Chapter 3

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A. Method of Research

The research method in this research is qualitative method as a

case study. Case study is a research to analyze an issue or problem. In
this context, the issue or problem discussed about students’ error in
using personal pronoun on writing descriptive text. The writer uses the
case study method where the writer analysis the student’s English
writing to know the students error in writing and to know what did
many students doing error. After that, the writer describes the number
of errors in the table form as the recapitulation of the errors the table
form a students have made. The writer will describe error in each
sentence and give the reconstruction of whole composition.
In this research, the writer uses case study. Case study is one of
type qualitative method. According to Gall, case study is described as
“the in-depth of instances of a phenomenon in its natural context and
from the perspective of the participants involved in the phenomenon” 1
In addition, Denzin and Lincoln write in the introduction to the
third edition of their encyclopedic handbook:
Qualitative research involves the studied use and collection of a
variety of empirical materials—case study; personal experience;
introspection; life story; interviews; artifacts; cultural texts and
productions; observational, historical, and visual texts—that

Duff A. Patricia, Case Study Research in Applied Linguisticts, (New York:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2008), 22.


describe routine and problematic moments and meanings in

individuals’ lives....2
According to David Nunan in book entitled in Research Method
in Language Learning, “A case study is what you call a case, in case, in
case you don’t have anything else to call it (unidentified student cited
in Jaeger)”. 3
Still in David Nunan’s book, there is opinion about case study
he said that, “…the qualitative case study can be defined as an
intensive, holistic description and analysis of single entity,
phenomenon, or social unit. Case studies are particularistic, descriptive
and heuristic and rely heavily on inductive reasoning in handling
multiple data sources (Merriam 1988:16)”.4

B. Place and Time

This research was conducted in MA Bany Nawawi. The school

is located on Jl. Fatahillah Gelereng Cilegon. The writer chooses this
school because the school is the location of MA Bany Nawawi is very
strategic and near from my house. This makes the writer is easier to
doing research in this school. This research is conducted one month on
August 2016.

C. The Instrument of The Research

In the research, the researcher needs tool to solve a problem of

research. It is usually called by instrument. Arikunto stated that

Ibid, 27.
David Nunan, Research Method in Language Learning (New York:
Cambridge University Press, 1992), 74
Ibid, 77.

research instrument is tools or facilities used by researcher in collecting

the data, hope the result of research is more accurate, complete,
systematic, and so the process is easier.

Wilkinson stated that research instruments are simply devices

for obtaining information relevant to your research project, and there
are many alternatives from which to choose.5

According to Hanafi, instrument is a research tool that will

explore issues of research that revealed the problem. Furthermore,
Hanafi has stated that “the type of instrument test and non-test”.6 From
the statement, the researcher can use two types of instruments as
follows: test and non-test. In the data collection, the researcher uses test
and non-test such as test and interviews. It can say that test instrument
is research tool which can use to get information about the error made
in using personal pronoun by students on writing descriptive text
because it will measure students’ comprehension toward knowledge.
While interview is used to look why did many student make error in
using personal pronoun on writing descriptive text.

D. Subject of the Research

The subject of this research is the class XI A of MA Bany

Nawawi in 2016-2017 academic years, this class consist of 21 students.
This class is consist of 12 female students and 9 male students. Based
on the interview of the English teacher in MA Bany Nawawi, the

David Wilkinson and Peter Birmingham, Using Research Instruments A
guide for Researcher, (London: Routledgefalmer, 2003), 3.
Abdul Halim Hanafi, Metodologi Penelitian Bahasa Untuk Penelitian,
Tesis dan Disertasi. (Jakarta: Diadit Media Press, 2011). 112-113.

teacher said that the students this class has the low score in writing and
the students still make error in using personal pronoun. This is reason
the writer take the subject of the research in the class XI A.

E. Techniques Data Collecting

To collect data the writer gave the test and interviews the
students of MA Bany Nawawi Gelereng, Cilegon.

a. Test

The writer gives a written test to the students to make

descriptive text about person. The test will be presented to those
students at the second grade as the respondent of the research. It is
to find out errors are made by students. It is also to know what
types of errors made by students.

b. Interview
Taking data through interviews/orally directly with the data
source, either in person or via phone, teleconference. Respondents'
answers were recorded and summarized by researcher.7

Interview was used to know why students of MA Bany

Nawawi make errors in using personal pronoun in Descriptive
Writing. The writer was also doing the interview the students. The
writer did interview which focused on what the students difficulties
in using personal pronoun. The interview was doing to know why

Zainal Arifin, et al., Penelitian Pendidikan, (Bandung: PT. Remaja
Rosdakarya, 2011), 215.

did many students of MA Bany Nawawi make the error in using

personal pronoun on writing descriptive text.

F. Techniques of Data Analyzing

a. Test

1. Collecting the data from the result of the students writing

In this step the writer collects the data from students’ written
descriptive text was done before.
2. Identifying the students’ errors and classifying the students’
After gets the data from the participant, the writer will
identify and classify the errors made by learners in using
personal pronoun on writing descriptive text as objective as
possible. In this stage, this result will show what are the
kinds of errors make by students in using personal pronoun
on writing descriptive text.
3. Calculating the percentage
After classifying the data, the researcher calculated the
students’ categories errors and make percentage each error
classifications. Calculating the percentage of error by using
the following formula:
P= x 100

Explanation :
P = The total percentage of errors
F = Frequency of error
N = Number of error
100 = Permanent Number

b. Interview
In this step, the writer interviews the the students. It is aimed to
know why did many students make error in using personal
pronoun on writing descriptive text. The writer uses Indonesian
language, it is in order to avoid misunderstanding during the
interview process. The writer analyzes the result of interview
with the material of causes of error.

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