Cut Rizka Fadhlina, 150203166, FTK, PBI, 081279895846
Cut Rizka Fadhlina, 150203166, FTK, PBI, 081279895846
Cut Rizka Fadhlina, 150203166, FTK, PBI, 081279895846
Submitted By
blissful life to live in this world, air to breathe, chance to try on, inspiration and
power to write and finish this thesis. Shalawat and salaam may always grant
to the noble prophet Muhammad SAW and his family and companions have
On this occasion with great humility, I would like to thank all of those
who have given me help and guidance, so that this thesis can be finished in time.
Completion of writing this thesis, I would like to thank you, Mr. Dr. Luthfi
direction as well as the encouragement that are very useful and helpful for the
preparation and writing this thesis. Also, my special thanks are directed to my
has supervised me since I was in the first semester until now. Then, my thanks to
all of the lecturers and all staff of the English Department who helped and
Raniry. May Allah reward them with the most exalted reward for their good
beloved mother Yuniati, and my lovely father Teuku Saifullah for their love,
also my brother and sister Teuku Zia Ulhaq and Cut Nailal Muna for their patience,
attention, support, and care. Moreover, a lot of thanks also addressed to the
Indrapuri Aceh Besar. Then, special thanks for second grade students who gave
in the English Department academic year 2015, especially for Unit 05. My
second family “Santuy”, and all of those whom I cannot mention names, who
have been stayed with me in sadness and happiness during completing this thesis.
I also thank so much for my beloved friends, Eka Safrida and Nelly Irnanda Sari,
who have supported me to finish this struggle through and kindly help me in
doing my research.
Finally, I believed that this thesis still needs improvement and needs to be
This research is about the use of animation movie “baby boss” to improve
students’ speaking achievement at SMAN 1 Indrapuri. The aim of study was to
examine whether or not the use of the English animation movie can improve
student’s speaking achievement, and to know the effectiveness of using the
English animation movie in improving students’ speaking achievement. The
population of this study was students in the second grade of SMAN 1 Indrapuri.
The sample was the students of class XI IPA-2 as the experimental class. In
collecting the data, the writer used test and observation. The tests were used to
know whether or not the use of the English animation movie can improve
students’ speaking achievement. Meanwhile, the observation was used to know
the effectiveness of using the English animation movie in improving students’
speaking achievement. After analyzing the data, the results of both pre-test and
post-test were different. The result of the average student’s scores of the pre-test
was 45,95, while the result of the average student's scores of post-test was 78,07.
It can be concluded that using the English animation movie can improve students’
speaking achievement. It means that this research's alternative hypothesis (Ha)
was accepted and that the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and there is the
significant difference in the achievement between the students before and after
taught by using the English animation movie as media. Besides, the result of
observations also proved that using the English animation movie is effective in
improving students’ speaking achievement especially the second year students of
SMAN 1 Indrapuri.
B. Test of Hypotheses ............................................................ 41
C. Analysis of Observation Checklist and Observation List .. 42
1. The analysis of the observation checklist and
observation list In the Pre-test ...................................... 43
2. The analysis of the observation checklist and
observation list in the Post Test .................................... 45
D. Discussions ........................................................................ 46
A. Background of Study
knowing the place and time. Language as the tool of communication has an
important role to reveal the intention of someone else. People will be able to
for daily life context. That is why teaching speaking is very important to enable
speaking, reading and writing. Speaking is one of the skills that must be taught in
(2004), speaking skill described as the skill to report acts or situation, or the skill
to converse, or the express sequence of ideas fluently. It meant that speaking skill
is the skill to report the act or situation by using spoken words to express the idea
However, many students felt difficult to develop speaking skill, but if the students
other teachers who can speak English, those all can help the students to develop
phrases, and auditory train so make it easy to get the message of the speaker.
According to Hakim (2005), one of the main criteria for decisive success or not
someone in learning English can be seen from how far someone’s ability in
speaking English. It meant that speaking is the most important skill in English
because speaking is one success factor than the other skill in language teaching.
To develop this skill, students are suggested to communicate with each other in
English, and speaking must be taught to learners since they are children. To
Animations were at one time created manually, a frame at a time and transferred
onto film. The computer has long been used to assist in the creation of individual
frames and is now being used for interactive display of animations. Computer
the media that can be used in teach speaking, it can stimulate and motivate
students' interest. They could attract students' attention since they provide two
styles of learning which are audio and visual. This medium could help the
students interpret the message spoken by watching the visual performance of the
speakers and listening to the speaker's voices. Therefore, the students can adjust
the spoken language to the pictures that are animation. It will make them easy to
catch and remember the spoken language. Besides that, the students were more
the observation that was conducted, the researcher found the students have
difficulties and some problems in speaking. The problems are the students are less
bore and less motivated in learning to speak because the English teachers only
explained the materials and then just gave exercises in written form. There was no
variation or other teaching media used by the teachers. The English teacher only
uses the textbook and blackboard as teaching media. To solve those problems, the
teacher needs to provide some media or methods in the teaching and learning
process. In teaching and learning English especially speaking media and methods
have a very important role. The teacher must be able to select and use effective
and suitable media or methods in the teaching and learning process. In the
education field, many media and methods can be used to help both teachers and
students in the teaching and learning process. One of the media which proposed is
best ways to enhance lesson plans and give students additional ways to process
To support this research, the writer also has read some related references
animation movie and the result shows that the animation movie has an important
function that the teacher can use in the teaching-learning process. It can also allow
unfamiliar cultural aspect, and new vocabularies, learn how the way good
pronunciation, and amuse the students to learn happily in the classroom. From
those previous research, the researcher got information that Animation Movie had
that this research has enriched the theory about animation movies.
