, 'Be-
hold, the Bridegroom cometh! go ye forth to meet Him,'
you may, even though awakened out of sleep, go forth
to meet Him with your lamps trimmed. and burning."-
Vol. 9, p. 48.
10. For what should we earnestly send out petitions to
God? Luke 11 :13.
NOTE: "There is grace for us if we will appl'eci:ate
it. The Holy Spirit is waiting our demand, if we will
only demand it with that intensity of purpose which is
proportionate to the yalue of the object we seek. Angels
of heaven are taking notice of all our work, and are
watClhing to see how they can so minister to each one
that he will reflect the likeness of Christ in character,
and become conformed to the divine image."-Vol. 6, p.175.-
11. What will happen when God's children reflect the image
of Jesus fully? Lake 21 :27.
NOTE: " hen the character of Christ shall be per-
fectl~ reproduced in His eo Ie then He will come to
I im them' as His oVm.:'-C.O.L., p. 69.

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