Acknowlegement: Social Media Report

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A very special thanks to our ENT 530 lecturer, Dr. Jacqueline for her guidance in
preparing the Social Media report assignment. Without her guidance and consultation, my
assignment could not be finish following the due time .

Not forgotten to my parents for their help in giving me some ideas instead of
providing me some cashes to be used for the assignment expenses. Thanks a lot for your
support and motivations to pursue my assignment which lead to 5 boxes of chocojar sold. I
trully appreciate all your contributions.

Besides that, we are also very gratefull for the cooperation that been given among my
friends that supporting me by buying my products which is ChocoJar throughout the semester
and support that we got from our supervisor. A big gratitude for my fellow friends who were
directly and indirectly gave me a lot of information, ideas and cooperation during this project.
I am hoping that this report will meet its requirements and could bring satisfactions from all

My business, namely JaneyChocoJarLeleh is an online business that focuses on selling

a Chocojar. My business have been registered in local city council (DBKK). The Chocojar
product name is Chocojar. The specialty of Chocojar leleh is I am focusing and providing a
delicious desert food as an agent that can be enjoy by all types of community. Choco stand for
Chocolate for Jar for the places the chocolate had been placed. Therefore, Chocojar was
created in this business. I had started with a small amount of capital to be an agent of this
Chocojar. Hence, i am the one who handle everything in terms of COD(Cash On Delivery)
and I am the one who managed my Facebook and Instagram Page to attract more customers.

Together, as a business person I am trying the best to make it as a succesfull business

and known on in whole of Malaysia. My business capital is RM203, and this is including the
postage for Sabah as the Hq of this Chocojar is from Melaka. So far i had purchase 5Boxes of
Chocojar that included 24Jars in a box. So the total jar of my Chocojar is 120 Jars. This is
the first time i became a business person who have no experience in term of entreperneurship.
But, as an entrepreneur I myself still put on efforts to make my business run smoothly as an
agent and let the people enjoy my choices of products.

Chocojar can be said as a rare supplementary food which it is only can be seen when
people make it. Nowadays it is hard to make Chocojar because of most people does not want
to produce the Chocojar as it is hard to make it because there is alot of procedure that need to
be taken care of in terms of the quality. Most of the Chocojar can be seen in a stall and people
are easily attracted to it as there is a lot of Chocolates lover in Malaysia.

In that case, me myself had choose to be an agent for Chocojar as my selected product.
Which it is not only to maximize my own profit but to fulfill demand and satisfaction of the
people toward this supllementary food which is Chocojar. Since I had sells it online with a
reasonable price, it enable the people who loves to eat Chocolates to buy and enjoy Chocojar
that is superb.

3.1 - Name of the business


- Address of the business

University Apartment 2 Block G, Sulaman Sentral.

3.2 Organizational chart




 Vision

To become one of another Bumiputera’s business that produce products and

services that can fulfilled the demand of the customer thus become one of the
monopolist of the industry.

 Mission

Generate more income and profit by manufacturing different kind of ChocoJar

in a whole KK area and widen the territory to all over state in south of
Be efficient in term of handling the service provided by the procedure and
process that occurs to avoid waste, especially when it involved with financial
resources, labor, equipment and capital that me myself have invested.
I also will alert and aware regarding the feedback from the customers and
believed that is a medium where me myself could improve and upgrade the
products and the services by time to time referring to the HQ of the Chocojar.
3.3 Descriptive of the product

The Chocojar

Chocojar is a delicious desert/snacks combining the Bubble Rice and Premium

Chocolate that can be enjoy by all types of community especially children and usually eaten

with ice cream and also bread. I did provide the cheapest Chocojar to my customers as the jars

weight is 300-350grams. The Chocojar include Bubble rice and premium chocolate that

needed to be cooked for a several of times, and this is the element that made the chocojar so


This Chocojar are usually eaten by the customers anytime they want to and it does not

need to be put in a refrigerator and it could be eaten just like that without making the

chocolates melt inside. Hence, we make it easier for our customer as the old version of

Chocojar need to be melt by a warm water.

3.4 Price List


CHOCOJAR RM15 Per Jar (Normal Price)

RM13 Per Jar (Students Price)

CHOCOJAR With Toppings

 Oreo
 Milo RM15 Per Jar
 KitKat
 Milo+Oreo
 Milo Nugget
3.5 Facebook

Creating Facebook (FB Page)

Facebook URL :

Facebook post – Teaser

Facebook post – Soft Sell
Facebook post – Hard Sell

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