An Open Letter To: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

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Extreme Cold Used to Sell Global Warming • Policing Police

March 4, 2019 • $3.95

n Open Letter to
A l e x a n d r i a
Ocasio- C o r t e z
W226 N2940 DUPLAINVILLE RD. • WAUKESHA, WI 53186 • (262) 547-4700
An Open Letter to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Democrats, led by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, want to stop
the use of fossil-fuels and the operation of nuclear power plants — and
go all-in on renewable energy. We explain the costs and consequences of
making their green dream come true. (March 04, 2019, 48pp) TNA190304

China’s New Aggression Rescuing Our Children Using “Climate” to Censoring the Web: Deep State in Action
on the World Stage American children Transform the World Who’s Next? This special report tells
China is using its are progressively At the United Nations America’s Big Tech how the Deep State — the
economic clout and doing worse in math, COP24 climate summit in social-media organs behind-the-scenes people
the money it makes in reading, and other Poland, attendees work­ed have declared war on who drive America’s
international trade to subjects, while being toward transforming conservatives, tr ying political machine —
bribe or coerce businesses indoctrinated with the world to bring to exile them from the use the environment,
and countries to do its leftist pablum — the about global socialism. Internet. But several immigration, trade, and
bidding. (February 18, cause and the prognosis. (January 7, 2019, 48pp) possible routes exist to fight more to bring about global
2019, 48pp) TNA190218 (February 4, 2019, 48pp) TNA190107 back. (September 17, 2018, governance. (August 20,
TNA190204 48pp) TNA180917 2018, 48pp) TNA180820


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Vol. 35, No. 5 March 4, 2019

Cover Story
10 An Open Letter to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
by Ed Hiserodt — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is advocating a switch
to 100-percent renewable energy. Here are some “back of the
matchbook” calculations on the plan for her consideration.

AP Images
17 The Renewable Energy Scam
by Ed Hiserodt — Entities are claiming to be powered by 100-percent
renewable energy, but they don’t have their own energy sources.

DustyPixel/iStock/Getty Images Plus


21 Extreme Winter Used to Sell Global Warming
by James Murphy — Across the Midwest and Northeast, the
recent intrusion of a polar vortex has shattered records for cold
temperatures, yet this cold blast is being blamed on global warming. 21

25 Policing Police
by C. Mitchell Shaw — Anti-police sentiments have been steadily

gathering steam, leading to calls for Civilian Review Boards.

29 How the Diversity Crusade
Is Destroying Our Culture
by Steve Byas — The claim that the strength of our country rests on
its diversity is usually accepted without comment, but is untrue.


33 The Continuing Scourge of Anti-Semitism
by Steve Byas — Though anti-Semitism — like all hatred aimed at
groups — is an irrational hatred, it has a very long history.
AP Images


44 Mueller’s Rampage Against Law and Liberty
by William F. Jasper
29 33

5 Letters to the Editor 31 The Goodness of America
6 Inside Track 39 Exercising the Right
9 QuickQuotes 41 Correction, Please! COVER Photo: AP Images; Design: Joseph W. Kelly
p l a z a

5,640 square ft.
Call 239-677-7441 or Email [email protected]
Cleveland Ave. (Rt. 41) • Ft. Myers, Florida • Stamra Inc.
Publisher & Editor
Gary Benoit
Pope’s Point legislation will produce minimal results,
Senior Editor
In a recent issue is an article by Rebecca Ter- with a disproportionate cost. Too, modern
William F. Jasper
rell entitled “The Truth About the Catholic developed nations are cleaner and less pol-
Managing Editor Clergy Abuse Scandal” (December 10, 2018 luting than the primitive nations. And gas-
Kurt Williamsen issue). A clarification is needed in an other- and electricity-fueled devices are much
wise interesting article. cleaner than campfires, wood-burning cook
Web Editor
After referring to church history, she stoves, and horse-drawn vehicles. Progress
John T. Larabell
writes, “What a striking contrast to the cur- will continue in the lowering of pollution;
Foreign Correspondent rent pontiff’s response when queried about we get better at it every year.
Alex Newman sodomitical priests in 2013. ‘Who am I to  Does anyone really know what natural
judge?’ he shrugged.” changes are in store for us during the next
Contributors What the pope actually said was, “Who 10,000 years? 
Bob Adelmann • Dennis Behreandt
am I to judge him?” He had been speaking A bigger problem may be the solid wastes
Steve Byas • Raven Clabough
about a single case of a man who, despite we produce, such as paper and plastic. We
Selwyn Duke • Brian Farmer
his homosexual proclivities, was sincerely seem to be having a bigger impact on our
Christian Gomez • Larry Greenley
trying to extricate himself from it all. Unfor- oceans than our atmosphere. So why have
Gregory A. Hession, J.D.
tunately, the man would occasionally lapse we not placed most of our effort and laws
Ed Hiserodt • William P. Hoar
R. Cort Kirkwood • Patrick Krey, J.D.
into sin, much against his own desire. So the into this area? Could it be that climate
Warren Mass • John F. McManus
pope was saying that he would be slow to change is really about political control?
James Murphy • Dr. Duke Pesta condemn such a man, and would be slow to William F. Hineser, DPM
Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. pass judgment on the state of that man’s soul. Arvada, Colorado
C. Mitchell Shaw • Michael Tennant Unfortunately so many media refused to
Rebecca Terrell • Fr. James Thornton print the last word of the pope, and so they
Laurence M. Vance • Joe Wolverton II, J.D. have given the impression that the pope has Getting Schooled
no opinion on homosexuality! A couple of days ago I was reconciling
Creative Director Pope Francis faces enough troubles with- my checkbook. There was a discrepancy.
Joseph W. Kelly
out also having to put up with media mis- For one of the check numbers, I had writ-
Senior Graphic Designer quotations. ten down $30, and the bank had $36. Sure
Katie Bradley Father David Wechter enough, when I finished reconciling, I was
Houston, Minnesota six dollars off.
Research I called the 800 number for my bank and
Bonnie M. Gillis asked if the image of that check could be
Chief Strategy Officer
Fighting Climate Change? brought up. The gentleman did bring it up,
Bill Hahn Fourteen thousand years ago, we had the and he said that the zero after the three wasn’t
Laurentide Ice Sheet. Then 4,000 years ago, quite closed, so the employee thought it was a
Advertising/Circulation Manager it finished melting, and we had the Great six. I asked what the written part for the check
Julie DuFrane Lakes. To the best of my knowledge, during amount said. It said 30, spelled out.
those 10,000 years, we did not have indus- He did admit that the check actually was
try, automobiles, or other forms of pollu- for $30. Then he said something interesting:
tion or man-made carbon-dioxide emitting “Some of our people don’t read cursive, so
activities other than a few campfires and they don’t look at that part.” (The teaching
some cooking stoves for the relatively sparse of cursive writing was dropped from our
Printed in the U.S.A. • ISSN 0885-6540
human population.  schools several years ago. Our new work-
P.O. Box 8040 • Appleton, WI 54912 Shouldn’t we reconsider anthropogenic force is now handicapped with that loss.) I
920-749-3784 • 920-749-3785 (fax) global warming in the presence of thousands was stunned. When I worked in a bank, we
[email protected]
of years of climate change occurring natu- were told that the written number (usually
rally as the normal activity of our planet?  written in cursive) controlled. I am so sur-
Rates are $49 per year (Canada, add $9;
foreign, add $27) Copyright ©2019 by Climate change occurs over many thou- prised that that change has already made its
American Opinion Publishing, Inc. Periodicals sands of years, not a degree or two over a way to the workplace!
postage paid at Appleton, WI and additional
mailing offices. Postmaster: Send any address
few years. And due to faulty documentation Roberta Sutton
changes to The New American, P.O. Box 8040, and records, we are not even certain what Evergreen, Colorado
Appleton, WI 54912. temperature changes occurred during the in-
T he N ew A merican is
dustrial age. It’s all guesswork and assump- Send your letters to: The New American, P.O.
published twice monthly tions. Climate change is a part of our planet’s Box 8040, Appleton, WI 54912. Or e-mail:
by American Opinion ecology. ­[email protected]. Due to vol-
Publishing Inc., a wholly
owned subsidiary of The John Birch Society.
Here’s an idea: Let’s listen to science. Sci- ume received, not all letters can be answered.
ence has already shown that most climate Letters may be edited for space and clarity.

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Inside Track
White Electorate Dying; Hispanics Set to Outnumber Blacks in 2020
lion in raw numbers, while blacks’ projected 30-million number
should put them at 12.5 percent of the electorate.
Pew also reports that this “increase is at least partially linked
to immigration and naturalization patterns: One-in-ten eligible
voters in the 2020 election will have been born outside the U.S.,
the highest share since at least 1970.”
This is one reason why Republicans find winning national
elections increasingly difficult. Note that the GOP derives 90

percent of its votes from whites. Also know that while many
commentators like to trumpet the “walk away” (from Demo-
crats) movement among blacks and others, the statistics belie
this phenomenon. In the 2018 midterms, for example, 90, 77, and
69 percent, respectively, of blacks, Asians, and Hispanics voted
Democrat. Add to this that 77 percent of Jews and 59 percent
Reflecting America’s low white birthrate and how statists man- of women also voted Democrat, and that party’s seizure of the
age to import voters via immigration, whites’ percentage of the House is not entirely surprising.
electorate is consistently shrinking while the share of blacks, Additionally, (im)migration helps explain why California,
Hispanics, and Asians is growing. In fact, the latest projections once the land of Reagan, is now a deep-blue Democrat bastion;
show that whites will constitute a historic low of only 66.7 per- and why once-red states such as Virginia, North Carolina, and
cent of 2020-election voters, despite their traditionally being Arizona range from purple to light blue. As is so often said, de-
more likely to cast ballots than other groups. Another historic mography is destiny.
first is that Hispanics will outnumber blacks among voters, al- This by-design demographic upheaval — along with extra Dem-
beit by a tiny margin, according to a January 30 report by Pew ocrat-district congressional seats due to counting illegals in the cen-
Research Center. sus, vote fraud, and ballot harvesting — means that President Trump
Hispanics should constitute 13.3 percent of the voters, 32 mil- and other Republicans will have their work cut out for them in 2020.

Boy Scouts Now Welcome Girls and Even All-girls Troops

As of February 1, the Boy Scouts has rebranded itself as “Scouts
BSA,” reflecting the fact that the organization is no longer ex-
clusively male and that girls are now welcome to join. Since last
year, more than 77,000 girls have joined the Cub Scouts, BSA’s
program for children from kindergarten through fifth grade, or
five to 10 years of age.
Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America Michael
B. Surbaugh said in a February 1 statement, “I could not be more

H. Armstrong Roberts/GettyImagesPlus
excited for what this means for the next generation of leaders in
our nation.”
“Through Scouts BSA, more young people than ever before
— young women and men — will get to experience the benefits
of camaraderie, confidence, resilience, trustworthiness, courage
and kindness through a time-tested program that has been proven
to build character and leadership.”
Many parents interviewed by the media said the change will
give their daughters the opportunity to take part in outdoor scout-
ing activities. Elizabeth Neal, the mother of two girls who are master, who said: “The Boy Scouts, BSA, has used the outdoors
among the founding members of Troop 248, a newly formed all- as the classroom in an effective way, and these girls are interested
girls Scouts BSA troop in the District of Columbia, told the Wash- in being in the outdoors.”
ington Times February 2: “[My daughters] did Girl Scouts when Haven’t the Girl Scouts always done the same thing? The new
they were small. But they’re excited about camping and outdoor all-girls Scouts BSA troops do not provide any unique opportuni-
skills. That’s what drew them to Boy Scouts, and they’re excited ties that could not be provided in Girl Scout troops, so why admit
about the potential to be an eagle scout.” girls into the Boy Scouts, except to engage in a politically correct
The Times also quoted Craig Burkhardt, Troop 248’s scout- social experiment?


Poll: “Climate Change” Is Top Security Threat in World
As Pew Research Center reported on February 10, respondents to Neither of the world’s two most-populous nations, China and
a 26-nation poll claimed that so-called man-made climate change India, was polled. So, 2.7 billion of the world’s people aren’t
is the most serious threat to the peace and stability of the world. represented.
Thirteen of the 26 countries polled listed the specter of global As with any poll, it seems that security concerns vary greatly
climate change as their top security concern in the world of 2018. depending on who is asked and where they reside, which makes
The poll queried more than 27,000 respondents in 26 countries sense. Still, it’s interesting to look at perceptions from around the
between May and August of 2018. This means that it was con- world. In Israel, Hungary, and Poland, America is popular, or, at
ducted prior to the October release of the UN IPCC’s report sug- least not feared.
gesting that the world’s citizens have only 12 years to completely
alter their lifestyles or face dire consequences in connection with
climate change.
In many places, particularly in Europe, the UN’s propaganda
seems to be working. In Greece, 90 percent of respondents listed
climate change as a top security threat. In France, 83 percent
believed that climate change was a security issue. In the United
States, climate change was considered only the third most serious
threat, with 59 percent listing it as a concern.

Bill Oxford/iStock/Getty Images Plus

The poll also showed that the power and influence of the Unit-
ed States worries the people of many countries. Sixty-seven per-
cent of South Koreans and 66 percent of Japanese see U.S. power
and influence as significant threat to their security. Sixty-four
percent of Mexicans believe that U.S. power is a threat. In Israel,
only 15 percent listed U.S. power and influence as a security
threat. Only 17 percent of Hungarians saw the United States as
a threat, and in Poland, only 18 percent feared the United States.

Pope Francis: Show Respect and Loyalty to the Communist Regime

According to a February 3 article in the Vatican newspaper L’ Cardinal Joseph Zen, the former bishop of Hong Kong, has
Osservatore Romano, Pope Francis has urged Chinese Catholic expressed concern about the announcement as much of the pre-
leaders “to renew their total adherence to Christ and the Church,” cise details are “secret.” Zen explained, “Government officials
but added, “as members of the Chinese people, they are obliged are trying to pressure all Catholics to join the Patriotic Associa-
to show respect and loyalty to civil authorities.” tion [the institutional church in China that is recognized by the
As noted by the Global Times February 3, Wang Meixu, a re- Chinese government].”
search fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, com- In the case of China, the communist dictatorship wishes to
mented, “The announcement shows that the Vatican is calling on control the community of Christians, simply because they believe
all the clergy and the faithful, including those who regard them- all elements of society should support the communist dictator-
selves as from the ‘underground churches,’ to be in solidarity and ship. The pope’s remarks have led to some confusion, and “the
to support the bishops’ pastoral duties.” communists are taking advantage of the confusion to try to force
Catholics to join” the Patriotic Association, said Zen.
“We need to study our history,” Zen said. “Why are there two
Catholic communities in the first place? There was a reason. The
Catholic Patriotic Association teaches against Catholic doctrine
and this has not changed.” It certainly should not be surprising
that an association under the thumb of atheistic communists does
not follow Catholic doctrine.
Zebra48bo/ Wikimedia Commons

Exactly how a devout Catholic is supposed to show “loyalty”

to a regime that has tried to exterminate the Christian faith has
not been adequately explained. Considering that Catholics con-
tend that Peter was the first pope, perhaps his response to the
authorities of his day that he would not stop preaching in the
name of Jesus is a good guide for this pope and the Catholic
Church in China today. 7
Extended Inside Track
Three Polls Reflect Support for “Soak the Rich” Tax Schemes
T hree recent polls reflect increasing
acceptance of New York Democrat
Congressman’s Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
(AOC)’s economic worldview: The rich
aren’t paying their fair share.
First, the new POLITICO/Morning Con-
sult poll released February 4 found that
“76 percent of registered voters believe
the wealthiest Americans should pay more
in taxes.” A recent Fox News survey con-
ducted January 20-22 showed essentially
the same thing: 70 percent favored raising
taxes on those earning over $10 million a
year, including 54 percent of Republicans.
A Hill/HarrisX survey conducted Janu-

LIgorko/iStock/Getty Images Plus

ary 12-13 showed 59 percent of those
polled support AOC’s plan to slap a 70-per-
cent marginal rate on income earned over
$10 million a year.
And the “wealth tax” proposed by Sena-
tor Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is favored
by 61 percent of those surveyed for the PO-
LITICO/Morning Consult poll, while just
20 percent opposed it. And she certainly doesn’t remember how entrepreneurs re-
Such views reflect the politics of envy, revenge, and ig- acted when President Roosevelt’s income and estate taxes were
norance. It reflects what Senator Russell Long (who served increased in the mid-1930s. She most certainly has never read
for 15 years as chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, or even heard of economic scholar Benjamin Anderson, who
from 1966 to 1981) said about most people’s thinking about told the story of one of those entrepreneurs, whom he called
such proposals: “Don’t tax you. Don’t tax me. Tax that fellow typical:
behind the tree.”
That fellow behind the tree making $10 million or more a Reasonably typical is the case of one rich man who, at the
year is so far beyond the experience of the average taxpayer age of 25, had inherited an estate of about 12 million dol-
(who makes an estimated $50,000 a year) that it’s easy to blame lars — some thirty years before these 1935 taxes came. He
ignorance for these polls’ results. had nursed his 12 million dollars into an estate of about 30
Chris Edwards, director of tax policy at Cato, told Fox Busi- million dollars during those thirty years…. In the case of
ness that raising taxes in the United States would go against the individual above referred to, a vigorous man 55 years
the current flow of world economic history: “Every industrial old, the effects of the new taxes were paralyzing. More
country has figured that out, and their policy decisions refute than three-fourths of any profits which he might have from
the soak the rich tax dreaming of Ocasio-Cortez. Top income a new venture would be taken away from him by income
tax rates have plunged around the world since 1980 under gov- taxes…. But further, if he should die, his estate would have
ernments of both the political left and right.” to pay to the federal government and to the State of New
Ocasio-Cortez was born 27 years after another Democrat, York (but chiefly to the federal government) $19,602,500,
President John F. Kennedy, told the Economic Club of New or 65.243 percent of his estate.
York that lower, not higher, taxes was “the soundest way to raise
revenues in the long run.” And so she doesn’t remember that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez labors under a disadvantage that
Kennedy’s tax cuts between 1963 and 1965 lowered the top rate most voters know nothing about: She graduated cum laude from
from 91 percent to 70 percent, which increased government’s Boston University in 2011 with a degree in economics. So her
revenues more than 16 percent. ignorance can be explained by not having been exposed to any-
She doesn’t remember that in the 1920s the top rate was low- thing like Anderson’s entrepreneur.
ered from 73 percent to 25 percent, which increased govern- But what about the others surveyed who are buying into the
ment’s revenues by over 60 percent. She doesn’t remember that class warfare “soak the rich” schemes offered by AOC and Eliz-
the Reagan tax cuts in the 1980s from 70 percent to 28 percent abeth Warren? Will they fall victim to their own ignorance as
resulted in the country’s GDP surging by 32 percent and govern- expressed by Edmund Burke: “Those who don’t know history
ment revenues growing by nearly 40 percent. are doomed to repeat it”? n



Community Cancels Wind Turbines, Faces Financial Loss

“The town was warned. The damage can never be reversed for many of us wind turbine victims. Some
of my friends have serious health issues now.”
Nine years after erecting the first of two wind turbines, the town of Falmouth, Massachusetts, has con-
cluded that the project was a costly mistake. Local resident Dave Moriarty fought against the project
from its inception, moved to a new residence to get away from the noise, and now finds friends with
health issues brought on by the turbines. The town spent $10 million to build the turbines and now must
find $2 million more to remove them.

