Tutorial 3 - Ecm 620 - Chapter 3 - Latest - Dr. Nosuzila

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ECM 620



JUN 2018


a) Describe what is meant by the following terms:

i) downlink and
ii) Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP).

(3 marks)

b) The receiving system as shown in Figure Q2 (b) consists of an antenna having a

noise temperature of 58 K, feeding directly in a Low Noise Amplifier (LNA). The
LNA has a noise temperature of 125 K and a gain of 50 dB. The main receiver
with a noise figure of 8 dB is connected to the LNA by a coaxial feeder.

i) Determine the feeder loss and the noise power density if the system noise
temperature referred to the input is 183.054 K. Given the Boltzmann’s
constant is 1.38 x10-23 J/K and the room temperature is 290K.

ii) Show mathematically the relationship between the noise factor and noise

iii) Explain how can we make the noise as low as possible

Tant = 58K

LNA Cable Receiver

G1, Te1 L


Figure Q2(b)
(8 marks)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob
Satellite Communication
ECM 620
i) A Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite with the following parameters for the downlink
transmission as shown in Table Q2(c) situated 2000 km away above the ground,
uses L band to transmit signal back to the earth station.

Table Q2(c)
Parameter Unit
Frequency 2000 MHz
Transmit power 15 W
Transmit antenna gain -6 dB
Earth station antenna gain 55 dB
Receiving system noise temperature 800 K
Polarization and atmospheric loss 8 dB
Branching and feeder loss 3 dB
Channel bandwidth 30 MHz

Compute :

i) the carrier power to noise power ratio,

ii) the carrier power to noise density ratio and
iii) the total carrier power to noise density ratio for the system if the uplink
carrier power to noise power ratio is given as 30 dB.

(9 marks)


a) A 14 GHz Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) television system has an uplink

transmited power of 2 kW and channel bandwidth of 27 MHz. The antenna
efficiency and its diameter for this transmission are 58% and 6 m, respectively.
The input backoff is 11 dB and the polarization and atmospheric losses are 1 dB
and 2 dB, respectively. For uplink transmission, the receiving gain is 35 dB and
the receiving system noise temperature is 800K. The path length to the satellite
is 38,000 km. Calculate the carrier power to noise power ratio of the link. Then,
calculate the carrier power to noise power density ratio of the link.

Explain why the uplink frequency is higher than the downlink frequency in
broadcasting applications.

(14 marks)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob

Satellite Communication
ECM 620
a) A receiving system consists of an antenna having a noise temperature of 45 K.
A coaxial cable is connected directly from the antenna to the Low Noise
Amplifier( LNA) with a loss of 2.5 dB. The LNA has a noise temperature of 125 K
and a gain of 50 dB. The main receiver which is connected right after the low
noise amplifier has noise figure of 8 dB. Given the room temperature is 290 K.

i) Calculate the system noise temperature.

ii) The low noise amplifier is now connected directly to the antenna followed
by the coaxial cable and the main receiver. Recalculate the system noise

Discuss the noise temperature values obtained in part (i) and (ii).

(7 marks)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob

Satellite Communication
ECM 620
JUN 2017


a) Define Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) and free space loss that is
used in satellite link design.
(4 marks)

b) A 4 GHz satellite receiving system with the following parameters as shown in

Table Q2(b) consists of antenna which is connected directly to the Low Noise
Amplifier (LNA) while the mixer is connected directly between LNA and
intermediate amplifier.

Table Q2(b)

Component Parameter Unit

Antenna i) Noise temperature, Tant 30 K

ii) Efficiency, η 60%

Low noise amplifier (LNA) i) Noise temperature, TLNA 50 K

ii) Gain, GLNA 30 dB

Mixer i) Noise temperature, TM 400 K

ii) Loss, LM 5 dB

Intermediate amplifier i) Noise figure, fIF 8 dB

ii) Gain, GIF 35 dB

Boltzmann’s constant is 1.38 x 10-23 J/K and the room temperature is 290 K.

Hence, calculate;

i) the noise temperature of the system,

ii) the noise power density at the output of intermediate amplifier and
iii) the gain and diameter of the antenna if the figure of merit (G/T) of the
receiving system is given as 30 dB/K.

(7 marks)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob
Satellite Communication
ECM 620
c) A receiving system consists of an antenna having a noise temperatute of 45 K.
A coxial cable is connected directly from the antenna to the low noise amplifier
with a loss of 2.5 dB. The low noise amplifier has a noise temperature of 125 K
and a gain of 50 dB. The main receiver which is connected right after the low
noise amplifier has noise figure of 8 dB. Given the room temperature is 290 K.

i) Calculate the system noise temperature.

ii) The low noise amplifier is now connected directly to the antenna followed
by the coaxial cable and the main receiver. Recalculate the system noise

Compare the noise temperature values obtained in part (i) and (ii) and give your

(9 marks)


a) Name three (3) types of antenna that are commonly used for satellite earth
station. Formulate the parameters of a suitable parabolic antenna Ku Band Direct
Broadcast Satellite Television (DBS-TV) receiver, that can be used to receive
transmission from a satellite. Determine the type of parabolic antenna, diameter
size, frequency and also antenna gain, in your design.