All of the mentioned reasons above inspire the writer to investigate further
the use of animation movie strategy in teaching speaking. Hence, the researcher
conducted the experimental study entitled “The Use of Animation Movie “Baby
B. Research Questions
Based on the background of the study above, the writer would like to answer the
following questions:
speaking achievement?
D. Hypothesis
The hypothesis of this study is that the use of Animation Movie “Baby Boss”
The result of this study is expected to bring benefits and advantages for the
1. Teacher
2. Students
The result of this study can be used to help students to be able to motivate
and develop their abilities in speaking English, because by using animation movie
the student will be more interested and enjoy in learning speaking, to be a good
English speaker. Students will be more attracted to learning English without under
3. Researcher
teaching English in a fun way and this is a good method for the researcher because
F. Research Terminologies
1. Animation movie
Animation Movie is a kind of movie that series of drawing and tells a story
or expresses a message both funny and serious and play in a television type
unusual kinds of work that are done at the production stage. According to Laura
Moreno (2014), there are five types of the animation movie, those are traditional
A. Traditional animation
used to create the illusion of motion are first drawn on paper and, consequently,
done by hand.
B. 2D vector-based animation
drawn animation, but it can also refer to computer vector animations that adopt
C. 3D Computer
3D animation is at the heart of games and virtual reality, but it may also be
used in presentation graphics to add flair to the visuals. Animating objects that
appear in a three-dimensional space. They can be rotated and moved like real
D. Motion graphics
Motion graphics are pieces of animation or digital footage which create the
illusion of motion or rotation and are usually combined with audio for use in
multimedia projects.
E. Stop motion
technique used to make real-world objects appear as if they were moving. Those
objects are physically manipulated and photographed every time after being
2. Speaking
Furthermore, Brown (2004, as cited in Susanti & Amri, 2013) says that “The
terms of conveying information, express the ideas, and with regard to social
relations, but still consider about some crucial components in speaking such as
A. Speaking
1. Definition of Speaking
curriculum. Speaking shows that the students able to use a language to express
what to inform. Students also expect the teachers to speak English with them and
to model how it used to express meaning. The teacher allows the students to speak
and to improve their speaking skills. Speaking is an important skill which is daily
social relationships.
means that speaking is the human activity that used to give and receive the
have an important role in daily life, even as the main ability in communication
among human beings. Cameron (2001) stated that speaking is the active use of
language to express meanings so that other people could make sense of them. It
stated as the skill to use the language accurately to express meanings to get
the activity to give and receive the information by using language to express
meaning so other people can understand each other. Speaking is the mode in
which children acquire language, it constitutes the bulk of most people's daily
engagement with linguistic activity, and it is the prime motor of language change.
It means that speaking has a very important role in communication, all of the ages
way to communicate which involves only to produce language correctly but also
to express the feeling, to describe the experience and to explain ideas through the
2. Component of Speaking
skills that should be mastered by students to increase their speaking ability. The
following five components are generally recognized in the analysis of the speech
A. Comprehension
B. Grammar
their forms and can be combined into sentences in that language. If grammar rules
C. Vocabulary
2002). One cannot communicate effectively or express their ideas both oral and
written form if they do not have sufficient vocabulary. Without grammar, very
D. Pronunciation
other hand, if students make grammatical mistakes e.g. in verb tense, the listener
still has an idea of what is being said. So, it can be seen that good pronunciation is
E. Fluency
fluently and accurately. Fluency in speaking is the aim of many language learners.
