Lessons From The Life of Christ.: 'Quarterly

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Sabbath School Lesson

Fourth Quarter, I94J.

Lessons from the Life of

. .'-

Stv~."1 11 ETOHl I'
G l .0NFlRfNCE
3031 FI<A \0.:.... PH.4::>/4""l'.Jl::S
ACRAMu O. LAL,IF. 95~18 U. S.· •


Religious Liberty Publishing Association

42 Prospect Road, Summer Hill
N.S.W., Australia

000 000 012 643

£t %
• -
, Lesson No. I-Sabbath, October 6, 1945
~ , ~ 1. When, where, and wh()! was the Word?,
Q• ~was NOTE: ",~'I~n~th~e~~p.in~~~~~
with Go , a t
1ft e egmnmg with'1¥o~."""'i"I'Il~f!il!!::n~g~s~weremade by Him;
VI and without Him was not anything made that was made.'
- -.....his is the most precious unfolding of definite truth, flash-
~ing its divine light and glory upon all who will receive
~it."-Fu.ndamentals of Christian Education," p. 406.

2. Through whom ;were all thin~ade? John 1:3,; Pro-

verbs 8:22·31.1NJ: ~.o. ((~~)
3. What was ip H·ilJn. and what was His life for men?
John 1:4; Luke 2:30-32~~~"")
4. Where did the light ~ine, in~"'"~th~.:furt succes8l?
John 1:5. JrdH.-flr /# ,o,lflliMfAN'¥:C A'Y~ 7'#' ~-
JlN'1S.r /tt'MI!fW,.., JViii; -
NOTE: "It is our privi,lege also to gJory in the cross,
our privilege to give ourselves wholly to Him who ~ve
Himself for us. Then, with the light that streams from
Calvary shining in our faces, we may go forth to reveal
this light to those in darkness."-A.A., p. 210. /.
5. Whom did God send and for w,hat purpose? John 1:6;~1ft,
7. Was John himself the light? John 1:'0.•4#1111 WI",,""
6. What is said of the true light? John 1:9. J.11r4"N
7. What testimony d:i
Christ be=t" in. ~~ar'~is ~ -r
people? John 1:1l.11IIV,fVC/'vltb ,IJ,. #,-.,;-
8. What did Jesus give to..,!those who ~pted Him whole;, ~ _ .....
heartt;dly? John 1:12,hH"'''' ,.. ge'(4tvJ1 ,J'"eNI' ur 'Iv.,.
9: What wonderful expl31nations are given regarding the
Word? John 1:14; Rom. 8:3. -
NOTE: "The followers of Christ must be partakers of
JIi~ ex~eriencSl'They must ~cejv$ and assim' te the
~ so that it shall J5ecome ve we of
1!h an~. By the .,p.ewel· of C D~ t ey mus be
~c1I1mge mto is likene&S, and retied" tlie divine attributes.
/t 'l'hey' must eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son., 'It"
L7lAf4 f ,t:v4. ;N rHE 1t1J"1I. fi'4'V4'NI~ Tid <;/ o;ti!r.
7~~ ~'?.!I#Jf'. ... -rC/,t.J. ~ t::;.1WIe'i! ~ ~vrH.
of God, or there is no life in them. ~ suirift ij~ of
Christ must .b~come tpe SIlhjt 1 a,nd .WQT:j ofls lIiSC!PThs."· ..
R ., p. 278.-
~ . ~__ Ii
10. What do we receive from Christ~ John 1:16, 17'1R~
11. What should we continua!1y.~lt before all? 1 Cor.
2 :2. TN C,f-,s'S- ~ r;/IN'IN/;
NOTE: "WitAout the cross, man could have no union
with the Father. On it depends our every hope. From
it· shines the light of'the Saviour's love; and when at the"·
.foot of the cross the sinner looks up to the . One who
died to save him, he may rejoice with, fulness of joy for
his sins are pardoned. KneelinK.. i~ faith at the cro~ he
has reached th~ high~st'1:!'aOW ICh' man ~an ,gt£ii'I!1"-
A.A., pp. 2<19', 2m.
Lesson No. 2--:-S.abbath, October 13, 945 ~


1. Where should Dhristt have been
ph'ecy? (Micah 5 :2. 7 :'
2. Through which circumstances lin
phecy fulfilled? Luke 2 :1- .
3. Whlj,t biblical interp.retation is ven, in
fur·. "Emmanuel"? Matt. :2' ......
4. In which city was Jesus raised, and
. . tion did it bear? John 1:46.
NOTE: "The inhabitants of Nazareth were proverbial
for their wickedn~ss. The low estimate in which they
were generally held is .shown ,by Nathanael's question, 'Can
there be any good thmg come out of Nazareth l' Jesus
was placed wh l' His characte' would be tested. It was
necessary for im to e cons an y on guard in order to
preserve His purity. He was subject to all the conflicts
which we have to meet, that He might be an ex m Ie ~to
us in Childhood, outh, and manhood."-D.A., p. 71.
'--""- .
5. What is said about the spiritual gr~wth of -Jesus in
His childhood?" Luke 2 :40.
6. Witli what was· Christ fa'miIiar in His youth?
.!NSWER: "The parents of Jesu's were poor, and
depeNdent upon their daily toiL He was familiar with
poverty, self-denial, and privation. This experience was a
safeguard to Him."-D.A., p. 72.
7. How; old was Jesus when He wen.t with His parents
to the pass~ver feast for the firs time? Llik" 2:41,
42. 1,1. K".. ~." . n-..f "
8. Did .Christ already at that time understand the mean-
ing of the daily sacrifice? Luke 2:49.
NOTE: "For the first tilne the child Jesus looked
upon the temple. He saw the white-robed priests per-
forming their solemn ministry. He IJeheld the bleeding
victim upon' the altar of sacrifice. With the worshippers
He bowed in prayer, while the clouds of incense ascended
before God. He witnessed the impresssive rites of the
paschal service. Day by day He saw their meaning
more clearly. Every act seemed to be bound up with His
own life. New impulses were awakening within Him..
Silent and absorbed, He seemed to be ;t'bdying out a
great problem. The mystery of His mission was open-
ing to the Savio,Ul'."-D.A., p. 78.
9. What caused great su~p,rise among the Scribes and
Pharisees? Luke 2:46, 47.
10. Why did Jesus/ remain In tne temple, and what le&-
son may we, learn from ·the forgetfulness 'of His
ANSWER: "As His mission had ,opened to Jesus ilL
the temple, He shrank from contact with the multitude..
He wished to return from Jerusalem in quietness, with
those who knew the' secret of His life. . . . B.y one day's
neglect they lost the Saviour; but it cost them three days
of anxious search to find Him. So with us; by idle talk,
evil speaking, or neglect of prayer, ye may in one day
lose the Saviour's presence, and it may take many days
of sorrowful search to fina Him, and regain t e peace hat
we have lost."-D.A., l>P. 82, 83. W
11. How old w ~
. Luke
Jesus when He began His ministl'Y?