(14 marks)


b) A satellite communication system is operating 6/4 GHz frequency with a

bandwidth of 36 MHz. the receiving end of the transponder has a power flux
density of -100dB/m2 and the figure merit of 5 dB/K. The Effective Isotropic
Radiated Power (EIRP) and back off of the transmitting end of the transponder is
47 dBW and 3 dBW respectively. The receiving earth station is using 5 m dish
with 70 % efficiency and the receiver has overall system noise temperature of
160 K. Both uplink and downlink path lengths are 35800 km. the system is
specified to operate with minimum total C/N of 20 dB.

Assume other losses are negligible and the carrier to noise ratio is 26 dB.
Assuming both uplink and the Boltzmann’s constant is -228.6 dBW/K.

Justify the system and determine whether the system operates within its

(8 marks)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob

Satellite Communication
ECM 620


a) Distinguish two (2) main forces in stable orbit that act on the satellite due to the
kinetic energy and gravitational attraction.
(3 marks)

b) Figure Q2(b) shows a block diagram of four amplifiers cascaded in the earth
station receiver.

Amp Amp Amp Amp

1 2 3 4
N0, out

Figure Q2(b)

The gain and noise temperature of the compenents are given by:

Component Noise temperature (K) Gain (dB)

Antenna 25 -
Amplifier 1 60 20
Amplifier 2 150 30
Amplifier 3 250 35
Amplifier 4 350 40

Calculate the :

i. total system noise temperature, Ts of the receiver,

ii. total noise power spectral density, No at the output, and
iii. total noise power spectral density, No at the output if amplifier 1 has a
loss of
-5 dB.
(8 marks)

c) A 14 GHz Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) television system has an uplink

transmited power of 2 kW and channel bandwidth of 27 MHz. The antenna
efficiency and it’s diameter for this transmission are 58% and 6 m, respectively.
The input backoff is 11 dB and the polarization and atmospheric losses are 1 dB
and 2 dB, respectively. For uplink transmission, the receiving gain is 35 dB and
the receiving system noise temperature is 800K. The path length to the satellite
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob
Satellite Communication
ECM 620
is 38,000 km. Calculate the carrier power to noise power ratio of the link. Then,
calculate the carrier power to noise power density ratio of the link.

Explain why the uplink frequency is higher than the downlink frequency in
broadcasting applications.

(9 marks)


c) Describe briefly the following terms:

i) Satellite and satellite communications.

ii) Equatorial orbit and polar orbit.
(6 marks)

d) Figure Q3(b) shows the graph of typical transfer characteristic of Travelling

Wave Tube Amplifier (TWTA) in satellite communications.

Figure Q3(b)

i) Evaluate the graph by pointing out the linear and nonlinear operation for
single carrier and multiple carriers input. Then, explain what is input
backoff and output backoff. Hence, determine the equation to prove
relation between them.

ii) An uplink at 14GHz requires a saturation flux density of -91.4 dBW/M2

and an input backoff of 11 dB. The satellite gain to system noise
temperature ratio of a receiving equipment (G/T) is -6.7 dB/K and receiver
feeder loss is 0.6 dB. Determine the carrier to noise density ratio.

(14 marks)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob
Satellite Communication
ECM 620

a) Discuss on the viability of a 16/14 GHz satellite system by solving uplink and
downlink carrier to noise power ratio in unit decibel (dB) with a bandwidth of 40
MHz which having the following parameters as shown in Table Q4(c). Assume
the speed of light is 3 x 108 m/s. Show all calculations.

Table Q4(c)
Uplink Unit
Earth station transmitter output power 2500 W
Earth station antenna efficiency 65%
Earth station antenna diameter 4m
Additional atmospheric losses 0.6 dB
Satellite receiver G/T ratio 10.5 dBK-1
Input backoff 10 dB
Distance between satellite and earth station 36000 km

Downlink Unit
Satellite transmitter output power 10 W
Satellite branching and feeder losses 0.6 dB
Satellite transmit antenna gain 40 dB
Earth station antenna effective area 8.8 m2
Earth station equivalent noise temperature 270 K
Atmospheric losses 0.4 dB
Distance between satellite and earth station 35000 km
Boltzmann’s constant -228.6 dBW/HzK

Predict whether the above system operates within its specification if the minimum
required total carrier to noise power ratio is 16 dB.

(7 marks)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob

Satellite Communication
ECM 620
Jun 2016


a) Antenna operating in the receiving mode introduces noise into satellite circuits,
which can be classified into two (2) types. Describe the following types of
antenna noise:

i) Sky noise,
ii) Antenna loss.
(4 marks)

b) An antenna in a receiving system has a noise temperature of 60 K. A coaxial

cable with a loss of 5 dB is connected directly from the antenna to the low noise
amplifier. The low noise amplifier has a noise temperature of 125 K and a gain of
50 dB. The main receiver which connected directly after the low noise amplifier
has a noise figure of 8 dB. Given the Boltzmann constant is 1.38 x 10-23 J/K.

i) Sketch the system block diagram and calculate the system noise
temperature referred to the input.
ii) With the same parameters as above, calculate the system noise
temperature when the low noise amplifier is now connected directly to the
antenna followed by the coaxial cable and the main receiver, and
iii) Determine the noise power density and the noise power for a bandwidth
of 36 MHz in decibel (dB). Comment your answer on both system noise
temperature results.
(7 marks)

c) A satellite communication system operating at 6 GHz uplink and 4 GHz downlink

has a bandwidth of 36 MHz. The receiving satellite transponder has a power flux
density of -95 dB/m2 and G/T of 5 dB/K. The backoff of the transponder
transmitting end and the Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) is 3 dB and
46 dBW respectively. The receiving ground station is using a 5 m parabolic
reflector with 70% efficiency and the receiver has overall system noise
temperature of 140 K. The distance between satellite and ground station is
assumed to be 36000 km for both uplink and downlink. Calculate the uplink EIRP
and the uplink and downlink Carrier to Noise Ratio (C/N).

