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The Chemistry

of Employee Engagement
How highly successful organizations
use real-time people data to drive
high engagement

The Chemistry of Engagement 1

Introduction. What is the chemistry
of engagement? Pg 02

Growth. And other surprising

causes of disengagement. Pg 04

Reactions. Why disengagement

happens to good people. Pg 06

Eureka! Recent innovations in the

field of measuring engagement. Pg 07

Surveying the surveys. Taking

measure of traditional solutions to Pg 10
measure employee engagement. Table of
Real-time, really. Introducing a
new platform for measuring (and Pg 14
improving) employee engagement.

Advice and best practices. From

organizations who’ve adopted real- Pg 15
time employee engagement.

What’s your organizational

chemistry quotient? Follow 4 Pg 19
simple steps.

The Chemistry of Engagement 2

Reformulate your company’s future.

Learn the science of creating

high-engagement organizations.
The chemistry
At some organizations, engagement seems of engagement =
to happen naturally. Employees feel it. They’re
committed, energetic, attached. Positive attitudes Leaders using
and behaviors are transmitted to each new hire.
A virtuous cycle.
real-time people
data to consistently
At other organizations, engagement is uneven
and difficult to sustain. Employees feel this, too.
drive employee
Some do only what’s necessary to get by. Why go engagement.
the extra mile when others are coasting? Energy
ebbs. People leave. Momentum never takes hold.

On the surface, you may not be able to tell

these two organizations apart. They may even
be the same organization at different times.
Disengagement isn’t always visible.

What if both organizations had the same This white paper reveals the data-driven
opportunities to drive high levels of engagement strategies of innovative organizations who
consistently? A composition of elements have adopted the emerging technology of
motivates every employee in every department real-time employee engagement.
in an organization throughout the year. When
you know the unique composition of elements
for your specific company, you can use this
data to reformulate the future. In real time.

The Chemistry of Engagement 02

Reformulate your company’s future.

All organizations have the

potential for high engagement.

But very few organizations actually know how

to systematically create it. In most cases, leaders
don’t know they have an engagement problem
until they have a retention or performance
problem. Insights come. But they’re too little,
too late.


79% 77%
79% of CEOs believe they 77% of CEOs feel they don’t Only 30% of employees
have a significant retention have the right systems to are engaged. 52% are not
and engagement problem. address the issue. engaged. 18% are actively
(Deloitte) (Deloitte) disengaged.
(Forrester 2012)

The Chemistry of Engagement 03

And other surprising causes of disengagement.

After recruiting top performers, building

exceptional products, and gaining customers,
many organizations are surprised to find that
winning the war for talent doesn’t inoculate them
against engagement and retention challenges.

In fact, growth can trigger problems with

engagement, productivity, and retention.

Here are three common challenges

associated with disengagement, as related
to us by seasoned HR leaders who shared
their experiences in their own words.

In their own words:

1. Challenges staying connected.

“We were getting bigger and wanted to sustain

a great culture. But as our company grew, it
got harder to get a handle on how people are
—Danny Shader,
CEO, PayNearMe

“In 12 months, many of the people here will be

new because of our rapid growth. Annual surveys
weren’t working. We wanted to take a more
frequent pulse of employees, without weighing
down the HR team.”
—Joan Burke,
SVP Human Resources, Marketo

The Chemistry of Engagement 04

And other surprising causes of disengagement.

2. Increasingly diverse, distributed workforces.

“Our company is geographically dispersed.

We’ve grown via merger and acquisition and have
not required employees to migrate to centralized
locations. We felt fragmented. The management team
wanted more cohesiveness and more engagement.”
—Richard Deal,
SVP, Chief HR Officer, FICO

“We have a variety of employees, some

hourly, some salaried, some technical, some
customer-facing, some in the main office,
some remote. Executive leadership is often
the last to know what’s really going on.
We get a watered-down version of the truth.
We wanted to keep everyone engaged across
a diverse workforce.”
—Amy Errett,
CEO and Co-Founder, Madison Reed

3. Being agile.

“Managers were rarely managing the same team

a year later, so it was difficult to compare results.
Too much time was passing between measurements. ”
—Richard Deal,
SVP, Chief HR Officer, FICO

The Chemistry of Engagement 05

Why disengagement happens to good people.

