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(A Study at Second Grade Junior High School
of SMP N 1 Timang Gajah).


Submitted by:
NIM. 140203134

Student of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

Department of English Language Education


2019 M/ 1440 H

Speaking is one of the important skills in communication. There are several

problems that are faced by students in learning speaking such as reluctant to
speak, shyness, fear of committing oral mistakes, and poor speaking ability. The
problem based learning (PBL) is an appropriate strategy to help the students
improve their speaking skills. Therefore, the researcher conducted the research
entitled “Improving Students‟ Speaking Skills by using problem based learning
(PBL) Model. The aims of of this quantitative research are to investigate whether
problem based learning improves students‟ speaking skills and to investigate the
students‟ responses about problem based learning model. The location of this
study was SMP N 1 Timang Gajah and the total sample were 19 students of class
VIII- 1 in academic year 2018/2019. In collecting the data, the researcher used
teaching experiment, pre-test, post-test and questionnaire. The findings show that
the PBL improves students‟ speaking skills. This can be understood from the t-test
result, where the calculated value of t-score is higher than t-table (8.66>1.73). In
addition, the result of the questionnaire indicates that the majority of students are
happy in learning speaking by using PBL model and most of them believe that the
PBL model could help them to express their ideas in speaking and also motivate
them in highly learning English.

Keywords: Speaking Skills, Problem Based Learning model .


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful.

Alhamdulillah, all praises belong to Allah who has given the writer

strength and health so that she can finish this thesis. Furthermore, abundance of

peace is upon our prophet Muhammad S.A.W, his family, and companions who

have guided the mankind of the world of knowledge.

Her deepest gratitude is dedicated to her supervisors, Mr. Habiburrahim,

S.Ag, M.Com, MS, Ph.D, and Mr. Abdul Manar, M.Hum who taught and guided

the researcher in writing this thesis.

Then, she would like to express her appreciation to Dr. T. Zulfikar,

S.Ag.,M.Ed as the Chief of English Department and all staff, all lecturers and all

of her friends in English Department for every help and support during her study

in this University.

The writer dedicates her greatest gratitude to her beloved father and mother

Sabcud and Sistiarti who keep praying for the writer‟s success. She also

dedicates her special thanks and love to her auntie Erni Salwari and her uncle

Mursaha and also her lovely brother and sister Anggion Rizka, Alfinoza Elhaya,

Evi Sartika Rona and Rita Devi who supported the writer until thesis was

completed. Their presence always motivates the writer‟s life.

Furthermore, the writer thanks to all friends in unit 04 (2014) of English

Department who had supported each other to finish the study and for their

kindness. Last but not least, her greatest thank is addressed to all of her special

friends Elza, Uci, Fini, Ayu, Ike, Ara, Rizah, Shintia, and Rika who motivated

her in finishing her study. A lot of thanks for everyone who helped and supported

the researcher, may Allah SWT bless them all.

Ultimately, she sincerely hopes that the readers will give constructive

critics and responses for the revision of this study.

May Allah always bless all of us, Amin.

Banda Aceh, December 2nd, 2018

The writer

Yuni Mahtawarmi


ABSRTACT ................................................................................................. iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................... v
CONTENTS ............................................................................................... vii
LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................... xi
LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................. x
A. Background of Study .......................................................... 1
B. Research Questions ............................................................. 3
C. Aims of Research ................................................................ 3
D. Limitation of the Study ........................................................ 4
E. Hypotheses ........................................................................... 4
F. Terminology ......................................................................... 4
G. Research Significance .......................................................... 5


A. Previous Studies ................................................................... 6

B. Concept of Speaking ............................................................ 7
1. Definitions of Speaking.................................................... 7
2. The Functions of Speaking ............................................. 9
3. Components of Speaking ............................................. 11
4. Types of Speaking .......................................................... 13
5. Teaching Speaking ......................................................... 14
C. Concept of Problem Based Learning (PBL) ..................... 15
1. Definitions of PBL ........................................................ 15
2. Characteristics of PBL ................................................... 16
3. Schema of the PBL Process in Teaching ....................... 18
4. Teacher‟s and Student‟s Role in PBL ............................ 20
a. Teacher‟s Roles ........................................................ 20
b. Student‟s Roles ...................................................... 21


A. General Description of Research Location ........................ 24

B. Research Design ................................................................. 25
C. Population and Sample ....................................................... 26
D. Techniques of Data Collection.......................................... 27
E. Techniques for Data Analysis ............................................ 33


A. Findings of the Research ..................................................... 39

1. The Results of the Tests ................................................ 39
a. Result of Pre-Test ...................................................... 40
b. Result of Post-Test ................................................... 41
2. Examining Hypotheses ................................................. 42
3. The Result of Questionnaire .......................................... 44
B. Discussions ........................................................................ 49


A. Conclusions ....................................................................... 51
B. Suggestions ....................................................................... 51



Table 3.1 English Teachers of SMP N 1 Timang Gajah ....................... .... 24

Table 3.2 The total number of students in SMP 1 Timang Gajah........... .... 25
Table 3.3 The Scoring Rubric for Speaking ........................................... .... 28
Table 4.1 The Result of Pre-test and Post-test ....................................... .... 40
Table 4.2 The Frequency Distribution of Students‟ Pre-test Score ........ .... 41
Table 4.3 The Frequency Distribution of Students‟ Post-test Score ....... .... 42
Table 4.4 Students‟ Pre-test and Post-test Score .................................... .... 43
Table: 4.5 English Lesson is One of Favorite Lessons ........................... .... 45
Table: 4.6 Student Interested in Speak in English .................................. .... 45
Table: 4.7 Student Difficulties in Speaking English. .............................. .... 45
Table. 4.8 The Student Opinion about English Materials
That were Given by Teacher. ............................................... .... 46
Table. 4.9 The Teacher Give Methods and Models in
Learning Speaking................................................................ .... 46
Table: 4.10 The Technique Used by Teacher Make Students
Easy to Learn Speaking ........................................................ .... 47
Table: 4.11 PBL Model Can Improve Speaking Ability........................ .... 47
Table: 4.12 Advantages of Learning Speaking by Using
Problem Based Learning Model ........................................ 48
Table: 4.13 PBL Model Can Help Expressing Idea of Speaking ............ .... 48
Table: 4.14 PBL Model Can Motivate Students in Speaking English .... .... 48


1. The Consent Letter by the Dean of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty

2. The Recommendation Letter of Conducting Research From SMP N 1

Timang Gajah

3. Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran

4. Pre-test and Post-test

5. Data Analysis

6. Questionnaire

7. Rubric

8. Table of Degree of Freedom

9. Documentation of the research

10. Autobiography



A. Background of Study

In studying English, learners have to master four skills, namely speaking

listening, writing and reading. Speaking is a skill used as a mean of interaction to

express and transfer ideas and emotions. According to Richards (2008), English

language teaching speaking activities need to focus on how to help students to use

and to communicate in English (as cited in Eyesus, 2015). This skill is considered

important because most students often evaluate their success in English based on

their proficiency in speaking. Therefore, developing effective methods to increase

the students‟ performance as both language learner and language user can help

enhance the students‟ English learning achievement in speaking skill

According to Brown (2001), oral communication competence or speaking

skill is a goal of English learning. It has been considered as an initial skill that

leads the learners to develop the other communication competences. Speaking

also involves communicative performance and other important elements such as,

pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. However, it is assumed that developing

speaking skill to young learners in Indonesia is not an easy task because English is

a foreign language and it is not used in daily life.


To investigate young learners‟ proficiency in speaking English, the

researcher conducted a preliminary study to one of the public junior high schools

in SMP N 1 Timang Gajah. The researcher found that the students had several

problem in speaking such as reluctance to speak, shyness, fear of committing oral

mistakes, poor speaking ability, and lack peers or social circles with whom they

can explore their speaking potentials.

The researcher considered the use of problem based learning (PBL) as an

appropriate strategy to help the students improve their speaking skill. As states by

Preetha (2006), PBL is a constructivist pedagogy in which the students learn to

develop critical thinking skills by solving real world problem in small groups. In

the learning process of PBL, the students work with classmates to solve complex

and authentic problems that help develop content knowledge as well as problem-

solving, reasoning, communication, and self-assessment skills (Watson, 2001, as

cited in Duch, Groh & Allen, 2001).

PBL can be incorporated into any learning situation. According to Duch

and Allen (2001), course content of PBL can promote the development of critical

thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and communication skills. It can also

provide opportunities for working in groups, finding and evaluating research

materials, and life-long learning. Mufaidah‟s (2014) study concluded that

applying problem based learning (PBL) could potentially motivate, empower and

challenge the language learners, which usually resulted in building the learners‟

confidence, improving the students‟ language skills, and learning become fruitful

for the learners because they exhibited their abilities to plan, manage, and

accomplish projects through their content knowledge and language skills.

Departing from the discussion above, the researcher wanted to apply the

PBL in the process of teaching English speaking skills at a junior high school in

Aceh. The findings of this study are reported in this minor thesis entitled

“Improving Students‟ Speaking Skills by Using The Problem Based Learning

(PBL) Model (A Study at Second Grade Junior High School of SMP N 1

Timang Gajah).”

B. Research Questions

Based on the background outlined above, the questions of the current

research are:

1. Could the Problem Based Learning improve the students‟ speaking skills?

2. What are the students‟ responses about Problem Based Learning in

improving their speaking skills?

C. Aims of the Study

The aims of this research are shown below:

1. To investigate whether Problem Based Learning can improve the students‟

speaking skills.

2. To investigate the students‟ responses about Problem Based Learning in

improving their speaking skills.


D. Limitation of the Study

This research focused on the speaking skill by using the PBL model in

teaching and learning process. The location of this research was SMP N 1 Timang

Gajah and the subjects of this research were 19 students of class VIII-1 in

academic year 2018/2019 .

E. Hypotheses

The hypotheses of this research can be stated as follows:

Ha : The implementation of the PBL model has a statistically significant

effect at the level of significance ( =0.05) in improving the students‟

ability in speaking.

H0 : The implementation of the problem based learning model does not have a

statistically significant effect at the level of significance ( =0.05) in

improving the students‟ ability in speaking.