Determine whether the system is within its specification if the minimum total C/N
required for operation is 18 dB. Prove your answer.
(9 marks)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob

Satellite Communication
ECM 620

e) Define the following terms and describe the mechanisms involved in

implementing the following operation:

i) Attitude control
ii) Station keeping
(6 marks)

f) A 14/12 GHz satellite system has the system parameters as given in Table Q3
(b). Complete the link budget for the parameter (i) to (viii) by showing all
calculations and formulas used. Final answers must be in decibel (dB).

Table Q3 (b)

Earth station transmitter output power 900 W
Earth station back off loss 12 dB
Earth station ranching and feeder losses 2.4 dB
Earth station antenna efficiency 60%
Earth station antenna diameter 8.5 m
Earth station transmit antenna gain (i)
Additional atmospheric losses 0.9 dB
Free space loss (ii)
Satellite receiver G/T ratio -4.5 dB/K
Distance between satellite and earth station 36000 km
Bandwidth 36 MHz
Carrier to noise power spectral density (iii)
Carrier to noise power (iv)
Botlzmann constant 1.38 x 10-23 J/K

Satellite transmitter output power 15 W
Satellite back off loss 5 dB
Satellite branching and feeder losses 1.5 dB
Satellite transmit antenna gain (v)
Satellite antenna diameter 0.6 m
Satellite antenna efficiency 55%
Free space loss 202 dB
Earth station received antenna gain 57 dB
Earth station equivalent noise temperature 290 K
Earth station G/T ratio (vi)
Carrier to noise power spectral density (vii)
Total carrier to noise power spectral density (viii)

(14 marks)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob
Satellite Communication
ECM 620

g) An uplink communication system as shown in Table Q4 (c) operating at 14 GHz

has the following characteristics:

Table Q4 (c)

Earth station
Transmit power, Pt 90 W
Antenna diameter, D 5m
Antenna efficiency, ƞ 70 %
Distance to satellite 42000 km
Antenna efficiency, ƞ 60 %
Antenna gain, Gs 40 dBi
Antenna noise temperature, Ts 290 K
Boltzmann’s constant -228.6 dBW/Hz K

Find the earth station’s Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP), free space
loss, satellite’s G/T and uplink Carrier to Noise Spectral Density (C/No).
(8 marks)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob

Satellite Communication
ECM 620
DEC 2015


a) Define flux density for an ideal antenna and for real antenna with the equations
(4 marks)

b) Suppose we have three (3) amplifiers in a cascaded system as shown in Figure

Q2 (b) with the following gains and noise temperature:

Tant 35 K
T1 45 K
G1 20 dB
T2 100 K
G2 30 dB
T3 500 K
G3 35 dB

Amplifier 1 Amplifier 2 Amplifier 3

T1, G1 T2, G2 T3, G3
N0,1 N0,2 N0,3 N0, out

Figure Q2 (b)

i) the total noise energy referred to amplifier 2 input

iii) the total noise energy referred to amplifier 3 input
iv) the system noise temperature for the system
(7 marks)

c) A Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellite with a distance of 34500 km operates

at uplink frequency of 6 GHz. The power that received by the satellite is 2.75 x
10-3 W with equivalent noise temperature of 1000 K. The transmitting antenna
has a physical aperture of 20 m2 with efficiency of 55% and transmitting power of
35 dBW. The atmospheric loss and the antenna pointing loss for the transmission
is 2 dB and 1 dB respectively. Determine:

i) the free space loss,

ii) the transmit gain by the satellite in dB,
iii) the received gain by the earth station in dB and
iv) the uplink carrier power to noise density ratio for the system .
(9 marks)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob

Satellite Communication
ECM 620
a. Describe briefly the following terms:

ii) Aperture efficiency, η,

iii) Effective aperture area, Ae and
iv) Free space loss.
(6 marks)

b) Complete the link budget for the parameters (i) to (vi) as given in Table Q3 (c).
The distance between the satellites to the center of earth is 42164 km operates at
14/12 GHz. Show all your calculations.

Table Q3 (c)

Uplink Units
Earth station transmit power (dBW) 25
Earth station antenna gain (dB) 45
Earth station backoff loss (dB) 6
Earth station feeder and branching loss (dB) 2
Atmospheric loss (dB) 1
Free space loss (dB) (i)
Satellite receive antenna gain (dB) (ii)
Satellite feeder and branching loss (dB) 2
Satellite equivalent noise temperature (K) 800
Satellite G/T(dB/K) 16
Modulation scheme 8-PSK
Bit rate (Mbps) 90 Mbps
Carrier power to noise power (dB) (iii)
Carrier power to noise power density (dB) 97.12
Energy per bit to noise power ratio (dB) (iv)
Downlink Units
Transmitter output power (dBW) 20
Satellite antenna gain (dB) 44
Satellite backoff loss(dB) 3
Satellite feeder and branching loss (dB) 2
Atmospheric loss (dB) 1
Free space loss(dB) 206
Earth station receive antenna gain (dB) 44
Earth station feeder and branching loss (dB) 1
Earth station equivalent noise temperature (K) 1000
Earth station G/T (dB/ K) 14
Modulation scheme QPSK
Bit rate (Mbps) 90 Mbps
Carrier power to noise power density (dB) (v)
Total carrier to noise power density (dB) (vi)

