Eclipse Ball Lesson Plan

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Name: Matt Goth__

Grade Level: School: 7-12

Date: _10/10/18____
Time: 7th period

Reflection from prior lesson:

Students will recall the rules from the prior lesson.
South Dakota Physical Education Content Standards Addressed:

Standard1: The physically literate individual demonstrates proficiency in a variety of motor


Standard 2: The Physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles,

strategies and tactics to enhance movement and performance.

Standard 4: The physically literate individuals exhibits responsible personal and social behaviors
that respects self, others and environment.

Cognitive Objectives: (The student(s) will….)

1. Work as a team to create strategies
2. Following and comprehending directions
Psychomotor Objectives: (The student(s) will ….)
1. Develop hand eye coordination
2. Develop spatial awareness

Affective Objectives: (The student(s) will ….)

1. Demonstrate safety
2. Demonstrate respect for others

Fitness Objectives: (The student(s) will …)

1. Improve cardiovascular health
2. Increase heart rate

Materials needed: Volleyball court, Volleyball net, eclipse ball, and tennis racket
Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics: The 7th grade class has 22 students.

The Lesson
1. Introduction (include time allotment)
Getting attention
As students enter the gym they will walk around the gym. Once all of the students are in the
gym the teacher will explain todays warm up and split them up into groups for the warm up.

Warm up
 Station 1-Jump rope back and forth
 Station 2- Medicine ball crunch
 Station 3- Basic jump rope
 Station 4- Walking Russian Twist
 Station 5- Double Under Jump rope
 Station 6- Toe to Toe Jump rope
(10 min)

Relating to past experience and/or knowledge

Today we will be continuing the eclipse ball unit. In the last lesson students where given the
rules of eclipse ball. Today they are going to be playing eclipse ball and trying to use
strategies that they may have used in the volleyball unit.

Creating a need to know

*teacher will explain why today’s activity is important
Today we will be working on our hand eye coordination, spatial awareness, and teamwork.

Sharing objective, in general terms

Today we will be working on our hand eye coordination, spatial awareness, and

Content Delivery (include time allotment & instructional methodologies)

After students are done with their warm up they will line up at the black line and
we will go over today’s activity.
 First we will review the rules of eclipse ball.
1. The serve is made from ¾ court or further back. The serve is always
2. Only the serving team can score, except in a “play-it” situation.
3. A ball that lands on the line is always in bounds.
4. Balls that hit the net and go over while serving or during play
are ALWAYS good.
5. Player rotation is like that in volleyball, clockwise. You may decide on the
placement of players according to your strategy.
6. A player must not enter another team’s court in any way to play
the ball. You may go out of bounds to play a ball that come from your team’s
side of the court.
7. The ball hitting the ceiling is out of bounds.

 Then I will ask them what strategies they used last class to score points
 Today we are going to continue playing eclipse ball.
 Teams will be split up using playing cards
 Teams will rotate every 8 minuets
Closure (include time allotment)
Students will put the rackets away and change. (7min)

Technology Integration: none

Assessments Used: Observation
Differentiated Instruction: none

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