F. Terminologies

To provide a better understanding of this research, it is necessary to

explain some terms in order to help the readers understand them more easily.

They are:

1. Improve

Webster (2012) says that improve is to make something that has been

learned continuously. In this context, improve means the progress in what is

desirable and to enhance the value or quality in speaking.


2. Problem Based Learning

Boud and Feleeti (1997) explain that the PBL is a way of constructing and

teaching courses using the problem as the stimulus and focus for the student

activity. In PBL the students have learned the knowledge related to the problem

as well as having skills to solving some problems in speaking.

3. Speaking

Levey (2002) define speaking as an interactive process of communication

that involves producing, receiving and processing meaning in formation.

Moreover, speaking is a tool as a survival skill in life. In this study, the focuses

were four aspects of speaking: grammar, pronunciation, word choice, and


4. Skill

Harmer (2001), states that skill is a special ability to do something. In

particular, this study discusses only skill in English, called speaking skill.

G. Research Significance

The study is expected to be a contribution for several aspects. First,

English teachers can refer to PBL model as an alternative in teaching speaking

and improve students‟ in speaking competences. Second, the students can develop

the ability in speaking English, increase their activity in learning, and develop

cooperative skill. Third, researchers, can have insights and experiences as well as

input for future research in PBL model.



A. Previous Studies

Several studies have been conducted in terms of PBL model. A study by

Othman and Shah (2013) entitled “Problem Based Learning in the English

Language Classroom” aimed to investigate the effects of PBL to the language

class students in term of the course and content language development. The

findings from this research showed that in the PBL group the student had

improvement in their essay, while, in non-PBL group had no improvement.

Another study conducted by Mufaidah (2014) entitled “Problem Based

Learning: Enhancing Students‟ Speaking Skill on the Second Year Student of

SMP N 1 Atap Bandung in the Academic Year 2013/2014” aimed to investigate

how PBL could enhance the students‟ speaking skill through bazaar activity. The

study found the students‟ speaking skill in bazaar activity was good and bazaar

could increase the students‟ activeness, student motivation, and also vocabulary.

In addition, the study concluded the PBL method with bazaar activities provided

more knowledge about English in learning process.

Inel and Balim (2015) conducted a study entitled “The Effects of Using

Problem-Based Learning in Science and Technology Teaching Upon Students‟

Academic Achievement and Levels of Structuring Concepts”. This study

explored the impact of the problem-based learning method used in science and

technology teaching upon elementary school students‟ construction levels for


the concepts concerning the “Systems in Our Body” unit in the science and

technology course and their academic achievement. The study showed that the

PBL was more effective in improving students in the science and technology and

more positive developments in teaching.

These previous studies contributed a lot in helping the researcher got

through the research. These studies have similarities with the present study;

however, there was a difference and new problems set by the researcher in order

to produce original new work in the term of sample, teaching material and the

activities in the learning process.

B. Concept of Speaking

This section discusses of the definitions, the functions, the compenents,

the types of speaking, and teaching the speaking.

1. Definitions of Speaking

Fulcher (2013), states that speaking is the verbal use of language to

communicate with others. According to Adam (2005), speaking is “an oral

communication between two or more person to express ideas talking together”

(p. 78). Hybel, Richard and Weaver (2001) explain that speaking is a process in

share the information, opinions, and feelings.

In addition, Rizkiah (2014) says that speaking is the action in conveying

information and expressing the feeling. Mufaidah (2004) adds that, “speaking is

an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving

and processing the information” (p. 8). In addition, Brown (2001) states that

speaking is one of language skill which is very important to be mastered by

students in order to be good communicators.

The ability to use the language as a means of communication often

becomes one of the indicators of success speaking. Bailey and Nunan (2005)

argue that speaking is the important aspect of language learning whether it is as a

second or a foreign language that can be measured from the ability of the students

in the learning process. To improve the speaking skill, the students should practice

their speaking in learning because without the ability to speak, it would be

impossible to have a natural communication among people.

Based on the above definition, speaking can be said as the way of someone

or people in describing something with oral communication as an activity.

Speaking also used in many different purposes and each purpose involved the

different skill such as, to express our ideas, clarify the information, persuade

someone or someting.

In addition, speaking is one important skill in expressing ideas, opinions,

or feelings to others. Speaking also plays an important role in life because all

activities of life are done with communication. By communication, people are

able to create a relationship, to inform, to share, and to find information. In other

words, people can do whatever they need through communication. In this case,

speaking is the skill needed by the students in order to convey their ideas for easy


2. The Functions of Speaking

Several language experts have attempted to categorize the functions of

speaking in human interaction. Brown and Yule (2000), as cited in Richards

(2008), explain that the functions of speaking are divided into three categories

including are talk as interaction, talk as transaction and talk as performance.

Below are the explanations of each function of speaking:

a.Talk as interaction

The main function of this type is to focus on social interaction in

communication. This is about how people delivers the messages to the

others and therefore, they must use their speaking skill to communication.

b. Talk as transaction

In this type, the focus is to convey the information to make people

understand what we want to say clearly and accurately. For example,

student may be involved in some activities in language lesson to explore

concept associated with tenses and reduction. Furthermore, talk as

transaction has several main features as follows:

1). Focus to the main information

2). Only focus to the message and not the participants

3). Use communication strategy to make someone understood

4). Use the frequent questions, repetitions, and comprehension


5). Use the negotiation and digression

6). Linguistic accuracy is not always important.


Richards (2008 p. 4) also mentions some of the skills involved in

using talk for transactions, they are:

1). Explaining a need or intention

2). Describing something
3). Asking-questioning
4).Confirming information
5). Justifying an opinion
6). Making suggestions
7). Clarifying understanding
8). Making comparision.

c. Talk as performance

In this case, speaking activities are more focused on monolog

rather than dialog. The function of speaking as performance occurs at

speeches, public talks, public announcements, and story tellings. For

examples, giving a class report about student experience, conducting a

class debate, and making a sales presentation. The main features of talk as

performance are:

1). Focus to the message and the participant

2). It reflects organization and sequencing

3). Form and accuracy is always important

4). Language is more like written language

5). It is often monologic


Some of the skills involved in using talk as performance include:

1). Using an appropriate format

2). Presenting information in an appropriate sequence

3). Maintaining audience engagement

4). Using correct pronunciation and grammar

5). Creating an effect on the audience

6). Using appropriate vocabulary

7). It uses appropriate opening and closing

In conclusion, there are three functions of speaking that are categorized by

the expert including “talk as interaction, talk as transaction, and talk as

performance”. These are the kinds of speaking activities that people usually use in

daily life according to their different functions.

3. Components of Speaking

There are a number of speaking components in English as stated by Wipf

(1982, p. 2), namely:

a. Pronunciation

Pronunciation is the most important element in determining the

success of communication. Without a good pronunciation the listener will

difficult to understand and get the point of what the speaker says.

b. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the important components in learning

speaking. According to Craff (1998), vocabulary is classified into two

types. The first is active vocabulary which is the words used by students

to understand the meanings and used constructively in speaking. The

second one is passive vocabulary which is the word that the students can

recognize and understand when they are used in context.

c. Grammar

Grammar is generally thought to be a set of rules specifying the

contact ordering of words at the sentence level (Nunan, 2003). In addition,

grammar is the ordering of words arranged into a sentence to give a


d. Fluency

Fluency can be defined as the ability to speak smoothly and

readily. According to Lambardo (1994) states that fluency has the

meaning as the way of someone speak with normal speed, like native

speaker or they who own the language because the one who own the

language can dispose the language skill.

e . Comprehension

Manser (1991) defines Comprehension as the ability to

understand something. In speaking, Comprehension is certainly needed

so that the speaker can initiate the communication and the listener

can respond to it. Comprehension is important to avoid misunderstanding

between a speaker and a listener so that communication can be achieved


4. Types of Speaking

As stated by Brown (2004, p. 141) the basic types of speaking are divided

into five categories, namely:

a. Imitative

Imitative is the skill to imitate a word, a phrase or possibly a sentence.

Imitative is not only part of phonetic level and oral production, but also

includes a number of prosodic, lexical, and grammatical properties of


b. Intensive

Intensive is the production of short tense of oral language designed

to demonstrate competence in a narrow band of grammatical, phrasal,

lexical, or phonological relationship such as, prosodic elements-intonation,

stress, rhythm, and juncture. For example, reading aloud sentence and

dialogue completion.

c. Responsive

Responsive includes a short conversation, standard greetings, small

talk, and simple request and comments. On the other hand, responsive is

the interaction and the test of comprehension.

d. Interactive

Interactive speaking is in the length and complexity of interaction,

which sometimes includes multiple exchanges and or multiple

participants. For instance, interview, discussion, game and role play.


e. Extensive (monologue)

Extensive type includes speeches, oral presentations, and story-

telling during which opportunity for oral interaction from listener is either

highly limited or ruled out together. This type needs more action and

interaction to the listener.

5. Teaching Speaking

Teaching speaking is not always easy to do, especially in teaching young

learners. The teacher provided the opportunity for the students to learn and to

think. The teacher needs to find the method that can encourage the students in

learning speaking actively in the classroom.

Harmer (1998, p. 87) explains that there are three basic reasons to give

the students speaking tasks which can provoke them to use all and any language at

their command. The three basic reasons are:

a. Rehersal: getting students to have free discussion gives them a chance

to rehearse having discussions outside the classroom.

b. Feedback: speaking tasks where the students are trying to use all and

any language they provide feedback for both teacher and students.

c. Engagement: good speaking activities can and should be motivating. If

all the students are participating fully and if the teacher has set up the

activity properly and give sympathetic and useful feedback, they will

also get satisfaction from it.

In addition, Basher (2011, p. 36) describes that language learners need to

recognize that speaking involves three areas of knowledge:


a. Mechanics (pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary): using the right

words in the right order with the correct pronunciation.

b. Functions (transaction and interaction): knowing when clarity of

message is essential (transaction/information exchange), and when

precise understanding is not required (interaction/relationship


c. Social and cultural rules and norm (turn taking, rate of speech, length

of pauses between speakers, and relative roles of participants).

