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White frangipani (Plumeria alba) as an organic air freshener

Research proposal presented to the faculty of the

Caraga Regional Science High School

Nicole Kathryn Bacarro

Alyza Cayle A. Forcadilla

Joerese Karylle Z. Ibarra



Mrs. Iris Beloy Balladares


Research Adviser

MARCH 2019


This research study aims to determine the effectiveness of White frangipani flower

(Plumeria alba) as an organic air freshener. This also aims to produce an eco-friendly yet cheaper

air fresheners out of white frangipani extract.

The oil of the frangipani flower has a complex, lush, rich floral fragrance. Frangipani

is a common ingredient in many fragranced soaps, candles, massage oils, and potpourris. The

flowers of the plant are also considered sacred in certain tropical nations such as Bali and India,

where they are used in religious ceremonies.

White frangipani flower was gathered at City hall compound, Brgy. Washington,

Surigao City. Three set ups were made. Each pot in each set up was labeled bottle 1, bottle 2, and

bottle 3. Bottle 1 is the bottle with 40 mL extract and 40 mL water, bottle 2 is the bottle with

60mL extract and 40 mL water, and bottle 3 is the bottle with 120 mL extract and no water



The researchers would like to express their sincerest gratitude to the following people

who helped and made this research possible. They are the people who have bestowed upon the

researchers their blessings and heart-pledged support and contributed much for the success of

this endeavor.

First of all, to God Almighty for the gift of wisdom and knowledge and for giving the

researchers the perseverance and determination to continue this project in spite of the struggles

and answering their prayers in times of their needs.

To the researcher’s Research Adviser, Mrs. Iris B. Balladares for teaching them the

fundamental of research and investigatory writing and for showing a great deal of patience

through at times they tend to be irresponsible.

The researchers would also like to show our gratitude to Mr. Rolebert Dizon for guiding

them in creating this research paper sharing his pearls of wisdom with us during the course of

this research.

The researchers would also like to thank the Piloton Family for sharing their blessings

and letting them conduct the experimenting their humble home.

And last but not the least, to the researcher’s friends and classmates especially Ashley

Nicole N. Piloton, Kyle L. Pagapong and Nash Embuscado for their valuable suggestions and

guidance that has been helpful in various phases of the completion of the project.


Title Page …...………………………………………………………………………………... i

Abstract ……..……………………………………………………………………………... ii

Acknowledgement ….. ……………………………………………………………………….. iii

Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………………………... iv

List of Tables and Figures …………………………………………………………..………… v


a) Background of the Study …………………..…………………………………… 1

b) Statement of the Problem ………………………………………………………. 2

c) Hypothesis………………………………………………………………………. 2

d) Significance of the Study ………………………………………………………. 2

e) Scope and Limitation…………………………………………………………… 3

f) Review of Related Literature……………..……………………………………. 4

g) Definition of Terms………………………...…………………………………... 5


a) Research Design……………………….……………………………………….. 6

b) Procedure………………………………………………………………….......... 7


a) Result……………………………...…………………………………………… 8-9

b) Discussion ………………………....………………………………………….. 8-9


Bibliography…………………….………………………………………………… 12

Appendices……………………………...………………………………………… 13

Research Plan…………………...…………………………………………….. 13-14



Table 1. Research Design 6

Table 2. Amount of liquids 9

Table 3. Votes garnered in conducted survey 9

Table 4. Time Lasted 10


Figure 1. Methodology flowchart 11

Figure 2 & 3 Rinsing of White Frangipani Flowers 12

Figure 4 & 5 Extraction of White Frangipani Flowers 12

Figure 6 & 7 Measuring of Extract 13

Figure 8 Testing of air freshener 13

Figure 9 Materials Used 13


1.1 Background of the study

Foul smelling air is already common in this society, the solution people have found

are using air fresheners. The air freshener market shifted to include a range of delivery

methods including scented candles, solid gels, and reed diffusers, among others. Air fresheners

are now a staple in offices, department stores, supermarkets and homes. They are advertised with

the promise of providing a clean, healthy, and nice-smelling indoor atmosphere. However,

behind those promises health concerns arise. It is known that air freshener have harmful

chemicals such as benzene, formaldehyde, propellants, solvents, benzenes, and synthetic musks,

these can be easily inhaled that can land on the skin and be absorbed or ingested. These

chemicals can cause damage to the lungs, livers, kidneys, and central nervous system and may

alter the body’s hormones (hormone disruption effect), which may increase the risk of some

cancers and the risk of reproductive problems. P. alba is often cultivated as an ornamental plant.

