Method of Statement Marina

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Proposed Cafe – Marina Plaza – Dubai

Method of statement for the proposed opening in the slab

Cafe – Ground Floor

Marina Plaza – Dubai

Method of statement for the proposed cores through

the 200 mm PT slab

Meinhardt MENA

Gold & Diamond Park

Building 4, Unit 130
Sheik Zayed Road
Dubai, UAE
Proposed Cafe – Marina Plaza – Dubai
Method of statement for the proposed opening in the slab

Proposed Cafe – Ground floor

Marina Plaza - Dubai

Document No: 14.23670.01/Report

Method of statement for the proposed opening in the slab

Project No. 14.23670

Date Revision Prepared By Checked By Approved By
13 July 2014 00 A Rodriquez A Karim M J Esther

Purpose of issue:
Information Approval Tender Contract
Proposed Cafe – Marina Plaza – Dubai
Method of statement for the proposed opening in the slab


1.0 Executive summary .........................................................................................................1

2.0 Site inspection .................................................................................................................1

3.0 Slab configuration ...........................................................................................................1

4.0 Method of statement .......................................................................................................2

Annex A Coring Layout


This report is the copyright of Meinhardt (Singapore) Pte Ltd and has been produced for Emaar (The Client)
as part of the Method of Statement for the proposed openings in the slab of the ground floor of the Dubai
Plaza (the Project) 14.23670 (Job No.). It may not be used for any purpose other than for which it has been
produced and provided without the express written permission of Meinhardt (Singapore) Pte Ltd. Should
this document be required to be passed on to a third party, it should be done so in its entirety: Meinhardt
(Singapore) Pte Ltd extends no benefit to third parties and accepts no liability against claims, costs,
damages and losses arising out of the use or interpretation of the information contained therein.
Proposed Cafe – Marina Plaza – Dubai
Method of statement for the proposed opening in the slab


This report summarises the results of the structural appraisal to enable the proposed openings in the 200
mm PT slab of the ground floor of the Dubai Plaza necessary for the installation of some new MEP
equipment. This proposal foresees n.3 new openings: one for the water supply (50mm diameter), one for
the drainage (150 mm diameter) and one for the power cable (50 mm diameter). Meinhardt scope was to
assist the client advising the most suitable location for the coring and to release a method statement to
execute these works.
The original design of the slab was sub-contracted to a specialist of PT structures (CCL) but Emaar was
unable to get confirmation the layout of all strands and reinforcement from the as-built drawings and as
such it is not possible to ascertain the exact locations of the tendons. As a means of assisting Emaar
going forward with these works Meinhardt have produced a method statement which if followed by the
contractor will ensure that these works can be executed safely without undermining the structural
performance for the floor slab.


There was not site inspection carried out ahead of the production of this method statement and
accordingly we have stipulated that a certain level of investigation be carried out before the opening up
works can commence.


The slab is a 200mm thick Post tensed concrete structure supported by a system of concrete PT
downstand beams laid out orthogonally on plan and supported by reinforced concrete columns. Form the
IFC drawings we can deduce the grade of the concrete used for the slab and for the beams is 40 MPa
whilst for the columns is 70 MPa.
As stated has not been possible to locate the exact position of the tendons and of the reinforcement as
the as-built drawings have not been made available to us and instead have outlined in this method
statement steps that will allow these to be established and allow works to proceed.
Proposed Cafe – Marina Plaza – Dubai
Method of statement for the proposed opening in the slab


In absence of AS BUILT drawing indicating the exact location of the PT-tendons location we proposed to
follow the below method of statement to avoid any cutting or damage to the tendons within the PT slab.

1) No coring or openings to pass through RC or PT beams and therefore the proposed openings for the
power cable is rejected and we advise be relocated.
2) Remove all the finishes from the floor in the locations indicated on the attached drawing.
3) Carry out a preliminary scan of the floor to evaluate the presence of any tendons in the suggested
locations (These could also be identified form the soffit of the slab, if the concrete face is visible, and
would be denoted by a series of painted lines or by a different colour in the finish of the concrete). We
have suggested these location as they align with an existing hole in the slab (which should also be
verified on site and confirmed to Meinhardt) which would suggest that there are no strands running
parallel to the span of the slab in that location.
4) Mark the location of the proposed openings as shown in the attached drawing on top face of the PT
5) Use a ferro-scanner to establish the presence of strands / voids / marked differences in concrete
densities and establish the nearest strands and reinforcement adjacent to the location of the
proposed openings. This should be carried out at both surfaces of the slab.
6) In order to confirm the proposed location has no PT tendons - start by chipping the bottom face of the
slab in the marked position taking care to ensure that in the event that a PT tendon is encountered
the works are stopped immediately.
6.1) If through this operation tendons are not encountered over the width of the proposed opening the
opening can be completed by either using a hand held concrete chipping machine or breaker over
the entire depth of the slab.
6.2) If during the chipping operation any tendons are encountered the location of all openings are to
be moved at least 400mm away and the overall process outlined in the method stamen start over.
7) Use appropriate material to protect the edge of the openings once finished
8) The contractor carrying out these works is to take all necessary precautions to ensure that health and
safety regulations stipulated by both the building management and the governing local authority and
adhered to at all times.
Proposed Cafe – Marina Plaza – Dubai
Method of statement for the proposed opening in the slab


Proposed Cafe – Marina Plaza – Dubai
Method of statement for the proposed opening in the slab

Meinhardt MENA

Gold & Diamond Park

Building 4, Unit 130
Sheik Zayed Road
Dubai, UAE

Office: +971 4 341 6686

Fax: +971 4 341 6687

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