Understanding how take into account who is speaking to whom in

what circumstances, what about, and the reason for.

Thus, there are three areas of language knowledge that should be known

by the language learners. It includes mechanism, functions, and social-cultural

rules and norms.

B. Concept of Problem Based Learning (PBL)

This section discusses the definition, the characteristics, and the schema

of the PBL process in teaching, as well as the teacher‟s and student‟s role in PBL.

1. Definitions of PBL

Baded and Major (2004) explain that the problem based learning (PBL) is

an approach in which the students to develop metacognitive skills and to expect

students in use reasoning abilities to solve complex problem. Tan (2003) says that

PBL includes the life-wide learning goals of self-directed learning, information-


mining skills, collaborative - team learning reflective and evaluative thinking


On the other hand, Torp & Sage (2002) said the PBL is a powerful strategy

for curriculum, instruction and assessment that rich foundations both in

experiential learning theory and philosophy at the professional school level.

Pursuant to Delisle (1997, p.7) explained that “the problem based learing can

work well with all students, making ideal strategies for heterogeneous classroom

where students with mixed abilities can pool their talents collaboratovelly to

invent a solution” (as cited in Tan 2003, p. 30).

In consequence, the problem based learning is an approach can develop

students abilities in learning, students learn to find the information based on the

real world problems, and learn from their experience to work in group and how to

solves some problems.

2. Characteristics PBL

PBL approaches in a curriculum usually include the following

characteristic (Tan, 2002):

a. The problem is the main point of learning

b. The problem is usually used a real-world problem that appears

unstructured, it is meant to be as authentic as possible.

c. The problem of PBL promotes the solution by taking into

consideration knowledge from several subject and topics.


d. The problem challenges students‟ current knowledge, attitudes and

competencies, the calling for identification of learning needs and new

areas of learning.

e. Self-directed learning is primary. Thus students assume major

responsibility for the acquisition of information and knowledge.

f. Learning is collaborative, communicative and cooperative. Students

work in small group with a high level of interaction for peer learning,

peer teaching and group presentation.

g. Development of investigation and problem-solving skills is as

important as content knowledge to solve the problem. The PBL tutor

thus facilitates and traines through questioning and cognitive


h. Closure in the PBL process includes synthesis and integration of


i. PBL also includes with an evaluation and review of the learner‟s

experience and the learning processes.

The goals of PBL are content learning, acquisition of discipline related

heuristic and development of problem-solving skills. PBL also includes the life-

wide learning goals of self-directed learning, information- mining skills,

collaborative and team learning, and reflective and evaluative thinking skills (Tan,


3. Schema of the PBL Process in Teaching.

The following are the schema of PBL in teaching process (Tan, 2003)

a. Meeting the problem

At this stage, the problem scenario acts as a stimulus to scaffold

and extend a realistic contex students might encounter in the future. The

activities in this first tutorial includes:

1). developing collegiality

2). individual reading, reflection and inquiry

3). commitment to team roles and to the group

4). brainstorming and articulation of probable issues

5). commitment to deliberate on problem scenario and problem


b. Problem analysis and learning issues

At this stage, the students‟ prior knowledge is activaties and ideas

are generated that call for futher learning. Students are required to work

independently on their own problem, searching for information through

various resources. This tutorial also involves:

1). Brainstorming and analysis of problem (e.g. generation of

possible explenations and hyphothesee)

2). Identification of learning issues and formulation of learning


3). assignment of self-directed learning and peer teaching


In short, the tutor emphasizes the ideas that real life issues are often

fuzzy and, faced with the problems, we need to seek theories and

sometimes multidisciplinary knowladge bases to address the various issues

we have to tackle.

c. Discovery and reporting

In this part, the students report their discovery of learning in their

groups. At this peer-teaching stage, the students gather to share the new

information they have individually discovered. The students practice group

collaboration and communication skills through question and seeking of

futher information from one another.

d. Solution presentation and reflection

This involves contextualization and application of the knowledge

to the situation. The students rephrase and paraphrase the knowledge

acquired and demonstrated their new knowledge. Sometimes they asked

some questions and tutor helps them to clarify the hasitation.

e. Overview, integration and evaluation

The review and evaluation is forms an integral part of learning.

Students are encouraged to critique in their learning resources (their velue,

reliability and usefulness for future learning). The student reflect on the new

knowledge they have learnt as a result of the problem. The totor helps them

to summarize and integrate major principles and concepts. The group

members also evaluate their activity in terms of being a problem solver, a

self-directed learner and as members of the team.


The schema of the PBL process could be part of a curriculum that

takes about six weeks with one sesion each week. Following the formal PBL

tutorials and meeting sessions, time is needed for sel-directed learning. If

the problem is more complex, it may take a longer period with more

iterations of problem analysis, learning issues and discovery and reporting

before the groups move on to the other solution presentation.

4. Teacher‟s and Student‟s Roles in PBL

a. Teachers Roles

As stated by Tan (2003, p. 43) the theory and practice of the teacher as

facilitator role in problem based learning as followed:

1). Facilitating the PBL process of learning (e.g. changing mindsets,

developing investigation skill, engaging in collaborative learning)

2). Training students in problem solving (e.g. deep reasoning,

metacognition, critical thinking, and system thinking)

3). Designing the problem or the scenario using the real world problem.

4). Mediating the proces of obtain infomation (e.g. scanning the

information environment, accessing multiple information sources,

making connections).

In conclusion, PBL teacher have a role to manage the learing environment

and encourage students‟ engagement with and immersion in the problem. The

teacher also plays an active role in facilitating collabortive inquiry and students‟

learning process.

b. Students Roles

As stated by Baden & Major (2004, p. 83) there are two roles of student‟s

in problem based learning:

1). Individual roles and responsibilities

The student follows the list of individual roles that given any time

to assume, the students also have a chance to undertaken more than one

role at the same time

2). Practical, real-world problem solver

The student in a problem based learning course serves first as a

practical problem-solver. In this role that a student analyses the situation,

identifies the overarching structure of the problem and develops solutions

to the problem.

3). Expert or decision-maker

The student analyses the situation in order to make a variety of

decision and identifies the learning issues within a given situation. The

student may also suggest team member assignments and appraise the

credibility of the infomation shared in team sessions.

4). Self-directed learner

Self-directed learners are independent motivated individuals who

set clear goals, plan ahead, seek challenges and push normal limits to

achieve high standards.


5). Communicator

As the communicator, students learn to speak effectively and

directly to the team and present their ideas clearly. They communicating in

a language that make their peers understand.

6). Advocate

Students in PBL teams become supporters in finding reasons for

clients, defending a stance or a cause, and encouraging team members to

agree with a position or with new information. Students prepared to offer

representation, help and advice to constituents of the problem and to

follow team members.

7). Participator in a community of learners

Students as facilitator works to meaningful ways to enhance,

enrich and celebrate other team members. Students seek share learning and

then act on what they have learned.

8). Scientist of scholar

Students as a promblem solver is the producer of knowledge and

develop strong background knowledge in order to solve the problem. They

establish clear goals to guide their direction and use appropriate

procedures for investigation. They obtain significant results and are given

opportunities to reflect the findings.

9). Apprentice

In this case, the students play a role in observing and applying

thought processes in certain fields or disciplines. The Students also


become tutors for themselves by transmitting what they have learned to

order students in the team.

10). Explorer

In this role, student engage to find a new problem and explore

possible solutions. They try to think „out-the-box‟ and have time to reflect

upon their discoveries and compare them with existing knowledge.

11). Creative and critical thinker

As creative thinkers, students analyze the information by clarifying

and setting the purpose and then selecting a strategy to achieve the

purpose. They also evaluate the information, which they do through

applying knowledge, making connections and formulating questions. They

also evaluate information, monitor and manage learning and revise

purpose and strategy.

In conclusion, students in PBL is the center of teaching and

learning process. Student shere the resposibility for their learning and take

some ownership as well as assuming multiple and changing roles within a

new context as the face in many resposibility.



A. General Description of Research Location

The location of this research took place in SMP Negeri 1 Timang Gajah.

Located at Jl. Bireun – Takengon, Reronga, Gajah Putih Sub-distruct, Bener

Meriah District. Futher information about this school is provided below:

1. The School

This school was established in 1981, and is currently led by Mrs. Sistiarti

S.pd. The school has thirteen rooms, consisting of eight classrooms, one head

master‟s and assistant‟s office, one teacher room, and one administration office. It

has also one library, one natural science laboratory, one computer laboratory, one

language laboratory, four bathrooms, one parking area, and one canteen.

2. The Teachers

In the teaching learning process, the teachers play an important role in

guiding the students to reach the goal of curriculum. SMPN 1 Timang Gajah has

two English teachers.

Table 3.1 English Teachers of SMP N 1 Timang Gajah

No Name Graduated from

1 Mayang Murni S.Pd. SERAMBI MEKKAH

Source: The administration office of SMPN 1 Timang Gajah, August 5th,2018.


3. The Students

Based on the data obtained on August 5th, 2018, the total numbers of

the students‟ at SMP N 1 Timang Gajah were 180 students. They were

divided into three classes for all grades. The distribution of the students in

each class is provided in the following table:

Table 3.2. The total number of students in SMP 1 Timang Gajah

No Grade Total Class Male Female Total

1 First 3 25 30 55

2 Second 3 28 32 60

3 Third 3 30 35 65

Total 3 83 9 180
7 th
Source: The administration office of SMPN 1 Timang Gajah, August5 2018

4. Curriculum

Curriculum is a set of plan and the controller of the objective,

content, and subject material. SMPN 1 Timang Gajah implements the 2013

curriculum which uses scientific approach. Scientific approach consisted of

five steps: observing, questioning, associating, exploring, and communicating.

B. Research Design

The method used in this research was quantitative research. Quantitative

research is a method of using statistical and computational data operasional

variables and statistics that used to describe variables; to examining the

relationship among variables and to determine caused and effect interactions

between variables of research (Meizalia, 2009).


In this research the researcher conducted an experimental method.