A breakdown in engagement is often the result
of a reaction to change. Reactions happen
at work when elements mix, sometimes leading
to undesirable outcomes.

A pattern of reactions can hurt engagement 83%

and pull people off track.

83% of companies are
seriously worried about
Strategy du jour. their leadership pipelines.
The boss changes direction often and the team (Deloitte)

loses motivation. People are reluctant to act,

fearing their hard work will be wasted.

Accounting is exhausted.
Their workload has steadily increased, but 8%
they’re committed, so they put in the extra
hours. No one asked, so no one knows. Three
accountants just quit. Leadership didn’t know Yet, only 8% of
companies have strong programs
until the exit interviews. to build leadership skills in their
millennial populations.
You’re the best! (at your old job) (Deloitte)
An employee’s strong decision-making leads
to a promotion. Now, the team is required to
run every decision by her, resulting in delays
and frustration. 13%
These changes aren’t new, and they’re just
a fraction of the possible reactions that can
cause disengagement. 13% of the global
workforce is
highly engaged.

The Chemistry of Engagement 06

Recent innovations in the field of measuring engagement.

You can’t optimize what you don’t measure.

This is just as true for employee engagement
as it is for other industries. Many other industries Real-time
have already modernized the way they measure measurement isn’t
engagement by using real-time technologies.
For example:
the future. It’s now.

• Marketers use real-time solutions like

Marketo and Google Analytics to measure
website visitor engagement and campaign
effectiveness. They use these insights to
course-correct and optimize quickly across
a portfolio of campaigns.

• Politicians constantly pulse voters to

fine-tune strategy throughout a campaign,
emphasizing different messages for
each constituency. They don’t wait until
election day.

• Developers and application managers

use application performance monitoring
technologies like New Relic to identify
bottlenecks in real time and diagnose issues,
right down to the line of code.

The Chemistry of Engagement 07

Recent innovations in the field of measuring engagement.

If we can frequently measure other types of engagement to

quickly diagnose problems and course-correct, why not do the
same for employee engagement?

Three factors have traditionally kept drivers vary by industry, by organization,

organizations from measuring, diagnosing, by location, and by manager. While
and improving employee engagement HR has worked valiantly to carry the
in real time: engagement banner, HR alone cannot
consistently drive engagement across
1. The annual survey is still, well, annual.
a large, geographically-dispersed
Measuring employee engagement started organization. Managers, who are closest
with the paper-based survey. Surveys required to employees, have the best opportunity
significant time to formulate questions, to take action based on local results.
administer, analyze results, and provide Receiving a static report with a diagnosis
recommendations. They could only be done and recommendations once a year is
once a year, at best. Every possible question drastically insufficient.
needed to be asked, 60, 80, even 100 questions.
Along came digital. Paper surveys moved online.
Yet survey design, data collection, analysis, and
recommendation are still predominantly annual.

2. It’s not just an HR thing.

Because Human Resources is responsible for the

humans, HR has traditionally been seen as the
owner of the engagement survey and the driver
of change based on its findings. But engagement

The Chemistry of Engagement 08

Recent innovations in the field of measuring engagement.