Soviet Spy Admitted Guilt After Denying It for 60 Years

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, call it that. I never thought of it in those terms.”
Convicted in a 1940s trial for supplying the Soviet Union with atomic

German Federal Archives

weaponry secrets, Morton Sobell spent 18 years in prison, while his
partners in the sensational crime, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, were
executed. He regularly insisted he was innocent of collaborating with
the Rosenbergs. But in 2008, he reversed his claim while insisting
that his activity wasn’t treasonous. Death conquered him at age 101, Sobell
in December 2018.

Sexual Assaults at U.S. Military Academies Occur Regularly

“Our cadets and midshipmen must be role models if they’re to lead
the world’s finest fighting force. This year’s report demonstrates
that there is more work to be done to meet this goal.”
A Defense Department survey of three military academies re-
ported 747 assaults during the 2017-2018 academic year. Un-
dersecretary of Defense James Stewart noted that the number
Department of Defense

of assaults had risen by 50 percent from the total noted in the

previous year.
Stewart Teens Propagandized About Global Warming
“To us, it is so self-evident that we can’t keep on going in this direc-
tion. We come here with the right intentions to protest in peace and to raise awareness about climate
change because we want to be on the right side of history.”
Tens of thousands of young people skipped school in Belgium in order to protest government inaction
regarding the supposed environmental threat facing mankind. Teenage sisters Axelle and Elisa Kiambi
spoke for thousands in Brussels while similar youth-led demonstrations were held in several Western
European nations.

Socialism Brought Venezuela to Its Knees

“Conspicuous by its absence in much of the mainstream news coverage of Venezuela’s political crisis
is the word ‘socialism.’ Yes, every sensible observer agrees that Latin America’s once-richest country,
sitting atop the world’s largest proven oil reserves, is an economic basket case, and a dictatorship
whose demise cannot come soon enough. Just don’t mention
the S-word.”
New York Times columnist Bret Stephens rightly blames social-
ism for Venezuela’s economic and political catastrophe.

Pelosi’s Guest at State of Union Speech Is

a Leading Abortion Provider
Hotchocolita/Wikipedia Commons

“As an immigrant, a mother, a doctor and the President of Planned

Parenthood Federation of America, I am honored to attend the
State of the Union address as the guest of Speaker Pelosi.”
Dr. Leana Wen leads the organization that performs more abor-
tions than any other group in the United States. The grisly work
she oversees receives more than half a million dollars annually
from the federal government. n Leana
— Compiled by John F. McManus

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Letter to
An Open
Ale x a n d r i a
Ocas -
i o C o r t e z
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is advocating a switch to 100-percent renewable energy. Here
are some “back of the matchbook” calculations on the plan for her consideration.


by Ed Hiserodt Economics, perhaps you would appreci- Your first lesson here is that power and

ate a brush-up on electrical terminology energy are not the same thing.
ear Congressman Ocasio-Cortez, and what it would take to accomplish your Power is the ability to do work. Even
Congratulations on winning proposal. First, let’s define which energy though it’s not necessary to own a car in the
your seat in the 14th Congression­ sources the environmentalist Left says Bronx, you are surely familiar with “step-
al District of New York. You certainly made qualify as “renewable sources of energy.” ping on the gas,” the action that increases
a name for yourself even before the House They are: the power of the engine up to its maximum
was turned over to the Democrats, with your • Solar (thermal and photovoltaic) to go faster, go up steeper hills, and get to
activist demonstration against fossil fuels at • Wind power those Green New Deal rallies on time.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office prior • Small-scale hydroelectric Electricity generation and usage are
to being sworn in. As a Democratic Social- • Biomass (including ethanol) measured in watts. For us the watt is a
ist, we’re aware you support single-payer • Hydrogen and fuel cells measurement of power available to do
health insurance, free college tuition, de- • Geothermal work. While physicists would likely say a
funding ICE, and several other issues of Of those power-generating sources list- watt is a joule per second, we fortunately
consequence. But our concern here is your ed above, wind-power generation, at 6.3 don’t need to dig that deeply for our pur-
proposal to transition the country, including percent of U.S. electrical energy, currently poses. The watt (W) is a tiny amount of
the electrical grid, to run on 100-percent re- leads the way as a percentage of our coun- power, like that of a flashlight. We more
newable sources of energy. We would like try’s electric supply. Solar (both utility often work with kilowatts (kW) — thou-
to take a look at what this would entail. Ex- scale and small-scale) is in second place sands of watts — or megawatts (MW) —
cuse us for being “numbery,” but the scope at 1.9 percent. Biomass is at 1.6 percent, millions of watts.
of this project of the Democratic Socialists but is not expected to have the potential of Though in the United States we measure
is not a matter of good feelings, but cold wind and solar. So for our purposes here, automotive power in “horsepower, (hp)”
hard numbers. we will limit the discussion to the top two. we could just as well express it in watts,
You back a “Green New Deal” that or in this case kilowatts. A 100 hp engine
would, according to the U.K. Guardian, What Is a Watt? is also a 74.6 kW engine. Our power grid,
“eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from The first bits of essential terminology you wind turbines, and power plants are usu-
electricity, transportation, manufacturing, need to know have to do with rating elec- ally rated in megawatts, though some coal
agriculture and other sectors within 10 tricity generation. Knowing these terms and nuclear plants are rated in gigawatts
years. It would also aim for 100% renew- would put you head and shoulders above (GW), billions of watts.
able energy.” most of your colleagues, many of whom Now here’s where you need to be care-
Since you have an educational back- have law or political-science degrees and ful to use the correct units lest you lose
ground in International Relations and don’t know a kilowatt from a kumquat. credibility — at least with the few con-
gressmen who are engineers or physicists.
Energy is always expressed in terms of
power over a time period, or if you want
to get fancy, “the integral of power over
a specified time.” So we might say that
the power of one watt produced or used
over one second is one watt-second. Ten
100-watt bulbs operating over one hour
consume one kilowatt-hour (1 kWh) of
energy. The average residential customer
uses 10,300 kWh of electrical energy per
year, and a 1,000 MW nuclear plant pro-
duces about 8,322,000 MWh of electrical
energy per year.
For the nuclear plant calculation above,
it is assumed that the plant actually pro-
duced 95 percent of the energy it would
have produced while running continu-
ously at full capacity, because for about
five percent of the time it would be being
AP Images

refueled, so the nuclear plant has a capac-

ity factor of 95 percent.
Do they realize what they are fighting for? Proponents of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ Green New The capacity factor is a vital number to
Deal are shown admonishing Congress to promote her proposal — one that Greenpeace co- understand, particularly when dealing with
founder Patrick Moore termed a “recipe for mass suicide.” the energy produced by a wind or solar 11

newable energy of 3.673 billion MWh.

Note that currently we are 91.9 percent
non-renewable and 8.1 percent renewable.
If we assume that any new renewable
energy to power the country will be de-
rived mainly via wind power (we’ll ad-
dress solar later), some relatively easy
math will allow us to calculate how many
turbines we’ll need, after ascertaining how
much energy each wind turbine creates.
In addition to wind speed and blade
size, the output of a wind generator is a
function of the rating of the turbine and
the capacity factor. The rating for a typical
onshore, modern machine ranges from 1.5
to 3 MW output power. Capacity factors
are largely determined by where the tur-
bine is sited, with the plains of the Mid-
west being one of the optimum locations.
Most other locations are only marginally
viable. In flying over the Eastern United
States, one notices that a large percentage
inakiantonana/Getty Images Plus of the area is wooded. For wind-turbine
Wind wonders: Wind turbines are being rejected by people who live near them because sites, the forests must be cut back to allow
they crowd the skyline and make noise all night — if the wind is blowing. Note the quaint wind to flow well, something environ-
neighborhood electrical substation in the lower right. mentalists (and even normal people who
don’t align themselves with the radical
source. It is the output energy divided by it. There is a disc that spins and a number environmental agenda) are against.
the energy if operating at full nameplate ca- below it. The speed of the spin tells you As an important side note, beware that
pacity over a year. For example, if a wind the power (kW) you are using at that in- there has been a backlash from the public
generator has a nameplate rating of 2 MW, stant. The numerical value is the kWh — against wind turbines, owing to decreased
it is capable of producing 17,520 MWh the energy you’re being billed for. property values and to the many claims
per year. Suppose the wind turbine actu- from nearby residents of ailments asso-
ally produced 5,256 MWh, slightly below Converting the U.S. Electrical Grid ciated with the low-frequency noise the
a third of its total capability. It would have a to 100-percent Renewables blades create. But if it means “Saving the
capacity factor of 30 percent — about nor- OK, Miss Ocasio-Cortez, we now have Planet,” we’re sure you can sell the popu-
mal for a well-sited wind turbine. Except the tools and nomenclature to calculate lation to put up with these inconveniences.
for a few nuclear plants that produce more what it’s going to take to go to 100-per- To calculate a turbine’s yearly wind en-
than their designed output, all generators cent renewable electrical generation. To ergy, let’s use a 2 MW machine. This is no
produce less energy than their “nameplate” determine the number of wind turbines, or midget, with its 171-foot blades reaching
rating. So to calculate the expected output solar arrays, that the country would require 259 feet above the ground, about the same
of a wind machine or solar array — or for to “go green,” we first need to determine height as a 25-story building.
that matter any electrical generator — you the amount of energy that green energy As noted previously, a 2 MW turbine
need both its nameplate rating and its an- sources need to provide by deducting the generates about 5,256 MWh per year. So
ticipated capacity factor. current approximately 0.361 billion MWh how many wind turbines would the coun-
Alexandria, if you were able to afford generated by renewables from the 4.034 try require to make the 3.673 billion MWh
an apartment, though you said you were billion MWh total U.S. generating capac- (or 91.1 percent) energy generation cur-
having financial trouble in doing so, you ity for the year 2017 (the latest U.S. Energy rently not provided by renewable power?
would likely have a kilowatt-hour meter Information Administration data available). Hold onto your hat, Miss Ocasio-Cortez!
somewhere where the meter reader can see We learn that the country requires new re- And now, the envelope please. To convert
the total non-renewable energy sector to
wind power would require an additional
It is true that the wind is always blowing somewhere, 698,000 2 MW wind turbines.
but that somewhere might not be in this country — at But wait; we’re assuming that energy is
used at a constant rate throughout the day.
least not at the 10 mph needed for our wind turbines. It’s not. The utilities realize this doesn’t
happen in the real world, so they figure


their generating needs based on “peak
power,” the time of greatest energy de- Wind Energy Production During February 2018
mand. In New York, the peak is about 175 Output in megawatts (MW)
percent of the average demand. So using
that figure as our base, the country actu-
ally needs 1,221,000 new wind genera-
tors, not 698,000. These turbines can’t be
stacked together lest their airflow “cover” 2,500
the downwind turbines and the turbulence
caused by the upwind blades then wreak
destruction on the downwind machines. So
for omnidirectional wind farms, the recom-
mendation is 10 to 15 diameters of space 1,500
between the turbines. Using an average
value, we need an open area of 2,000 feet 1,000
by 2,000 feet, or about 92 acres, for each
turbine. (Coming from a less-agricultural
part of the country, you may not be familiar
with acres. An NFL football field is about
1.32 acres — including end zones.) 0
Sat Mon Wed Fri Sun Tue Thu Sat Mon Wed Fri Sun Tue
The total area covered with new wind
farms would be 1,221,000 times 92, or
Wind worries: Wind electrical generation is variable and problematic. Shown here is the
112,332,000 acres. Or 175,518 square
combined output of 60 wind farms in Australia. In this case, when the output is below 1,500
miles. This would equal an area greater in MW, fossil-fueled generators are called on to provide energy to make up for the loss of wind
size than New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, generation. When output is over 1,500 MW, the reliable generators must stop supplying (paid)
New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New Jer- energy to the grid and go into a “spinning reserve” mode during which they must keep their
sey, Delaware, Rhode Island, and Maryland boilers or turbines on ready, burning fuel with no compensation.
— along with another 77 Districts of Co-
lumbia thrown in. (Perish the thought.) Of pecially when Congress is in session and age, one’s mind jumps immediately to re-
course, in reality, much more space would certain members are contributing large chargeable batteries that give us starting
be needed than that: Remember we are amounts of hot air. power for our autos, laptops, toothbrushes
talking about an area where, unlike the geo- Since there is little atmospheric pressure — all manner of things. So why not util-
physical region specified above, there aren’t differential under this dome (the isobars ity power? You may already know this, but
houses, roads, trees, buildings, parks, or are far apart), there is nothing to create when dealing with wind and solar you must
airports — just wall-to-wall wind turbines. wind — hence no wind energy generation. determine the period of autonomy when the
Nor does it even include space needed for Our mates in Australia have found out a batteries must carry the entire load. This is a
power lines, transformers, or other switch similar lesson the hard way, as we can see function determined not only by the capac-
gear necessary to serve the customers. on the graph above. ity of the batteries, but also by the size of
The graph shows the combined output the power source that is required to charge
What If the Wind Doesn’t Blow? of 60 wind farms in an area just smaller the batteries while taking care of its normal
Problem is, Alexandria, after we spend tril- than the United States, clearly showing pe- loads. By some estimates it would take 30
lions for the wind turbines for the Green riods of insufficient wind to maintain the to 40 percent additional wind generation
New Deal — the nation would be power- power to run the electrical network. to have the capacity to provide energy for
less if the wind isn’t blowing. No wind. Maybe if we go to worldwide socialism, immediate use and simultaneously charge
No electricity. Wonder what the death toll we can persuade the people in windy places backup batteries. But let us generously as-
in the recent record-cold temperatures to give up their energy to make us cool and sume that only a 25-percent reserve charg-
would have been had there been insuffi- comfortable or warm and cozy. Oh, we for- ing capacity is needed. To provide that ca-
cient energy for heating, lighting, hospi- got: With socialism, the government can pacity, we’d now need to add an additional
tals — because of iced turbine blades? tell everyone what to do. Problem solved. 283,000 wind turbines, pushing the total up
It is true that the wind is always blow- to around 1,504,000. And of course another
ing somewhere, but that somewhere might Energy Storage state or two.
not be in this country — at least not at the We know what you’re probably thinking: Battery Storage: Batteries themselves
10 mph needed for our wind turbines. In “If we don’t have wind power and it is a are another problem. A typical car battery
the summer months a “dome of high pres- cold night, we’ll just have to store electric- stores about 1.2 kWh of usable energy at
sure” often settles in over the middle of ity and use it when we need it. Haven’t 12 volts. It has a volume of about one cubic
the country. Probably gets pretty sticky you people at TNA heard about batteries?” foot. A city of 700,000 requires an average
in New York, and more so in D.C. — es- Yes, when considering energy stor- of 1,000 MWh of energy every hour. So

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Olympic swimming pools. For 2017, it

generated 935,000 MWh of energy.
Engineers love it as it is very efficient,
but there is one problem. The topography
of the United States has very few sites suit-
able for this storage technique. This is evi-
denced by the Bath County plant having 14
percent of the total U.S. pumped storage.
Sorry, Miss Ocasio-Cortez, you are
going to have to carry the water on this
one; we don’t have a solution. You might
consider this though: Even devout Dem-
ocratic Socialists are not happy when the
lights go out.