Experimental method is the one of the quantitative research which measures the

causality of relationship strongly (Prasetyo, 2005). According to Cresswell

(2014), there are four main types of experimental research designs including true

experimental, quasi experimental, pre-experimental, and single subject design. In

this study, the researcher selected pre-experimental design, with one group pre-

test and post-test design.

In addition, the researcher used experimental teaching in order to find out

whether the model effective or not in improving the student achievement in

speaking skill. In this research, pre-test was given to know student ability before

implementing the problem based learning as a model in teaching. After all

materials were taught, the students were given a post-test in order to know their

learning outcomes after the PBL.

C. Population and Sample

1. Population

Acording to Sugiyono (2008), the population is a general area including of

object/subject which has specific characteristics decided by researcher to be

studied and concluded. The population of this research was all students at the

second grade of SMPN 1 Timang Gajah. The school has 3 classes for the second

grade: VIII 1, VIII 2, dan VIII 3. The total number of three classes was 60


2. Sample

The sample of this study was VIII 1 of SMPN 1 Timang Gajah that

consisted of 19 students. In selecting the sample, the reseracher used purposive

sampling as a technique to determine the sample. Purposive sampling is a

technique to determine the sample with a certain aims in accordance to needs of

the research with a certain characteristics.

The sample characteristics were as follow:

a. Teacher recommended doing a treatment to the class VIII 1.

b. The class was intended for good learners and has good motivation

especially in learning English.

D. Techniques of Data Collecting

In this study, the researcher used several instruments in collecting the

data: tests, experimental teaching, and questionnaire.

1. Test

Test was one of the instruments used to collect the data and information

needed in this research. It was intended to find out the students‟ ability before

and after the treatment was carried out. Specifically, the tests were used to find

out the students‟ achievement in terms of fluency, grammar, word chosen and


The rubric system for the tests adopted from Theresa (2001) the rubric

was used for measuring students‟ achievement in speaking in pre-test and post-

test. In order to find out the student‟s ability in speaking English, each student

would get the maximum of 16 points if they speak clearly. In contrast, the

students would get the minimum score of 4 point if they could not utilize their

English well.

Table 3.4 The Scoring Rubric for Speaking

Level Score Indicators

Pronunciation 4  The pronunciation is very clear and
3 easily understood
2  Easily understoodod the word despite the
influence of mother tongue can be
1 detected
 The pronunciation is not really clear, but
it can be understood by the listener
 The pronunciation is not clear.
Grammar 4  Little or no grammatical errors.
3  There is an error sometimes but does not
2 affect the meaning.
1  Often use grammatical eerrors in
 Use the wrong sentences structure and
Vocabulary 4  Using appropriate vocabulary an
3 expressions.
2  Use inappropriate word sometimes that is
needed to be explained more.
1  Use inappropriate words frequently.
 Vocabulary which is used is so limited
and often repeats he same words.
Fluency 4  Speak very fluency.
3  Slightly disturbed by the language
2 problems.
1  Often hesitated and stalled because of
lack of vocabulary.
 Stop speaking for a long time to think of
Theresa (2011). Tool and Technique for classroom Assessment

The test was conducted twice; before and after applying problem based

learning in teaching speaking. Information about the tests is explained in detail as

in the following.

a). Pre-test

Pre-test is used in the first meeting to measure the ability of

students before given the treatment. The researcher asked t he students

to speak free topics in front of the class for two minute. The researcher

recorded the video of what they were talking during the presentation. This

record was used to analyze the ability of students speaking skill interm of

pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and fluency.

b). Post-test

Post-test was used to find out the improvement of students

speaking after given the treatment. The researcher also asked the students

to speak about “specific topics” and they had to prepare in their group and

practice the conversation in front the class. The researcher did the same

steps as in the pre-test. The recording of students‟ presentation was

analyzed to find whether or not there was the improvement after given the


2. Experimental Teaching

During the study, the researcher conducted an experimental teaching in the

second grade students of SMP N 1 Timang Gajah. The researcher used problem

based learning (PBL) as a model in teaching speaking of experimental class. The

researcher used PBL to know the progress of students‟ achievement in speaking

skills. Each meeting took 1 hour and 40 minutes and the students have taught step

by step through several techniques, including simulation and role play. The

researcher provided opportunities to the students to understand learning before

starting the teaching and learning process. The following are the details of each

meeting in experimental teaching:

1. First Meeting

In the first meeting, the researcher introduced herself as well as told the

students about the purpose of her presence. Then, the researcher explained what is

the PBL model and how its role of model in the learning process. Then, the

researcher did the pre-test to measure the ability of students before giving the

treatment. The researcher asked the students to speak about free topics in front

of the class for two minutes. The researcher recorded the video of what they were

talking during the presentation. The recording was used to analyze the ability of

students speaking skill interm of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and fluency.

2. Second Meeting

At this meeting, the researcher started to apply PBL as a model in teaching

the greeting card by using some techniques such as simulation and role play. The

first, the researcher showed the picture and the short video about greeting card, the

researcher attracted students by asking some questions such as, “Have you ever

seen this card?”, “What do you think about this card?”. This process was a kind

of simulations aimed to activate students‟ background knowledge as the main

purpose of PBL model. The second, the researcher explained more about the

types, generic structure and functions of text greeting card. Then, the researcher

divided students into some groups that consit of 4 or 5 students. The researcher

tried to provide students some problem such as giving a short story about football

championship, and ask the students to solve the problem from the story and to

make some expression based on the story. The last, the students would present

some expression that they had created based on story in their groups. This process

was kind of role play aimed to give the opportunity to students to improve

students‟ speaking skill as the main purpose of PBL model.

3. Third Meeting

At this meeting, before starting the learning process, the researcher gave

the simulation like showing the short video about conversation related to the

materi of greeting card. The researcher asked some questions to the students such

as “what this video talking about?”, “can you mention the expression about

congratulation?”. After giving the simulations, the researcher asked the students to

write some vocabularies related to the expression in greeting card.

In addition, the researher divided students into some groups and provided

a short text about greeting card and each group has different occasion as the

problem for students to work in group and discuss what is the card talking about,

they shared the information that they got in the learning process related to the

type, generic structure, and function of greetng card. The researcher gave the

opportunity to the groups to explain what they have discussed and share the

information to other groups, then the other groups gave some comments and

opinions to the groups that were presenting in front of the class.

4. Fourt Meeting

The last meeting, before starting the class, the researcher asked students to

mention some vocabularies related to the expression of greeting card. The


researcher showed some pictures of greeting card with some expression. The

researcher divided students into some groups and provided the different pictures

to each group. The researcher gave some instructions before the students worked

in groups. The researcher asked students to guess the appropriate topic based on

the picture and students should make a short greeting card and short conversation

by using an approriate expressions. The researcher managed the class and group

during the discussion process. The students and their groups took 25 minutes to

complete their work.

The groups that would present their projects in front of the class should

put their greeting cards on the board. Every member must take a part in

presenting their project. Each group has a total time about 10 minutes to present

the project related to the topic and function of greeting card. Then, the researcher

gave the post-test to each member in 2 minutes to talk and take a role in the

conversation. The researcher did the same steps as in the pre-test and record the

students‟ presentation by using the rubric to analyzed a n d to find the

improvement students‟ speaking skills after getting the treatment.

3. Questionnaire

Questionnaire had the list of questions needed to be filled out by the

respondents. The role of this technique was to obtain the data of the respondents

of the research. The aim of the questionnaire in this study was to find out the

student‟s perception about applying PBL to improve their speaking skill.

The form of the questionnaire was close – ended questionnaire comprising

the alternative answers prepared to be chosen by the respondents. The


questionnaire consisted of 10 questions related to the perception about PBL in

learning process.

E. Techniques for Data Analysis

In analyzing the collected data, the writer used basic statistics formula.

1. Analysis of Test Result

In order to analyze the result of the test, the researcher used statistics

formula to find out the range of the data, the interval class, frequency

distribution, and the mean of the score. To avoid misunderstanding of the

definition terms, the writer explained them one by one.

a. The range of the data

Range is the difference between the highest and lowest scores. Sudjana

(2008) explains that the range of pre-test and post-test score can be

determined by using the formula below:



R : the range of the score

H : the higher score

L : the lowest score

b. The number of Interval class

The number of interval class can be determined by using the following


I = 1+3.33 log n (total sample)



I : the amount of interval class

n : the amount of sample

c. Frequency distributions.

The frequency disrtibution is shows below:

No Score fi xi fixi


Fi : Frequency

Xi : Median of score interval class

Fi xi : Frequency and multiply by median scores of interval class.

d. The mean of the score

Mean is the average score of the student. Mean is calculated by

using the following formula:

In which:

X : mean

∑fixi : the total result of multiplying between midpoint and the


∑fi : frequency

By using the mean score of the pre-test and the post-test, the researcher

could compare the score of the students before and after problem based learning


2. Analysis of Hypotheses

In examining hypothesis, the researcher used t- test as used to determine any

significant difference in the students‟ scores (Sudijono, 2011). The alternative

hypothesis (Ha) and null hypothesis (H0) were determined as follows:

a. If t-test is higher then t-table, it means Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected

b. If t-test is lower then t-table, it means Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected

In order to analyze the hypotheses, the researcher used statistical formula

by (Sudijono, 2011). The function was to find out the standard deviation, the mean

of score, the standard eror of mean difference, t- score and the degree of freedom.

To avoid misunderstanding of the term definition, the writer explained them one

by one.

a. The difference score between pre-test and post-test

The difference score between pre-test and post-test is shown below:

NO Students‟ Pre-test Post-test (x-y) (x-y)2

(D) (D)2

In which:

D : difference score

N : total sample

b. The standard deviation

The standard deviation is to find out the difference between of two

variables, X and Y. The standard deviation is calculated using the following


SD = √ ( )2

In which :

SD : standard deviation difference

∑D : Total of difference score

N : total sample

c. The mean of difference

Mean is utilized to find out the average of the whole sample. In order to

know the mean of difference, the researcher used formula

MD =

In which:

MD: mean difference

∑D : Total of difference score

N : total sample

d. The standard error of the mean difference (SEMD)

To calculate the standard error of the mean difference (SEMD) between two

variables: X and Y. Use the following formula:


In which :

SEMD: standard error of the mean difference

: standard deviation difference

N : total sample

e. T-score

The researcher used t–score to find out whether pre-test and post-test have

a significant difference. To find score of t-test can be calculated by using



In which :

to : “t” test

MD : Mean of Difference

SEMD : Standard Deviation of mean Difference

f. The degree of freedom

The degree of freedom is used to determine the probability of difference

between both test, pre-test and post-test. The degree of freedom can be calculated

by using the following formula:

df = N-k

In which:

N: total sample

k: variable

3. Questionnaire

The questionnaire was analyzed in chapter four, consisting of 10

questions. The acquired data of the questionnaire were also analyzed statically by

counting the percentage of the students‟ answer in each item of the questionnaire.