Lesson No.3-Sabbath, October 20, 1945
1. What does the Bible say about the pare~ts of John
the Baptist? Luke 1:5, 6.
2. What was the diet of John, and for whom especially
was his diet an example? Luke 1:15.
NOTE: "In prepal;ng the way for Christ's first ad-
vent, he was a representative of those who are to pre-
pare a people for our Lord's second coming. . . . All who
would perfect holiness in the fear of God must learn the
lessons of temperance and self-control. The appetites and
passions must be hdd in subjection to the higher power of'
the mind. This sel -disci line is essential to that me tal
strengUl and spIn ua IllSI t which will enable us - 0
understand and to -, ractice the sacred truths of God's
word. For this reaso eran~e finds its place in the
work of preparation for CHrIst's second coming."-D.A., p.
101. •
3. Where was the character of John the. Baptist
developed) Luke 1 :80.
4. Of what nature was the mission for which God had
chosen him? Malachi 4:6; Compare Matt. 11 :11-14•
.5. What ,was the main object of his message? Luke 3:3.
'6. How did John meet the hypocrisy of the Scribes and
the PhariSlees? Luke 3:7-9.
7. What important lesson has the m.essage of John the
Baptist for our generation? 1 Cor. 10:11.
NOTE: "In this age, just prior to the second coming
'Of Christ in the clouds of heaven, such.a work as that
'Of John is to be done. God calls for men who will p;.:e-
-pare a eople tu stand in the great day of the Lord.
. . . OUf message must be as direct as was the 'mes-
:sage of John."-T.8. pp. 332, 333.
8. How did John describe the Messiah? John 1:2~, 30.
9. Why .was John cast 'int~ prison? Matt. 14:1-4.
Whom did John send to' Chrilit and with what ques-
tion? Matt. 11 :2., 3. W·hat was the answ'er of Jesus
to John? Matt. 11 :4-6:
What testim10ny did Jesus bear regarding John and his
work? Matt. 11:7-10.
12. What did John finally lose for the sake of truth?
Mark 6:17-29. I

( ·NOTE: ~'Herod waited in vain to be released from

bis oath, then he reluctantly commanded the execution of
the prophet. Soon the head of John was brought before
the king and' his guests. Forever sealed were those lips
that had faithfulLy warned Herod to tum from his life of
sin. Never 'mo e would that voice be heard caIl'ing men
to repentance. The revels of hne night hl}d cost 'the life
of one of the greatest of the prophets."~D.A., p. 222.
13. Of what was IHerod afterward troubled?
ANSWER: "Herod's sin was ever before him. He was
constantly seeking to find relief from the accusings of a
guilty conscience. . . . 'th inner's own thoughts al:e his
accusers; and there can" be no torture eener than the
stings of a guilty conscience, which give him no rest day
-or night."-D.A., p. 223.

Lesson No.4-Sabbath, October 27, 1945

~ P'~a4..et~~, , ~~'-'
t;;/- t.!-w d./ I~ ..-J44 QUESTIONS,./~. ..<J."t{.:-.,
1. Why 'did John theztist nO~~~~baptizeJesus?~~~
Matt. 8:13,14./ -
• ...--
_ • J

~. What cau?J.'_h~:~.,§~ry!l~ind? ,Matt. 3:15.

NOTE: "Jesus did not. -f~~eive Baptism as a confes-
sion of guilt on His own account. He identified Himself
with sinners, taking th ste s t t we'e take, and
doing the WOl a we must do. IS h e.o suffering
'l'i1l'1f plitIent en(furance'" aTter 1lls" baptism was also an
example to us."-D.A., p. 1111.
3. What took place while ~ was baJ)tized? Matt.
3:16, 17.~
4. After His baptism, where was Jesus led by the SpiritT

I· Matt. 4:1.tAlfJ/)ERN€S~~. .
5. Why was Satan permitted to tempt. J~SU!$ ,in th
wilderness? Heb. 2:17, 18.~«M-\re ~.L ~
• tYd~ ~..-4Q~
61. What an IJi,gf1" Priest.)Ja!e/ "'..e_~retl{r~? / H~brew
4:15.-n_P1U'.- ~~ -{:~<l~;"/;f--r~.
7. How mah,y days did' Jesus fas , ,and how did He st)ln<!, _.L' A{
e holy p~il~-i?J. ~...incf
, NM.i: "With £hl'l
appetite was the ground of the first great temptation'-7
Just where ,the ruin began, the work of our redemptioIL
must begin. As by the indulgence of appetite Adam fell,
so by the denial of appetite Christ must overcome."-D.A., II/~/
Jl. 117·.ri;..,~./~. \ -.,.., ....
1I~/161:1'of7What nature was the second temptatio nd ho --
7c; d~~~~~all this~t?/ ~a~.4~
rtr~he ~

