BC3406 Business Analytics Hackathon Rubric PDF

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BC3406 Business Analytics Consulting

Semester 2, 2016-17

Rubric For Business Analytics Hackathon

Team: _______

Criterion 1 - Below Expectations 2 - As Expected 3 - Above Expectations Score

Identification of main Is unable to articulate the client's Understands what the client wants Understands what the client wants
issues, problems, and issues, problems and requirements. but does not articulate the client's and is able to concisely and
requirements issues, problems and requirements. coherently restate the client's issues,
problems and requirements.
Statistical analysis Has trouble articulating client's needs Translates the client's question(s) but Accurately translates the client's
into statistical questions that results in runs inappropriate analyses or question(s) into statistical questions,
inappropriate use of statistical tools. selects tools for solving the statistical conducts proper analyses and uses
question that are inappropriate. the appropriate tool to answer the
Development of business Interpretation of results are too Interpretations of results make sense. Interprets the results in a language
insights complicated and do not take into However the conclusions and that the client understands and can
account the needs or level of recommendations are not helpful, or use, makes reasonable conclusions
statistical expertise of the client. As a the output, tables and charts do not and recommendations including any
result conclusions, recommendations add value to the interpretation or the limitations of the analysis, and makes
as well as supporting output, tables conclusions. appropriate use of output, tables and
and charts are not helpful. charts with useful comments as
Communication of Report contains many distracting Report is generally clear, but Report is logical, easy to read, is
business insights mistakes, making it generally difficult distracting errors and flow make it virtually error-free, and contains few if
to follow difficult to follow at times any reader distractions
Appendices: Tables, Information contained in the Information contained in the Information contained in the
Figures, Charts, Outputs appendices is too hard to understand, appendices is hard to understand, appendices is easy to understand, is
and serve as distractions from the and it is difficult to see how they labelled and is clearly linked to the
points that are being made in the adequately advance the points that main report, including useful
report. are being made in the report. comments as needed. Appendices
are used appropriately as a repository
of additional and necessary materials.

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