Signs of fluency include a reasonably fast speed of speaking and only a small
number of pauses and “ums” or “ers”. These signs indicate that the speaker does
not have spent a lot of time searching for the language items needed to express the
Teaching speaking is one way that can be used so that the learners can
understand. It means that teaching is the process to help students learning how to
teaching and learning process. Thornburry (2005) stated that speaking activity is
(2009), students are using any language at their command to perform some kind
of oral task.
using the target language and to understand the concept of teaching speaking and
should know the concept of speaking to make the students understand what
teachers explain. Teaching speaking is also the way for students to express their
emotions, communicative needs, interact with another person in any situation, and
When teaching young learners, we constantly have to keep in mind the fact
expectations, motivation levels, knowledge and last but not least, different
learning styles. Thus, we need to vary our approaches and offer as much
opportunity as possible to make the whole class find a little something to hold on
to, expand and grow. Thus, the teachers should give variation in teaching speaking
process. It will make the learners pay attention to the material and also can keep
about how to teach using language communication, for transferring ideas, though
or even feeling to other people. In teaching speaking, the teacher should know the
the interesting media to increase the student's motivation when the study English
especially speaking.
performance, there are six kinds of oral production that students are expected to
A. Imitative
spent generating human tape recorder speech, where, for example, learners
of this kind is carried out not for meaningful interaction, but for focusing on some
B. Intensive
can be self-initiated or it can even form part of some pair work activity, where
C. Responsive
limited level of a very short conversation, standard greeting and small talk, simple
request, and comments. It means the teacher teaches how to respond and comment
on a statement or a topic.
D. Transactional (dialogue)
E. Interactive
them are the length and complexity of the interaction which sometimes includes
multiple exchanges or multiple participants. The interaction can take two forms of
social relationship than for the transmission of fact and information. For instance:
F. Extensive (monologue)
telling, during which the opportunity from listeners is either highly limited or
ruled out all gather. In other words, this type needs more action and interaction
with listeners.
B. Animation Movie
movie is a part of types of movies; it is a motion picture that has sound in its
movie and creates the illusion of motion. In the animation movie, it can also teach
people about history, story, adventure, and any other subject. Besides some
process more enjoyable. It means that animation movie is a type of movie that
uses motion picture that can be used in the teaching process and it can make the
movement. They have the power to gain the attention of a person for hours
together without boring them. And sometimes animations are extremely helpful.
They help us show and generate interest in something which we otherwise would
not entertain. It means that animation movie is a kind of movie that used
DVD/VCD, etc. In this case, animation movie is media which uses a projector so
that motion pictures can be shown on screen where it combines two-part of the
body such as eyes and ears. Moreover, animation movie is considered as an audio-
visual media which combines sound and image in one unit, so, cartoon movie here
is as teaching aids. The researcher used the baby boss the Explorer Movie. This
2010 picture book of the same name by Marla Frazee and produced by
DreamWorks Animation. This movie tells about a baby who has intelligence that
is not owned by any baby. The Boss Baby tells of a 7-year-old boy named Tim
who has a happy life because of the love of his parents. However, everything
Besides, Asyhar (2011: 45) states, "Movie can interest students' attention
because contain interest picture and familiar story." It means that animation movie
education and entertain to the students and make the teaching and learning process
the teacher to teach the students. According to Arsyad (2000), teaching media can
A. Visual Media
They are media that can be seen. It would captivate sense eyes mostly. It
B. Audio Media
They are media that can be listened from audio media has a sound that is
listened to by us. And to mean as thinking that the message of the content in
audiotape forms such as vocal cord/tape recorder and movie compact disk which
can stimulus though the feeling, idea, and students it happens on teaching and
learning process.
C. Audio-Visual Media
They are media that have sound and pictures. The movie is an example
get to appear the real picture in the original form it describes science theory and
animated. In this study, the researcher used audiovisual media named movies as
the interaction media, because by using video it can motivate the students to learn
live-action ones by the unusual kinds of work that are done at the production
stage. Animation movie does not continuously film outdoor action in real-time,
but they create a series of images by shooting one frame at a time. Line with
Thompson (Akmala; 2011) stated that animation movie is a kind of film which
object, one frame is one time. Therefore, the students can adjust the spoken
language to the pictures that are animated. It will make them easy to catch and
Most students' especially Senior High School students that are still at a
young age, like a media that is fun and colorful that can motivate them to study
actively in class. Then, animation movies as colorful and funny things can help
attractive ways for instance by combining animation, picture, and video with
sound. So, the students will be interested in learning. It could also make the
The benefits of the use of the animation movie in the classroom are many
and varied. The use of animation movies can motivate students’ interest in
learning speaking. It was fun watching a movie in the class, so the classroom
atmosphere was enjoyable and made them more ready to learn. According to
Merry (2011), a movie is one of the visual aids that can be used in the class, it
makes lessons more fun. It means that movie is a media in teaching that can make
the teaching and learning process more fun. Movies, also known as films, are a
type of visual communication which uses moving pictures and sound to tell stories
or inform (help people to learn). While students were watching the movie, directly
they got some experiences from the movie and it influenced their understanding
and thinking. English movie has a big contribution for the students in learning
English, as like how the native speakers pronounce the words, how they mimic
their face, and also they will see how the native speaker use body language when
they are speaking. Animation movie also introduces students to some English
The researcher hopes by using the movie in the classroom, it can make
most common procedure for using a movies clip in teaching consists of the
following steps:
A. The teacher prepare the students to study, after gaining the student's
attention, the teacher tells them what they are going to do.