. 9. In which way did 8atan third ti 0 o"ver./ •

~--d come Jesus? Matt. 4:8, 9. What did Jesus then com-
~";., mand Satan to do? Matt. 4:10.
NOTE: "Satan had questioned whe1)1er Jesus was the
Son of God. In his summary dismissal he had proof that
he could not gainsay. Divinity flashed through suffering
humanity. Satan ha n e' to e 'st ~
Writhing WI Umlha"llOn and rage, e was forced to
withdraw from the presence of the world's Redeemer.
Christ's victory was c let.e as had been the failure
pf Adam."-D.A., p. 1
10. Who n9J.v, c.;¢~ ;p,!!§... aad strengthened Him? Matt.
4:11./'-' ~~,n..
11. When shan we funy pnderstand the great p'rice of re·-
ANSWER: "Never can
realized until the deemed
before t e 'one of !.l.! •
eternal home burst upon-our enraptured senses we £l,ll
remember that Jesus left all this for us. that He not only-
ecame an exile from the heavenly courts, but for us
. took the risk of failure and eternal loss."-D.A., p. 131..
12. What has God promised every tried and tempted soul?
1 Cor. 10:13.
NOTE: "Often when placed in a trying situation we
.. I doubt tllatl th}ll Spi;'iJ~pi God h;r~een leading us. B.~t'
',I /
it was the Spirit's leading that brought Jesus 'into the
wilderness to be tempted by Satan. When God brings us
into trial, He has a purpose to 'accomplishJw' ~o<i::
-D.A., p. '126.

Lesson No.5-Sabbath, November 3, 1945

'/(Uf..ew-~ c~",u~'7/,t/> QUESTIONS
~-.r.""WJi.o came to JesuS! by night, and what did he say to
Him? . John 3:1~ 2.
:2. What ans~r did /Christ give to Nicodemus?
3:3. ~c¥,1 .r.
Ie 0 - a~/J..';v.
NOTE: "You must have a new heart, or you cannot
discern the kmgaom oT heaven. It is no greater evidence
that w,iIl bring you into a right position·, but new pur-
poses, new springs of action. Y..Qu must be born again.
ntH this chan 'e takes place, maKmg alI things new, the
. tronges eVlaences that could be presented ,would be use-
less. The wan ~s in y.our oWn heart; everything must e
c anged, or you cannot see the kingdom of God."-T..M.,
p.368. ~.-#/.. .
e--. _ _ ~
L ~ I OLf • -- -./~
~..u~ .
3. What did Nidodemus now say to 'Jesus, and: in what
') "words did Jesus repeat His answer'? John 3:4, 5.
4. In what way did Christ"JlJ(p i _ 7e new. b'rth to Nico-
demus? John ~:7, 8.M.u ....' ....~-
n. and hat ... id
!i. What wa/'i the rule·r's next. questi
!I'~.P ~say to him? Jo i1I~.,I f 1tl·1!AIA-~~.
~. What plan ~ ~J.IP't nbw1ll1old b~ore N~cDdemus?
. John 3:14-16~~:/JC~,!,.-c.r4rp~.
NOTE: "In the interview with Nicodemus, Jesus un-
foldedJi"dalW!~",a)j.j~p,a~d His mis~ion to the 'Y0rId.
In none oi"'R'is sUDsequent dIscourses dId He explam so
fully, step by step, the work necessary to be done il1J the
bearts of all who would inherit the kingdom of heaven.
At the very beginning of His ministry He opened the
truth, to a wemher pf t~ ~ejtin, to the mind that w~s
Jl}2~e, and to Jill ap£9intect teacfier, of the people.
"lf~aders of IsraeraiCl" not wefcome the light. Nico-
demus hid the truth in his heart, and..J.w: tb~~ ~rs;
.there was little !lJ2}>arent trlJit."-D.A., P, 176.
7. If we are tl~ly born again whom do we not serve '!
Rom. 6:6.~. ,
8. Through whom, and in whatj., wllJY is the new biry" ac-
complished? Titus 3:5, 6'/.;i ~"Y":-_·""""~'P. /7 JV'.;--"jJw.,.
9. What con~tut • the praYN of l)fne)V-born so" salm
51':10-13.67t4 .. ......',.yl«-.e-..L ~~....u- I .' •

10. What success did the words spoken by J£sus giVoe to

. ,Nicodemus in;lat r. y~ar.8." John 7 :50-52. '
(wdp. r. d •• If" .v u! /..
NOTE: "When/ at last Jesus was liftedl up on the
cross, Nicodemus remembered the teaching upon Olivet:
'As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even Sl)
must the Son of man be lifted up; that whosoever' be-
lieveth in Him 'should not perish, but have eternal life.'
The light from that secret interview illumined the cross
upon Calvary, and Nicodemus. saw in Jesus the world's
Redeemer. After the Lord's' ascension, when the disciples
were scattered by persecution, Nicodemus came boldly to
the front. He employed his wealth in sustaining the in-
fant church that the Jews had expected to be blotted out
at the death of Christ. In the time of peril h~ who had
been so cautious and questioning, was firm as a rock, en-
couraging the faith of the disciples, and furnishing means
to carry forward the work of the gospe!. . Ire was scorned
and persecuted by those who had paid him reverence in
other days. He became poor in this world's goods; yet
he faltered not in the faith which had its beginning in that
night conference with Jesul!l."-D.A., pp. 176, 177,