To count the percentage of the answer chosen by the participants, the researcher

refered to the statistical formula by Sudjana (2008), as follows:


P : Percentage

F : Frequency of respondents

N : Number of sample

100% : Constant value



A. Findings of the Research

In this chapter, the researcher discussed about the finding of the research

related to the implementation of problem based learning model in improving

students‟ speaking skill that was done at SMP N 1 Timang Gajah. The discussion

includes the result of tests, examining hypothesis, and questionnaire.

1. Results of the Tests

The test was given to the students in order to measure the students‟

improvement in speaking skill before and after treatment. The data obtained from

both pre-test and post-test were statistically calculated in order to identify the

mean of the scores and the reliability of the tests, and to analyze whether there

was a significant difference between pre-test and post-test.

The first step of calculating the data was tabulating the results of both pre-

test and post-test as described in the following table:


Table 4.1. The Result of Pre-test and Post-test

No. Student‟s Initial Pre-test Score Post-test
1 AG 25 31
2 AB 25 31
3 AH 31 50
4 AA 31 45
5 HR 45 56
6 IN 69 88
7 HJ 31 50
8 LS 45 56
9 QB 56 81
10 RH 45 50
11 RM 31 56
12 RA 38 50
13 RT 38 50
14 RR 25 38
15 ST 31 38
16 SR 25 31
17 SD 38 45
18 US 50 75
19 YS 50 75

Based on the table presented above, it can be seen that the highest score for

the pre-test was 69 and the lowest one was 25. Meanwhile, the highest score for

post-test was 88 and the lowest one was 31. Following the further statistical

analysis of each test result: pre-test and post –test.

a. Result of Pre-Test

The raw scores of pre-test are shown below, starting from the lowest to the

highest score:

25, 31, 38, 45, 50, 56, 69.

The range of pre-test scores presented above is 44 (69-25) and the number

of interval class was 5.


Based on the calculated data, the frequency distribution of pre-test can be

formulated as follows:

Table 4.2. The Frequency Distribution of Students‟ Pre-test Score

No. Students‟ Score Fi Xi Fi.Xi

1. 25 – 33 9 29 261
2. 34 – 42 3 38 304
3. 43 – 51 5 47 235
4. 52 – 60 1 56 56
5. 61 – 69 1 65 65
Total: N= 19 235 921

The mean score from the pre-test was 49, as shown below:

X =

X = (taken = 49)

b. Result of Post-Test

The raw scores of post-test were: from low to high scores

31, 38, 45, 50, 56, 75, 81, 88.

The range of post-test was 57 (88-31) and the number of interval was 5.

Based on the calculated data, the frequency distribution of post-test can be

formulated as follows:

Table 4.3. The Frequency Distribution of Students‟ Post-test Score

No. Students‟ Score Fi Xi Fi.Xi

1. 31 – 40 5 51 255
2. 41 – 52 7 67 469
3. 53 – 64 3 85 255
4. 65 – 76 2 103 206
5. 77 – 88 2 121 242
Total: N= 19 427 1.427

The mean of post-test scores was 75, as shown below:


X= ( )

From above results, it can be seen that the mean score of pre-test was 49,

while that of post-test score was 75.

2. Examining Hypotheses

In examining hypothesis, t-test was used to determine any significant

difference in the students‟ scores (Sudjono, 1994). The alternative hypothesis

(Ha) and null hypothesis (Ho) were determined follows:

a. If t-test is higher then t-table, it means Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected

b. If t-test is lower then t-table, it means Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected

The pre-test and post-test scores are described in table below:


Table 4.4. Students‟ Pre-test and Post-test Score

(D) (D)2
1 AG 25 31 6 36
2 AB 25 31 6 36
3 AH 31 50 19 361
4 AA 31 45 14 196
5 HR 45 56 11 121
6 IN 69 88 19 361
7 HJ 31 50 19 361
8 LS 45 56 11 121
9 QB 56 81 25 625
10 RH 45 50 5 25
11 RM 31 56 25 625
12 RA 38 50 12 144
13 RT 38 50 12 144
14 RR 25 38 13 169
15 ST 31 38 7 49
16 SR 25 31 6 36
17 SD 38 45 10 100
18 US 50 75 25 625
19 YS 50 75 25 625
N = 19 - - ∑D= ∑D2=
270 4.760

After finding the difference score, the standard deviation of two variables, X

and Y was calculated as in the following:

SD = √ ( )2

SD = √

SD = √

SD = 6.69

Then the mean of difference (MD) was calculated and found as 14.21 while

standard error of the mean difference (SEMD) between two variables, X and Y

was 1.64. After that, to find the score of t-test can calculated in the following:

to= = = 8.66

The next is degree of freedom was 17. Using the following formula:

df = 19-2 = 17

To examine the hyphotheses, the scores from t-test and t-table were

compered. The t-table at the df=17 in the level of 5% was 1.73. Therefore, it can

be viewed to>tt (8.66>1.73). It can be concluded that the score of ttable in

significant level of 5%, where 8,66 > 1,73. (Ha) was accepted and (H0) was

rejected. It can also be infered that there was a significant difference between pre-

test and post-test scores after the treatment. On the other words, the problem based

learning model can improve the students‟ speaking skill at SMP N 1 Timang


3. The Result of Questionnaire

A set of questionnaire consisted of 10 questions, divided into three parts.

The parts included the students‟ interest in learning English, the method in

teaching, and the students‟ opinion in the use of PBL model in classroom. The

questionnaire was given at the fourth meeting after the researcher completed the

treatment. The questionnaire results can be seen in the following tables:


Table: 4.5. English Lesson is One of Favorite Lessons

Option Frequency Percentage

Yes 7 36. 84 %
Sometimes 12 63.15%
No 0 0%
Other 0 0%
Total 19 100%

The table shows that 36.84 % of students have had appreciation in learning

English. However, 63.15% of them said that their desire in learning English

depended on the condition. While, there was no students who did not like

English. It can be concluded that most of students were interested in learning

English although it can be depended on some condition.

Table: 4.6. Student Interested in Speak in English

Option Frequency Percentage

Yes 10 52.63%
Sometime 7 36.84%
No 2 10.52%
Other 0 0%
Total 19 100%

The table above illustrates that there were 10.52% of students who had no

interest in speaking English. However, almost half of students were interested in

speaking English. Based on these results, the researcher concluded that most

students have had a high interest in speaking English.

Table: 4.7. Student Difficulties in Speaking English.

Option Frequency Percentage

Material are difficult 8 36.84%
Lack of facilities 5 5.26%
Lack of motivation 7 21.05%
Other 0 0%
Total 19 100%

The table mentions that 36.84% of the students felt that the materials were

difficult, 5.26% of them said that the difficulties in their speaking was caused by

the lack of facilities. On the other hand, 21.05% of them said that the difficulties

was become of the lack of motivation. It can be concluded that students

difficulties in speaking is caused by the leck of facilities.

Table. 4.8. The Student Opinion about English Materials That were Given
by Teacher.

Option Frequency Percentage

Very easy 8 42.10%
Not really 9 47.36%
Very difficult 2 10.52%
Other 0 0%
Total 19 100%

The table indicates that there were 42.10% of the students said that the

teacher gave them easy materials. However, there were 47.36 % of the students

stated that sometimes the teachers gave them easy but sometime their teacher

gave them the difficult materials. It can be concluded that the materials would

influence of students‟ interested toward English lesson.

Table. 4.9. The Teacher Give Methods and Models in Learning Speaking.

Option Frequency Percentage

Yes 11 52.63%
Not really 8 36.84%
No 0 0%
Other 0 0%
Total 19 100%

The table mentions that 52.63% of the students agreed that the teacher

gave many methods and models in helping them to improve speaking skill.

Nevertheless, 36.84% of the students not really sure their teacher used method

and model in teaching. Moreover, 10.52% of students said that their teacher did

not gave them the methods and models in teaching.

Table: 4.10. The Technique Used by Teacher Make Students Easy to Learn

Option Frequency Percentage

Yes 16 84.21%
Not really 3 15.78%
No 0 0%
Other 0 0%
Total 19 100%

Table 4.10 shows that almost all of students agreed that the technique

used by the teacher made them easier in speaking English. However, only a few

of them felt that the teacher‟s technique was not helpful.

Table: 4.11. PBL Model Can Improve Speaking Ability

Option Frequency Percentage

Yes 17 89.47%
Not really 2 10.52%
Not 0 10.52%
Other 0 0%
Total 19 100%

The table above indicates that the majority of the students had positive

response on PBL model. Whereas only a few students did not agree the PBL

model could improve them in speaking ability.


Table: 4.12. Advantages of Learning Speaking by Using Problem Based

Learning Model

Option Frequency Percentage

Materials are useful 8 42.10%
Increasing material 11 57.89%
No advantage 0 0%
Other 0 0%
Total 19 100%

Based on the table above showns that 42.10% of the students agreed that

the use of PBL model the teacher offered good materials in learning. Whereas,

57.89% students stated that the model interested and excited to learn speaking.

Table: 4.13. PBL Model Can Help Expressing Idea of Speaking

Option Frequency Percentage

Yes 16 84.21%
Not really 2 10.52%
Not 0 0
Other 0 0%
Total 19 100%

In table above, the majority of students felt that PBL model helps them to

express their ideas in speaking. However, there were 10.52% students who did

not felt the same way. It can be concluded that PBL model is helpful enough in

enhancing speaking skill.

Table: 4.14. PBL Model Can Motivate Students in Speaking English.