E. The teacher plays animation movie and ask students to watch the
F. After the students watched the movie, the teacher asks the students to
about the movie by using theirs‟ own words and perform it in front of
the class.
study, the procedure of Collecting Data and the technique of Collecting Data.
A. Research Method/Design
This study deals with using animation movie “Baby Boss” to improve
the researcher wants to understand better, explain, or build the result of research
from another approach (Creswell, 2009: 205-206). The qualitative data were
The quantitative data were taken from the result of the pretest and post-test
that was used to prove the description. The results of all tests were exactly used to
after the animation movie in their learning processes. There was one class are
chosen, the class was given pre-test at the beginning and the post-test in the last
1. Population
an inference. Arikunto (2010) pointed out that the population is the entire subject
of research. Therefore, the participants of the study are students in the second
grade of SMAN 1 Indrapuri. There were three classes for the second-grade
2. Sample
sampling allows the researcher to take the sample by using their judgment to
choose the appropriate sample for collecting the data that needed and usually
based on the information. It was chosen because those samples have the purpose,
make the writer is easier to collect the data. Furthermore, the researcher also
interview, the researcher found the students have difficulties and some problems
in speaking. The students had difficulty in expressing their ideas, they were
Sometimes they were shy to express what they want to talk about to others. It led
Therefore, the sample for this study was one class, and I chose the class XI
and interest them in speaking. This research was conducted in three meetings. The
first meeting was for the pre-test. The second meeting was for treatment by using
the animation movie. After that, the last meeting was for the post-test.
In this study, the researcher used three kinds of the instrument to collect
the data. There were a test, observation list, and checklist which were explained as
1. Test
cognitive skills. The test was used to measure the students' achievement and
students' improvement during the process. In collecting the data the researcher
used two kinds of tests. They were pre-test and post-test. The pre-test was given at
the beginning of the research to know students' ability and motivation in speaking
English before they got treatment. The post-test was the last test to know the
animation movie as media in teaching. The result of this post-test was compared
with the pre-test to find out the result of the students’ achievement data.
(Johnson, Burke, & Ehristensen, 2012, p. 206). It means that observation involves
given situation. The observation in this research includes the observation checklist
and observation list. The observation list was the criteria of the students' behavior to
define the students' improvement and students' responses during the process of the
research. There were about the students' presence, the students' attention to the
teacher, the students' cooperation, the students' self-confidence, and the students'
Then, the observation checklist was used to find out whether students are
question, interacting with the teacher, and doing the task well.
In collecting the data, the researcher used the test to know the student
speaking ability. Collecting data means identifying and selecting individuals for a
process is the need to obtain accurate data from individuals and places.
1. Experimental Class
research, there were two variables. So, the researcher used quasi experimental
class. The researcher used one class; they were experimental. Experimental class
was a class that was given treatment by using the animation movie “Baby Boss”.
The first test was Pre-test. It was given in the first meeting to know their
ability in speaking English before they got treatment. In the pre-test session, each
student was asking to introduce themselves and families in front of the class. The
introduction included name, age, address, when and where they were born.
In the second meeting, the researcher conducted the treatment by using the
animation movie in the class, and the researcher asked students to watch the
The last test was a post-test. It was given in the last meeting to know the
students’ improvement. In this session, the test was an oral test with using
dialogue in the expression of opinion. After the students watched the movie, the
students were asked to make a short conversation with their couple using the
expression of opinion about the movie by using theirs’ own words and perform it
Besides, in this study, the researcher conducted the direct method during
the teaching speaking process. This method makes the learning of English
interesting and lively by establishing a direct bond between a word and its
meaning. Through this method, fluency of speech, good pronunciation, and power
2. Test
Besides using two techniques above, the researcher also gave the test in
order to get accurate result about students’ achievement in speaking skill by using
Based on the statement above, test can be used to measure the students’ ability or
In this study, pre test and post test were given to students. Pre test was
given to the experimental class. It was conducted before the treatment, and the
achievement. Meanwhile, post test was given after the treatment. It was given to
ability before and after the treatment. The result from students’ test would be
3. Observing
using the observation list and checklist. Based on the criteria in the observation
checklist, the researcher gave a check (V) when the students did the criteria. The
results from the observation checklist were summarized into an observation list
Data analysis is needed to know the result of research. In this research, the
researcher analyzed the data from tests and observations by using several
1. Test
In assessing the test, the researcher used Brown criteria (2014) in scoring
Table 3.1
Table of Speaking Scoring
1 Errors in Speaking Could ask and (No specific Errors in Can understand
grammar vocabulary answer question description) pronunciation simple questions
are inadequate topic very are frequent and statements if
frequent to express familiar to him but could be delivered with
anything understood slow speech,
repetition, and
2 Accent Has Able to satisfy Could handle The accent is Can get the idea
usually the speaking routine social with intelligible of most
constructio vocabulary demands and confidence though often conversation of
n, but does sufficient work but not quite faulty no specialized
not to express requirements including knowledge
confident the idea casual
control of conservations
3 Control of Vocabulary Could Could discuss Errors never Comprehension
grammar is y is broad participate the particular interfere with is quite complete
good and enough that effectively in interest of understand ing at a normal rate
able to rarely has most formal competence of speech
speak with to grope for and informal with
sufficient a world conversations reasonable
structural words
Then, the final score of each student was classified based on the table below:
Table 3.2
Table of Score Classification
Fair 50-69
Good 70-84
Excellent 85-100
From the table above, the result of the test was stated clearer whether the
The data from the observation checklist and observation list were used to
support the qualitative data. The researcher made a description of the students’
teaching speaking.
