Ajil Punya

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Group 4 (Vascular B-C)

1. Sisilia Himam (C)

2. Febriyanti Bano (C)
3. Abd. Karim umar (C)
4. Sirajudin fadli batalipu (C)
5. Nazli hasni (B)


Nurse : Assalamu’alaikum. Good marning sir

How are you to day
Patient : Wa’alaikumus salam. Morning ners i feel batter than yesterday.

Nurse : alhamdulillah. Oke sir briefly at 9 o’clock the doctor Sisil will
come to visit.

Patient : yes ners.

(the ners goes to the doctor room)

Doctor : are you nazli who responsible with patient, adin batilapu?

Nurse : yes sir, what can i do for you sir?

Doctor : actually i want to know exactly about her condition until today,
does he get a better condition?

Nurse : actually, he still cannot eat every food. He still got the nutrition
from infuse. But there is a progress in her condition, he can move
her hands and feet.
Doctor : okay, i want you make a report about her condition progress is
there any difficulty in taking care her?

Nurse : As far as good. But sometimes, i am really disturbed by many

people who visit her. They exceed the time that is appointed. It
makes the atmosphere in her room is not condicive. I think you
must tell to her family of that, because there is a time rule of
visiting a patient.

Doctor : yes actually the condusive atmosphere will influence the condition
progress of the patient. I will tell it latter to his family

Nurse : i want to ask about the medicine sir, is there any additional
medicine for his sir ?
Doktor : oh yes, i want you to give this additional medicine. It will help make his
condition better and don’t forget to write down the recipe in the letter

Nurse : oket dok, i will do that.

(the nurse goes to the pharmacy to pick up the recipe)

Nurse : excusme mis, i want to take a recipe

pharmacist : yes ners, can i see the recipe ?

(the nurse gives a recipe)

pharmacist : this is the medicine

nurse : thank you mis

(the nurse goes to the patient’s room to give medicine)

Nurse : good afternoon sir, i want to give medicine for patient’s

Familly (father) : please nurse

(the nurse gives medication to the patient)

Nurse : apologize in advance sir, for those who want to visit the patient
maximum 2 people and take turns

Family (father) : yes nurse, i am sorry

Nurse : yes sir, then excusme me first

Familly (father) : yes nurse thank you


Doctor : Sisilia Himam

Nurse : Nazli Hasni

pharmacist : Febriyanti Bano

Family (father) : Abd. Karim umar

Patient : Sirajudin fadli batalipu

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