(14 marks)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob
Satellite Communication
ECM 620


a) Suppose we have three (3) amplifiers in a cascaded system as shown in Figure Q2

(b) with the following parameters in Table Q2 (b):

Table Q2 (b)

Tant 35 K
T1 45 K
G1 20 dB
T2 100 K
G2 30 dB
T3 500 K
G3 35 dB

Amplifier 1 Amplifier 2 Amplifier 3

T1, G1 T2, G2 T3, G3
N0,1 N0,2 N0,3 N0, out

Figure Q2 (b)


i. the total noise energy referred to amplifier 2 input

ii. the total noise energy referred to amplifier 3 input
iii. the system noise temperature for the system
(7 marks)

b) A satellite communication system operating at 6 GHz uplink and 4 GHz downlink has
a bandwidth of 36 MHz. The receiving satellite transponder has a power flux density
of -95 dB/m2 and G/T of 5 dB/K. The backoff of the transponder transmitting end and
the Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) is 3 dB and 46 dBW respectively. The
receiving ground station is using a 5 m parabolic reflector with 70% efficiency and
the receiver has overall system noise temperature of 140 K. The distance between
satellite and ground station is assumed to be 36000 km for both uplink and downlink.
Calculate the uplink EIRP and the uplink and downlink Carrier to Noise Ratio (C/N).
Determine whether the system is within its specification if the minimum total C/N
required for operation is 18 dB. Prove your answer.
(9 marks)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob

Satellite Communication
ECM 620

h) Describe briefly the following terms:

iii) Free space loss

iv) Flux density
v) Noise power spectral density
(6 marks)

i) A Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellite in Figure 3(b) above has 15 dB for receive
and transmit antenna gain. The earth station A transmits 1kW power with an antenna
diameter of 1.75 m and 70% efficiency. The uplink frequency is 14 GHz. The
satellite’s received power is 14 pW from earth station A. Then the signals are
transmitted back to earth station B with transmits power of 10 W and 12 GHz
downlink frequency. At earth station B, the signals are received back at 0.7 pW with
antenna gain of 50 dB. Find the optimum distance from the satellite to both earth
stations. Calculate the free space loss for uplink and downlink transmission. Hence
find the total loss from earth station A to earth station B. Assume atmospheric loss
and feeder loss are negligible.


Earth Station A Earth Station B

Figure Q3 (b)
(14 marks)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob

Satellite Communication
ECM 620
DEC 2016

a) Describe briefly the differences between noise factor and noise figure with
appropriate equation(s) respectively.
(4 marks)

b) Suppose we have a 4 GHz satellite receiverin a cascaded systemas shown in

Figure Q2(b)with the following parameters in Table Q2(b):

Table Q2(b)

Antenna Noise temperature, Tant=35 K Efficiency, ηant= 60 %

Low Noise Amplifier Noise temperature, TLNA = 45 GLNA= 20 dB
Mixer Noise temperature, TM = 100 Loss, LM = 5 dB
Intermediate amplifier Noise figure, FIF = 8 dB Gain, GIF = 35 dB

Boltzmann’s constant is 1.38 x 10-23 J/K and the room temperature is 290 K.

Low noise
Tant Intermediate
amplifier Mixer
(LNA) TM, GM,LM N0, out

Figure Q2(b)

i. Calculate the noise temperature of the system with an assumption of GM = 0 dB

ii. Calculate the noise power density at the output of intermediate amplifier and
iii. Determine the gain and diameter of the antenna if the figure of merit (G/T) of the
receiving system is 30 dB/K.
(7 marks)

c) A geosynchronous satellite communication system using 5 m parabolic antenna

with 80 % efficiency received 15 GHz frequency from the ground station. The
transmitting ground station has a transmitted power of 125.67 W and 50 dB gain.
The distance between satellite and ground station is 35,000 km.Determine:

i) the power flux density (W/m2)

ii) the satellite received power (in dBW and dBm)
iii) the Carrier to Noise Ratio (C/N) of the system, if the system is operating
with a noise temperature of 27 ⁰C and a bandwidth of 38.3 MHz.
(Boltzmann’s constant, K = 1.38 x 10-23 J/K)
(9 marks)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob
Satellite Communication
ECM 620

a) Describe briefly the following terms:

i. Flux density
ii. Noise power spectral density
iii. Carrier to noise ratio
(6 marks)

b) A 14/12 GHzgeostationary satellite is used to set up 36 MHz bandwidth link

between two earth stations, A and B. The power transmitted from the earth
station A is 900 W. Both the transmit and receive earth station’s antenna
diameter and aperture efficiency are 6 m and 55 % respectively. At the satellite,
the transponder receiver has a G/T of 3 dB/K. Then the signal are transmitted
back to earth station B with 20 dBW transmit power by an antenna with a
diameter of 0.37 m, 55 % aperture efficiency and 4 dB backoff. The feeder loss
for uplink and downlink transmission is 4 dB respectively. The receiving earth
station has an overall noise temperature of 270 K. Both uplink and downlink
distance from earth surface are assummed to be 36,000 km. Given the
Boltzmann’s constant is 1.38 x 10-23 J/K. Calculate the

i) Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) of transmit earth station and

satellite in dB
ii) uplink and downlink free space loss in dB
iii) uplink and downlink carrier to noise ratio in dB
iv) uplink and downlink carrier to noise spectral density ratio in dB