In this chapter, the writer focuses on the analysis of the data covering the
experimental teaching, the pre-test and post-test, the observation list and checklist
In this study, the researcher conducted the pre-test and post-test to measure
the student's speaking skills. The test was in the form of speech. The students'
speech was scored based on the criteria namely; grammar, vocabulary, fluency,
1. Analysis of Pre-test
The pre-test was carried out on July 29th, 2019 with 24 students of XI
SMAN 1 Indrapuri. It was the first session of the research. There should be 29
students in the class, but five students’ were absent on that day.
The result of the pre-test would be compared with the post-test result. The
could call the researcher as the teacher. The teacher gave the example of
asked to do the same as the teacher did. Each student was asked to introduce
him/herself in front of the class. The introduction included name, age, address,
when and where they were born. The teacher recorded each students’ performance
to analyze every sound appeared along with the students' performance and gave
them a score based on the Brown Scoring System in Table 3.1 which measured
and comprehension. The teacher got the student’s final score of each student by
The student's final score then was categorized into poor, fair, good, or excellent
The result of the pretest was not good enough. Most of the students were poor in
speaking English because none of them got a score of more than 70.00.
Furthermore, the mean of students’ pre-test was 45.95. This result was very low
Subject of SMAN 1 Indrapuri that was 70.00. The data showed that the students'
English speaking skill was low in every component. It could be seen from the
The pre-test score showed that the students were poor in pronunciation,
vocabulary, and task. In pronunciation, the students knew the meaning of every
word they said but some of them didn't know how to pronounce it correctly. Many
students did mispronounce [fifte:n] into [faifte:n], [neim] into [nIm] or the other
mispronounced words. It could be the main problem for the future if it was not is
corrected. It could make a misunderstanding between the speaker and the listener
The pre-test result asserted that the students got a low mark in
comprehension and task category too. The lack of understanding of the task and
sharing the idea were also the main problems of the students in speaking English.
It was because they did not have enough vocabulary to speak up. They could not
explain their idea in a good sentence and correct pronunciation. Moreover, most
of the students felt nervous so they only used limited vocabulary items and it
influenced their speaking fluency. It showed in the data that some of the students
produced sounds like [ee...] or [emm..] when they tried to find an appropriate
word. The following table displays the summary of the pre-test result:
Table 4.1
The Summary of the Pre-Test Result
Category Range Frequency Percentage
Poor 0-49 19 79,17%
Good 70-84 0 0%
Excellent 85-100 0 0%
Besides, the average of the students’ score in pre-test can be seen below:
Then, the summary for each component can be seen in the following
2. Analysis of Post-test
The post-test was carried out on August 3rd, 2019 with 27 students of XI
SMA 1 Indrapuri. It was the last session of the research. There should be 29
students in the class, but two students’ were absent on that day. In this session,
students were asked to make a conversation in front of the class using expression
opinion about the English movie by using their‟ own words. The teacher gave 20
minutes for them to prepare or ask something they didn't understand about the
test. For each couple, the teacher gave 1to 2 minutes to tell the opinion about the
English movie.
Each couple came in front of the class and did the post-test. The teacher
recorded every sound coming from the students. The next step was still the same
as the previous one. The teacher was analyzing every sound appeared along with
the students' performance and gave them score based on Brown Scoring System in
Table 3.1, find out the final score of each student, and the last categorizing the
final scores into poor, fair, good, or excellent speaking skill based on Table 3.2.