Outside the Grid

Even presuming the country finds the
will and the wherewithal to commit to
ISSUED: 1610Z THU DEC 07 2006
VA L I D : 1 2 0 0 Z F R I D E C 0 8 2 0 0 6
creating huge banks of lead or lithium
High-pressure dome: Every summer in the United States, a high-pressure system stays in place batteries to take over the load for the
for weeks or months. The distance between the isobars indicates there is no appreciable wind turbines for the entire country when the
over most of the country. New England has tight isobars and is having heavy winds. As indicated, turbines stop spinning — possibly for
this condition can extend into the winter months also. days — we’re still not finished yet, sorry.
We still need to eliminate non-electrical
how many 1.2 kWh batteries are required Alexandria, you probably shouldn’t energy generation, which may be even
to store one single MWh? About 833. How hang your hat on some new battery tech- more problematic than changing the en-
about for one hour of autonomy? About nology to come up with a miracle battery. ergy grid over to renewables. Consider
833,000. And for a day? — 20 million. Some of the world’s best chemists and natural gas: Only 34 percent is used for
Stacked 10 high, without space for cool- physicists have been attempting to im- grid electricity generation. Eliminating
ing and maintenance, the batteries would prove batteries for over 100 years. Those natural gas would greatly negatively im-
cover more than 46 acres. Again for a non- chemists might use some exotic rare-earth pact many millions of consumers — even
farm girl, that’s some 35 football fields, elements to improve hearing-aid batteries, Democratic Socialists.
including end zones. but as far as major storage — it’s just not Natural gas is usually measured in Tcf
Lithium batteries are better in several going to happen. — trillion cubic feet. This can be convert-
respects than lead-acid cells, but they are Pumped Storage: With pumped storage, ed to Quads, which is short for quadrillion
costly, even for someone not planning to water is pumped, usually from a lake or BTUs. In turn, this can be converted to
be stingy with taxpayers’ money. Lead river, to an elevated reservoir some 500 MWh. You might be able to wow them in
ore sells for about $400 per ton, lithium or more feet above the intake during a pe- congressional debates by mentioning that
for $20,000. Tesla’s Elon Musk aided riod when there is excess power available. the United States uses about 28 Quads
thousands of South Australians who had Then it is released, spinning water turbine of natural gas per year, the equivalent of
been suffering from the vagaries of wind generators, providing additional energy 8.205 billion MWh.
power by delivering to a South Australia during high-demand periods. Industrial and commercial usage of
authority lithium batteries with storage The largest of these in the world is not natural gas dwarfs that used for the elec-
capacity of 129 MWh. And he did it for far from your Washington office, in Bath trical grid. It represents 49 percent of total
$50,000,000. It appears Musk hooked to- County, Virginia. It is described as the usage and goes toward heating and as a
gether some 400 of Tesla’s power packs “largest battery in the world.” The sta- feedstock to produce hydrogen, fertilizers,
each the size of a refrigerator. (Musk’s tion is capable of generating 3,003 MW pharmaceuticals, plastics, and many other
banks of batteries were not designed for of power for 11 hours. The upper reser- products. No doubt you would want to do
autonomy, but to add capacity when the voir that stores the water until power is away with plastic anyway, especially soda
wind drops momentarily.) required holds the equivalent of 17,500 straws. And we would just have to find
some other way to compound pharmaceu-
Problem is, Alexandria, after we spend trillions for the tical drugs, or just do without as them as
was the case in 1800.
wind turbines for the Green New Deal — the nation Since most industrial-gas usage is for
would be powerless if the wind isn’t blowing. No heating, we can assign 4.205 billion MWh
to obtain the equivalent from electric heat,
wind. No electricity. which means we need yet more wind


generation. Holy moly, Batman! That is
nearly as much wind energy as we had to Retail Cost of Electricity
add for converting the U.S. electrical grid
to all renewables. Using our 5,256 MWh
per wind turbine, we find we need to add
another 800,000 wind energy sources
— and hope Florida and North Carolina
don’t mind ripping up all their roads, raz-
ing their houses and buildings, and cut-
ting down their forests to make way for
the turbines and the open space they need.
As a word of warning, Alexandria, you
might want to ask your neighbors about
what they think about converting all their
gas heating systems, hot water heaters,
ovens, clothes dryers, and other gas ap-
pliances to electricity. I’ll bet even Demo-
cratic Socialists would be annoyed at cart-
ing all their appliances to the street and
getting new electric ones. But hey, such
a move is necessary to get rid of the 4.76
Quads of natural gas used for residential
purposes. And the transition would only
require another 251,000 additional wind
turbines. Solar-powered chainsaws com-
ing to Indiana.
Retail cost of electricity in selected countries: Observe that countries with the highest
What does that bring us to? About
“renewables penetration” just happen to have the highest electrical rates.
2,555,000 new wind generators — and a
sizable portion of the United States.
Yet we still need to tackle the petro- eration at this time is unknown, but we day are out) and unless the solar array is
leum problems. Since we’re both prob- can look at the characteristics of a solar pointed directly at the sun and the array is
ably getting tired of the numbers, Al- installation — in this case one that would immaculately clean — lots of upkeep and
exandria, let’s take a shortcut and only be the equivalent of a 2 MW wind turbine equipment costs. We forgot. You are creat-
consider the percentage of oil products at a capacity factor of 30 percent — to see ing lots of cleaning jobs.
powering cars and trucks while ignor- if there is a sun-shiny lining in our envi- Moreover, where the sun shines most
ing the non-motor-fuel usages of petro- ronmentalist clouds. regularly and intensely is in America’s
leum. To figure the power needed by our The average insolation (solar energy) southwestern deserts, while the industri-
new electric vehicles, we again do some striking the continental United States is 5 al Northeast is where the energy is most
simple math. We drive here in the United kWh per square meter per day. When we needed. Even assuming scores of high-
States some 3.22 trillion miles per year. do the math, we find that it takes about voltage power lines could be built to trans-
The “Leaf” electric vehicle claims to 11 acres of photovoltaic cells to replace fer the energy from one side of the coun-
consume 0.34 kWh per mile. A little very one 2 MW wind turbine. Quite a reduc- try to the other, one might still remember
long division yields 1.09 billion MWh tion in area from 92 acres needed for each that when the rising sun starts generating
of energy. Again using our 2 MW tur- wind turbine. And solar has the advantage power in the West, the folks in the Bronx
bine gives an increase in their number by of doing well during the day when the are at lunch. Perhaps you can convince
207,400 machines. Adios West Virginia. load on the energy grid is the greatest. But northeasterners to shorten their workdays
The cost of all these wind turbines (at whereas most of those 92 acres are open — that is a goal of socialism, right?
$2.8 million per turbine) is in excess of ground — grass maybe — all 11 acres of Of course, under socialist rule there
$7.7 trillion — hardly a trifle. solar would be unusable for other purpos- would be no need for environmental im-
es. And there are some other major scary pact statements or preservation of property
Solar Panels to the Rescue? bogeymen with solar. Not only are solar rights, so there’s a bonus. On the other
No doubt, with your sunny personality, you arrays not so good at night (there’s that hand, a drawback would be the huge banks
and your Green Energy coalition would battery thing again), they don’t even often of batteries needed to store all the energy
want to consider a combination of solar and work well during the day in the Northeast that would be needed for when the sun is
wind to offset the loss of non-renewable United States or on rainy days, and they not shining.
power. Let’s see how this plays out. don’t work very well at all unless the sun Backing up either of our renewable en-
The mix between solar and wind gen- is high in the sky (early morning and late ergy sources for only one day — and only 15

kWh Produced per Acre Acres for 1,000 MW (1 GW)

160,000 154,000
2,500 2,386
2,000 120,000
1,000 60,000
6.5 26.4 421
0 0

Land utilization and power density for nuclear (or coal), wind power, and solar voltaic sources.

for the 4.034 billion MWh of electricity The online summary of Dr. Lomborg’s ever been harmed in any nuclear power
that goes toward energizing the nation’s research reveals: incident. The same cannot be said for wind
power grid — would take something on the farm accidents, as is documented by the
order of 3.36 trillion car batteries, which, The climate impact of all Paris INDC Caithness Windfarm Information Forum
similar to car batteries, would likely have [Intended Nationally Determined and the number of amateur solar panel
to be replaced every three to five years. Contributions] promises is minus- installers who have taken fatal falls from
At a cut-rate price of $5 each, the battery cule: if we measure the impact of their roofs.
backup necessary would still cost the coun- every nation fulfilling every promise As you’ve just learned (we hope), en-
try $16.8 trillion each time the batteries are by 2030, the total temperature re- ergy from the wind or sun is far from free
replaced. Sounds expensive — even for duction will be 0.048°C (0.086°F) — and far from reliable. In the case of nu-
government. In the final analysis, going by 2100. clear power, the amount of uranium fuel to
totally “green energy” is not a bright idea. Even if we assume that these prom- power a residence for a year is about one
ises would be extended for another gram, equal to one-fourth of a teaspoon
Let’s Get Real 70 years, there is still little impact: of salt — or a paper clip. Without costly
Congressman Ocasio-Cortez, as a student if every nation fulfills every promise government-encouraged lawsuits, nuclear
of economics, you must realize that the by 2030, and continues to fulfill these power is one of the most inexpensive and
conversion to 100-percent renewables is promises faithfully until the end of the reliable sources of electricity on Earth.
totally out of the realm of possibility. It century, and there is no ‘CO2 leakage’ And no need for batteries.
would take many trillions of dollars and to non-committed nations, the entire- Miss Ocasio-Cortez, if your objective is
destroy the industrial economy that has ty of the Paris promises will reduce to destroy our economy to abolish capi-
brought us the highest standard of living temperature rises by just 0.17°C talism so socialism can rise on its ashes,
in human history. (0.306°F) by 2100.  then you are on the right track — just like
We are asked to give up our standard socialists managed in starving Venezuela.
of living for the unproven theory that an And even if Americans did stop producing And you will surely have plenty of support
insignificant increase in carbon dioxide CO2, Earth’s CO2 levels would continue to not only from other Democratic Socialists
from its current 0.04 percent of our at- rise because China, India, and other coun- but from the leadership of the Democrat
mosphere would cause Earth’s tempera- tries are building coal-fired power plants Party, the mainstream media, and aca-
ture to rise to a deadly level. Meanwhile, by the dozen, which will likely more than demia. But if your objective is to help the
all of the computer models relied on by offset any reductions Americans make. environment while helping the poor in our
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate If your objective is a reduction in car- country, you’re on a dead-end street. n
Change have predicted temperature in- bon dioxide, maybe
creases much higher than satellite and you should consider
ocean buoys have shown, which indicate
a pause in temperature rise.
untying government
regulations restrict- EXTRA COPIES AVAILABLE
Moreover, a new peer-reviewed paper ing nuclear genera- ➧ Additional copies of this issue of The
by Dr. Bjørn Lomborg published in the tion. Nuclear power New American are available at quantity-
Global Policy journal shows that reduc- plants produce no discount prices. To place your order, visit
ing CO2 production would make little to carbon dioxide, and or see the card between
no difference in Earth’s temperatures. no U.S. citizen has pages 34-35.



The Renewable Energy Scam

Many communities and businesses are claiming to be powered by 100-percent
renewable energy, but they don’t have their own energy sources. What’s going on?
by Ed Hiserodt

number of U.S. municipalities and
businesses have been bragging that
they are 100-percent powered by
renewable energy. Notable among these is
the city of Georgetown, Texas, where in
August 2016 the guru of global warming,
Al Gore, participated in a ceremony where
he spoke of the town as a “trailblazer.” His
appearance with the town fathers, includ-
ing Mayor Dale Ross, was featured in Go-
re’s 2017 An Inconvenient Sequel.
According to the Sierra Club, “More
than 80 municipalities, five counties,
and two states — Hawaii and California
— have a 100 percent renewable goal.”
Driving this move toward energy sources
DustyPixel/iStock/Getty Images Plus
that are expensive and unreliable is the
widespread but errant belief that “green California State House: By requiring utilities to provide more renewable energy than they would
power” is a viable alternative to conven- do otherwise, lawmakers are transferring wealth from ratepayers to “Green Energy” promoters.
tional power sources, as well as political
pandering to the environmentalist Left sary to keep the lights on when renewables in the wind. Then thank God for conven-
and plain old-fashioned greed. fade — such as hills and water that allow tional power plants.
But even the good intentions of those a sizeable hydroelectric dam — but most
seeking to be environmental protectors don’t. (See article on page 10.) Shrouded in Mystery
can’t protect from the consequences of bad In fact, the 100-percent renewable The 100-percent renewables scam is being
energy decisions. Interestingly, a prime claims are a scam. Since the electricity sold to us by the government, the utility
example of the results of misguided pan- from renewables plants — wind, solar, companies, and the towns and businesses
dering is the aforementioned trailblazer biomass — can’t be separated in the U.S. that participate. The “scam” buys goodwill
Georgetown. As was reported in a Decem- electric grid from that produced by con- with the duped public and is not only good
ber 18, 2018 article in the Daily Caller, ventional power plants, and is indistin- public relations, it’s also an easy route for
Georgetown is buckling under the loss of guishable from it, much of the energy the them. But as with most governmental in-
$7 million per year from malinvestment in communities use is, in fact, coming from terference in the free market, the public
contracts with the Buckthorn solar plant conventional power plants. ends up taking it in the pocketbook.
and Spinning Spur 3 wind farm. Of course, the 100-percenters have fig- Today’s injustice to consumers origi-
Georgetown, like other places said to be ured out a slick way to get around these nally began with a subsidy to the wind-
100-percent reliant on “renewable energy,” physics truths: They pretend. When a generation industry called the Production
doesn’t actually have its own wind tur- renewable energy source puts one mega- Tax Credit (PTC), passed by Congress in
bines, solar panels, and biomass resources watt-hour (1 MWh) on the electrical grid, 1992. Each day there is a bidding war for
powering it. It simply pays an upcharge it writes itself a certificate or credit saying the energy to go on the electrical grid that
for electricity that is said to come from it has done so. (There are precautions to in turn is supplied to a network of public-
renewable sources. If the green commu- ensure this is the case.) These certificates and investor-owned utilities. Renewables
nities and businesses actually did use all are transferable and can be sold to a broker compete with coal, nuclear, natural gas,
renewables, it would likely be very easy who sells them to a utility or “100-percent and other generators. The PTC gave the
to tell: On calm nights the lights would renewable” municipality. Unspoken is the renewable operators a credit of one-and-a-
go out. A very few locales in the nation fact that the town often would be without half cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of gen-
might have the geological features neces- power when there was darkness or a lull eration for energy created by renewable

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sources. This allowed renewable to make

money even when the price of electricity
was zero — not unusual during periods
of low demand. In many states there were
also laws giving renewables other advan-
tages, even laws that have given priority
to generators with the lowest fuel cost.
Wonder who’s going to win that one?
While a boon to renewable operators,
the PTC penalized reliable, conventional
electric utilities (which are indispensable,
since they must always be running in case
the wind dies or it gets cloudy and they
are needed to take over from renewables
in providing energy) faced the choice of
shutting down or losing money.
Congress sensibly has been getting rid
AP Images
of the PTC in stages, and now for wind fa-
cilities commencing construction in 2019, Solar picture: Solar energy systems, both photovoltaic and thermal as shown, earn Special
the PTC is reduced by 60 percent. But the Renewable Energy Credits for generating renewable energy, even though if it gets very cloudy,
PTC’s follow-on, the Renewable Energy they don’t work.
Credit (or Certificate), may be even worse.
An REC is defined as a “tradeable, party verifier keeps the generator honest. nesses, buying RECs is probably part of
non-tangible energy commodity in the Brokers who have market knowledge the advertising budget, and for towns it’s
United States that represents proof that 1 often buy from the lowest-priced supplier, likely the consequence of election prom-
megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity was and sell to the highest willing buyer. Nei- ises or true believers in a human-caused
generated from an eligible renewable en- ther the generator nor the broker must have global-warming catastrophe.
ergy resource like biomass, [small scale] the REC in hand, just an agreement to pro- Walmart’s participation is particularly
hydro, or wind.” vide it when it is available. The seller can disappointing to me as it is headquartered
The EPA says about the RECs: even issue the RECs before there is a wind in the state where your correspondent re-
farm, and thereby use the revenue to build sides. Why would a company, with prac-
Because the physical electricity we his farm. (Some people believe American tices in place to keep its slogan of “Low
receive through the utility grid says farmers are unfairly favored with govern- Prices,” pay more for energy than required
nothing of its origin or how it was ment subsidies. The wind farmers have and pander to the green lobby, when that
generated, RECs play an important taken this to an art form.) group is made up of the same leftists who
role in accounting, tracking, and as- If buying RECs were completely volun- denigrate the company and the capitalist
signing ownership to renewable tary, the RECs could be looked at simply as system that allowed Walmart to flourish?
electricity generation and use. On a donations by consumers to renewables pro- Heretofore, in my limited dealings with
shared grid, whether from on-site or ducers to help them succeed; however, the Walmart, I was impressed by the discipline
off-site resources, RECs are the in- hand of government, in all its wisdom, has of their buyers. One of them didn’t have a
strument that electricity consumers been making them mandatory and gouging pen, so I offered him one of mine. At first
must use to substantiate renewable consumers, in a case of corporate cronyism he took it, but then he gave it back like it
electricity use claims. driven mainly by liberal politicians. was a rattlesnake. It turns out he couldn’t
Though there is such a thing as a Volun- take anything that might be considered
As mentioned, RECs are created out of tary Market, whereby towns and compa- a gift, i.e., a bribe — a 20-cent pen. The
thin air by approved renewable electricity nies may choose to, or choose not to, buy company is also known for its amazing
generators each time the generators put RECs, there is also the Compliance Mar- distribution system. My favorite story is
one megawatt-hour (MWh) of energy on ket, which unequivocally makes things of a pilot who picked up a load of purses in
the electrical grid. The generator, em- worse for the consumer and the country. Bangladesh, went home to Huntsville, Al-
ploying a government-approved list of Voluntary Market: As you might imag- abama, and found them in the local store
renewable sources such as wind, solar, ine, “voluntary” means that 100-percent the next morning via the distribution cen-
or biomass, creates an electronic record renewable towns and businesses, such as ter in Cullman, Alabama. The company’s
representing each MWh of electricity it Walmart, voluntarily pay a premium for due diligence and efficiency, so often in
produces. It can then sell these RECs to energy because it is supposedly sourced focus, seem to have wandered in this case.
consumers, such as towns or businesses, from a renewable supplier. This market What is the cost of an REC in the volun-
so that the consumers can “prove” they is only accessed by entities that want to tary market? Very low. You can purchase
bought green energy. As noted, a third- pander to the green movement. For busi- one REC for $8.00 online. That’s less than