Lesson No. 6-Sabbath, November 10, 1945

• '.,.". '"... /.'A./(',f1ff F/ ~It:;. "
C/,1/(ln /~'t9~~/~/'/ /,vllr Q ESTIONS A';' FI-"I/.
"/ Ut.< PJP;/<'u;,:-CS /.vtJtI/./j my 7() NIN.oe I? "TN&: \AIO~K. .f' •
S\{CJ:II1/() 1. For what reason did Christ leave Judea? John 4:1-3.
YlNf;,:}/(//Y. 2. On His way to Galileie, what city did He pass, and
...:- pelNC WPPJWV1lJJLJdm'1!!J~; ~)~~#l?.oJJV /.:; we.L./...
3. Who came to the well, and, what conversation did
Christ have with this woman? John 4:7-10.
'.) .f!fNJf)-Ri'r"i<1/./· W~M;qN C/lNjE ;rv 'h~,qw W,A.rE;·~ tTeJ'//J
·fAC'/·I·-~'J.L.V. /3/?OI./e JJO W N rN.6" 1'1< P.t>J· tV pi I.3I-J!? pi/; .
./?f (;/,iNiNt; PEP ~I'/?I/S' .a 7'/?(jJ 7.' r • t
r 'J 1-' tt t' 1tJ1-1"l I,//) lJ .f.r.J~#r. I ,L/':;J-'rJ.1: F ·nlL.: -rNIj /) I~ '1/ /'1, .'
t.V.' -,> Yo /-Jvr, ,'["l'S" ((laND /1/?NCSl',t."1j flEP IN'ITRCS •
4. Did the woman understand the words of Jesus? John
4:11, 12.No. IJI./l" IAlTt: 1£:17' W.'H Alic".1~ll'
r:.. 'L 5. In what way did Christ now explain to tbe woman the
\/ 'lit: O,L'lIl~'WjfkJ:f,'~~i~,r1r:Jo~~t}~J/~.s ETC.', 'V~LI.t; ,

6. How did C~rist immediately change the subject of
t their int~view? John 4:16.19.Ca CP.u. fl/Y /.ItJS/JI4NI), •
. .' • . l sltj~.. ~ '.Jr;u,(.. S:""""~".
"\( i. ~ 7. For what reason did He do t is?7~IliW~;;':'; iZo-/-/h GN"Q..~ 0-
g: l '
::l ~ 1.
. 7~V~ .6.u.1;
ANSWER: "Jesus now abruptly turned the conver-
s ation. Before this soul could receive' the gift He 1<tnged

r "to bestow, Me must ~e brought to recognize her sin ~
o/Q ~ her Saviour. Re fsalili unto ner, GO, call tli"y 1iusbaiid,
iti'i<r come hither.' She answered, 'I have no husband:
.~, Thus she hoped to prevent all questioning in that direc-
lo I> '- tion. But the Saviour continued, 'Thou hast well said, I
II £ have no husband; for thou hast had five 'husbands; and he,
~ t~ ~. whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that 'saidst
... ~., • thou truly.' "-D.A., P. 18~~E ;V/I-J' ,LOfYr!;H« ;;toR "7H'/.f A~{lcWI:-d;
~~ .• 8. What hope did the Samaritan woman cherish~n~t'.rJ'//~.
\i ~~ what did Jesus say unto her? John 4:25, 2&.
'1 NOTE: "The question ,arose in her mind/Might not
this be the long-looked-for Messiah?1/ She said to Him, 'I
know that Messiah cometh, which is called Christ: when,
He is' come, .!Ie wHI tell"us alit thin-ls: Jesus. answered,
'I that speak unto thee am Re.' . s t woman heard
tee d 'th ran u in e . e accep eil
e wonderful announcemen from the lips. of the divine'
Teacher."-D.A., p. ; 199, . '1 I 't~'
~ J'~~<>< 1>'-/" ,o/.rCt o/eJ'
- +HL:" .1?Jo,v1\ ,
y",,:t. /rre
'~,AZ '/+FoUI
-. 'I

9. ,What conversation with His disciples did Christ.' have-

after this? John 4:31.34. /T'?o L) () -,¥~ wo...(,,,r'-'/~~.,,,.
10. What was the res.ult oil Christ's interview with the'
Samaritan woman? John 4:39.42.
NOTE: "The., Samaritans asked no sign, and Jesus
})erformed no miracles among them, save in tevealing the-
secrets of her life to the woman at the well. .J.et mA!!.Y'
l'£c~~red Him. In their'joy they said to the woman, i~OW
weelieve,-not because of thy saying: fQr we .have heard
Him ourselyes, and • that this is'rnoeed the tnrTst,
~ '"SaVIour of tl'ie 0 .';-:n.A., P. 192. --
11. What ;nl tliose Who have drank :of the ,fountain of"
tJ "I life do? Eccl. 11 :6.
u.vtk .red. 1Jj0?'~ II ~~ •
--JL -V
,/ '/oL, .. - "N_~.IJ{,7 /
6~OSd" ",Nt>III"". ,vI--," ~if/4 ~.. "~r-
4q uS" _ , ~ d"e.,

NOTE: "This woman represents the wOl'king of a
practical faith in Christ. Every true disciple is born in-
to the kingdom of God as a missionary. He who drinks
of the living water becomes a fountain of life."~D.A., p.
12. What promise is given to those who sow the gospel
seed? Ps. 12~~ 6;.. #.(


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X.1. ....... ,;(".....,
J t/,4-f7L'-"/Hr;;.T'".~r~/r.;#fl<"! 7',(~ /.>..11;01 ...~ u4./
t~dH.r,e.rtJr. ..1.o..4~ ... ,L,.e
"~__J. Lesson No: 7-Sabbath, Novembet 17, 1!f45~' ". ~j"
he,?, 1, ~ ~u_ ..
J ~~,. -.1'''.,{-.
.• JESUS ~RDAINS HISrW~~~F~,..,~:
- QUESTIONS' I ,,-. /

" 1 . ...NA~ ~.twelve disciples of J_esus. Matt. iO:1-4.