If the system is specified to operate with minimum total carrier to noise ratio of 20
dB, explain whether the system working within the specification or not. Clarify
your answer.
(14 marks)


b) An earth station has a diameter of 15 m and overall efficiency of 60%. It is used

to receive a signal at 4150 MHz. At this frequency, the system noise temperature
is 85 K when the antenna points at the satellite at an elevation angle of 28º. What
is the earth station G/T under this condition? If heavy rain causes the sky
temperature to drop to 65 K, estimate the new G/T value.

Assume that the free space loss is 196 dB, satellite EIRP is 25 dB and 3 dB for
other losses. Given the Boltzmann’s constant is -228.6 dBW/K/Hz. Compare your
G/T with carrier to noise spectral density ratio value before and after the heavy
rain. Show your answer with calculations.
(8 marks
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob
Satellite Communication
ECM 620
JUN 2014


b) Figure Q2(c) shows the block diagram of four amplifiers cascaded in the earth
station receiver. For the purpose of noise analysis, derive the equation for the
total system noise temperature of the receiver.

Amp 1 Amp 2 Amp 3 Amp 4

T1, T1, T1, T1,
G1 G1 G1 G1
N0,1 N0,2 N0,3 N0,4 N0, out

Figure Q2(c)

Suppose we have four amplifiers in cascaded with the following gains and noise

Tant = 25 K G1 = 20 dB
T1 = 60 K G2 = 30 dB
T2 = 150 K G3 = 35 dB
T3 = 250 K G4 = 40 dB
T4 = 350 K


i. the total system noise temperature of the receiver

ii. the total noise power spectral densityat the output
(9 marks)


a. Describe what is meant by the following terms:

v) Free space loss

vi) Flux density
vii) Noise power spectral density
(6 marks)

b) Graph in Figure Q3(b) shows the typical transfer characteristic of travelling wave
tube amplifier (TWTA) in satellite. Analyse the graph by pointing out the linear
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob
Satellite Communication
ECM 620
and nonlinear operation for single carrier and multiple carriers input . Hence
explain what is input backoff, output backoff and formulate the equation to prove
relation between it.

Figure Q3(b) (Taken from Satellite Communication by Timothy Pratt and

Charles W. Bostan)

(7 marks)

b) Consider a 6/4 GHz satellite with required flux density to saturate the
transponder is -96 dB W/m2. The free space loss for uplink transmission is 207
dB. The receiver feeder loss is 2 dB and assume any other losses is negligible.
Determine the isotropic effective area in dB. Next calculate the EIRP of
transmitting earth station and uplink carrier to noise spectral density for a given
G/T of the satellite10 dB/k with input backoff 11 dB.
(7 marks)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob

Satellite Communication
ECM 620
MARCH 2007

An ideal antenna of a satellite with the physical aperture area of 10 m2 situated
10000 km away from the point on the earth’s surface. The earth station transmit
power 15 W to the satellite. Find the power flux density at the receiving point on
the satellite and the power received by an antenna at this point. The aperture
efficiency is given as 70%.
(5 marks)

c) Low earth orbit satellite used L band to transmit signal back to the earth station
situated 1400 km away. The following parameters are for the downlink

Frequency 1550 MHz

Transmit power 10 W
Transmit antenna gain -5.5 dB
Earth station antenna gain 53.5 dB
Receiving system noise temperature 700 K
Polarization and atmospheric loss 6 dB
Branching and feeder loss 2 dB
Channel bandwidth 25 MHz

Calculate :

v) the carrier power to noise power ratio

vi) the carrier power to noise density ratio
vii) the total carrier power to noise dendity ratio for the system if given the
uplink carrier power to noise power ratio is 25 dB.
(9 marks)


c) With the aid of diagram, briefly describe the different between fixed assignment
and demand assignment used for multiple access technique.
(5 marks)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob

Satellite Communication
ECM 620


Earth Station A Earth Station B

Figure 4(b)

A MEO satellite in Figure 4(b) above has 15 dB for receive and transmit antenna
gain. The earth station A transmits 1kW power with an antenna diameter of 1.75
m and 70% efficiency. The uplink frequency is 14 GHz. The satellite’s received
power is 14 pW from earth station A. Then the signals are transmitted back to
earth station B with transmits power of 10 W and 12 GHz downlink frequency. At
earth station B, the signals are received back at 0.7 pW with antenna gain of 50
dB. Find the optimum distance from the satellite to both earth stations.
(9 marks)

c) From the question 4(b), find the free space loss for uplink and downlink
transmission. Hence find the total loss from earth station A to earth station B.
Assume atmospheric loss and feeder loss are negligible.
(6 marks)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob

Satellite Communication
ECM 620
APRIL 2009


a) Briefly explain the term saturation flux density. An uplink satellite system
operates at 14 GHz with a total propagation loss of 204 dB. The flux density
required to saturate the transponder is -115 dBW/m2. The receiver feeder loss is
0.6 dB. Calculate the earth station effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP)
required for the saturation. Assume clear sky condition.
(6 marks)

c) The following parameters apply to a 14/12 GHz satellite system.