a one-cent increase in the kWh rate that and costly that they can’t compete on their ity will mean even minor interruptions of
averages 10.48 cents for U.S. residential own), but to keep the reliable, convention- generation will bring about massive dis-
customers. On the other hand, we have the al generators in business, the government ruptions of power to industrial customers
Compliance Market. is having to subsidize them also. (first) — as it has already done in Germany
Compliance Market: The Compliance The price of electricity under Ener- and Australia, among others. At some point
Market could rightly be called the involun- giewende did just what you would expect the entire house of cards must fall.
tary market — purchases mandated by gov- it to do under such circumstances: The What happens going forward depends
ernment. The legislatures of 29 states and residential price rose 35 percent between on the makeup of our government. If the
the District of Columbia have adopted Re- 2008 and 2017, during the period when re- conservative/libertarian coalition prevails,
newable Portfolio Standards (RPS). Using newables increased by 21.4 percent. The the renewable portfolio standards and sub-
their undoubtedly vast knowledge of power average German residential customer pays sidies will be eliminated, allowing the free
generation, politicians have required utility 29 cents per kWh, almost three times the market to stabilize the energy production
companies to generate a certain percentage U.S. average of 10.48 cents for the same and pricing. On the other hand, if the left-
of their energy from renewable sources. amount of energy. wing, “progressive” side of the spectrum
The most egregious requirements, as might Without any sophisticated knowledge and the media/academic socialists take
be expected, emanate from California, New of the market, we can only speculate on the reins of government, then the situation
York, and New Jersey, which require utili- the exact results of mandating renewables will worsen dramatically.
ties to furnish 50 percent of electricity from usage. First, there will definitely be an
renewable sources by 2030. incentive for more wind farms and solar Stepping Back
The renewable-usage requirements will installations. Second, it’s likely that an If we step back to view the issue broadly,
lead to high prices for consumers, and it initial burst of new renewables generation we can see that this is another case of
appears this is already taking place. Of the will temporarily result in lower prices for corporate-political cronyism. “Following
12 states with the lowest rates, only Wash- RECs, thus giving incentive for the utili- the money” shows us that liberal politi-
ington — with its enormous hydroelectric ties to continue the practice of relying on cians are accepting money and influence
resources — has a mandated Renewable RECs to fulfill their Renewable Portfolio not only from those Americans fooled
Portfolio Standard. On the expensive end Standards, as it is likely the most profitable into supporting “green energy,” but from
of the scale, all 21 of the highest-priced way to go compared to building renewable every businessman who profits from the
energy states have an RPS. generation. Third, as the percentages of re- government-mandated spending — from
Of course, major utilities companies newables that is required by politicians go wind farmers, to turbine makers, to solar
such as PG&E don’t really care. They pass up from politicians vying to out-green each companies, to REC brokers and more.
their costs along to consumers — and can other, the cost of RECs will rise once again The biggest gainers are banks and foreign
correctly blame politicians for making and the intermittent and unreliable nature conglomerates, such as CitiBank, Bar-
them do so, or claim to be saving the Earth. of renewables will make the energy grid clays, and Credit Suisse, which are big
With billions of RECs in the market, highly unstable. Fourth, the grid instabil- participants along with BP (British Petro-
one would think that their market price
would be a matter of some importance.
That seems not to be the case. Renew-
able sellers and buyers play it close to the
chest. Reported rates have ranged up to
$40.00 each, which would raise the con-
sumer’s bill by four cents a kWh — basi-
cally a 40-percent increase.

Bridge Out Ahead

We have seen a rodeo similar to this in
Germany and Denmark, and to a lesser
extent in other countries. In Germany, the
renewables were given preferential treat-
ment, thereby making reliable, conven-
tional energy sources lose their regular
business — often being limited to sell-
ing electricity when no renewables were
available. And this led to massive govern-
ment subsidies. istock80/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Not only has the German government Wind power: The greater the percent of renewables (which vary in output), the less stable the
had to subsidize renewable energy pro- electrical grid. At some point (around nine or 10 percent of supply), the dispatch operators
ducers (because they are so inefficient become unable to hold voltage and frequency on the network, causing brownouts and blackouts. 19

Renewable Portfolio Standards: Twenty-nine

states and Washington, D.C., have Renewable
Portfolio Standards, requiring a certain
percentage of electricity to be supplied by
renewables. The top 21 states in terms of high
electric rates all have the standards.

India (the latter of which has opened 52

new coal mines since 2014).
Is involvement by government the key
to low energy prices? Hardly. In Germany,
62.7 percent of a residential energy bill is
for items decreed by the government.
All of this morass has been created by
laws that impede or destroy the concept of
a free market. It follows that all of it could
be reversed, even though it might take a
generation. We are presently following a
road map to high energy prices and low
reliability, shown to us by the countries
that have used that map in recent years,
much to their dismay. We must learn from
leum) Wind Energy. Since the scam likely pay the green subsidies through taxes, the mistakes of others to avoid the destruc-
runs into the billions of dollars each year, and the consumers who pay higher en- tion of our efficient, reliable fossil-fuel
the political “candidate support” that ergy bills and the workers who lose their and nuclear plants — the backbone of our
takes place is also massive. And those jobs as high energy costs make us uncom- electric grid — and of the prosperity and
who pay for it all are the taxpayers who petitive with countries such as China and health they engender. n

Cold Used to Sell Global Warming
Across the Midwest and Northeast, the recent intrusion of a polar vortex has shattered
records for cold temperatures, yet this cold blast is being blamed on global warming.
“This symptom of global warming
is counterintuitive for those in the cross
hairs of these extreme cold spells,” said
climate scientist Jennifer Francis of the
Woods Hole Research Center. Francis is
one of the scientists promoting the theory
that the cold brought to America is due to
global warming. “But these events provide
an excellent opportunity to help the public
understand some of the ‘interesting’ ways
that climate change will unfold.”
“Counterintuitive” is one word for the
claim. Others include crazy, irrational, and
The theory of how global warming can
cause extreme cold goes something like
this. Global warming is causing Arctic ice

to melt. That ice melt may be causing a

phenomenon known as Arctic amplifica-
tion. As the sea ice diminishes, solar energy
which would normally be reflected away
by the ice and snow is, instead, being ab-
sorbed by the Arctic Ocean. The increased
warmth of the Arctic Ocean is supposedly
causing the Arctic to warm at roughly twice
by James Murphy spread record lows and low maximum the rate that the rest of the planet is.

temperatures from the Upper Midwest to Warmer and moister air over the Arctic
he recent cold snap that sent bru- the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley.” reduces temperature differences between
tal Arctic temperatures across the And if you listen to some climatolo- the Arctic and mid-latitude regions, such
American Midwest and North- gists, the polar vortex was brought to us as the Midwest and eastern portions of
east was brought to us by an atmospheric courtesy of humanity’s media-hyped nem- the United States. The reduced tempera-
condition known as the polar vortex, a esis, global warming. ture variation then weakens both the polar
cyclonic flow in Earth’s troposphere and Global warming or not, the polar vortex vortex and its atmospheric cousin the jet
stratosphere, which normally hovers over sure did bring cold weather. On January 31, stream, which allows the polar vortex to
the Arctic and northern reaches of Canada the coldest temperature of this visit by the split much more easily and head south.
and Asia. polar vortex was recorded as 56 degrees Voilà! Global warming causes extreme
The National Weather Service described below zero Fahrenheit at Cotton, Minne- cold.
the conditions on January 30, 2019 thusly: sota. That’s an ambient air temperature, by A 2018 study led by Dr. Marlene Kretch-
“One of the coldest Arctic air masses in the way, not a wind-chill temperature. Also, mer of the Potsdam Institute for Climate
recent memory is surging south into the on January 31, ambient air temperatures Impact Research (PIK) attempted to con-
Upper Midwest before spreading across dropped to 43 below zero northwest of firm the polar vortex theory. According to
much of the eastern two-thirds of the Mather, Wisconsin, 32 below zero in Grand the study, periods of a weak polar vortex
country. Through late week, expect frigid Forks, North Dakota, and 33 below zero in have increased over the past four decades.
temperatures, bitterly cold and life-threat- Moline, Illinois. At least 340 daily record The study claims that 60 percent of cold
ening wind chills, likely leading to wide- lows were broken in the Midwest alone. extremes in mid-latitude Eurasia could be

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explained “by the increased In his piece, Mann, the cre-

frequency of weak strato- ator of the widely discredited
spheric polar vortex.” “hockey stick graph,” which
President Trump, for one, featured so prominently in
isn’t buying it. As he is wont ­Gore’s 2006 science-fiction
to do, the president took film An Inconvenient Truth,
to Twitter to troll climate even thought to blame (cue
alarmists. “In the beautiful evil music) the Russians and
Midwest, windchill tem- their alleged influence on
peratures are reaching minus President Trump for his “de-
60 degrees, the coldest ever nial” of settled science.
recorded. In coming days, “What is responsible for
expected to get even colder. Trump’s continued climate
People can’t last outside even change denial?” Mann wrote.
for minutes. What the hell is “Could it be the same thing re-
going on with global warm- sponsible for him outsourcing
ing? Please come back fast, his energy and environmental
we need you!” policy to fossil fuel interests?
University of Colorado- Could it have something to do
Boulder atmospheric scien- with the Russian influence that
tist Dr. Roger Pielke, Sr. also some have suggested helped
blasted the hypothesis that get him elected?”
global warming is causing Mann went on to suggest
extreme cold in the United that the Mueller investigation
States. “These southward may have the final answer on
movements of part of the vor- AP Images that. “We may have some an-
tex have always occurred,” Climatologist Michael Mann — the creator of the discredited “hockey swers on these questions when
Pielke said. “With respect to stick graph” — is among those who believe that the polar vortex “might special counsel Robert Muel-
climate, a strong polar vortex even be symptomatic” of global warming. ler completes his investigation
occurs when it is particularly into Russian meddling in the
cold at higher latitudes. The colder the tro- cold snaps are actually less frequent now 2016 U.S. presidential election.”
posphere at the higher latitudes, the stron- than they were throughout the 20th cen- So in true climate-alarmist and leftist
ger is the polar jet stream. So, if anything, tury. “The trend is markedly downward fashion, Mann has linked the president’s
these extreme Arctic outbreaks suggest in the most recent 40 years (since 1979) supposed “climate change denial” with
global warming has little effect on them.” which is the earliest we have reliable mea- the Mueller investigation and Trump’s al-
But such common sense doesn’t sell cli- surements of Arctic sea ice from satellite leged ties to the Russians. And I thought
mate change to the masses, which is what microwave radiometers (my specialty).” that conservatives were supposed to be the
all of this is about. It’s in the interests of Spencer and Christy’s chart shows no conspiracy theorists.
globalists to say that any extreme weather increase whatsoever in the frequency of Even among climate alarmists, the the-
event — be it hurricane, bomb cyclone, these Arctic temperature blasts. Interest- ory that Arctic warming causes a weaken-
or brutal Arctic cold — is evidence of cli- ingly, the chart also shows no significant ing of the polar vortex and the jet stream
mate change, which is brought about by decrease in such events. It’s almost as if is controversial. “Frankly, it’s a stretch to
man-made global warming. these weather events have a cycle to them. make that link,” said Dr. Kevin Trenberth,
Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer, the Every few years, the Arctic winds blow a highly acclaimed proponent of man-
principal research scientist at the Uni- just to remind us they’re there. made climate-change theory and a mem-
versity of Alabama in Huntsville and a In an op-ed penned for The Guardian, ber of the National Center for Atmospher-
climate-change heretic according to many Penn State climatologist and acolyte of ic Research. Trenberth was the lead author
of his climatology peers, also took to task carbon-credit salesman Al Gore Dr. Mi- of the United Nation’s Intergovernmental
the claims that global warming is causing chael Mann took President Trump and Panel on Climate Change (UN IPCC) re-
cold weather, writing in his blog on Janu- other climate skeptics on. “So, we’re see- ports of 1995, 2001, and 2007.
ary 31, “In other words, as the theory goes, ing a trend toward more record heat, not “There is always cold air over the Arctic
global warming sometimes causes colder record cold,” Mann wrote. “And even if in the polar night and the question is wheth-
winters. That’s what makes the global we are seeing an increase in cold weather er it sits there, or it breaks out,” Trenberth
warming theory so marvelously adaptable outbreaks in certain parts of the U.S. and told the Daily Caller. “So, all this is in the
— it can explain anything.” Europe, it wouldn’t necessarily contradict realm of weather. Not climate.”
Spencer and fellow climatologist Dr. the case for climate change — it might Dr. Jonathon Martin of the University
John Christy also cited evidence that such even be symptomatic of it.” of Wisconsin’s Department of Atmospher-


ic and Ocean Sciences agrees that it’s a thickness of pack ice in the waters pre-satellite era (1850-1980) have been so
big leap to connect the activity of the polar around Iceland to the southward mi- widely, systematically and unidirection-
vortex to global warming. “I think that the gration of a warmth loving creature ally tampered with that it cannot be cred-
jump between saying that by slackening like armadillo from the Midwest. ibly asserted there has been any significant
that temperature contrast from the mid- Since the 1940s the mean global ‘global warming’ in the 20th century.”
latitudes to the pole, that doesn’t neces- temperature has dropped about 2.7 And the data situation hasn’t improved
sarily mean that the jet stream’s going to degrees Fahrenheit. much since 2010. Last year, climate-data
become wavier.” researcher Dr. John McLean — a climate-
Clearly, the worldwide community of cli- A question springs to mind. The above ex- change believer — audited the IPCC’s pri-
matologists hasn’t come to any consensus cerpt suggests that the global mean tem- mary global temperature data set, which
that the recent visit by the polar vortex was perature actually dropped by 2.7 degrees is known as HadCRUT4. It was the first
caused by man-made climate change, yet Fahrenheit from the 1940s to the 1970s. known audit of the IPCC’s data and it
the idea somehow makes its way out to the Today, climatologists tell us that, since the showed numerous flaws. McLean noted
public via the mainstream media, which is end of the Little Ice Age, around 1860, the more than 70 problems with the data,
quick to attempt to pin any unusual weather world has been steadily and abnormally including “obviously erroneous data,
on man-made climate change. warming. Was the data wrong in the ’70s glossed-over sparsity of data, significant
The media hype surrounding the polar or is it wrong now? but questionable assumptions and temper-
vortex’s recent visit seemed to suggest The answer is, probably both. We know ature data that has been incorrectly adjust-
that this was some new type of phenom- that the National Oceanic and Atmospher- ed in a way that exaggerates warming.”
enon, thus implying that it was connected ic Administration (NOAA) has felt the So it seems that all the temperature
to anthropogenic, catastrophic, man-made need to go back into historical temperature data pre-1980 is suspect. Isn’t that kind of
climate change. But actually, we’ve heard records and adjust temperature data, pre- a big thing? Doesn’t good science require
all about the danger of the polar vortex be- sumably because of many factors, includ- good data? This alone should end all de-
fore. Back in the 1970s, it was called the ing poor station siting and urbanization, bate on climate change. Without accurate
circumpolar vortex, and the media warned which led to incorrect data. And we also temperature data, there’s no way we can
us that it was certain evidence of “climate know that these data adjustments have truly know how much, if any, warming has
change,” which would occur because of shown a bias toward the global-warming occurred.
global cooling. hypothesis. Unfortunately, because climate science
A Time magazine story (June 24, In fact, the actual historical temperature has become so enmeshed in politics and
1974 issue) described the coming ice data has been so corrupted that a 2010 globalism, it has become impossible to
­apocalypse: paper by Joseph D’Aleo and Anthony Watt study the science without taking a side.
suggested that the historical data isn’t use- And the climate-alarmist side has most of
Telltale signs are everywhere — ful as evidence for or against global warm- the big guns in its corner. The media, the
from the unexpected persistence and ing. “Instrumental temperature data for the United Nations, and globalist elites are all
heavily invested in “proving” that man is
changing the world for the worse with our
carbon-dioxide emissions.
It’s amazing and maddening that many
of the same climatologists who shake their
heads in sad condescension and accuse us
laymen of misunderstanding the differ-
ence between weather and climate, consis-
tently point to weather events such as the
polar vortex (or hurricanes, droughts, heat
waves, etc.) as evidence of man-made cli-
mate change.
Climate alarmists can get away with
these types of unfounded claims because,
as Spencer points out, “Falsification re-
quires a lot of data over a long period of
time, something we don’t usually have in
climate research.” In other words, it’s a
lot easier to come up with a theory than to
AP Images prove or disprove it. And that’s all that the
This frozen water fountain in New York City is emblematic of just how cold the polar vortex climate alarmists are looking to do — sow
was. On January 31, the ambient air temperature (not wind chill) in Cotton, Minnesota, reached doubt in the minds of the public. And a
56 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. little fear never hurts either. n 23
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Anti-police sentiments have been steadily gathering steam, gaining new followers, and
leading to calls for Civilian Review Boards. But such boards are counterproductive.
The murder of McDonald happened just
two and a half months after the justifiable
shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson,
Missouri, which sparked riots around the
nation and led to increased interest in the
Black Lives Matter movement and other
anti-police campaigns. It also gave rise to
the false “hands up, don’t shoot” narrative.
That anti-police sentiment has only in-
creased in the months and years since then.
Part of the anti-police climate that holds
America in its grip is the narrative that all
police officers and departments are corrupt
and have free rein to run roughshod over
the life, liberty, and property of citizens
— especially minority citizens — because
there is a lack of oversight. Enter, from
stage left, the Civilian Review Boards
AP Images

(CRBs) being formed across the nation.

