Program Part 5 PDF

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Each might cycle might last 6-8 weeks for example.

At the beginning of each cycle you lift lighter weights and

perhaps perform few sets. You reach a peak in the middle of the cycle (week 4-5) and taper off again towards the
It's another technique used by the pros to keep their bodies (and their minds) fresh and free from injury.

More On Strength & Conditioning For Soccer

All the phases and types of soccer strength training are laid out step-by-step in Total Soccer Fitness...
Written by Sports Fitness Advisor it contains dozens of sample strength, power and muscular endurance programs to
cater for a wide variety of needs - sets, repetitions, progression, exercise illustrations and so on. Not only that...
It outlines in detail ALL the elements of fitness crucial for soccer on the soccer pitch. Including:

 Strength and strength endurance training

 Speed and agility training

 Aerobic and anaerobic endurance training

 Flexibility, warming up and cooling down

 Testing soccer-specific fitness

 Nutrition for soccer

 Off-season, pre-season and in-season program design

Sample Soccer Weight Training Program

Take just a little time to plan your soccer weight training program correctly and it will certainly re-pay ten-fold on
the field...
In a previous article we covered the different types of strength in soccer. To quickly recap, good muscular power and
strength endurance is far more benefical than maximal strength and huge, rippling muscles.
We also covered why a soccer weight training program consists of several phases over the course of a season. It
doesn't matter what you play to - if you train with weights there's no reason why should adjust your routine as the
year progresses. And if you dont...
You're giving up some many of benefits of soccer-specific fitness.
In this article, we'll take a look at a sample late pre-season/in-season soccer weight training program.

As the start of the competitive season draws closer, the goal is to convert maximal strength gains made during the off-
season and early pre-season into performance-boosting strength endurance.

Explosive power is important too...

But ideally you'll want to keep this type of training - plyometrics for soccer - seperate from your weight sessions.

During the late pre-season you will probably only have time for one or two weights sessions. Two is the most. Any
more and you could be using that time to develop, speed,agilityt and lactic acid tolerance.
Same goes for the in-season - one weights session or two at most.

Sample Soccer Weight Training Routine

One of the most efficient and effective set ups for strength endurance is circuit training...
By its very nature it builds both strength and endurance. Most of us are familiar with some form of circuit training
but for the uninitiated here's a recap of the general guidelines...

 Lower weights and higher repetitions - the resistance should be about 50% of one repetition maxiumu (1-
RM) or light enough to perform 15-25 repetitions. Very often body weight is enough resistance.
 Time is often used instead of repetitions - rather than prescribing a set number of reps, each exercise can
be performed for a set period of time (i.e. 30 seconds).

 Short rest periods between exercises - to develop endurance, minimal rest is allowed between each stations
and circuits.

 Alternate bodyparts - each station should work a different part of the body from the station before - ideally
upperbody, lowerbody, upperbody and so on.

Here's the routine...

Reps: 30sec per station
Circuits: 2-3
Rest between stations: 20-30sec
Rest between circuits: 2min
Increase the intensity gradually over a period of weeks by increasing the time per exercise/station (45-60sec) or
decreasing the rest periods. For exercises that use freeweights gradually increase the weight as it becomes easier.

Just change one parameter at a time - either the exercise/station time, rest time or weight - NOT all three!

 Push ups

 Side crunches

 Lunges

 Alternating supermans

 Dips

 Fast feet

 Obliques

 Shoulder press with dip

More On Soccer Weight Training

For a complete step-by-step soccer weight training program take a look into "Total Soccer Fitness"...

It covers every aspect of strength and conditioning for the game. It features dozens of sample training programs
complete with precise sets, repetitions and exercise diagrams. Developed by Sport Fitness Advisor, it's a resource
that many players and coaches are calling "the most comprehensive soccer fitness resource available". But it's much
more than a resource...
It's designed to take individual players or entire teams to a new level in performance. Something amazing happens
to your game when you are fit, really fit, for soccer. You begin to play with a level of confidence and energy that
allows you to perform at your best week in, week out... and enjoy the game so much more!

Four More Soccer Conditioning Drills

Here's a collection of 5 soccer conditioning drills that reproduce the physical demands of the
Cherry-pick those that appeal to you or use them all for an intense fitness session.
I've included a ball as much as possible, even if it's just a token gesture - every effort to
make soccer conditioning drills more specific to the game will pay off on the field.

Drill #1 - Tight Space Dribbling

If you have the luxury of having a ball per person this is a great drill to develop touch and
fitness simultaneously.
1. Perform this drill towards the start of a session - following the warm up and before more
physically demanding drills.
2. Mark out a space about 20x20 yards (for 15 players). Adjust the size according to the
number of players.
3. For 60 second intervals have the players 'express' themselves with the ball. They should
try turns, faints and tricks. Encourage players not to running round in a circle (which WILL
happen at first). They should change direction constantly and randomly.
4. Decrease the size of the area after each 60 second bout and repeat for 5 or 6 intervals
with a 20-30 second break between.

Drill #2 - Two Versus Two with a Spare

1. In groups of five, two players act as attackers and two players act as defenders. One
player is spare and should wear a bib or vest to stand out.
2. Mark an area of approximately 12-15 yards square. The attackers are given possession of
the ball.
3. The spare player is an attacker - in effect he or she is always on the side of the team in
4. The defenders must dispossess the attackers by intercepting the ball. They also receive
possession if the ball goes out of the marker area.
5. Bouts of 2 minutes is ample and the floating player should change at each interval.
This drill is physically demanding but tactically quite clever. The defending pair must work
hard but smart. The team in possession can relax but they will stay alert because giving the
ball away mean hard work.

Drill #3 - Step Jumps

This is a plyometric exercise and should be completed towards the
beginning of the session but only after a thorough warm up.
1. Stand beside a cone or soft object to be cleared.
2. Bring knees up and jump vertically but also laterally off ground
and over the marker.
3. Land on both feet and jump back in the other direction.
4. Ground contact time should be minimal - don't dip into a full squat
5. Repeat for 30 seconds maximum and a total of 3 sets.

Drill #4 - Killer Shuttles

Simple. Excruciating. But very effective. You can perform this drill on your own or as part of
a group in a line. Leave this soccer conditioning drill until the end of a training session
because it can leave legs feeling weak (not ideal for skill practise!).
1. Place 5 cones out 10 yards apart.
2. Starting on cone 1, run to cone 2 and back, then cone 3 and back, 4 and back, then 5 and
3. The sprint should be flat out and players should turn sharply
off a different foot at each cone.4. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat.
Rest another 30 seconds and repeat for a third time. This is
one set. Now rest for 2 minutes and repeat for a second set (i.e.
3 lots of shuttle runs with 30 seconds rest between each).
5. Now do a cool down to disperse all that lactic acid!
these and similar soccer conditioning drills to build speed,
strength and power - specific to the game.

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