1.- ~ ~f,6i ."
'. .~' -~,J;;.""Luke
,.r.._,.",.,., 6n what occasion were some !f the di~!:: ~~Pi?
5:1.7.ao':~"~~~--"Joy", ( v,~.t7.
... rt<J~:.l{......) '7.- ,I.N t>
,I'I h~',3. FloI' ~t £yr~.9~ j§t call these fisher!'1 en f/;~'''wi1
".' "~t~rl
.....e ,,~.O e ':"~cept
..'....~ (': ~.J
His invitatidn? Luke 5 :10, 11.::~s~c1,~·
, . , " , , , - ~-.
4W '. .' ~.~eCi~~ss did ,Christ choose His dis~iples?
. J~~r~UA;?.::;:~ N ..... 6_r.
~Z':..-PO¥E: "Sitting
at his toll booth one day, the publi-
saw Jesus approaching. Great was his astonishment
... -to heal' the words addresseg to himself, 'Follow Me.' Mat-
. t:,A thew 'left all, rose up, and followed Him.' Thete )Ya,e no .
'aJ~ ~ esitatio, .110 qUl!..stion~, no thought of wtlie ll;lcratlve
usmess to- fje-e=xCliange<l for poverty and har.dshlp. .JL
w~ was enou h for him h t he was to b with Jesu.s, that .
, e m~~ t Isten to IS, wor s. an U~I e wi h m 'n Hia ~
~k. -D.A., p. 273.,?v<,---...,r a. . ~~
.5. When He was at the feast in the house of Matthew'~/""'"J.~
what accu~on was bro~t against Jesus? att..6cl'COO-. p.-r
9:10, 1l.:tY. . ,'./-~ ~~t.'J,Y/, ~N~-h,.-'; ~. _~
How did Christ answer Hie accusation br~}lghl ag~nst !L.'
jm bY~ Ph~:~Matt. 9 :12, l~~t C "''"!,/ a "~/A 'fW-.
~ ~~', 7(,cour.l'-Ye.~Q',,_A ... ,J'.-....L4.
In what " ay diet' Ju as become a disciple of Chrisl?
Luke 9:57, 58.
NOTE: "While Jes,us was preparing the disciples for
:their ordination, one who had not been summoned urged
.~. ~.h
fi'e C;';'-t..~,<'6 4Mt17(';"'<~~d.7-t/Us.-o;. ~'" h ~ 4., •
~41 ~ C.Q, CZ'/~eI. /.;00. -'7"':.J. ·.M,erI... ~~~ h"_~.·
.J-/~o4.:1 ~ rllt.#Fl' . I
~ .~.z.. 13
/JIf.-. -.r
bis presence among them. It was Judas Iscariot, a man
who professed to be a follower of Christ. He now came
-forward, soliciting a place in this inner cii"cle of disciples.
With ~reat earnestness and. l!P]arent ..:ail!cerft;y he declared,
-'Mas~~ T""wnt lolTow Thee witliersoever Thou goest,' .resus
lleither rel!.ulsed nor welcomed him, but uttered only the
i110urnful words:~'The foxes nave noles, and the bircls of
the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not .where
-to lay His head.' . . . Judas believed Jesus to be the Mes-
siah and by joining the apostles, he hoped to secure a
-high position in the new. kingdom. This hope Jesus
designed to cut off by the statetnent of His poverty:'-
-D.A., pp. 293, ~ •.t..

Luke Ilj :12, 13. t' -

8. What did Christ do before He ordained His disciples?

9. For what holy work did He ordain them? A?a;,R.r('~!i1

ANSWER: "When Jesus had ended His mitrUction
to the disciples, He gathered the little band close about
"Him, and kneeling in the midst of them, and laying His
-hands upon their heads, He - offered a prayer <!.e(licatinE-
-them to His sacred ~k. Thus the Lord's dis~Tes were
'Ordali1e'<l toJ!!i:gos.i[ministrl."-D.A., p. 296.
10. What is said about the character of _the disciples?
ANSWE:R: "T)Iey were to be the world's teachers,
_and they represented widely varied types of character. In
- ordei' successfully to carry forward the work to which
they had been called, these men, differing in natural
characteristics and in habits of life, needed to come into
.~ of J~~' ~q"u~t, and ~."-A.A..-P. '2U.- • 'j
What was Christ's prayer for them? John 17:2'1.23.7-j':-::1
. 1.2. With wha.t wocds. did Christ always e?urage His ::.-:--

( ~ 14 ~»(~~ ''''""''7;,1:: /.cC.

Lesson No.8-Sabbath, November 24, 1945
1.. In the days of Nehemiah, what was the attitude of
the Jews toward the Sabbath? Neb. 13:15.
/)R/'vQiNQ ~....... 1""~ .T,vIAJI_t; (~~t;: 4.,)
1'8¥ /~ 4o<Jq#1"" ,:w"I11~ :r~NJ .H'An;I"yJ
.M> /u~/fM':,r tM ~1';,.,q. 14 V.... l.e- ~J,.)
2. What command regarding Sabbath observancei was'
given by Jeremiah? J er. 17 :21, 22. (6tU. 4. c.)
3. In the days of Chri~ how did the Jews keep the Sab-
bath? Matt. ~3:4.,6A'N1RI;r,u.
ANSWER: "The Jewish leaders accomplished the will'
of Satan QY surrounding God's rest.day ~th. bJ.1r~
re.9!lireme$. . In the days of Christ tile Sabbath- had be-
rc"ome so plilrverted, that its observance reflected the charac-
ter of selfish and arbitrary men, rather than the loving'
character of the lyving heavenl~ Father."-D.A., p. 284.
4. What accusation against Jesus and His disciples was·
.brought by the Pharisees on' one Sabbath day, and
how did Jesus show them that His disciple$ had not
,,/. comptitted a sin? ,,MlJ-rk 2 :23.28. 4''-' ~N 7'& trAr;'
T-tCH"hN' .s>.t>4!) , .,-l# fiN .I",.;4/.(
NOTE: "J:j) it we.s"l'lght for David to· ~tisf-l his
jJ.unger by eating of the bread that had been set apart
to 'a holy use, then it was right for the disciples to
supply their need by plucking the grain upon the ·sacred.
hours of the Sabbath."-D.A., p. 285.