Only they can provide that much-needed
Not in vain: Chicagoans were rightly incensed after seeing the video of Officer Jason Van Dyke and sorely lacking oversight, according to
killing Laquan McDonald, though McDonald was not threatening anyone. But justice was served those who reiterate the narrative.
when Van Dyke was found guilty of second-degree murder.
That narrative is based on several false
assumptions. While the space allowed to
by C. Mitchell Shaw Because of the evidence, including an this article does not allow a complete re-

autopsy and a dash-cam video — which sponse to all of those, the most egregious
n October 20, 2014, Chicago both conflicted with accounts offered by of them should suffice to make the point.
Police Officer Jason Van Dyke Van Dyke and some of the other officers First, while there are certainly police of-
— along with at least eight other in their official reports — Van Dyke was ficers who violate both departmental poli-
officers — responded to a call of a young indicted by a grand jury on December 16, cies and the law (as the example of Van
black man breaking into cars. When Van 2015. The charges were first-degree mur- Dyke shows), the assumption that all police
Dyke arrived on the scene, that young der and official misconduct. When the officers are corrupt rests on an irreconcil-
man, Laquan McDonald, who was carrying case went to trial in September 2018, the able dichotomy — while it is understood
a small folding knife, was walking down charges were first-degree murder, official by almost everyone that it is wrong to paint
the street away from officers who had him misconduct, and 16 counts of aggravated any group of people with a broad brush,
mostly surrounded. Though no other offi- battery, one for each shot Van Dyke fired that understanding is jettisoned if the group
cer on the scene felt the need to use lethal into McDonald. in question happens to be made up of men
force, Van Dyke drew his weapon as soon On October 5, 2018, the jury found Van and women from various classes, races, and
as he exited his vehicle and began walking Dyke guilty of second-degree murder and socio-economic backgrounds who all have
toward McDonald. Seconds later, he began 16 counts of aggravated battery with a fire- in common only the simple fact that they
firing at McDonald, who was walking away arm, but not guilty of official misconduct. wear a police uniform.
from him and was more than a road lane’s They deliberated for less than eight hours That broad brush ignores the salient fact
width away. By the time Van Dyke had and said the verdict only took as long as — shown time and again — that the vast
been on the scene 30 seconds, he had fired it did because they debated between first- majority of police officers are dedicated
16 rounds into McDonald — the last 14 of degree murder and second-degree murder. professionals who stay within the bound-
those as McDonald lay dead or dying on Van Dyke was sentenced to almost aries of both departmental policy and the
the asphalt. seven years in prison. law in the performance of their duties.

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track and inform the jury of what can and

cannot be considered “evidence,” while
CRBs are given free rein to make up their
own rules and define their own powers. In a
jury trial, the power is divided between the
prosecutor, the defense, the judge, and the
jury. A CRB acts as prosecutor, judge, and
jury while the “defense” is usually non-
existent. Fortunately, its power stops short
of that of executioner.
To make matters worse, since the nar-
rative is that all police officers and de-
partments are corrupt and untrustworthy,
CRBs undoubtedly attract those who ac-
cept that false premise. In other words, an
anti-police element is given authority over
local police departments.
AP Images
This is proving to be a bridge too far for
A forum for discontent: At this meeting for a proposed Civilian Review Board, emotions ruled the many police officers. Case in point: Char-
day. The same usually happens in the operation of such boards, making police the scapegoats. lottesville, Virginia. Having withstood the
constant barrage of anti-police sentiment
Second, the “solution” of creating needed to provide oversight for police from major media and within their own
CRBs to provide oversight assumes — departments is itself a faulty idea. When communities in the wake of the Unite the
wrongly — that such oversight is not al- a doctor is suspected of having acted im- Right Rally that thrust their city and their
ready in place. properly, he or she can be brought before department into the national spotlight in
It is correct that those entrusted with a medical review board to determine the August 2017, officers are leaving the de-
power need to be held accountable and facts of the case. Those review boards are partment over the newly formed CRB.
kept in check — as Lord Acton said, made up of doctors. Lawyers suspected Police Chief RaShall Brackney told
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute of improper actions are brought before Charlottesville’s Daily Progress that her
power corrupts absolutely” — but the the Bar Association, made up of lawyers. department is experiencing a “mass exo-
reality is that there are already multiple Other professions have similar review dus.” “It seems like, I think, on average,
layers of oversight in place to hold police boards made up of men and women in one to two officers a week are leaving the
accountable. Checks and balances abound. those professions. department,” said Brackney, who took over
For instance: Police departments have When it comes to police, though, the the department in June 2018. She replaced
internal review boards; police chiefs in- plan for CRBs ignores the basic principle Al Thomas, who “retired” in December
vestigate their own officers’ conduct; state that review boards are best when they are 2017 due to criticism over the way his de-
police investigate criminal complaints made up of those who understand the re- partment handled the violence that broke
against police officers; elected officials quirements of the job. They know what the out during the Unite the Right Rally.
— including county commissions, city standards are and can recognize when they Chief Brackney — the department’s
councils, mayors, and county sheriffs — are and are not being met. Instead, CRBs first black female chief — has more than
have authority to hold police officers and are made up of a panel of civilians who 30 years’ experience in law enforcement.
departments accountable; state and county have never worn a badge or had to make She served as a member of the Pittsburgh
grand juries are able to hear cases and de- life-and-death decisions in a fraction of a Police Bureau command staff before serv-
liver indictments; and district attorneys second, but are empowered to judge that ing as police chief for the George Wash-
can bring charges. which they know not. While juries in t­rials ington University Police Department for
All of these can and do happen as a mat- are likewise comprised of civilians who three years. From Pittsburgh to D.C.,
ter of routine. Again, the example of Van are not police officers, the differences are Chief Brackney has served in some of
Dyke illustrates this point. Even with what important: Juries are made up of randomly America’s toughest cities. Her experience
appears to be an attempted coverup (includ- chosen peers while CRBs are made up of in serving those communities means that
ing police refusing to release the video until people who — usually for political reasons she likely understands the divisive issues
a court order compelled the release), Van — volunteer for the position; juries hear facing Charlottesville.
Dyke was indicted by a grand jury, prose- all of the available evidence, for both the She was hired after the city council had
cuted by a district attorney, judged by a jury prosecution and the defense (including ex- already voted to form a CRB. At the city
of his peers, and found guilty. The system pert testimony), while CRBs routinely only council meeting where she was introduced
— comprised of those layers of oversight consider “evidence” indicating the guilt of to the community, it was immediately ap-
and other elements — worked. officers; and jury trials are presided over by parent that she was inheriting a hornet’s
Furthermore, the idea that CRBs are a judge, whose job is to keep the trial on nest. Comments from citizens were domi-


nated by discussion of the August 2017
rally and violence. Brackney was chal-
lenged by pro-CRB activists. As the Daily
Progress reported:

In her brief remarks after she was in-

troduced, Brackney asked the public
to be patient during her transition to
the police department, “and remember
there are human beings behind each
and every one of the statements we
make toward and about each other.”

One activist, Rosia Parker, addressed the

council, saying that she no longer has
any patience for police and city officials.
Then, she addressed Brackney directly,
AP Images
saying, “I appreciate you coming, but are
you truly ready?” Not staying where they are not wanted: New head of the Charlottesville police RaShall Brackney
This is the climate in which CRBs are has seen officers leave her department weekly because they feel that a new Civilian Review Board
created: distrust, frustration, and anger is not there for justice, but to punish them unjustly.
based on the false narrative that all police
are corrupt and city officials will not hold and that the CRB is coming after them. being black. Police stopped him and issued
them accountable. Evidence of this is seen “The officers do not believe that there’s a warning for running a stop sign. Turner
in the fact that when CRBs are impaneled, going to be any fair, impartial oversight,” claims he got off with a warning “because
they are populated by the very people who Brackney said. “It’s well-documented how ... I came out there and let them know I was
see the police as enemies, as we will show some of them have treated our officers, in- with the CRB.” Apparently, she does not
later in this article. cluding me.” understand the finer points of a conflict of
To make matters worse, the first order In fact, the Charlottesville CRB is made interest. Or perhaps that conflict is her rea-
of business for the new CRB is to write its up largely of the usual suspects: anti-po- son for being on the board.
own bylaws and choose a model for how lice activists. Other board members, including Gloria
much authority it will have. Board member Katrina Turner, for in- Beard, Guillermo Ubilla, and Don Gathers
Matthew Murphy at the Charlottesville stance, has made a name for herself as (who recently resigned from the board due
Clerk of Council’s Office told The New such. She was an active participant at the to health concerns) are leftist activists who
American that the CRB there is still for- “counter-protest” during the Unite the have made similar anti-police statements.
mulating its bylaws, which will spell out Right Rally in August 2017. She has said, So rather than stay in a community that
the authority of the CRB. He said that “No matter if we almost lost our life that is hostile toward them and their families
those bylaws will be submitted to the day we’re going to continue this fight — while a CRB is preparing to stack the deck
council for approval once they are final- for as long as we can.” Setting aside the against them, officers are leaving to take
ized. The council will have the final say overdone hyperbole of almost losing her positions in other communities. Predict-
as to the approval of those bylaws and the life (there is no indication that Turner was ably, replacing those officers is proving
CRB’s authority. the victim of any violence at the rally), one difficult. Recruitment is down for the
In explaining the “mass exodus” in her thing is clear: Turner is an activist with same reasons attrition is up.
department, Chief Brackney addressed strong views about what it means to “con- “We talk about that we want a diverse
what she calls a “toxic” environment for tinue this fight.” And strong views about force, but if a person feels like they’re
police officers. “Officers in our communi- who the enemy is. Days after the rally, she not going to be welcomed in that com-
ty are routinely verbally assaulted, they’re addressed a group of activists while wear- munity, that they’re coming into a com-
cursed at. There’s a lot of not feeling as ing a Black Lives Matter shirt. “About the munity where it’s actively hostile towards
though they’re appreciated,” she said. “We police,” she said, “We didn’t trust the po- them, it makes it a challenge to recruit,”
have it on video where people are cursing lice before the rallies got here.” Chief Brackney said. “I think there’s this
our officers, calling them names for no Carrying the “fight” onward, Turner has assumption that these kinds of things are
other reason than walking down the street.” filed a complaint against Chief Brackney going to be heaped on our officers and that
That “toxic” environment has found a for approaching her outside a city council they’re never going to say anything. They
home in the newly formed CRB. Brackney meeting in November 2018 while Turner have family, they have friends and things
said board members have been “vocal and was “helping a sick child.” She claims of that nature.”
biased” against officers on radio and tele- Brackney attempted to intimidate her. She The net result is that with a declining
vision, saying officers’ days are numbered also claims that her son was pulled over for police force, the communities most in 27

need of police will have fewer police. If our members and ensure that their rights The Tennessee Star recently reported to
the trend continues, crime — especially are preserved. They deserve nothing less.” its readers about the experience of Char-
violent crime — will likely increase in When the creation of the board was still lottesville and drew a comparison to what
those communities. If the trend does in the works and awaiting approval, the Nashville could expect once its CRB is im-
not continue, it will be due entirely to FOP voiced concerns. Former FOP Presi- paneled and officially operating. The article
the leadership of people such as Chief dent Robert Weaver said, “It appears this pointed in particular to the “mass exodus”
Brackney and the sacrificial dedication board is not set up for fact finding and of police officers in Charlottesville.
of those willing to weather the storm of truth finding. It appears this board is set And Metro Nashville Council mem-
a “toxic” environment. In other words, up for some means of retaliation and ret- ber Steve Glover told the Tennessee Star,
it will be in spite of — not because of ribution for a problem that doesn’t seem “They (the officers) will leave us. They will
— the CRB. to exist.” Weaver’s claim of “a problem say bye. They already have a hard-enough
Law-enforcement agencies in commu- that doesn’t seem to exist” is a reference job.” He added, “I’m not just talking about
nities are taking Charlottesville’s experi- to what this writer pointed out earlier in police. I am talking about first responders.
ence with its newly formed and not-quite- this article: Layers of accountability and Everyone. They will say bye because we
empowered CRB as a cautionary tale. On oversight already exist. As Weaver ex- apparently don’t appreciate them. I do ap-
November 6, 2018, Nashville, Tennessee, plained, “You already have the ability to preciate them, but if we keep pushing and
approved the creation of a CRB for that file a complaint with an officer’s supervi- pushing and pushing as we are doing now
city. The next day, the Nashville Fraternal sor. You have the ability to file with the then this is a dangerous place to go.”
Order of Police (FOP) issued a statement, district attorney’s office, the US attorney’s Glover is correct in that the job police
e-mailed by President James Smallwood, office, or the TBI and the FBI. There is officers do is hard enough already. To add
that “the FOP … believes that an expen- even recourse through civil courts if you to that already difficult job the danger of
sive oversight board is an unnecessary re- believe you have been wronged.” being raked over the coals by unelected,
dundancy that we simply cannot afford,” Weaver’s logical and correct argument unaccountable, anti-police activists is to
and, “While it is our intention to respect was ignored by the powers that be. The ask too much. Of course, the anti-police
the rule of law and work with the admin- CRB was approved and is moving for- activists that make up too-large a percent-
istration as they implement this new leg- ward. And that is causing concern for age of CRBs don’t care what police have
islation, we fully intend to stand alongside some in Nashville. to do. They see them as the enemy. n

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the DIVERSITY Crusade Is Destroying
Our Culture
After years of liberal propagandizing, the claim that the strength of our country rests on its
diversity is usually accepted without comment. But this book shows that the opposite is true.

the use of this effort to advance a radi- of diversity. At Claremont College, where
cal worldview in the name of diversity. she was going to speak about the impor-
In the view of these social-justice war- tance of local police, her appearance was
riors, any standard based on merit and opposed by students arguing that she was
even Western Civilization itself is de- a “fascist, a white supremacist, a war
nounced as discriminatory. The negative hawk,” among other things. Of course,
consequence of this diversity craze that the fascist and white supremacist accusa-
permeates America’s colleges and uni- tions are typical libels progressives use
versities, and even the corporate world, to advance their leftist goals. In regard to
is that a nation of narrowed minds, who the war hawk accusation, she wrote in her
see themselves as perpetual victims, is book that she was “an early and document-
being created. “Ultimately, we are put- ed opponent of the Iraq War and all such
ting our competitive edge at risk,” Mac efforts at regime change.”
Donald argues.
Mac Donald organizes her book into The Attack Upon Western Civilization
four parts: Race, Gender, the Bureaucracy, Many conservatives, in an attempt to
and the Purpose of the University. ridicule this movement, have dismissed
According to Mac Donald, many stu- students desirous of being protected from
dents now equate nonconforming ideas as speech that they don’t like, calling them
“hate speech.” Anything then classified “snowflakes.” But Mac Donald does not
as “hate speech” (and the diversity crowd agree. “Campus intolerance is at root not
does the classifying) is considered some- a psychological phenomenon but an ideo-
thing that should be punished, censored, logical one. At its center is a world view
and repelled with force if necessary. She that sees Western culture as endemically
The Diversity Delusion: How Race and offers the example of a mob keeping so- racist and sexist.”
Gender Pandering Corrupt the Univer- cial scientist Charles Murray from speak- A Facebook post in November 2015
sity and Undermine Our Culture, by ing at Middlebury College in March 2017. by a sophomore at Columbia University
Heather Mac Donald, New York: St. Mar- Two months later, a professor at Evergreen sums up the animosity toward Western
tin’s Press, 2018, 247 pages, hardcover. State College — who was a progressive Civilization, arguing that his “health and
— was eventually pushed to resign after life” were threatened by a core curriculum
by Steve Byas he refused to obey an edict from the direc- course taught by a white professor. Other

tor of First Peoples Multicultural Advising students chimed in, with one arguing
e often see the car sticker that Services that all white faculty cancel their against being forced to read “racist” texts
proclaims, “Celebrate Diver- courses for the day to show solidarity with by Plato and Aristotle.
sity.” In one way, we who sup- the supposed struggles of the college’s mi- Unfortunately, but not surprisingly,
port the concepts of individual liberty and nority students. this diversity dogma is affecting life off
limited government can nod in agreement. Rather than building bridges and broad- the campus, as well. Mac Donald offers
Whatever is meant by those who display ening people’s experiences, as diversity as an example the firing of Google engi-
that message on their automobiles, the proponents claim, Mac Donald argues, neer James Damore in August 2017 for
push for “diversity” in academia, in the “It has had the opposite effect: dividing questioning the company’s diversity ide-
workplace, and in the popular culture is society, reducing learning, and creating ology. Damore charged that Google prac-
more about enforcing conformity — con- an oppositional mind-set that prevents in- ticed discrimination against white men.
formity to progressive ideology. dividuals from seizing the opportunities Google CEO Sundar Pichai lamented that
Heather Mac Donald, familiar to many available to them.” Damore — who had written a memo argu-
of our readers for her authorship of The Mac Donald herself has been on the ing against such discriminatory practices
War on Cops, has taken exception to receiving end of censorship in the name — had “clearly impacted our co-work-

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ers, some of whom are hurting and feel

judged based on their gender.” Damore
later asserted in his discrimination lawsuit
against Google that the company even had
a black-list of right-wing commentators.
But it is the campus where many of
these ideas originate. Mac Donald cited
a Wall Street Journal article documenting
many of the discriminatory practices of
the universities, all in the name of “diver- Heather
sity.” One example cited was that UCLA Mac Donald
had admitted a Hispanic girl with SATs of manhattan-institute

