Results Results: in Millions of CHF (Except For Data Per Share and Employees)

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Financial information – 5 year review

In millions of CHF (except for data per share and employees)

2015 2014 2013 2012 (f) 2011

Results Results
Sales 88 785 91 612 92 158 89 721 83 642 Sales
Trading operating profit 13 382 14 019 14 047 13 464 12 538 Trading operating profit
as % of sales 15.1% 15.3% 15.2% 15.0% 15.0% as % of sales
Taxes 3 305 3 367 3 256 3 259 3 112 Taxes
Profit for the year attributable to shareholders of the parent (Net profit) 9 066 14 456 10 015 10 228 9 487 Profit for the year attributable to shareholders of the parent (Net profit)
as % of sales 10.2% 15.8% 10.9% 11.4% 11.3% as % of sales
Total amount of dividend 7,002 (e)
6 950 6 863 6 552 6 213 Total amount of dividend
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 2 861 2 782 2 864 2 655 2 422 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment
Balance sheet and Cash flow statement Balance sheet and Cash flow statement
Current assets 29 434 33 961 30 066 34 020 33 324 Current assets
Non-current assets 94 558 99 489 90 376 91 857 80 767 Non-current assets
Total assets 123 992 133 450 120 442 125 877 114 091 Total assets
Current liabilities 33 321 32 895 32 917 38 597 35 232 Current liabilities
Non-current liabilities 26 685 28 671 23 386 24 616 20 585 Non-current liabilities
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent 62 338 70 130 62 575 61 007 56 797 Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent
Non-controlling interests 1 648 1 754 1 564 1 657 1 477 Non-controlling interests
Net financial debt 15 425 12 325 14 690 18 120 14 319 Net financial debt
Ratio of net financial debt to equity (gearing) 24.7% 17.6% ### 23.5% ### 29.7% ### 25.2% Ratio of net financial debt to equity (gearing)
Operating cash flow (a) 14 302 14 700 14 992 15 668 10 180 Operating cash flow (a)
as % of net financial debt 92.7% 119.3% 102.1% 86.5% 71.1% as % of net financial debt
Free cash flow (b) 9 945 14 137 10 486 9 905 4 757 Free cash flow (b)
Capital expenditure 3 872 3 914 4 928 5 273 4 779 Capital expenditure
as % of sales 4.4% 4.3% 5.3% 5.9% 5.7% as % of sales
Data per share Data per share
Weighted average number of shares outstanding (in millions of units) 3 129 3 188 3 191 3 186 3 196 Weighted average number of shares outstanding (in millions of units)
Basic earnings per share 2.90 4.54 3.14 3.21 2.97 Basic earnings per share
Underlying earnings per share (c) 3.31 3.44 3.50 3.25 3.08 Underlying earnings per share (c)
Dividend 2.25 (e)
2.20 2.15 2.05 1.95 Dividend
Pay-out ratio based on basic earnings per share 77.6% (e)
48.5% 68.5% 63.9% 65.7% Pay-out ratio based on basic earnings per share
Stock prices (high) 77.00 73.30 70.00 62.30 55.45 Stock prices (high)
Stock prices (low) 64.55 63.85 59.20 52.50 43.50 Stock prices (low)
Yield (d) 2.9/3.5 (e)
3.0/3.4 3.1/3.6 3.3/3.9 3.5/4.5 Yield (d)
Market capitalisation 229 947 231 136 208 279 190 038 171 287 Market capitalisation
Number of employees (in thousands) 335 339 333 333 328 Number of employees (in thousands)

2011 restated following the changes in the cash flow statement described in Note 1 – Accounting policies (refer to Note 1 – Accounting Policies of the 2012 Consolidated Financial
Refer to Note 17.6 for definition. As from 2012, movements with non-controlling interests are no longer deducted. 2011 comparatives have been restated accordingly.
Profit per share for the year attributable to shareholders of the parent before impairments, restructuring costs, results on disposals and significant one-off items. The tax impact from
the adjusted items is also adjusted for.
Calculated on the basis of the dividend for the year concerned, which is paid in the following year, and on high/low stock prices.
As proposed by the Board of Directors of Nestlé S.A.
2012 restated following the implementation of IFRS 11 and IAS 19 revised, and adjusted following the final valuation of the Wyeth Nutrition acquisition (refer to Note 1 – Accounting
Policies and Note 2 – Acquisitions and disposals of businesses of the 2012 Consolidated Financial Statements).

00-031Extract from the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Nestlé Group 2015

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