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A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English Vi: Prepared By: June Jester C. Bautista

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Lesson Plan

Prepared by:
June Jester C. Bautista
Lesson Plan in English VI

I. Objectives:

a. Show enjoyment in listening to a selection.

b. Answer specific question based on the selection read.

c. Identify Adjectives in a series

II. Subject Matter

a. Show enjoyment in listening to a selection.

b. Answer specific question based on the selection read.

c. Using Adjective that can tell us how many, what size, what shape, what
kind, how old,

or what color.


English for You and Me, Language pp. 106-111

Lesson Guides in English 6 pp. 41-42


Chart, using PowerPoint presentation

III. Procedure:


Task 1: Vocabulary Development

Have the pupils match the words under column A with its meaning
under column B.

Column A Column B

1. Creature a. something that you have wanted

2. Try b. has a salt water

3. Dream c. to make an effort to do something

4. Sea d. an animal of any type

5. City e. a place where people also live

Task 2: Motivation

What is your dream in life? Do you have any plan for your
future? Can you tell us your dream?

Task 3: Motive Question

What is the selection all about?

While reading

Task 4: Reading the text

Post Reading

Task 5: Comprehension Check

 What is the largest creature in the sea?

 How does one become like a whale?
 How does a whale come to life?

Task 6: Communicative Grammar

6.1 Presentation

The underlined words give us an idea of how the whale, the

sea, and the boy look like. They are words that describe. They are called


Adjectives can tell us how many, what size, what shape, what
kind, how old, or what color.


blue lagoon beautiful maiden tiny insect

round table three roses young actress

6.2 Abstraction

Using Adjectives in a series

Sometimes we use more than one adjective to describe a person,
place, or an object. There should be a correct order of adjectives when they
are used in a series.

Read the ff. sentences:

1. My friend gave me three lovely red Holland tulips on my birthday.

2. The last five brave young Filipino soldiers in Iraq make us proud.

3. Those twelve big round colorful balloons add joy to the festivity.

6.3 Application

Arrange the adjectives properly.

1. My sister brought home ( cute Siamese five) cats.

2. (short interesting two stories) won the story writing contest.

3. Her (last wishes three) were granted.

4. That ( dark man tall) looks mysterious.

5. (red one apple) a day is what the doctor advised

6.4 Evaluation

Arrange the adjective properly. Put check if the statement correct and if
not, rewrite the sentence to make it correct. Write the adjectives in your

1. I have never been to ( some unknown dangerous places )

2. Somebody sent me ( roses a red dozen long-stemmed )

3. A pack of ( chocolate delicious freshly baked ) cookies makes me


4. ( six brave young soldier ) received the medal.

5. I gave her ( a sparkling ten-carat diamond ).

Task 7: Collaborative work

Read the sentences. Are the adjectives arranged properly? If not,

rewrite the sentence to make it correct.

1. I dread for the long hot summer days.

2. Malnourished many children need our help.

3. The long-legged woman Indian won the Ms. Universe title.

4. My mother bought a kilo of yellow juicy mangoes.

5. The first five star players of the team sat down to rest.

IV. Assignment

How would you describe yourself? Think of adjectives that begin

with the letters of your name to describe yourself. Have Fun!

Ex. J - jolly

U - understanding

N - nice
Lesson Plan

Prepared by:
June Jester C. Bautista

Lesson Plan in Mathematics VI

I. Objectives

 Solve to find the area of rhombus

 Multiply the base by its height or altitude
 Identify the base and the height in a rhombus
 Work Cooperatively with the group
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Area of a Rhombus
References: Learning Math Today pp. 251-253
III. Learning Experiences
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Checking of Attendance
2. Review
B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
Present a picture and let the pupils answer that
2. Presentation
Our topic for today is Area of a rhombus.

Parallelogram Rhombus
A rhombus is a kind of parallelogram. It has four congruent sides and
therefore equilateral. A rhombus is a special kind of parallelogram in the sense
that not all parallelograms are equilateral.