Option Frequency Percentage

Yes 16 89.47%
Less 2 10.52%
Not 0 0%
Other 0 0%
Total 19 100%

Based on the table above, it almost all of students agreed that the PBL

could motivate them to speak English, whereas, only 10.52% of them stated that

the PBL could not influence them to speak in English. In conclusion, PBL can

be a useful model to help motivate students in speaking English.

B. Discussion

The first research question concerned on whether the PBL could improve

the students‟ speaking skill. Findings of this study showed that the t-test

indicated that there was a significant difference between the score of pre-test

and post-test. Therefore, PBL could improve the students‟ speaking skill.

According to Mufaidah (2014) PBL could increase the students speaking skill,

students‟ activeness, student motivation, and vocabulary. In addition, the PBL

activities provided more knowledge about English in learning process. The

activities of PBL also more effective in improving students in the science and

technology and more positive developments in teaching (Inel and Balim, 2015).

In PBL the students can learn speaking by using some activities related to

the real-world problem. The problem was provided by teacher with specific topic

and gave several instructions. The students worked in groups and had opportunity

to discuss and explain how to solve the problems. They also discussed an

unfamiliar vocabulary, gave comments to each other, practiced conversation, and

created some projects based on the problems given by the teacher. They tried to

present the presentation in front of the class, and the teacher focused and

controled their speaking by using the rubric which consisted of four items, such

as pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and fluency.


The second research question was about the students‟ responses about

PBL in improving their speaking skill. The finding showed that the students

agreed that PBL had adventages in learning English, and they also agreed that

PBL could improve their speaking ability. Futher, the students also felt that PBL

could help them to express their ideas in speaking and they also motivate them in

highly learning English.

From the explanation above, it could be considered that most of the second

year students of SMP N 1 Timang Gajah have improved their speaking skill after

the application of using problem based learning model. The researcher concluded

that problem based learning could enhance the students‟ achievements in

speaking English, the students were more curious, happy and interesting in

teaching and learning speaking.



A. Conclusions

The study concluded that teaching speaking by using problem based

learning model could improve the students‟ speaking skills. It was showed clearly

in the students tests score, where the mean score of post-test was higher than pre-

test 75.10 and 48.87, respectively. In addition, in the hypotheses testing the H0

was rejected and Ha was accepted. In terms of student responses, the students felt

some adventages of PBL in learning English and PBL could motivate them to

increse their speaking skills.

B. Suggestions

From previous discussion, it was suggested that the teacher should apply a

variety of methods and models in teaching English speaking to attract the

students‟ interest, creat an interesting learning process, and improve the students‟

competence. The researcher also recommends the teacher apply problem based

learning model as a model in teaching, especially in developing students speaking

skills. The problem based learning can assist students to develop their critical

thinking skills, problem solving abilities, and communication skills. Futher, this

research is hoped to be a guideline for the next researchers in conducting research

related to speaking and PBL model.


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Name : Yuni Mahtawarmi

Student Number : 140203134

Place/Date of Birth : Reronga, 28 Juni 1996

Gender : Female

Religion : Islam

Status : Single

Occupation : Student

Nationality : Indonesia

Address : Jl. Rukoh Utama, Lr. Banna No. 44 B, Kec. Syiah

Kuala, Banda Aceh.

Email : [email protected]

Phone Number : 0812 5228 6148


Name of Father : Sabcud

Name of Mother : Sistiarti

Father‟s Occupation : Enterpreneur

Mother‟s Occupation : Civil Servant

Address : Desa Reronga, Kec. Gajah Putih, Bener Meriah


Elementary : SD N 1 Timang Gajah (2002-2008)

Junior High School : SMP N 1 Timang Gajah (2008-2011)

Senior High School : SMA N 1 Timang Gajah (2011-2014)

University : UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh (2014-2019)

Banda Aceh, December 2nd, 2018

The writer

Yuni Mahtawarmi


Sekolah : SMPN 1 Timang Gajah

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII / 2

Materi Pokok : Greeting Card

Alokasi Waktu : 8 x 40 menit

A. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya
2. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,
peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi
secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan
pergaulan dan keberadaannya.
3. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan
rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya
terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.
4. Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,
mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak
(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai
dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut
B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator
Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
3.5 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, 3.5.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi
struktur teks, dan unsur sosial dari teks khusus
kebahasaan beberapa teks dalam bentuk greeting card
khusus dalam bentuk greeting dengan memberi dan
card, dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
meminta informasi terkait dengan hari-hari spesial,
dengan hari-hari spesial, sesuai sesuai dengan konteks
dengan konteks penggunaannya
penggunaannya 3.5.2 Membedakan struktur teks
dari teks khusus dalam
bentuk greeting card
dengan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait
dengan hari-hari spesial,
sesuai dengan konteks
3.5.3 Mengidentifikasi unsur
kebahasaan dari teks khusus
dalam bentuk greeting card
dengan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait
dengan hari-hari spesial,
sesuai dengan konteks
4.5 Menyusun teks khusus dalam 4.5.1 Menangkap makna teks
bentuk greeting card, sangat khusus dalam bentuk
pendek dan sederhana, terkait greeting card, sangat
hari-hari spesial dengan pendek dan sederhana,
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, terkait hari-hari spesial
struktur teks, dan unsur dengan memperhatikan
kebahasaan, secara benar dan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
sesuai konteks dan unsur kebahasaan,
secara benar dan sesuai
4.5.2 Menyusun teks tulis teks
khusus dalam bentuk
greeting card, sangat
pendek dan sederhana,
terkait hari-hari spesial
dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan,
secara benar dan sesuai
D. Materi Pembelajaran

Fungsi sosial
- Tindakan dilaksanakan sesuai yang diharapkan.

Struktur text
- Receiver
- Body
- Sender

Unsur kebahasaan
- Nominal singular and plural (a, the, this, those, my, their)

- Pronounciation and intonation

- The word related to congratulete (happy birthday, happy teacher day,
happy motherday, etc).

Pendekatan : Scientific Approach

Langkah Pembelajaran :Mengamati, Menanyakan, Mengumpulkan

Informasi,Mengasosiakan, Mengkomunikasi

Model : Probelem Based Learning

Teknik : Group Discussion

F. Tujuan Pembelajaran

 Di akhir pembelajaran, siswa mampu berbicara dengan lancar,

menggunakan kosa kata yang benar dan pengucapan yang jelas.
G. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

1. Pertemuan Ke- 1

a. Pendahuluan Kegiatan Awal (5 menit)

 Melakukan kegiatan dengan salam pembuka, berdoa, dan absensi

 Memberi apersepsi/memotivasi siswa dalam memulai
pembelajaran dengan mengajukan pertanyaan kepada peserta didik
tentang materi yang akan dipelajari
 Memperkenalkan diri dan menjelaskan model pembelajaran PBL

b. Inti (70 menit)

Guru Belajar Siswa Kete

Mengamati a. Memperkenalkan a. Memperhatikan dan

kepada siswa bagaiman mendengarkan
dan apa PBL itu sendiri penjelasan guru

b. Guru meminta b. Siswa mengamati kartu

tanggapan siswa yang ditunjukan oleh
mengenai sebuah kartu guru.
ucapan selamat ulang
tahun, contoh: c. Siswa mengutarakan
hasil pemikiran masing-
- Do you ever see this

- What dou think about

this card?

c. Guru meminta siswa

untuk mengutarakan
hasil pemikiran masing-

Menanya a. Mendorong siswa a. Siswa mengajukan

mengembangkan pertanyaan terkait meteri
c. Guru menjelaskan
pertanyaan terkait materi yang akan dipelajari
fungsi sosial dan
yang akan dipelajari
struktur teks yag ada
pada teks singkat
(greting card)
Mengump a. Menugaskan siswa untuk a. Mencari dan menyiapkan
ulkan berfikir tentang apa yang sebuah cerita yang akan di
Informasi ingin di ceritakan di ceritakan didepan kelas.
depan kelas selama
semenit atau dua menit,
(free topic)

Mengasos a. Mengamati dan a. Mempersiapkan yang

iasikan memfasilitasi saat siswa terbaik ketika saat
menceritakan didepan menceritakan didepan
kelas (pretest) kelas
Mengkom a. Guru pemfasilitasi peserta a. Siswa mendengarkan
unikasikan didik dalam menemukan tentang apa saja untuk
kesimpulan dari terus meningkatkan
pembelajaran yang telah kemampuan mereka.

c. Penutup (5 menit)

 Guru menanyakan pendapat siswa mengenai perasaan mereka selama

proses pembelajaran berlangsung
 Guru memberikan penugasan berupa meminta siswa menghafalkan
vocabulay yang banyak di temukan dalam teks greeting card
 Guru mengucapkan salam
2. Pertemuan ke 2
a. Pendahuluan (5 menit)

 Salam dan tegur sapa, berdoa.

 Guru melakukan apersepsi dengan membahas hasil pre-test
dipertemuan pertama.
 Guru meminta siswa menyebutkan vocabulary yang telah
 Guru menyampaikan materi pembelajaran selanjutnya (review).

b. Inti (70 menit)

Kegiatan Belajar
Langkah Guru Siswa Ketera
Mengamati a. Guru memperlihatkan a. Siswa n
sebuah contoh teks memperhatikan
greeting card, tentang contoh teks
ucapan selamat greeting card
b. Guru meminta siswa yang ditunjukan
memperhatikan unsur oleh guru.
kebahasaan yang ada b. Siswa
pada teks greeting card memperhatikan
c. Guru menampilkan unsur kebagasaan
sebuah vidio tentang yang terdapat pada
cara membuat ucapan teks.
selamat dalam bentuk c. Siswa
greeting card memperhatikan vidio
yang ditampilkan
oleh guru.