C~ftl 0> - - - ' _if(.
5. What did Christ also do on tile Sabba;h day~ -Markj
. ~.(
6. When they saw this, w.:Ut plaIJS L.w~ laid by the-
Pharisees? Mark 3:6., W.......« / r ~t!' K,,;....
7. Wihat im.poil'tane tea.ching. regarding Sabbath ,oblser'·
vance, . did Chrislt establish? Matt. 12 :12
NOTE: "In the healing of the witherea hand, Jesus.
condemned' the custom of the Jews, and lef the fourth
commandment standing as God had given it. ,G'~r......i ....~
.Jul to do );Yell on tb-e Sabballi... c:!l!Y~ He declare. By
sweepmg away £lie senseless ~resrrrctions of the Jews,
Christ honoured the "'S'a'tSatli, t While those who complained
of Him were dishonouring God's holy day."-D.A., p. 287,
8. When Christ healed the mJ'Jl at~~ e hseds., wltat did'
the Jews do? John 5:16.~~?c~ ,v-.~, / . .4
"1""n'" ~ .,..,,1-,vT-!t.
9. What did a ruler of the synagogue say to JesuSi when
He W'aS healing on the Sabbath day? What answer-
did Jesus give to Him, and what effect did His words.
~ •. ~have upon ~he peoP}~?~ke 13:14~'17. ~
·%;;'~2-:.?:;'::?':~?~"u;1.d'?:~. :::~{.;..,~.~
"~$'. tN4r t:)o.~9~d./..../--:r ~c...:f'~
T#~ peop.l.e" /f'eYOl(-f~. '
10. What attitude did Jesus take toward the law of Godf
'Isaiah 4 2 : 2 1 . ' ,
f? ,L/.,.)I&~ What did Christ command His disciplel'f to do when.
~beJ~u~~u~troYed? Matt. M:20'..
li7i;;- connection with ta-Sabbath, what position should.
God's children to-day take?
ANSWER: "God's remnant people, Slanding before'
the world as reformers, are to show that tlie laY£,,2f g,oo
.is the foundation 0 11 enduri efjorm;' and that tEe·
a a 0 e ourt cornman ment' IS to stand as· a
memorial of creation, a constant reminder of the power'
of God. In c1e.at distin~ lines' they are to present the-
i necessity- or obedience to all the precepts of the Deca~
logue."-P.K., p. 678.

Lesson No.9-Sabbath, December 1. 1945
~ O~J'~v/~ . ~/6nlv(;lJ;.rt'A /JsYWel'f(
,.' . (contmuedU~'AU ~~. ,-~ ,
8EO/5JVC~. ~ rr-. //c... A'~
• QUESTION ~ .. /. F."p,
1. What 1s the first step in keeping the Sa'bbath acc'ord::. .4..
ing to the commancfment? Exodus 20:8 (First part)JO"<1' - .
A!~~. "'t~~' . _
NO'l'E: "At the very beginning of the. fourth como.
mandment the Lord said, ' R e m . ' He knew that amid'
the multitude of! cares mperp eXities man "-would be-
tempted to excuse himself from meeting the full require-
ment of the law, or would for1*t its s c e i ' rta e.
T·herefore He said, 'R'lrrtie'f61)e1'"e at av, to eew. oj
-it holy."-6.T., p. ~V~;o ~ 4t"~"/o~A~
2. Who hal1o~]the S;~h day? Exodus 20:1l~'
3. How much tim%Uhe Sabj>llth is holy' time? Leviticus'·
}tl.2.~V4+t,4 ~ ./'{J.;l..
NOTE: "We should jealously guard the edges of the-
Sabbath. Remember tha~l}1o!!1en.1. is ~onsecrll.tedl'-
.hJl!! ym.
e."-6.T.• p. 356. - - ....
!..;uJl' 4. What wo-rk should be ~ompleted in the /3ill\ d.ar.s'!
~'~. Exodus 20:9. Ma.y we do any secular wort on th(;
.""--", .P~~l· Sabbath? Ex. 20:10; Jer. 17:21, 22. / ~/ '..• J
~:t 7#.;4- ~b7' ".""~/, ~/ e:.,.-- Lot: - ~...~~
~ JY"";AMI#7; ~~/';,(/o. } #t'£- :";1n'7~:du l
k - J'lJwfNC;. eLi •J/./..,u, - -.
1). Through the prlophet Isaiah,how does God eoc:plain
true Sabbath keeping? Is. 58:13, 14.
6. What should God.'~ childl"en do p~~.:::acred ~s of
the Sabbath? Psalms 92 :1.5./" oIUJ<1fAS'.

NOTE: "Then as yo~fron1 Sabbath to abbath,

~iJlg. rraises to Him who !liScalIed you out 'of darkne,ss '
mto 1S J!!olU'vellqus light. 'Unto Him that lpved us, apd
-washed us from our sins in His own blgod,' let the heart's
.adoration be given."-6.T., p. 36J)1£~.ttt".,.. ~At.II'HJ
~f • .
7. Were the apostles and the early Christians faithful
" in Sabbath keePing?(#cts 13:'-4 : . 1 . ; R;;r~ ~
!_ lltion 1:10. a.r_CllJS" r. ,f'/ /";i,.--"1d:..
~1:::JJ1Where did Jesus go the ath day? u-ke 4:16.r- _.
:Jti-S- Jf

9. W~at were tIle children of Israel comma~.Ito do./ LJ.
on the preparation da)'? Exo?us 1G:2.2.2'6..,~C' ""'0"-~
~ 10. Should we follo>w the same instruction to-day?
ANSWER: '~let the preparation for the
-Sabbat~;l$~ e that all ~1QtJli;u,gis in :readi-
nellft, al}q, a all ·tl'Ie....£.2>l:ls~ .i§, __ . Let ~Q.\lJ;s be
'blacked, and the batli§. be taken. .Lt.. is possible to do
this.. If ~ou make it a rule, you can <To it:'~.'I1., p .
.355. - - - - - -- -
11. What cou~sel is given us in the Spirit of Pr~phi!'CY.,
tf(>~ regarding traveUipg on the Sabbath day? ,

:I (f NSWER: "I fear that, we often travel on this day

-when it might be avoided. '. . . In order to reach the
( ,:Churches that need 'our help, and to give them the mes- ,
"J' sage that God desires them to hear, it may be ne.cessarjy,
,for us to· travel on the Sabbath; ~ o fax..as )2o§Sible,
we should secure our ti and ma1{e all the ..necessary
:arrangemen s n some ot er day."-6.T., pp. 3,59, 360. '