3. Money or time? You pick.

Those seeking to measure employee engagement

and to respond to the results have traditionally
had two options:

i. Money? Hire a consulting firm to

implement the survey. The firm brings
expertise, benchmarking, analysis,
and recommendations—at a price.
Many organizations are forced to limit
consulting-based surveys to once
“We used other surveys in
a year, or every other year, as the
the past—response rates
cost can reach hundreds of thousands
were often low, data
of dollars per survey.
was painful to analyze and
ii. Time? Use a survey technology to design benchmark, and actionable
and implement an engagement survey. insights were limited.
The price is much lower, but the time The process was too manual
invested to design the survey, analyze the and time consuming.”
data, and communicate results can cost —Tiffani Ingham,
teams weeks or months of effort. Senior Director, People
Operations, Sojern

The Chemistry of Engagement 09

Taking measure of traditional solutions
to measure employee engagement.

What drives engagement? The answer varies widely between

individuals, departments, organizations, and even within the
same company from year to year as it grows.

A solution to improve employee engagement

is only as effective as its ability to:

i. Measure the right things at the

right frequency.

ii. Deliver actionable insights based

on the data collected.

iii. Deliver insights to the right people—

managers, and not just HR and the CEO. ii.
iv. Equip leaders to act quickly.

iii. Improve Employee

Engagement i


The Chemistry of Engagement 10

Taking measure of traditional solutions
to measure employee engagement.


Let’s compare the options to measure engagement, which have traditionally been annual
surveys and do-it-yourself (DIY) polls, to evaluate their effectiveness in each of these
four categories:


(Consultants) (Survey Tools)
1. Measure the C- D F
right things at the right
Bases questions on proven drivers Usually. Sometimes. Sometimes.
to ensure relevance and quality Can copy from
of insights. standard engagement
question templates.
Allows you to survey employees No. Pulsing frequently is Yes, but requires the HR Only collected upon exit.
frequently enough to keep a pulse not cost effective. team’s time investment No.
on the organization and to see the for each pulse.
impact of actions.
Easy to implement and run, without Somewhat. No. No.
significant effort from HR. Still requires time
to build the 80-
question survey.
Confidential, so people feel Yes. Low perceived No.
confident enough to share confidentiality hurts
the truth. participation rates and
data quality.
Compelling survey experience No, long surveys No, user interface n/a
for employees, encouraging high result in lower experience often results
participation rates. completion rates. in survey fatigue, poor
data quality.
Fast, easy survey experience on No. No. No.
mobile devices.
Real-time response rate data and No. Yes. n/a

The Chemistry of Engagement 11

Taking measure of traditional solutions
to measure employee engagement.


(Consultants) (Survey Tools)
2. Deliver actionable B D D-
insights based on
the data collected.

Results provide Yes. Sometimes. No.

comparisons to historical,
benchmark, and company-
average data (so you know
whether a score is good
or bad).
Automatically assesses the Sometimes. No, though HR could No.
relative impact of various run and publish
engagement drivers to help correlation analyses.
prioritize response.
Tracks success over time No. Many reports must be No. No.
with on-demand reporting requested, at a cost.
across a wide range of
employee attributes
(business unit, location,
tenure, gender, etc.).
3. Deliver insights to the C F F
right people, empowering
managers to act.
Easy to empower managers Sometimes, but the reports No, significant In a way, yes.
with drill-down data by cost extra. manual effort.
Allows managers to Sometimes, with additional Not without manual effort. No.
compare their results charges for custom reports. HR parses and distributes
against company and the data, or managers run
group averages. their own pulses.
Ability to create custom Yes, at significant cost Yes, but requires design No.
pulses for specific teams, and delay. and implementation effort
topics, or situations. to create and deploy.
Easy to adapt as No. No. No.
departments and managers
change throughout
the year.

The Chemistry of Engagement 12

Taking measure of traditional solutions
to measure employee engagement.


(Consultants) (Survey Tools)
4. Equip leaders F F F
to act quickly.

Allows leaders and No. No. No.

managers to explore data
to uncover additional
insights on demand.
Automatically alerts leaders No. No. No.
and managers to significant
changes in engagement
scores and drivers for
their teams.
Ability to configure No. No. No.
dashboards to watch
key metrics.
Quickly creates attractive No. No. No.
results presentations for
executives and employees.