Menanya a. Guru mendorong a. Siswa mengajukan

siswa pertanyaan terkait
mengembangkan meteri yang akan
pertanyaan terkait dipelajari
masalah yang belum
diketahui pada teks
greeting card
Mengump a. Guru membagi siswa a. Siswa duduk dalam
ulkan kedalam beberapa kelompoknya
Informasi kelompok masing-masing
b. Guru memberi b. Siswa bersama
masalah dengan kelompok
membagikan sebuah membaca ilustrasi
teks singkat tetang cerita yang ada
ilustrasi sebuah pada teks.
cerita. c. Siswa bersama
c. Guru meminta siswa kelompok
menemukan masalah mencoba
yang terdapat pada mendiskusikan
teks. masalah yang
terdapat pada teks.

Mengasosiasi a. Guru meminta siswa a. Siswa bersama

kan membuat ungkapan kelompok mencoba
membuat ungkapan
selamat sesuai dengan sesuai dengan cerita
ilustrasi yang ada pada ilustrasi yang ada
teks pada teks.

b. Guru mengamati dan b. Siswa bersama

memfasilitasi saat siswa kelompok berdiskusi
bekerja di dalam dalam membuat
kelompok ungkapan sesuai
dengan cerita ilustrasi
yang ada pada teks.
a. Guru meminta a. Siswa bersama
masing-masing kelompok membacakan
Mengkomun kelompok ilustrasi cerita.
ikasi membacakan cerita b. Siswa mengungkapkan
kan sesuai dengan ungkapan selamat
didapatkan oleh sesuai dengan ilustrasi
masing-masing yang telash didapat.
kelompok. c. Siswa mencoba
b. Guru meminta siswa menyampaikan
mengungkapkan persentasi sesui dengan
ungkapan yang telah konteks.
mereka buat
c. Guru pemfasilitasi
siswa saat dalam

c. Penutup (10 menit)

 Guru menanyakan pendapat siswa mengenai perasaan
mereka selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung

 Guru mengajak peserta didik merangkum materi yang

sudah mereka pelajari

 Guru memberikan penguatan dan umpan balik positif

kepada peserta didik
 Guru mengucapkan salam
3. Pertemuan 3
a. Pendahuluan Kegiatan Awal (5 menit)

 Melakukan kegiatan dengan salam pembuka, berdoa, dan absensi

 Memberi apersepsi/memotivasi siswa dalam memulai pembelajaran
dengan mengajukan pertanyaan kepada peserta didik tentang materi yang
akan dipelajari
 Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

b. Inti (70 menit)

Guru Belajar Siswa Kete
Mengamati a. Guru menampilakn vidio a. Siswa mencoba mencari
percakapan tentang cara contoh pemberitahuan
memberi dan merespon berupa gambar/simbol
ungkapan selamat dalam yang di lingkungan
greeting card sekolah

b. Guru meminta siswa b. Siswa menyebutkan cara

mengamati cara memberi memberi ungkapan
ungkapan selamat dan selamat dan cara
cara meresponnya dari meresponnya dari vidio
vidio yang telah yang telah ditampilkan
d. Siswa menuliskan
c. Guru meminta siswa ungkapan yang didapat
menulis ungkapan yang kedalam buku tulis.
didapat kedalam buku
Menanya a. Guru memotivasi siswa a. Siswa mengajukan
menanyakan kosa kata pertanyaan terkait kosa
yang sulit dipahami dari kata yang sulit dipahami
vidio yang telah
Mengump a. Guru membagi siswa a. Siswa duduk dalam
ulkan kedalam beberapa kelompok yag telah
Informasi kelompok dibentuk
b. Guru meminta siswa
bertukar informasi terkait b. Siswa bersama kelompok
materi yang telah saling bertukar informasi
dipelajari dalam greeting mengenai materi yang
card telah dipelajari dalam
c. Guru memberikan greeting card
permasalahan dengan c. Siswa mencoba
memberi contoh teks mendiskusikan contoh
greeting card pada teks greeting card yang
masing-masing telah diberikan oleh
kelompok. guru.

Mengasos a. Guru meminta siswa a. Siswa mulai mecari

iasikan menjelaskan (fungsi (fungsi sosial dan
sosial dan structur teks) structur teks) yang
yang terdapat pada terdapat pada contoh.
b. Guru mengamati dan b. Siswa bekerja sama dan
memfasilitasi saat siswa mempersiapkan diri
bekerja di dalam
Mengkom a. Guru meminta masing- a. Siswa membaca dan
unikasikan masing kelompok untuk mencoba mendiskusikan
menjelaskan hasil yang bersama (topik, lokasi,
telah mereka temukan informasi, dan tujuan)
yang telah ditentukan
c. Guru meminta siswa
menyebutkan (fungsi b. Siswa menyebutkan
sosial dan structur teks) menjelaskan (fungsi
yang terdapat pada sosial dan structur teks)
contoh yang telah mereka yang terdapat pada
temukan. contoh
c. Siswa menyampaikan
b. Pendidik memfasilitasi pendapat dengan
siswa pada saat presentasi memperhatikan(fungsi
dengan sosial dan struktur teks
memperhatikan(fungsi yang sesuai dengan
sosial dan struktur teks konteks.
yang sesuai dengan
c. Penutup (5 menit)

 Guru menanyakan pendapat siswa mengenai perasaan mereka

selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung
 Guru mengajak peserta didik merangkum materi yang sudah
mereka pelajari
 Guru memberikan penguatan dan umpan balik positif kepada
peserta didik
 Guru mengucapkan salam

4. Pertemuan ke 4

a. Pendahuluan Kegiatan Awal (5 menit)

 Melakukan kegiatan dengan salam pembuka, berdoa, dan absensi

 Menanyakan kepada siswa mengenai materi yang telah dipelajari
 Memberi apersepsi/memotivasi siswa dalam memulai
pembelajaran dengan mengajukan pertanyaan kepada peserta didik
tentang materi yang akan dipelajari
 Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran
b. Inti (70 menit)

Guru Belajar Siswa Kete
Langkah rang
Mengamati a. Guru memperlihatkan a. Siswa memperhatikan
contoh teks greeting beberapa contoh teks
card dengan bermacam greeting card yang
ekpresi ditunjukan oleh guru
b. Guru meminta siswa
menebak contoh teks b. Siswa mulai menebak
greeting card sesuai contoh teks greeting
dengan expresi card sesuai dengan
masing-masing expresi yang terdapat
c. Guru meminta siswa pada teks
menyebutkan struktur
teks yang sesuai c. Siswa mulai
dengan teks menyebutkan struktur
teks yang terdapat
pada contoh teks
greeting card.
Menanya a. Mendorong siswa a. Siswa
mengembangkan mengembangkan
pertanyaan terkait materi pertanyaan terkait
yang sedang dipelajari materi yang sedang
Mengump a. Guru meminta siswa a. Siswa duduk dalam
ulkan duduk pada kelompok kelompok yag telah
Informasi yang telah dibentuk dibentuk
b. Guru memberi sebuah b. Siswa bersama kelompok
permasalah dengan mulai mendiskusikan
membagi sebuah gambar terkait gamba yang telah
pada masing-masing diberikan oleh guru.
kelompok. c. Siswa mulai membuat
c. Guru meminta siswa contoh teks greeting card
membuat sebuah teks yang sesuai dengan
greeting card dan gambar
percakapan singkat yang
sesuai dengan gambar
Mengasos a. Guru meminta siswa a. Siswa bekerja sama
iasikan mempresentaskannya untuk
didepan kelas mempresentasikannya
b. Guru mengamati dan didepan kelas
memfasilitasi saat siswa b. Dengan arahan guru
bekerja di dalam siswa bekerja sesuai
kelompok kelompoknya masing-
d. Guru meminta siswa masing
menempelkan hasil yang c. Siswa menempelkan
telah mereka kerjakan di hasil yang telah mereka
depan kelas kerjakan didepan kelas.
Mengkom a. Guru meminta masing- a. Siswa bersama
unikasikan masing kelompok untuk kelompok hasil yang
menjelaskan hasil yang telah mereka kerjakan
telah mereka kerjakan terkait (fungsi sosial da
terkait (fungsi sosial da structur teks)
structur teks) sebagai b. Siswa secara mandiri
(post test ) memberikan komentar
b. Guru meminta masing- atas hasil yang telah
masing siswa untuk dibuat oleh kelompok
memberi komentar lain
tehadap hasil yang telah c. Siswa menyampaikan
dikerjakan oleh pendapat atau
kelompok lain kesimpulan
sebagai(post test) berdasarkan
pembelajaran yang
c. Pendidik memfasilitasi telah dipelajari
siswa menemukan
kesimpulan dari
pembelajaran yang telah

c. Penutup (5 menit)

 Guru menanyakan pendapat siswa mengenai perasaan

mereka selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung
 Guru membagikan questionnaire kepada siswa untuk
melihat respon mereka mengenai model pembelajaran
 Guru memberikan ucapan terima kasih atas kerja samanya
kepada siswa
 Guru mengucapkan salam
Penilaian, Pembelajaran
1. Tekhnik Penilaian
Penilaian Sikap:
1. Penilaian diri dan penilaian teman
2. Menggunakan daftar cek atau skala penilaian (rating scale) yang disertai
Penilaian Keterampilan:
1. Praktik,
2. Produk (proyek)
3. Portofolio
PenilaianPengetahuan (classroom axercises and homework)
1. Lisan/tulisan
2. Penugasan
2. Instrumen Penilaian
Instrumen Penilaian Sikap

Sikap yang di amati Skor

No Keterangan
yang dinilai 4 3 2 1

Serius dalam menerima


Bertanggung jawab dan teliti

dalam menjalankan tugas

Santun terhadap guru


4 Menghargai teman

Aktif berperan serta dalam

proses PBM

Kreteria :
4 : sangat baik 2 : cukup
3 : baik 1 : kurang
Instrumen Penilaian Keterampilan

Keterampilan yang Skor

No diamati Keterangan
4 3 2 1
dan dinilai

1. Aspek proses

 Mengamati media dan


 Mengajukan

2. Aspek Konkret

 Membuat

 Merangkai

 Mempresentasikan

4 : Terlibat aktif dari awal sampai akhir pembelajaran
3 : Terlibat aktif hanya pada bagian-bagian tertentu
2 : Terlibat namun pasif
1 : Tidak terlibat bahkan mengganggu PBM
The Scoring Rubric for Speaking

Level Score Indicators

PRONOUNCIATION 4 The pronunciation is very clear and easily
3 Easily understod the word despite the
influence of mother tongue can be detected
2 The pronunciation is not really clear, but it
can be understood by the listener.
1 The pronunciation is not clear.
GRAMMAR 4 Little or no grammatical errors.
3 There is an error sometimes but does not
affect the meaning.
2 Often use grammetical errors in speaking.
1 Use the wrong sentences structureand

VOCABULARY 4 Using appropriate vocabulary an

3 expressions.
Use inappropriate word sometimes that is
2 needed to be explained more.
1 Use inappropriate words frequently.
Vocabulary which is used is so limited and
often repeats he same words.
FLUENCY 4 Speak very fluency.
3 Slightly disturbed by the language problem
2 Often hesitated and stalled because of lack
of vocabulary.
1 Stop speaking for a long time to think of

Score guide :


Materi Pembelajaran

Show the materi by using PPT


 Greeting card is an illustrated piece of card or high quality paper

featuring an expression of friendship or other sentiment.