A B Figure ABCD is parallelogram. Opposite

sides of a parallelogram are congruent.
AB = CD AB // CD
C D AC = BD AC // BD

If ACS is cut off, then fit in the position where BD is located so that it
becomes BDS

A B Now, figure ASBC is a rectangle.

Opposite sides of a rectangle are congruent.

AB = SC AB // SC
AS = BC AS // BC

AS in the distance between the two parallel lines segments AB and DC.
This distance is called the altitude or height of the ABCD. It is the
perpendicular distance between two parallel lines. DC is called the base.

He Height

Base Base

Area of rectangle is base times height

A (rectangle) = base x height
A (parallelogram) =b x h
The area of parallelogram is the same of area of a rectangle, therefore
the formula for the area of a parallelogram can be used for the area of a
rhombus since a rhombus is a parallelogram.
A (rhombus) = base x height

Example 1: base 6 cm
= 6 cm x 5.5 cm² Height 5.5 cm

= 33 cm²

= 5.3 m x 4.2 m Height 4.2 m
= 22.26 m²

Base 5.3 m
A rhombus is parallelogram with four congruent sides. All its sides are
To find its area, multiply the base by its height.
Formula: A = b x h or A = b x a

3. Exploration and Discovery (Discussion)

A. Group Activity
(Group the pupils into 5, then give each group the task of
answering the problem stated on their paper,)
4. Generalization
 In rhombus, how many sides are
congruent/equal? A=bxh

 What is the formula being used A = 29 m X 32 m

to find the area of a rhombus? A = 928 m²
5. Fixing skills
Find the area of a rhombus.

32 m

29 m

1. b = 23 cm 3. b = 56 m
h = 18 cm h = 11 m
A=? A=?

2. b = 17 km 4. b = 10 dm
h = 32 km h = 5 dm
A=? A=?

6. Application
Find the area of these rhombuses
1. h = 35 cm 4. h = 10.8 km
b = 39.4 cm b = 13.1 km

2. h = 15.37 m 5. h = 13.4 cm
b = 21 m b = 15 cm

3. h = 5.52 km
b = 7 km

IV. Evaluation
Find the base or the height
1. A = 486 cm² 4. A = 377 km²
h=? h=?
b = 18 cm b = 13 km

2. A = 86 dm² 5. A = 1620 m²
h=? h = 36 m
b = 2 dm b=?

3. A = 108 cm²
h = 12 cm

V. Assignment
Find the area of the rhombus. Illustrate the rhombus.

1. b = 17 km 3. b = 48 m

h = 11 km h = 35 m

2. b = 236 cm 4. b = 9 dm

h = 156 cm h = 12 dm

Lesson Plan

Prepared by:
June Jester C. Bautista

Lesson Plan in Science VI

I. Objectives

 Identify some diseases due to unhealthy circulatory

 Know the best practice to avoid diseases

 Understand the importance of a healthy circulatory

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic
Some disorders of the Circulatory System

Keeping the Circulatory System Healthy

B. References
Science and Health 6 pp. 25-29

Science and Health Revised Edition pp.42-45

C. Science Ideas
There are different ways of keeping the circulatory system healthy.

Always practice positive health habits.

Immediate and appropriate treatment of disorders of the

circulatory system.

D. Materials
Powerpoint Presentation

III. Procedure

A. Guided Inquiry/ Preliminary Activities

1. Attendance

2. Review

3. Motivation

Present a Zumba Exercise Video

B. Guided Exploration/ Developmental Activities

1. Presentation
Tell something about the picture.
2. Activity
(Using the same picture)
1.Which picture show the proper care of the circulatory system.
2. Which picture show the bad habit for our body.
3. What are some of the proper ways to keep your circulatory
system healthy as shown in the picture?

3. Discussion/ Analysis/ Abstraction

Disorders of the Circulatory System

1. High-blood pressure or hypertension – a sudden rise in blood pressure.

2. Anemia – it may be due to several causes: loss of blood, deficient in

vitamin B12. Commonly called Iron-Deficiency Disease.

