Reach Cad Syllabus

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Software Name: Reach CAD

Course Duration: 80 hrs

Syllabus Type : H/D

1st day (2hrs)

Introduction about Reach CAD

features of reach cad
applications of reach cad

2nd day (2hrs)

Reach PDS
Style creation - To create a new style.

Size setup - To give various size for the given style

Unit setup - To set units in mms/cms/inches/inches (8)/inches (16),

Inches (32).

Size view - Base sizes, All sizes, Select, Slide size,

Size name.

Style setup – To specify the garment name, client name, order no.,

Size, Seasons, Units.

Line draw – To draw Horizontal line, Vertical line, Normal line, Parallel, Perpendicular, Intersect,
and Trim.

Curve draw - To draw Arc, Circle, 3 point Bezier, 4 point Bezier,

Intersect & Spline.

Save tracing –To save the tracing.

Open tracing –To open the saved tracing.

Select – To select Tracing in area, Internal, Tracing, Grade area.

Delete – To delete the selected Area.

Undo edit

Redo edit

Refresh view – To refresh the pieces.

3rd day class (2hrs)

Reach PDS

Zoom – To Zoom in, Zoom all, Zoom out.

– To insert point in tracing, pattern and delete the points.

Extract – To extract the tracing through Smallest, Largest, Replace,

Cut – out & Area.

Draw internal – To draw Internal line, Grain line, Center line, Mirror line.

Convert drawing –To convert tracing into internal.

Draw Notches –To insert U notch, V notch, I notch, T notch.

other Markings – To insert button hole, appex point, buttons.

Duplicate – To create a copy of Pattern, Pattern segment, Trace segment & Internal.

Open –To open the saved pattern.

Save –To save the pattern.

Save all–To save the entire pattern pieces.

4th day (24-32hr)

Reach PDS-

Measure–To measure pattern segment, tracing segment, Internal.

Move – To move patterns & points.

Enclosed Angle – To measure the angle.

Join – To join two pieces.

Open–To open a folded pattern.

Cut a pattern– To cut a pattern.

Flip – To flip the pattern & Tracing.

Rotate – To rotate the Pattern, Selection & Tracing.

Align patterns

Fold –To fold the pattern.

Practice session

5th day (33-40hr)

Reach PDS-

Parallel -To create parallel of selected pattern segment.

Seam –To Give seam allowance to the pattern.

Hem –To give hem allowance to the pattern.

Shrink –To give shrinkage.

Darts –To insert darts in the pattern.

Pleats - To insert pleats in the pattern.

Fullness –To give fullness.

Different File Extensions

Next Piece

Previous Piece

All Pieces

Visible pieces

Select Pieces
Drafting a pattern using Block Method.

Practice session.

6th day (41-48 hr)

Reach PDS-

Extraction of the Drafted Pattern

Grading the Drafted pattern.

Practice session.

7th day (49-56 hr)

Reach PDS-

Stack-To stack the pattern at point, on x, on y, centre, by value.

Move pin

Move Parallel

Fix piece

Drafting pattern using graph method,

Piece attributes,


Practice session

8th day (57-64 hr)

Reach Marker

Marker-new – To create a new marker.

Add – To add a piece to an existing marker.

Reference marker – To refer a previously made marker lay. Open – To open an existing marker.

Save – To save a newly created marker.

Save as, Plot

Report – To get the consumption sheet for a particular marker.

Refresh pieces

Undo, Redo, Select

Delete and select all




Repeat – To create repeat effect for checked and striped fabrics.

Overlap – It allows pieces on the marker to overlap.

Set up

Marker – To specify the details like Marker No., Remarks, Unit & buyers name.

Piece – To set a single piece attributes.

Fabric – To set fabric details.

Variant – To open a PDS file in the marker module.

Garment – To specify the color for respective size.

Ratio – To give size ratio for a given size.

Others – To specify the end allowance, selvedge allowance.

Practice session

9th day (65-72 hr)

Reach Marker

Buffer –To create buffer or space around the piece to avoid overlapping.

Shrinkage – To specify the shrinkage allowance for a particular piece.

Place – To move the piece through Move, Move\ Bump, Bump, Cursor.

Insert fabric – To insert fabric by Width, Length, Width irregular, Length irregular.

Remove fabric – To remove the inserted fabric.


Rotate ccw

Flip horizontal

Flip vertical



Mark – To give fabric markings in Horizontal, Vertical, Rectangle & delete.

Align – To specify the alignment of pieces.

Measure – To set the distance between two pieces.

Duplicate – To get the copy of the size.

Replace – To replace form one piece to other.

Advanced duplicate

Marry – To join two or more pieces.

Divorce – To divorce the married pieces.

Match – To match the pieces by repeats.

Cancel match

Buffer – To give buffer allowance around the piece.

Block – To create blocks around the piece.

Fine rotate

Fine rotate ccw

Practice session

10th day (73-80hr)

Reach Marker


Consumption Sheet – It displays the consumption sheet for a particular marker.

Auto Nest – It automatically places the pieces on the marker created.

Shake Pieces – It shakes the pieces & refreshes.

Practice session

11th day (81-88hr)

drafting, grading & marker planning of the exercises in the work book.

12th day (89-96hr)

drafting, grading & marker planning of the exercises in the work book.

13th day (97-104hr)

drafting, grading & marker planning of the exercises in the work book.

14th day (105-112hr)

drafting, grading & marker planning of the exercises in the work book.

15th day (113-120hr)


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