Ideal Non Ideal Solution

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Ideal solutions obey Raoult's law and have no change in enthalpy or volume during mixing. Non-ideal solutions do not obey Raoult's law and can have changes in enthalpy and volume during mixing.

Ideal solutions have similar interactions between solvent-solute and solvent-solvent/solute-solute. Solutions with positive deviations have weaker solvent-solute interactions, while solutions with negative deviations have stronger solvent-solute interactions.

Solutions showing positive deviations have partial vapor pressures greater than expected by Raoult's law. They have an exothermic heat of mixing and decrease in volume on mixing.


com Ideal & Non-Ideal Solution

Ideal and Non-Ideal solution

(1) Ideal solution : An ideal solution may be defined as the solution

which obeys Raoult’s law over the entire range of concentration and
temperature and during the formation of which no change in enthalpy
and no change in volume takes place. So for ideal solutions the conditions

(i) It should obey Raoult’s law, i.e., PA  PA0 X A and PB  PB0 X B .

(ii) Hmixing  0

(iii) Vmixing  0

The solutions in which solvent-solvent and solute-solute interactions are

almost of the same type as solvent-solute interactions, behave nearly as
ideal solutions.

This type of solutions are possible if molecules of solute and solvent are
almost of same size and have identical polarity. For example, solutions of
following pairs almost behave as ideal solutions,

n-Heptane and n-hexane.; Chlorobenzene and bromobenzene.

Benzene and toluene; Ethyl bromide and ethyl iodide.

Ethylene bromide and ethylene chloride; Carbon tetrachloride and silicon


For such solutions the vapour pressure of the solution is always

intermediate between the vapour pressures of pure components A and B,
i.e., PA0 and PB0 .
Page Ideal & Non-Ideal Solution

(2) Non-Ideal solution : The solutions which do not obey Raoult’s law
and are accompanied by change in enthalpy and change in volume during
their formation are called non-ideal solutions. so, for non-ideal solutions
the conditions are :

(i) It does not obey Raoult's law. PA  PA0 X A ; PB  PB0 X B

(ii) Hmixing  0

(iii) Vmixing  0

Either component of non-ideal binary solution do not follow Raoult's law.

The non-ideal solutions are further divided into two types :

(a) Solutions showing positive deviations

(b) Solutions showing negative deviations

(a) Solutions showing positive deviation : In this type of deviations,

the partial vapour pressure of each component (say A and B) of solution is
greater than the vapour pressure as expected according to Raoult’s law.
This type of deviations are shown by the solutions in which solvent-
solvent and solute-solute interactions are stronger than solvent-solute

For the non-ideal solutions exhibiting

positive deviation.
Vapour Pressure

PA  PA0 X A , PB  PB0 X B ; Hmixing   ve ;
Vmixing   ve

XA  1 Mole Fraction XA  0
e.g. of solutions showing positive XB  0 XB  1


Partial and total vapour pressure


curves for solutions that show positive

deviations from Raoult’s law Ideal & Non-Ideal Solution

(CH3 )2 CO  CS2 ; (CH3 )2 CO  C2H5OH

C6H6  (CH3 )2 CO ; CCl 4  C6H6

CCl 4  CHCl 3 ; CCl 4  C6H5CH3

H2O  CH3OH ; H2O  C2H5OH

CH3CHO  CS2 ; CHCl3  C2H5OH

(b) Solutions showing negative deviation : In this type of deviations

the partial vapour pressure of each component of solution is less than the
vapour pressure as expected according to Raoult’s law. This type of
deviations are shown by the solutions in which solvent-solvent and solute-
solute interactions are weaker than solvent-solute interactions.

For non-ideal solution showing negative deviation.

PA  PA0 X A , PB  PB0 X B ; Hmixing   ve ;

Vapour Pressure

Vmixing  ve

e.g. of solutions showing negative deviations
CH3COOH  C5H5N (pyridine)
Mole Fraction
XA  1 XA  0
XB  0 XB  1
CHCl3  (CH3 )2 CO ; CHCl3  C6H6
A vapour pressure curve showing
CHCl3  (C2H5 )2 O ; H2O  HCl negative deviation (solid lines)
from ideal behaviour (dotted lines)
H2O  HNO3 ; (CH3 )2 CO  C6H5NH2
Page Ideal & Non-Ideal Solution

Differences between ideal and non-ideal solutions

Ideal solutions Solutions with Solutions with

positive deviations negative deviations

A……B interactions are A……B interactions are A……B interactions are

similar to A……A and smaller than A……A greater than A……A
B……B interactions and B……B interactions and B……B interactions

PA  PA0 X A ; PB  PB0 X B PA  PA0 X A ; PB  PB0 X B PA  PA0 X A ; PB  PB0 XB

Hsol.  0 Hsol.  0 Hsol.  0

Vmix  0 Vmix  0 Vmix  0

Do not form azeotrope form minimum boiling form maximum boiling

point azeotrope azeotrope

Page Ideal & Non-Ideal Solution

Azeotropic mixture

Azeotropes are defined as the mixtures of liquids which boil at constant

temperature like a pure liquid and possess same composition of
components in liquid as well as in vapour phase. Azeotropes are also
called constant boiling mixtures because whole of the azeotropes changes
into vapour state at constant temperature and their components can not
be separated by fractional distillation. Azeotropes are of two types as
described below :

(1) Minimum boiling azeotrope : For the solutions with positive

deviation there is an intermediate composition for which the vapour
pressure of the solution is maximum and hence, boiling point is minimum.
At this composition the solution distills at constant temperature without
change in composition. This type of solutions are called minimum boiling
azeotrope. e.g;

Components Boiling points (K)

A B A B Azeot
% of B

H2O C2H5OH 95.57 373 351.3 351.1

H2O C2H5CH2OH 71.69 373 370 350.7


CHCl 3 C2H5OH 67 334 351.3 332.3

(CH3 )2 CO CS2 6.8 329.25 320 312.2

Page Ideal & Non-Ideal Solution

(2) Maximum boiling azeotrope : For the solutions with negative

deviations there is an intermediate composition for which the vapour
pressure of the solution is minimum and hence, boiling point is maximum.
At this composition the solution distill`s at constant temperature without
the change in composition. This type of solutions are called maximum
boiling azeotrope. e.g

Components Boiling points (K)

A B A B Azeotr
% of B

H2O HCl 20.3 373 188 383

H2O HNO3 58.0 373 359 393.5

H2O HClO4 71.6 373 383 476


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