3. Leukemia – occurs when there is an increase in WBC Count. There are

different types of Leukemia. Some are curable while others are not.

4. Heart Attack – occur when a blood clot or fat get lodged in blood vessels.

After learning about some of different disorder. Here, are some suggestions that
needed for you to practice in order to have a healthy Circulation..

A. For Your Heart

1. Minimize your salt (sodium) intake.

2. Get enough rest and sleep and exercise regularly.

B. For Your Blood

1. Eat a balanced diet. A variety of food in your daily meals supplies

like vegetables, fruits, vitamins.

2. Avoid fatty foods that contain bad cholesterol.

3. Avoid harmful drugs, cigarettes and alcohol.

4. Avoid crowded places to prevent catching a cold or flu.

C. For Your Blood Vessels

1. Avoid standing or sitting for a long period without stretching or

moving around.

2. Wear loose clothes to avoid restriction of blood circulation

C. Guided Discovery

1. Generalization

1. Why is it important to maintain our circulatory system healthy?

2. What are the things that should be practiced regularly to

maintain a

normal functioning of circulatory system?

2. Application

Identify the following diseases of the Circulatory System. Choose your

answers on the box.
High-blood pressure or hypertension

Anemia Leukemia Heart Attack

___________1. This is known as iron-deficiency disease.

___________2. A sudden rise in blood pressure.

___________3. Occur when a blood clot or fat get lodged in blood vessels.

___________4. Occurs when there is an increase in WBC Count.

IV. Evaluation

TRUE OR FALSE: Write  if the statement is true and  if it’s false.

____1. Smoking is not dangerous to your health.

____2. Eat the right kind of food such as fruits and vegetables.

____3. Get enough rest and sleep.

____4. Eat salty food and fatty food.

____5. Have a regular check-up.

V. Assignment

I am healthy or not?

1. What food do you eat most?

2. What food do you eat least?

3. What kinds of food are best for the circulatory system?

Lesson Plan
Prepared by:
June Jester C. Bautista

Lesson Plan in English III

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

1. Read sentences correctly and clearly with expressions.

2. Differentiate Interrogative and Exclamatory sentence.

3. Show teamwork and cooperation through participating in a group activity.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Differentiate the Interrogative Sentence from Exclamatory
Reference: Let’s get better in English 3, pp. 211-212, pp.51
English and Language Usage, Beska May 7, 2013
Powerpoint Presentation, Charts, box w/ sentences, Activity Sheets

III. Procedure
A. Setting the stage
1. Motivation
2. Review
Form the sentences into Question.
1. Children are playing during recess.

2. The sun is a kind of a star.

3. The sun is hot.

4. The water is cold as ice.

5. Watching cartoon is enjoyable

B. Presentation
The teacher will call 5 pupils to read the sentence.
Direction: The pupils will pick sentence strip on the box to read with proper
1. You’re fired!

2. Does the sun sleep at night?

3. The house is burning!

4. Did you separate your trash?

5. You are under arrest!

Ask: what did you notice in the sentence? in the first sentence?
second? third? fourth? fifth?

C. Modeling (Discussion)
Ask: what can you notice in the sentence? in the first sentence?
second? third? fourth? fifth?

Ask: first sentence ends with what? how about the second
sentence? third? fourth? fifth?
Ask: does the first sentence ask question or express strong feelings?
how about the second sentence ? third? fourth? fifth?

Ask: what do you call to the sentence that ask question?

what do you call to the sentence that expresses strong

Ask: base on the sentence that you read, what is exclamatory

sentence? Interrogative sentence?

(The teacher will post the definition of interrogative and

exclamatory sentence, and ask the class to read.)

Say: Interrogative sentence ends with a question mark and it is

used for a direct question
Exclamatory sentence end with an exclamation point and it is used
to show a strong emotion or feeling.

Ask: Who can give me an example of exclamatory sentence? an

interrogative sentence?

D. Generalization

Ask: “Now, class, let’s remember that they can be interrogative and
exclamatory. Can you again tell me the differences of the two?”
Ask: “And let us also remember the right punctuations to use when
forming a sentence.”