Uplink Units

Earth station transmitter output power 2000 W

Earth station back off loss 10 dB

Earth station antenna efficiency 0.7

Earth station antenna diameter 4m

Additional atmospheric losses 0.6 dB

Satellite receiver G/T ratio 5.3 dBK1

Bandwidth 36 MHz

Distance between satellite and earth station 35000 km

Downlink Units

Satellite transmitter output power 10W

Satellite branching and feeder losses 0.6 dB

Satellite transmit antenna gain 31.5 dB

Earth station receive antenna gain 52.5 dB

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob
Satellite Communication
ECM 620
Earth station equivalent noise temperature 270 K

Distance between satellite and earth station 35000 km

Atmospheric losses 0.4 dB

Free space loss 205 dB

Boltzmann's constant -228.6 dBWK

Determine the:
i) earth station transmit antenna gain,
ii) uplink free space loss,
iii.) uplink carrier to noise power spectral density ratio,
iv) uplink carrier to noise power ratio,
v) earth station G/T ratio and
vi) downlink carrier to noise power spectral density ratio.

If the minimum required total carrier to noise power spectral density ratio is 80
dB, is the above system viable?

(14 marks)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob

Satellite Communication
ECM 620
OCT. 2008


a) Define the following:

i) antenna noise temperature,
ii) amplifier noise temperature, and
iii) system noise temperature referred to the input.
(4 marks)

c) A receiving system consists of an antenna having a noise temperature of 58 K,

feeding directly in a low noise amplifier (LNA). The LNA has a noise temperature of
125 K and a gain of 50 dB. The main receiver with a noise figure of 8 dB is
connected to the LNA by a coaxial feeder. If the system noise temperature referred
to the input is found to be 183.054 K, determine the feeder loss and the noise power
density. Given the Boltzmann's constant is 1.38 x 10"23 J/K and the
roomtemperature is 290 K.
(6 marks)


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob

Satellite Communication
ECM 620

d) A satellite communication system is operating at 6/4 GHz with a bandwidth of 36

MHz. The receiving end of the transponder in the satellite has a power flux density
of -95 dB/m2 and figure of merit of 5 dB/K. The effective isotropic radiated power
(EIRP) and the backoff of the transmitting end of the transponder is 46 dBW and 3
dB respectively. The receiving earth station is using a 5 m dish with 70% efficiency
and the receiver has overall system noise temperature of 140 K.
Assuming both uplink and downlink path lengths are 36000 km, determine the

i) the uplink EIRP, and

ii) the uplink and downlink carrier to noise ratio (C/N).

If the system is specified to operate with minimum total C/N of 18 dB, is it within the
specification? Prove.
(12 marks)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob

Satellite Communication
ECM 620
OCT. 2009


a) A geostationary satellite uses C-band and the distance from the earth station to
the satellite is 38,500 km.

i) Derive the equation of the free-space loss.

ii) Calculate the path loss at a frequency of 6.2 GHz.
(6 marks)

b) A satellite communication system is operating at 6/4 GHz with a bandwidth of 36

MHz. The receiving end of the transponder in the satellite has a power flux
density of-100 dB/m2 and figure of merit of 5 dB/K. The EIRP and the backoff of
the transmitting end of the transponder is 47 dBW and 3 dBW respectively. The
receiving earth station is using a 5 m dish with 68% efficiency and the receiver
has overall system noise temperature of 170 K. Both uplink and downlink path
lengths are 36000 km. The system is specified to operate with minimum total C/N
of 20 dB.

Assume other losses are negligible and the Boltzmann's constant is -228.6
dBW/Hz K.

Analyze the system and hence find out whether the system operate within its
specification. Show all your calculations.
(14 marks)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob

Satellite Communication
ECM 620
OCT. 2007


a) Define flux density for an ideal antenna and for real antenna with the equations
(4 marks)

b) Describe system noise in satellite communication.

Given three amplifier in cascaded with the following gains and noise temperature:

Tant 35 K

T1, 45 K

G1, 20 dB
T2 100 K

G2 30 dB

T3 500 K

G3 35 dB


i) the total noise energy referred to amplifier 2 input;

ii) the total noise energy referred to amplifier 3 input;
iii) the system noise temperature for the system.
(7 marks)

b) A geostationary satellite with a distance of 34500 km operate with uplink

frequency of 6 GHz. The power that received by the satellite is 2.75 x 103 W with
equivalent noise temperature of 1000 K. The transmitting antenna has a physical
aperture of 20 m2 with efficiency of 55% and transmitting power of 35 dBW. The
atmospheric loss and the antenna pointing loss for the transmission is 2 dB and 1
dB respectively.

i) the free space loss in dB;

ii) the transmit gain by the satellite in dB;
iii) the received gain by the earth station in dB;
iv) the uplink carrier power to noise density ratio for the system in dB.
(8 marks)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob

Satellite Communication
ECM 620
OCT. 2006


a) With suitable defination, state the equation of the following terms:

i) flux density
ii) effective isotropically radiated power
iii) carrier-to-noise density ratio
(6 marks)

b) An earth station antenna received signal at 4500 MHz frequency. The antenna
has a diameter of 25 m with overall efficiency of 65%. If the system noise
temperature when the antenna point the satellite at this frequency is 75 K, find
the value of G/T ratio under this condition. What is the new value of G/T ratio if
the heavy rain causes the sky temperature to increase and the system noise
temperature rises to 90 K. Comment on your answer.
(4 marks)

c) An uplink satellite transmission system with an operation frequency of 14 GHz

has required carrier to noise ratio of 25 dB. The bandwidth and the satellite G/T
ratio are 75 MHz and 20 dBK"1 respectively. Assume that the system output
backoff is 1 dB. Calculate the saturation flux density when the receiver feeder
loss is given as 1 dB.
(6 marks)

d) Describe what is meant by noise power spectral density?

