Owl Craft Lesson Plan

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Table Top Activity: Arts and Crafts Burrendah Primary School



Year Level: KINDERGARTEN Time: Monday & Tuesday Students’ Prior Knowledge:
Date: Term 2, week 3
The students are able to identify different animals and
Learning Area: Arts and Crafts & English identify the letter O visually through name writing as
well as other word formations.
Strand & Content Description(s) from the Australian
Curriculum: Early Years Learning Framework Outcomes
English o Outcome Two
- 2.4 Children are connected with and contribute
o ACELY1653 produce some lower case and upper to their world where they become socially
responsible and show respect for their
case letters using learned letter formations. environment.
Arts and Crafts
o Outcome Five – Children are effective
o ACAVAM107 Use and experiment with different communicators
5.1 Children interact verbally and non-
materials, techniques, technologies and processes verbally with others for a range of
to make artworks. purposes.
5.2 Children engage with a range of texts
and gain meaning from these texts.
Explore texts from a range of different
perspectives and begin to analyse the
meanings actively use, engage with
and share the enjoyment of language
and texts in a range of ways.

o Outcome Four – Children are confident and

involved learners.
General Capabilities ( areas that are covered in the lesson)
Personal and
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical
competence creative thinking behaviour understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities ( areas that may be addressed in the lesson)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
histories and cultures
Lesson Objectives
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
 Students will be able to identify the letter as well as specific word formations that are associated with the

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for Students:

o Number of the Week Template Students with vision impairments mau be provided with
o Letter of the Week Template larger text sheets or further assistance in retrieving the
o Bells correct the materials for the activity.
o Ten Tiny Teddies by Ruth Thomson
o Letter O template (white card) For early finishers, they are to transition to the free play
o Scissors centres around the classroom.
o Coloured Pencils / Crayons / Textas
o PVA Glue Students who struggle to keep focused on the task at
o Googly Eyes hand will be provided with other alternatives (for example,
o Wings Template if you finish this work you will be able to go and play with
o Yellow Triangle for the Nose (pre-cut) the blocks).
o Circles for the Eyes (pre-cut)
o Owl Demonstration
Table Top Activity: Arts and Crafts Burrendah Primary School
Table Top Activity: Arts and Crafts Burrendah Primary School
LESSON DELIVERY Resources/References
Motivation and Lesson Introduction:
1. The students enter the classroom and place their library books in the
basket located at the front of the classroom.
Number of the Week
2. The students are then required to locate their name set up on the Template
three desks.
The students are to place the letters of their name in order, trace the Letter of the Week
pre-written name provided and then write their name by themselves Template
on the line provided at the bottom of the laminated sheet.
Once the students have completed this, they are able to free play in Bells
the available play centres around the classroom until the day begins.
Children’s Literature
Book named Ten Tiny
During the above activities, the educator must walk around and praise the Teddies by Ruth
students to increase their self confidence levels as well as providing support Thomson
where needed. This is extremely important if their parents have departed.

3. The educator will then ring the bells to signal to the students to
transition to the mat to begin the day.

4. Good Morning introductions are completed as well as the timetable

for the day (located at the top of the whiteboard for the students).

5. The educator will introduce the letter of the week (the letter O) and
the number of the week (the number 10) using the interactive
whiteboard and the program starfall as well as the children’s
literature book of Ten Tiny Teddies by Ruth Thomson.

During the mat session, if the students become off topic or distracted, the
educator is to implement the behaviour management strategy of “are your
9:30am eyes watching (pointing to eyes), are your ears listening (pointing to ears),
are you voices quiet and are your bodies still.

9:30am Lesson Development: Letter O Template

Table Top Activity
o The students are asked up in groups of 2 whilst the other students Scissors
are free playing in the available play centres around the classroom.
Coloured Penicls /
1. Today, we are going to be making an Owl (show demonstration). Crayons / Textas
The educator can extend the students thinking by asking the
question of “What letter does the word Owl start with? Why have I PVA Glue
chosen to make an Owl?
Googly Eyes
2. Next, a template of the letter O is handed to the students completing Wings Template
the table top activity. The educator is to instruct the students to
colour in the circle using a colour of their choice (this is providing the Yellow Triangle for the
students with problem solving skills as well as keeping the task at Nose (pre-cut).
hand open ended).
The educator should point out the connection between the letter O Circles for the Eyes (pre-
and the shape of a circle. cut).

Owl Demonstration
3. Once the students have coloured in their letter, they will then cut it
out by themselves using scissors.
Table Top Activity: Arts and Crafts Burrendah Primary School

The educator is to explain to the students where to cut by pointing

and tracing the line.
“Now I want you to cut out your letter O along this line (point and

4. After the students have coloured and cut their letter, they are then
instructed to colour the wings using the template provided.
(After completing the colouring in, they will also cut it out).

5. Next, the educator puts two PVA Glue dots at the top of the letter,
the students will then stick two brown circles and two googly eyes.

6. Once, they have done this, the educator will hand the students two
wings templates and ask “Where do the wings go on your owl?”.
Once the students have selected the correct location, they will then
stick their ears on.

7. Finally, the students will stick a nose on the owl (yellow triangle).

8. They are then instructed to write their name on the back of their

9. Their work will then be displayed around the classroom.

The students are free to colour in their owl whatever colour they feel is

As recess takes place at 10:30am if some students have not completed the
activity they will do so after recess.

It is important for the educator to praise the students as they are completing
their work to increase their self confidence.

Lesson Closure:
At the completion of the table top activity, the students will be assessed on
their level of understanding in terms of the following:
o Can the students identify the letter O as well as say the word Owl.
o Were they able to make the connection to the shape (circle).
The educator may wish to use the prompts explained throughout the lesson

Assessment: Observations
The students are observed during the table top activity through scaffolding
questioning in relation to the Letter O and the craft activity. Assessment is Craft Piece (Owl)
done in terms of the students understanding the letter O as well as
identifying the letter itself.

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