SPT Guide Specific Physical Training

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SPT - Specific Physical Training

As noted recently by one of the Resident Archers at Chula Vista, USA archers at the
Training Center have discovered that there are three things you can be sure of in life -
Death, Taxes and SPT. Recently, a new meaning has been attached to SPT by one of
the other Resident Archers, referring to it as, "Severe Physical Torture".

What is SPT?
SPT stands for Specific Physical Training and it was purposely developed by Coach
Lee to increase Endurance, Power/Strength and Flexibility through archery specific
muscle exercises using archery equipment. There are four specific SPT exercises as
detailed in Total Archery - Endurance, Power/Strength, Flexibility and Structure.

SPT A - Endurance
The bow is drawn in the normal manner, using correct technique, but without an arrow;
hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute. The rest time, between each repetition, should be
double the "Hold Time"; e.g. hold for 35 seconds then rest time will be double this or 70
seconds. After 10 repetitions take 2 minutes rest and repeat - Duration 30 minutes.

This exercise must be done with proper form, incorporating aiming, otherwise bow will
move all over place when fatigue starts to set in.

Note: When the archer can hold for more than 45 seconds, some
rubber bands can be introduced slipped over the limbs to increase
draw weight by about 2 - 3 lbs. Alternatively a heavier bow can be

Photo on the left shows Olympic Bronze Medal winner - Athens

2004, Tim Cuddihy, doing his daily SPT, holding approx. 58lbs
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SPT B - Power / Strength

Draw from the Set-Up to the Holding position; Holding must include Transfer and
Loading like in a normal shot. Hold for 3 - 5 seconds and let down, but only as far down
as the Set-up, then draw straight back to the anchor position and, again, include
Transfer and Loading. Do this 5 -12 times for 3 - 5 sets, depending on current strength.
Rest period between sets 3 - 5 minutes - Ensure that proper alignment and form is
maintained - Duration 30 minutes.

SPT C - Flexibility
This exercise is done with an arrow in the bow and for safety reasons close up in front
of a target butt. Draw the bow in the normal manner and attain the normal Holding
position, followed by a ten second continuous expansion at normal expansion speed.
The objective is to draw 1 - 1.5cm (~3/8" - 5/8") past the clicker, without any change in
posture. Do 5 sets of 6 repetitions and take a rest of 30secs between each repetition
and 2 minutes rest between each set.

SPT D - Structure

In this exercise the string is pulled behind the neck, see photo.
This exercise is more an exercise to give the archer the feeling
for the position where both the shoulders should be. From time
to time I use this exercise for this purpose, i.e. when an archer
has problems attaining the correct shoulder positions. This SPT
4 is also good for warm up purposes, including before the start
of competition.
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These SPT exercises are carried out by elite archers religiously, 5 days a week for 1 full
hour. If ever there was an exercise that fitted the adage, "No Pain, No Gain" try doing
these SPT exercises for one hour every day.

Please note that these exercises are in addition to specific endurance weight training,
which mainly focuses on the Power-Zone, a subject we will touch on in the near future.

SPT Exercises should be done at the end of the shooting day. My archers usually do
SPT for about one hour every day.

We usually do A, and then B, but order can be reversed. Exercise C can also be
included and added after SPT A & B. Frequency of exercise C should be about 5 sets of
6 repetitions. Take a rest of 30secs between each repetition and 2 minutes rest
between each set. If using all three SPT exercises in one session tailor it such that all
three exercises take one hour in total.

SPT 'D' exercise is more an exercise to give the archer the feeling for the position
where both the shoulders should be. From time to time I use this exercise for this
purpose, i.e. when an archer has problems attaining the correct shoulder positions. This
SPT is also good for warm up purposes, including before the start of competition.

Sunday: SPT B
Monday: Morning: 30 min run, 15 min weights; Night: SPT A & B
Tuesday: Morning: 15 min weights; Night: SPT A
Wednesday: Shoot & SPT C
Thursday: SPT B
Friday: Morning: 30 min run; Night: Shoot & SPT C

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