Calculate the noise power density for the system when the system noise
temperature is given as 140 K.
(4 marks)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob

Satellite Communication
ECM 620

d) A satellite transponder operate at frequency of 6 GHz. Calculate the earth station

EIRP required if the saturation flux density is -120 dB W/m2 and the total losses
between the earth station and the satellite is 210 dB.
(4 marks)

e) A 14/12 GHz satellite communication system is used to set up a 72 MHz

bandwidth between two earth stations. The uplink and downlink effective
isotropic radiated power are 50 dBW and 48 dBW respectively. The transponder
has a figure of merit of 43 dBK"1. Both the diameter of earth station transmitting
and receiving antenna are 20 meters with 70% aperture efficiency. The downlink
operates with 7 dB backoff. The receiving earth station has an overall system
noise temperature of140K. Given that the distance between the earth stations
and the satellite is 37000 km and having 2 dB atmospheric loss for both uplink
and downlink path. Determine the following:

i) carrier to noise ratio for uplink

ii) carrier to noise ratio for downlink
iii) overall carrier to noise ratio for the system
(12 marks)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob

Satellite Communication
ECM 620
APRIL 2007


a) Describe briefly what is meant by the following terms:

i) Aperture efficiency, n
ii) Effective aperture area, Ae
iii) Free space loss
(6 marks)

b) An ideal antenna of a satellite with the physical aperture area of 10 m2 situated

10000 km away from the point on the earth's surface. The earth station transmits
a signal power of 15 W to the satellite. Find the power flux density at the
receiving point on the satellite and the power received by an antenna at this
point. The aperture efficiency is given as 70%.
(5 marks)

f) A low earth orbit satellite situated 1400 km away above the ground, uses L band
to transmit signal back to the earth station. The following parameters are for the
downlink transmission:

Frequency 1550 MHz

Transmit power 10 W
Transmit antenna gain -5.5 dB
Earth station antenna gain 53.5 dB
Receiving system noise temperature 700 K
Polarization and atmospheric loss 6 dB
Branching and feeder loss 2 dB
Channel bandwidth 25 MHz


i) the carrier power to noise power ratio

ii) the carrier power to noise density ratio
iii) the total carrier power to noise dendity ratio for the system if given the uplink
carrier power to noise power ratio is 25 dB.
(9 marks)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob

Satellite Communication
ECM 620

d) A middle earth orbit satellite in Figure Q4(b) above has 15 dB for receive and
transmit antenna gain. The earth station A transmits 1 kW power through an
antenna with a diameter of 1.75 m and 70% efficiency. The uplink frequency
is 14 GHz. The satellite's received power is 14 pW. Then the signal is
transmitted back to earth station B with transmit power of 10 W and 12 GHz
downlink frequency. At earth station B, the signal is received back at 0.7 pW
through an antenna with a gain of 50 dB. Find the optimum distance from the
satellite to both earth stations.
(10 marks)

e) From the part (b), find the free space loss for uplink and downlink
transmission. Hence find the total loss from earth station A to earth station B.
Assume atmospheric loss and feeder loss are negligible.
(5 marks)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob

Satellite Communication
ECM 620
APRIL 2005


(a) Give all steps in a design of satellite communication links from transmitting earth
station to receiving earth station.
(4 marks)

(b) A direct broadcast satellite (DBS) television system has following parameters for
its downlink.

Satellite transmit power per channel = 200 W

Transmit antenna gain = 37 dB
Path length to receiving station (typical) = 38 000 km
Channel frequency = 12.2 GHz
Receivina antenna diameter = 0.7 m
~eceivinga ntenna efficiency = 60 %
Polarization and atmospheric attenuation loss = 6 dB
Receiving system noise temperature = 700 K
Channel Bandwidth = 27 MHz
Calculate carrier-to-noise (CIN) ratio of the DBS downlink.
(9 marks)

(c) The CIN ratio for a satellite circuit are uplink 25 dB and downlink 15 dB.
Calculate the overall CIN ratio.
(3 marks)

(d) Define following terms as applied to satellite communication systems

(i) ElRP
(ii) GTT ratio
(iii) Output Back-off
(3 marks)

(e) Explain why the low-noise amplifier of a satellite receiving system is placed at the
antenna end of the feeder cable.
(2 marks)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob

Satellite Communication
ECM 620
NOV. 2005


a) Define aperture efficiency, rj that have been used in satellite link design.
(2 marks)

b) Determination of noise temperature in a communication receivers is very

important. Explain why? An equivalent noise temperature represents the noise
power present at the input of a device and the noise added internally by the
devices. State mathematically the relationship between the noise power and
noise tempature.
(3 marks)

e) Figure Q3c shows the block diagram of a receiver consisting of RF amplifier, mixer
and IF amplifier. For the purpose of noise analysis, derive the equation for the total
noise power, Pn at the output of the IF amplifier of the receiver.
(4 marks)

f) i. If the single source of noise power, Pn = G|FGmGRFkTsBn equals to the

equation derived above with Ts as the system noise temperature, find the
system noise temperature equation for the above noise source.
(2 marks)

ii. Assume the operating frequency of the receiver is at 5 GHz. Using the given
gains and noise temperature, calculate the overall system noise temperature by
using the equation that you derived in question 3d (i).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob

