Lessons From The Life of Christ.: 'Quarterly
Lessons From The Life of Christ.: 'Quarterly
Lessons From The Life of Christ.: 'Quarterly
Fourth Quarter, I94J.
Stv~."1 11 ETOHl I'
G l .0NFlRfNCE
3031 FI<A \0.:.... PH.4::>/4""l'.Jl::S
ACRAMu O. LAL,IF. 95~18 U. S.· •
000 000 012 643
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, Lesson No. I-Sabbath, October 6, 1945
~ , ~ 1. When, where, and wh()! was the Word?,
Q• ~was NOTE: ",~'I~n~th~e~~p.in~~~~~
with Go , a t
1ft e egmnmg with'1¥o~."""'i"I'Il~f!il!!::n~g~s~weremade by Him;
VI and without Him was not anything made that was made.'
- -.....his is the most precious unfolding of definite truth, flash-
~ing its divine light and glory upon all who will receive
~it."-Fu.ndamentals of Christian Education," p. 406.
Lesson No.3-Sabbath, October 20, 1945
1. What does the Bible say about the pare~ts of John
the Baptist? Luke 1:5, 6.
2. What was the diet of John, and for whom especially
was his diet an example? Luke 1:15.
NOTE: "In prepal;ng the way for Christ's first ad-
vent, he was a representative of those who are to pre-
pare a people for our Lord's second coming. . . . All who
would perfect holiness in the fear of God must learn the
lessons of temperance and self-control. The appetites and
passions must be hdd in subjection to the higher power of'
the mind. This sel -disci line is essential to that me tal
strengUl and spIn ua IllSI t which will enable us - 0
understand and to -, ractice the sacred truths of God's
word. For this reaso eran~e finds its place in the
work of preparation for CHrIst's second coming."-D.A., p.
101. •
3. Where was the character of John the. Baptist
developed) Luke 1 :80.
4. Of what nature was the mission for which God had
chosen him? Malachi 4:6; Compare Matt. 11 :11-14•
.5. What ,was the main object of his message? Luke 3:3.
'6. How did John meet the hypocrisy of the Scribes and
the PhariSlees? Luke 3:7-9.
7. What important lesson has the m.essage of John the
Baptist for our generation? 1 Cor. 10:11.
NOTE: "In this age, just prior to the second coming
'Of Christ in the clouds of heaven, such.a work as that
'Of John is to be done. God calls for men who will p;.:e-
-pare a eople tu stand in the great day of the Lord.
. . . OUf message must be as direct as was the 'mes-
:sage of John."-T.8. pp. 332, 333.
8. How did John describe the Messiah? John 1:2~, 30.
9. Why .was John cast 'int~ prison? Matt. 14:1-4.
Whom did John send to' Chrilit and with what ques-
tion? Matt. 11 :2., 3. W·hat was the answ'er of Jesus
to John? Matt. 11 :4-6:
What testim10ny did Jesus bear regarding John and his
work? Matt. 11:7-10.
12. What did John finally lose for the sake of truth?
Mark 6:17-29. I
I· Matt. 4:1.tAlfJ/)ERN€S~~. .
5. Why was Satan permitted to tempt. J~SU!$ ,in th
wilderness? Heb. 2:17, 18.~«M-\re ~.L ~
• tYd~ ~..-4Q~
61. What an IJi,gf1" Priest.)Ja!e/ "'..e_~retl{r~? / H~brew
4:15.-n_P1U'.- ~~ -{:~<l~;"/;f--r~.
7. How mah,y days did' Jesus fas , ,and how did He st)ln<!, _.L' A{
e holy p~il~-i?J. ~...incf
, NM.i: "With £hl'l
appetite was the ground of the first great temptation'-7
Just where ,the ruin began, the work of our redemptioIL
must begin. As by the indulgence of appetite Adam fell,
so by the denial of appetite Christ must overcome."-D.A., II/~/
Jl. 117·.ri;..,~./~. \ -.,.., ....
1I~/161:1'of7What nature was the second temptatio nd ho --
7c; d~~~~~all this~t?/ ~a~.4~
rtr~he ~
6. How did C~rist immediately change the subject of
t their int~view? John 4:16.19.Ca CP.u. fl/Y /.ItJS/JI4NI), •
. .' • . l sltj~.. ~ '.Jr;u,(.. S:""""~".
"\( i. ~ 7. For what reason did He do t is?7~IliW~;;':'; iZo-/-/h GN"Q..~ 0-
g: l '
::l ~ 1.
. 7~V~ .6.u.1;
ANSWER: "Jesus now abruptly turned the conver-
s ation. Before this soul could receive' the gift He 1<tnged
r "to bestow, Me must ~e brought to recognize her sin ~
o/Q ~ her Saviour. Re fsalili unto ner, GO, call tli"y 1iusbaiid,
iti'i<r come hither.' She answered, 'I have no husband:
.~, Thus she hoped to prevent all questioning in that direc-
lo I> '- tion. But the Saviour continued, 'Thou hast well said, I
II £ have no husband; for thou hast had five 'husbands; and he,
~ t~ ~. whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that 'saidst
... ~., • thou truly.' "-D.A., P. 18~~E ;V/I-J' ,LOfYr!;H« ;;toR "7H'/.f A~{lcWI:-d;
~~ .• 8. What hope did the Samaritan woman cherish~n~t'.rJ'//~.
\i ~~ what did Jesus say unto her? John 4:25, 2&.
