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March 11, 2019

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. identify the different figures of speech through activities;
b. engage in a meaningful discussion through collaborative learning;
c. instil the value of figures of speech in creative writing; and
d. construct a poem applying the different figures of speech.
Topic: Figures of Speech
Reference: www.pinterest.com.figuresofspeech
Materials: laptop, tape, stick with cartolina, pictures



A. Preliminaries

Good morning, class! Good morning, ma’am!

Ara, kindly lead us in a prayer. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Before you take your seat kindly arrange your

chairs and pick up the pieces of paper around
you. (Students will arrange the chairs and pick up
the pieces of paper)

May I know who is absent today? No one is absent today, ma’am.

Did you have a good sleep last night? Yes ma’am.

That’s good to hear, because if you had a

good sleep meaning you are all energized this
morning and you can ready to learn and
participate actively in our class today.
Before we proceed, I have here rules for you
to follow:
M-manage your self
A- actively participate
R-respect everyone
J-just have fun and smile always!

Is that clear class? Yes ma’am.

Do you have an assignment class? None ma’am.

B. Review of the Past Lesson

I have here color popsicle, all you have to do

is to pass it to your classmate and wait for my
signal and I will utter the word STOP.

Understood class? Yes ma’am.

Let’s star! Pass (10x) STOP!

You’re lucky today, Gian Carlo!
Kindly share to us what was our topic last
meeting? Sure ma’am. Our topic last meeting is all
about the movie Extraterrestrial. Ma’am ET
directed by Steven Spielberg is all about
friendship and acceptance.
Very Good Gian!

C. Motivation

Class, before we move on to our new lesson

for today, let’s have some warm up activity.

Are you ready class? Yes ma’am.

Class are you familiar in the game entitled

“guess me?” Yes ma’am.

Okay! I will present to you random pictures,

all you have to do is to guess what does the
picture portray and with that indicate the
hidden message or words.

Did you get it class? Yes ma’am.

If that’s so let’s start!

(Teacher will present the pictures)

After 3 minutes………

Based on that activity, what do you think is

our lesson for today?
Yes Daniel? Ma’am, I think our lesson for today is about
figures of speech.
D. Presentation of the Lesson

Today we are going to discuss the different

Figures of Speech.

E. Lesson Proper

Before we start let’s define first Figure of


Anyone from the group who have an idea?

Yes Mikay? Ma’am figure of speech is a word or phrase
using figurative language that has other
meaning than it’s normal definition or

Figures of speech is a word or phrase that

goes beyond the original literal meaning of
words in order to supply new effects or fresh
approach in an ideas or subject.

Look at this example:

If a person says that he is “starving”, he does

not mean he is in fact dying of hunger, but he
is very hungry.

Did you understand class? Yes ma’am.

Good. Let’s proceed to the different figures of

1. Simile (Kindly read, Lucky.) Simile is the comparison of one thing with
another thing. It uses the words “like” or “as”.
Thank you Lucky!

Simile is a comparison of two things.

Example: He is crazy like a fox.

Would you mind to give an example Ericka? John is brave as lion.

Very Good!

Another example, Yes Cristine? Your love is like a sun.


2. Metaphor (Kindly read, Isaac.) Metaphor states that one thing is another thing.

Thank you Isaac.

Example: He is a rock.

Would you mind to give an example CJ? Ivan has a heart of Lion.


Another example, Yes Arjuna? Love is a battlefield.

3. Hyperbole (Kindly read, JP.) Hyperbole involves an exaggeration if ideas
for emphasis.
Thank you JP.

Example: I have a tons of requirements.

Kindly give an example Sky? I am trying to solve a million issues these day.


Another example, Yes Arbella? I have a bunch of ice cream.

Very Good!

4. Personification (Kindly read, Kath.) Personification is the representation of an

abstract quality in human form.
Thank you Kath.

Example: Lightning danced across the sky.

Would you mind to give an example, Ivan? The wind howled in the night.


Another example, Yes Karina? The stars wink at me.


5. Alliteration (kindly read, Cassey.)

Alliteration is a term to describe a literary
device in which a series of words begin with
the same consonant sounds.

Thank you Cassey.

Example: She sells seashells by the seashore.

What have you noticed class? Ma’am S and sh are being repeated.


Would you mind to give an example, Yes

Leonard? Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.


Another example, Yes Allesandra? Kim’s kid kept kicking like crazy.


6. Assonance (Kindly read, Angel.) Assonance is the repetition of a vowel sound

throughout a words, phrases and paragraph.
Thank you Angel.

Example: Fleet feet sweep by sleeping geese.

What have you notice on the given example

class? Ma’am vowel “e” is being repeated.

Kindly give an example, Jeny Girl? Hear the mellow wedding bells.


Another example, Yes John Mark? The furrow followed free.

Very good!

7. Consonance (Kindly read, Kyrelle.) Consonance is the repetition of consonant


Thank you Kyrelle.

Example: Toss the glass, boss.

Would you mind to give an example, Yes

Lyca? He stuck a streak of bad luck.


Another example, Yes Julie? He stood on the road and cried.

Very good.

Did you understand class? Yes, ma’am.

F. Generalization

If you really understood our lesson, tell what

figure of speech is used in each of the
following statements. Put them on their proper
Did you get it class? Yes ma’am.

Here are the following statements;

1. I can see that news travels quickly.
2. It will creep and beep while you sleep.
3. My love is your drug.
4. James runs faster than a car.
5. My mother is like a queen. (Students will do the given activity)

G. Application
To enhance your understanding about our
lesson for this day, let’s have a game entitled
“ points or dots”.
Here is the mechanics of the game; First I will
group you into five (5), I will give you
flashcards and chalk, all you have to do is to
write your answer on the flashcards. Each
member will participate in the game. After that
choose another member to answer, if you fail
to give the correct answer, you will receive
dots and if you gave the correct answer, you
will receive points.

Don’t you worry, this marker is washable.

Be ready and good luck!

Did you get it class? Yes ma’am.

For your last activity, I want you to construct
a three (3) stanza poem on any topic that you
want, applying the different figures of speech.
Your output will be graded through the
following rubrics:

FOS used – 15 points

Structure – 10 points
Creativity – 5 points
30 points

Understood class? Yes ma’am.

I will give you three (3) minutes to do that.

Is that clear class? Yes ma’am.


Research about static and dynamic characters.

That’s all for today, Good bye and Thank you

class! Good bye and thank you ma’am.

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