Lecture Notes: Subject: Management Process and Organizational Behaviour

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Management: Concept and Nature

1. As an economic resource
Like other factors of production, management is a vital factor of production
2. As a team ( group of persons)
Guides & direct the efforts of other individuals
3. As an Academic Discipline
Academic body of knowledge that can be learned
4. Management as a process
Define aims & objectives
5. Management as a Human Process
Management is with and through people

Definition of management by Harold Koontz

“Management is the art of getting things done through and with people in formally
organized groups”.

Nature & Features of Management

1. Universal- Required in any form of group activity
2. Purposeful- Management exists for the achievement of specific objectives
3. Unifying force- Coordination of individual efforts into team
4. Social Process- Concerned with interpersonal relations
5. Multidisciplinary- Depends upon knowledge derived from several disciplines
6. Continous process
7. Intangible- Cannot be seen but can only be felt
8. Art as well as science

Main elements of an art are:

1. Personal skills
2. Practical Know how
3. Result orientation
4. Creativity
5. Constant practice
Management as a science as:
 It contains all essentials of science
 Establishes cause and effect relationship
 Contains underlying principles & theories developed through continuous
observation, experimentation and research
 Organised body of knowledge can be taught in classrooms and in industry

Nature of Science of Management

 Social science ( involves study of human behavior)

 Principles are less exact
 Applied science as principles are to be applied
 Interdisciplinary science


Features of Profession

1. Body of specialized knowledge of principles therefore management is profession

2. Formalized methods of acquiring training & experience
3. Establishment of Management association:
 To regulate behavior of members
 Create a code of conduct for guiding the activities of profession
 Promote and build up the bright public image of management
 Main function of association is to manage & coordinate the research work in areas
of management
4. Code of Conduct:
In management no uniform code of conduct
5. Priority of service to society over economic consideration.


Management is a combination of art and science. It is emerging as a profession.


In a large organization levels are classified as:

(i) Top Management ( Board of Directors & Chief Executive)

(ii) Middle Management (Sectional Heads)
(iii) Lower Management ( Supervisors, foreman, sales officers)

Skills of a Manager

1. Technical Skills: Knowledge & proficiency in handling methods, processes & techniques
2. Conceptual Skills: Ability to see the organization as a whole, to recognize the
interrelationships in functions
3. Human Skills: Abilities needed

Role of a Manager

1. Interpersonal
2. Informational
3. Decisional


1. Planning
2. Organizing
3. Staffing
4. Directing/Leading
5. Controlling


*Determination of course of action to achieve the desired result.

* Deciding in advance what to do, when to do, how to do, who is to do it and how the results
are to be evaluated.

* Systematic thinking about the ways and means for the accomplishment of predetermined

* Bridges the gap between where we are to where we want to go.

Steps of Planning:

1. Determination of goals or objectives

2. Forecasting
3. Searching of alternatives course of action.
4. Evaluation of various alternatives & formulation of a plan
5. Formulation of policies & programs, procedures
6. Preparation of schedules, programs & budget


By this management bring together the manpower and material resources for the achievement
of pre-determined objectives

Organisation is the process of establishing relationships among the members of the enterprise.

Relationship created in terms of authority and responsibility.

Steps of organizing:

1. Identification of activities required for the achievement of objectives

2. Grouping of activities to create well defined jobs
3. Assignment of jobs to employees
4. Delegation of authority to subordinates
5. Establishment of authority-responsibility throughout the organization


This pertains to recruitment, selection, training, development and appraisal of personnel.

Staffing comprises of following sub-functions

(i) Manpower planning

(ii) Recruitment
(iii) Selection
(iv) Placement and Orientation
(v) Transfer, promotion
(vi) Training & Development

Determining the course of action, giving orders and instructions and providing dynamic

Sub-function of directing are:

(i) Communication
(ii) Leadership
(iii) Motivation
(iv) Supervision


Measurement and correction of the performance against the pre- determined standards

Steps of controlling

(i) Establishment of standards

(ii) Measurement of performance( quantity, quality, cost & time)
(iii) Appraisal of performance
(iv) Taking corrective Action


Blending the activities of different individuals & groups of individuals for the achievement of
certain objectives

Features of coordination

(i) Orderly arrangement of group efforts

(ii) Purpose to secure unity of action toward objectives
(iii) Needed at all levels
(iv) Essence of managing


 Theoretically separate
 Practically overlapping
 Highly inseparable
 Each function affects the other function
 No rigid sequence
 All functions side by side
 Interrelationship makes management comples

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