students in a poor or fair category. All of the students were already good in
speaking English. The result was very satisfying. The students made a significant
and also the task. It can be seen from the data of each component result in the
post-test (see appendix J) such as the mean of grammar (3.62), vocabulary (4.00),
Moreover, the mean of the post-test was 78.07. It was higher than 70.00 as
the school’s Criteria Mastery of Learning. All students had passed the
standardized score of the Criteria Mastery of the Learning. The result of the post-
test showed that the students spoke better than the previous pre-test. It could be
said the students' speaking skills improved after the treatment by using the English
Table 4.4
Fair 50-69 0 0%
Excellent 85-100 0 0%
The average of the students’ score in the post-test can be seen as follows:
class, it was found that the range score of the speaking components have increased
and gets higher scores compares to the score in the pre-test. The improvement of
From analyzing the speaking aspects score in the pre-test and post-test, the
writer compares the results of the tests to see the improvement of the speaking
components score of experimental class students before and after the treatment
Table 4.7 The comparison between post-test and pre-test scores of four
components of speaking
In line with the graphic above, it can be observed that the score of every
speaking aspect has increased after the post-test conducted. The alteration of the
red and the blue bars in the graphic shows that the post-test score reaches the
higher points than the pre-test score. It indicates that the score of the speaking
aspects in the experimental class get a better enhancement after the treatment that
While the improvement of each student tests result is presented in the table
Table 4.8
Pre-Test Post-Test
No Initials Score Score
1 AA 46 80
2 AU 46 80
3 AUS 46 80
4 CF 50 80
5 CNE 50 80
6 HN 46 76
7 KN 50 80
8 MFR 46 76
9 MFR 40 73
10 M 46 76
11 NM 46 80
12 NW 46 80
13 N 46 80
14 PM 46 76
15 RM 40 73
16 RW 50 80
17 RA 46 80
18 R 46 80
19 RJ 46 80
20 RM 43 80
21 SA 46 80
22 SH 46 76
23 S 40 73
24 Y 50 80
The table above explains the post-test score of every student has increased
B. Test of Hypotheses
The researcher used the result of the t-score analysis in testing the
According to Bungin (2005, p.185), the research criterion used to assess the
result of the experiment is; if t-test > t-table, it means accepting the alternative
hypothesis (Ha) and denying the null hypothesis (Ho). Ha: There is a significant
difference of the students’ speaking achievement after they are taught by using the
students’ speaking achievement after they are taught by using the English
of the pre-test was 45.95 and t-score in experimental of the post-test was 78,07.
Therefore, the next step was to interpret the t-score in experiment class by
determining the degree of freedom (df). Df = N-1 = 24-1 = 23. As the result, the
2,06 and tt.sv1%= 2,80 . So, t-score was bigger than t-table.
In addition, referring to the above criteria, because t-score was higher than t-
table, it could be concluded that this research's alternative hypothesis (Ha) was
accepted and that the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. Thus, it could be stated
that there was a significant difference between the mean values of pre-test and
post-test score. In the final analysis, it could be concluded that t-score indicate there
was a difference of students’ score before and after being taught by using the
checklist and observation list that was noted along with the implementation of the
students in teaching speaking. They were: attending the class, paying attention to
questions, interacting with the teacher, and doing the task well. The indicators
then were categorized into five criteria as an observation list. They were: student's
confidence, and the student understands. The analysis of the observation checklist
During the pretest process, the researcher observed the attitude of each
student. By using the data from the observation checklist list (see Appendix K),
the researcher got the conclusion which is described in the observation list (see
Appendix L) as follows:
A. Students’ presence
There were only 24 students who attended the class from 29 students. Five
students’ were absent because of the sick. The name of the student was Ahmad H
with student’s code was 1, Hannan with student’s code was 7, Mukhlis with
student’s code was 13, Nurul A with student’s code was 17, and Wilda R with
student’s code was 28. So, the percentage of the students’ presence was 82,75%.
Only 18 of all the students gave attention to the teacher's explanation, and
yet somehow many students seemed doing other activities when the teacher was
chair mate. The teacher needed to repeat the explanation and instructions for
several times to get the students' attention. But, almost all students' did well in
C. Students’ cooperation
Because it was the first meeting, the students hadn't got any treatment yet
related to the material and the technique. It influenced their understanding of both
English, so most of the students defended themselves on their friends. They also
gave little attention to the other students who got the turn to speak up. Some of the
students didn't want to wait until the teacher permitted them to speak up. But,
D. Students' self-confidence
questions. Most of the students kept passive and didn’t want to share their idea. It
interaction between the teacher and the students started to be built. About 13
students started to give a positive response to the teacher and interact with the
E. Students’ understanding
All of the students who attended the class this day gave their participation
Post Test.
From the result of the observation checklist list during post-test (see
appendix M), the researcher got the conclusion which was described in the
A. Students’ presence
There were only 27 students who attended the class. Two students were
absent because of the sick. The name of the student was Ahmad H with student’s
code was 1 and Hannan with student’s code was 7. So, the percentage of the
Most students paid their attention to the teacher. Only 2 of all the students
didn’t attend to the teacher’s explanation with student’s code was 8 and 12.
C. Students’ cooperation
D. Students' self-confidence
E. Students’ understanding
All of the students did the post-test well as the teacher's instruction.
D. Discussions
Based on previous data analysis, the writer would like to answer the
research questions. There are two research questions in this study, namely; 1) Can
the use of the English animation movie improve students' speaking achievement?
speaking achievement?
To answer the first question, the writer used the pre-test and post-test
data. After analyzing the result of tests, the writer found that the score of the
post-test in the experimental class is higher than that of the pre-test. The mean
score of the pre-test was 45.95, while the mean score of the post-test was 78.07.
students’ speaking score after watching the English animation movie as media.