In Cambodia pagodas especially choose this shrub, with the flowers used in ritual offerings to the

deities, they are sometimes used to make necklaces which decorate coffins.[3] In addition, the

flowers are edible and eaten as fritters, while the heart of the wood is part of a traditional medical

preparation taken as a vermifuge or as a laxative. Air freshener are commonly used in taxi at

present. Not only in taxi but also in offices and comfort rooms. It gives people the convinience to

use such facilities for it gives a fragrant smell. Beside of the advantage, the commercial air

freshener gives also some disadvantages because it is being manufactured in other countries and

in big companies therefore it is expensive.

1.2 Statement of the problem

The purpose of this study is to create an air freshener that aims to avoid using toxic chemicals.

1. Is there a significant potential of White Frangipani (Plumeria alba) as an Organic Air


2. Does this study give contributions or benefits in the environment?

1.3 Formulation of hypothesis

Ha: There is a significant potential of White Frangipani (Plumeria alba) as an Organic Air


Ho: There is no significant potential of White Frangipani (Plumeria alba) as an Organic Air


1.4 Significance of the study

It will serve as a baseline for those who shall benefit this study, and also to be able to know

the purpose of creating an air freshener that aims to avoid using toxic chemicals. This also aims

to produce an eco-friendly yet cheaper air fresheners out of white frangipani extract.

Scope and Limitation

The study entitled (White Frangipani (Plumeria alba) extract as an Organic Air

Freshener) focuses on the potentiality of the White Frangipani as an organic air freshener. The

study was conducted at P-6, San Juan, Surigao City. This study was conducted from December

18, 2019 1:00 pm until 3:00 pm in the afternoon.

Review of Related Literature

Frangipani is well-known for its intensely fragrant, lovely, spiral-shaped blooms which

appear at branch tips June through November (Fig. 1). The tree itself is rather unusual in

appearance; the 20-inch-long, coarse, deciduous leaves clustered only at the tips of the rough,

blunt, sausage-like, thick, grey-green branches. Branches are upright and rather crowded on the

trunk forming a vase or umbrella shape with age. They are rather soft and brittle and can break

but are usually sturdy unless they are mechanically hit or disturbed. A milky sap is exuded from

the branches when they are bruised or punctured (Gilman & Dennis G. Watson, 1994).

Plumeria is a genus of eleven species of shrubs and small trees in the dogbane family

(Apocynaceae) native to tropical America from Brazil to Mexico and the Caribbean. With

common names of plumeria and frangipani, a few species and hybrids are grown as ornamentals

in tropical and sub-tropical areas worldwide for the attractive and fragrant flowers. The name

frangipani comes from the name of a 16th century Italian nobleman who created a perfume with

a similar scent. Now commonly naturalized in Asia and Pacific Islands, they are often planted in

cemeteries or around both Hindu and Buddhist temples. There are hundreds of named varieties.

The different species have distinct forms and growth habits. P. rubra is the national flower of

Nicaragua, while P. alba is the national flower of Laos (despite being an introduced plant there).

(Mahr, 2018)

Definition of Terms

“Plumeria Alba”: a species of the genus Plumeria (Apocynaceae). This 2-8m evergreen shrub

has narrow elongated leaves, large and strongly perfumed white flowers with a yellow center.

“Air freshener”: a substance or device that makes a room or vehicle smell pleasant

“Extract”: a preparation containing the active ingredient of a substance in concentrated form..

“Organic”: produced or involving production without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides,

or other artificial agents.

“Benzene”: a colorless volatile flammable toxic liquid aromatic hydrocarbon C6H6 used in

organic synthesis, as a solvent, and as a motor fuel


Research Design

The experiment was conducted in Purok 6, San Juan, Surigao City. This research was made

possible after gathering the materials and conducted the experiment last December 18, 2018.

During the course of the experiment, respective parents/ guardians of the student will oversee the

entire duration of the experiment to avoid any untoward incidence.

Table 1. Amount of Liquids

Setup Amount of White Amount of Water (mL)

Frangipani extract (mL)

Bottle 1

Bottle 2

Bottle 3


 Graduated Cylinder

 3 pairs of Laboratory Gloves

 Mortar and Pestle

 White Frangipani (120 g)

 3 spray bottles
 Cloth 6


 120 g of White Frangipani, mortar and pestle, the cloth/strainer, and the 3 empty bottles

are gathered.

 First, rinse the Frangipani then get the extract of the White Frangipani (Plumeria alba)

using the mortar and pestle

 Then, the researchers used the cloth in filtering the extract of the White Flower (Plumeria

alba) then the researchers leave it for about 2-3 minutes.

 After filtering the White Frangipani (Plumeria alba) extract, the researchers prepared the

3 empty bottles,

 80 mL of tap water and 40 mL of White Frangipani (Plumeria alba) extract is placed in

the first bottle,

 In the second bottle the concentration 60 mL of tap water and 60 mL of White

Frangipani (Plumeria alba) extract is placed,

 120 mL pure White Frangipani (Plumeria alba) extract is placed in the third bottle.