Satellite Communication
ECM 620
Tin = 25 K
TRF = 50 K
TIP = 250 K
GRF = 25 dB
G|F = 30 dB
GIF = 35 dB
(3 marks)


a) A satellite system consists of three basic sections which are uplink, a satellite
transponder and a downlink. Draw the model block diagrams for all three
sections. Describe briefly the operation of the equipment in each model.
(5 marks)

b) What is meant by output backoff and its relationship with input backoff? An earth
station is required to operate at an effective isotropically radiated power (EIRP) of
45 dBW in order to produce saturation of the satellite transponder. If the
transponder has to be operated in a 7 dB backoff mode, calculate the new value
of EIRP required.
(5 marks)

c) The following parameters apply to an uplink earth station's power budget with an
uplink frequency of 14 GHz and distance to satellite is 40000 km.

Earth station
Transmit power, Pt 100 W
Antenna diameter, D 4m
Antenna efficiency, r| 60%

Antenna efficiency, r| 55%
Antenna gain, Gs 38.2 dBi
Antenna noise temperature, Ts 290 K
Boltzmann's Constant - 228.6 dBW/Hz K

i) earth station's Effective Isotropically Radiated Power, EIRP.
ii) free space loss, FSL.
iii) satellite's G/T, and
iv) uplink carrier to noise spectral density, C/N0 (ignore other losses).

(8 marks)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob
Satellite Communication
ECM 620
MARCH 2004


a) Define the following terms as applied in satellite communication systems:

ii) carrier-to-noise (C/N) ratio
iii) G/T ratio
(3 marks)

b) A satellite at a distance of 38,000 km from a point on the earth's surface radiates

a power of 15 W from an antenna with a gain of 20 dB in the direction of the
observer. Find the flux density at the receiving point and the power received by
an antenna at this point with an effective area of 12 m2.
(4 marks)

b) In the system shown in Figure Q3(a), the receiver noise figure is 12 dB and
cable loss is 5 dB, the low-noise amplifier (LIMA) gain is 50 dB and its noise
temperature is 150 K. Calculate the noise temperature referred to the input. If the
locations of the cable and LNA are switched as shown in Figure Q3(b), calculate
the noise temperature referred to the input. From the above results illustrate
advantages of placing LNA ahead of the cable.

(13 marks)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob

Satellite Communication
ECM 620

1 a) A satellite is moving with mean motion of 7.2815x10-5 rad/s in a circular

equatorial orbit with a semi major axis of 42150 km. Assume a mean earth radius
of 6371 km, Kepler’s constant of 3.986005 x105 km3/s2 and k1= 66063.1704
km2. Determine:
i) Orbital period in hour, minutes and second.
ii) Velocity of satellite.
iii) Rate of regression of the nodes and
iv) Rate of rotation of line of apsides

2 a) A satellite orbit has the following parameters semimajor axis 6647 km;
eccentricity of 0.01369 and inclination 63.470. Assume a mean earth radius of
6371 km, Kepler’s constant of 3.986005 x105 km3/s.2 , determined the orbital
period and the nominal mean motion of the satellite.
Hence, if the oblateness of the earth is taken into account, calculate the;
i) Anomalistic period;
ii) Rate of regression of the nodes in degrees/day and.
iii) Rate of rotation of the line of apsides in degrees/day.

Given k1= 66063.1704 km2


3a). Explain what is meant by satellite communication. Describe the main advantages
offered by satellite communications.

b). A satellite consist of payload and platform. There are four subsystem required to
permit the payload to operate. Describe the main functions and characteristics of
the subsystems.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob

Satellite Communication
ECM 620
4 a) A satellite has an apogee height of 40,100 km and a perigee height of 720 km.
assume a mean earth radius is 6371 km and Kepler’s constant of 3.986005 x105
km3/s2 , determine:
i) The eccentricity and semi minor axis of its orbit,
ii) The velocity of the satellite at the apogee and
iii) Period of satellite orbit in hour, minutes and second


5a) An elliptical orbit satellite has an apogee height of 5000 km and a perigee height
of 1500 km. determine the semi major axis and the eccentricity of the orbit.
Hence find the period of the satellite orbit in hours, minutes and seconds.
Assume a mean earth radius is 6378 km and Kepler’s constant of 3.986005 x10 5
km3/s2 .

Hence compare mathematically the velocity of the satellite while it is rotating

along perigee and apogee.
6a) Name all six keplerian elements

b) State all three Keplers Law of planetary motion. You can use diagrams to explain
your answer.

c) There are two forces act on satellite when it is in stable orbit. Name and differentiate
between the two forces. State the equation for each force.

d) Find the height of the orbit and the period of time in hour, minute and second for
the satellite maneuvers on the orbit with velocity 3.10 kms-1. Given the Keplers
constant is 3.986005 x105 km3/s2 and the earth’s radius is 6378 km.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsuzila Yaácob

Satellite Communication
ECM 620

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