As it proved by the result of hypotheses testing; t-test>t-table which 78.07 > 2.04.
It means the result of this research also was higher than t-table that caused the Ho
Based on the result of the research, it was found that after the treatment by
using the English animation movie in the title "Baby Boss”, the students got good
motivation. When the researcher asked them to perform related to the topic orally,
the students were able to talk better than before watching the movie without
thinking it too long. The students could also express their ideas in speaking very
well and they could be more enthusiastic and motivated to follow the learning
process. Therefore, the post-test showed that the experimental class student's score
Besides, the result in the post-test showed that students' speaking skills
improved than that the pre-test. The criteria to assess the improvement were
result of the test deals with the total score the students gained before and after
using the English animation movie. In the pre-test result, the students had
treatment, the result of the post-test increased in all components speaking. All
pronunciation, and task. Therefore, the writer concludes that using the English
showed self-improvement from each student not only in their speaking skills but
also in their positive responses. The information from observations answered the
second question to see the effectiveness of using the English animation movie in
increase and the students enjoyed during the process of learning speaking English.
Moreover, the student’s interaction was already built along the research process.
Such as working together and students learn how to work together (student’s
good communication with others had already been applied. It from the result
above, it can be concluded that most students have been active in learning
In line with the results above, the English animation movie as one of the
speaking. One of the main advantages of the movie is that students do not just
hear the language, they see it too. This greatly aids comprehension, since for
example; general meaning and moods are often conveyed thought expression,
gesture, and other visual clues. Thus we can observe how intonation can match
facial expression. Besides, the use of the animation movie could increase students'
using a fun treatment and not too formal, students will like the learning
atmosphere. Students will enjoy those conditions so that their interest in English
Based on the result of the research discussed in the previous chapter, the
post-test of the experimental class which is higher than the pre-test score
(from 45,95 to 78,07). In other words, the score has increased to 32,12
fluency, pronunciation, and task. Therefore, the writer concludes that using
which t-score was bigger than t-table. It means that there is the significant
learning English. It could be seen from the observations result during pre-
student not only in their speaking skills but also in their positive responses.
teacher and the students were actively participating in class. Thus, The
Based on the result of the study, the writer proposes some suggestions
Animation movie media is a good media that can help the students to
speaking. Besides, the teacher should not use monotonous media in the
teaching process. A teacher should choose appropriate media that can help
B. For Students
For the students, they need to pay attention to the teacher’s instruction.
English and already proved that it improved speaking skills, the success of
the method depends on the learners. The students are better to make them
every day makes their speaking ability better from day today.
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Subject : English
Skill : Speaking
Class/Semester : XI/1
A. Standard Competence
Analyzing social function, the structure of the text, and linguistic elements
in the expression of expression and thought, according to the context of use.
B. Basic Competence
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to be able to improve
reviews their speaking skills by using correct pronunciation, grammar,
vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.
E. Technique
Animation movie
F. Media
Laptop (to show the animation movie "Baby Boss")
G. Class Activities
Meeting 1
Introducing self and stating the goal of the class
Checking student attendance
Asking student opinion about reviews their speaking skills and
Main Activities
Asking a brief explanation about speaking in generally
Giving an additional explanation of speaking
Asking the students to personally perform a speech entitle
"Introduce yourself" (as the pre-test). They can share the topic in
their way.
Giving 10 minutes for the students to prepare the speaking
Students perform their speech in front of the class one by one
Meeting II
Checking the student's attendance
Motivation: asking the students to experience related to the
animation movie
Main activities
Meeting III
Checking students attendance
Apperception: asking a question about previous meetings
Main activities
1 Pronunciation
2 Grammar
3 Vocabulary
4 Fluency
5 Comprehensive
6 Task
Fair 50-69
Good 70-84
Excellent 85-100
Dear students
This test is designed for a specific research purpose. The result of it will not
affect your school scores. So you are requested to be examined orally.
1. Performing a speaking in front of the class entitle “Introduce yourself”
the information you have to share including :
Your full name
Your age
Where you was born
When you was born
Where you live
2. You are allowed to talk within 1 to 2 minute
3. You may prepare and deliver your speaking in your own way
Activity Post-Test
Dear students
This test is designed for a specific research purpose. The result of it will not
affect your school scores. So you are requested to be examined orally.
1. Make a couple with your friends and performing a conversation in front
of the class with your couple using expression of opinion about the
movie by using theirs‟ own words.