Overall scores — letter grades:

Annual survey:
= C-

DIY online surveys:

= D-

Exit interviews:

The Chemistry of Engagement 13

Introducing a new platform for measuring
(and improving) employee engagement.

What if you could receive people data with

actionable intelligence on demand, while
still ensuring confidentiality? An emerging Glint is the first
technology meets the criteria for an effective real-time employee
solution to measure and improve employee
engagement in our always-on, need-it-now,
constantly pulsing world. It’s called a real-time platform. Why
employee engagement platform. Innovative shouldn’t we
organizations like FICO, Marketo, and Sojern
have software to
are using it to:
keep a pulse on
• Create sustainable programs for measuring engagement?
and improving employee engagement Customers include
• Take frequent pulses of their employees
Marketo, FICO,
• Understand which factors really drive
employee satisfaction and retention
Sojern, PayNearMe,
• Empower managers with interactive and Madison Reed.
dashboards and insights to lead them
to action
• Be alerted to significant changes or outlier
scores across an enormous number of
potential employee attribute combinations
• Find and fix any disengagement loops before
they become major problems
• Retain more top employees
• Build stronger teams and deliver better results

The Chemistry of Engagement 14

From Organizations Who’ve Adopted Real-Time
Employee Engagement


“With Glint, we have more frequent longitudinal

data and an environment where managers can
analyze it in real-time. It’s proven invaluable in
increasing awareness and energy around the
topic of workforce engagement.”
—Richard Deal,
SVP, Chief Human Resources Officer, FICO

“We see how new processes or initiatives in our

business can cause stress (through lower scores),
but because of the driver data, we see why,
making it more actionable,”
—Eric Hutchinson,
COO, Madison Reed

The Chemistry of Engagement 15

From Organizations Who’ve Adopted Real-Time
Employee Engagement


“I love the granularity—the ability to drill down

and identify where we need to take immediate
action. We analyzed the driver scores from our
first pulse and identified work-life balance issues
specific to certain groups. We are partnering
with those groups to develop a response plan
that in some cases will include delivering more
resources to support the team.”
—Joan Burke,
SVP Human Resources, Marketo

“Giving leadership actionable data they can slice

and dice is hugely impactful.”
—Tiffani Ingham,
Senior Director, People Operations, Sojern

The Chemistry of Engagement 16

From Organizations Who’ve Adopted Real-Time
Employee Engagement



“More importantly, we sent a very clear message:

we care about how you’re feeling.”
—Richard Deal,
SVP, Chief Human Resources Officer, FICO

“We believe deeply in understanding people

and helping them enjoy work—it’s the difference
between a successful company and one that
fails. Glint gives us a pulse on our company. We
can spot issues, respond and see corresponding
score increases monthly.”
—Amy Errett,
CEO, Madison Reed

The Chemistry of Engagement 17

From Organizations Who’ve Adopted Real-Time
Employee Engagement


“For the employees, Glint has been a big step

forward. We didn’t appreciate the importance of
the user interface until that first pulse—it’s a really
great UI.”
—Richard Deal,
SVP, Chief Human Resources Officer, FICO

“I filled out the Glint pulse on my phone.

The responsive interface was formatted perfectly
with nice animation and clear buttons. It was
clearly thought-through and delightful—a very
well designed experience. The little touches
make all the difference. It made the task
—Glen Lipka,
VP User Experience, Marketo

“With Glint I feel like I literally have my finger

on the ‘pulses’ of the various groups within
the company. It’s fast, intuitive, and I can see
results immediately.”
—Mark Rabe,
CEO, Sojern

The Chemistry of Engagement 18

Learn how to consistently formulate high engagement levels.



Follow 4 simple steps:





You can improve engagement by knowing each department’s specific, unique drivers of
engagement throughout the year, and by using those insights to develop creative, pragmatic
solutions to the real reasons people become disengaged at work. Request a demo of Glint.

The Chemistry of Engagement 19

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