940, while rejecting a Korean student who

scored in the 1500s. As Mac Donald ex- invisible to the naked eye.” A longtime racial disparities persist in household in-
plained, “The Korean student hardly lived scholar at UCLA fell victim to this charge come, job status, and incarceration rates,
in the lap of luxury: He tutored children to of microaggression in 2013. Val Rust had when explicit racism has, by all measures,
pay the rent for his divorced mother, who a dissertation-prep class in which he at- greatly diminished over the last half-cen-
had developed breast cancer. But he went tempted to direct the students to use proper tury,” Mac Donald wrote by way of ex-
on to a highly competitive school with a punctuation. When he changed a student’s plaining what is meant by “implicit bias.”
high Asian population in Irvine, while the capitalization of the word “indigenous” in The reason, according to its proponents,
Hispanic girl came from a school filled her dissertation proposal to the lowercase, “lies deep in our brains, outside the reach
with failing students.” In another instance, he was accused of showing disrespect for of conscious thought. We may consciously
an engineer’s son with near-perfect SATs the student’s ideological point of view. embrace racial equality, but almost all of
from University High in Irvine was re- After other such supposed acts of “mi- us harbor unconscious biases favoring
jected by both Cal-Berkeley and UCLA. croaggression,” three militant “students whites over blacks.”
Sadly, such discrimination often fails of color” brought in a score of other stu- Any other explanations are considered
to accomplish its purpose, anyway. In a dents of color who were not in the class, “taboo” in the universities and in main-
study of the effects of affirmative action a reporter and a photographer from the stream society. Explanations such as in-
in law schools, Richard Sander found that campus newspaper, and entered Rust’s tergroup differences in interests, abilities,
law schools that admit black students with class. Forming a circle around the mild- cultural values, or family structures are
lower GPAs and LSAT scores than their mannered professor, they read aloud a Day rejected, without consideration.
nonblack peers actually lowered their stu- of Action statement filled with invective. Once this theory becomes accepted,
dents’ chances of passing the bar. Stanford “The silence of the repeated assailment of it will then become “legally actionable,”
law professor Michele Landis Dauber not our work by white female colleagues, our Mac Donald warns. “Every personnel de-
only rejected Sander’s academic study, professor’s failure to acknowledge and as- cision can be challenged as the product of
she said it was “a piece of crap that never suage the escalating hostility directed at implicit bias.” Then, the only way to guar-
should have been published and has no the only Male of Color in this cohort” had antee equality of opportunity would be to
merit of any sort.” This is typical for those produced a “hostile and unsafe climate for mandate equality of results through quo-
on the Left — in academia they use the Scholars of Color.” tas, lamented Philip Tetlock, a critic of the
“peer-reviewed process” to keep articles A teaching assistant later remarked, theory at the University of Pennsylvania.
that do not conform to progressive ideol- “Asking for better grammar is inflamma- Other topics examined under the um-
ogy from even being published. Although tory in the school. You have to give an A brella of “diversity” include the “campus
hardly an academic titan, Al Gore under- or you’re a racist.” rape myth,” the explosion of campus bu-
stands the tactic very well — witness his “This melodramatic ‘safety’ rhetoric, reaucracy to deal with diversity claims,
view that “the debate is over,” and no views deployed so promiscuously during the and the damage that this diversity climate
other than his should even be allowed on Rust incident lies at the heart of academic is causing to our competitive edge in sci-
the topic of so-called climate change. victimology,” Mac Donald wrote. “Any ence and math.
college bureaucrat who uses it has cast his Underpinning all of this, is, of course,
Microaggression Farce lot with the fiction that his college is dan- an attack upon the foundations of Western
Another area in which the push for “di- gerous for minority and female students Civilization, which gave rise to concepts
versity” inhibits learning is the charge outside a few places of sanctuary.” present at the founding of the nation: lim-
that Mac Donald calls “the microaggres- Closely related to the “microaggres- ited government, individual liberty, and
sion farce.” This is when, as Mac Donald sion” charges is “implicit bias,” which freedom of expression.
explains it, students assert that they have was embraced by President Barack Obama Mac Donald has sounded the warning
been “victimized … by racial microag- and the 2016 Democratic presidential with her well-researched and entertaining-
gression — the hottest concept on campus candidate, Hillary Clinton. “Implicit bias ly written book. We ignore what is going
today, used to call out racism otherwise purports to answer the question: Why do on in the universities at our own peril. n



Stranger’s Quiet Good Deed “It meant a lot, in ways you can’t even Ellis told the Witchita Eagle that the ex-
Small acts of kindness often have a big put into words,” Dial told WBMA. “It perience of helping Anderson gave him a
impact. wasn’t just about keeping the rain off of natural “high.” “It was amazing. It’s still
In the pouring rain, Jefferson County me for that little bit, it meant a lot more amazing. I watched the video today and
Deputy Sheriff Tiffany Dial of Birming- than that.” cried twice.”
ham, Alabama, stood in a salute during
the funeral procession of a fallen offi-
cer, Sergeant Wytasha Carter, who was Man Gives Car Teen Girl Assists
killed in the line of duty on January 13.
But Deputy Dial was not exposed to the to Woman in Need Disabled Diner
elements for long. Unbeknownst to her, Witchita businessman Chris Ellis has a Nineteen-year-old Ashley Guzman
a man whom she did not know stood be- big personality, which became evident to works at the Chick-fil-A at Palmera Mall
hind her and held an umbrella over her Vicki Anderson the first time Ellis ordered in Corpus Christi, Texas. Guzman’s su-
head. at her McDonald’s drive-thru window. The pervisor says she has a big heart and en-
The moment was witnessed by Meghan two struck up a friendship, and Ellis told joys coming to work each day. A photo
Blankenship, who was moved to tears by the Wichita Eagle that he always looked secretly snapped of Guzman interacting
the man’s act of courtesy. He stood there forward to seeing her during his McDon- with one of the restaurant’s patrons is
for well over 30 minutes in order to hold ald’s visits. Still, Anderson would never testimony to that.
the umbrella over Dial. have expected the generosity Ellis showed A diner named Jessica Gomez at the
“It brought tears to my eyes,” Blan- her when she was in need of a new car. mall’s food court witnessed a lovely
kenship said, for him “to show that much On January 14, Ellis came through An- scene on January 5 in which Guzman sat
respect and love for another individual.” derson’s drive-thru window, and Anderson with a disabled customer, cut up his food,
The stranger did not do it for acco- asked him if he knew anyone who might and fed it to him. Gomez captured a photo
lades. In fact, Deputy Dial said she had be selling a cheap vehicle. Her car just and posted it to her Facebook page.
no idea he was even there. died and the $500 cost to fix it was simply “While eating at the mall with my fam-
“I didn’t know he was there. My pe- more than the car was worth. ily I saw this lovely girl help this man
ripheral vision was cut off with my hat, so Ellis really wanted to help. As it turned out,” Gomez wrote on Facebook. “I’ve
I didn’t know anything was there. I was in out, his son had just purchased a new ve- seen this man several times here by him-
my moment,” Dial said. hicle and was selling his old one — a 2009 self. This employee sat with him and
Dial and the stranger did not have the Pontiac GS. Ellis spoke with his son, Josh, fed him his food. She went above and
opportunity to interact with one another. about Anderson, and Josh offered to sell beyond. The times I’ve been here every-
He did not say a word to her, did not want the vehicle at a significantly discounted one just leaves him. She cut his food into
to interrupt her show of respect for the rate knowing it was for a good cause. pieces and went back several times to get
funeral procession, and by the time she Ellis paid his son for the vehicle, and him whatever he needed. May God bless
turned around, he was gone. Josh got an oil change, had the tires rotated this woman.”
The man would have remained anony- on the car, and had it cleaned. They wanted The photo received thousands of
mous were it not for Blankenship’s photo the car to be in tip-top shape before they “likes” and was shared hundreds of times.
that went viral on Facebook. presented it to its new owner. The two then Facebook users were moved by the girl’s
The local news station learned that the went to McDonald’s on January 15 to sur- kindness.
man is Shawn Allen, an attorney who was prise Anderson. Guzman said she was surprised when
at work on January 26 and decided to go A McDonald’s manager filmed the mo- she saw the photo and didn’t think any-
outside to watch the procession and pay ment the men presented the vehicle to An- thing of sitting down with the man and
his respects. derson. She immediately burst into tears helping him eat.
“When it was going by my building at and exchanged heartfelt hugs and kind Operations Director Melissa Tamez
work, I wanted to go outside and pay my words with the men. said that Chick-fil-A encourages its em-
respect,” Allen said. Anderson asked how she could repay ployees to help those in need, but Guz-
When he spotted Dial standing in the Ellis for his kindness, and his response man’s kindness goes beyond what the
rain, he did not think twice to approach was simply, “Just pay it forward when restaurant expects of its workers.
her with his umbrella. you can.” “It tells us a lot about her,” Tamez told
“It was raining and I had an umbrella Ellis explained his motivation behind KIII-TV.
and she didn’t,” Allen said. “It was just a the kindness he showed Anderson. “Fate And when the brother of the disabled
nice thing to do.” looked me in the eye when she told me that customer learned of Guzman’s actions, he
But despite Allen’s modesty, Dial as- story,” Ellis said. “I couldn’t stop thinking told KIII-TV that he was grateful. n
serts that Allen’s good deed meant a lot. about it. I said, ‘I have to do something.’” — Raven Clabough 31
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The Continuing Scourge of Anti-Semitism

Though anti-Semitism — like all hatred aimed at groups — is an irrational hatred, it has a
very long history. And the causes and consequences of this hatred are objectionable.
increasingly Gentile. When the Emperor
Constantine legalized Christianity, he also
forbade the non-Christian Jews from seek-
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Estelle Bechoefer

ing converts, calling them “a nefarious

and perverse sect.”
Not surprisingly, Jews who fled to Eu-
rope faced persistent persecution, vary-
ing in intensity depending on where they
resided as well as the century in which
they lived. At times, they were forced to
wear special clothes and “hats of humili-
ation,” and made to live in segregated
areas called ghettos. With the coming of
the Crusades their lot tended to worsen,
as their reluctance to become Christians
was unfairly conflated with the aggres-
sive Islamic religion of the Turks in the
Middle East. More and more, Jews were
seen as suspiciously separate from Euro-
pean society — they ate different foods
Left, not Right: Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers’ Party (i.e., Nazi Party) was (even referring to pork, a leading meat
notoriously anti-Jewish, emphasizing racial collectivism over the economic, political, and social of the Medieval European, as “unclean”),
collectivism common to the various brands of socialism. they practiced a different religion, and
they were regarded as “Christ-killers.”
Massacres of Jews swept across Eu-
by Steve Byas Origins of Anti-Semitism rope. In many cases, Roman Catholic
Attempting to understand the irrational is bishops made efforts to restrain the at-

s pertaining to hatred of the Jews, a difficult task, but the irrational hatred of tacks in cities such as Mainz, Speyer,
Adolph Hitler is universally rec- the Jews has a long history. In the early Lorraine, and Worms. Pope Calixtus
ognized as history’s champion days of Christianity, most Christians were (1194-1224) issued a bull (a papal order)
without equal. The Nazi dictator did not Jews, who faced persecution more from that said the Jews would suffer no new
invent anti-Semitism, but he did take it fellow Jews than Roman authorities, at deprivation of rights.
to new level. While some have theorized least initially. Family members disowned During the Third Crusade, some local
that Hitler’s public hatred of the Jews was them, their businesses were shunned, em- nobles in York who were in debt to some
driven more by politics than any personal ployment was difficult, and those who Jewish moneylenders took advantage of
animosity, it appears that he had harbored continued to attend the synagogues were the opportunity presented by the crusad-
such vitriol from his youth. His teenage soon expelled. In short, the Jews came to ing zeal, and many Jews in the town were
friend August Kubizek recalled that one be seen as the most serious enemies of the slaughtered. As a result of the severe
day as the two adolescents were walking Christian religion. persecutions in Western Europe, many
around their home town of Linz, Austria, Early Christians, whether they came Jews began to migrate eastward. Others
Hitler pointed to a Jewish synagogue and to the faith directly from a Jewish back- returned to their ancient homeland in the
said that the building “doesn’t belong in ground or were Gentiles, found it difficult Middle East.
Linz.” to understand why Jews did not accept Sometime in the 12th century, Jews
As Hitler rose to power in Germany, their own Messiah. Their contention was were even accused of plotting against
his anti-Jewish tirades were not consid- that a true Jew should readily adopt the Christendom itself, in what has been
ered all that unusual to the Jews in Ger- new faith. After the destruction of the Jew- called “the blood-libel.” This is the ac-
many. After all, they had experienced ish temple in A.D. 70 by Roman legions, cusation that Jews murder Christians in
such vicious anti-Semitic prejudice for most Jews left Jerusalem and the sur- order to obtain blood for the Passover.
centuries. rounding region, and Christianity became In 1144 in England, a boy named Wil-

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against the Jews — they are not even

“real Jews,” but rather descendants of the
More and more, Jews were seen as suspiciously separate from Khazars of Khazaria, a people found in
European society — they ate different foods (even referring to pork, a the area from the Volga steppes to eastern
Crimea and the northern Caucasus. Kha­
leading meat of the Medieval European, as “unclean”), they practiced a zaria was a vibrant trading region, which
different religion, and they were regarded as “Christ-killers.” served as an excellent “buffer zone” be-
tween the expansionist Muslims of the
Middle East and the Christian Byzantine
liam disappeared at Easter time, and was throughout Europe. According to histo- Empire.
later found dead. The rumor spread that rian Jackson Spielvogel, more than 60 The Khazar state was eventually de-
Jews had captured William on Good Fri- major Jewish communities were exter- stroyed by the Kievan Rus ruler Sviato-
day and subjected him to crucifixion, in minated by 1351. slav I, between 965 and 969. Before that
an apparent mockery of Jesus’ own cru- In 1349, as many as 2,000 Jews were happened, Khazar royalty and much of
cifixion. This story eventually led to the burned to death on a wooden platform the aristocracy had converted to Judaism,
expulsion of the Jews from England, and in their cemetery in Strasbourg. Their while much of the general population re-
similar blood-libel stories across Europe wealth was redistributed. A contempo- mained pagan, Christian, or Muslim, to go
led to increased persecution. rary chronicler, Jacob von Konigshofen, along with a good-sized number of Jew-
Then came the bubonic plague. Lasting said bluntly, “The money was indeed the ish converts in the general population. Be-
from 1347 to 1351, this “Black Death” thing that killed the Jews.” Coveting the cause these Khazars were the only Jewish
wiped out as much as one-half the popu- wealth of those who have more wealth state to rise between the fall of the Second
lation of Europe. As the death toll mount- even works as a political tactic today, al- Temple in the Roman-Jewish War of A.D.
ed, men searched for answers as to what though no one is advocating murder of 66-70 and the establishment of modern Is-
was causing this nightmare. It did not “the rich,” at least not yet. rael in 1948, we now have a widely held
take long before some suggested that it Pope Clement VI, to his credit, issued belief that the Ashkenazi Jews are largely
was being caused by the Jews, because a bull in Avignon denouncing the at- descendants of these Khazars.
it was noticed that Jews were not dying tacks upon the Jews, calling it “a horrible But Harry Ostrer, a medical doctor and
at the same high rate as Christians. This thing.” professor of genetics at Albert Einstein
was probably due to Jewish laws dictat- And more Jews moved east. College of Medicine and director of ge-
ing handwashing and hygienic food han- netic and genome testing at Montefiore
dling, but many feared that Jews, intent Are Today’s Jews Real Jews? Medical Center, conducted studies of his
on eliminating the Christian world, were This eastward migration has contributed own and, combined with those of others,
systematically poisoning drinking wells greatly to a more recent charge leveled has demonstrated that the Jews from the
various groups of the Jewish diaspora are
linked by genetics and biology.
Ostrer notes that the Roman Emperor
Titus brought many Jews to Rome fol-
lowing the Roman-Jewish War. Spanish
Jews later migrated to Rome to escape the
Spanish Inquisition, where those “Sep-
hardic” Jews mixed with the “Roman”
Jews. Because Roman Jews had a low
frequency of disease mutations that were
found in both Ashkenazi and Sephardic
harmatoslabu/iStock/Getty Images Plus

populations, he speculated that they were

the principal ancestors of the Ashkenazi
In his book DNA & Tradition: The Ge-
netic Link to the Ancient Hebrews, Yaakov
Kleiman wrote, “Haplotypes have also
helped the identity seekers to retrace the
path of the wandering Ashkenazi Jews.
We who hail from East Europe most like-
Not a religious or right-wing thing: Many try to portray anti-Semitism as a “right-wing” ly migrated there from Alsace and Rhine-
affliction, but this ignores the vicious anti-Jewish rantings of many on the Left. Karl Marx, land, as confirmed by Yiddish, a form of
the author of the Communist Manifesto, was strongly anti-Semitic, even authoring one of the Low German.” Ostrer concluded from his
strongest anti-Jewish writings of all time, A World Without Jews. study of Roman Jews that the Ashkenazi


Party — and socialist is the opposite of
right-wing and conservative. Similarly,
there were very few Jews in the Fabian
Socialist movement in England.
A major reason for this could be that
virtually all of the most notable leaders
of the Fabian Society — George Bernard
Shaw, Sidney and Beatrice Webb, Robert
Blatchford, to name a few — were notori-
ous anti-Semites. In the early part of the
20th century, the Fabians were among the
most celebrated “liberals,” and advocates
for every form of collectivism: fascism,
socialism, communism.
George Bernard Shaw not only was a
superstar playwright, dramatist, and es-