2. You are allowed to talk within 1 to 2 minute.
3. You may prepare and deliver your speaking in your own way.
Appendix F Instrument of Observations
Observation List
1. Students’ presence
2. Students’ attention
to the teacher
3. Students’
4. Students’ self
5. Students’
Appendix G Students’ Code
No G V F P C T Score Final
1 -
2 3 2 3 2 2 2 14 46,6667
3 3 2 3 2 2 2 14 46,6667
4 3 2 3 2 2 2 14 46,6667
5 3 2 3 2 3 2 15 50
6 3 3 3 2 2 2 15 50
7 -
8 3 2 3 2 2 2 14 46,6667
9 3 2 3 2 3 2 15 50
10 3 2 3 2 2 2 14 46,6667
11 2 2 3 1 2 2 12 40
12 3 2 3 2 2 2 14 46,6667
13 -
14 3 2 3 2 2 2 14 46,6667
15 3 2 3 2 2 2 14 46,6667
16 3 2 3 2 2 2 14 46,6667
17 -
18 3 2 3 2 2 2 14 46,6667
19 3 2 2 1 2 2 12 40
20 3 2 3 2 2 2 15 50
21 3 2 3 2 2 2 14 46,6667
22 3 2 3 2 2 2 14 46,6667
23 3 2 3 2 2 2 14 46,6667
24 3 2 2 2 2 2 13 43,3333
25 3 2 3 2 2 2 14 46,6667
26 3 2 3 2 2 2 14 46,6667
27 3 2 2 1 2 2 12 40
28 -
29 3 3 3 2 2 2 15 50
2,95 2,08 2,87 1,87 2,08 2
Appendix I Students’ Post Test Result
No G V F P C T Score Final
2 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 80
3 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 80
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 80
5 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 80
6 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 80
8 3 4 4 4 4 4 23 76,6667
9 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 80
10 3 4 4 4 4 4 23 76,6667
11 3 4 4 3 4 4 22 73.3333
12 3 4 4 4 4 4 23 76,6667
13 3 4 4 3 4 4 22 73,3333
14 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 80
15 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 80
16 3 4 4 4 4 4 23 80
17 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 80
18 3 4 4 4 4 4 23 76,6667
19 3 4 4 3 4 4 22 73,3333
20 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 80
21 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 80
22 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 80
23 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 80
24 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 80
25 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 80
26 3 4 4 4 4 4 23 76,6667
27 3 4 4 3 4 4 22 73,3333
28 4 4 4 3 4 4 23 76,6667
29 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 80
3,62 4 4 3,81 4 4
Appendix J Summary of each component results
1 11 111 I V V VI VIII IX X
1 -Absence-
2 V V V - V V V - V V
3 V V V - V V - - - V
4 V V V - V V - V V V
5 V V V - V V V - - V
6 V V V - V V V - - V
7 -Absence-
8 V - V - V - - - V V
9 V V V - V V V - - V
10 V V V - V V V - - V
11 V V V - V - V V V V
12 V V V - V V V V V V
13 -Absence-
14 V V V - V V V - - V
15 V - V _ V V V V V V
16 V - V - V - - - V V
17 -Absence-
18 V V V - V V - - - V
19 V V V - V - - - - V
20 V V V - V - V - V V
21 V - V - V V - V V V
22 V - V - V V V - - V
23 V V V - V V - - V V
24 V - V - V - V - - V
25 V V V - V V V - V V
26 V V V - V V V - V V
27 V V V - V - - - - V
28 -Absence-
29 V V V - V V V V V V
TOTA 24 18 24 0 2 17 15 5 13 24
L 4
6. Students’ presence There were only 24 students who attended the class.
5 students were absent because of sickness. So, the
percentage of the students’ presence was 82,75%
7. Students’ attention Only 18 of all the students gave attention to the
to the teacher teacher’s explanation, and yet somehow many
students seemed doing another activities when the
teacher was explaining something. They seemed
have a personal conversation with their chair mate.
Teacher needed to repeat the explanation and
instructions for several times to get the students
attention. But, almost students’ did well in execute
the teacher’s instruction.
8. Students’ Because it was the first meeting, the students haven’t
cooperation got any treatment yet related to the material and the
technique. It influenced to their understanding in
both material and instruction. They weren’t
accustomed to get the instruction in English, so
almost of the students still reckoned on their friends.
They also gave little attention to the other students
who got the turn to speak up, some of the students
didn’t want to wait until the teacher permitted them
to speak up. But, overall it could be handled. The
students shared the information needed
9. Students’ self- Only 5 students who were always actively answering
confidence the teacher questions. Most of the students kept
passive and didn’t want to share their idea. It could
be influenced by their hesitancy to their speaking
ability. Yet, the interaction between the teacher and
the students started to be built. About 13 students
started to give a positive response to the teacher and
interact with the teacher
10. Students’ Most of students who attended the class this day
understanding gave their participation in the pretest. They did the
pretest well.
Appendix M Observation Checklist 2
1. Students’ presence There were only 27 students who attended the class.
Two student was absent because of sick. So, the
percentage of the students’ presence was 93,10%
2. Students’ attention Most students paid their attention to the teacher.
to the teacher Only 2 of all the students didn’t attend to the
teacher’s explanation.
3. Students’ All of the students cooperated well.
5. Students’ All of the students did the post test well as the
understanding teacher’s instruction.