E. Guided Practice
Read and Put the sentence on their proper column.

 Cora can you handle my book?

 The rug is so dusty!
 Do you want ham or bacon?
 There is no water in the tub!
 See the bubbles go up in the air!
 Are you going to the party?
 Who will participate in the activity?
 That’s a very cute puppy!
 Do you want to read books?
 The bus might hit the puppy!

Interrogative Sentence Exclamatory Sentence

F. Independent Practice
Direction: Put the right punctuation according to function of the sentences. Put
(?) for interrogative and (!) for exclamatory.
1. Where is my shoe

2. There’s a snake on your feet

3. The flower isn’t pretty

4. Do you feed my dog

5. Wow I love it.

G. Evaluation
Directions: Read each sentence carefully. Write IG if it is interrogative Sentence
and EC if it is Exclamatory Sentence.
____1.My hair is on fire!

____2.Did the organization approved her proposal?

____3.It’s a baby boy!

____4.Watch out for that car!

____5.What harm did the delay cause?

IV. Assignment

Write 2 examples of Exclamatory Sentence and 2 examples of

Interrogative Sentence.


I. Objectives
 Identify parts of the plants and its function
 Label the parts of the plant; and
 Appreciate the importance of plants to our life.

II. Subject Matter

Science Concept: The parts of a plant are:
 Roots – holds the plant
 Stem – hold the leaves
 Leaves – make the food of the plants
 Flowers – help the plant to make seeds
 Fruits – hold the seeds of the plant

Reference: Science Learners Material, page 80-83

Science and Health, Carmelita C. Coronel, p.90
A. Materials: Powerpoint Presentation, Charts
B. Process Skills: Identifying parts of the plants
C. Values Integration: Love and appreciation of plants as one of natural
resources given by God

III. Learning Task

A. Engagement
1. Review

Ask: What are the proper ways of taking care of plants?

2. Motivation

(The teacher will show a video about the parts of the plants and its function.)

3. Presentation

(The teacher will group the pupils and ask each group to draw a plant.)

B. Exploration
(The teacher will ask each group to identify parts of the plants they had drawn base on
the video they had watched.)

C. Explanation
1. Reporting
(Each group have their representative to report their work.)
2. Analysis and Discussion
Ask: Base on the video that we watched and the activity that you have done what are
the parts of the plants?

Ask: So what is the function of the roots?

For the leaves?
How about the flower?
What is the function of the fruits?
How about the stem?

D. Elaboration
1. Generalization
Ask: What are the parts of the plants and its function?
What is the importance of having plants?
What part of the plant can be seen on the ground?
Why do roots seen below the ground?
What part of the plant holds the leaves, flowers and fruits?
Do all plants have stem?
What do you call the part of the plant where it makes its own food?
What is the part of the plant that makes the surrounding attractive and beautiful?
What is the work of the flower?
What part of the plant that holds the seed of the plant?

2. Application/ Valuing

I have here a problem. Who wants to read the problem and answer the problem?

Mac-mac was in the school garden. He

pulled one plant, removed the roots, leaves
and divided the stems into two parts.
Worst of all, he threw it. Is there love and
appreciation for what he did?

If there are no plants, can we live?

What will happen to us if there are no plants on earth?
Who created all the plants?
What should you do with the plants around us?

E. Evaluation
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

_____1. What part of the plant absorbs water from the soil?
a. Roots
b. Fruits
c. Flowers
d. Stem

_____2. Which part of the plant carries water from the roots to the leaves?
a. Fruits
b. Stem
c. Flowers
d. Fruits

_____3. It is the most attractive part of the plant.

a. Roots
b. Stem
c. Leaves
d. Flowers

_____4. Without _____, a plant cannot make food for its growth.
a. Brown leaves
b. Yellow leaves
c. Green leaves
d. Multi-colored leaves

_____5. Each plant parts have its own work to make the plant _____.
a. Grow
b. Climb
c. Run
d. Dance

IV. Assignment

Draw a plant and label the parts of the plant. File it in your portfolio.

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