Library of Congress
sayist, but also one of the most influential
public intellectuals of his day, not only in
England, but worldwide. In 1925, he was
awarded the Nobel Prize for literature for
Widely hated: Sam Bowers, the leader of the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, and a former his play Saint Joan. His 1912 play Pyg-
communist, told a Klan front group that the “Jew” was their biggest problem. Some Klan malion was made into a film in 1938, for
literature uncovered by a congressional committee denies that today’s Jews have an ethnic which he won an Academy Award Oscar.
connection to the Jews of the Bible. He was thus the first person to have been
awarded both a Nobel Prize and an Oscar.
lived in Italy for a thousand years before gion as well. In fact, he believed the Jews In 1956, Pygmalion was adapted as the
they migrated into Alsace and Rhineland. had corrupted Christianity. Lerner & Lowe musical classic My Fair
Both the biblical Book of Acts and “What is the worldly cult of the Jews? Lady. After enjoying phenomenal success
the Roman historian Suetonius allude to Huckstering. What is his world god? on stage, it transitioned to film, winning
the presence of Jews in Rome in the first Money,” Marx wrote of the Jews. He even eight Academy Awards in 1964, and cata-
­century. penned an anti-Semitic tract that rivals pulting Shaw to even greater posthumous
the worst ever published, A World Without acclaim. Throughout his long life, Shaw
Anti-Semitism Since the Middle Ages Jews. “The bill of exchange is the Jew’s channeled all of his fame and influence into
As Europe emerged from the Middle real God.” In another writing, Marx said his role as socialist propagandist. He was an
Ages, one might think that increased secu- one town he had visited was “full of Jews especially avid supporter of the Bolshevik
larization would have led to a decline in and fleas.” This sounds quite similar to Revolution in Russia and the mass-murder-
anti-Semitism. But the resurgence of ha- the anti-Semitic rantings of Louis Farra- ing Soviet Communist leaders Lenin and
tred of Jews in more modern times among khan’s comparison of the Jews to termites Stalin. During his 1931 tour of the Soviet
peoples of various nationalities and reli- — something any homeowner wants ex- Union, he enjoyed a long, friendly meeting
gions — or no religion — indicates that terminated. with Stalin, and returned to England to sing
other factors besides Christian animus and When confronted about his strident the praises of both Stalin and the Soviet
vengeance drive anti-Semitism. anti-Semitism, Marx wrote, “It is now paradise. Less well known (because his so-
While leftists can be counted on to perfectly clear to me, that, as the shape of cialist friends have covered it up) is Shaw’s
blame anti-Semitism on Christianity and his head and the growth of his hair indi- enthusiastic support for Benito Mussolini
“right-wing” ideology, the truth is that cates, he [the Jew] is descended from the and Adolf Hitler.
secularism, even atheism, and left-wing Negroes who joined in Moses’ flight from In a June 1933 interview with The Sun-
ideology are more likely to produce vitriol Egypt.” day Dispatch, Shaw declared: “The Nazi
against the Jews. One need look no further By the late 1930s, Soviet dictator Jo- movement is in many respects one which
than to the anti-Semitic rantings of Karl seph Stalin had purged practically all Jews has my warm sympathy; in fact, I might
Marx, the author of The Communist Mani- from the top echelons of the communist fairly claim that Herr Hitler has repudi-
festo, who, ironically, was Jewish in his dictatorship. He even made use of anti- ated Karl Marx to enlist under the ban-
ethnicity but not his religion. For Marx, Semitic bigotry in his successful power ner of Bernard Shaw.” In a 1935 letter to
religion was “the opiate of the people.” By struggle with Leon Trotsky, who was of Siegfried Trebitsch, Shaw asked that his
this, he meant that it kept the people se- Jewish ancestry. warm greeting be extended to Nazi leader
dated so they would not rise up and change Hitler is clearly history’s most famous Hermann Göring: “Tell Colonel Goring
their condition. In his atheism, Marx hated anti-Semite, and it should be noted that his with my compliments that I have backed
not only Christianity, but the Jewish reli- political party was the National Socialist his regime in England to the point of 35

Like Shaw and other Fabian “progres-

But Hitler is clearly history’s most famous anti-Semite, and it should sives,” Wells advocated a eugenics pro-
be noted that his political party was the National Socialist Party — gram worthy of Hitler. His World State
would “be shaped primarily to favour the
and socialist is the opposite of right-wing and conservative. procreation of what is fine and efficient
and beautiful in humanity — beautiful
making myself unpopular, and still con- books have sold millions of copies, and his and strong bodies, clear and powerful
tinue to do so on all matters on which he novels have reached many millions more minds, and a growing body of knowl-
and Hitler stand for permanent truths and in the form of movies and plays. He was edge — and to check the procreation of
genuine Realpolitik.” It is not surprising, a leader in the Fabian Society, and as was base and servile types, of fear-driven and
then, that Shaw the militant atheist, like common among his fellow Fabians, favored cowardly souls, of all that is mean and
Hitler the militant atheist, was an avid eu- state control of virtually everything, includ- ugly and bestial in the souls, bodies, or
genicist as well. In fact Shaw’s obsession ing procreation. This was clearly apparent habits of men.”
with eugenics predated Hitler’s. “I think as far back as 1901 in his nonfiction work Still, in spite of the evidence to the
we ought to tackle the Jewish Question,” Anticipations, which put forward Wells’ vi- contrary, there are those who insist that
Shaw wrote in his 1902 drama Man and sion for a “New Republic.” This idealized the Jews are the instigators of commu-
Superman, “by admitting the right of the state, he said, would be “a Republic that nism, and the founders of a dark con-
State to make eugenic experiments by must ultimately become a World State.” spiracy to rule the world. Robert Welch,
weeding out any strains they think unde- Here is a glimpse of his vision: the founder of the anti-communist John
sirable.” Birch Society (the parent organization
Shaw viewed Jews as the “real enemy,” And how will the New Republic treat of The New American magazine), had
calling them “the invader from the East, the inferior races? How will it deal little patience with this viewpoint. In a
the Druze, the ruffian, the oriental para- with the black? how will it deal with speech in 1969 entitled “If You Want It
site; in a word, the Jew.” the yellow man? how will it tackle Straight,” Welch said, “There is one key
H.G. Wells was no less famous than that alleged termite in the civilized to this whole situation which the mis-
Bernard Shaw, though his anti-Semitism woodwork, the Jew? … guided bigots who want to blame every-
was less strident and more nuanced. The If the Jew has a certain incurable thing on the Jews should try to grasp. It
renowned social commentator, historian tendency to social parasitism, and is that the Jews, because of their experi-
(The Outline of History), and novelist (The we make social parasitism impos- ence with persecution in the past, have
Time Machine, The War of the Worlds, The sible, we shall abolish the Jew, and if acquired, over the centuries, a feeling
Island of Dr. Moreau) was nominated for he has not, there is no need to abol- of closely-knit clannishness in the face
the Nobel Prize in Literature four times. His ish the Jew. of possible further persecution which
has made them very susceptible to the
wiles of the demagogues who want to
capitalize on that fear. And as a result,
no people in history have ever been so
betrayed, or so easily betrayed, by pow-
er-seeking scoundrels within their own
ranks as have the Jews.”
Welch added, “The historical, geo-
graphical, and statistical absurdities of
this concept that the whole [Communist]
Conspiracy is simply a Jewish plot, or is
run by Jews, can be demonstrated by over-
whelming evidence.” He blamed planted
falsehoods and distortions “superimposed
on basic emotions and prejudices” that
have convinced some “that the Jews are
behind it all.” These “dupes,” as Welch
called them, then spend most of their time
“trying to convince everybody else that
they are right in their sophomoric inter-
pretation of the problem and in reviling
AP Images those who disagree with them.”
Oh-so “progressive”: Fabian Socialist icon George Bernard Shaw, literary giant and intellectual It is common to blame the world’s
guru of the Left, publicly praised Hitler, Mussolini, Lenin, and Stalin — and was a virulent anti- problems on the Jews because they make
Semite, viewing Jews as the “real enemy.” good scapegoats: They tend not only to


Welch worked “hand in glove” with “cer-
tain powerful Jews.”

The Protocols of Zion Fraud

The persistent theory that “certain power-
ful Jews” are behind a massive conspiracy
to rule the world has been around in some
form for centuries, but is best summarized
in more recent times by the belief in a spu-
rious document known as The Protocols
of the Learned Elders of Zion.
The exact origin of the Protocols is
unknown, but it claims to be the work
of a conspiracy of Jews aiming to rule
the world. In its 24 chapters (or proto-
cols), supposedly secret minutes of Jew-

AP Images
ish leaders, it details an evil Jewish cabal
intent on ruling the world by controlling
He condemns and should be condemned: Among the most prominent of anti-Semites alive the economy of the world, causing reli-
today is Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam. Farrakhan has actually compared Jews gious conflict, and running the media.
to termites — a pest that property owners fear and would like to exterminate. There was a version of the Protocols se-
rialized in The Banner, a Russian news-
seem different but be successful, intelli- fore we can understand the problem. The paper, in 1903. But the version that has
gent, and more wealthy than other groups, word, Jew, is correctly used only in con- received the most attention was part of a
leading to being singled out for abuse. In nection with those who were members larger work, The Great in the Small: The
fact, anti-Semitic views are nearly ubiq- of a monotheistic sect which existed in Coming of the Anti-Christ and the Rule
uitous among ambitious socio-political Palestine prior to, and only shortly after of Satan on Earth, by Russian author Ser-
groups, which use anti-Jewish prejudice the first coming of the Christ, Jesus some gei Nilus. The Protocols was only an ap-
to advance their agendas. Along with its two thousand years ago.” pendix to Nilus’ book, leaving the exact
hatred of blacks, the Ku Klux Klan also The document further asserted, “The author still a mystery.
had a strong dislike of the Jews. A good modern, world-wide, international cartel Robert Welch believed that the Proto-
example of this was uncovered by Del- which uses the name, ‘Jew,’ attempts to cols “was both planned and used by [Vlad-
mar Dennis, a Methodist minister who in- cloak itself in the garb of this ancient, imir] Lenin and the Communists, to serve
filtrated the Ku Klux Klan in Mississippi long dead, theological system.” And Communist purposes.” A charge by some
for the FBI in the 1960s. Dennis’ story therefore, today, “There is no such thing historians that the work was created by the
is documented in Klandestine, written by as a real Jew.” czar’s secret police has little evidence to
the late William H. McIlhany, II. Den- In other words, Bowers was asserting support it, and was probably communist
nis was able to get close to Sam Bowers, that today’s Jews are the descendants of propaganda.
the imperial wizard of the White Knights the Khazars, and are a “mongrelized and In 1921, the Times of London theorized
of the Ku Klux Klan, and heard Bow- vicious aggregation of those who call that the Protocols was “clumsy plagia-
ers explain his motivations in attacking themselves ‘Jews,’ and are not, but are rism,” copied in large part from a French
blacks; according to Dennis, Bowers said of the synagogue of Satan.… The people political satire — Maurice Joly’s Dialogue
such activity would advance communist who compose this brotherhood of sin are, in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montes-
objectives. Dennis was stunned to learn in general, a curious admixture of East and quieu, published in 1864, that never even
that Bowers was a “former” member of West.… The racial background of these mentioned Jews.
the Communist Party, U.S.A. When Den- people is not primarily Semetic [sic] as is Regardless of the exact origin of the
nis expressed concern at this admission, commonly advertised.” Protocols, it is widely believed that since
Bowers assured him that he was no lon- As a result of his assistance in exposing many Jews have been involved in social-
ger a Communist Party member. the KKK, Dennis lost his church pastorate, ism and communism, international bank-
In a Bowers-written internal Klan doc- his wife and children left him, and friends ing, and globalist schemes, they are the
ument that was eventually revealed by the abandoned him. He survived an assassi- driving force behind the modern open
House Committee on Un-American Ac- nation attempt, after which he went on a movement toward a global government.
tivities in December 1967, Bowers’ Klan national speaking tour for The John Birch Some even contend that the hand of Jews
front group, WASP, Inc., told its mem- Society. This led the avowedly racist and can be traced back to the secret societies in
bers that the “Jew” was the problem. “To viciously anti-Semitic Thunderbolt news- the 18th century, such as the Illuminati and
begin with,” the document stated, “we paper to attack both Dennis and the leader the Jacobins, that many believe brought
must first understand the word ‘Jew’ be- of the JBS, Robert Welch, charging that on the violent French Revolution. This

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charge is directly refuted by Arthur R.

Thompson, in his book In the Shadows of
the Deep State: “The Illuminati was not a
Jewish organization. There is a great deal
of misinformation presented as ‘fact’ that
the Conspiracy is Jewish. Jews were not
even allowed to be members of the Illumi-
nati until well after the organization was
established, since they were not trusted to
put their loyalty to the organization before
their religion.”
While there have been Jews who could
be named as leaders in the push for a one-
world socialist government, there have
also been plenty of Gentiles involved in
this globalist agenda. In fact, one must
consider that a person who is a sincere
Christian or Jew could hardly be part of
any effort to dethrone God in favor of a
secular and totalitarian world government.
John D. Rockefeller was officially a Bap-
tist, as are Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, and Course correction: Robert Welch, the founder of the patriotic John Birch Society, strongly
Al Gore — all strong globalists — but it condemned anti-Semitism as irrational. He noted that it often sidetracks many in the fight to stop the
would be grossly unfair to blame all Bap- advance of totalitarianism. “Anti-Semitism is worse than a tangent,” Welch said. “It is a trap from
tists for their misdeeds. which few escape.” The Birch Society has never had any tolerance for anti-Semitism in its ranks.
“It is worth noting,” Welch wrote in
his 1963 pamphlet The Neutralizers, “that European Rothschild banking house run Robert Welch described this continued
when a Jew or a Catholic or a Protestant be- by the nominally Jewish Rothschilds has anti-Semitism as one of the “tangents” that
comes a Communist, he is no longer a Jew contributed greatly in leading some into sidetracks many in the fight to stop the
or a Catholic or a Protestant. He may now this line of thinking. As Allen said, “Anti- advance of totalitarianism. Writing in the
give more lip service to his former religion Semites have played into the hands of the November 1966 John Birch Society Bul-
than ever before, in order to serve his Com- conspiracy by trying to portray the entire letin, Welch explained, “Anti-Semitism
munist purposes. But it is one hundred per- conspiracy as Jewish. Nothing could be thrives on hatred and makes a mockery of
cent fraud, because the Communists allow farther from the truth. The traditionally man’s God-given rights to life, liberty, and
absolutely no other loyalty, to God or na- Anglo-Saxon J.P. Morgan and Rockefell- the pursuit of happiness.… Anti-Semitism
tion or family, but only to themselves.” er international banking institutions have is particularly harmful in the battle for
As Gary Allen wrote in his 1971 best- played a key role in the conspiracy.” freedom because bad feelings toward Jews
seller, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, While the Rothschilds emerged as very tend to preoccupy and warp the thinking of
some will allow their racial or religious important in international politics in the otherwise capable people.”
bigotry to mistakenly conclude that this early years of the 19th century, they simply Welch concluded, “Anti-Semitism is
conspiracy to craft a one-world totalitarian played no role in the French Revolution, worse than a tangent — it is a trap from
government is totally Jewish, or Catholic, considered the first great victory to estab- which few escape — once they become
or Masonic. “These people,” Allen wrote, lish atheistic global socialism, although obsessed with bad feelings toward the
“sadly play into the hands of those who they did provide great assistance in the Jewish people.”
want the public to believe that all conspir- eventual overthrow of Napoleon Bonapar- For the cause of liberty, and just basic
atorialists are screwballs.” te. The Rothschilds did not begin their as- morality, patriotic Americans must
Allen’s thesis was that the Communist cent into international banking until 1795, avoid this trap, and focus on the real en-
Conspiracy — the irrefutable communist 19 years after the Illuminati was founded, emies of our freedom — those who do
effort to spread their ideology to control and six years after the onset of the French their best to pit all people of good will
all the world — was simply a part of a Revolution. As the editorial introduction to against each other in order to advance
larger conspiracy to merge all nations into Count Egon Ceasar Corti’s The Rise of the their nefarious plans. Instead of playing
a one-world socialist state. For more in- House of Rothschild argues, “The errone- the hate game of blacks versus whites,
formation on this thesis, one is advised to ous syllogism of some that the Rothschilds men versus women, young versus old,
read Allen’s book, or perhaps the above- are the major force behind the Conspiracy, rich versus poor, and Christians versus
noted In the Shadows of the Deep State. the Rothschilds are Jewish, therefore the Jews, we need to unite to stop those who
No doubt the role allegedly played in Conspiracy is Jewish, actually has been a would place us all under the heel of a
advancing this globalist conspiracy by the great help to the Conspiracy.” global dictatorship. n


“... the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” EXERCISING THE RIGHT

“Hood Politician” prints on the side of the home which in- owner’s brave actions to stop burglars. The
dicated that a person had climbed the side story involved Stephen Routh, who regu-
Killed Burglarizing Home of the house. There was also a bent gutter larly checks in on his parents’ house for
A story out of Boone County, Missouri, on the roof which could have been where them. The house is located in a neigh-
in the Columbia Daily Tribune for Janu- Harris grabbed it to pull himself onto the borhood that is experiencing a drastic
ary 23 about a shooting of a burglar has roof to gain access to a the window that increase in crime. Neither Routh nor his
several unusual aspects. was open. The blood splatter from the parents were at the residence at the time
First, after 26-year-old Ahmonta Harris shooting was also consistent with the win- suspects targeted it for a burglary, but he
illegally entered a house in November for dow being opened and corroborated Gain- was notified by neighbors, who told him
the purpose of stealing money from its oc- well’s statements. Witnesses in the area strange men were on the property.
cupants and was shot and killed by a man never saw Harris enter the home through The burglars rummaged through the
staying at the house, it came out that Har- the main entrance, either. house, smashing things as they looked for
ris, was a well-known community activist Knight wrote that the evidence “that any valuables. Routh grabbed his pistol
who was popularly referred to as a “hood Harris entered the residence through and rushed to the scene, just in time to wit-
politician.” Gainwell’s bedroom window is highly ness the men leaving the house through a
Second, Harris, who was also an aspir- probative of Harris’s intent to rob Gain- back door. He pulled out his handgun and
ing rapper and went by the name of “mon- well.” Knight also pointed out that Harris’ aimed it at the men, and verbally ordered
nie man,” was most well known for or- vehicle was parked 235 feet away from them to the ground.
chestrating an event known as “Firework the home and out of sight, which means a Routh said the men did not resist once
Wars,” where people in the community “very strong inference can be drawn that they realized he was armed, and he was
engaged in a competitive display of set- Harris parked the vehicle he was using in able to call 911. “I had the gun and they
ting off fireworks, mostly with the inten- a manner to avoid detection…. Harris’s were coming out, and as soon as they saw
tion of shooting the fireworks at other choice of this parking spot is highly pro- the big gun pointed at them, their hands
participants. Harris told the Columbia bative of Harris’s intent to rob Gainwell.” went up,” he told Fox8. Authorities soon
Daily Tribune that in July of last year, Gainwell denied having any prior relation- arrived and took the three suspects into
“Everybody out here just has a good time ship with Harris and the police investiga- custody. Routh surveyed his parents’
and gets along…. The community gets tion into the contents of both Gainwell and home as criminal investigators reviewed
together, puts their differences aside and Harris’ phones and social media did not the crime scene. Routh expressed anger at
just has fun shooting fireworks. Don’t get reveal any communication between the what the men had done to the house of his
me wrong, they do shoot at each other, but two men. elderly parents. “It is a terrible mess — all
that’s the point of the war.” And the most damning evidence that the drawers are screwed, cabinets drawers
Making the Firework Wars more nota- Knight noted might have been that Harris have been open, stuff thrown out, papers
ble is the fact that despite their illegality, was wearing a mask and gloves at the time everywhere.”
since fireworks are illegal within Colum- of the shooting. He talked about how the men had ran-
bus city limits, it had grown so big that Fourth, after Harris’ family and friends domly chosen the house and appeared to
city police simply accepted they couldn’t disputed the findings of the investigations have no regard for the property of others
stop it. Columbia Police Sergeant Michael — although some friends did admit that as they ransacked it looking for anything
Hestir told the Columbia Daily Tribune Harris was “no saint” — Gainwell was they could. “They know this is not their
police attempts to stop the “Wars” were found shot to death on January 17. The home. They know they had no business
ultimately futile. “Imagine pulling onto a murder is currently unsolved, and police in here, and they mentioned they just
street and there being a hundred people out are investigating whether Gainwell’s kill- thought they would just go in there and
there breaking the law, and they all run…. ing was in retaliation for the death of Har- look around.”
Which one do you chase?” ris. Retaliation is likely because friends Routh was grateful both that he got
Third, owing to all the publicity sur- and family were adamant about Harris’ there when he did and that, since he was
rounding the shooting, Prosecutor Dan innocence, and shots were fired at the me- armed, the criminals complied with his
Knight released a statement that said morial service for Harris: John K. Cosey lawful commands, and deadly force was
20-year-old Deonte Gainwell, who was was arrested by Columbus police for dis- not required. “There have been too many
the man in the home who shot Harris, charging his firearm outside the church instances lately of home invasions and
acted lawfully in defending himself, going during Harris’ funeral. these like this where they get caught. And
so far as to explain the evidence. some people have been shot and killed es-
Knight stated in his letter that evidence pecially those home invasions.… People
taken at the scene was consistent with Without a Shot are not taking this mess anymore,” Routh
Gainwell’s explanation of what occurred. Fox8 reported out of Asheboro, North explained to Fox8. n
Police investigators discovered wet shoe Carolina, on February 4 about one home- — Patrick Krey 39