Kartu ucapan merupakan bagian ilustrasi dari kartu atau kertas berkualitas tinggi
yang menampilkan ekspresi


 To congratulate

 To wish

 To show sympathy for someone


 Receiver: write down the name of reciver

 Body : consist of interesting words added by substance as the


a. Quote: the word related to the activity

b. Picture: creat with interesting picture

c. Expression: congratulate or simpathy expression


 Sender : write down the name of sender

 Happy birthday

 Happy feast day

 Happy New Year

 Happy anniversary

 Happy Lebaran‟s Day

 Congratulation to you

 Congratulation on your married

 Congratulation on your promotion

 I am happy to hear you success



Class : 2nd jeniour high School

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Topic : Greeting card

Allocation Time : 15 minutes

Mamber of Group: 1.




Read the story and creat some expressions about congratulation. !!!

My name is Andi, I love football very much. It was my most loved

extracurricular movement. In this action, I figured out how to play football well. I
used to practice customary play football with my friends each Friday after school.
My teacher was furious and discipline. We needed to go ahead time. We
generally honed truly in light of the fact that we would join Football Competition
the accompanying months. We would demonstrate our best in that rival. At that
point, the day came. The audiences were so eager to see us.

Our teacher said that we had performed exceptionally well. He said that
He would gave a little assessment in our everyday rehearse. After an hour, the
judges declared the victor. With grin and little cry, we came in front the stage to
take the prize. We get the second winner. We were so glad. Then again, my
teacher said that we ought to practice more to have a superior execution in the
following rivalry.

Class : 2nd jeniour high School

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Topic : Greeting card

Allocation Time : 15 minutes

Mamber of Group: 1.




 Cread the „greeting card‟ for someone based on the picture that has
given by the teacher in the box below as beautiful as possible !

 Make a short conversation and practice it in front of the class !

Appendix 4


Pre test

1. The researcher conducts pretest by giving free topic to students. Then

students will talk about the topic in front of the class

2. They were instructed to speak in front of the class for 2 minutes

3. The evaluation is done based on the rubric distributed to the students

Post test

1. The researcher asked the students to speak about “specific topics” and
they had to prepare in their group.

2. They practice the conversation in front the class for 2 minutes

3. The evaluation also done based on the speaking rubric

The Result of Pre-test and Post-test
No. Student‟s Initial Pre-test Score Post-test
1 AG 25 31
2 AB 25 31
3 AH 31 50
4 AA 31 45
5 HR 45 56
6 IN 69 88
7 HJ 31 50
8 LS 45 56
9 QB 56 81
10 RH 45 50
11 RM 31 56
12 RA 38 50
13 RT 38 50
14 RR 25 38
15 ST 31 38
16 SR 25 31
17 SD 38 45
18 US 50 75
19 YS 50 75
Appendix 5

Data Analysis

1. Result of Pre-Test

a. The score of Pre-Test from the lowest score up to the highest score

25 25 31 31 45
69 31 45 56 45
31 38 38 25 31
25 38 50 50

b. The range of pre-test

= 69 – 25
= 44
c. The number of interval, and the result is:

I = 1+(3.3) Log n
= 1+(3.3) Log 19
= 1 + (3.3) (1.3)
= 1+ 4.29
= 5.29 (taken 5)

d. The frequency distribution of pre-test can be formulated as follows:

Table 4.1. The Frequency Distribution of Students‟ Pre-test Score

No. Students‟ Score Fi Xi Fi.Xi

1. 25 – 33 9 29 261

2. 34 – 42 3 38 304

3. 43 – 51 5 47 235

4. 52 – 60 1 56 56
5. 61 – 69 1 65 65
Total: N= 19 235 921

x =

x = (taken = 49)

2. Result of Post-Test

a. The score from the lowest up to the highest as follows:

31 31 50 45 56
88 50 56 81 50
56 50 50 38 38
31 45 75 75

b. The range of pre-test presented

= 88 – 31 = 57
c. The number of interval

I = 1+(3.3) Log n
= 1+(3.3) Log 19
= 1 + (3.3) (1.3)
= 1+ 4.29
= 5.29 (taken 5)
d. The frequency distribution of post-test

Table 4.2. The Frequency Distribution of Students‟ Post-test Score

No. Students‟ Score Fi Xi Fi.Xi

1. 31 – 40 5 51 255

2. 41 – 52 7 67 469

3. 53 – 64 3 85 255

4. 65 – 76 2 103 206

5. 77 – 88 2 121 242
Total: N= 19 427 1.427

x =

x = ( )

2. Examining Hypotheses

a. The standard deviation

SD = √ ( )2

SD = √ ( )2

SD = √ ( )2

SD = √

SD = √

SD =

c. The mean of difference

MD =

MD = = 14.21

d. The standard error of the mean difference (SEMD)

SEMD = = = 1.64
√ √

e. T-score

to= = = 8.66

f. The degree of freedom

df = N-k

df = 19-2 =17
Appendix 6


Nama :

Note: anda bisa menjawabnya dengan melingkari atau menyilang salah satu dari

beberapa pilihan di bawah ini. Jika tidak tersedia jawablah sesuai denga yang

anda inginkan, maka isilah pilihan no D

1. Apakah pelajaran Bahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran

yang anda sukai?

a. Ya

b. Kadang-kadang

c. Tidak sama sekali

d. ........................................................................................

2. Apakah anda tertarik untuk berbicara Bahasa Inggris ?

a. Ya

b. Tidak terlalu

c. Tidak sama sekali

d. ........................................................................................

3. Kesulitan apa yang anda hadapi saat mempelajari Bahasa Inggris

khususnya dalam Speaking?

a. Materinya terlalu sulit

b. Fasilitasyang kurang memadai

c. Kurangnya motivasi
d. ........................................................................................

4. Apa pendapat anda tentang materi pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang di

berikan guru anda selama ini?

a. Sangat mudah untuk dipelajari

b. Mudah dipelajari

c. Sulit untuk dipelajari

d. ........................................................................................

5. Apakah guru anda memperkenalkan motode-metde atau strategi yang baik

dalam memahami dan menguasai Bahasa Inggris khususnya dalam

berbicara Bahasa Inggris?

a. Ya

b. Tidak terlalu

c. Tidak sama sekali

d. ........................................................................................

6. Apakah menurut anda teknik yang digunakan guru oleh guru

memudahkan anda dalam speaking?

a. Ya

b. Tidak terlalu

c. Tidak sama sekali

d. ........................................................................................

7. Menurut anda, apakah dengan metode Problem Based Leaning ini dapat

meningkatkan kemampuan anda dalam belajar Speaking?

a. Ya
b. Tidak telalu

c. Tidak sama sekali

d. .......................................................................................

8. Menurut anda, apa keuntungan mempelajari speaking dengan metode

Problem Based Learning?

a. Metodenya menarik

b. Menambah antusias

c. Tidak ada keuntungan

d. ........................................................................................

9. Apakah menurut anda metode Problem Based Learning membuat anda

lebih lancar mengungkapkan ide dalam speaking?

a. Ya

b. Tidak terlalu

c. Tidak sama sekali

d. ........................................................................................

10. Menurut anda, apakah metode Prablem Based Learning dapat memotivasi

anda dalam belajar Speaking

a. Ya

b. Tidak terlalu

c. Tidak sama sekali

d. ........................................................................................
Appendix 7

Rubric for Speaking

Level Score Indicators

Pronunciation 4  The pronunciation is very clear and
3 easily understood
2  Easily understoodod the word despite the
influence of mother tongue can be
1 detected
 The pronunciation is not really clear, but
it can be understood by the listener
 The pronunciation is not clear.
Grammar 4  Little or no grammatical errors.
3  There is an error sometimes but does not
2 affect the meaning.
1  Often use grammatical eerrors in
 Use the wrong sentences structure and
Vocabulary 4  Using appropriate vocabulary an
3 expressions.
2  Use inappropriate word sometimes that is
needed to be explained more.
1  Use inappropriate words frequently.
 Vocabulary which is used is so limited
and often repeats he same words.
Fluency 4  Speak very fluency.
3  Slightly disturbed by the language
2 problems.
1  Often hesitated and stalled because of
lack of vocabulary.
 Stop speaking for a long time to think of
Theresa (2011). Tool and Technique for classroom Assessment

Score guide :

Appendix 8
Research Documentation

Name : Yuni Mahtawarmi

Student Number : 140203134

Place/Date of Birth : Reronga, 28 Juni 1996

Gender : Female

Religion : Islam

Status : Single

Occupation : Student

Nationality : Indonesia

Address : Jl. Rukoh Utama, Lr. Banna No. 44 B Gampong Rukoh,

Kec. Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh.

Email : [email protected]

Phone Number : 0812 5228 6148


Name of Father : Sabcud

Name of Mother : Sistiarti

Father‟s Occupation : Enterpreneur

Mother‟s Occupation : Civil Servant

Address : Desa Reronga, Kec. Gajah Putih, Bener Meriah


Elementary : SD N 1 Timang Gajah (2002-2008)

Junior High School : SMP N 1 Timang Gajah (2008-2011)

Senior High School : SMA N 1 Timang Gajah (2011-2014)

University : UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh (2014-2019)

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