 Lastly, the researchers conducted a survey In which among the three concentrations Is the

most effective air freshener and has the most pleasant smell.


The rooms were smelled by the 10 participants and had to choose from the 3 solutions. After

choosing the suitable air freshener, the researchers gathered their responses and analyzed it.

Table 2. Amount of liquids

Setup Amount of White Amount of Water (mL)

Frangipani extract (mL)

Bottle 1 40 mL 40 mL

Bottle 2 60 mL 40 mL

Bottle 3 120 mL _________

In bottle 1 (40mL extract, 40mL water), the amount of White Frangipani extract and the

amount of water is the same which is 40mL. In bottle 2 (60mL extract, 40mL water), the amount

of White Frangipani extract is 60mL and the amount of water is 40mL. In bottle 3 (120mL

extract, 0mL water) purely White Frangipani extract with an amount of 120mL and no water.

Table 3. Votes garnered in conducted

Set Up Votes

(10 participants)

Bottle 1 3

Bottle 2 5

Bottle 3 2

Among the 10 participants who voted, there were 3 participants who voted for bottle 1

(40mL extract, 40 mL water), there were 5 participants who voted for bottle 2 (60mL extract,

40mL water), and 2 participants for bottle 3 ( 120mL extract, 0mL water)

Table 4. Time Lasted

Set Up Time Lasted

Bottle 1 7

Bottle 2 4

Bottle 3 2

In bottle 1 (40mL extract, 40 mL water) the odor of the air freshener lasted for 7 days, in bottle

2 (60mL extract, 40mL water) the odor lasted for 4 days, and in bottle 3 ( 120mL extract, 0mL

water). Bottle 1 was the longest lasting among the three, followed by bottle 2, and lastly bottle 3.

Among all the tables shown above, bottle 2 (6s0mL extract, 40mL water) stand out the

most with the total votes of 5 and it lasted for 4 days even if it didn’t lasted longer like bottle 1,

bottle 2 got the highest number of votes.



This study aimed to investigate the white frangipani (Plumeria alba) extract as an organic air


The experiment was conducted in Piloton’s residence located in San Juan, Surigao City with

materials that stands with an affordable price.

It specifically determined the potentiality of Frangipani (Plumeria alba) extract applied

on the 3 rooms where the researchers found out with the two types of controls used in this study:

1) Variable controls are the rooms’ current scent 2) And 3 the extract solutions sprayed in every

room as the negative controls.

One of the extract solutions were outstandingly effective where 5 out of 10 participants

voted as the most fragrant room. All in all, the negative controls where all effective air fresheners

based on the collected votes from the selected participants.


Based on the findings of this study the following conclusions were drawn.

1. The use of White Frangipani is efficient as organic air freshener as it requires only less

expense in having the material.

2. The White Frangipani extract is potential as organic air freshener as it performs the same with

other common air freshener.


Based on the findings and conclusion, the following are recommended.

1. The extract of White Frangipani is made as an organic air freshener to be a replacement

rather than using a commercial air freshener.

2. To ensure safety, the White Frangipani extract may perform the same as the other

common air freshener but considering It as organic It has less harm compared to the other

common air freshener.


Gilman, E. F., & Dennis G. Watson, D. G. (1994, October). Retrieved from

Mahr, S. (2018, January 29). Retrieved from


Research Plan

Title: White Frangipani (Plumeria alba) extract as an Organic Air freshener

Main problem: The main objective of this study is to create an air freshener that aims to avoid

using toxic chemicals.

Specific Problems:

1. Is there a significant potential of White Frangipani (Plumeria alba) as an Organic Air


2. Does this study give contributions or benefits in the environment?

Research Design

The experiment was conducted in Purok 6, San Juan, Surigao City. This research was made

possible after gathering the materials and conducted the experiment last December 18, 2018.

During the course of the experiment, respective parents/ guardians of the student will oversee the

entire duration of the experiment to avoid any untoward incidence.

Setup Amount of White Amount of Water (mL)

Frangipani extract (mL)

Bottle 1

Bottle 2

Bottle 3

Figure 1. Methodology Flowchart

Flowchart of the Methodology

Collection of White Preperation of the Combination of

Frangipani Flower extract with a use of mortar water and white

and pestle and a cloth Frangipani extract

Preparation of the survey



Figure 2. Rinsing of White Figure 3. Rinsing of White

Frangipani Flowers Frangipani Flowers

Figure 4. Extraction of White Figure 5. Extraction of

Figure 5. Extraction of White

Frangipani Flowers

Figure 6. Measuring of extract Figure 7. Measuring of extract

Figure 8. Testing of air freshener

16 Figure 9.

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