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What Regulators
Really Need: A
Constitutional Diet
Item: A new analysis of Environmental
Protection Agency data, according to the
Washington Post for January 24, 2019,
reveals “that civil penalties for pollut-
ers dropped dramatically during the first
two years of President Trump’s adminis-
tration.” This analysis was made, as the
Post acknowledged later in the story, by
the woman “who headed EPA’s enforce-
ment office under Obama.”

AP Images
“EPA watchers within the federal gov-
ernment” are said to be “concerned”
that there is less attention being paid to
Don’t make a lake from a puddle: Here President Trump signs the Waters of the United States
levying charges or imposing fines by the executive order, which directs the EPA to withdraw the expansion of the number of waterways
Trump EPA. that are federally protected under the Clean Water Act, stopping rules on puddles and ditches.
Item: A “special report” in the “liberal”
establishment New York Times for De- the number of federal employees hasn’t in minute print in the New York Times). The
cember 27, 2018, taking up a complete kept up with the growing population, even Interior Department has — if you can be-
section of 12 pages of the paper, blasted in as “budgets and programs have expand- lieve it! — overturned a ban of using parts
large, bold type how “President Trump’s ed.” There are, we are told, “far more of migratory birds in handicrafts made by
retreat on the environment is unfolding in citizens for civil servants to serve, assist Alaskan Natives. Stunning, eh?
extraordinary consequential ways for the and protect.” The piece, written by three Then there is an executive order an-
health and safety of Americans.” In “just former government officials, complains nouncing Trump’s intent to stop payments
two years, Mr. Trump has unleashed a reg- that, among other charges, each congres- to the Green Climate Fund. And what
ulatory rollback, lobbied for and cheered sional appropriation staffer is responsible amazing programs have U.S. taxpayers
on by industry, with little parallel in the for more federal dollars than in the recent been funding? Well, it is an international
past century.” past. It bemoans the “failure to adequately welfare scheme with an innocuous name
Trump’s “approach on the environ- staff the federal government.” or, as the New York Times says, a “United
ment,” the paper stressed at the top of its Correction: There appears to be little Nations program to help poorer countries
condemnation, “has been to neutralize danger that our government will be over- reduce carbon emissions.” (Even collect-
the most rigorous Obama-era restrictions, thrown — because there is too much of it. ing, no doubt, while burning coal.)
nearly 80 of which have been blocked, de- Yet, if one is to trust the wisdom of the And here’s a bit more on one horren-
layed or targeted for repeal,” according ersatz intelligentsia, as reflected by the ex- dous “blow” inflicted, as referred to above
to the paper’s analysis. In tiny print on the cerpts above, the central government is still by the BBC News: Trump’s EPA has un-
12th page that few will read, there is a list too small and does not interfere sufficiently veiled plans that would allow oil drilling
headlined: “78 Environmental Rules on in the lives of its serfs or impose enough on millions of acres that have been off-
the Way Out Under Trump.” heavy fines on domestic businesses. limits, ostensibly to protect the habitat of
Item: The BBC News website for Decem- During the recent government shut- the greater sage grouse. The bird, we are
ber 6 was headlined: “Trump’s environ- down, they cried foul. Yet for some rea- told by the NYT, has an “elaborate mating
mental rollback rolls on,” with this lede: son, there were few media and “green” dance.” Positively charming, we’re sure.
“The Trump administration has dealt a tears shed for workers when President There are also hundreds of thousands of
double blow to Obama-era environmental Obama, as he was leaving office, battered them, at least, living in parts of 10 states.
policies in an ongoing rollback that has an entire, already beleaguered coal indus- Never mind that Interior intends to protect
targeted scores of rules.” try with more crippling regulations. The the bird in question “while also ensuring
Item: Time magazine, in its print version tears appeared when the Trump EPA pro- that conservation efforts do not impede
of a double issue dated February 4/Febru- posed some relief. local economic opportunities.”
ary 11, features an article called “A Gov- Here are a few of the rules under scrutiny The Times, the BBC, and all others flaunt-
ernment by Too Few.” The article states by the Trump administration (expediently, ing green hearts on their sleeves are also dis-

Call 1-800-727-TRUE to subscribe today! 41

traught that the Trump EPA would dare to
propose eliminating Obama-era restrictions
aimed at requiring newly built coal power
plants to capture carbon dioxide emissions.
If you can stand the shock, consider the
admission of current EPA Acting Adminis-
trator Andrew Wheeler, who explains: “We
are rescinding unfair burdens, levelling the
playing field.” How deplorable.
Nevertheless, Competitive Enterprise
Institute senior fellow Marlo Lewis in
December applauded the EPA’s

proposal to rescind the prior admin-

istration’s carbon dioxide emission

AP Images
standards for new coal power plants.
Those standards are based on the
fiction that prohibitively-expensive, Smart, not smothering: Though there are myriad rules regulating offshore drilling, the Obama
geographically-limited carbon cap- administration greatly restricted it after the Gulf Oil Spill in 2010. The Trump administration plans
ture and storage (CCS) is an ad- to allow such drilling, while assuring compliance with the laws.
equately demonstrated “best system
of emission reduction.” The stan- of socialism and beyond. doubling the size of the federal gov-
dards effectively ban the construc- Investor’s Business Daily, among other ernment. [Emphasis in original.]
tion of new coal power plants — a wary viewers, sees it differently, aghast at It would result in the federal gov-
policy Congress never approved and the proposals replete with regulations — ernment controlling more than 40%
would not pass if put to a vote. By such as “Medicare for all,” “universal Pre- of the nation’s GDP. When you add
lifting the ban, EPA’s proposal will K,” “universal free college,” “guaranteed in state and local spending, the result
help restore the separation of powers jobs,” “paid family leave,” expanded So- would be that government would
and safeguard affordable energy for cial Security benefits, and a federal mini- control 58% of the nation’s economy.
American consumers. mum wage of $15 an hour. Their costs are
staggering, points out IBD: In our commentary, we have focused
Though oh-so-tolerant “liberals” would largely on the EPA and the partial federal
prefer to keelhaul certain company offi- “Medicare for all,” for example, shutdown, but the regulatory state is im-
cials for running afoul of federal rules, the would cost, conservatively, $32 tril- mense. Many of those furloughed in the
EPA under Trump is now trying another lion in its first 10 years. The “guaran- agencies involved had one paycheck de-
tack — compliance. Top agency official teed jobs” price tag is about $7 tril- layed (and guaranteed to be paid).
Susan Bodine, for example, has described lion over a decade. Universal Pre-K: Still, a goodly number of bureaucrats are
how the “EPA intends to evolve the Na- $150 billion. Free college: $750 bil- overpaid (in tax dollars) and work less than
tional Enforcement Initiatives program into lion. The “Green New Deal” — un- those in the private sector. In January, the
a National Compliance Initiatives.” Daren told billions. Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards noted that
Bakst, a senior research fellow at the Heri- When the Manhattan Institute the feds employ 2.1 million civilian work-
tage Foundation, supports this approach: added up the cost of this expansive ers in hundreds of agencies. Wages and
“It is better to prevent environmental vio- agenda, the price tag totaled $42.5 benefits for executive branch civilian work-
lations from occurring in the first place than trillion over 10 years, or roughly ers, in 2018, cost an estimated $279 billion.
to act after the fact when environmental vi- $4.2 trillion a year. And that’s likely Here are some other relevant figures:
olations have already occurred. This is why a lowball estimate, since government
improving compliance is so important.” programs almost always end up cost- Since the 1990s, federal workers have
The political Left prefers persistent ing far more than expected. enjoyed faster compensation growth
meddling, seasoned with excessive tax- Exactly how big is this tab? Well, than private-sector workers. In 2017
ing and spending. That view is held by the consider that in 2018, the federal federal workers earned 79 percent
gaggle of candidates running for president government spent a grand total of more, on average, than private-sector
on the Democrat side, who echo one an- $4.1 trillion. workers. And federal workers earned
other while boasting of their national goals So, we are talking about more than 43 percent more, on average, than state


ing tens of thousands of miles of new
Number of Regulatory Actions Costing $100 Million or More high-voltage transmission lines.
(Actions during first 22 months in office)
Deregulation is a long task, and largely
thankless. The elimination of rules has its
647 own rules. This phenomenon has been de-
scribed by Clyde Wayne Crews of the Com-
petitive Enterprise Institute (who had to use
somewhat different figures this year, as it
465 happens, because of the partial shutdown).
In a year-end summary, Crews took
a look at Trump’s goal to eliminate two
significant rules for every one that was
adopted. (The total of Federal Register
229 pages in 2017 was 61,308, the lowest
since the Clinton administration in 1993,
and a big improvement from the 95,894-
page record set by the Obama administra-
G.W. Bush Obama Trump tion in 2016. The Register page count was
Based on chart; data from The Federal Register
up 10 percent in 2018.) Trump’s agencies,
said Crews, had to write a new one to get
and local government workers…. We are paying dearly for their ben- rid of an old one:
In 2017 federal civilian workers efits even while hoping these regulators
had an average wage of $90,794, ac- might cut us a break if we stumble over So in a perverse sense, he can’t shrink
cording to data from the U.S. Bureau a rule. Accordingly, we don’t usually get the Federal Register page count and
of Economic Analysis (BEA). By distressed when a particular bureaucratic the number of rules, but has managed
comparison, the average wage for the rule gets trimmed or modified. There are to do it anyway by writing fewer new
nation’s 116 million private-sector more than enough to go around. Recent regulatory rather than deregulatory
workers was $61,311. accounting reveals that since the quarter ones. Meeting the two for one direc-
century or so since the start of the Clinton tive is getting tougher without con-
Moreover, as Edwards observed, “When administration, there have been 101,380 gressional action as the low-hanging
benefits such as health care and pensions rules instituted. While the total in 2017 fruit is picked.
are included, the federal compensation was 3,281 new rules — that contrasts to
advantage over private workers is even the 97 laws enacted by Congress. There is truth to the claim that governmen-
larger, according to the BEA data. In Also we should recognize that the left- tal institutions have grown too dependent
2017 total federal compensation averaged wing, green-leaning media — the New on federal funding and oversight by the
$130,429 or 79 percent more than the pri- York Times’ incessant railing against “pol- regulatory state. The answer, however, is
vate-sector average of $72,992.” luters” being a prime example — tend to not more of the same.
At the same time, it is notoriously dif- be selective with their venom. It will take a courageous Congress to
ficult to fire a federal employee (just about Robert Bryce, a senior fellow at the slash, permanently, the power of the regu-
0.5 percent a year, around one-sixth the Manhattan Institute, has pointed out that lators. And without lasting measures, ex-
rate of the private sector). And relatively many large “environmental” groups and ecutive orders can be reversed by a new
few quit (the federal quit rate is around their political allies pushing “all-renew- occupant of the White House. The durable
one-fourth that of the private sector). able schemes” aren’t telling the whole solution isn’t furloughing bureaucrats, but
While averages and different populations story. They refuse, as Bryce wrote in Janu- reforming a government to be bound by
are not perfect for comparisons, the differ- ary, to acknowledge what Jefferson called the “chains of the
ing benefits of those in generally similar Constitution.”
positions in federal employment and the the simple truth that deploying renew- Until then, we will continue to pay, in
private sector tend to hold. According to a able energy at the scale required to sundry ways, for those who are burdening
Congressional Budget Office study in 2017, fuel the U.S. economy would require us with endless regulations — giving us
the cost of employee benefits was 47 per- covering state-sized territories with far too much overhead in an exceedingly
cent higher for federal civilian employees nothing but wind turbines and solar underhanded fashion. n
than for similar private-sector employees. panels. It would also require string- — William P. Hoar 43
by William F. Jasper

Mueller’s Rampage Against Law and Liberty

or more than two participated with WikiLeaks
years, the adminis- in the hacking itself. There’s
tration of President no evidence to support that.”
Trump has been held hos- “So what I’m afraid is
tage by the unsubstantiated going to happen is this spe-
charges that he “colluded” cial counsel whose job it is
with Russia against Hillary only to find crimes, not sins,
Clinton in the 2016 elections. only crimes, will blur the
The sensational claims trum- line between crimes and sins
peted by the New York Times, and write a report designed
Washington Post, CNN, to put the president in a bad
NBC, CBS, and the rest of the light,” Dershowitz contin-
bleating, braying Fake News ued. “But in the end, they
choir were officially taken up won’t be able to find any
with the appointment of for- specific violations of federal
mer FBI chief Robert Muel- criminal statutes unless they
ler as “special counsel” in stretch these vague laws like
May 2017. That appointment obstruction of justice beyond
called for him to “ensure a any recognition.”
full and thorough investigation of the Russian government’s ef- Other legal experts have similarly decried the Mueller
forts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.” probe, which President Trump has repeatedly (and accurately)
As a result, President Trump has been forced to expend con- denounced as a witch hunt. Ahh, but what about all the indict-
siderable time and energy defending himself against a relentless ments and guilty pleas that Mueller has produced? Yes, we
lynch mob of media attack-goons and their Democratic Party are repeatedly reminded by the commentariat that Mueller has
allies — both of whom have been fed a steady stream of leaks issued 37 indictments. Thirty-four of the indictments are for
from the Mueller investigation. Many, if not all, of these leaks individuals, the vast majority of whom are Russian nationals,
are themselves felony offenses. And presumably many, if not all, and three Russian companies. These are indictments for politi-
of the leaks are coming from Mueller’s own team. Which would cal show, not for substance. But the media talking heads have
mean that Saint Robert Mueller — whom media hagiographers lapped it up.
paint as a straight-arrow, by-the-book, incorruptible public ser- “Make no mistake: This is nakedly politicized law enforce-
vant — should himself be investigated, and not only for the con- ment,” wrote former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy,
tinuous cavalcade of felonious leaks to the anti-Trump forces. when Mueller’s indictment of Russian intelligence officers was
As famed Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz has announced last July 13. “There is absolutely no chance any of
pointed out, Mueller has a very checkered background involv- the Russian officials charged will ever see the inside of an Amer-
ing the Boston Mafia, dating back to when he was head of ican courtroom. The indictment is a strictly political document
the criminal division at the Department of Justice, and then by which the special counsel seeks to justify the existence of his
head of the FBI. It concerns the FBI’s infamous protection of superfluous investigation.”
mass-murdering gangsters Whitey Bulger, Stephen Flemmi, McCarthy, who was part of the “Never Trump” neoconserva-
and their mob, which we have written about in some detail in tive chorus at National Review, has nevertheless cogently dis-
these pages. mantled the fraudulent arguments used to justify the Mueller
Professor Dershowitz is certainly no conservative and is not a attack on President Trump and America’s constitutional order
Trump supporter. He is a lifelong liberal Democrat who endorsed in many of his columns.
and voted for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. He supports, “As we’ve observed countless times, there was no basis for
among other things, a woman’s “right” to abort her child, as well a criminal investigation of President Trump or the Trump cam-
as strong gun-control laws. He also disagrees with much of Presi- paign,” McCarthy has said. “There is no known evidence that
dent Trump’s agenda, but denounces the underhanded, illegal, and Trump-campaign officials had any involvement in hacking by
unconstitutional means that are being employed by many of his the Russian intelligence services.”
erstwhile liberal-left allies to remove Trump from office. The Mueller “Russia investigation” has never been about jus-
“I don’t see any crimes,” Dershowitz told Fox News host tice or protecting America’s electoral process. It has been from
Tucker Carlson in an interview on December 7, 2018. “Col- the start a coordinated Deep State effort to overthrow a duly
lusion itself is not a crime. Using information given by Rus- elected president of the United States who presents a threat to
sia to WikiLeaks would not be a crime unless the campaign their New World Order. n



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