'1 NOTE: "The question ,arose in her mind/Might not
this be the long-looked-for Messiah?1/ She said to Him, 'I
know that Messiah cometh, which is called Christ: when,
He is' come, .!Ie wHI tell"us alit thin-ls: Jesus. answered,
'I that speak unto thee am Re.' . s t woman heard
tee d 'th ran u in e . e accep eil
e wonderful announcemen from the lips. of the divine'
Teacher."-D.A., p. ; 199, . '1 I 't~'
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- +HL:" .1?Jo,v1\ ,
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t~dH.r,e.rtJr. ..1.o..4~ ... ,L,.e
"~__J. Lesson No: 7-Sabbath, Novembet 17, 1!f45~' ". ~j"
he,?, 1, ~ ~u_ ..
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.• JESUS ~RDAINS HISrW~~~F~,..,~:
- QUESTIONS' I ,,-. /
C~ftl 0> - - - ' _if(.
5. What did Christ also do on tile Sabba;h day~ -Markj
. ~.(
6. When they saw this, w.:Ut plaIJS L.w~ laid by the-
Pharisees? Mark 3:6., W.......« / r ~t!' K,,;....
7. Wihat im.poil'tane tea.ching. regarding Sabbath ,oblser'·
vance, . did Chrislt establish? Matt. 12 :12
NOTE: "In the healing of the witherea hand, Jesus.
condemned' the custom of the Jews, and lef the fourth
commandment standing as God had given it. ,G'~r......i ....~
.Jul to do );Yell on tb-e Sabballi... c:!l!Y~ He declare. By
sweepmg away £lie senseless ~resrrrctions of the Jews,
Christ honoured the "'S'a'tSatli, t While those who complained
of Him were dishonouring God's holy day."-D.A., p. 287,
8. When Christ healed the mJ'Jl at~~ e hseds., wltat did'
the Jews do? John 5:16.~~?c~ ,v-.~, / . .4
"1""n'" ~ .,..,,1-,vT-!t.
9. What did a ruler of the synagogue say to JesuSi when
He W'aS healing on the Sabbath day? What answer-
did Jesus give to Him, and what effect did His words.
~ •. ~have upon ~he peoP}~?~ke 13:14~'17. ~
·%;;'~2-:.?:;'::?':~?~"u;1.d'?:~. :::~{.;..,~.~
"~$'. tN4r t:)o.~9~d./..../--:r ~c...:f'~
T#~ peop.l.e" /f'eYOl(-f~. '
10. What attitude did Jesus take toward the law of Godf
'Isaiah 4 2 : 2 1 . ' ,
f? ,L/.,.)I&~ What did Christ command His disciplel'f to do when.
~beJ~u~~u~troYed? Matt. M:20'..
li7i;;- connection with ta-Sabbath, what position should.
God's children to-day take?
ANSWER: "God's remnant people, Slanding before'
the world as reformers, are to show that tlie laY£,,2f g,oo
.is the foundation 0 11 enduri efjorm;' and that tEe·
a a 0 e ourt cornman ment' IS to stand as· a
memorial of creation, a constant reminder of the power'
of God. In c1e.at distin~ lines' they are to present the-
i necessity- or obedience to all the precepts of the Deca~
logue."-P.K., p. 678.
Lesson No.9-Sabbath, December 1. 1945
~ O~J'~v/~ . ~/6nlv(;lJ;.rt'A /JsYWel'f(
,.' . (contmuedU~'AU ~~. ,-~ ,
8EO/5JVC~. ~ rr-. //c... A'~
• QUESTION ~ .. /. F."p,
1. What 1s the first step in keeping the Sa'bbath acc'ord::. .4..
ing to the commancfment? Exodus 20:8 (First part)JO"<1' - .
A!~~. "'t~~' . _
NO'l'E: "At the very beginning of the. fourth como.
mandment the Lord said, ' R e m . ' He knew that amid'
the multitude of! cares mperp eXities man "-would be-
tempted to excuse himself from meeting the full require-
ment of the law, or would for1*t its s c e i ' rta e.
T·herefore He said, 'R'lrrtie'f61)e1'"e at av, to eew. oj
-it holy."-6.T., p. ~V~;o ~ 4t"~"/o~A~
2. Who hal1o~]the S;~h day? Exodus 20:1l~'
3. How much tim%Uhe Sabj>llth is holy' time? Leviticus'·
}tl.2.~V4+t,4 ~ ./'{J.;l..
NOTE: "We should jealously guard the edges of the-
Sabbath. Remember tha~l}1o!!1en.1. is ~onsecrll.tedl'-
.hJl!! ym.
e."-6.T.• p. 356. - - ....
!..;uJl' 4. What wo-rk should be ~ompleted in the /3ill\ d.ar.s'!
~'~. Exodus 20:9. Ma.y we do any secular wort on th(;
.""--", .P~~l· Sabbath? Ex. 20:10; Jer. 17:21, 22. / ~/ '..• J
~:t 7#.;4- ~b7' ".""~/, ~/ e:.,.-- Lot: - ~...~~
~ JY"";AMI#7; ~~/';,(/o. } #t'£- :";1n'7~:du l
k - J'lJwfNC;. eLi •J/./..,u, - -.
1). Through the prlophet Isaiah,how does God eoc:plain
true Sabbath keeping? Is. 58:13, 14.
6. What should God.'~ childl"en do p~~.:::acred ~s of
the Sabbath? Psalms 92 :1.5./" oIUJ<1fAS'.
9. How does Je'sus speak of those who accept Him as
their p.ersonal Saviour? ,fuhnf.5:15; 1:12.
10. What kind of a friend: is Jesus to His c"hildren? p,rov.
11. What chanacterizes a true friend? Proverbs 17:17.
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