Lesson No. lO-Sabbath, December 8, 1945

"ttN *i< ~""T: QUESTIONS
1. Where did Chris,t go in order to be better able to
spook to the people? Matt. 5 :1, 2. How many had
assembled to find help in Him? Luke 6:17-19.. •
\.. \} 1\' "
~ ._0-
2. With whattllwords didJhe Saviour rOPIen Bis sermonT
Matt. 5:3. ~!...IfS'se4. M~ 7.N/! PtJ!JH /N,Jpi/flir' ,
3. What did the Pharisees and the greater part of the-
people believe in the days of Christ?
ANSWER: "In the days of Christ the religious lead-
ers of the people felt that the~ were rich in -rp~al
treasure. The. pl~yer of file Pharisee, -rtiou. " t ank
"Thee 'that I am not as the rest of men,' expressed the
feel.in g " of his class, and, to a great degree, ,~.Jhe }\'h~
~ . --;-M.B., p. 18. .
4. To whom did Chr~ address Hj~ S~olld blessing?
Matt. 5:4. TO ""',£1_
~ r/lhr ft/'{){), W. / .... <...
NOTE: "The min here brou ht to view . e
heart sorrow or sin. . . . ucll mourmng 's al be com-
'1Ortea.' "-M.B., p. 22.
5. Why was Jesus able to be a tIme Comforter? Isaiah
63:9; Hebrews 2:18.;:J~CltJtI.r~ H.J'-WJfJJ' /lFFA I'c,-e;r4r
• • 6. What promise 'did Christ give to the J!!eek in heart?
/N,o./5Rlr-rJge Matt. 5 :5. In connection with this blessea cl1aracteris.
,{!.'""~~#.. tic, what is Christ to evety soul? Matt. 11 :29.{3t1/Vb4Y
, ~ ~ ,/.J4!/-hR.4!A!.
7. What p.romise is gjven to those who hunger and thirst
after righteousness? Matt. 5:6. Who shall never
hunger or thirst? Jolin 6:35.
8. W--h.at blessing i~ given to the merciflJI ?', l\Jaft. 5 :7.
77,.leVos/p/A.7me/f>Cv. .')'
" ", NOTE: "The merciful are 'part ers of t e divine
nature,' and in them the .compassionat love ·of God finds
\ expression. All whose hearts are- in sympathy with the
heart of the Infinite Love will seek to reclaim, and not to
condemn. Christ dwelling'In the souT is a spring that
never runs dry."-M.B., p. 39.
9. What wonderful promise is given to the pure in heart?'
Matt. 5:8. /p-L!'"Y J-~7/.LL SIE COD.
NOTE: The pure in heart live as In the visible pre-'
sence of God during the time He apportions them in this
world. And they will also see Him face to face in the-
future, immortal state, as did Adam when he walked and
talked with God in Ed~p. 4t>.
10. What is promised to the! peacemakers? Matt. 5 :9.,
I.1/J Why is peace n~essary in the Christian life? Heb_
I ........ 12:14.
e~~.J r.N£ ('AI/'('/)~EN Or C<'~
....1J/7-/ot/rPfrlrp .#0 "1aN.J"h'~.tA. S~£ a"-,,.
NOTE: "He who is at peace with God and his fellowmen
-can- not be made miserable. Envy will nQt be in his
-heart; evil surmisings will find no room there; liatred can
not exist. The heart that is in harm.ony with God is a
--partake-r of the peace of heaven, and _will diffuse its
-blessed influence on all around."-M.B., p. 47.
11. What has God promised to t os wh s
sake of truth? . Matt. 5 :10--1 • .s>Sl:I h-.
'12. What more important lessons for us do we find'in the
sermon of Jesus on the mount? Matt. 5 :13-16; Matt.
5:17-19; Matt. 6:24; Matt. 7:1-6.

Lesson No. 11-Sabbath, De~ember 15, 1945

1.. Who, of the disciples, did Christ take with Him on
the mount? Matt. 17:1. t:e:r'el? ..TAIrJ/Ji'f. V" ](!j,~.
!?IP'~. What drd Jesus do while on the mount? Luke 9:28,
~ 29. What did His disciples do while He prayed? Luke
9 :32.REC,A-tfff I/.€A '(f' wi~'«'~,b.
3. Who appeare<\ on the mount and for what J,lurpose?
I Mark 9:4.£ilA:l td'c1re~ -.lESt/So -
NOTE: "These men, chosen above every angel around
throne, d c me to co mune with Jesus once ning
'1h cene 0 IS su ermg, an . 0 com 0 1m WI .t e
assurance of t e sympa of heaven. _~ hQl>e_ of _th-e
:~d, t~s~vation of every human being, w a s ~ n
:Of Their mterVIeW." l1.:Jr., Pr>. 422, it23. . -------
~.: .....
4. What remarks did Peter make when he saw . Christ
traItSJfigured? Mark 9 :5.
5. What voice was then clearly heard, and what d:id God
say? Mark 9:7.
6. What came upon the disciples when they heard the
voice from heaven? Mark 9:6.
NOTE: "While they were still gazing on the scene
-:upon the mount, 'a bright cloud overshadowed them; and
'oehold a voice out of the cloud, which saia, "This is My
beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him.'
As they beheld the cloud of glory, brigliter than' that
which went before the tribes of Israel in the wilderness;
.as they heard tl!e voice of God speak in awful majesty
·that caused the mountain to tremble, tlie disciples fell
,smitten to ·the earth. They remained prostrate. their faceg
hidden, till Jesus came near, and loucnea thein. dispelling
-their fears with His well known voice, 'Arise and be not
..:a.fr,aid.' "-D.A., p. 425.
7. How did Chr~st admonish His discip~eS' when they left
the mount? . Mark 9:7.
: fl.. What effect had the transfiguration of' Christ on the
disciples, and why were they permitted to behold
Christ's glory? .
ANSWER: "The faith of tne disciples was greatly
:strengthened at the transfiguration, when they w;ere per-
mitted to behold Christ's glory. and to hear the voiCf>'
from heaven testifying to' His divine character. God
.·chose to give the followers of Jesus strong proof that He
'was the promised Messiah; that in their bitter sorrow and
disappointment at His crucifixion. they should not entirely
• cast away their confidence."-E.W., p. 16.4.
9. Which prophecy was fulfilled by' the trl\nsfiguration
of Christ? Mark 9:1-2.
NOT'E: "Jesus had told His disciples that there were
· .some standing with Him who should not taste of death tHl
· they should see the kingdom of God come with power. At
· transfiguration this promise ,,:,as fUlfilled."-E.W., p. 162.

Lesson No. 12-Sabbath,

, December 22, 1945
For what purpose did Christ co~e' .in this world? •
Luke 19:10. Mark 2:17.J6s~.e'1"'. ." .FN~ ~%~,qG/~ /""»J
J~s~ lay the
::2. Whf:\n healing. tile pals')', .on Y!.- at did
!'lost importance? Mark 2:5./ y.f7A/S c18/ ".,../W~· ("e.
, ... .
NOTE: "Now, in words that fell liKe music on the
sufferer's ear, the Saviour said, 'Son, be of good cheer;
thy sins be forgiven thee.' The Durden of despair rolls
from the sick man's soul; the peace of forgiveness rests
upon his spirit, and shines out upon nis countenance. His
physical pain is gone, and his whole being ~s t a s ormed.
The h l' I ~ is healed! The ~uiU;1-sm~r is par-
done !"-D.A., p, 268. -
3. When they heard these words, what did the Pharh;ees .
say ln their hearts? Mark 2:6, 7.//e ~~>'M(.r~/R/F_JI.
4. To show that He had power toi forgive sin, which
miracle did..,Jesu then p'e form.? l\1arki 2:10-12.
we lVeV,€" SA / r /;v 7. W..r r;l9J',A.l,/I!YI/.'1
5. On what other occasion did Christ reveal His love to-
ward sinners? John 8:3.5•.u~-9bU..l'rf-f"'O".r w."...JA<I.
6.· How did Christ heal the soul of this sinful woman?'
John 8:10 11.
o 131. .if~/,.vv #C.o'f' TO A'~ ~~.M:e..
NOTE: "The woman had stood efore Jesus, cower-
ing with fear. His words, 'He that ill without sin among-
you, let him first cast a stone;' had come to her as a
death sentence. She dared not lift up her eyes to the
Saviour's fat:e, but silently awaited her doom. In astonish-
ment she saw her accusers depart speechless and con-
founded; then those words of hope fell upon her ear"
'Neither do I condemn thee. Go, and sin no more.' Her
heart was melted, and sne cast herself at the feet of
Jesus, sobbing' out hel; gratefUl love, and with bitter tear-
sonfessi~her si~."-D.A., p. 462.

7. What is Christ still doing fQr sinners to-day? Heb.

7:25; Rom. 8:34.1N'TEA'('cb/,A/l/. •
8. To whom is Christ especially near? Ps. 34:1R. When
alone is Christ able to forgive us our sins? 1 John
1:9. UI/f£tV T#c ..ri'd ArC IV~~.
9. After thorough r:epentance, what w'll take place in the
life of a Christian?~~ c; 9.£.
ANSWER: "True co~ssion is always of a specific
character, and acknowledges particular sins. They may be
of such a nature as to be brought before God only; they"
may be wrongs that should be confessed to individuals
who have suffered injury through them; or they may be
of a public character, and should then as be publicly con-
fessed. But all confession s1}ould be definite and to the
point, acknowledging the very sins of which you are
guilty."-S.C., p. 43.
10. What promise is given to those iwho forsake flll fOl"
Christ'i'! sake? Mark 10:21), 30.L:7£.f'#Ak'L/-z;:C.

. Lesson No. 13-Sabbath, December. 29, . 1945

1. In whom alone do we find salvation from sin? Acts
4 :12. Matt. 1 :21.
NOTE: "It is impossible for us, of ourselves, to
escape from the pit of sin in which we are sunken. Our
hearts are evil, and we cannot change them. 'Who can
bring a clean thing out of an unclean ?-not one' "-S.C.,
p. 20.
2. In whom ,alone do we find strength? Pislalm 27:1;
Isa. 12:2.
3. Who has taken our sins upon Himself? Isa. 51:4, 5.
Who is always willing to save? Isa. 63:1.
4. love of God toward men? John

NOTE: "TlJe heart of God yearns over His earthly

children with a love stronger than death. In Itiving up
Hi~ son, He has poured out to us all heaven in one gift.
The Saviour's life and death and intercession, the ministry
of angels, the pleading of the Spirit. the Father working
above and through all, the unceasing interest of heavenly
beings-all are enlisted in behalf of man's redemption."
-,s.C., p. 2 4 . ' ,
5. How did Christ become a ,perfect Saviour? Heb. 2:10.
6. What is He thereiore able to do? Heb. 2:18.
7. What can we receive :only through Christ? 1 John
8. From Wjhat will the Saviour keep 'us, and how will He
present His children before God? Jude 24, 25.

9. How does Je'sus speak of those who accept Him as
their p.ersonal Saviour? ,fuhnf.5:15; 1:12.
10. What kind of a friend: is Jesus to His c"hildren? p,rov.
11. What chanacterizes a true friend? Proverbs 17:17.

12: What invitation does the Saviour stil1 give to-day?

Matt. 11 :28-30.
NOTE: "As thrbugh Jesus we enter into rest, h a en
be ins 'he e. We respond to His invitation, Come, earn
of e, an in thus coming we begin the life -eternal.
Heaven is a ceaseles~ approaching to God through Christ.
The longer -\¥e are in the heaven of bliss, the mo're and
still more f ~lory will be opened to us; and the iInore
'we know of God, the more intense will be our happiness.
As we walk with, Jesus in this life, we may be filled with
His love, satisfied with His presence, All that' human
nature can bear, we may receive here." '=11.1C, p. mrt."


~' ..

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